Ep. 14: CES favorites, new laptops, and why OLED matters
Ep. 14: CES favorites, new laptops, and why OLED matters

Ep. 14: CES favorites, new laptops, and why OLED matters

Welcome to the world says TV. And it always you know you don't need to TV -- and now. Speaking of which. Not hearing got -- -- I think everything they can't show TV's -- hearing your -- that that's in Thursday's hearing is acting as it's right there again in our. Out now try to be very familiar with this so this is this is at the LG stand says they have one of two a blue led that we're gonna organic light emitting science. -- at the show I'm as we -- -- today pieces using a whites are related that's essentially. A screen which is just. A whole bunch all of white pixels which uses a column of the -- -- the whole wizard is six million pixels on all of the screen. So essentially it's a white TV put a couple of filters are repeats of time glad -- -- haven't -- -- -- in America rather -- It's -- -- -- it true if it's made by glad yes. But it's -- ran right. Uncle -- browser and important Uncle Sam mapped are so essentially so it's it's a big TV with books of little lot of meeting died in a federal -- Might have some sort of liquid stuff. And -- they pump the signal through it and that's you know really thin TV we've really really excellent black level and it's so thin that you can't even plug in HDMI cable into what looks a thing it's got a separate cable box that connects via proprietary cable -- -- It we're looking forward -- looking at does -- coming in September of this year. All my guess is that they're going to be around the 7000 Obama. Size of win -- Hanna which is which was an eleven inch buttons -- -- and I are evidently. Was about 3000 dollars and so -- looking at about five times the screen realist I. I'm silly looking at probably and half -- twice the price because I guess it's from Korea. Note the Japanese mind -- -- doesn't have to prospering in all. But if you think about it even at seminary thousand dollars that's what the very first plasma can consumer. Plasma TVs were back in like you know almost ten years ago when people were like wow I cannot believe. This 42 inch or twenty PE DTV. Is only 7000 dollars I need to get -- 2002 is gonna rock. And then the prices came down in the resolutions went up my first -- was when it was a 420 if it was like. 2004 yet and that's what you could get tougher when I think when I bought a 2500 bucks efforts that -- for my office. I'd rather have a deal is that -- an -- podcast. 42. And a it was also -- 5000. By there was a resolution so -- -- -- okay okay. I was at a -- touching it -- -- -- high touch to make 1080 I plasmas and I don't understand at that. You have an idea lines but it's under -- -- and it didn't accepts 1080. Had a break about the connected via a proprietary. You know and it didn't really good story the end. Online I thought at the fort -- and director -- 720. 1080. Look out of it now that's neat thing I -- bill is a lot of buzz this year about the types of technologies over temple pilots the thing. But there was talk of four key Andy and I -- today they can I say you think the ten idealized way -- the bee's knees. Not look forward to 4000 pixels by 2000 pixels coming next year. And they're looking to Blu-ray recorders that -- on site Blu-ray players that -- actually playing the the new Spiderman movie in -- key -- you know he's ever been shot in four K none of us override -- being a black Spiderman -- possible. And the FaceBook may be what was -- cold. Really is social look at that little guys will because this shot I'm like super HD digital -- -- -- -- red camera and a chance right that's full time but it never go back and find old material and re release it in -- four K format not -- the human -- can discern that from living room distances. They're not gonna go back like old black and white TV shows they put out on dvd and now audio Blu-ray ridiculously is ever gonna be a four -- sign felt box fad hasn't caught -- them with treaty and as job to move Blu-ray for a lot of this old material also. -- for Kate is basically for your Ray Bradbury felt like wall screen that's just your -- here. Top to bottom. -- were hosting and appreciate that it's gonna -- in my professional and format for late movie theaters and stuff and that's exactly if you're gonna have a gigantic screen if you're gonna have a sixty inch screen. I don't see where four K. Makes at least indifference and make -- -- connects you -- that thing. Cover your entire bedroom wall. A tie it it is don't -- -- when you go to movie theater and -- digital projection of a digital signal what is the resolution on that. That is definitely at full -- -- already had already out there in the professional. As silly what you're looking at is the -- usually it's -- -- camera out in the