Ep. 1469: PlayStation Network: safe enough for America!
Ep. 1469: PlayStation Network: safe enough for America!

Ep. 1469: PlayStation Network: safe enough for America!

Today is Monday may sixteenth 2011 mining Steve -- I'm Brian solve an eye of Hollywood -- -- -- buzz out loud in this podcast of indeterminate length -- episode 1469. And -- you guys have only listen to us an idea you should definitely -- -- -- into the video version because. Whole new world we got a whole -- Little Lan at my do you now plan language you know -- -- now -- man -- where where else you don't find out aluminum. Name. Whatever guys. As well as we are deep blue sea like the walls with amazing they look amazing they finally get the studio repainted thank you so much our production crew needs is. Chris prince Ali -- Steve's part of it totally Charlie bird like -- -- in for gone crazy on the lighting we basically just. Where we did we beg them for help and they delivered in Spain blinking with them and hold each week and a few other surprises in this the other guys gonna see you later yet still work in progress but this is already appeals brand new I know celebrity studio deep blue. Deep blue beads he got it beat deep blue and I think that -- -- -- new baby. Now you -- is down deep blue. -- -- -- Was it was deep blue sea in the movie where Phil Jackson gets eaten by the shark that is readily recognized that day but know and we'll get suddenly advise our. In the middle of a dramatic stuff. Is like on the level of Independence Day and has beat the president's -- presented -- like. And it does that -- -- -- the U beyond that I mean ever that that's the matter. It's not and not -- -- the content but that thinking can that the thinking band together referred. You get rid of -- for at that super great -- it'd. Not -- -- -- Monday and sometimes I know we may not be bringing that the high as -- energy on a Monday today is now today today's again days so we start things off for the Sony PS and update. It is -- back online in May not necessarily be backed up everywhere but Sony has been -- is that. They've been ruling it out throughout the US last night. I was able to jump on -- actually was on Saturday I was able to jump on the PS -- network you do have to be. You have to download the -- update that prompts you to change your password and -- servers were hit so hard that a lot of people couldn't get on immediately but. Around late last night I was finally able to jump on and that played until like 121230 -- -- and Intel and that all that I -- I had started to you but. Also you know states like East Coast. Some some some areas in this -- southern area are not -- this is a map that Sony said will let you know when states are ready to roll. Out of you guys can confirm if the PS the network is up everywhere because of our republic personally -- map it was actually -- I don't remember how to read. You aren't gonna -- -- -- out like because valuable that's the Mac does that mean -- all -- US is -- I think it does them I think that's what they're trying to say is that they say if your state is illuminated by your service has not been restored please be patient they can take a while for the servers to -- fully. But I do you think that green means. Darlene green is an -- Also because -- servers were hit so hard. They were down yesterday for about half an hour period because everyone's. Been -- the servers to really give me any passer call answer no idea they get to download a firmware updates and install that but then you should be back online unless. You're in Japan. Where. The to Japanese government does -- no we repeated no thank you. Thank you think you think you've got we're all your hard work -- coming but we're gonna have to pass on this one we're getting we're getting going and say -- thanks to the new PS and network and held. You can ensure. And provide us with complete satisfaction. That it is as secure as it can possibly be. Damn they wanted the first thing is that they -- -- promise that the counter hacking measures. Announcement -- said but the -- -- measures have not yet been fully enacted one of the reasons why Japan is a little app -- They don't want it they don't -- rolled out there yet arm also secondly Japan wants them to make sure and show them. That further preventive measures have been taken to ensure that all the user's credit card data personal information of private data won't be exposed. To Sony's only service again you know. They -- doing like the double. -- eyes cross UT's. Show me is working with. I I. It wouldn't let me a thing. I would also like though they. Why you have to pay and the only country that like actually you know how you said that you -- gonna have counter hacking measures in place. But you you don't like that. Demand knowledge actually you haven't completed your camera -- measures and we want more detailed and we -- -- actually like you to make. Triple dodged her yet that the credit card numbers are not exposed. It does no one else. To that I would want I want. -- they sell like legitimate requirements don't -- I mean. I guess I'm not sure why no one. Yet put those two stories together in the went about how the -- coming back online but Japan doesn't feel the security measures there are -- enough because. Frankly they should be a -- they should be Fort Knox for -- on if they're gonna turn the network back on so where's the disconnect there. We'll -- disconnect is if you've been Jones Nina player video games for three weeks. Its like getting fire in survivor. You can't go without fire you don't care how you got the -- is someone stole it couldn't you just want your fire. You adolescents about I really pretty good about it and that's the Monday however. Yeah I mean I think that's -- -- -- and I think they were concerned that people -- -- the -- is that they think America one of their games but I think through. Which I think -- often link American gamers would rather have the multiplayer gaming then the -- -- Factors that -- the object. A minute and a security company -- not -- All we -- our patented and and her and and proprietary triple dot