Ep. 1389: Steve says Comcast/NBCU will be ok
Ep. 1389: Steve says Comcast/NBCU will be ok

Ep. 1389: Steve says Comcast/NBCU will be ok

-- Wednesday January 19. When you -- And video results I'm Brian Cooley Hollywood positive buzz out loud -- -- indeterminate length episode thirteen 89. If you're watching -- live you know the show started a little bit late because we had a line and pre show about shark swimming in the -- and Australia. Spiders in the water it if it should come up the longer interests I note Steve. Understand that we're not argument Steve Jobs -- talking about. He abatement -- Bateman at Fletcher who was so vociferously -- for. By many of his -- -- Yup as in I've -- Steve instantly -- life. That there was -- second street must it was a technical analyst and a good story just in my camera can you take this video we hear you get the picture and yours -- so when Steve and I thought about Steve what's the skill we just. We've we bring this up because Steve is now a medium as a means to you we decreed himself and so -- -- gonna come up a month's time that we want to make sure that when we say I know Steve. -- maybe not the most trustworthy looking and he wrote the plays well. When the -- widget bar bargain in butcher by a boyfriend butcher statement by investor. I know that -- rules and even lie. I know it looks -- -- live up an independent media and animate like what he does his life. On the trim by the three via a story to -- -- Coming out when Steve luckily didn't tell us this -- that the news was delivered by Reggie is -- man at the Nintendo event coming out. That the previous you know -- cited the and nobody would turn it on anybody else get his name right if you don't think so. -- -- -- -- -- It's really does the it department. He's and then -- then educate them. The good enough -- Goodman and well on achievement and people smug because when you say it right you feel like you're part of a club is no idea that it would butcher living Ella. Bargain -- in the bargain -- the hell out of that energy filled almost it's almost bond villain. It has no rights it is hasn't yet it's almost like -- -- -- a man I had to be corrected -- -- tying actually because I. -- it properly right we're actually in -- as you'll them the right. It's not the economy. And and I rent on it but so he pronouncement on -- -- and a in his own way yet but it is right it would be correct about the -- with -- finally yeah. Steve would lie about it being knows he would never -- about that are now. -- Reggie. How the president today and announced in that indeed the intent of previous exists. It is going to be released on March 27 it will cost 249. Dollars. And this is the glasses free 3-D display on the little gaming -- -- and an antenna previous does like the single that and an idea is the most via. Selling red hot on the entire world I didn't see this thing in 3-D -- and you just the actually doing its thing I didn't they wouldn't turn on the bright and early look at the big exclusive interview okay so that's why we were looking at -- and I'm about vapor I think I'm Brian -- actually cited these -- -- opera but there. Looks good. You that it was amazing I mean that at some glasses free 3-D displays that yeah you have the one that that -- brought up the post article with Cuba now I believe it can equal. -- titles including new versions of pilot wings resort Madden. That are alive super Street Fighter IV and Nintendo on -- -- in which -- will be able to recognize players' faces an even let them and other content. -- you GM Nintendo though can. Not it can always take it too far -- -- ignited due to connect them all you can track and -- -- -- -- connect. The titled certain titles have no firm launch it at thirty that they will become available for the previous between now and do you -- and I think it backwards compatible with the game part yet. -- Now if an actual news on that and now if Batman is -- happened yesterday. There's more gridlock that hell yeah mopping up the hate best. You have the right after we did the show DOJ rubber -- the thing that we just had breaking here with the FCC approvals -- a Comcast NBC in the space of -- twenty minutes. Went through two major -- approvals and a lot of the industry what the it department at the center antitrust division in -- states -- -- wrapped up via. All in one day because of these strings again yeah one of them is that Comcast will retain -- -- stake in Hulu and won't have direct control over who. If people were concerned that Comcast -- -- -- it there with -- exactly but why wouldn't -- -- -- -- BOD and broadcast to protect and cable infrastructure to the cable subscription to protect three major areas will be under attack by Yahoo! and their own streaming like in the fan. And yes threaded dual streaming competition that the government being any true -- and language into the agreement -- contest. Would not going to be able to hold seats on whose board of directors and and that -- month -- -- -- and it. -- that but there's no role. That it inquirer surrender of the state residency whatever is -- this thing this is always in notes this happens under the company covers this is very hard to -- -- -- to what time it happens it's often very late via. It'll be it will be -- Comcast -- largely kept in the dark on Hulu matters at the times piece justice says that. Comcast will not be able to receive confidential or sensitive information concerning who looked so it's in it's it's a very porous -- they're putting him yet because they'll never know when that information -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Justice Department said that it would have rejected the venture as it was originally proposed that there were conditions like that. That would ensure that Comcast provide Internet versions of NBC shows and movies to web services like YouTube Hulu and Apple TV. And that without those conditions it wouldn't have been. Approved they say they do think that the transaction will not kill the