Ep. 1429 Spies on Facebook? Yes, it's true.
Ep. 1429 Spies on Facebook? Yes, it's true.

Ep. 1429 Spies on Facebook? Yes, it's true.

Today it's Friday march 18 2011. Buzz out -- my name is Steven B jump. Song. All I'm. Blogging about that allowed it back up intently at that that fourteenth -- -- -- and we're -- -- -- The -- and deter them welcomed -- and now the idea. Even -- right up. BT's Mike already. Thought it'll premiere is looking honestly Molly like some appeal -- -- might don'ts of you're actually you actually sign off on the right foot don't you worry about that populate that literally melanoma and you know my favorite thing any -- -- I get. -- -- on good morning everybody on this Friday morning -- morning -- -- Friday happy posting Patrick how many are actually listening with out a headache that's. But and a -- coming actually doing the show without any -- Via a mandate no I don't know. Any game elements and now. Yes while. It was -- happy saint that is indeed -- I have you know everybody -- that one friend. It's like a bucking bronco differently and pop on annual -- in the upper right that can happen. About that. And is let's -- the audience let's go. Our Microsoft continuing its war on botnets. And war and -- they actually have been pretty effective. Over the past few years at taking down these gigantic botnets that are mainly responsible for flooding in boxes with spam the latest one is that they. Evidently. The after a -- of raids and of civil lawsuit were able to take out the rough stock botnet. -- -- -- -- Now just a little background on a rest stop it -- counted basically for half. Of all the spam last year it was the largest source of spam in the world. Yeah and we are able to take that down they were able to do -- -- go to Internet hosting facilities that may not have even known that some of their computers were part of this distribution network for the botnet. Retirement -- -- Kansas City. Scranton. Scranton Scranton. Denver Dallas Chicago -- -- obviously this network is huge where millions of computers are really connected to this -- -- and maybe the Internet will work a little nicer -- costs. They've been saying that they were there already seen. A huge decline in and what happens usually if they take them on his apartment and an -- pretty noticeable decline in spam. That lasts a few week. And then one you know another and bring them -- of place unfortunately they're very like I address can hold -- you cut up and into two -- grow back. But I am at least for the short term hopefully we'll be able. A little decrease. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Spam seriously I -- I get no spam -- -- Gmail account it. Only -- in my personal account my personal domain and my CNET a lot with breaking filled with an -- Still think it's amazing that you know these pundits can still be that successful. In actually making Monday by just -- people with enough of these. Viagra -- ads via. That they can still be able to run operation like this and it's effective it really I know it spends millions and billions of computers -- but at the same time it's categories that. Still people aren't savvy I mean I've clicked on a few things by accident not Viagra guys. But it does work. Yeah I mean that every the main problem at either gonna keep springing up because people -- by they click and they get fooled and you know -- -- like. What Microsoft -- -- in conjunction. With -- -- with that the velocity than the raid is also lines like -- education campaign that like you know I don't. Don't buy anything get in it in a team and I understand maybe you actually do want that product but you know it don't -- that you're -- the rest of us. Anyway good job taking -- the button and there max out at work. -- -- -- Coming out of the what it the government today the guardian in the UK is reporting that apparently the US military has been developing software. That would let it manipulate social media and spread pro American propaganda. And this is by using could -- online persona is now this is curtain like you know when you get a show like this is crazy but it probably has its already probably in effect this is just now revealed. So essentially. On that they California corporation it's called what is it. -- -- help when a corporation has been awarded this contract. With the United States Central Command where essentially. A person will be able to like US serviceman or woman will be able to control -- separate. Different identities. Based around the world and they're using these. Essentially social profiles that are protected and are involved in other activities -- makes it look like someone is really part of the regional or area that they're targeting to kind of control. Chatter the facilitate. Conversation need to shoot down. You know or start trending topics -- Twitter I know there -- -- up the eight person in that community at that -- has influence of the direction of you know. How people are thinking like they said pro propaganda. They -- they call these personas sock puppet because there you know being controlled by someone -- them and they're not real and very you know they're saying that there these. It I don't know if it's being compared to like attempts to control and -- language in China which -- -- little stronger than active that they are propagating. False personas and potentially influencing opinion and that is so. Sleazy like it -- Jeff Jarvis -- it basically you know like that it it's like. Cold War -- clandestine. Foreign policy. Companies that they're acting now the government -- can implement these spammers is like the -- is the next generations by on the Internet. -- -- use today your desk you pretend like you're ten people yes then no one knows it sees. And I mean you know it's not as of -- -- and what's shocking I guess is that the us government would be so deliberately. Attempting to influence each and in this way and it but it's not a bit like companies haven't and that's what. After -- -- you know those web -- that are totally corporate and look like they're grassroots campaigns and it's pretty. You shouldn't necessarily trust anybody on the Internet -- -- -- they they are you don't know them but men -- this sleazy behavior. I mean they pretty much picked up the Yelp model of complaining about restaurants and and took it into their own model. Just the kind of talk about some of the specifics of this. Now none of at least -- this point under the interventions are planned to be in English which. Meaning they would target Americans -- sites companies in on the Internet I don't know about that I'm sure they're already out there and obviously there's probably. Obviously there's other agents from other countries doing the same thing over here. But of the languages in which innovation interventions or you know the posts or interactions are conducted include Arabic Farsi Urdu and -- -- -- what I think what they're hoping it's a funny thing they call it operation earnest voice. OEV. -- -- public that they don't make it sounds so nice is it in their own stereotypes -- well. Operation earnest -- It and it is good strategy plans and retirement isn't old tactic and it in the sense that they -- -- obviously you -- by all the time and shadow area and you you plant shatter any plant. Undercover. Operatives who are pretending to be someone else like there's nothing new about that who are you Molly Wood. But yet but the fact is you know it would be illegal. New antlers -- this article if it were turned against citizens of the US. Because people who engage in that so called sock puppetry if prosecution and it's just. It's a little disturbing that it's that easy it's now so easy for them to manipulate the conversation -- you just wonder how are they gonna go with it. It is you that your conversation that on Twitter you can literally say -- if you had fifty people posting of about a topic that -- but you meet someone -- -- -- -- about. It is certainly even in comment boards that all the time -- -- the bully the bully tactics. And if you wanna be a spy on the Internet. The -- pre and its operators had not very I will say though. It would -- find out. An audio Blu-ray should operate -- -- okay -- I think it sounds cooler than it is because really this is what you're gonna be doing. -- Like tap tap tap pad that he got there. But you -- be able to smile. Like symptoms that members -- and that they should call it operation in -- a long bloody civil war. -- mom. Also on in other news that actually I'm I'm pretty teased about it yet the love for eight in webos continues to grow from -- HP. As main announcement to offer or plan offer a cloud computing platform the -- taken on Amazon and Google. They're new CEO Leo -- popular in a statement basically said that the trying to expand the portfolio of cloud computing capabilities. Part of that is to deliver a service in the cloud as well as an open cloud marketplace. Which obviously would be applications that developers would use. And then another kind of instinct but -- he mentioned that. In this year for a broader range of product they're planning to ramp up their presence. In the -- -- by delivering 100 million devices. A year with webos on them. -- and so that's gonna go beyond. You know their phones their tablets. And computers and -- what other things might we you know that a Sony dash tightening great -- -- something it. An alarm clock and -- and -- you know you could see web wasn't there but this is gonna -- the pretend that the Levy plan how aggressive they wanna put the webos spot when there. And now that they're doing that had compartment competing market listed there really is another part of their strategy to try to lure developers anywhere they can actually got data of them and they need to get -- so it's it's very smart that they're doing meth am. They'll just have to come up with some reasons why you know people who -- -- get off best carrier off of Google in terms of that application hosting and stuff