factor authentication. Sounds -- RA Google and good luck American gamers understand don't -- when your credit card and. We do have -- if kind of a little excerpt of the official statement for Sony do you still wanna hear yet again -- -- as the root cause right. -- second in command and apologizing and explaining everything -- Here. Hello my name is causal Kurai and I'd like to share some news about -- -- season -- services. First of all. I'd like to send my sincere apologies for inconvenience. The service notices cause you. And want to thank you for older patients -- you've shown as we work through this restoration process. Since the attacks and networks we've been working around the clock to bring -- and media services that online. The service is being restored and bases and am pleased to say that the first base has -- been launched in most regions of the world phase one this includes. -- from PlayStation network and curiosity services. Online game play across PS3 and -- Music unlimited you have a current subscription -- Access to third party services such as Netflix Hulu Hulu and NOB -- Friends list chat functionality to -- B comparison. And PlayStation home. All PS3 customers must change your PS and and curiosity account passwords. Your new password can only be changed on the same PS3 in which your account is activated. Or through validating email confirmation. And we will be returning the rest of -- services including PlayStation store and purchasing features curiosity. As soon as possible. You know you've invested in Sony the PlayStation network and curiosity services. And we will do everything we can't to regain your trust and confidence. RAR -- have hot -- over produces the hell out of everything through a government -- You can see the idea nice smooth -- didn't see the video there are sold to glow sticks in the background so that -- have not. They were in unit tired than -- they could. I don't need no apologies that unit Ted -- of -- put them. You compute involved. They add that that also sounds like no word on curiosity -- want one thing that is down is that you can't purchase. Any good to the PlayStation store yet but that try to redeem some -- -- costing cochlear Medicare never. Edit they're still working on up part. I'd get canal and -- -- and audio -- there's they -- gonna try to work more of those Stevens Canadian or more though than to make more in the new the they because we cover the -- that might be a good idea I can't imagine that they were all half of the -- the unit -- -- compact and it hopes to bring the journal. Take a cue from Sony every line. -- that it's Sunday -- emerging actually on how hackers were able to break into the Sony PlayStation network the most salient detail appears to be. That they were able to get in through Amazon EC two cloud service. That it was kind of the vector. For fueling the attack they signed up for legitimate server rental through the EC two service it's unclear how they specifically used that service to push the attack out. But that was at least the starting point. -- -- -- Sony still says though. That there's no evidence to indicate that the networked credit card numbers were actually stolen an attack -- they still claim that. And they've held -- Latin so no. That might be a good thing -- definitely at its but -- it -- further bad news for Amazon and in some ways because they ran as if you do not service they've been able to be pretty hands off about it. But now they're saying it it is not the first time that the service has been used for ads by third party for -- purposes it's kind of one of those things where. You shouldn't necessarily blame Amazon for it because like -- -- -- you can blame anyone upset -- that are out there -- -- yeah but it. But with some of the details or at least during we wouldn't. They -- where you take a quick break when we come back. The US is releasing its international cyber strategy galore movies coming -- instant streaming on Netflix. I'll. Lol c'mon and excited and AT&T here deal that is indeed did you could feature. Blog about the buzz out loud everyone I'm Molly Wood and time -- even beat him. Traffic and hurled. We are basking. And the increasingly strong paint fumes here in deep blue. Also if you missed it over the weekend we pushed out in new feature on Friday. The best of buzz out loud that's where I digests the it I think Friday show with -- video only working on getting an audio version of that but it was basically. Ground up literally that best of moments from the previous week and -- try to do that every week. Aliens it doesn't mean where I can have a Friday show but now it is highly coincidental that out of they actually did take -- -- but I'll highlight -- a London hot news topics obviously some of our -- your moments. A little bit of computer love. All the above its little flavor of our show don't -- stuff that you don't have time to listen every day because. That happened like you're on vacation. And now you obviously passed and -- -- -- I had back to the news everyone. It happened over the weekend Lime Wire settled it with the 105 million dollars to settle copyright infringement -- That is down from the 75 trillion. Dollars that I think it. The music industry had requested and pianist I don't know how they're gonna get any money I don't think that they -- I wonder if they appealed to get a higher higher settlement I'm sure they did right -- I mean -- -- 105 million dollars is the ultimate amount that Lime Wire agreed to pay interestingly. Daily tech and others pointed out. That. None of that money was going to go to artist -- me and I'll just went to the hard to read into the pocket yet. Even the Wall Street Journal writes it is hard to see how the and -- very aggressive pursuit of pirate to scored a lot of publicity which may well have a strong deterrent effect. It is also had the effect of alienating some music -- and not necessarily just. The pirates. The settlement will do little to nothing apparently to improve the major label label image of course and as we mention that because they're not getting -- -- money it's a record windfall