Ep. 1449: Sleazier forms of capitalism
Ep. 1449: Sleazier forms of capitalism

Ep. 1449: Sleazier forms of capitalism

It is Friday April 15 2011 this is left out loud my name is Steven -- of I'm Donald bell and I am Molly would welcome to our podcast of indeterminate -- -- that -- 14149. -- also -- via Skype by Wilson -- in New York. No rationale -- -- or. Just in a podcast all day long and -- -- -- ball today referred to it on the outlook then to have the -- on today -- -- -- though. You didn't isn't official president CNET ignore the call please call -- and -- now via. The bottom of bot command Abbas but is -- -- -- -- a mammoth and it -- the NRA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's why I don't have him on our job candidates. That Molly rant away if not -- it will AM Molly canning you at what. You know. That -- -- and I button. So tomorrow I'm going get ready if you haven't signed -- for foursquare. Apparently by -- proclamation. Of mayors all over the United States tomorrow's the day you're gonna have to do it. Because it has been officially declared by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and thirteen other cities. As for rating now because in April 16. Force -- -- Yeah. It's -- clever and for. Glared at the scene. And right is that to me like I -- -- that the -- he had ever that. We'll see you were tendered cute and it really matters and I mean I guess would be one thing at the thirteen cities of Raleigh. And under I don't know what I don't know what -- I think it would be acceptable and that god doesn't -- happened until the deal and now this could be Photoshop picture not totally -- Admittedly a bit they could be a cardboard -- -- at the stand next -- absolutely. That's -- are based and we hang out about every. Available roads so local. Here. Maybe added I think it is definitely -- they say its hometown pride for sure. I -- foursquare day was that and created social media date to start with -- -- all the geeks who realize that forced the -- for a -- But but Bloomberg officially recognize this exciting event. -- and -- will explain foursquare to them and yeah and I went what in my adult and I don't know an amendment -- and now he. -- Even the -- by the fall or get people's noted. Well. You got to -- and start a movement Yang -- get the Photoshop crank and and just make it look making Bloomberg like visited you guys yeah. -- -- -- -- -- by the way of four for comparison has eight and a half million users. Of the -- only -- -- only one million at this your last time. But man that's not as many uses the day. Beginning today the -- -- I'm excited for port twenty -- and we'll put it why not for any reason I really like. Apple. -- -- -- aren't there right -- hello. That last. -- they -- and and exactly. I have smoking in the building. And smoking is now talking about I Earth Day. It is a very it's a very green today. That. -- -- -- And there have been terrifying reports having Skype vulnerability on the Android platform that is apparently so bad that -- malicious. Third party software is installed it will be able to gain access to your name your phone number your chat -- And cashed profile information companies had cash and brightest and -- Andy. I mean a cash flow with in the -- going to -- -- -- -- the marijuana to every one -- episode and want to mess around. Your ballots. I am each item upon all the fact that even called the -- -- any video we were talking about those programs if. -- right anyway don't get on the sky that -- -- -- here is -- on Android apparently at least not for a little while -- -- on April 11 the leaked version of deputy that the land and it apparently. Is it contained an exploit and is vulnerable to this third party hack. It is still vulnerable I guess that Skype is actually acknowledged it they've said they're aware of it. They are working on it. And they say basically. At least right now. Be very careful in which in selecting what applications you download -- in stock of the biggest problem is if you install some sort of third party malware. That is fishing for information from -- does not an Android phone. -- -- -- Hey everybody everybody gets intranet out with it -- -- on data about -- Skype OK now I. Commander at -- I mean I think that. It's just like any. We we talked about -- -- -- the scary thing is that. It's involving a third party so that makes -- think they did something wrong. What you sand boxing -- enjoy that much someone. I guess steal this information. -- -- Does that mean it's not just -- -- that has people worried about. Basically the Android platform overall because I mean it it is sort of a Unix type system in that an app if it's malicious can get -- your phone. And and presumably gain like super user access. Somehow and -- kind of rampaged through your files but it's no different than -- banana. Virus on windows which doesn't. Is not to admit when they recognize that there's like a feature -- I -- -- -- -- your phone numbers like a sharing and at and this is FaceBook they call it a feature right. We're getting on a -- to all your friend probably know -- gonna introduce you to some new people recommended recommended users. Actors -- -- go it's a feature not a bug now don't worry about it guys but I think it. It it's potentially a feature that is going to affect a lot more people because on Google's earnings call. Yesterday they said that there have been over three billion Android apps installed. And that download the standard apps are up 50% from Q port 2010. People like apps people like -- commander in I mean obviously standard platform is growing badly in -- and they were