Ep. 1439: Google wants your face!
Ep. 1439: Google wants your face!

Ep. 1439: Google wants your face!

Today it's Friday April 1 2011. That's the buzz out loud my name -- beat him I'm Donald bell and -- -- on the things to come out everybody. I'm Molly laid out today -- just you know kind of -- little time off on this Friday so she logs he returned Monday but. And that's on April fool's joke now back to the current pop and out I had no way -- usually gone that's the truth some -- -- is not here but you know we are joined. With the more than capable. Donald bell. -- thank you Donnie thanks thing and do not call me to do not only Donny do that okay itself. I have you guys follow pretty vehicle -- April fool's jokes yet it's almost sometimes -- if you -- -- -- because there's a few things that you're just not sure right through it is not unlike. There's ST -- story about FaceBook using a building this relationship -- -- I for a moment I was like. Way know. That and and I said no. An island slated to open an answer that you guys hear any stories in there had held today that are April fool's jokes. In the chat room please let us know pretty much every story looked at this morning I looked -- with very critical that it. -- gallery it's like -- -- but it sounds like an excuse for us to take a day off the new supporting -- can't trusting an athlete so hopefully you can trust us and hoping that's what that's why you're kind of here we're also gonna -- we will talk ultimately prefer stuff. I would seem that lets get the stories offers that we've kind of talk but as long going battle with Time Warner and their iPad TV streaming app. Were you here we first mentioned thinks I I believe it would come out before the item enterprise announcement in Mueller present -- -- Time Warner Cable David -- and a little bit of backlash from their TV app that allowed you to watch. Top of their programming from their cable box. On an iPad in your home anywhere else and watch it live watch it live I was -- with the regular the killer feature another play any. Of networks and stations they Time Warner did not. Secure any specific agreements with -- in any of these networks before they did this because they felt that it was part of the current agreement we've seen. Companies like Amazon now -- -- pushing -- economy in the bold move to say. You know -- it's still a little gray we're just gonna go ahead. And jump into this with a cloud service and Time Warner with the iPad -- so channels like Disney Channel lifetime MTV National Geographic they complained. And they were removed so seventy channels removed from the Time Warner Cable app. Well this looks like it's gonna be a bigger deal because now fox. It just thrown out a cease and desist letter fox was not part of that group but now they on their own are looking at remove their content off the Time Warner unless they can. -- -- and -- gonna try and finally at a public channels on their but a lot of the major network that makes this such an awesome. Experience or idea. -- there -- it's this. Watering -- they want more money I am -- -- to me they don't -- -- someone else make a decision for them about how they get their content. On -- an iPad or how they get the content lives on an -- -- something that. They also probably want more money I'd imagine from -- Time Warner from what of the cable provider is that they're offering that service. -- that looks like. Doesn't come and Comcast have the same service are seen kind of iPad app for content. Comcast has an iPad app that is like DVR app essentially site Sunday. Does our that is a DVR app I've been -- Howard a lot recently England mention it to me. But they have an iPad TV app that does -- you watch. -- -- the -- and also you can schedule directly from the iPad but it's not. Now I have on your iPad it's it's a it's a remote in -- face. I mean that -- -- that app that does vividly and that they're splitting hairs about live TV and like what screen. You know you can watch that on it's it's the home. Is the home AI you can't -- think -- -- -- your home -- it recognizes that you're on a home network and then -- -- That way so it -- -- -- handshake to make -- you're not doing anything you're still seen the ads taking a policy adding your -- as what do you see as your holder and you're seeing the ads gas. And I get it. Like you said they felt left out -- that they did at least talk about this and maybe come to some sort of agreement of some sort of revenue stream. There's a couple -- but it's. It would just kinda be like -- plugging the smaller TV on to my kitchen island I don't had to. I think I think is probably what it is just enter -- it is -- new things -- scary sometimes half tank and you know but I like -- Atlanta brave new world it is well do you mind if they that we expect impact our jobs rely and the fact that changes like this happen on the week -- -- pasted you know through its -- executives -- at -- or whoever's kind of freaking out about this I'm sure it takes them a little while the wrap their head around after this the pilots and executives that press the big red -- that it's like okay stop. What's an iPad first -- possible. At camp and how -- how are we not getting paid by getting content on them in a big fat cigar and put it out on some meetings and in the. Is that -- as did send out an airliner's that I feel for that -- -- you -- it if -- -- -- burn and so -- Time Warner executive. It's Time Warner also launched the page. Called I want my TW cable TV app dot com the site is owned by Time Warner. Two intimate show that. Supports. For this initiative also Time Warner added that they configure the iPad exclusively -- work with in the home. So it could stay with in the