nascent competition posed by online competitors. However I think we can assume that while Comcast -- be. Required or compelled insomnia to continue to provide Internet versions of NBC shows to YouTube Hulu Apple and other existing services. Few services are -- and exactly would be we have a snowballs chance in hell of everything and he says -- any future online to answer yes. But I just this unprecedented and I truly cannot imagine -- way in which it will not or and I don't understand how it could have just sailed through. Okay -- for the DOG's DOJ itself -- of those going to be a big process starting yesterday it would go on for some weeks -- just all of a sudden I checked the news in the -- the what it's done. On both fronts that's -- -- Over there yet. -- -- deal ever largely on Thursday. And all there was only one a member of the FBF fifty who voted against it he said. That it will affect every citizen in the land and those that cops volume -- not all the majority's efforts diligent though they were to ameliorate these -- cannot mask the true. That is Comcast NBC joint venture previously failed the public interest. Again I think I've been noticing that the overall constitutional lawyer net neutrality there. Via. I don't -- true though I I don't know exactly I don't think you're gonna see an immediate impact from. Acknowledged consumers' are gonna suddenly -- these are monopolies that were propped up three tablets that's bought the competition. Fair amount of competition in all the aspects of which they play and yet others -- -- -- any other cable. But while many other cable companies many other broadcasters many other content production studios many of them exist are rarely in the same town -- -- at the -- thing. I mean really very Ariel although one provider the -- -- the provider for Internet access or for you know for broadband Internet. Although isn't wouldn't AT&T and Verizon is they push out fiber there they compete in all these markets that Comcast is of that is a future competitive -- that is already in the ground and -- baker. I don't know. The forecast is for -- I don't know when it -- from cancer. So it's I think it is it is fibers has been hanging out -- one New England area from Verizon for now for -- those companies are committed to it. They are the only hope of giving them a a runaround it's it's just it's unnerving to do that before the competition -- -- the FCC -- was supposed to -- chime -- on his back kind of thing and the DOJ is what the time chime in on. On the whole anti competitive stuff of who owns the content but that the DOJ didn't go -- the at that the FCC to the whole thing. And how orbited the discussion went. The FCC's took the lead the to the whole thing there was just no DOJ involvement here beyond what you're saying about them divisional complaints within the in the department. It is remarkable I mean I guess you know there assuming that Comcast will take over the stuff and to operate all these different business independently. Why would they ever want to make the idea of content delivery with a network that delivers the content -- I just like I dessert competition has to kick him you know -- I just have to have -- There's -- hospice but they don't have to do it with up before there was any competition I would love to have faith in the competition we haven't seen the companies that -- we've seen so much media consolidation of the competition for media. Is actually not there either. And that it does that actually now -- you know it really the government is basically saying to us at this point I know Steve and if he says I think -- Okay thing in a method NBC and Hulu then it's okay happening -- method. And yet you live. It gave Apple had -- AM monster earnings call yesterday we've we've foreshadowed at a little bit in yesterday's show let's see name. Killed its. They -- -- and they headed out of the park and -- and such other Wall Street music. Everything was -- they sold sixteen point two million iphones -- 86% from the -- -- -- -- -- Verizon so -- quarter up from of the full -- -- the Verizon and -- full -- of -- quarter of Verizon will be in the next report has been muted -- huge number it's gonna -- -- it's gonna be like 22 million iphones in the -- they told seven point three million ipads which I believe with slightly less than gene Munster prediction of ten million in Mac sales rose 23% on a unity of department one million units. Executives again said they could not build enough iphones to meet demand. In. Do it now that a amber -- and that will be. Yeah that's a good question I think a different company builds -- Verizon once. I think I -- from bills that Verizon phones and I've forgotten about the -- -- -- -- another -- -- -- coming on -- The that they can't meet demand that is a major problem -- you waste your opportunity -- -- as the Android phones are just too much on any. Analysts pretty much stuck to Steve Jobs request and did not ask about -- In the Q&A portion underneath while mean they know they won't get another question if they do -- to vet them yen and in -- about it now. But Tim Cook teed off a little bit on tablet competitors -- Weird. He said he called most of them bizarre. What's bizarre about this -- Android operating -- -- where. Bizarre there's -- -- bizarre they're actually anything I thought they were. Far too predictable but I know what they're confronted the iPad we saw a bunch of tablets are for real real prototypes these are real pre production samples -- yes. And numbers aren't all to be honest there are actually very routine but -- -- -- the competition he -- -- the seven inch tablet where bizarre. You that you might have having decided the tablet that's less than reasonable or when it's not in real -- -- -- Steve was on the call it is tough talk he slipped on an astronaut Pedro overtones that Davis the bizarre product -- -- in the floor and then -- it that that the one that we're currently in development world still paper. They're not shipping now that zoom