Trenton and brag about that. Elect a little or a lot. And they were also trying to deflect and paying attention from the fact that they -- missed their profit target. This -- kind of an interesting outcome from their networks -- from the known. The that a -- to tell -- it -- print money right can't they just print money to make up yet it Internet money -- like a little bit different. -- they were -- the stock was down more than 32 dollars and direct and the entire markets. If I lost like thirty cents and -- -- forest where polio conflict with. Now look back dates they missed their estimates mainly because and this is insisting they spent more on hiring -- marketing to ward off competition from FaceBook and Apple. Also probably -- Blew through a lot of their profits by giving people like million dollar retention bonuses may or all those little tiny. And -- action figures that they being given away at conferences -- probably costs money. But you're not actually. I think that one of the bigger problems though is that it youngest one of the problems of being a publicly traded company is that you you lose capital would get used -- this. Whereas like FaceBook being what are they are semi. Semi private public and company -- whole Goldman thing. It doesn't matter if they did. He -- worries where if they're stock. -- -- six dollars they've lost thirty billion dollars in -- H. -- mean and the fact is that even though they missed their. Estimates they are still doing phenomenally. Well they'll Google they're still Google I like their first quarter net income still climbed 18%. To 2.3 billion dollars. They didn't you know -- have a bad. Quarter by any means at all and what they're doing now is they're actually investing -- sometimes -- him when you invest in but it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. If you say that the -- Any attempt. That let him. And Larry Page is planning to continue to spend -- -- add they're adding 6000 employees this year they're gonna raise non executive salaries by 10%. Lets you know they have every legal budget and they're defending Google against every kind of regulatory scrutiny on earth. So now analysts are -- if they -- -- well are they spending efficiently they spanning both China while they -- -- an awesome like complete kitchen. Mean really you -- adopt -- and bring up Wallace. I doubt it -- her they have 2.3 billion dollars in profit for the quarter. A Big Apple are going to continue to get all the -- and -- Kendrick a lot of free serial. That is really not a lot of free tech. They haven't how to -- and -- Multiple sources have confirmed rumors that all -- -- typing -- -- attack -- -- -- -- well. Multiple sources have confirmed that Nintendo is in fact going to unveil an HD game console or gaming system at. If not -- It's gonna be HD 3-D. Old Cindy they can spend an argument that -- that it isn't bad etiquette for them wait who said that. Reggie Reggie -- them. Earth to them and meet the -- median home -- -- because obviously mobile dvds. Then. I'll -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- From for an HD version of the week for after -- Forever basically forever him I would -- well and especially if they're gonna get into the Canada media streaming game like the Xbox and PlayStation 3 have. They need to be they need to be supporting -- because what people really want console are now. Is that multi media capability. Reggie is a man apparently did say that we Wii's successor will not feature 3-D graphics like the 3-D S because they want to go classes for. That's why mouse that they would think you may be all and one. 3-D TV that doesn't need the classes -- have a for the need to do bring Nintendo make -- TV. Saying -- -- TV heck -- Apple Nintendo -- Right. Handed. They're gonna try to do anything super different. He was. And stood -- -- -- the Wii. The Wii -- sort of I -- Shenzhou industry. They've been pretty quiet about what they're gonna do trumpet future was -- -- you any -- -- -- -- -- indeed we. Now all I mean Nintendo. They really are innovative and they always have really -- with the console and it would be. I can't be surprising if all they did with go right Steve meant to be honest. I mean unless they went through a total -- you know controller remodel it connector or movement. They know they supposedly good -- an interesting innovation at the eighth and how would be able to leave the -- -- like controller peripheral like a bit because right now they live in two different rounds except for the fact the nature. You're the avatar on your media and year you know we we -- -- and you know the really good idea idea could fit. And Flickr but it. Further -- filled with a little. -- -- -- -- I'm in an interview -- Nintendo executives also said that the it. That we we could fit at a media. Of 400000 units and found some -- that we. Though it's doing awesome good -- though it Nintendo wanted to know that the PlayStation 3 has reached the fifty million unit milestone. Now they unit can fix that problem but only to according to Sony has shipped fifteen million PlayStation 3 -- worldwide and plunge into doesn't think. And they have sold eight million PlayStation moves. Which was actually kind of surprising number for me -- still way below the -- numbers -- -- -- also focus on connected. I feel bad patent and sit in and out like -- went to -- out of the like look at. Up by comparison Microsoft treats the fifty million Xbox units sold back in January. Where as Nintendo sold 34 million Wii units in the United States. As of December. So the. I was in both the 360 isn't used in. -- Yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna -- Apple just lost too much money. The top. To get ready to launch a next generation console soon. But their budget on -- man suing people into oblivion I'll leave an enemy and that keep on the shelf for awhile via seriously if Sony does need to if the money -- can. Can flare up through hackers in the whatnot. But it is notable that they're gonna needs and maybe save some money and not developer any console because videogame sales. Even as the console themselves continue to move. The video game sales were down 16%. Apparently according to NPD that's just for the month. The month of march. Game console sales growth as we mentioned to 494 point five million up 12% but the actual games. Not so much probably because that just as a mimic a -- game on time. Yeah I do think though that. What they're not accounting for here is that mobile game you know like iPhone games. And games that the segments that -- are still I think growing. That -- -- -- -- -- -- -- talked about the Xbox PlayStation. And formal current portable game and media via. Let them you know Angry Birds still going strong has -- Still it well that's what consisting -- that there haven't of these big blockbuster sixty dollar titled -- but yet people are buying 99 cent games and road and in fact they even that the top titles for the month. And then sort of fifty to sixty dollar range are still totally representative of -- that like move toward massive casual gaming it was Pokemon -- Pokemon black. Homefront Dragon Age two and mentality about that as with scandalous look -- they -- out there and have spoken yet but. Okay I'm black I'm not home -- and -- utility. But to. But none of them delivered that fails provided by last year's marquee titles final -- -- the eight foot thirteenth -- Battlefield bad company -- not worth -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Lot of that. -- Clinton in the list of last year's Wheatley that was an -- and. Last year's top but did not come up -- here. Now games. Black and sheer -- -- -- -- -- Modern Warfare and won. Him. I'm not a bit when they published a list of competing against a set people on a black hole of being antisocial and lock himself in the room. -- look about it with. I -- be number one thing that atlas and absolutely I really -- a quick break when we come back to the I PV power crisis deepens. You're being herded into pens like sheep by dogs and apparently buying dvds and it's -- mixed -- but -- understand later. It -- and Madden NFL will go on even if football does not on. Welcome back to -- allowed everyone Donald bell Wilson tang during -- our Friday show her Friday show where we. We -- than. Port one -- we and we've joked that in Miami and port to -- And we did it not totally it's not totally on the rail people not completely on the -- as elements of its that's. Patrick Elliot we get a little like -- -- to get -- before we give up a little bit for example. Much quicker than expected. The Asia Pacific network information center has run out of IP before it it is now official. Asia is out of I PV part of the done done to and -- shortage. Here we come they say the advent of the key turning point in I PV four exhaustion for the isn't -- music. The remaining I PV -- space will be rationed to network operators to be used as essential connectivity. With next generation IPB -- addresses and then going forward and any new address blocks that are assigned. In Asia we'll have to be I PV six blocks. And then we will find out basically if the web infrastructure is ready I PV six after all that wish to stop right some -- to stop. -- that -- that speed race -- them from yesterday's China. -- just stop making Internet. Addresses -- is that now you know and ending -- sites -- that we're gonna do it all the island that we have now I think we've had -- I'm I'm feeling full. I'm feeling for bringing him or let it stop you know all how many needed early detailed anymore -- -- -- -- Tumblr blogs there -- many other. -- We didn't have enough Tumblr blogs that we can guess college today don't pentagon entitled out of Liberia for guys that know more tablet like Austria and sorry I'm done you know what I'm kinda -- senior in systematic photos -- -- -- someone else we'll have to re blog that. Let's just out in. Right -- they say though there's little sympathy. It. It -- -- it did -- and got up again so -- him back. -- -- people in that kind of good. Address. Addressing. I bureau being -- her saying look. This shouldn't be any surprise any organization that wishes to remain viable must push forward with their I PV six deployment -- -- do it yet now if you haven't endeavor if they think like that in -- planning ahead for this Dave and you just -- if you deserve it you deserve to die you don't even you -- you don't deserve -- Tumblr blog at a. If you're not ready for IPV six deployment. People about to get ready now be ready. Best buy reports that this just. -- the agreement between Netflix and other top video rental services to wait 28 days before renting newly released dvds. Appears to be having the desired effect and boosting dvd sales. In stores like best buy and Hastings as much as 30%. -- cases. Left that they treated us and I said to explain the mixed metaphor from earlier I -- like -- says that their rental window is actually increasing sales. And yapping dogs due in fact herd -- it depends but it doesn't mean -- -- like it. But the fact here forcing people to be ripped off right is not something to crow about this is like a bad for. But does it is that there's any calculation on the back -- of how many. Of these dvds later are returned or resold -- you can't -- the rental becomes available and now I don't believe it returns. And I'm probably not. Is that their vehicles is where the earth gets those giant -- -- of like toxic waste on the ocean -- all the dvds that had to be bot during the window -- -- it can be rented. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Really say that -- sales of specific titles I mean what what -- -- -- is it has imposed an artificial window in order to keep a dying business afloat. So. When you go -- you buy that dvd -- it is its welfare. Her -- -- on sales of specific titles they -- we've -- our market share grow up overtime and degradation of sales has slowed. As a result of the twenty day -- they were seeing a tank in sales because what people actually. Wanted was an easy way to rent them or stream them. And instead what they got an artificially imposed when he they -- I'm gonna get the good news for the industry is that people still want the movie is enough to pay for the dvd is. -- just don't want it -- it just feels. It just is being -- -- -- the -- situation this way it's like delays on dvd rentals -- piracy. Yeah dvds as well and now. I mean a billion there and stuff like that movie industry's. Dvd sales have been thinking and that's where they actually make money. Media -- when you when a movie comes in theaters and see 150 dollars in the box office. Most of that goes choose. And and the distributors to actual production company your actual person accompanied. Makes it doesn't see it diamond to its dvd sales and even -- most don't Sony could make them back until. -- you -- premium cable H -- television. So this sort of like -- -- That's why the window has been shrinking ice sheets it's good for them. I I know it sounds terrible. It with the ladies and -- needing in the long run means you don't have to only have -- giant blockbuster. -- I mean I will I I it's the C both the client -- do you see that. Ultimately I want the -- that movie industry to make money across the aisle number of different genres and titles. So that we're not just forced to watch the lowest common denominator of blows stuff -- movies. Or the masses although those are great deal with that there -- a little. Good. And that's really why the indie film industry sort of core and core I really indeed more studio is usually packing -- -- -- Content and I think that that's -- far less diverse. Cultural experience. It sucks but they're making money. And still it will always have to be numbered -- how long can he keep this up that case you're gonna necklacing dvd it's a format in and and supporting he's in -- -- system before you -- -- -- -- -- different and that's the question is like the problem is it is a force market just like you say it's not if this is not an actual free market and this is not -- when consumers have the choice. Between buying the dvd of a crappy movie that had held a highly inflated budget because the stars wanted too much money in the CD effects. Even though they looked crappy work you know were really expensive. When they have that choice they didn't buy dvds. Like there's a story here from LA times and from 2009. About that the film industry panic in over dvd sales because yes like you -- -- they represented the biggest chunk of like pure profit. For the industry but. They found that there was -- in a dramatic fluctuations. Between box office revenues and dvd performance that sometimes and that the highest erosion came from the highest grossing films and it forced them to say they were like wait a second. Audiences are becoming more quality conscious. So even if a forgettable movie is huge at the box office people don't buy the dvd is -- we should do. We -- window this podcast. We shouldn't stop complaining and we -- put this thing out on dvd today and let users download like a week from now. For free and see if we can get a little clan -- I did -- that to the head honcho at CP. -- up the bus idea to -- like. What's. It at that on earth. I mean that it does it does I mean it. There's no question that the industry is changing but it's -- it's just start to feel like these market manipulation -- the last gasp of a dying beast. And they are ultimately. I mean. Pattern I guess there are arguably maybe I shouldn't complain -- if people are willing to buy the dvds and they'll be out why why he's so mad about that smiling because I don't like them I don't like businessmen your business of I wanna buy the CI wanna -- it. I'd I would I am willing to pay that money -- I'm willing to pay to rent the movie and I'm willing to pay to stream does not mean the fact that you won't let me because you're trying to manipulate -- into paying more money. Just annoys me at the consumer -- -- you know what -- -- -- not my problem. You know I guess the biggest reason why is because you're only paying it all from Netflix has if you do leave the actual -- what American spends every months are never entertainment. If you drop cable you drop moviegoing experience. The average American spends about 150 dollars -- being -- so the entertainment industry's whole has to figure out how are -- people 150 dollars. -- -- -- You know they're cartridge in recent months and that's the big questions or even our -- -- yes. That's why we hadn't gotten. -- -- still make more money selling ads aren't being -- -- -- you move selling ads on new TV dot com Warren CBS. Yeah I mean -- it unquestionably -- business. And but that the answer cannot continue I just like the answers cannot continue to be. So kind of basically anti consumer right at some point you -- the consumer what they want