Ep. 1432: Where we tell him about the Twinkie
Ep. 1432: Where we tell him about the Twinkie

Ep. 1432: Where we tell him about the Twinkie

It. What's going on everyone it's Tuesday February 25 2014. It's good for Porsche on CNET I'm Jeff back to life just got Ariel Nunez back there running bored with hide our L high enough power it. So you'll likely pretty dangerously on the program. By doing that I mean dangling our job in front of ourselves because you've decided to bring. The president and CEO of CBS interactive on the program usage inland don't thank you sir thanks for being on. Are stepping out. There and a little bit slow you guys back there who don't I think it's a game that chop chop a yea and thank you for being here sir thank you for having had a beautiful. Studio that helped pay it forward yeah yeah it has user tax dollars similar I don't and you actually do that in the beginning when we are the other studio you can see the improvement hand to what do you see it and hat I can't believe all this you know that's not automatically make all it is special breed some rich mahogany hair is little difference you know I'd muted that pollute their own yeah I don't have time I've truth that we do you need. Lake in the Burgundy jeans and leather bound book perhaps. Sure to type the whole room again. Okay displaying your your cartridges are people I have read out from here to tell you a loser non current. I don't know if you know of any photos and yeah that's not what I would type it all Alltel and I'm a listener. Or you clearly you have in Leo you run gains thought you know a lot about video games that's fantastic very encouraging her welcome Kirk. So we got a lot to talk about today we have purchase stories we'll get to who wanted to pay tribute to our Harold rain this because we know how big and you are Susan's work. Right here that while you are and obviously we can't contribute. To such a fine. Generally knows and I was surprised who's in Maryland we all like the first goes cluttered and I was in the cabin Weirton from the airport yesterday and I her in the radio and something about. Some dying and then they mentioned crossing the street. Logos that's one of the ghostbusters so I thought of course. Would you pick to die alert. And you don't so you can get accurate I that's what I thought notice I'm not saying you've got but it don't create that I always is that I. That was my initial solid in Akron and the healthiest and I mean I didn't know there are agreements is not doing well. The I didn't know he was suffering huge arms he is the huge loss and I just I don't know man this one hurts. You know Sharon. Animal house stripes. Multiplicity. Of different because the amount similar to my new data center every time you didn't heed the united he directed multiple yet. Learn something I didn't I didn't notice on it and ground gently at the corners do we don't know about that he had like that year one movie with Jack black and Michael Serra. I'm bad and we've got on the road a little bit perhaps I think you've done. Caddy shack in the mountains right to delete messages you can does that. And there are people I feel like a lot of you didn't know that if you know that he wrote and directed caddy shack. And I think that's something that Odyssey opportunity. The death of someone before you really find out more about it. Cannot get taken a mission and how can we go any further the point that out because and it about it and look at the size. Now reaction genuine and you're gonna be exactly I think I analyst does that do not just happened it just happened. Too because this show for you out now now it's not even to like eighty minutes how do you. I don't know I just needed is an Internet in my life without lots of them but now I have the and that's exactly and so many of those movies. Can airhead. Error has not quite as good but there are directed by children don't put. I would items are we there yet you can't if you mean air I don't believe that I'm looking Ellen and up. Head with Brendan Frazier was Shannon yes. Nursing that I am not a no no that is on the Leo I don't either way it is seamless. That that's crazy when I first heard that I saw it. You had like. I like lost the weird that so yeah and down into the Canon. Happy cued up. Who does these reviews is that Internet. Could you forget to let you guys out there that you know pop culture and dine you and technology here guide view on Syria we want to and obviously our listeners are saying no you really like for you to pay a tribute to administering this is obviously. We had something we would pour one out there right here this is this one hurts. For me and growing outlook ghost busters it's like and it's one of the ghostbusters died in to me like you know that the eleven year old in the cried a little bit it's something it's it's a major DO will what is your favorite Harold rains moment movies. Was. Both movie I mean because I've scientifically analyzed at that as checked is the planes and I learned yet echoes that Aaron if you if you put it up against others and you want to back and forth you'll you'll find that. So movies without having line and it's just there's too many. On. That it troubles