writes that -- in the agreement that they worked on so. We will see what happens with -- clearly. Its its its descent to mean that thing is gonna go before it even gets gets -- and takes off. So on the good news for Time Warner Cable though just a quick footnote because I'm behind the table this article Time Warner did. -- seventeen new channels to the iPad application so sports channels news and public affairs networks. Debts after again they remove a lot of lobbying networking and efforts that we elderly -- -- -- -- that they buy it. At least they're on content on the place now I wonder when it's gonna be the day where you're getting it live TV over your iPad and -- your airplane to your TV. Get it on that. -- -- And a blue gas now that the app built into the app they could have Time Warner to -- legal that feature that yeah. If they want to tune in and wanna be turned about it its its long ago it's indeed actively -- why -- -- just yet and makes you need to directly at the cable. Also in other news showing how the TV and Hollywood industry is trying to -- With all these different delivery services Warner Bros. Sony universal and fox are planned mean. To launch a premium video on demand service next month. And much the protests of theater owners so what they're trying to do is throw that little window of time that we have before that -- -- movies in the theatre and -- comes on it's like. And around humans and 89 players and movies and I bet that there's there is the right -- sometimes you'll see a movie. A month after it's been in the theater no one see in the theater maybe the -- elected on a man but what they're what they've done is they've agreed to want to service called home premiere. As the official brand where the in the fuel offer -- movies to rent. For thirty dollars two months after it -- Vietnam let -- Are again thank you guys thirty dollars to Santa are you saying that sarcastically if it's -- okay that is okay first of all is totally -- that be even artificially manufactured this window -- time I believe that's what -- industry has been. Was at the same time a little genius and -- because we're used to the whole windows idea now via. -- look initiative but its its its only artificial this is totally they could do is flip the switch and you can start renting regularly tomorrow that they think -- maybe they fought all this time for -- artificial window just so that they could. They can convince people to pay thirty dollars for oil and -- that for the honor of being all to see it you know a week earlier than everyone else would. It's frustrating but I'm sure there there are. Maybe their people who do things on your theater. Enough or just. So claustrophobic. In going on I'd go to a theater. Org or four but that they wanna go outside the not yet and now -- that there could be some people went pay this money I think it's ridiculous. I am I'm actually. A look on the flip side of this I. -- like this I do feel that these artificial windows are ridiculous. But -- -- there are gonna go away anytime soon. I like the fact that okay someone some people in the terrible might be complaining about thirty dollars up a lot of money but. I think this plan. Is specifically geared. For the family Newton with the reader like three or four family members. Who really it's a pain in the butt to go I've taken my two nieces seven of four years old to the movie by myself. That's hard -- but as a family you could watch a movie before you have to rented you know online -- on these other distribution things. Thirty dollars. Eat whole eat at home into your nice little cushy home theater surround sound system. And watch them at home -- there is deserves this market that does can't go to the movie theaters the gap because of their families are -- to set up and if this is maybe -- its -- geared for. I I like that now you're -- your family man. Yeah and I see that balance the C you know when you paying a ticket price. 99. Quibbling over like how much that the price by climate today the move manufacturing that you are paying for this establishment. In your community. Stay open and to do dot actual work of you know. Taking the gum off the carpet and tend to be announced and shampoo and -- that flow -- have a little while picking up your crap Matthew -- well as stuff. -- -- -- -- manufacture or referred the Warner Bros. a stunning whoever to. Did take that money that otherwise be put in -- like look it's worth it. And we're gonna take all that money that otherwise be going to keeping the place up and running and it means that value proposition -- -- -- -- I need of a need to own that movie for thirty. There is there is a fear though that if they stay at home. They're not going to the movie experience and they might get conditions to just -- -- at home and -- ever going to movies buying. Eight dollar hot dogs that are thirty cents to produce current contract that like tens of degrees -- thirty cents for the theaters. I do like the option that -- here's one thing about the story the first two movies that they'll be -- -- will be L Warner Bros. Unknown. That had come William needed and how are also quite -- -- At the I reference guide your right here and right podcast and I -- this -- and then also Sony and Adam Sandler comedy just go with it. The key about this is the movies that they have to release. In my mind would need to be more family geared up to their target if you could get Disney films things like that for for the service off the bat. Then it's a little more it targets -- now there's -- it's gonna pay for this man now I realize that the I -- that I can recognize. Alcoholics. I they can't he can't drink and a movie theater not not -- -- theaters there are some