or they're gonna stop. Buying anything all together. Well the question is how are you gonna -- the entertainment industry -- 150 dollars a month. You know swear that this. I'm not going to use she'd done you don't hear that. Can't fat kid that they've spent decades bully me into spending that much in the first place and then now they want to spend that much again on Blu-ray like that it's an unsupported and well water like ethnic commercial break so that CBS and try to sell -- the next season CSI on dvd. Could be coming out and everything like that I am. The reason that they're trying to keep the dvd industry alive is that they wanna keep the Blu-ray industry alive because it does mark keeping -- of forced upgrade -- -- is itself and taken cumulative and support you don't like -- -- Go to the theater. Frank I stop you go to the theater I think that that sometimes. Thirty. And literally the last amendment that theater public. Are you kidding me make this -- -- at a cost 92 dollars and really and that no I mean it's just. Unfortunately just really I don't know that consumers are going to keep paying 150 dollars and I think it. That studios absolutely know this and and this kind of thing. The artificial windows -- and the like monkey with the market artificial scarcity artificial scarcity is the -- form of capitalism I guess that I don't like. -- kind of clean. Fancy and actually -- -- once the wind out of that that lately the sleazy world of Apple -- -- -- that there are at least half a dozen independent Apple and now it gets a -- sleazy and an iron out. For example I -- -- It's. -- Lets you -- who actually owns and you're getting mad at someone -- not won't sell something yet. Which. Got its -- -- like I'll give you the money. I'm not say I'm not mad at them because they won't let me steal it or because it won't give it to me for free like I'm looking for somebody to pay. To watch the movie on my schedule. And the consumer -- Although there are as Donald -- there are ways easier forms of capitalism for example. Just trying to through the entire Internet because you -- that you had ideas for everything that the Internet is totally bounded out even though you didn't seem to make them work. -- the -- the other Latin. Not like bread and doing that but okay -- -- foundered. A little patent -- and has now all. Filed various patent infringement lawsuit and then let me being let the here oh yes most of the Internet. -- also put out a corresponding press release saying. That in fact a number of great companies can Trace their Genesis to technology that was first developed at walker digital his company. In the mid to late 1990s and -- these businesses that not only change the way a rip people around the world live work travel and interact socially commercially but also give rise to numerous. American jobs IE. Your well -- world their fifth -- and now pay me. Good job well I I for one -- -- Because. You don't wanna have Internet I'm now because this'll provide so much dialogue threats on buzz allowed for months. -- -- -- -- -- the countersuit for the Internet -- him a lawsuit against Citigroup discover Wells Fargo and some others says that the committee is infringed two patents on. Quote a method and device for generating eight single use financial account number. A lawsuit against daily deal sites like group on living social and smaller sites that do the same thing allege that they infringed or locker patents. Including one that says. That covers a system and method where in a buyer purchases a product at a first prize. And that acquired the product from a merchant that offers the product for sale at second -- And -- compares them -- and -- -- he claimed that was invented. In 2001 the idea of discounted prices. A lawsuit against online game operators which he says violate a patent that essentially allows you to have an online leader board. And then a lawsuit over mapping technology filed against Apple Google and an -- on the new technology TomTom and many. -- him. Is a -- that you as a visionary clearly hit it with a and -- Commerce. And it is exactly exactly every and then tried to patent them and few hundred different companies for violators had executed -- -- Let you know as I can really doing the same position -- to be trying to catch and I he had -- I don't know. I would. -- -- But he noted how Altman and had sleeping giant pile of money through surrounded by beautiful women are beautiful and -- and beyond over the limit the thing it. In other lawsuit Friday news MySpace has been accused a lot to -- giving data to aggregators and giving awaited on its members without consent at 42 members that are a bit and if it. If lightning hits just keep uncommon for -- if the knee at the lawsuit alleges -- MySpace knowingly serves -- and profits handsomely from being conduit through which the details of the most intimate aspects of members' lives. As reflected in their Internet browsing history and otherwise -- transmitted to data aggregators Rupert. -- -- and I. And that they had to make -- many of them -- -- post that information. Now aren't. Ouch. -- well it is alleging that it seems to be claiming that MySpace was doing some browsing tracking. And then -- that browsing history. Information and -- personal data. -- it was on -- -- with that and information. Let's move on QQ. Articulate. And probably. Not. -- -- that it -- about -- and why buy the cow Taylor get off the MySpace. -- the public service announcement for you -- -- view it that quick it -- Where the lawsuit is actually continued a new class action lawsuits. Is targeting Apple over the iPhone -- app game