but the record windfall and none of it is going to the -- So in case any of you are aspiring musicians and wondering if that middleman helps you out -- all like all they've ever done really. Teacher granted they handle some of the marketing. Right -- -- in this -- named I'm not sure you need that as much anymore and they all they really ever done is serve to Jack up the prices of CDs and and now they're just standing in the way of using digital distribution of your music and not given any of this money so if you look at this money this total 905 million. That pretty much paid for -- -- there legal fees to pursue this on going. Read the do nothing for the artists like -- isn't it just goes into the war chest literally the work -- the war on people that they you know they claim are pirating music. -- I just I don't understand how that continues to be defensible and I'm glad that the Wall Street Journal and other like mainstream press. Are starting to pick up on the fact that it's really just a shell game. You know it's -- they managed to extort these settlements out of individuals. None of which goes to artists and then you know I mean even the Lime Wire founder admitted yet you know what. Turns out people were pirating music on my service it totally worked but. If -- what he was ripped off it was in fact the artist or not not -- mania and money. Though. Good job. Our our name. You're doing -- thing also on win. You -- the White House is planned to unveil their cyber security strategy sometime today if not it already is being discuss it'll be the first of its kind policy document. To really target Howell of the US government works with other nations and addressing the role of cyberspace. Also one of the top priorities of the White House. Has been sued targeted as like a variety of bills that would require summer infrastructure like the power grid financial -- transportation sectors. To really come -- with plans to better protect us. In case of computers were also tied to these computer networks all of those infrastructures become public plans and bills to prevent things are happening when those things collapse. So that it hasn't -- in the millions there's been a huge initiative I think our governments and if the first of its time policy document of course it. I'm interested to see what it says that it didn't have that story recently that that they even on -- -- cyber security tough for people and that the act and they're out of that well that with Dallas for intrusions are yeah. They would build lay out what they want to do. Not a silly how they will do it hopefully it includes a pretty significant funded segment on how they're going to hire really good hackers. -- a -- -- -- my fingers. -- -- Thousands of people gathered in Turkey on Sunday to protest the government's plans to implement an Internet filtering system in August. They were carrying posters at that things like free bands links now and hands off our Internet. The government has said that the filtering option will offer users the option. -- filtering system will give users the option of choosing between varying levels of access to the Internet with the main goal being. And that I love this old chestnut -- in this valley that to protect children from indecent content. Yeah the problem about the kiddie porn right there the problem with this is a lot of journalists over there are speaking up about is that. This is not just a tiered system but it would allow them to track. The users and individuals of the activity they're doing yet the problem with that'd. Bull hockey -- that is absolutely not -- ultimate all their ultimate goal is just leave that attract citizens. Not because when you choose a package that is not the free protect the children completely packaged. And then you have to pay more and you have to give them all of your personal information and let's be clear I'm sure that that -- all -- still be heavily censored because. -- Internet. Is already heavily -- there like 7000 flight I think that are unavailable. In Turkey. Yet that there -- also mean there's already tools for -- if you really want -- Protect the children whom there are already tools and software apps out there that. Limit you know there's even specific browsers right that limit what sites kids can go to -- better child safe. And you don't need to really put this in place saying. Okay fine if you wanna have your kid wander around on your computer on the Internet it's kind of -- to -- apparent -- Monitor a certain extent on what they do but as to how the government put -- -- -- and say okay these are the tiered plans and we're gonna be tracking your activity. I bet that that doesn't have absolute ball like it is yeah I don't. No one should believe for a second that the aim is -- now. That'd as even remotely as -- effectively protecting the children from indecent content and by the way. In that country and many other countries -- definition. Of indecent content. Is pretty disturbingly broad you know it's not like they're necessarily just talking about pornography -- out and out censorship. And censorship combined with. Complete Big Brother tracking. It's been it was at least at some point over the weekend a trending topic on Twitter like it was like Turkey censor web censorship or something like that I'm happy to see that. The web community is is also on the side the professors. I would also say this probably is pry one of the more peaceful protest you'll ever see I don't think -- in order I don't think down. I really don't thing like geeks and nerds are gonna be throwing rocks yet again. Bing and hold their signs are that they might swing their mice around like -- you oxidant with a Clorox that's that's a that's about as violent as it's going to yet. I hope so they were. At the keyboards keyboards. Keyboards and mice -- the next next -- right right here. Or track you via right now I love it also academy crazy story from the launch team that came out on -- -- -- -- -- campuses project -- -- his. Start up. Conference being emailed to you that right start -- conference -- but they put out the -- very -- very cool