laid out in there's another thanks a lot -- there was the one and local -- about it I think they've been there reopening a good degree BYOB understand. Is gonna be as -- -- great for them. Alcoholics have been forced either -- an alcohol. Or you know. And I think it's -- because it okay that apartment -- -- So your your verdict on this. Personal -- I I think it's I think is greedy I think it's it's this manipulation of that time window that is complete. BS anyway -- but you know who knows it might take up. I agree that it is greedy and it is -- manipulation of the time when no but I like option. Because I -- -- my sister and her. My and my brother who -- the killing of leaving and would like -- how. They'll we -- you know they tell -- we haven't -- movies via the three months of -- I would rather pay that thirty dollars to have babies at Urquhart. You know -- and -- haven't experienced. Yeah it would cost you more. It's worth it if there. -- -- we're gonna move on to the next story you guys might have heard about this. CNN did kind of an in depth report about Google making an app that would be able to identify your -- Google's been working on plenty of things they. Had a variety of acquisitions that point in this direction but they would use face recognition. So CNN. Sat down had an interview with apartment -- -- -- director for image recognition development to talk about the program called the Google profiles. Which would include your username phone number and email address. When it looks -- your face between these cameras now. Google has now rates at what personal data might be displayed. Once a person is identified by its base and what other information it can pool. But because of all the privacy concerns that they've had. They recognize that this is not something that there's gonna launch right off. Ran up the baton they're sitting on it they have it but they -- they coded. Pulled the trigger launch anytime a lot of privacy people are like what the equity and a deal with this how is this the freeway if someone you know because of your -- it links the -- -- social networks. Pulls in their data like how how effectively we've already Tennessee with Google has dealt with -- -- So. -- is an -- well I. -- is kind of exciting -- -- like this is one of those little brave new world moments where it it could go. It could it could change that you know how we -- and think about being in public spaces that we get tagged. You know some photo and then -- -- anyone who sees an image is gonna find out who we are what we do what we live astronomer might be. Even they've had some of those augment augmented reality apps -- You could hold that lock around when you held in front of Donald's space and I saw you know you're jeans size -- -- -- -- -- -- last places you were added board you know things of that nature. This this actually ties in well with like them the home movie viewing -- -- -- if he's standing in line for you now. The next Merrill Streep movie and take a picture -- Brian Tong. Like what the hell of my code and I got there Michael -- Diane -- one bit about how they treat play it and this thing. Did the Julia Child -- was -- -- so yeah I know of no more business to a lot more shop. You now. No more I don't know you decide to be very careful about where it where you might be pictured in public. So Google has said there they've begun to start to establish how the privacy features would work. Because in you know they need to have the right model to place also they did not say when they plan to release. Or if they intend to release a product I would say they're probably going to. Some time not any times in the near future but they they work on so many different they have the hands of a pot but. -- -- moment this is like the baby step between. Us started scanned doors with their eyeballs. This is the baby step before everyone starts wearing ski masks in public he realized that with that fifth this is the -- you do have a good fit our antenna that. That's ski mask she needs it or that their facial recognition make up Al confuse the software that's -- don't want -- see that little. Goblins and over 800 time you go out and so the debt all of this story -- -- sure that that sounds like some really cool -- and the thing is though that Google. Then claimed that the story was. Not true. Rate now. While they act all of -- -- -- Pick up his life go Google -- -- he says she said right so Google is saying no we didn't. They're saying that they had the technology but -- like look we we're not we're not saying that we're putting this out into a tool right now. There is some I think it was kind of threat as going to be possibly implement -- -- like Google goggles and cost there's agreement as historic mission Peter. There -- not saying that they're going to be rolling out the feature and anything. Anytime -- Yes search engine land wanted to get a quote from Google and Google said the story with pure conjecture. And completely wrong. Bat CNN is saying look we have -- on we have on record we have audio recording of the interview there -- a -- PR person in the room was prearranged by Google and they -- they had no objections during the time of the interview. CNN. Stood by they said no this action this is legit stuff -- -- -- -- -- that and I imagine that there's probably some very fast backlash about this -- for privacy concerns but. I say if it's gotta be inevitable they have the technology is probably you know. After all the Google Maps late automatically mapping streets and doing all that they've probably got -- -- with science really well right now. -- they've even been they've been testing internally and they. Have people sign. Elect a release form meadows site UK you