Ep. 1458: With our data comes great responsibility
Ep. 1458: With our data comes great responsibility

Ep. 1458: With our data comes great responsibility

Today is Thursday April 28 2011 my name is Steven beach of I am -- I am Molly Wood and welcome a buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 1458. Though who. Verizon Wireless is having some shoes or at least they were yesterday it sound like and some of them may have been resolved but they've been dealing with a major outage of the four GLT's service. It was a really -- came in to the news on Wednesday but it sounds like they were having problems as early as Tuesday. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The work and -- issue like we said some people have seen. Forgy come back up in their areas so if you're wondering what's -- in the they're switching it back on. What's interesting though and they didn't so they didn't they said we identified the -- they didn't say what it -- was but whatever it was it was serious enough. That Verizon stopped selling four G phone. It was the day before they were about to launch the Samsung Droid charge which is their second forty -- right now it's pretty much only the thunderbolt. But -- -- were they just had no -- in all. They said they were still able to make calls. But they were customers -- temporarily unable to activate any four GL TE devices which is why they halted the sales. Come. -- would say that's more. More of the reason it yeah I. I it's it is series but. At the same time I'm not gonna want I don't wanna cell phone with the four G promise that's not temporarily working for the next few days -- customer that expects it -- -- -- assuming that there really serious outage at India. But they as -- now they still have not identified because I don't know what it was but yesterday we were -- -- feel like they haven't told -- the concert haven't yet they have identified because internally but not publicly announced what it was but yesterday we were like. Something's going on -- we are -- the Internet -- following -- And or everybody's under attack I don't know -- -- words -- -- it's -- definitely could be like the slow rollout of get it down Andrea -- Totally as if it's real anyway bad news for Verizon especially because of -- journal pointed out. Former for Verizon's V Verizon VP and Nikola Palmer had said. Just two days earlier on Monday of this week had said. Frankly expected -- speed bumps but our -- has been amazing said the surprise here to -- is the speed -- were very few and far between and they didn't do any damage to the undercarriage. And moon. -- get a little excited about that out into the living totally like. -- Also -- other than phones people that own media can -- -- hot spot cards they were affected as well -- definitely so. But people are reporting now that the service is starting to come back. In most places though they think you're gonna -- and act will. There will be able -- that'll be what they say was because if anything now. Known as service that's still hasn't come back up PlayStation now -- yesterday to follow up on some of the information they release said that. The credit card information that were on their servers. Was encrypted. They said the entire credit card table is encrypted we have no evidence that the credit card data was taken. Dates of their personal data table which. We yeah we were assuming and we're hoping it was separate from the credit card numbers that was what was not encrypted to address your phone your password and your email. But they still -- warning people. That's -- to make sure they check out their statements and there on top of the because. Although it was encrypted they still have not given a guarantee. That that was information was leaked -- not credit card numbers. Yet there were a lot of reports of people -- -- -- put together like a compendium of people would emailed them and then my credit card with -- has been hacked. And I. Feel like it you know one person said but -- the credit card that lives in a drawer and that I never use and I've only ever used once for the PlayStation network and Elvis and I'm getting fraudulent charges on it. -- -- -- Enough reports that people are. Starting to suspect it may be related to that nevertheless Sony -- thing we still don't have any proof it was encrypted and obviously -- be careful the other thing that that was noticeably absent from Sony's update -- they posted a QNA. On their blog thing kind of here's what's going on you know here's how you can. So far they don't even have a way for users to change their passwords yeah that's that's the tankers which is pretty remarkable but and they also did not mention what is the status of the passwords that were used to log into the pit PlayStation network where that they yet they did not specifically say. That those passwords were or were not encrypt and the industry practice is that they should be encrypted they should never be stored in clear text but Sony kind of specifically didn't -- either way. They only said the credit card numbers. Were encrypt and so it is very I think that everyone should proceed as if I mean honestly -- -- everyone in the situation should proceed as if those credit cards -- compromise and make sure that at the minimum you put a fraud alert. On those accounts which is such a pain in the butt because then like every time I -- weird. You know with a well you let out you're kinda gotten shut down. But and chains as you know everybody uses same password across night. Should it