cinemas. And what they do Tiki peace treaty passively. Is state half the Republican resolution to 1080 -- So you actually sit -- nothing into -- grants and nothing but amenities a huge screen so you could see -- -- for release looking them. So what they're looking to do is. Bring that technology into the on what we going to see this here is an 84 inch LG screen probably around September tonton and coming in two weeks -- less. Is going to be -- Toshiba. I think it's a seventeen. Inch at its 3-D capacity -- -- -- it's also mysterious topic which means it's colossus. Now I -- you know it. That is one technology that is not ready for prime time I looked at all I love 3-D. 33. Even stood on the X at CES we spoke to stand right candidate camp does not work. When -- It's just really hard to look and -- and an -- remember -- magic on -- -- a couple of years it's like trying to watch one of dollars and ninety minutes at a time. -- just at the power chip -- CNET. And how. Cinemanow -- -- that Toshiba one. The depending on where you looked may be in the center of the screen sometimes it looks amazingly clear and then instantly on the -- it doesn't clear and then -- out of it and then it pops and again. -- and that movement across the screen it'll work. Well with those bits you're doing awesome job of -- cameras to thank you -- press another button and an audited spent an alien looks like something that at. -- I have -- I have a very important how it actually no I haven't had one more shell off actually got out well -- you have for us. -- this is something a little bit different it's on any of our categories but I thought it was. Clever enough to show off and capture but I'm not sure any -- ever actually buy and use one and that is. The. That is the ultimate -- Then we do their own. Hardware and the cartoon has materialized -- thank you for discovering that I don't know -- -- -- that area. And that is -- is -- now now now -- the person sketching them and note. -- -- yes. It's article. -- If you like caricatures. Your dream has come true it's the actually beta yeah actually doodling while waiting for device. This -- -- -- -- at the five inch it's it's a phone. And the thing at the tablets really just -- really big phone -- -- small tablet and they were showing off of a caricature artists and stuff you can draw a line. I there was an ancient concept now they can't that's kind of cool looking. Ice just so big and so small the same time I can't imagine anyone would actually violent and -- I vehemently. The leakage is a tablet the phone to gotta pay a monthly data and voice that -- it is I told. Him here. Yet. It's going to do it did pool offers the -- pop -- You know it's funny we tell them off too because they had at the Chrome -- new Chrome book where the Chrome but the thing that you are operating -- -- review of the Samsung I always thought I left and a -- -- a -- -- in an era and we -- -- you still have one of those like. How how much is this. I went over what it you know it's like their low powered you know they'll put against it it's either got an atom -- NASA and then just -- old Alex are obvious Celeron and Celeron and it just runs no real storage -- just runs the Chrome browsers and operating system. -- -- sort of these exit 199 from the the lake for 49 -- -- that eighty I set in the middle of what you have gotten the best and with me although I didn't -- Exactly like that. I think -- got to be completely insane if you think that you can buy. A perfectly good eleven inch. You know. AM DE 350. -- -- -- 99. Or a little bit more for like an Intel Core I three that runs like Windows 7. And going to be the same amount for the Chrome in the everytime -- data to some ways they began. Chrome. Code and do you -- read -- -- -- these people literally yet. Again -- trying to defend. There there are entitled to narrow -- laptops are currently built by the buying. These solutions. I isn't it they're buying they're building a -- if I solution Amy I am not really pollution at all and I can't do that now don't know know what they -- -- -- I went well it doesn't he duplicated a faulty battery life with. -- to kill how did you -- For it's for people who enjoy all the battery life in a browser that does anything that track pad and keyboard bonded to it like I don't want an iPad it's eighty alliance. I want the laptop version of the iPad you don't -- security software that I can close in use and -- flash also productivity per. -- Which is which is sad because they cannot tell you know that thing is that has yet fully meet -- think that diet products at the -- and the hardware is a name both. Acer room Sampson then the hardware or hardware problem it's the right handed unfortunately Intel Adams and instead and it has me well no -- -- -- anything for Google you don't need a lot of you know -- -- power to -- right for Hubert -- So it's not only the into the world that it -- an animate -- -- the is that there's no point. For the. Opportunity presented itself may mean a thing for Google to show off Chrome. And that's where it stands like. I don't know if it's adding that's that's the nature of the whole relationship was contractual obligations -- it's like we're -- my guess my feeling I had no evidence and at one of these because it is where's the -- there's no. Is -- -- manufactured is a proof of concept. -- -- -- -- -- -- All I -- got nice a lot of Samsung laptops -- that we liked neglect to come out at some point. Just optic probe which is what I'm saying -- hard camera with death and enemy very nice conflict yet. There gamer laptop was potentially that was really feel -- those posters and and and and the series 915. Really thin fifteen it yet I think that was -- -- I have a practical question gonna go around eagle survey that -- -- -- -- What laptop did you take TC yes why and where you happy with it and since we started late we're going over we're gonna keep this a little bit on the -- -- -- Tonic on the server if you -- and looking directly at you and -- -- silently indicating. And I would like your answer so essentially -- took I think it's. Dental. It's one of -- it is president line. Allowed to -- -- -- provided to us buyout on -- Sony's -- -- were flat except. Yes oh well I saw it eats. Is my of the -- -- -- that we've talked about on the show before. Sort of -- -- -- -- -- kind of fell out and the on our he doesn't -- you want I can't get tired anchor our. Or is it the gay and hate so it's horrible and -- -- it took -- -- and it worked very well I really like the new until. As. Well -- -- -- -- battery life is good for you yes god none none event to announce the public gap. In an -- does the same was too heavy to carry around all the time. Notes but too careless -- -- that is in Paris I have no idea and for whatever investment and looks platinum -- -- that's probably about where patterns for political corporate or looking -- in full. There again. Would have a huge stack -- Wolfram Alpha over here H no I. As I've explained to him before. The key of -- is too -- to them and that's code vehicle -- in scope as are you here. Who Miami. And -- -- Anyway. HP DM. -- eleven inch yes ultra portable yes low power the long battery life decent performance the Anatolia failing. Wasn't good daring to live blogging because I don't know that he got really bug -- -- -- -- was the whole live blog written. And the -- computer but okay at Kenzie only -- -- Digital radio it and and is a favorite there are many of -- -- -- now that's what down list dear Scott my growth but eleven nor eleven slash twelve -- -- ultra portable size laptops I took the MacBook Air eleven inch and Scott took a Lenovo. The -- at least twelve inch but India same class. And we -- like them but now I felt battery life is not as good instituted in I had to go and recharge a lot my -- was my big thing in my battery life is good I really hate the touchpad even if congress lets hear it it ST 399. Laptop touchpad EA tends to erase things to -- because -- name. Yes it's that in exactly like -- and -- That was right on the -- with me. My decision literally the night before it was leaving and the morning. As flight the most important decision we make all year yes -- -- picking your sword into laptops right next to each other both charge both way to go. I was psyche myself out and -- list I know what was the guy -- was the MacBook -- an image which seems like a perfect choice which I -- -- -- -- -- And the other was the HP Foleo thirteen which I was currently working which is so new it's like untested. -- I thought I don't know I really wanna take -- -- at that one at the moment. And cassette I've had problems at times like that -- -- Villanova you to sixty like that -- the battery like the short. Now in the end I -- take the folly of -- that beat around the bush the reason was simple. I went with workhorse decisions because I know -- C -- things go down. Wireless networks get weird. And there's no direct ethernet ports those samples to me that the dongle but -- side Foley at thirteenth got ethernet port. It's got the SD card slot which again last year at the effort got to bring an SD card reader. Ants are accent but by line and make your bag and I think it's an enhancement -- this year. The photos -- all uploaded it really need transfer photos from ST card -- never. And that not matter like on the theoretically should be good. In the and I do not regret the decision quite happy surprise. -- I think that -- through why you know the review was so positive thing. -- an editor's choice because this meat -- yes which shows some beauty -- and yet here it is and it auto hide it. I that is. That before