story about bit calling. The appeared appear currency ads appeared -- digital currency that its creators hope will essentially replace money. That it's and it's open source untraceable it's not you can't just manufacture. -- points the way you know it would be just as hard as -- -- -- counterfeit US currency. To try to create and there's an algorithm specifically designed. To create these and there's an entire. Market I mean this is just fascinating basically how candidates take was if the most dangerous project we've ever see SO that has such a high likelihood of like. Replace state money and being virtually impossible to take them. Yet -- bit coins their virtual coins it's in a form of a file that's stored in your on your device so you can. Trade them in different ways one would be like direct peer to peer. You can do an escrow service like clear point if you guys from Miller -- that or Riyadh bit clinic currency -- where this has been gaining momentum. Is then they mention that they had heard and -- buzz and chatter about this bit -- currency. Because in some cases it's telling you set a -- -- currency that's used for you know. There are -- good real good uses for but also you -- exchange of illegal goods. -- for the most part -- people have been using. At least. Okay I shouldn't -- for the most part you -- hackers look onscreen in out of the woodwork but it was uncovered -- -- because people were. Using it to -- -- -- the online drug marketplace called silk road market which was trading in. All kinds of drugs obviously and then people were using that point you to buy it but that is hardly. Hardly the only is there a site web site now 99 designed. It's basically a barter system at this point because there is no kind of gold to back it -- him. And obviously the downsides of -- It it's just virtual currencies though he had like seven -- -- on a USB flash drive and you lost the USB flash drive but that. -- -- so whether we talked about the big -- algorithm. So they -- because it has this complex algorithm that limit it's not like anyone can produce this money -- that or this type of -- so they say only 20000021. Million what bit points can be made but he certainly 140. You're -- there is. A dust up between software that can make a bit points but at this point the electricity in time it would take to actually -- one -- larger than the actual value. Of the bit calling via your laptop might take. Five years to make one and they currently trade at six dollars and -- cents per bit point. -- -- it I mean the market. Stuff economic -- are fascinating their entire forum thread I I spent like three or four hours just reading about the -- -- out of that. That there's a very active kind of like economic theory about it and you can big you can use offered to bid to try to purchase it going. To acquire them that way. The Tara missing -- -- and Adam Curry and the EFF are accepting donations in bay point and it's also it really is it it's just like this kind of underground and because it's basically unstoppable -- says it's technologically sound partly because it's open source. And the algorithm itself with technologically -- and yes chat room that algebra and algorithms can be stolen and hacked but these are. They're like they're really smart hacker people -- -- -- -- left that open source for the content of like updated its -- They found the concern about the legalese that -- is you could say for example they use an example the story about the -- there's a bartender. And you hand them over. 550 dollars in cash and then he transfer you a bit -- -- USB drive and then you which again is untraceable -- city could then. To hand over -- USB drive to your friendly local neighborhood dealer. And transactions are totally that's that's slick -- yeah I mean that's a real slick. It's fascinating. It it is legitimately scary readily visit. Alternate currency is the kind of thing that destabilize his government ultimately. And it -- there is no small -- representation of anarchist. Philosophy and -- going forums. But I adamantly. Frankly and I'm pretty I'm mad at the -- And you can understand how that kind of revolutions at that can -- -- I'm going to deal with at that point I'm. I honestly I wanna get -- acquire -- basically is just -- I I got some big clients totally want to expire and become -- declined. Absolutely mind best and -- might invest in -- The electric gas and ethnically. And tell them at the act on them and then and there like a of those are worth -- game and you go to jail. And -- -- I'm assuming that no bid -- cannot attack which I would -- -- another benefit. You also can gain interest on your behind -- you don't plan on using it in like for one -- -- higher air -- by the plan. And their mother their own their their own market regular trading -- -- and so they're trying to like invest in them when their low. And then ran out of them -- I mean that the economic editor. It's -- -- others have been calling -- or an app. It is so. -- -- And it sounds like it is I mean let's think it's -- the point where it's on the show it's kind of you know it's reaching like a little bit of math equation in the geek. Community and so I suspect that we are not far away from the point where difference really arguments are to do something about it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Think about it you'll be you'll be making it rain you'll be thrown USB drives -- in the admitted hitting hitting girls in the face I hit the page. But I'll let it rain on earth hour an event -- get up now just can't reiterate I -- that big coins in your general direct. -- at that. And it'll make -- arraignment on. An eating. So fascinating and I'm following what is it big client and refinement -- -- -- info on Twitter and it does post public forum thread constantly impose is really a lot -- but it is. I mean I mean you can get down there and read up more on this it's fascinating it's this past means it really is it it's one of the only. And first heard of like viable it's not eat it's not lose threads on -- currency backed by US dollars it -- its own currency. And it is