change. -- it's -- -- -- -- Sony also said the PlayStation network will return within a week which added which would mean you would hopefully return by may fourth. Hopefully. As easily as of yesterday they said that so and it. I -- -- -- the -- gorilla sitting on -- -- were in day eleven and yet they said infusion happens sometime in between the seventh in nineteen I remember -- the network went down it was on Wednesday of last week which was around the nineteenth -- but. At the I don't I just hope that whatever you know new infrastructure -- -- they're actually build -- That they test it pretty well because. -- is something this severe I was taught my friend has them like you can't just build a new network in a -- and really. Expect it to be as secure. You know -- discount as it. I know the more sensitive about it but you can't just pass this thing together -- and I'd want them to test that I don't even care it was down for another two weeks or three weeks just to make sure that. They've got their ducks in a -- -- now absolutely or something this big. It's really. Yet it's unbelievably seriously it's an interesting dilemma too because someone was asking -- editing how. Just -- a media -- -- is it possible for consumers to comparison shop in terms of how companies secure their data. And it seemed like it a little bit of a catch -- -- because I would want Sony to come out and say this is the security system that we -- -- place. But they obviously can't do that -- -- And he would tell the hackers that this is the considered -- and they employ effective public how do they how do they go about winning back the Catholic part of it is communication Berkshire. And we have an email about that ultimately it will lets in -- -- actually it. Because they they emails from Sony have started to come out. The ones that say this is what happened and here's what you need to do and and in some they basically say okay. This is what happened and were still investigating the details and it kind of repeats a lot of what the blogs that about. Infected word for word what the -- -- about what information was breached. They say please be especially aware of email telephone and postal mail -- To protect against possible identity after the financial loss. Remain vigilant he years information about hiking it a free credit report here are the credit agencies if you want to call them into the fraud alert. And then here's the FTC website information and then they say at the bottom we thank you for your patience as we complete our investigation of this incident. And we regret any inconvenience our teams are working around the clock and as confederate that -- -- that. And so the so then a third of men like how to people feel about this communication to roam. Wrote to us to -- just got this email from Sony and I read it twice and I still feel. Very dissatisfied. As a longtime customers -- PS one launch day I feel quite -- By the brush off Sony seems to be giving us in this situation I really wish they give some sort of compassion liability or human emotion to make me feel like they care. Another faceless company but -- just bad PR. I feel a drone sent I think it's hard for him a big company to make you feel like they care when it's gonna always is like very glossed over. Tough one PR statement. And it -- I guess the question is why the have to be like ten -- just be like we. Like why can't you say you know do you open yourself up to further liability if you actually just say we are -- -- -- sorry. That this happened. I mean not that that's -- doesn't admit anymore wrongdoing many party admitted -- party said there was an intrusion. Mean I think that's that's just like this weird communication while greatly regret -- -- -- -- four paragraphs of of of crap but I have to do to protect myself. As a result of this happening that I have to do. -- impose further pain in the -- If -- on me like if I travel amendment credit card has a fraud alert on it and you'll probably senate and -- biblical -- And then you say we regret any inconvenience of sort of like why can't you just say we're sincerely sorry. I know I just literally a language question I know I just don't expect it from a large company I don't weather and for me whether they say and I'm sincerely sorry or not. It's not gonna change with -- I I guess I'm in condition to the fact that I don't expect an apology from large companies he does the -- -- To some degree now. Visit does that make you more or less likely to trust them in the future like are you gonna you know I don't think -- level called -- may be more like. More or less likely to trust them it. In a sick way comes -- to do I like the service enough to continue with it even though it went down or not. And one thing about the service that someone -- the chat -- is. If they're revamping this one of the things that we talked about -- -- is absolutely free and part of being free means that they don't have investment from consumers. To build up and beef up their infrastructure. I wonder if I don't know if they'll -- an independent. Absolutely -- him was a known or -- I -- I know that the initial service is absolutely -- however. The PlayStation network is. It's like at a loss leader that gets you to buy a 400 dollar console I mean that minimum there's a 400 dollar investment that you have to get before you even get to PlayStation network. They're selling you premium shows that they they themselves develop -- you don't have to -- you don't have to buy them but it is the Gateway to