do volunteer that lets the user base this week in due literally along with this data for now has tried -- -- 100000. Make this thing -- itself. -- will see I'm sure we'll see that in the future. -- future may -- -- how robots go outdoors for them. You know. We Newton. Everybody gets that and Donald -- be sending out death are ever gonna ask him to treatment leaflet. Think it was I -- I the company you want it. You don't want to believe okay I know we're gonna come back after that break we we talk about honeycomb -- and it's. Myriad apps Mozilla's also gaining a little traction with -- do not track feature and Acer. Wants to be more likes Apple is -- little in the eight. -- -- -- Welcome back to buzz allied everybody brand solid near the house -- of the old Salinas de LB jumped. And -- producer extraordinaire. Holding it down so it really jump back in the stories that wieger recently here at CNET -- a price by a between the iPad two in the zoom. A very well commented -- holy. People are people really line through that pain and yet people people analysts know how they feel and how much we suck but this is -- one month later. There's a story and -- technique talking about. How the honeycomb ecosystem has paired up to this point. And in the article at least -- -- one month after its launch the zoom has approximately. About fifty. Native apps for their tablet OS for their honey Android three point oh honeycomb. I mean it they have access to all of the apps you -- deal that it is the marketplace that were designed for phones but only fifty that are actually designed. Specifically for the tablet size and resolution experience and all that so yeah it's. It's gonna be interesting I mean hopefully they'll get some more momentum but right now all that Google is offering is one device. That is selling but it's not selling like hotcakes of the millions of ipads and being sold every day are sold out -- -- So -- until. I mean -- -- kind of Google's in a tough place because they're saying look. Where holding the code we're -- this be given the code out every tablet then known manufacturer -- factor that might try to get. You know. Honeycomb on this device or -- Gator you would never did that crazy -- -- of honeycomb. Power. And way up until now. Organ a whole lot of the code so if -- devices to build a trumpet about having Android on. But I think from a developer forum when he -- else means fewer devices that people are gonna be able to get and used apps on by their apps for so. -- -- there's that you know we talked about this a couple days ago about how Android is gonna change how they operate not been as open controlling partnerships with. Manufacturers to come out with a device that they wanna put their name behind -- say this is what this is the Android experience that we wanted to get. But at the same time you can see at least from. The zoom part. Gave a month later and fifty native apps. And the fact is and many of those apps are people really giving you and the fact that Apple launched the iPad with a thousand native apps yet I -- -- articles -- I mean that -- one of the things is also because now they're playing more of close the chest they're not getting developer tools out to all the developers. If they were all been open or if they had gone back to their openly as we probably see a lot of apps on the -- some good some bad but now the kind of wondering that in the problem that is. Apple has allowed their developers to get access and SDKs. Couple months before the product even comes out. In a -- -- built they've built that -- and you have this huge war chest manner of apps going against the zoom in. With the zoom is great for a variety of things but we one of the things that we knocked it on obviously was its -- its lack of apps and it's not really makes it feel like a different X. Yeah and it's it's tough I mean I wish it were not so -- it seems to be that more and more. These with that the way that people that the iPad is selling -- that the reasons the iPad selling if that. It's selling on the merit of its apps as much as anything else that it has this. Huge selection of different ways that you can transform the entire screen to this other thing when there's a pinball machine -- You know -- your Twitter leader board of all of your tweets -- at whatever it but it takes of the screen and transforms the device and the only have. You know fifty apps that we do that well for a screen that's gonna be a big knock against the device and has also it it it's spelling out. But if Google is having a hard time doing -- -- You know all the -- tablets that are coming out their own operating system that they're building a from the ground up HP. Blackberries -- and X operating system. You whoever else -- -- hunting with their own operating system on a tablet soon and trying to make. Tried totally copy Apple's one for owning the software and the hardware and making up all the profits and is raking in all that money. It's gonna be tough means Google's having heart and then what what hope is there for anyone else the catch up in the app. Tablet after the -- app developers have -- article mentions are okay to be fairly zooms and this is true the zooms the only Android. Or the only Android tablet market that's running honeycomb but even if you are the only one media. You should -- you should be launch with a nice boat load of apps. And yeah and it's like it's it's not like it's just out of pure. You know -- selflessness that developers are making apps they should when they should see is is very easy connection to the giant. You know pot of money at the end of the at the end of the pro developer rainbow. You know that -- and that's that's why in Iowa so successful -- not