spreading. Under and it's also cross country universal would believe that. Believe that. I've -- it through -- lighter news. I'm a little later. The post Disney Miramax movie studio has signed a deal with Netflix. They well -- -- it's a multiyear package they -- could be worth more than a hundred million dollars to. Miramax and it would make more movies available for streaming on Netflix and now there's a little -- to administer a little a little catch him. The little -- is that -- like that data and some of the titles for example would be available -- the good news undue risk to kill bill volume one into Shakespeare in Love pulp fiction and goodwill d'alene and -- The minute I don't -- party went in neatly into the -- in the bigger settlements show I've actually not seen that movie yet. Yes out of all the movies I haven't seen I have yet to see Apple -- I'm serious. I -- a serious. I've seen a lot Emily for the -- them back alliance are going to start flying into -- out there Alec. I was gonna keep their ill. What they'll claim. That but -- -- Did not not -- we are going to have a politics and our needs at that they can -- Sleep over buzz -- sleep over here in the deep blue sea. Yeah. Dude it's totally like a movie -- -- recently. And projectors being right there and have them and I came here. Actually not -- our studio with double -- -- I mean if we don't spend enough time here already there in our lives yeah I've not had hardly ever -- wanna do a -- in anyway it will -- we can stream pulp fiction as Latin that it currently available at that time because apparently -- several hundred -- -- movies won't be available all at once but rather with quote. Dozens of titles being added on a rotating basis. So politics -- become available so when he fifteen and -- -- does that mean bill once it added. It's. They constantly being rotated or just it doesn't have been added -- a team like are they gonna take off and then make them available or just. Add to the pot. The rotating basis -- what concerns me it's something they like might become available and then go away for awhile and then come back in -- maybe they can only have so many available in the catalog at the same time which we thought. Also the Miramax library will only be available for streaming to Netflix subscribers in the United States. And in Canada. They need more love they need a -- well and you know it that's. Just after nine bull with you -- like that just makes no sense on that we know now it doesn't make sense that's its content deals. Rent those and the content mills are just increasingly they're so Byzantine -- so ridiculously high to get off the stick to make it happen my dear Miramax. Good job recognizing that Netflix instant streaming is kind of. Eric maybe. And make it work and a -- at -- make it work and make it work. Although like what they're stars deal they rotate movies in and out because on a limited time Catholics they definitely do with a lot of have deals but the difference is that those are new movies that. Something like Toy Story 3 -- kind of understand it like white at least rather have it sensitive have to buy it. -- -- like mere -- sorts their library movies like pulp fiction and haven't seen. Should be available. Every day. -- -- -- -- this is the key back -- and and you have to -- EP. You'll never build a successful service in people show up and -- also excited abroad and -- When you -- consistency is the -- pure example Hulu plus and Hulu yet. That's a case study that we need to you have no idea what's gonna be there when it's advocate total crapshoot -- implement like that -- -- I. Honestly I bet that's a little bit a little manner of death but simply -- -- a lot deeper. No -- Never pay a pilot in cricket selling. The. That HP -- the year the new webos found them from AT&T has an off contract price of 349. Dollars or 399 dollars. But has showed up on Amazon for 4999. On contract there was briefly it. -- -- -- had tiny crop off all Blair they looked at it for 49 and you -- with no contract with cuddling. All 101043. People who want the -- to immediately pre order and then all those orders -- implement pulpit but still. Think about that contract is a good price -- that on especially considering that all the webos people I know. Are freaking crazy for. Especially if you have really tiny hands to if that's in the near the -- act. -- -- is a smooth film because it was accede the first phone I've played with that has the webos that. Really flows like butter ray because the game was nice but -- it -- announcement except. It's like you can't read once it's on it. Now -- -- to me to be a small it's the Q this phone I've ever seen. But that's typically not a good thing at from a user base from a -- -- that you know how it's highly tiny its super cute. But you also -- -- calls 900 faulty Blackberry Playbook. It. Engadget posted of variety of the serial numbers not all number necessarily sold but one of the issues was editor sixteen gig Wi-Fi tablets. Had a faulty build of the OS that would result in the devices being -- and able. And unable to properly load software on their initial set -- yet animals like lol it's just a software fix but it there was something. -- -- -- to the terms and conditions of the -- and then it just hangs there you can't really do anything about and in doing so they're calling though I. I don't know does anyone here does any of you -- all listeners do you have a playbook. I mean I don't know someone out there are actually by playbook -- I was paying 900 is a pretty small number of faulty tablets except that I was I literally put in the generally out of -- with old. Molly ever the optimist that's it it's like oh and that -- -- guys have a playbook. -- other off the news for the day. Twitter has reached another milestone a major line night -- -- the did not see this come and Lady Gaga. Has become the first user to reach ten million. Followers. C two heated. Ten million monsters and speeds as we did it it's an illness -- -- you -- London smiling. Does talk like that -- concerts I can tell you that density. But I am well you know did not know. It's like adding a human like it's an analyst -- -- -- hand of you really isn't. Athletic center was the first user to reach a million followers in April 2009 which now relegated to a million you're -- to do that with the right kind of accidental promotion. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Beyonce got there without writing even a single tweet I think that's amazing. He has and now -- just the links to her website and I went that because this article I went to that he still has yet to -- Is is a million people followed Beyonce waiting for that first tweet and ninety pretty smart million dollars. And in case you're wondering yes Justin Bieber is closing fast. It was there were it was a race pretty much between -- in the gaga and now. Everyone is expecting he -- secure the number one spot for frankly I'll go well Lady Gaga and keep that from happening. Okay. We're gonna make that a quick -- -- talk about that anymore now also Samsung. Has says it's treated at ten point one -- display will -- -- resolution 4560. By 1600. Pixels resolution. About it equivalent to at 300 PPI display a little under the retina display which is a lot smaller on the iPhone but you can definitely plan. On scene he's rolled out in a variety of -- and -- and also. If Samsung and Apple can -- things out I wonder if you might even see on the next iPad. Canada and if they -- things out really really -- name and that if you guys don't remember their -- -- -- -- patent lawsuit within -- with the iPhone. -- -- -- allegedly makes products that look identical on Apple products. Some other stuff -- -- some -- You've been against Nokia will abandon -- OV flash go by Brandon -- -- an aggregate matter for now does it really invited sounds like some of the mouse click and a. -- -- -- -- But I actually think that may be highly productive anyway it was the mobile services brand Nokia's -- percent super hard but they're going to rebrand it as Nokia's services. Later this year and there will be no more. Standalone. Kind of went and served as unclear whether that's related to Mac goodbye -- -- -- dial via. Okay let's go ahead and up -- has only gotten so we have -- Seagate gulf like satellite portable drive now this is just out we have -- review on our website W review let's check is now this is a 500 gig. External hard drive from seagate. It's -- by. IOS type device user. Is that it can talk directly to your something like an iPad. And then you can stream movies -- saw this thing in action on in our labs into -- -- HD EV DO blonde movies directly to the iPad flawlessly that is the 500 gigs so. Completely awesome for the traveler not only just for storage but if you wanna stream content directly it does stream pictures really slow. And -- steam because. The Apple TV had an issue with. Loading pictures. From your libraries over -- over their networks. This here with the -- with a photo shoot it visibly cash at its loading all the photos individually it also you can't like -- -- scroll through instantly. That takes a while but a security agreement HD movie -- -- must be a software issue. And like -- bug but today. It's nice active throw all my movies on -- -- is the battery life on the -- throughout port five dollars but I think this is a killer travel device at a -- companion. The super cool and also rumors are floating around that the I've an iPhone five. Early prototype has apparently been spotted in the wild. And that it would feature an edge to edge screen I guess -- purported to be an iPhone five G -- A five year whatever it's called -- five. Four -- side by -- RS where I do. But it's a listing on a Chinese site that claims to be the newest design crystal case for Apple iPhone five G. The case mock up -- -- And then it wouldn't it seems to indicate that the iPhone five G would be like present edged and screens -- no Basil. I remember we have seen a lot. Really gently from Apple until the iPad two came out and those leaks for those cases were pretty much on the money -- manufactures seem terrible no money there than Newhall blanket that -- -- really get them from them it's also because. -- recently three Foxconn employees. Where where -- -- -- -- they were few patents if they were taken in Taylor company went to court and they were found guilty of leaking the designs for the iPad to. That's -- people -- can't -- investigative case. Who have had taken the fall and Kagan of pilots keep their role and now with some science news. Allen a look like overkill for that -- -- -- -- that we have which is that this space shuttle endeavor lifted off successfully this morning. On its final mission it is the penultimate. Space shuttle launch for the US shuttle program and US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords the word in attendance because it has been -- -- control. And -- of all we have the same 45000. Guests jammed into the launch site and watch it and thousands packed local roads and towns that -- -- They did when it was originally planned -- launch I remember reading in the order. Plane -- something like a 250000. People but then you know they delayed it and all those people like while thinks we flew all the way out here. And students at fitness and out of there isn't that it was exciting that he would take out -- -- it -- in the beautiful and Google Video. I'm moving on to the happy ending. No if you guys are all of addicted -- worth -- -- and scrabble as I am but I am pretty badly addicted. And even if I weren't this story would freaking cracked me up you play with the friends play it -- So it that they want have to do let me -- out -- -- -- tweaks that -- that you're going down because I'm gonna find a way to use blogging. And his -- and block. In my scrabble game apparently the new scrabble dictionary includes a bunch of new tech words -- Collins official scrabble words dictionary was released this week. There are 3000 new words but -- include. Back to where -- And farm with a PH. And then also block BL OO okay blog -- a spam blog. Scrabble like last of them went to them ninety -- Scrabble is in making these probable -- last set them up disclaimer CBS interactive