further purchases that's why they give you the free thing in the first. It's but it's more than just like yes and -- its free online gaming you don't have to spend a single dime and you can play online gaming as long as you want. For Xbox you had -- a game. Caught you all of course Jeff -- I'm just saying the idea it's not absolutely free like Flickr or Google or FaceBook there's initial there are several. Expensive initial investment that have to be made before you can start enjoying that free add on. -- you're right but I'm saying also is that -- spots because they have that built in costs mean you pay 59 dollars a year. That is part of the investment as an Xbox user that you have to pay every year that goes into beefing up I better infrastructure that potentially. Could have prevent you know had more security and a better performing performing a network. I don't then I think that's no threat like in my opinion I'm not an -- -- make it an excuse but I guess the point I was getting to is that. I was curious that because this -- happened and they're doing this whole new. The rebuilding it if it will open their eyes to charge gene in the future for their network to invest in it. So that they can afford to me they think maybe they couldn't afford to maintain at the level that they potentially -- Now maybe I mean when you have twenty million users on Xbox -- sixty dollars a year yeah that's a nice little side trying to change that has nothing to do with you know their media platform or there. Ecosystem for movies or games that's just purely to play on line. Through January and anti free service because they had of the security -- -- as -- Maybe a battle it out of -- Anyway we will hold we will continue to monitor this developing situation mainly the part where when is -- now are gonna come back out because honestly I think like. When you say that it's about how much you enjoy it a lot of people out there -- is like. And one in the game and is great can you get that we're getting -- a woman -- can -- -- I think a quick break when we come back Barnes & Noble is trying -- help out Android and -- -- Microsoft is try to take it out with a patent infringement claims. Apple may be getting into -- -- cloud and we -- really know who is about to suffer the Madden curse and when he club. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- On this glorious Thursday. Are back to news Barnes & Noble says Microsoft is attacking Android with its patent infringement claims and we talked about how. Mike's office got into this business of -- -- Companies for potentially violating their patents -- the story comes on -- it in this is about Barnes and Noble's filing a response to Microsoft's claim from earlier this year. That -- Android nook reader. Violated Microsoft's patents. Another it's pretty interesting -- benevolent alleging that Microsoft pact Microsoft's tactics. Our anti competitive. That there -- like they're literally going to bars to bring antitrust allegations into it because. A Microsoft deal with Nokia they're saying like -- you cannot come around trying to sue people for -- the Mandarin operating through. Manufacturers who are using Android because what you're trying to do is take out Mandarin through Tennessee the net you know Barnes & Noble over the net and they said. On information and -- since Microsoft has recently announced its agreement with Nokia to replace Nokia's -- meet Symbian operating system. With Microsoft's own mobile device operating system. They say that Microsoft and Nokia must have discussed an apparently agreed upon a strategy for coordinated offensive use of their patents. This type of horizontal agreement between holders of significant patent portfolios. Is -- say illegal under antitrust laws because it threatens competition for mobile device OS -- and is further evidence. A Microsoft's efforts to dominate and control Android and other. Open source. And when you talk about how Microsoft has gone about doing this on Mary Jo Foley on the ZD net blog. Talks about some the of how Microsoft went about this so they approached Barnes and Noble's initially telling officials that the -- infringed on six of their patents the Microsoft said they share the deep tells. Of those patents only if Barnes Noble's officials signed a non disclosure agreement. For them to revealed these six patents Barnes & Noble said no we're not going to do that because the patents. Public these -- -- are public why -- why do they need to sign an Indian diplomat -- And in these negotiations are dealings from happening behind the scenes yeah that's still very interesting so for from -- is up to approach it LA. Makes you wonder. That -- fascinating -- up if they demanded an exorbitant royalty on a per device basis for a license to its patent portfolio for the nook device. And at the end it stated Microsoft stated that it would demand an even higher per device royalty for any device that quote acted more like a computer. As opposed to an. Which they think -- even higher than what Microsoft charges for a license to its entire OS windows phone seven. Yeah so they're basically like they're claiming that they deserve license payments and royalty payments on Android. And that they deserved royalty payments that Barnes & Noble alleges are higher than what they charge for announcement that it and it. The thing about is it -- -- -- so -- the patents to grab it and it worked in some cases because they were trying to push Motorola and HTC to sign deal licensing deals with them or. -- took