me that you still have not seen it if you had to do you think you've seen other. Albums films that you've built really deeply set broken data knocked up you had he was also an Orange County into dean of outlook Princeton's red. A he delighted he is not due airheads you cream of the time he added that the user involvement and you didn't read or write it but yeah every right to it. Are involved with producing maybe it was him that medical terms. Anyway we pay tribute to narrow rim is. To understand now and emailed corporate Canada com and we'll go over some of you guys see how religions for the next show are let's get into the tech stuff. Big things going on mobile world congress in Barcelona Spain. You've basically got our own we have our office out there they're doing they're saying are and we'll talk obviously about the biggest new that the galaxy S five on talk about that. I myself on a big sword and heard guys just really sparked my interest what. TC are used to be seen the phone do you think it's. It's a little larger and there you have it right. Would have how we assume that both content or India and yet so I don't know quite as people in Barcelona holding news didn't sound and it seems that the recent Apple launches where there's dozens modest upgrades and not revolutionary. It looked a lot like the and so on that board still. And had a plastic backing me I mean this is happening on each side in the field right here and Apple will come out these incremental update end. Everyone just chalk up to being underwhelmed. But I'm you know and I and I talked to my buddy list I might argue like hey you know due CDS five are you excited edit. And every once I add wanted more. What else do you want in this older it's important widow slick immediately that looks and what each year and I go what feature are you missing in this phone besides. You know white in you can't really. That you got it like well I mean to get it now you typically it'll that it is waterproof but put emulate what else do you want out of the cell phone. I remember when the export cannot do is. It has only knows gimmicky features on and that's what people really complain about with the launch was that there is out feature that that you. Turn a page on. Just shaking the phone yes and I never it would look at your eyes. Right to order the one and you were looking at it and display new information do you do it like that not make headlines anymore yet people don't really care what some. Some friend. Security feature on the Apple really do want to gain changer again convenience. But in an Apple does not bigger screen yeah that that building empirical now. Yeah I think about something that does a pretty good idea salute. Key it is huge and I in I've been using I mean. I also think that some terms of where is it on the eyes at how denied on on the realized that there it's kind of component thanks blood on but yeah I just. For me I don't think I hear all the time and then it will put you on the night and a I just want them this is the app I found that has got to be that it was like well. What do you want it freaking fast its just that it'll be the fastest Android phone ever made yeah as far as I can tell. So it's very patient gets played out. When our crew gets back from Barcelona. Hopefully we'll have this unit in hand yeah we'll get to do deeper dive company that they released was a new version of the galaxy years watched yeah and I knew that's. Rather bleak of them a lot of sort of fitness tracking out yet begun into anatomy got get. The biggest attendant is a little girl so hasn't made you consider. I root mean more conscious of not being that are like it's just like reading your New York is truly useful to you walk of life or death in California you only drive. Yes so just like you've got in an air card you're only people who that you and I. What do you think yeah I maintenance. Korea honestly I've been using it since Christmas. And do it bit my buddies had a product error. It's kind of seeing newer release does it just I don't go watch and make him more visual debt to give breakers for that there are down Luciano I'm I'm in the Apple one of them distance. And while taking them down and Mike what exactly it doesn't take your old smash we have that and. Are so the best side is gonna have a heartbeat monitor in it which I guess you just sort of use with the something on the back and are you let me where you review remains skeptical that. And nobody had a Samsung launched and it does your money depleting and I think I only do you think about it and I'm confident that in the but I. Anyway as it's just I don't want community and has written right now. Of the gear is called so what do they call a secure fit. Yet so that is that at Intel wearable yeah little device that features though. It track you're Sloan. If you lose your own I guess you could always just call your phone doesn't put it actually editing where you can find your phone. From the thing which is such an announcement this should no matter what we're well that and I note little things it. It's like petition and yeah it automatically to the bar as well yeah I understand like they got it does Katrina. Here are some of the more