that people just love designing apps for Apple products is that there's a lot of money to be made it. Guys -- -- -- in the channel assignment I only care about killer apps but. The both. -- sure you could say a thousand maybe 500 them are really crappy but. I've complaining of jams just because of that number that may be my niece likes or maybe ill my mom likes that. People just and -- gravitating towards its discussed -- the killer app for you doesn't mean it's not a killer app for someone else. This -- it's like the shopping mall experiencing now use. It's just as fun to come across the weird shop that has the then he called the doesn't dollar store fart apps -- as it is about as long as everything's there it's a good experience yet. Let down. And -- is tough and and there -- a lot of comments in the -- -- about how liking how. How much the browsers important the device how much all the other features of -- important I agree but I also feel like when you're dealing with that. You -- 6101000. Dollar device range you're still up against notebooks. And devices like notebooks that do the browser experience. Very well they do the you know that actual -- -- -- experience very well -- not -- that -- existence bubble. They're competing with other types of devices. So it's tough but -- more apps or apps get on edit Google. They need to get that industry support now someone who's getting some -- sport is Mozilla. With their do not track -- we've talked about this this is one of the features that Mozilla put into their browser if the do not track setting. What it is and enables users. To not be tracked. Based on cookies or their behaviors. On web site that they visit. It's kind of like -- do not call list for phones but they do not track list for web browsers so that they put this feature and with the hopes that it would be able to partner with sites. On that would then. Work with them so it could actually have some standing and -- now says that the AP news registry as implements support for -- do not track header across 800 of its news -- With 175. Million unique view visitors. Also on there working. With digital advertising alliance which is looking -- incorporate that as well. But it's a feature that we were we always said well we'll see how many sites are how many -- -- -- really jump on this because. So it doesn't help. Down yet is weird to think about how it's not in their best interest to comply with this by it and hopefully it's not a lot of effort on their part -- it. But I can also see how it's it's in it is in their best interest -- not serve ads to people they know don't want them you know especially if it if they're putting out. Even -- now odd couple pennies to -- and -- to somebody over and over again if they note pages. Don't spam somebody's -- be taking -- clicking on it not worth it. And it's it's actually almost. A more it's a pretty business savvy idea from the website side where they're like we want to keep these users long term and not anoint them yeah -- -- -- to -- sure but if they get the point where it. We've seen if people are kinda sick of some of our ads and they go you know what I can't do this anymore. I'm going to go somewhere -- the track. You think it's necessarily like an ad blocking thing to it's also -- -- tracking where -- coming from from other sites and kind of honoring your privacy that look we're not. When -- trying to look through your browser history -- cookies to figure out where you Dan. -- so I think it's a good thing for humanity. Go humanity and in a human that may not be so happy Acer's CEO. Chief executive. Gian Franco loans he has resigned. There were disagreements behind the scenes of the board over the future direction. Of Acer which is currently the world's third largest PC maker and they reported a -- -- for the future. You know profits now somebody -- behind the -- though is -- because it was kind of a conflict of philosophies. According to the board. According to reports from engadget and others the board was wants Acer with the new Acer to be more like Apple. And less like HP they're looking for higher profits higher margins and higher -- the instead of the velocity that Quincy a attack which was to aggressively -- volumes and a scale to get cheaper cheaper prices for suppliers know we saw. How this played out in the netbook world right at that your Acer was a pretty hot company. The the prices of the products were low but eventually with the whole netbook craze dine out people kind of figured out. And it and they said I want something different I want that the more I tried to netbook -- but. It's not experience and I want for the long term. Another -- and it. Yeah and it's it's great to wish to want to be. Company that runs like Apple but -- like there's there's no other companies that are run like Apple you can't say. I you can't say I wanna be like Apple -- when the company's -- would -- I wanna be like this. But in their DNA the people that they've -- or how they've been built. Doesn't is not in that direction you you can't just flip the switch like that you can change -- management it's it's the Coulter it's the people it's everything. Even if Apple weren't Apple right now they would have pretending Apple and -- something which statement I'm like the start right now. And say I wanna -- the flip a switch and no word are coming direction towards doing more kind of high and walled garden products where we we did manufacturing in the operating system -- what however there. The thinking of that. It's it's you can. Can't you can't just make that happen overnight as the at -- have to hope that they note that. Diet. I would think that Acer and and in their DNA for the netbook and making inexpensive