some basic enough that some money for this -- TC. JD -- pay Microsoft now need them. You know -- also know -- arsenal also know but it's their push team and -- -- still worked at least on HTC. It's not like a shakedown -- sound like a classic shake dumb like they're common in there and -- We got this piece of paper in the envelope improve the have to pay as this much money you're gonna definitely wanna do that port activists -- the paper. -- Some instances a business strategy so -- -- you know any break it down like that it says look like maybe good job for you Barnes & Noble -- -- an antidote to the mafia. -- -- Digg owners are reporting -- that -- is a rumor right now but GigaOM is reporting that Apple. Is rumored to be a likely buyer of the domain I cloud dot com. For about. Four and a half million dollars. -- sometimes it's just better to make up your company name with the letter on it and hope that Apple eventually makes a product that caters to the I -- though it's surprising that they don't. Similar that the patient and -- -- should be able to play in the united fascinating. Until recently iPad outcome of the domain name and storage of the cloud service owned by a Swedish company. That has since re branded -- -- cloud service -- -- me. And -- and the company about cloud me dot com on April 5 2011. A source who is familiar with that company told GigaOM that exterior and had sold the domain to Apple for -- and -- -- -- nothing. This would dovetail with the reports that Apple's building cloud based service and is trying to do cloud locker and -- thing. In every time people have tried to. -- -- -- battle Apple about the name of a product or website for example Cisco had their iPhone before and then they settled at. Outside because Apple's -- big fat chunk of money from. -- -- Was it was Fujitsu that might have had the name for the iPad before the iPad even came out Dahlia and everyone was going crazy about that. Apple gave a nice chunk of change from their what are some make 500 billion dollars of cash the -- -- in this little pie in the sky exactly I cloud. Or point five million dollars I would -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If the cloud. Locker service would be in I mean it does it make you wonder whether they're actually just buying the name as an option to do something else with it which -- also speculate lot of companies do that right but like other calls and build a whole different offering called iPod that that would justify its high price and gonna get maybe in the music locker service would -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm not that it like a total Apple made it just a lot. Illustrated how they got it like right now that cloud name that kind of mud it was a little bloody write down a little tired children aren't. Be careful artists like TomTom. -- -- but the ongoing. Just. Data leak it's -- -- -- that times the data leaks. TomTom went as -- -- makes DP estimate that has apparently been supplying. Customer data and -- MI is totally anonymous customer data including -- historical speed. Information they've been selling it to local and reader regional government in the Netherlands. Then the police -- giving that information to set speed traps. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TomTom by the way is really sorry. The I apologize and they -- ahead and there's the -- chief executives that we never -- -- this kind of use and many of our clients are not happy about it. And they said they would prevent this type of use in the future. But. Licensing is initially day ahead. Felt that they were doing this to offer this data for the better good -- -- thought that it would improve traffic safety and reduce bottlenecks they had no idea. That the police they say would you that you set -- to be trapped beneath. -- I'm sorry but once you sell the data once you get embed with a double. You know like that's -- you give it all away. I don't know if there's any examples and I've seen where you connect where we've seen. Large companies and corporations dealing with data that have. Given up or haven't have been able to get the -- to do whatever they want to do with data have ever used it for the gets. -- I'm just saying that I'm sure there's a few examples that people might play now but. You know that -- power the power to do whatever you want with the data that's there. Is all with great power comes great responsibility -- uncle uncle Ben said it best. And seriously -- this just have to kind of become. The start of a true is sort of consumer revolution and I think that our lawmakers are gonna have to help without with the fund. But how about like with our data comes great responsibility and because. As -- you know like. -- no one even realizes the extent to which every single company that you deal with just about is selling your information to someone else. And that someone else is doing god knows what with the information and as the register points out past claims about the anonymous and the anonymity of data. Sometimes turn out to be horribly wrong like AOL for examples of that its search data couldn't be tied to individual people which people immediately. Diva and they were immediately able to light literally find a little old lady with kidney cancer or something based on her -- -- -- an Iowa. The release of Netflix users viewing habits which then was able to be tied back to individual users who don't who rented the -- -- -- was -- may also release that data out for people to create like the ultimate