but you know. -- -- -- three felt it is you know competition is good. It's it's hard though because you know you have a lot of smaller development studios that are already spread thin on the multiple platforms out there right now than. What are they really willing to pick up a third -- and it's gonna be and are consumers willing to pick up kind of this third brand now as their primary device -- Totally mean HP's making very bold move yeah they're doing the right thing it's another -- line it's gonna be a time in England. And I got there traffickers come counseling and -- you really seems like he's trying very hard to reinvigorate its been under watch. RA we are we're -- and an expert on the next story about how component video. Ports are gonna be missing or crippled on 2011 Blu-ray players. Which is that Travis the -- down but -- that we -- would let the reassuring. And the economy and they always always a level headed John Falcone from. From what penalties -- senior editor boss of the world. I gotta go with and executive editor these days. Boom -- How. Me -- crazy here John talk on executive editor at CNET New York previously -- to -- the reviews team out there. Pretty much you do something wrong he's the one that's -- and he -- the hammer a Davis explained that this this -- where it lacking component video output in -- -- -- eleven Blu-ray players. Explain just how freaking terrible is that. Well I but first let's say. The guy wrote this which is Matthew Moskovciak would have been here if he hadn't been smart enough to take this beautiful. One degree day off. Today it is now Downey smart -- In his stead. Basically this is. All according to the plan that they started many years ago this but the called AC yes. Advanced access contents system that was part of the dvd -- Blu-ray. Protection scheme -- when these formats first launched. And it's all plan to make sure everything goes from an analogue output to pure digital and thus totally controlled. Via HD CP in all this fun stuff -- So -- old variety of 2000 -- players pretty much just aren't even completing component at all cracked. Ray. I think officially it's not until. Yet this year the regulation was you have to do down -- is the output from 1080 I or 1080. 480 which is standard definition. If you're going -- the analog output. As of 2014. Theirs -- to get rid of analog outputs altogether. So basically the -- celebrate jumping the gun basically just like well why bother you know and I actually have one here kill Diana. She. This is an attempt. It's part is that like the ongoing war against the analog hole and the -- this idea that. I mean it was kind of cute and -- it sound like it's a little more mood now. That content rights holders were saying we don't want people to be able to basically what like plug in. VCR and the one of these output. And -- this and has a dvd like record. Dvd onto another device -- Well you you you penalties -- things and that's kind of the problems that here's a brand new just -- the box 2011. We're not gonna opponent Al -- and running and -- the I think that's. HDMI there. This is composite and the standard stereo output and there's that's pretty much at -- at one the other oddly enough. S video also went away -- -- in the past couple years just because they found a lot of we're kind of now down to like the highest possible which is HDMI and the lowest possible which is composite. To your point -- The really annoying thing here think this is all yes of people can't copy stuff by just plugging it into I don't know. Their computer. VCR. Capture box arsenal in the -- -- and that's the problem is slate. If these products even exist in some of them do their super high end things that. Most people don't. Use -- have any interest in and even if they did. Earlier -- -- and stuff like macro vision would already make it. Almost impossible to use to copy that stuff in it in an analog format and the other Steven -- is. The pirates aren't doing that anyway it. You guys were copying stuff they ripped. The disks to computers just a single Apple literally it but -- -- that relative that the pain in the path. -- city they rip the deaths which is completely illegal to -- the -- to BitTorrent and they're off to the races. In you know something more like. -- fifteen or twenty minutes instead of pressing play on the the Blu-ray player and recorder -- and VCR or whatever and sitting back for. Three hours where you watch Lord of the -- play out in real time so basically it ended the day even though they're trying to circumvent piracy. They're blocking at the analogue wave but the primary way that people are actually stealing movies. And they're still doing it the way they've always been -- by ripping them from their computer and they're they're not -- They're not stopping any piracy whatsoever. If it -- growing legal -- to yes. Will the thing you know I just popped my head one thing they are making it harder for is. If you envision this on a like a cable box or something this