wacky stuff we found a on the Internet today on what kind growth coming into the healthy or yeah actually it's amazing so healthy is obviously hugely popular and arrow sticking them all the taking pictures of yourself not a new thing out of the term is no YouTube Internet in the event. Memorize the jet database that the reason like minority urban camera car and running back yeah. And having a little like a daily camera regular drive there and absolutely gunpowder back into the antenna and a one guy holding up that I think my only understanding of old time you photography head back to the future certainly do well there understand. Like a lightbulb would break every kind you think about what they like put some sort of powder in a black device in regards violated the one thing he told Marty not it is right. Don't sit. Don't change the past you know Ontario and on about right and it. And then the whole with the business and asked about the rest of the good about it at the job Marty's work faster we'll sell these. Due to popular but. Unfortunately they may be contribute to an outbreak of headlights. Among young people how you young anglers so dirty. Did you do that human hair was really do adjournment. As news that it says that it kept coming up and you're learning a lot to that particular. To get rid we will be here like every month it's and you lose roller trailer rulers. Today and if it. According to marry until marking the quality and she runs a headlight. Purification. Studio out in California that her words. On she's noticing an uptick in headlights and she can act. We young people because they're leaning in together and touching their heads while they take LP. Because they're not all like making out and rubbing up against each other TV's got video these they're giving it. It could be that that would happily unit I mean do you let's be realistic nor around. I really don't touch in head. It's not just result it is not right you're looking at me with the. During the cruise and this is delighted topic gubernatorial. Real and we wanna import brilliant idea for a boy we have good luck outbreak in our our house or ridicule my disgruntled and school policies and everybody knew how to abuse a shame to called love bug in a decade. Yeah I had does is terrible yeah right it just really go too close they're in the wild wild object reference. A girl I was young my monthly need to the ball pit and the Donald. And I got lights from there and after that I never going to do another one of those they actually did crawling with little critters that this is the Petrie just yet to go is they're writing the media or force them to make it even but I thought I did oh you're gonna come home and I admit I didn't get. It out where it is not currently there are those that are like. Finally c'mon let's talk about the one thing that is is gonna make their own offices to the Internet of the picture. I place in this. Let this is what you wanted to I wanted to from the run an oratorio ones voting here talking in the Borough that oh okay yeah should do is go to the road but I'm gonna go to the road or to collect error. So this is good news out right now it's called bro app. And it's very simple in its function all it does it and automated sweet text messages to your girlfriend. Slash significant other couldn't give you more time to hang out with deeds. On the wire out you can program this to send. Pre written tech. Here light your girlfriend whatever saying Hamlet you sweetie you know it doesn't and a girlfriend voice duties that you would become blocked it. Content. To basically make sure that you know that you retain your thinking about it you know when you might not. So I have a I have a question about about how this works yeah so I just personally don't think that the bro. Like that's typical stereotypical sort of do you yes it's the kind of guy who would have the foresight. To like protect himself. Around and during a situation where you control it is significant now threatened for days that's not the with improved thanks to approaches does. Did you prepare is to protect themselves from what we return home. My fingers you agree with that lawyer and I think should be kind of girl who did you guys. Who would be using that app does probably she's probably are done tendered it to get a tax policy. Any idea is that it out of it and it though adding there's just no way to do not read I mean it's it's it's here that every person that just. Doesn't realize you're getting rid canned messages. You know that the user I got every day there are good did you do bro yet. It really thought about all the utility you know wanting it because pretty cool that you can input your girlfriend wife side. Password and it'll know when you're inside her house still won't send and that is why your neck and eating dinner right connect it doesn't sound like a rootkit do we know it neuron. That is bad. I'll and you don't exactly usenet alt on the spec and it's just a PR campaign to print something I don't know what. Does that is included advertising did apparatus yeah I mean it doesn't need an active directory integration and more power marketing and get occasionally we don't have so we're just you know