Netflix algorithm yeah. Right they said here's here's our database alt and some of the information there was able to identify people. Only and they say it's really not part of out of a scenario and again we don't know the threat we're not trying to sensationalize the story. But it isn't hard to think of a scenario in which data supplied to TomTom leads directly from somebody's house to somebody's work every single -- And it it wouldn't be that -- know about hard to suss that out. Not to mention the fact that then TomTom like -- -- is tempers. Cool. TomTom did say that the data was -- -- -- so there'll but -- what you would not been able to be tracked. The keywords you know you'll not be tracked from the data that rise was handed over another thing is like that they can't always. That's the big police station thinking generally even believe that you know because maybe they're not as smart as -- -- when it comes to literally making their connections in the data that would. -- -- -- -- Anyway it's yet. With also the terror and points out that it's not just with with our data like for the companies but with yours. Your personal with your data comes great responsibility he got it everybody I think needs to start -- -- a lot more careful. About and when when someone -- you for -- that you need to ask why. Why do you need only unity with. So -- TomTom a little disappointed with how that data was -- Nintendo. Disappointed. With their sales of the 3-D S also -- their latest financial results in revealed they sold three point 61000003 guesses below their four million. Expected to -- Nintendo. There -- chief. So -- -- those said to investors that you know. They didn't feel that people. Understand the 3-D S yet who will have and I'm there I'm gonna say actually a lot of people at least people that have been listening -- and -- that that we've had in people that we -- -- Do you understand that 3GS yeah they just didn't want that 3-D affected and in addition of that. There really were no killer lifestyles I remember when we first we're talking about -- you know we were here in the studio were really high on it Mike. And the only till they have excellent games I want and that's -- with holding people back as well. Well and he think -- people literally don't understand the value of 3-D images about the need for special glasses it's hard to be understood through the existing -- -- -- games. But it's also. -- earth. Kind of bad everything they give you have to tell people -- There's there's the cool factor to this that you're not getting up yet never never never -- slow but also people without glasses were still getting sick. Seoul. Where is that they -- that -- -- that they came again. Yet so I don't I don't know that the 3-D active. At least right now -- an Internet -- -- to -- -- -- we had last -- -- the old school PSP was outselling the three yes ray. You know -- it does it's an easy you know if you -- work well and it could honestly what what Nintendo is not interesting -- And indefinitely if you if you right now somewhere around there yet to fifty it's pretty -- And then kind of cool story and the Los Angeles Times today about an eleventh grader who has created all -- himself. The only digitized record of Iraq -- -- Afghanistan war veterans who -- who died in battle and were buried at Arlington national cemetery. -- so he was using his zoom to document this and 01 of things about the Arlington cemetery is their records. Are still all on paper yeah and so. Something as silly as like a coffee spill. Could literally damage the only record they have a -- servicemen had been buried. So his his his addition to that his goal for -- his website preserve and honor was to allow people who obviously have loved ones that are further away from them in buried in Arlington to be able to see that. But he did this all his -- is an. You know NASA here go getter. Is ago there really is isn't here I'm not that is remarkable eight. That that's just that a truly legitimate way to honor the fallen and him to make it there. Contribution. Lasting intentional. It's really it's pretty amazing. -- -- -- -- -- -- I believe the children are our future. The -- -- him if he keeps them well. You can really can't let them read the way. Give him -- surname. Our ads that -- interlude of applicants read some. That's -- in a -- -- we finally know we finally know. Hood it's going to suffer commanders the deer and although the Internet it we predicted adhere to the Internet -- again we totally -- like UB EK never turn your back on them on the people who. Can online vote now. Patent Willis Cleveland Browns running back will be -- phase of Madden NFL. -- Boom business news for the big tent that seated Hillis. Almost thirteen million votes were cast that sent data -- is overwhelmingly defeated Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael -- Then. Here's the thing on his -- -- there'll be make it quick for NFL non fans and absolutely be upset Ray Rice ravens running back. Matt -- thousands quarterback Kent city chief -- -- Jamaal Charles. And the won the Super Bowl MVP Aaron Rodgers I down that lot of room -- this is just like crazy -- Internet statement happen. It was totally says the social networking media all that in -- network weirdness -- media spin -- company angered it he had an insulin summit between -- me that his. Bonus for -- -- With fifty like just under 50000 dollars he's actually gonna make. Twice that much just from being the on the cover of that in its ability to -- -- -- and