would also. It. Stop -- slingbox basically. We're -- -- a good signal because if they could never use these united begin with because of restrictions on that to the -- slingbox has. Component video capture. And they're slowly making -- go away so that -- the the only other cool way to get your TV you know remotely is this the slingbox lets you sign up for the you know. Time Warner 200 dollars super plant units would let you access. It so all those evil and it's -- -- as usual with really overly draconian and and not very well thought out antipiracy measures it usually end up hurting mainly. Consumers a consumer only they can yeah and especially the consumer who bought -- bought TVs early and haven't you know kept up with the totally abusive. Exactly I mean let's be honest here this isn't going to effect probably I don't know. 85 to 90%. It's -- you -- HTTP TV owners because. Most of them bought more recently when they did at HDMI and and that finally kind of works now. But those. All those poor guys a lot of CNET readers I'm sure who bought these. You know 5000 dollar rear projection sets in 20022003. -- doesn't force -- like that. Or her super expensive plasma sets. This is before. HDMI existed but they did -- HD via component and it. You know now there. These TVs -- -- -- and basically have a alike stand to them and it's only they can even move it to the bedroom because what are they gonna look adaptive. Now it's just -- mean we feet it's not uncommon for. Meant hardware manufacturers to phase out and put Apple. Sometimes before the marketplace is ready. -- -- like. Is it is it possible that it does just part of the normal but the thing -- it's not it's not part of the normal technological development cycle I mean it is that the world moving to HDMI. And HDMI debris is -- because this is happening. This is happening sooner than it needs to happen at because an -- -- And that is the parlors -- like mine. You don't exactly. In the end we all lose all -- is. Political the aliens vs predators we all is we are all -- whose analog bits that the assuming jokes that he alone for a and it is it really thought that was gonna I in fact we aggregate that and take -- -- break thank you Falcone for how -- John -- an attorney and how does come back you guys. -- have a day weekend. You literally -- -- -- when we come back delicious on the block and a look and Amazon. Exclusive news -- coming through buzz out loud Yahoo!'s. Garrity for this is about to sell. Big numbers are delicious for one to two million dollars. Delicious. Aren't raking in her lovely delicious we have seen -- -- for our show notes when we first started doing -- And now I don't know any when he uses it. At all together and there's a river that it might be stumble upon his picking them up but ultimately. Yahoo!'s -- a delicious it was that this is the classic line that this is so pathetic. It was one of the most highly regard part of that Yahoo! people very loyal people used the most widely used internal property -- Yahoo! and yet it -- zero monetization. Zero it's cool technology that if somebody could take it into something useful with it and hopefully another bundling that type of stuff in like browsers like Firefox now I was thinking and NG -- and crowing. And now and when you little -- Indiana through a bookmark thinking like it's over tyranny -- that it has never. Sorry that maybe they're lucky when the -- -- the good job Carol Bartz. She's getting rid of it report go down to zero that could. AT&T according to the unofficial. Apple weblog is -- a lot of people's day is that with a cut three now that is cracking down on unauthorized tethering so they're saying you're using your jail broken phones. -- -- tethering without paying -- the whatever it is they're about a month additional. We ain't happening. Anymore. -- they everyone thought that they might be able to circumvent it in just they're OS would not be able to detect that. -- was being used. Without their authorization but they are so. They did say that if they continue to do that on the they'll be moved up to eighteen -- data pro plan which -- you -- -- -- more dollars to use the tethering feature officially. And -- you like the four -- forty plan. How I tell. That's what I wanna know little and other that Paramount -- were all like how can actually tell me and look they're turning on the function in the service it's got a paying their server like saying you know that they're using their. Actually actively using that service. -- -- -- That's -- but if they're doing an average of braking devices -- using -- jail is jail broken app that's not talking to their actual server as -- -- tethering I wonder if they're just doing kind of a buckshot approach in thing like we can but they're sending these emails to people have high eighties that. I would say no well okay diving just firfer -- -- it's almost be like companies blanket Brennan email -- you -- -- he seduced data usage like these is not tethering. Yeah but Apollo. How