there's no imagination or we can't really really you know I do you hear it and security loop. Sort of. You know it's your fault we're gonna blame you for that palm would expire before we talk maybe pressed a little more shocked about this interactive I do wanna bring Hubble photograph that you yourself chose as your Twitter profile picture. And would like for you. To go through this image if you could bring us up here on the screen. Are okay so what exactly I was okay red. You don't pay craters on you don't in my background which was rendered in real people for people that are out loud movie background is via outlook includes served for the Star Wars Christmas special object which was on DBS and other things considered okay so you're decadent or discard your third behind and ended up in your. I oh. Little verify those. Yeah yeah there I mean there has taught him that I'm mentioning. In the cool yeah that's better did not negate the profile. So altered to emulated and the one that I'm overlooking a hero looking are mysterious man zone and I'll look kind of vehicle is that. I'm so that would be I'd too ladies DX with he talks a good idea about heat out. There you stick survey of us only an audit and that thing you know. Offbeat used car market probably out of like auto traders and that I read them eleven and you're gonna get 1988. And you keep it rolled up in your back pocket and everyone you meet that and do not to groom gonna not a about it. Well why their pictures and I mean did their because them. Looking like I think I'm awesome yet Smart. I'm pretty sure that my parents to particular. Night and I didn't know nothing on their pictures who is the populate while I don't think I'm gonna bring that restaurant beautiful answer and that's so beautiful block externally say it's amazing you've got this. For today grin I get Italian and you know broken here and I couldn't grow a real. You know on trade lawyer accused of American grew like a real Molly bray and hisses. A blah retain the ability to edit and upload the data is a real you know. Edit and print it it would create under at a baseball has apparently it's just that on the whole. Loader program like a giant had considered. A good but the London. Yeah dude just did that I'd choose that some food is about as bright excellent yeah that's you know good reason not active rely on and India and in that I blazing saddles before that always just imagine those. We have a picture of. It does some do his picture view while owners and so some people call me Jim good you can just call me Julia and I. My error in the film is when he's in the in the prison. With. Bart. Share. He's gonna you're going in the because he's the children's hands and bark at stadium Barack. Immediately issue with this but perhaps that the that could be the greatest fill out another film to learn knowing they're not my idea related changes. You have an actually united ID change truth yet I was doing this appears to boot to about mark result but. The my investors who don't want Dawson from Dawson's Creek there crying sure yeah I know I can every. The guy yeah. So a lot you're in town only for few days you're here doing a series of small hands. Which I would like and that most of my news this revealing you know line and you need to put a circus people and he's like I don't expect people small Harriet. Have another advantage of I want I want no idea of C you do in this cult core. Yes you know a lot of them do the CBS interactive. Or break a big section of this presentation talks about the future of CBS interaction or interactive race and you know you have to slide it like man there's a lot of street and the two years he has. A lot of did you do your viewers know what he's. To be induced to get part of all of us. Oh yeah there's no logos spread everywhere policy it is very obvious it's kind of it's there to bloom and out of England how many different companies. Yet I yeah conflict zone earlier. At a time until with a presentation to an even gonna download surprised amber and I bet yeah I'd recommend we are in jeopardy question last year over it. The answer was. Questions on the about. Internet uses and many CBS news had lots of them and urban baby drill down and a our revenue due to what would probably look question that it implement intra. News about what's being done but it oh yeah we don't process and we were than 90%. Company in the world. Inspired by totally users are nineteen US fourteen world wide and so it'll do all the TV brands like CV dot com news or news news sixty minutes. I know we have all the consumer non CBS properties like. CNET and outlast the term despite TV guys question genes you guys know pretty awesome games on the video games side metro lyrics and now you know a lot of them only dot. And then. And in the end users are reporting is brand new word we have a big presence in China and there's things you don't know about may. Don't like knock at the Mac has presence on the biggest Erica and turn it over 200 and use a month since these mean these three main site. That one of zeal well kind of halo did Gilo has this been seen in China where it. Carlos is a huge auto ID and then only lose you which is the bass and