product that. And fans say it could add an iPad domestic -- the lead me. Public authority of alerts -- -- and. You got there are also other words that are not necessarily only wanna show love to -- backwards for sure yet exactly there are also other words that have yet Darknet is in there. I didn't even know what a -- was but it's a book serialized on a blog role that I'm just telling you I didn't know that -- and in -- -- web zine which is like whenever unwed -- years to -- I do think at least they finally added -- sensible and inbox inbox was not acceptable before. That's I don't know if I only played it I don't know if these are gonna end up -- words with friends or to the scrabble on these different -- the exact there's several dictionaries but this. They do you know called official scrabble words kind of like is the more all comprehensive -- like more culturally relevant. Version so you have to agree to the dictionary that you guys are gonna play on like jumpin. Some words that had previously been excluded but have now been added include heat wave. Cat flap puts a cap -- I don't know what I want it and push bike. And then -- that you finally get another Q word that doesn't require you -- previously used only key. And now you get QIN. A Chinese that there. Yet SE and another bill as it reasons why I don't play word to friends and scala because -- and drops the Q -- on me. -- -- Internet -- -- that is part of a bully you can do it do. And don't forget about the day. Also just some of non tech words also generates girl hasn't. QR is ridiculous and girl. As in three yards describing a rough and tumble -- or a female on Ludacris thanked. In it. -- -- You are needlessly be active in their data and -- I don't -- I didn't like I totally -- -- was BI TC rights. Yeah ray but I am so happy I AC I have to take serious exceptions the spelling right here because there's no -- there and frankly. BE YOT the eight is actually my preferred spelling Paducah -- to -- -- With news. -- this -- actually it faster but at least at seventy that it but he answered it makes no sense and then all fell. But it isn't enough paperwork part of the show that that -- are it was not. -- -- -- If you guys are fiddling with that word consult your local urban dictionary.com. Bill that governor bill governor -- vaccinated annually -- -- everything. -- -- FaceBook -- like okay it's now my new bulky and onion it's probably them. It also might get to know that -- poignant by the Twitter feed just posted a link to that does what happened that the US ban these debate going and is apparently isn't popular link and argued that off but I'll. Find out -- at -- tomorrow. Also in a happy ending today -- -- happy ending. For a man -- -- on power -- out -- in tech consultant whose laptop was stolen his entire laptop bag with stolen but he is using. -- PR EY which is free software and attractive laptops location and I like -- that -- And he used the power of pray. And -- over a prayer and Arab -- I have power and pray at the -- -- and Twitter. To track down the -- like thousands of miles away. Like watch him and easily tweeted this whole adventure in real time. About how the laptop the software and informed -- where the laptop was atom picture of the guy using it and get fired -- -- Many of the as username and people like Twitter are like me research eagerly about the guy they discover that he might be like. A co owner of this bar. Somebody goes and and -- that he calls the cops and -- -- they're here they're at this bar right now. And then someone goes there and like stick -- -- weight but the problem -- because they hadn't liked my. While the report which is absolutely ridiculous -- Anyway it's public Twitter people eventually. Managed you make contact with that -- And then he got his phone number and call him. And it goes on -- is the -- garlic all the way down -- with how we're gonna say his. Follows this -- looked out I'll get off pilots on a government Mary here's the thing this is a -- really cute story okay and use Twitter -- solution already know what he could have done. Mobile me. 99 dollars pinpoint exactly. Go walk over what the sheriffs to me that my laptop and how -- the network the totally wear it took -- longer. Now whenever it took a lot longer -- some way more awesome. -- -- -- So and then them then that three people that treat friends managed to go get it -- he called a thing can basically fed and -- -- -- -- at the it's there the guys there I've talked to him can someone go -- get it from him. And that they did they were just like they were the ones -- were represented in the guy -- -- do not have been -- -- -- really gave it back. And holiday gave back all values like. I apologize guys below the -- my Mac or find my iPhone feature free. -- it is you have to have mobile -- I -- -- -- -- find my way I know this only to find my iPhone and by my iPad. They -- -- be free but people are -- also define your laptop they also mean that for is well and Kimberly Kimberly you're finding enemy that the Apple's -- -- I'm not -- -- not sane enough. What is really like this guy was using an Apple what about that did not work -- This I'm being practical this guy was using an Apple Computer. You'll just used -- my Mac. Bell home. He did -- -- -- and where that standard that is exactly that so much I accept it reliability. I had no no no it's cool how it did it go though I agree with even if he had mobile me the exact same thing would have happened. What exactly and think about mobile me does that make the top income manager here's the thing he knew he knew boat people been tracked down -- -- usable meeting at -- retrieve their phones. That's exactly what he did it -- -- extract an exact location yet another future. Now that mobile me would have been the exact same thing you would have been able to pinpoint the location just like you could with -- and many had to have help getting it back at the cops wouldn't go because they had about a reported to have anything to do with a -- -- -- -- that that your name exactly to. -- would have occurred -- mobile me. I had my laptop stolen the