currency purchases we talked about as a little out of parents were apparent in particular were upset. Because their kids. Were able to go into games and make. In app purchases in some cases into the thousands of dollars without having to put in like a passport now. Not funny money let's not name any during that -- a -- -- -- that the -- and make -- and not -- law. -- and make dairy and. Gary and that means -- little better -- geared metered and the kids and kids having a hard time right now and a feed. There's bad word OK but to add them is that he let his kids play with the iPhone iPod Touch or iPad and it and let them download these free games but didn't know that the games included virtual currency. They can be purchased -- real credit card transactions with no password and then and -- costing like human about. Yes math issue via ethernet and a -- -- Easy -- for Apple -- Silly. But Asian refunds people's money. I guess I bet you know what it ain't gonna be cheaper than litigate. Now because they have fixed that it added passwords back to dinner -- in -- Then they have that actually fixed the problem and I don't know if they -- eliminating it and if they do I do think Apple released the target getting -- the Apple. Think after they go up mechanics cricket share e-book sales have tripled in the last year. According to the Association of American Publishers. And the good news about that is not only -- -- -- the past year but now the -- a thing don't know. They're amazing we made -- a permanent addition to lifestyle and we're constantly. Redefining the time with confidence but -- I you know actually was a good idea -- -- It looks through that happening -- -- -- windows system and now it the publishers. The Nook Color speaking amoeba. The Barnes & Noble Nook Color will be available at staples starting may first. For its new low price of 249 dollars. -- existing low price -- tuner for media analysts and those yet it. I was on the fence actually just today I put together roundup of of our top seven inch tablets. Thinking that it is in is dramatic with the playbook and everything. I I was on -- and -- the McCullough in that -- because in it and it is an Android tablet technically. But it's like some -- Android features are buried underneath. The main purpose which uses e-book reader. -- yeah. Yeah. It's really I think that's a good idea how to get the market at avatar to pop. I mean one -- if Android market and. We'll talk that's as much totally the reviewer recommended. And then -- to look into this story apparently Madden EA has announced that Madden NFL twelve will launch on August 30. Whether there is in fact in NFL regular feed in or not. Damage. As -- cover. USA and well you like some weird -- like amalgamation of if you all of this -- -- a generic. But all in player at least they put them on -- -- there's no feeds -- and they -- -- the -- -- and the -- the four players in the -- there's still voting -- -- host voting onions yen for that covered him for players the -- -- the Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Brown turning back Peyton Hillis vikings are -- Adrian Peterson and Michael. Which once -- -- on -- A lawyer -- -- a higher. That they can get commissioner -- an article in a -- of money -- connect to the patent. How appropriate and if Micheal -- in Atlanta and other right don't think that is the end of morality as we know it that's just like that's -- -- That really is and a. Can how many times can I vote against -- -- -- I need a bot that I can as I'm about every -- for writers make it. The man upon him -- -- And as if there's not -- -- I tell you think that -- I'm looking at market Toshiba. Is launching a self erasing hard drives back and automatically racist content prevent their own data from being waning in the wrong hands. I love flash tape that story yeah -- awesome so that's pretty scary -- -- Well because it will sell -- It -- it the new feature -- -- -- feature detects that the drive is connected to an unknown. An undefined computer or other system and it it is -- the -- can neither securely wipe all of its data or just deny access to the data. But that going horribly -- like I just wanted to put. I'm on my new computer or -- -- a little motherboard reset her pattern or equity you know like -- or I archive our entire family history until this hard drive and -- -- -- -- computer and there it goes yeah yeah. CNET and I mean I think people would. People are buying this knowing that that that feature it's not just like. -- -- -- -- -- But that I had nothing commitment -- I -- is probably out. A government agency armored CIA dorks like -- enterprise are about how to you're -- -- at best. -- -- -- -- Yeah no it's super call the awesome technology into them and like Hulu wow you definitely want that to work that so we think that there's going to be some way to do it and some hackers someone smart -- -- Adelaide. You know build. Pulled back maybe maybe it needs to actually set itself on fire is by point and if there are now IPO -- to take people out would -- movement -- the app. -- need to take people out what -- like inspector gadget -- little smoke. -- -- unit of. Sad -- sound on an island school -- -- Ireland's move -- the happy ending telling. It's rare that a happy ending is so apropos. In this case apparently the what is being billed at least as the world's first 3-D porn movie. Debuted last night in Hong Kong Q we are told a full -- -- that he didn't they -- a there's lot of by the way to the guts out no way to keep the classic mode and a professional opinion all right it. It was referred to as 3-D -- and then extreme