products and winning on that front to do an overhaul -- try to make. You know more premium based products that appeal to people based on that in here. And ease of use or -- lord style or whatever it is its its -- the main break we'd do a brand. -- -- that direction after it's been. So well known as -- expensive. You notebook. Yet just just to give an idea of how Acer is matched up with Apple to profit margin in the last fiscal year was just 2.3 percent. Apple's 21 point 5%. That's a big gap. Now to replace Clancy GT wing will be their temporary chairman and CEO. And he said he plans the more effort into expanding its Smartphone and tablet business while two. Buddy ministries -- I. I'll tell people right now just stop making tablets. But it actually isn't a domain is yet I don't and I don't mean -- -- -- totaled Apple iPad. And by do you feel like Apple is really on industry for this huge head fake where they they're making -- faction believe that people want a tablet. But it just seems over and over again that the -- The world is proving -- just want the iPad. And what's gonna be it was gonna burn so bad. Is when Apple turned their back on the iPad eventually but it stops you being that this money train who says movie people over to laptops again. And with an App Store on them. And like the entire industry -- just LeapFrog -- few more of an app based system for notebook computers and avoided this whole. Mess. That that's a really that's a really -- take on the situation I agree that's a really good -- -- right -- in other news in the mobile world HTC thunderbolt looks to be potentially. Outselling the iPhone four at Verizon stores I don't know if this is necessarily a shocker or surprise because thunderbolt is. An outstanding phone and we've seen a lot of people -- have the iPhone. This is a report in the boy genius report. Let's see -- based on the specs -- it is basically in a base in -- an analyst called. About a 150 direct -- -- different why Verizon Wireless stores to find out which device was selling better. According to the analysts and his you know little phone calls survey and I would be annoyed if you -- -- that many sellers 61% of the source of the two devices were selling at about the same rate. 11% of the iPhone was -- -- was on -- And 20% said they were selling more -- Smartphones. Will day ago that was a very scientific -- you know I read this headline. I threw it in our rundown of and it didn't pan out as good as I think it's an. And -- enough for me to say that at least today -- thunderbolt is selling as the Atlanta April fool's joke because I. Saw the headline and literally it was a guy that called public dollars he he -- the legwork value is when he two stores. -- culminated in more phone calls I make -- and they all the 150 alligators don't. Feel relieved that -- with their audience like. I thought I'd be shocked but I am shocked and 150 that's Matt that's not -- -- -- -- Yeah he is using on the site development so I'm gonna give -- people are buying -- honorable I would just -- he would be like Al -- council. -- -- Okay so -- -- easily of that I think ultimately it. You Rhode Island where I happen only those fast and furious those. Our right and FaceBook has -- 250. Million mobile users and their treating them to a unified mobile website experience it's been. Fragmented the keyword with a different website on different devices touched that basement dot com and and dot FaceBook dot com -- -- that dot com was. Geared more towards a larger touch screens per say but they're merged them all together so think -- FaceBook for making life a little. Reference and it also it helps FaceBook got to -- it's the only -- to program one change that and implement a change -- to do it on one platform. And -- ruled out that have tended to all the extra work. -- opening and maybe roll things back Ojeda feature that the roll out and cut in Medicare at one place Austria sound -- good it. -- we have we have PlayStation. The phone or PlayStation games are now available -- market but you've gotta have the PlayStation phone Arctic man. Notice is the experience play we talked about how one of the app developers have their app taken down yesterday or a few days ago and it and made some noise in the blogs about it. These are again PlayStation one games. I'm just saying in -- I haven't played a PlayStation I'm not. Relieved that -- -- even if I did have an experience play. But the games -- wanted to follow format. Cool okay also in a full up. Bunkers we mentioned how to be giving DC after an immunize their announcement sold out in less than twelve hours -- -- you guys wanna get a ticket for WW DC. You really looking hard for it you might wanna try eBay. If you are all and if you are big ball of ticket prices. For WWC -- -- standard retail price or standard price at the website was 1599. Somebody is tickets are going for over 3400. Dollars. For two is that it's -- -- tickets via -- it's closed up 4000 I've I've seen individual tickets hit 3000 on eBay -- -- search right now. My name and that leave today am even -- lead -- -- go home and that manufacturing fake tickets and someone money. I imagine you could make so much money just making fake tickets it's crazy idea -- -- -- it's like I'm going to go to any direct sound in. And -- and -- -- right now for WW via a single WW DC ticket right now. Is price that -- the bit at -- hasn't even ended 3774. Dollars and 83 cents. -- -- -- It got running in either. Buy it now I that -- could buy -- now 3900. Dollars up from one of on and you know what they're getting pretty close up price temple. And I mean I guess if you really feel like. If you if it if it's your career depends on them being there and learning all