cops were not out like interviewing people search and hurt I. Don't give a crap that's utterly not worried about -- -- totally they've found the machine the exact same way of mobile me would have. Find guys the power of prayer and boy if it works both away you go the power of pray it works both ways so we agree on that the happy -- -- -- even 800 kilometers away and he managed to recover. His laptop and then also. Drop box apparently is like helping him. Signaled. That they want to get in on. In my -- that I by the way -- a -- drop box is another utility used to select it has now. He is treated in an athlete -- that I could -- outlying. Now he's on their payroll I guess they couldn't live in working in or forget it and -- -- -- the NASA's latest week the -- good jobs on power I was super exciting product. I thought my god we are -- and at a time let's get -- your calls and -- -- -- thank you what's -- I course that he got back the files that the thief had deleted. Because they had backed them up to drop and you enable for the -- deleted him into piles but because he backed not to drop out iPods that helped now. Rethinking them any adult -- back. Amazing man technology. And profit would drop box dug up (%expletive) up right -- -- voicemails. Her first scholar would like to discuss Smartphone usage. In bed and other places you may not have considered. His crew. This is in reference to -- 1640. When you're talking about the statistics -- -- people use their Smartphones but I think you lift very important step. Being how many people used -- Smartphones. In the bathroom. Considering how bordering unless it's to learn -- -- -- I'm guessing it's pretty -- so. Think about patent extremely excellent Smartphone. And when you put it up against your face and me. Remember that's thread told viewers it was plain Angry Birds in the stall Yan I was still -- there -- certainly exert this. I haven't heard a lot of people -- talking. I've heard talking -- -- totally don't I'm sorry but maybe you're diner mom you can view -- -- on the phone but lake. You and your people -- business on both and -- It's awkward. It happens they'll be able to all the time I know they do enough part of the reason now those service with command that is -- -- -- thirtieth single device that you own you know I mean you -- generally has coupon. I. Didn't I down -- and -- -- -- best thing around. -- So mobile like multiple setting where they test them at any swap them in whatever they they did -- thing where even if you -- your toothbrush out -- about -- it's made no contact there are. Equal articles none acute brushing yeah talk about iPod now your front -- and people. You don't worst thing about the -- back here just -- -- -- -- -- girls if you're not believe that agreed with a tight rope looped daily. With the discretion because whenever I go into the -- and -- air pressure shoots directly in my face about half the time I walk in when Owens and there. You have that it -- shoots at the live the vapor gets right -- mounted iMac. Now I have not had that -- that the air pressure thing I don't know what it is about me but it says I can't love you think we also have a voicemail for everybody Rodney into panic and getting a lot eleven -- -- today. Who would like the front facing camera on -- -- I at this product from Edmonton Alberta Canada. -- 1467. Gadgets -- If they were to put. Camera front seat on the watch -- -- flaky Dick Tracy style video conference watch. -- -- -- -- -- -- The -- love the show. Not gonna lie it would be -- Peabody would be bad. Asked mechanical like avenue in new Lebanon and it that in a Canadian of nineteen deep -- -- in -- for a I vote on the amount -- botnet -- a political science student when I heard the news that Meredith baker -- -- -- -- -- Comcast has pretty said there had to be some law against it -- restrictions on it. There is no law against city says that there are many restrictions according to New York Times she signed the administration's ethics -- upon taking office in July 2009. Under the -- she will not be allowed to lobby anyone at the FDT for two years after her departure. That looks like -- these ethics restrictions are voluntary as signing the pledge didn't seem to be mandatory. Also according the times you'll be able to directly lobby other -- -- commissioners for the remainder of the Obama administration including a possible second term. However she will be allowed to lobby members of congress on day one. There are -- with respect to members of congress. And congressional aides lobbying their former co workers but not the FCC and there really should be he says laws against -- the sort of revolving door politics happens all the time. And it doesn't make it any less disgusting or appalling. The question now which FCC commissioner will go to AT&T after it inevitably -- outlook expert at the T-Mobile and. How Long Will they way to. It and it says Julius genachowski -- and thought -- -- I'm -- -- And maybe maybe all right it's on come from Kelly from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. What's the word -- there's a Saturday after giving up completely. On the PS3 a -- went up on Craig was to get something out of its and -- was out of the question. -- things sold within three hours be posted it was off my desk only to wake up this morning opened Twitter and see that. The does -- it museum PS tendon was back up and ready to -- ever catch a break a well -- wanna get to connect anyways of the show. Saw it at all all it is waited out -- and really don't want to think you're gonna be the question is I got a what did you sell like. Yes the please visit before if you -- like a deal for 200 bucks and I really and -- -- Then you're really her then. Out okay I guess we get shut -- down digital city of commented on now I think. Not flippant but other than chat room into literate don't meet. Below that cnet.com is our blog 106 -- 6638. Is our phone number and buzz at CNET dot -- or email address. Thanks for sticking with us on paint fumes Monday. Get back here tomorrow I realize you guys.

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