Ecstasy. It it moved people -- need to rapture. I I -- mean things. It pops -- screen yeah I. So I I I have a hard to believe -- this is the first time he's been used pornography or offer referred you know pornographic movies. The technology has been around since the sixties this is the first time anyone but actually make a porno and -- Maybe this specific kind of like. That this the kind of treaty right maybe is that media specific first -- maybe now I don't know -- it is it is at least being. Touted as the world's first 3-D pardon -- they thing. But moviegoers flocked to the it was a -- 3.2 million dollars to make apparently -- features -- swinging and not surprisingly some very graphic. The there were long lying. Apparently many in the crowd were women not shy about watching the movie and if that not normally mature movie Goer but that's what does -- good to miss. I'd like to -- -- at three people aren't public on the big screen. Which I'm not gonna -- Also what kind of an out I I want it I want I want -- interview I want to -- interviewed afterward as the and there were partly disturbed or early march may disturb. -- the whole experience. Critics were left underwhelmed. -- thing in they were not them they were not into this story. If that access a lot hammer the I can definitely imagine the rating of like the guys spilled popcorn when he's standing up and applauding rape the little icon in the stick save that creating its market. To get favored to completely go through it it part of bank of but public that they they are very pleased with it but the -- It whatever now -- -- -- can -- via movie industry across the board. Movie theater entrepreneurs in Korea Japan and even the United States are reportedly interest in interest in bringing it in there there needs and all it I'm going. Like every bit like the most out ordeal well meet up -- black -- I think it would never happened and states. And so many parents groups and people come -- testing is it would not. -- probably not but I don't want some theaters are certainly talking about bringing in -- probably to they're hoping for the inevitable protests that that's nothing but free publicity babies. Yes I let's move on to hear your email. I it we only have one voice not data with almost two minutes so out. Let's move on to the emails though leader on -- -- in Australia -- -- T-Mobile plans may not impose a megabyte limit each month. But they do limited download speed after two gigs they can't really call them and limited -- you. Here in Australia major phone company tried to do that for cable and AD SL Internet services and they lost that about -- in history. About that that particular legal battle and actually just having a conversation with them and and -- T-Mobile -- -- with things -- -- -- call -- unlimited. But I guess technically and I -- -- -- Arctic and they don't -- that the speed is going to be the same time but they don't turn off. The yes. And you know it arguably in limited in -- -- after awhile. Mike it's -- learned that I want to comment on power and water throttling -- South -- and we've been under water restrictions for what seems like forever because we have neck collar. Or email I think -- but they don't you know they don't throttle my water and don't charge me for different usage -- He says there's no restriction for water usage in the house just a higher bill for the more you use. But outside I can only watermelon tightly about -- -- -- -- on the -- banking -- find. The water to all been pretty active over the last years as for power I have -- -- in water heater hooked up to a device that will shut them down during peak hours. -- have a credit on my bill each month for having this device. Also can't power companies impose a brown out to avoid a black out I know these -- the same as throttling by an ISP but these methods are still ways to throttle usage of utilities. And now a good point about how -- they like no one -- dumb pipe. Not even for in the water and electricity. And then SL wants to take immediate tasks and my firm -- -- Apple's not -- do it TV in UTU I think. -- -- that I'll bet I know I said that Molly. -- says. Apple has never licensed software what makes you think they would start now also view the TV manufacturer working to integrate Apple TV software could you imagine -- -- Apple would make you jump through. But I highly advertised you have Apple inside of -- hardware isn't beautiful. Felt like a horrible relationship to be avoided at all costs easier on Apple TV bundled with -- remote can operate -- But that it. Software like their own software I can understand that but with they would have been doing this licensing that that airplay feature we four speakers that a party speaker manufacturer is -- -- -- airplane yet go from Apple devices to the speakers. And if Apple's working on a way to meet that. Video happen over airplay -- well yeah I think that having an -- play. Licensed TV would be no harder thing for Apple to do that an airplane -- speaker. Yet that's -- I agree with you. But it's a delayed from apps. Into -- 32 delays might actually plays an ice when it shows up on TV. Without the content and release an actual TE or -- -- accounts -- on Apple. No way you I think what I don't think they're not gonna release an Apple TV a specific -- Apple only okay. But I agree I think you're definitely gonna do apps are and then on Apple TV in fact we've had some little rumors that effect from -- -- -- the Chatham. Them. Thank you definitely see them doing that in an airplane built in Q -- mean -- -- arguably Apple TV we need the Apple team and an Apple body clock up the app