the different you know new tools we have at your disposal for making. Apps and software for Mac then it's worth it. It's crazy it's it's like. I think its own little economy you thought the iPad was selling for -- on -- again -- -- New is that Twitter the Twitter app. It's finally losing the annoying quick bar feature at the top that was just pointless took up space and -- -- that you. It would show like the training topics it was an overlay on top -- to -- repeat whatever you'd wanna. Dragged down to refresh your feed that -- would get in the way it was affectionately refer to as the -- bar the -- the played. -- cable -- via the dock bar but without -- The -- are very little plane. That can look at about -- -- Yes so at least they respondents it was I hated that thing so I'm an update immediately also line in a personal story. A Netflix is adding Fox's lead to their line -- Yeah all right -- EM how the (%expletive) this up this you know -- real to watch it on the iPad using the Time Warner. This them you can now does get -- product Netflix if they're old episodes it's not running in Seattle change is fair enough but the only -- -- -- it -- and -- and you right now so let's go I'm happy you're happy thank you -- it is bits -- of that article served no purpose and others enemy. Eighty okay you know what it's April 1 we have a bunch of happy endings and we wanna tell them to tell them to use. For them to all of hello all of -- all of them to all of you use the Toshiba. Is this is historical Stephen. You wanna talk about -- thing I like the analyst you talk about this little thing. -- Toshiba has created 3-D monocle the first ever in the industry and it's pretty impressive -- in an on screen. Bring in -- -- back in general area right yeah amazing super hit. -- how long -- we should have a monocle -- how long can you hold them monocle. It's it would -- I think this team ansari have like you now -- and practice mama Cole eye socket muscles is a really great video about it the moderator. If -- video man is what things look like through the monocle. -- -- One I -- -- 3-D experience. -- -- -- Anyway that's a death. -- -- awesome thank you -- and they're calling it the spectacle 3-D while awesome. We're not -- -- and that's that's cool article -- that that's April for rules little tricky. -- now -- and if you guys gonna YouTube they have this whole little video when and it would not initiated the website but. If you go to YouTube they're doing this -- 1911. Little promotion. And they've put up a video of the top five moving viral pictures. From 1911. It's really not that funny so from from the for be fighting could you know we I think we did get -- is good if fear for your monocle viewing if you have that monocle as the pink -- it's like -- -- -- get through it but -- video that we love. Is the launch of Gmail motion man can change life as we've -- the connect but you know motion this is this is something else out as well. This allows you to use gestures. To top to access your in also do had a video -- okay we're gonna we're gonna watch a little bit of this does. This is how whether you're looking lagging and -- in your email whether you're listening or watching right now its its monopoly. Which of movements that replaces -- entirely. The movements are designed to be intuitive alerts him not yet -- an easy to do media studies over the tally yet started in the middle. Okay let's -- material from the top. I my name's Paul McDonald on the product manager -- Over the past decade advances like touch screen technology -- transform the way we interact with personal electronics. However when it comes the email we still rely on outdated technologies like the keyboard and mouse. Technical we've been thinking about how to solve this problem and today I'm excited to share a new development with the we call -- Gmail motion. Using your computer's camera and special tracking algorithm Gmail motion interprets physical movement and turns it and actionable commands. For example to open a message make a motion as if you're opening an envelope. To reply simply point backward with you found. While use both hands. And added it's like a -- and -- it down. We've been working with experts and most of the technology -- accident. Okay game enjoy the rest but it's get a it is like the movements that -- -- do you leave everything on this ballot this very day and what they want to be the connecting the -- Motion tracking mail. Oh man -- is gets -- together Gmail motion video what the -- and then in another thing to note this is any proposal. I Angry Birds brand so many things this could be real check this out this these are the Angry Birds. -- -- Salty that it salty to take that eat the -- that I can that I there'll green hue at the green pigs. -- an -- -- that the tagline all pigs must die. -- wow that's amazing -- that. I. -- -- -- Except that -- -- -- litigation guilt that -- I think you can check those out at thing geeks website if you're instant if those are real. Someone tell me and someone send me back of the things. I don't know and it blast last April fool I know we're like -- into this and a very op agreed -- them right now but the last. They know we have to show you here is we did some searching on the Internet and there's actually a couple. Of them out there but yesterday we had a huge breakdown where Molly -- cried for five minutes and with the smart fart app. And -- and -- hold. There is actually. A smart far. Like. I have I think I've checked it out it's introducing the smart part app map app features including smell recognition. Food so far handle my -- Measures surrounding air speed or dispersal predictions uses GPS triangulation. It could detect the location of