you buy that gold is it just -- on it saying search is not polite easily alone here -- It's a handsome brushed -- of sort of a little bit in that direction but it's it's it's silver. It's it's it's a business -- template. It's very clean cut off because -- cabled it to backlit keyboard. And the battery life was really good the best we've -- -- one of these. Ultra -- the ones that are. Six hours. And -- It's a little thicker but -- this -- -- -- that -- still qualifies -- to get an Intel and I am looking to see -- affinity and if it's light enough with lighter than any means lighter than a MacBook Pro. And thinner than a MacBook Pro partners thicker than a -- -- here. And and the ports are great on its got everything you need USB three if you guys anything. -- that the keyboard was and asked you and I got me through everything easily write very fast wake up from sleep very -- The one problem migrated view and -- -- a lot of windows laptops. -- -- -- the -- The track pad it's a click pad it's a little bit and and -- I was working on -- and putting you know cutting and pasting isolating. And -- -- -- tools and all the sends them he shifted its use optically. And it got really weird. Over and that's across a lot of HP laptops attachment but you detect finger scroll -- that Apple -- so out arrow key to everything you know that. This is they updated the program and I could've used -- -- that they land at two fingers over to sign it. The -- on -- -- that's on an old but that it doesn't feel old -- like. And are not compare the -- technically beats -- I mean it's still having killed some. It's a little over the screen is opposed to a little under alternate as the number one -- -- -- -- -- experiencing it and it's Ali -- -- somebody wins things. Awfully sonet like -- -- -- jam also what I like is its and a precious signal you can user jam it into a backpack and not worry about it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it did not have to be charged very much at all so did this to that but yeah I could have that was -- I would have liked eleven incher twelve inch version may be. With the same -- supports you feel like you -- the right choice I do although I think the act I think -- speed and convenience it's like the MacBook Air eleven. Sure that sexy you take that around by -- I mean. -- -- as the previous generation of that eleven -- -- last year and my problem was again yet. The battery would not -- all day especially results press conferences at the Venetian and everything right that's -- filled and I took a thirteen share this year. And that would actually I'd never had to worry about that running out of power I think that the delta between the eleven inch and thirteen and battery life is actually pretty big it's -- -- -- is pretty significant again you do -- we do. But our downgrade at the light and if they NC I'm -- notion and it I didn't to take my iPad around standing try to work from that I've done at the. -- -- that -- taunting were talking about before -- -- productivity this is a toy and I know that there's been some Internet comments about. The fact that an iPad is not a toy but I believe -- is it off doesn't have a single use -- -- still lives and live blogs guys live blogs and I can add events. Did you feel like and and Cheney and alleged they were great bred live blog to we just the type. It degrades our grade -- and and I files I filed stories from the iPad at CES and it at. Yet seeing some -- sort of I simulation critical that I mean I don't in one experiment. I've used this I think that that's great -- not essential work getting work done travel computer like if you need just to get a few things -- like anointing -- with a family. Is just enough you can get work done if you need to but it's not like -- saying in one hour into a post -- -- -- -- live like this and and and then you -- make sure -- here at 3 o'clock bats that I would. Like if I had to go to a live blog of an event has been -- and I was just -- that the color commentary on like we often do and I didn't do anything else. I would feel comfortable the iPad. Yeah -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I would accept ideas -- -- -- -- that I like simultaneously may be working on a story and then if there's something yes I'd like in the file something with you -- that was the only thing has yet. -- -- -- -- -- -- Of the 80 now -- Sorry and it's it's this. And it's those. Mean that -- -- board. Anyway. -- justice. Well -- here but it turns instantly turns the -- Us just because it's it to us for Atlanta area -- -- -- -- -- It automatically outlets that yeah they don't stay that way it is turn every. And it. It. It does matter -- them on my keynote. Which is an Android. Seniors use it the first thing in regular keyboard it seems very keep you want to transform. Yet -- transformed and no it doesn't yet. I can't see. That's where it never notice that it -- mean I think on the iPhone it does transform. It -- And -- -- that it's it's -- But that we've learned something new today aren't I think I think -- -- -- -- -- -- -- actually discovery. A -- to -- -- to consider wrapping -- just because we started late. And -- when we don't want a runway too long. But that's really happening yeah I know we have another step to talk -- we can come back to that next week BB weirdest stuff. Alaska played around with another new online product from the streaming guys and if you -- that is a video that -- demo that live Nixon -- -- about it on my desktop which allows you to essentially make your iPad into Windows 7. And other in the apps do that -- right. But -- none of them are are our art our very good to date maybe -- -- -- better although we -- is there I can't -- that we previewed back in December 30. This reason Apple has never proved so it is it on my desktop went live right at the moment they sent away and yet. The eyes on line gaming app which if it is -- -- we have it installed. Provisioning on our ipad's it's great and it. I install -- attitude is a provision alma says I mean was thing is it's good enough to go in -- in -- Apple's. Approve that as rapidly there -- some problem that we don't know who's who's problem that I have -- So I -- I -- and remember we voted the best of galaxy yes. Again it is standard to that that a live TV. I agree with -- I voted for that W agreed with that. I'm out yeah I do I disagree with OTV on just because I think -- -- very few. Of is that visual of the -- was the eye catching them -- story telling parents after -- the maker about it and make about it and I'll now -- that affiliates have been around for awhile. Yeah and a bit at night you'll hurt consumers. Time and got it at the maker Faire in New York let's make affairs C -- saint in the same product's -- and I mean the reason it. Myself and David Katzmaier and deliberated -- this was because the two standouts would basically Samsung LG. Am just thinking the next couple of years will ultra books -- United does a lot of shifting going on in form factors that the money and ultra -- called what is that -- a little fold out yesterday's regular. Yet -- in a million little difference. That's all factors but what's going to become quiet. Parents and X please -- have good a ladies man will look back now and say to be put up with those crappy little TVs. We've got a lead now I wouldn't it may take a backseat TV and the even if you just bought a brand new TV totally -- yet so it's like to see this it was -- -- the -- I mean -- -- to Samsung sorry he voted for go to heaven at the Samsung by Abyssinian was I'll let you say well -- our business scenarios about what it actually want. Here's a question on about -- very quickly is it eventually something you could it almost sort of paint on your wallet is that enough -- could apply it. And make -- -- the wall screen you've always wanted -- -- talking about it being. In enough -- presentation it's like -- -- you get that LE DT hits now and you'll be able to roll up into when -- -- -- Suddenly talking really really been written -- to -- -- song just saw him. -- basically. What is the size of pixels lesson on what evidence -- But tests overlooking please can't we understand millimeter you don't send kilos metric that these -- again. A dynamic. That and -- sonic -- micro entices them with you I would never heard of that. Click to get -- -- -- marketing speak my current can -- inches. And it's. And people iPhone migrants -- -- and -- -- counties have not yet anyway by next week on my desktop -- But and it's all -- detect from the restarted late for obviously a little. But something today. -- also on the show you some interest if I found out about how to stream the Super Bowl this got you know what he football fan I am. Yes multimedia online for the first time this year but next -- the best we discuss all that stuff but we restrictions especially on media mobile apps that it. Real yes but we will talk about -- next week and who knows maybe just dialing -- next week well I don't think I'm you have nothing to do right no right to -- we're gonna open up. Artists and I don't have anything you degrading ready because again we couldn't of the streaming -- so I'm just going to say you do -- -- you mentioned football by the way that's I think it's time I think ever. And -- right up next -- -- to document a lot more. And nothing in the meantime all the ads show on FaceBook at the FaceBook dot com slash CNET labs cast on Twitter. The Atlanta cast and now I put all our Twitter names in the tweet about the show us and -- follow up with that. -- think the music you could buy video.

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