that. I -- -- on in the quick -- Google. Has released to the Chrome eleven browser to the stable channel for windows Mac Linux and Chrome frame. And also in doing -- paid a combined Downey of 161500. Dollars to bug hunters is the most they've ever had to pay. Out of -- little treasure chest for browser update. But they. We're able to you before the release and -- plug -- -- more than two dozen security holes majority which carried a security rating of high. So you know you know it's it's and it's. -- -- -- Yeah I haven't I think also on the download it's only available for windows machines right now for -- and its its Mac the -- when it -- try to download it didn't give me the Mac option and setting but other Beers announcement that have ruined windows Mac Linux and Chrome frame. What are appropriate better refresh my browser and see if you're gonna try this morning didn't give it to me and whatever also -- quake hits kick starter. You might have known them is -- of the crowd fun being the nominee could submit a project online can be film album are. Make their pitch. And then. -- a crowd source the Internet to help them find. There you know. Entrepreneurial endeavors. Two years later 20000 products later 53 million dollars has been pledged to the website and forty million dollars collected. The thing and it's just the thought O'Connor under the radar thing misty was ending actually know somebody who got them running through the -- You have some friends element color element 151 films in San Jose and they. They've put a project and kick starter -- -- at which people find it it's actually hope. Kids in San Jose. Like make films together and stuff so it's really interest thing it's really cool that's cool also I was amazed by this apparently then -- asked for a project which was the open source FaceBook and the -- Talk iPod nano lots projects okay were originally -- -- did our parents would just you know -- seriously. That's cool I've already said my peace and I think that people that have an iPod nano watch should own it. And realize yes they are -- bags. Lots. That but I somebody -- it was only a you know there are enough people that funded. I'm just sane if you wear an iPod in a lot just own it that you that and that's cool uncle that don't pretend like it's like you're located are am and help you out and -- -- a commitment on the -- PO. And -- with -- the help me help help you help me. Cyber conflict will -- is mad about an online thing he and I still like almost. -- really. Where everything just totally know that sleep deprivation makes people and animals less functional and they started to look at why -- with a team of researchers in Wisconsin and Italy. And they discovered. They literally started looking at it on a cell by cell basis as opposed to just this kind of holistic look at the -- -- and they discovered that. When they kept these rats awake past their -- their brains literally begin to turn themselves off neuron by neuron. Even though the rat is still elect at all and the even more disturbing -- part of that is that the neuron that we use the most during today. Are the ones that appear most likely to go off line. So even before you have obvious global signs of sleepiness. There are these kind of localized things that are starting to happen where parts of your brain or shutting themselves down and so it's just that direct affect. On your ability to just perform in your data -- -- as a regional power -- are important early app. And they said that the rats did the longer they left them away and let you know kept them awake. And those individual neurons started to turn themselves off in this random pattern the rats did progressively less well on that to -- and which they had to find a sugar. Pull -- -- fascinating is really really interesting is that it was -- hold kind of new way to look at it and then they say. That it's different from that kind of micro sleeping -- -- -- sleep deprivation where you just literally -- -- Like close your eyes and stop responding to stimuli. But it -- differed from that it's like your brain protects. But then you are just grew up. And -- they've had the messages. You need to take sleep very theories -- economy all the time because I am like. A big sleeper a serious sleeper I totally like a -- -- bitch and -- if I've gotten like seven hours for a couple nights in a row that's not enough. But what's what's your what's your total eight to nine Emma preferred 89 and -- last -- nine and a built in totally repressed and it. Night and app are yes I like excellent explains why I feel like this than it. And I totally -- But they're -- like you to directly relate directly by the time you actually Il -- by the time you're starting to nod off. It's too late because even before that like -- brain turned ocular. It is Sola respect your need for sleep. I love sleep when ranking -- -- Then all the time of great -- -- -- and a half hour I feel energized him nod and a half hours again. I also feel. -- smart and attractive. And happy and happy because he is -- shall not group that really. A new study of -- they announced -- actually moved on Cuba championing it. -- -- -- -- -- According to a study by Neil -- -- people who buy online coupons are living social are richer younger and smarter. -- customers a group -- You know I don't really know what that amount -- have a mile -- A coupon still doesn't care because it sounds like 80% of the online coupon market -- he thought -- tired prevent illness and -- And -- looks -- like. Stuff