I just it. I'm I can't tell how they and some like the web like doesn't know either like a -- nobody is quite sure how they have figured out. How people are doing -- but it is because IOS disables the tethering feature. If you don't have it built and so then presumably you'd be use in using and jail broken device with a specific app. That allows you to adjust to use it and it how did you know that the mother ship with tracking apps. -- They're attacking him with -- less. -- -- and I am an applicant and I'm curious about that but anyway. Sorry and I thought you're paying for unlimited data. But you have to pay more for your unlimited data -- -- tethering I got such BS about it but there's still offering. Unlimited data plans that AT&T right and if you sign up for them you should in fact. One would -- be able to use that data however you want and -- yet there is like wolves now we have advanced more pretending -- -- -- its data and like but it. I for a limited has actually on the IODs. -- on iphones they -- plants that -- you're not opted into limited way. -- -- the differences between them and Verizon right now. It that you can have an unlimited data plan. Four that -- and I try to find out the data pro plan that goes before -- -- only -- only to four movement. Of -- them think people are grandfathered and. Yet people -- grandfather but you couldn't buy an iPhone or at AT&T right now and get an unlimited data plan that's about what if he never -- your data cap and -- -- -- -- You should totally -- to other Andean you know I I just I -- -- I think that's via. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We're able to get in a look at Apple -- -- App Store. They like basically just thought that thought to type in the URL that they thought the Amazon Napster would be -- and then it. And sure enough they got there the -- -- have a big managed to get screen shots that showed 48 -- That are apparently cheaper than the apps being -- in Google's Android marketplace and two that are exclusive. Through the Amazon storage is totally the Amazon and they're all about -- with -- and just a clever I remember this is Amazon's own version. Of the Android market place. Yet it does not like an Android Apple or feature within the Google Android marketplace it is completely different the -- -- and that is the we have been kind of railing against that -- isn't annoying thing like I want fifteen million different ways to get apps. And then the exclusive thing you know we complain about that yesterday with music and it's just gonna -- worth -- -- I don't why should I have to install the -- Amazon store to be able to get call of duty Modern Warfare or recon 3-D -- exactly -- thing. And im going -- it's in the wing. But this is the way that Amazon is going to try to. Lure you because every otherwise you're just doing now have Android market with -- -- I'm not gonna do it not against their habits to cheaper I think -- generally I think for general consumers -- just have Amazon device. As with the Amazon Android marketplace they're gonna be using that without even question -- -- yeah and that's how they're gonna get a little cut of the -- yet and that -- at the of the data -- plan. Also there's been a little fan backlash over new advertisements. Injected into the Angry Birds HD. And -- just received an update. But in the -- in liberty speed you have to pay for you -- to 99. And so what happened now is in the news section. -- basically it's like -- pot that would during the posturing you can access -- There is a thing -- when you press on it it starts and launches like this entire animation that promote some of their merchandise ace. But you can't get out of the animation back to -- you have to wait for to play out before. It fades out and then you get back the game play and again we did pay for this app already in. The expectation was at least. We're not gonna see advertisers like that that cripple our ability to use an app. -- that way we paid for worse and more knowing that it apps from Angry Birds -- -- -- via its not like those that aren't on a -- we know your big machine every knows and everybody. You know yes we all want the merchandise but that's fine you don't have -- them you don't bombard people that that they can't make go away. And and you have to wait until the news load everything -- in the game with positive rate in the can restart if you go into that into that news section -- you know they're trying to feed you more information but you'll see -- -- -- -- -- Apple Nike paid it and adds just doesn't work there's a reason -- Hulu. Plus doesn't work. And people aren't happy about it to their pain and -- both humans -- and a -- and. And -- of this. But that time and. -- a home. -- the follow up on on the net on the picking up for ERA thing just a follow up of some of the some of things that are happening out in Japan. Apple -- mention about how -- supply -- might be affected by the disaster out there but also -- Lenovo is word about as