incoming parts XL router gyroscope respond explosive emissions. And patent pending shark -- -- -- I'll man -- -- even -- Google though the for the face detection might actually get down from the -- detection level down. And -- bracket in place that little placement flags and Google Maps for all of your leader you know yes no emissions. I would recommend you guys check out it's a smart fart app dot Blogspot dot com thoughts I'm gonna tell you this is an amazing app that I plan on -- seen if it indeed. Does exist I think you guys can actually. A click on the iTunes link again it's so light you'll wanna tech now this is the follow civilization it is it is -- for the end. All right let's go -- out to the feed -- loop. -- RI we you get a lot of calls here and we like it when you're honest with you really feel about us so we wanted to play this voicemail. Two -- express the voice of some of our listeners and viewers. There are and what -- -- You know what you were shall -- Wanna let Almonte -- such -- Anglican. -- And netbook start. -- his little toolbar ul -- call what can I think. You you Koppel in electric. -- -- -- interpret alt on the computer operator is that if you're purple and whole -- or content of your show are. Hurricane three. You actually had people in the chatroom going. India had you know Jack W -- -- -- I'll jerk currently in a -- hello Brian singing. About I think that we now we keep up with a host of -- have learned my lesson I'm doing it for the band's name them okay. -- -- on the -- -- one week we called you guys out to send us your idea for. I don't somehow appeal inspired day or just what -- we sponsor and tree and look for it -- it was like remembered that Dayton yesterday so. This coming from Gloria Dunlap in response your call for treated -- show fourteenth the -- I suggest you create. Computer love day it would be a data celebrate people were brought together by Internet dating. FaceBook Twitter and other online functions we need -- data recognize these new forms of communication that bring otherwise hermit like -- people together. And we could celebrate with XX. Asking if they like national sexting -- Alia. On -- -- -- they -- the -- on the same love it Gloria that is an amazing idea. I like that we're putting that into the -- contenders. City guys and yet to catch up to listen to guys and gals yuppie capitalists and it. The podcast send us your ideas to byte at cnet.com of what. We already had smart -- day we had computer love day I like ambulance to a lot so now might be the winner -- this thing come up with something -- Are right on the next email this -- comes from Daniel on Thursday show you -- that Google's plus one does not integrate Twitter or FaceBook I'm here to tell you it does at least from Twitter. Yup delete your Twitter and FaceBook account your Google profile to get this feature. Aren't things Daniel but it doesn't work with -- -- -- I'm. I from. You know I'll believe you because I just don't know exactly how it's integrated how you know. In -- I don't think they're gonna tweet all your friends -- you just plus one that's. It's very more isolated to the Google Buzz social experience but if you -- -- not to get in on May be people actually use it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's an excellent gave. This legitimate from -- from Montreal saying just let you know rim is not joking around and comes to marketing its playbook here in Montreal. They just started the countdown for its availability at staples on every screen at the store. Here's a shot of the big posters. In French from all edited and -- -- -- -- and it. But down -- -- -- some there's some apparently is posters here to show -- but I believe you I believe rim is not messing around when it comes to the playbook. And can. Indeed they can't they can't afford to mess around Atlanta home turf. -- and then I'll do this -- one tooth. And this is. Paul from now only saying aloha 'cause it bugs crew -- it out -- I can to prosper as my -- -- the something done about. -- -- -- -- -- I'm listening to show 1438 -- -- he got -- Paul Allen slamming Bill Gates story and you're feeling bad for -- -- little bill. I know you guys a young seriously may not remember the old days of evil bill. But he was a vicious competitor who left a trail of decapitated opponents in his -- I know he's -- are now about -- Mark -- how sweet he was back end. And Brandon why bring this ran -- -- now he wants to sell. Why bring this -- on bill now he wants cells but you're right -- alone does -- -- but we know that think you Paul storm from -- aloha to -- as well. I just think there's a certain time plays -- soul who after the fact. That it does you no good. It's like complaining about that acts that cheated on you and broke your heart and stopped on you when you are married happily with the Bentley twenty years later and that is why it -- a stack implementations. Excellence and there's no need to do with it. Anyways thank you for the emails are guys that's end of this show where -- -- Computer love for Monday. We have a bunch your emails and if you guys have any voicemails please send them but we will do computer love. Monday it's been two weeks we haven't that it we have plenty of pent up love for you. I thought oh yeah I know I'm scared were ready to release it it would no rule. I'm -- -- right you can check out our show notes -- -- that cnet.com call -- call me 180616263. Send your emails the buzz at cnet.com but otherwise enjoy a great weekend. Things are coming out Donald -- great ideas and great to be here because always wants -- -- next week the U plus one. That's our guys and you'll see a have a great weekend. --

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