they should yeah they -- a rocket. Who on the -- social place. -- -- users are 49% more likely than the average American on line to make at least a 150000 dollars a year. Compared to 30% for group on there are also more likely to be younger than 35 and have college or graduate the. -- -- -- -- Agrees that this group on customers are older 57% or 35 to 64 and 51% are about -- and living social. But a third of their buyers are in the 21 to 34 age range. I don't really know -- but it -- -- interest. Study found that 46% Olympian social clients on attended graduated. Or are graduating college received other degrees compared with 39% for group on. -- Again -- -- it's really like out. It's on there must be something about the way that living social targeting in finding users but -- -- interest and other didn't even now I. Did that kind of thing it didn't say anything about -- -- could could their coupons or deals be more like a wine country type massage chairs for his group on has a lot of more like a let's. I don't know I have they are you -- like a little are all restaurant yeah I yeah yeah. And living social is your right it's absolutely like we can get to me more and more hiring and I think they're deals are way better but that might just be because -- there. I'm rich attractive thing to make it. And and and and clearly on department. -- -- the. This thing. -- is really -- really really -- this. To move the route to group you -- I -- just stop here S talking about -- let's hear what you guys have to say in our feed Bakley. I -- so we took a lot about food hearing -- -- we we we kind sometimes sometimes the title maybe before the show after the show sometimes during the show. -- -- -- She wants to place an order with the tip of. High -- it look like to order so companies can again order comment. -- Sony absolutely. Achieved a site that -- of fry. And a -- of value for the user. Content children until hot right now in the Denver of the show by. The -- surprise as I told I -- easy survey. Yeah that sounds like numbers have prompted through automatic easy and pretty -- I really like that we should create. Get your a menu a menu. All -- -- do that rescue them and make -- a -- -- -- menu and then I would -- your present we have time the president again iPad cases that look at juggle EB bird novels from -- their record setting will have to give Diet Coke and -- -- a kept promise tomorrow we'll give way to slightly steel announced the owner and you get on that but you know it. It whether it's -- need to send us like file. It looks like -- -- and we can you blow it up and that we can put on our wall yet totally the -- ordering -- in the times in use on any new ideas and implement a also. US and India. All I may get it all added to -- -- -- Paul. It -- that -- -- an analyst at over the Internet and the cancer -- read the personal email. Buzz at cnet.com is -- you -- -- emailed and vote on body like its -- In the meantime though Dustin. Wrote in about the ongoing at the security issues and ongoing daily content for the love of god tell people. Not to use their real birthday on FaceBook PlayStation network -- -- -- too many banks and medical services use it as a security entry device. Also please take a swipe at the credit card companies. Our credit card numbers are everywhere it shouldn't be the responsibility of every online site and even local retail establishment to guard our credit card numbers with an -- level security. If the credit card companies would just implement two factor authentication for transactions. Then it wouldn't matter who had her credit card numbers there are plenty of two factor authentication models that would make credit card fraud dropped to near zero. Galaxies blow and it. Several months the Internet and that's not as flattering when it to fit in humans think -- tournament and with a knee high ultimately driving the need I have the kind of that with a high angle sided. And appointments are practices are right. I think you're gonna see now. Not a threat that one. -- -- -- The tree is so difficult -- dots are able has screw this one's gone from clay and I was concerned that my phone has tracked human movements as much as they are using my bandwidth. The transmit data. And -- in the amount of data small but when you -- other services that are now and in the future will be sending data it could get more significant. And again you -- to begin with capita data pushed me over the edge causing me to have to pay the -- more money. I will not be happy we have no way of knowing how much data they're sending over three G connections. I think that if they're going to hijack our data stream they should have a -- to tell us how much of our band -- they're using. Just wait to target advertising starts sending large pictures that -- -- screen for use an app like many of the web sites do now love the show -- from saint. -- is. Uninteresting -- I think most companies have said that when Maine. I would assume that they're not charging you for that although it's not a carrier. Unless they've actually negotiated that with the carriers that that they get there is some possibility that that year. Your data usage is. Being impacted every time Google -- phones -- about your location and. Our earlier story is with the iPhone OS that it was people were having you know something around like a hundred or 200 megs. With of activity that they had were not involved in when they look at their data -- that was submitting data back and forth now. I think they alleviated that