looked really finished that reopens that would be on the market today I think if they weren't waiting for -- -- -- I think that way break all the tablet market makers told -- that that -- -- hold up. Yeah that's that's that's a real looking -- There is nothing about the -- the Toshiba was a little community -- lead them out but yeah be India but Helio courier tablet and tablet and expect have a lot of market let's give it a name. He Kama somehow thing she put something -- It's a Toshiba tablet the should look really got we can't write -- -- that really isn't a copier it ahead of action -- just achievement. I know the -- today that Toshiba tablets have announced that it is as the good marketing name. He's now she'd let. Them. We're gonna take it great well I giggle about that for a little island then without -- -- -- -- in the show anymore. We just figured it. The man of the hour right here I don't Bateman of let's -- it again. Bargain butcher -- in Internet caf and data. -- -- India says there -- sharks swimming in the streets but the striving look on his face -- -- That's all that it was at this of the -- really eat it all might as well -- that was the but you always have an optical slot isn't going. There -- -- And maybe even. More on it was kind of uncovered. In the Verizon announcement -- the iPhone epic he paid which finally is up and running again I think that you've been down since the current announcement that -- is trying to port through it. To -- details of the iPhone on -- one of the details appears to be. That people -- customers who bought an activated new Smartphones. -- Vietnam or certified pre -- and -- and yet we November 26 and January 10. Are eligible to receive a 3200 dollar visa debit card -- -- buy an act on -- Apple retail retail -- -- -- -- free phone here but. Or nearly but it so it takes 200 backed up the east 650. Dollars you know -- right. To good. -- -- It's little pricey upgrade you're just got a phone in December -- really -- 349. Year veteran us tax the when I mean when you -- to have been blind -- and -- I don't IE power on them on via. Connecticut is that they are at least trying to try feel your pain a little bit now -- heads up -- of things to -- it department if the new rates. Perry -- I would like. -- -- Manhattan apartment management via our area or if he's -- -- new theory. Interesting research having. From -- That would make that app where you can -- -- on an exchange contact -- so you know I don't know that they are necessarily the be all and all when it comes to. OS installation and research but. They are installed -- -- up -- So they have put out -- that thing. If you are on IOS. You are 90% likely to have the most recent version of the operating system uptake for IOS four and 90%. But appear on Android you're only point 4% likely to have the latest expert and mapping Android two point rather -- it only point 4% of the Android that are using -- That are being intercepted by them are using the latest in the latest version. Which climate intervals that are gonna help us that was uncalled it was with a gingerbread yeah I guess -- steep. What does this tell us -- this. We can't today Android users are -- -- -- are that well now I -- it it says that the manufacturers and the handset. Makers are firmly in control of the -- deployment. Okay this is this is -- availability story with the fragmentation not an adoption story by the user but availability by the vendor is not being done and uniformity I'm pretty sure that about 4% of people who -- on battery point four thoughtful person and I like the word -- outlook cut -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It basically hopefully Google employees of Nexus One on and then at 33 people now I think people in -- Android 2.3 is currently only available on active on the neck has asked that -- that it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- two point that I know oh absolutely yeah. No the next is -- as the reference. Design that's right here and on the premise that it out and reading writing -- -- that's right. And generated you know I mean this is what it is really a pregnancy a tale of fragmentation. Because it says there's so many phone company and you know Apple at the present an update when -- Right and 101 vendor -- -- to some -- and but this never hurts it's against utilities cities that the Mac camp -- always been on the same OS version of which are really hard they cut their tail off all the time on the Mac OS on the computer. The windows side we've all you know up until recently but -- windows that would have XP is still number one when 98 is still like 70% of windows install. So the fragmentation. Hasn't hurt either the companies that embrace -- or the companies that don't. Some lesser is a bad thing now it's just a -- for developers if -- kind of math and about -- it's -- for the Android. Camp in general but the developers of. -- and it does make an end because now we're starting to really people are very aware of what version commander in their running at least people who are pretty -- -- -- embark on. They're starting to -- to question why so there was that baker powerful about Samsung. And whether they were deliberately holding back 2.2 oh yeah it just -- even. From their Samsung galaxy S phones because they wanted to prop up the galaxy S -- -- -- -- That's where it's a very bad idea of an -- of -- -- that -- you -- the element that's not cool and then people start to recommend opponents -- goes and buys one and it's not exactly -- doesn't do what they said you -- to disappointment. Consumers start to -- I don't -- is too complicated. Or you get beyond disappointment -- out rate range and accusations attempts and strengthening the right with -- -- -- -- they've been kind of putting out these statements. To try to calm people down. About Android 2.2 they've now emailed both groups saying we are not charging carriers are pro audio updates to galaxy -- We have to have more detail on status shortly we promise. What