acting he missed the whole TV that's another reason why they can't do that. Yeah they just can't. Continued had to call the Apple TV TV to the names that you can get at you like the weekly via the click that we mean nobody wants now nobody -- -- -- bear -- that. Okay let's -- time you've been awaiting. Hot computer -- -- -- -- -- He can't he be honored if -- and I gotta -- -- -- And they're both great work and I did a good example -- -- do that now you Lebanon that USA all you ask. I thought as I say just back the one I love email because you delayed rescued -- that we gotta get out. Jesse -- they -- it's totally out for a vote because just erected about the TV -- debate that we've been having. Into the lab wants to be in five and a half years -- and then see a movie in the theater in over a year. I -- district when Comcast raised cable prices after the digital switchover which was a scam. I like my gadgets more than -- like TV content and a fine I don't miss it and -- for -- that the wait too expensive for me to go about thirty dollars a person in my area. So I'd wait for movies to come out on dvd -- rent them from -- library make money from this MPAA. And I spend my time actually outside the living life with my gadgets. But my brother says that this is why I'm having problems finding -- girlfriend. Because I can't discuss the most recent movie and TV shows Molly do you agree with it doesn't matter to -- women. All I have had a girlfriend. He got the water cooler app I'd I'd say a lot and I want ship -- about an analyst ambulance. I don't think that. It matters that much but is worth checking in with -- Entertainment Tonight in a news -- some kind of got -- -- thing. There's I think universally every woman I've ever -- -- totally take a us magazine -- us weekly or whatever it is. And make it there's something universal about a woman's appreciation for a good gossipy Mac. And I wish arrogantly take exception to that and I think that's. But if you don't wanna be the guy totally knows all that stuff for -- that comes up a little bit unmanned. But I think that -- that was really working against you is that you're sup port attitude about not watching TV. That it. -- American really be a chilling effect this guy. Upload these things really well read -- a habit he's here he's in a value that guy is an expert I don't think -- and I think that's necessarily indicate that kind of I'm getting from my I go I live my life with my dad's yes I'm getting. I don't want you taking a woman out you know two or is -- lot of my. And hope that doesn't mean you're cheap on. See I am I'm a -- -- get a little cheap but I'm concerned about bacteria like -- ninety and a movie that's ridiculously expensive. But not time that's fine though it may be it may be -- -- there you know. It may it might be that -- tiny bit rigid. About the -- that you set up for -- stuff and I think that you you know like. It's TV read if not the most important thing in the world and so good for you for -- like pat -- satellite outside of -- think that's important but the act like. A lot of people do like it so it's really it's not that you don't watch TV -- -- that might be inhibiting you're getting girlfriend into maybe like if you're kind of mr. -- now. And nothing you are being watched and I will also say you know there is this planning and -- looking for ice breakers. You know bring up snow appeared something I got just that you know be affiliates and you can now actually. Our conversation. Except for pop culturally it's it's a shared experience and have something to talk about -- -- whenever IA. I don't even watch that much TV but whenever I meet one of those people is like. And I'd like. To read at I have we have nothing that yeah I. This is quite indicative of that thing that I'm not gonna like even if there were other things -- -- -- talk about like I you know what sometimes I work a lot. Got a little game like I wanna talk about the latest New Yorker all the time -- -- in the Arctic. So what -- that with the take away at what -- is television without pity dot com. Yeah you -- area three caps of currently running shows they get pathetic ads up on got kicked up into with the stars they I think that's actually really good about exactly. Does meet you know you you have to be part of the Comcast gambit got to be part of society. We've got no it would took people cracking up at right now -- -- the kind of get them or not. I I don't have like I don't have cable TV I don't get any in the Jersey -- jokes really had just know that I think -- everyone -- that well. Well I -- people out yet though. After the retirement like a cookie is a trashy -- drunk chick at it and get it right about a like a robot definition in the theater gave us lucky S is a trashy drunk -- but even if you say that it -- on some -- -- up but that definitely our -- our. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And that is our show for it today elected government rights to -- or be the girl without a TV don't want to go out with him that's their parent. Visit our blog BL well that's cnet.com or call us up at -- and -- excellent 6638. -- And email us all of your comments and questions to buzz at cnet.com thanks Donald angular and thanks guys thanks -- now what that speculated. Analyst Albert yen as an island -- but you're a champ. I have a great weekend they're ready we will see you back here on Monday Brian Tong will be back and we will hopefully have this CNET TV iPhone app fixed by then we do you know that's not working and we're working on and hopefully in six. I mean.

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