but that's exactly what he's gonna talk about now I do when another -- -- you know now that we're pain. We have tiered plans for the amount of data on some of the carrier's -- that it's gonna factor in how much you use half. Also any announcement come along and -- hoping that definitely go check it out at our blog below that cnet.com parent and want to take up the Taft. About -- Apple commentary. -- that I pulled look I've pulled a copy of the consolidated IDB cash off my phone and it'll data analysis. And each cell -- and Wi-Fi access point is represented in the data only once. Which would be -- -- method of tracking unit that was Apple's intent. I've on the -- lack access point in my house than they have time stamps which showed they were updated right before and -- copy itself cell towers that I passed -- -- and trip. Had time -- stamps corresponding to the trip. About a couple cell towers would duplicate time stamped and have over 1181000. Wi-Fi access point entries and when grouped by exact time -- The most common group had over 15100 access points with exactly the same. All of this is perfectly consistent with what Apple described a database that is a local cache in which records only the most recent entry. Apple also said in -- phone interview at the Wall Street Journal that they intended to limit the amount of data by limiting the file size but didn't realize how much history that would actually be. The -- isn't complex but it is sophisticated enough that it wouldn't necessarily be obvious about how much data it would hold. That is one of the bugs they reference in the FAQ and appears to be a genuinely honest mistake. And he also talked about that the other bug. Seems to be. Legitimate that know that when you turn off all location services evidently they just that a global flag. That blocks all applications with which effectively -- the user's goal of preventing any app from determining your location what they overlooked. Is shutting down the background device and everything the data it stores -- the second -- to which they -- If that I can't be and that -- -- Steve Jobs and four solid -- authors and John John Barth -- Alex de Leon -- first -- -- software explained that they took the time to understand the issue at an engineering level communicate that to the general public. And -- to the executive level and then create a statement that was comprehensive to the general public. I guess the show hosts would rather the Apple rush out a confusing poorly researched -- Which teach it like you take -- flights -- -- And I do appreciate I appreciate him doing all of that analysis I also think. That if that if Apple had linked from its press release to a blog post the -- all of that information. Then I think people would feel better about it. It's and not to generalize it as a bug right again I think just calling it a bugs found -- especially public because of what you just said which is that you are totally. Accustomed to you being Brian -- and for those who are watching you point and but -- totally accustomed to companies like lying to you -- not carrying her giving you these -- answers. That that honestly and non -- answers what it takes you can't just be like the the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Today there's a pull up where -- you know they are do you feel satisfied with the answers and the majority. Of people have responded no I don't believe them and it it is definitely like. Like -- Aaron -- off them analysis of it all then a couple of that if you want more a more technical description of what happened click here. I act I think that would have gone a long way toward me to -- people feel better. And I think them -- email address was at Apple dot com. I'll come I'm just -- -- it was a -- -- a lot of good point I know he did and he he did excellent work. -- all Brian seriously. We -- we can take our lumps. I know we can are right here yelled from buzz -- at 1137. Tech predictions for 2010 -- predicts that of the cloud craze will slow after a major security incidents. Probably involving Google. -- -- -- We get -- no extra -- I was just two years early. That's all. With my genius than this. Again I really gave I was sitting there thinking like I have that these were beaten but didn't involve Google thing up -- -- And also a red not a -- to think if you haven't seen yet I wanted to tell you that you've made it into the Blackberry Playbook commercial. Any -- that could -- I think it's actually an act like it looks like a print ad. -- like it's on its you know when a web sites throughout their ads look if you look really carefully it's -- -- -- from that's from top is at the top dozen top five as a -- -- -- -- purple top Cella. You know your new favorite you gonna have to Ono don't buy a black but go ask them for a -- -- the black but. -- that I want and need -- there and I. But actually we are apparently by the a lot of now of streaming for Blackberry yeah right here on blackberries now. Look how all all the CNET podcast. That's -- it. Yeah that's pretty light thanks for spending and and you can send us more stuff good or bad you take -- -- -- all you want. And by the daily tasks but that cnet.com 1806162638. Is our phone number and -- dot cnet.com. Is our blog and -- of tomorrow computer -- tomorrow fortunately Aaron we're gonna have some love -- tomorrow we are gonna some about it but. Do you think that if -- the I was the guy's been reviewed the questioned them with humor.

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