commune only updating that only they need. Like I wanna be on there he had some of the optical tickle me that we own com dot com. Is that true acting in her handler what I like about right and a one and we use hello you don't dot com we no longer and our company wanted to be sold through our gold yes gold and it incredible that we don't MP3 dot com to do you still have that. It be due ten includes stolen. Alumnae have all these awesome URLs that the original yes. You're dot com really we only have like Internet background we have a lot might as well all of them. So big portion of your presentation is about the future. In you know a few sentences can you sort of wrapped our listeners head around what they can expect to get interact at all. Obvious either it's fragmented there's a lot of little sort of you know entries in the big picture and put you know you sort of a preached just a little bit. Can you sort of wrapped that up for us just. The what's working and we hadn't all time great here last year and aren't every every metric truck through luck and I write to than usual I think for content company. And when fourteen that's not new venture funded and there were. In some cases seen in twenty years old and where were they were part of public company and you know real financials and room numbers to deliver and things like that don't own you know I think it's because we have. The release Continental's premium content right at this point end. You know I think CBS interactive and put me to work there really is premiums oughta come up with a worked for what. Super premium whatever that is ultra blue Mercury hold true for premium content that is durability. When you have is obvious on CBS on new Super Bowl or how to make your mother in sixty minutes. But you don't CNET in this category is is just NASA isn't right it's a massive consumer property is not an industry. Trade and it's. It says he's consumers and number one brands touch for consumers and that's that's the series. You know. Attractive place for an advertiser to be were people making decisions about what combined with little trucks right it's one but he got where people are making. Decisions about what showed up here and earned. Yeah we tend to get properties that are. You can and in that that range because there's the alternative is that your just more. There in that the Internet is not lack for volume of content share in advertisers not lack for volume going to places to advertise. And the enemy. Is abundance. And the way these stand out in that is by having you know one of these two altered removed her premiums you get it and types of a site right either in the quality contents side or owning and how random is very very important vertical. So. You know we've done last week's in looks into backup on TV guide long seen appliances you'll see in his step and you'll always wants. Avert you know we have been and are trying to return to new good. You know basically an auto corn for camera here. In the US alone and two we just keep expanding into notes are on. I was just like and that really people who like watched videos of cars I mean you could say CNET is gadget porn I mean it's not we're not telling her pornographer declare by the sound and here we're getting good I think we're yeah onto your. That's nothing that I doubt. We're vertical right so now we're at it but I cannot of these that oh no no no never looked at working in the end. You know we've been growing in error as told to declare and and I think whom does some varying usual in our space. And I think that's why. Excellent all right well there and that means beautiful they do what he doesn't keep up yeah I know who would do it's it's happening and grandma. And we reviewed by having guys like you on the show. And there may never know that your app of the day are aren't you yeah a lot thanks so much for being here man always a pleasure Kenyon thanks for coming by. Gears of they were followed Jim Hunt where he's glad to follow at. A you'll you'll come back next time you're in New York you have with remorse or problems. The read a lot man tour of all or don't launcher ID and a you know you get pegged at just an Ariel for the thirteen. I think that you grow. That we errors on outlook article and these guys and I made another account over. It would finally got on this. Take you down right now. I'll give us an email the fourth or at cnet.com policy on FaceBook Twitter into grand and obviously the most popular. Portion are all site interactivity are celebrated you know are separated the eloquent 2000 well yeah it is the users to be generating so I that it go to yeah some of that like us. Many people find an interest in photos of us on the and it will leave the united. So we'll do that I'll make sure you do that and we're back here tomorrow with doctor Josh king. Who's gonna talk about Internet addiction announce an actual real issue and I'll get those questions you. They're gets to global view that if Apple and we've got to do the gadget of the if you guys at the quad so that I'm good guys I'm Justin Yu bin the oral Portia oh high tech low brow and all tendency among. But. It's. The yeah.

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