well Toshiba's LCD plant. As pretty much been taken offline for approximately the next month or so. Which would halt its factory -- -- deals with the damage and power outages so it would also -- obviously the production of components in pieces. That go to places like -- Lenovo also on notebook batteries in short supply. Yet chipmaker Maxim Integrated Products the world's number four computer and Lenovo number -- personal computer brand. It's also shut down in this short term there you know they say that won't be much impact but right now. In short term but in the long tail like in the next quarter how it's gonna play out for all these all the -- -- -- technology companies. It's a pretty big deal and it also it also affect car production and auto makers because there Accra the more than plants -- lives mobile phone industry automakers navigation split. It's a pretty. To be down for a month of the big deal to shoot users and packet down 30% you have them. Also a spot prices for Flash Memory have climbed as high as 10%. Prices for. PCs have jumped as high as 7% or RD seeing component prices go up. As as the production -- -- not able about and then on the. On the flip side it's like -- pain and how people negotiate -- contracts for those component prices there's some companies that have shorter. You know deals and they may be more subjected to the higher price increase -- -- is. Apple's been notorious for kind of locking down. Strict contracts for a long time where they lock down that really low price range so this is gonna kind of affect smaller players yet more than anything. -- Great that's depressing to remove on -- gadget I -- not the least in the depressing -- you wanna take a sip of -- You're right that's -- I should we -- learned -- gadgets. Molly. I'm back I mean can be I need to get in the lake Acela look at bureau of all right Chris -- gadgets and Nintendo 3-D S that we have. Our review and -- -- -- and you know. I've because I -- I would have purchased one off the bat in the reviews are kind of made my decision not just plant let me -- more lukewarm towards it because. Although great device fun device a lot of people have complained in like the -- those mentioned in the past about how. People -- -- getting sick where the 3-D imagery. Is not making them feel too good and the fact is that over time people and that just turning it off and just using. Yeah that's pretty interesting and it I I have -- say like third is coming out. Are a little more. Tepid than I would have expected we gave it three and a half stars very good. And said you know it's and it's of good it's an impressive 3-D gaming experience but allow the launch lineup isn't very good and that cameras are not good. And then of course there's that thing about the 3-D effect thinking of people had explicit apparently battery life is not cost them yet because. Actually their time on how if you turn off the 3-D effect on games you'd you'd get almost I'm not -- exactly but almost double the battery life performance because it takes so much. More power to rendered both images simultaneously -- So it's adding obviously it's a big step forward in non glasses the -- but unfortunately. It's the effect -- -- print and online. In the first one. And -- you know what will be when he gets cheaper I think we'll -- but it you're -- that is going to be like. They're gonna have to get marking about a minute to -- the main thing is you gotta get more games I think people might be willing to put up a panic but. -- -- Mario many as -- -- I -- he does totally. I let actually skipped straight ahead to science news than we have yeah yeah yeah we gotta -- you that you have enough. Create hair or science news. And then soon -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The biggest -- -- and eighteen years this happening tomorrow and I've Saturday night there is it's a fluke of orbital mechanic. Bringing them. Lol I love that sentence for a reasonable settlement can bring in the moon closer to earth than it has been in more than eighteen years so it will be the biggest. Full -- of -- eleven. And beyond. There's no where's the best -- they mention the best spot to see this. The super moon will not cause natural disasters -- -- moon boot up and. Totally are you kidding me it's gonna cut people like run out of their -- -- terror negative thing it's like in now by that I mean my neighbors. Think people. People are creating and if I can tell you that people in San Francisco will not able to as super moon because it's so overcast and foggy I doubt we need to see any and I'm Indian either super moon -- -- make sure go out this whole debate as he does. Who are home. Movies so they that is yes by the way the only reason that that's just think -- a photo we can dish out Superman was so big and bright. I have three of your calls and email -- airline yes government woke me -- they set out of feedback loop. And -- and don't let -- edit them hello hello -- -- on their style food bar moon. And move -- and. Our first email is -- from sand and Salt Lake City with his thoughts on the time -- had Time Warner happen how might affect Nielsen. -- At -- city car at the Time Warner app app. I figured the reason. Not a -- probably are part of that. It's not. Unit technical issues order likely the issue but it will poll people opt out -- boxes. And and are no matter if -- -- -- -- pepper. A lot -- -- -- canceled because. No matter how much better analytics are about an -- L everything or Alter. Our products from public -- here. Make that point. -- -- -- -- is Sam Sam is right on the money -- because even though Nielsen is not even remotely accurate. And it's still very archaic DTV industry is still. Still bases their performance often those ratings gap medium they and that's -- them you know when he -- to advertising revenues that. Nielsen supports that other thing. -- I would think that if that's if that source is coming from Time Warner that they might still be able to make it more track global I can't think of the analytics are probably. Better than they might otherwise be like it's certainly better than if you watched Hulu. On your iPad if you're watching Time Warner -- I think the main thing honestly -- the advertising they want to watch on the TV because that's where the ads are. You an audible does this lay out the savvy little -- the items like it and now they're probably right you know what -- -- and -- -- -- -- and -- you -- the thing -- -- those. They actually probably. It sounds silly but they don't want. As accurate and specific analytics because a lot of times those Nielsen -- -- little inflated based on you know one person represents 5000 people men and really. -- -- -- -- -- We can argue about the formula how well works -- how well it does and how accurate is but. It's probably they probably don't wanna he has specific as you think yeah I mean he -- Wow but that's actually an awesome conspiracy -- -- -- that well lead filled nicely into our next call. Our resident faith Turkey has some thoughts on what Paramount is really -- But true that that might have paid for calling in again. But you are out here at the Paramount Pictures operating moved over BitTorrent I think the diabolical plan. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They can link you directly to your site -- threat at Europe -- it -- But not on their site is that apparently they look a -- corporate and -- dollar. -- Hurt Locker something that Paramount -- The -- you know my radio and -- -- -- While -- super sneaky and will be time. Cali how you'd never -- satellite may never gonna take your credit card to the hacker convention in now believes he needs you also do not want. Download a movie from their -- -- -- -- -- even if they'd like you and rule with scary. Than his daddy my -- that analysts. Actually -- emails. Yet let's take this one I'll take -- -- you gotta make the economist writes in and says while my first reaction to the news of the pay while the New York Times and -- the same feelings of annoyance and questioned the feasibility that most people expressed. I think that these issues may be hiding a long term repercussions on American journalism and how that impacts our society. While fifteen dollars a month may be well worth the high quality reporting from the time that will make it out of reached by choice or by and come to the majority of Americans. Will be even more likely to turn towards low quality reporting. Or even simple aggregation if the Internet -- -- for 7 NEWS cycle of the towards greater and greater nationalization of news. Must be wary of the choices and opportunities -- most consumers while having some subscribers has let HBO produced great content far more people watch Jersey shore. Is this the future of news this blow. I'm not sure that people aren't already doing that and that you know it. Questions of quality are rampant in -- -- them -- later. But I and I think that of that probably applies the inner tension with them also but. Act. It's -- thinking the post and into thinking managed in question to consider also think about it after it. The cells that editorial direction when you know but maintenance. -- Okay here we go hey buzz crew enjoyed your take on Sony jailbreak it and -- -- -- -- company which embraces jailbreak -- -- -- -- not only tolerates webos jailbreak in home early but has invited the head of the main -- -- organization. Webos internals to speak at its webos development day. Has donated a corporate server to webos internals. And because webos internals open source has even use one of its features compact memory swapping in the latest version of webos. As a result of this embrace of the -- embraced and of the home brew community customizing of the webos experience has been awesome. From overclocking kernels -- themes the location based -- earlier this week Molly spoke about how webos users actually love webos. HP's decision to embrace the jail breakers is one of those reasons might. -- -- often Anderson that's -- really have. That's amazing stuff so athletic connected to think that communion you can abuse -- your consumers are -- -- primarily so developers -- -- -- It they they don't love you you know. We love the dictator -- -- real anymore. Where there were quietly. Where and play it it Levy -- it computer. Media. They give us through. I've got a computer to a question that I've spent a lot of listeners some link to my girlfriend she's not really to attack sometimes -- lack of knowledge is indeed mean. Yes people -- Netflix and magic box for Christmas last year. Which -- had to figure out meant a wrote to me. But sometimes it's really frustrating articulate when I -- her laptop Blackberry GPS and something goes wrong while clearly it's my responsibility to fix it. He has a habit of blaming me for the issue because. I don't -- -- -- exactly the same way. The most -- example with -- scanner which went on the -- while I was scanning documents were suddenly has been -- about what exactly I had done so. I guess my question is. They're nice way of telling my girlfriend. If you knew anything about technology you would know that what you just -- makes absolutely no sense and not the -- -- -- problem now don't get -- look -- -- your suggestions and actually fixes where you. Alright maybe not people belief that maybe just makers crazy girlfriend sincerely in need of some -- love support. It techno the -- and. I urge you not -- I first of all dog tiger apparently you know like you there are things that you don't know about that -- probably help you with with a great deal patient. And -- pattern -- whatever it is launder your party planning. Not that stereotype that's is making broad generalizations here you know what I do I also I have burned and prone to fly into the -- and -- and I know about it you know like part of -- personality and -- and. -- you just got you've gotta eat away at the gently heat seeking her in the BT -- woman to fish. You know he'll eventually be able to pick their own technology problems in the -- the learning process but you -- you've -- be -- and you have to be patient and you Anna Molly I think there's a lot of people are signing line down although there's a lot of fuel both men -- They don't want to learn how to fix their technology problems they'd rather just be like did take care of it and you can't take care that I'm -- -- managing. I think that there's people that are all yes I think at the end my friend. Is always say and do my best for you baby I love the events of -- like. That's yeah tell -- that they got just enough lately and Vanilla and really trying to help you because I love you. And -- -- your technology but now we don't -- an army maybe next -- you can -- -- USB dongle. Now that. And government slowly say nothing can now or other -- -- -- I'll detective the tax department coupled at DoubleClick. Apple should not be tech support for each other kind of like I use of this rule that -- don't -- and trying to park. Leo Big Apple to doctors and other when -- when parking is involved and then they probably certainly you can pick the thing the thinner out of the room is like. -- -- -- -- -- I'll pick Canada. And north is that is that that the bureau is gonna by -- And hopefully -- you know. Expanding -- others. We got a follow up email -- from the guy who wrote it because his or his wife was. Flirting with so the guy and it but -- and he was really jealous and you can't stop and we were like. You know at some theories and I'm pleased deeper he needed take care. And he wrote in and said thank you for the advice you're right and you keep my business off the Internet and deal with the emotional eating in a mature way. I would imagine myself of the type of husband father and -- others -- a few times to become that and you don't find yourself but -- problems overnight. We -- neglected each other and it's time to stop -- either way I'm not -- animal likely bulking up or telling met and became a broken apparently because of FaceBook. Computers didn't cause anything. But it did reveal it computers -- Let's -- and that is that couldn't be more true that the you know payment. Can we intend that DR -- after we had that horrible we've -- a marriage. After we had a horrible -- story -- our -- like thanks lies. Flattened out some balls and -- that it means you don't get a current. Maybe you know if we can -- -- -- that costs. Yeah that's not good luck yes Lebanon boasted he disclosed that an argument that it and if you want to send in your computer -- questions or email addresses bug that cnet.com. You can call us with -- love -- -- it. Needs 100 -- Olympic 2638. That's both CNET and you can offer your own advice in the common -- -- Below about cnet.com and you want answers questions your comments about the text resonated because that's also we thought that -- could actually if you -- investigated again if you want. I'm glad have a very weak and everybody I I -- -- Me.

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