Samsung -- that is that. They haven't that -- overtly but people have speculated that part of the reason it's taking them along to roll up for you is because they put a custom skin over top of. Now the of and -- Certainly -- -- re -- and every time via an is that really complicated and yeah it. The scary thing is an interesting player and unless it's -- -- that Apple -- -- to deal with. There's no skin to have to worry on top of the generation on top of the handset on -- -- until now malt liquors like they're playing 3-D chips in the Android world -- Apple's -- very simple message yet. This is again the genius of Steve you're talking about -- yesterday -- He wouldn't let something like this ever happened for violence no matter what the business case 10 god he would never let this happen he can you imagine no no no no no is his greatest value of that company. Yeah yeah -- this would never happen. -- it never -- and the idea I mean. It becomes obnoxious than Apple because you of the forced upgrade Martina you have graduate you have to have the newest and greatest thing because everything is standard at on the news and anything and they leave you behind -- There I think there's probably -- middle ground I think the competition is good. And I think of variety -- Android is fine in most most users are going to care as long as the phones work. Yeah if Android is -- customer adoption it's not like they're gonna be in a growing and an incomplete it's mostly geek through like how and two point -- -- net two point one. Unless is that -- and one major functional and happening and people hear about the go to the phone there's doesn't do it they're angry. Exactly but you know that solve all that. You unified -- That's right. Telephone every thing. So. There's a research note. Take it for what it's worth but the folks over act -- springboard research say they see and Eric coming quickly where we have -- to that this is not that big -- deal except that hasn't happened yet app stores that would detector device filter the apps. -- as opposed to going to Android market or the Apple App Store or what's it on Blackberry App Store and having to go to -- to a destination that -- -- device again most consumers don't wanna think about that. They just want to go to an App Store that. Knows what device -- therefore -- that we don't download.com you can log in and anything we'll figure out which are on and just filter and the apps that it. Theme that that is eleven games like okay -- -- you're on a Mac right but this hasn't happened -- the -- -- got a great. Amazingly lazy in lot of ways. It's loud lazy and its its big. The app world is all about the ecosystem and the vertical experience though they control the App Store that in -- -- -- -- -- that -- have -- -- Apple is the reason that the App Store market is exists that is the way at all because they said we wanna have our own marketplace we wanna control what we want getting cut of the -- And that's -- very Apple thing ray the other app stores really shouldn't replicate that that it is not like we are universe like having Apple Store and having iPhone at best buy the same thing. The video put their stuff on the shelf and everything else but they'll have their own that'll. I know little island but it creates the idea that proprietary islands -- the way to divert to drive device development that he can't really launch a device that this army of developers behind you and I think that I mean I think the the universal -- -- is probably. Inevitable mean anything because it that's in the software market all along right like you may have a different platform like the Mac -- Yeah -- Amazon birthright so they've got to be you know looking for that is there are now. I am I am looking forward to bout damn time but it I definitely don't wanna I don't have a situation on a pond where Verizon wants to push me -- -- -- right. I have an Android market and then Amazon starting point to it like that is ludicrous I should be able to just go to the web and get them -- from -- well that's the thing it should just be web power and even having to have a marketplace app is kind of madness which is almost the -- through iTunes -- the app on an Android device and an apt to go get it why. That's -- And -- what I need web apps to the Modesto makes me nuts and I -- -- -- at the over the web mail with tablets coming also -- have. That -- be calling mostly Android tablet and you don't have iphones and Android yet I have a little. A place to go for both of them yeah because television as well and -- -- this kind of touches on a little -- what we're talking about yesterday which it. I'm totally went on the government has been a Madison consumer confusion -- it as he's -- -- inherently just a little while I was talking. That is -- -- protest and problem. And that's happening at the -- certain political. Apologists. Interesting research from Nielsen about four G whether people understand orgy and its benefits and also whether there even interested in upgrading to poured tea -- -- -- -- like where we are we where with HD. How Beverly Yahoo! via a link and Twitter letting me I -- -- Rite -- has PA plus LTE WiMax I mean you have the same sort of confusion about -- that. The port standards what of the speed. -- years ago when people -- asked what his forgy they gave their answers if you're looking on the video version here at the the yellow answers which there was a lot of them in a lot of percentage. Kind of write but -- not. The red bar which was 27% is way wrong that's people saying -- that's the current iPhone four blasts -- confusing and out and becomes iPhone five which might be a forty device -- maybe not. And then the only 154%. Did have a vaguely right saying it's an air interface technology who -- -- that some research it's an air interface technology provides wireless data speeds of greater than a hundred megabytes for high mobility no way. As soon as of multiple choice yeah right these. And -- to meet multiple it is right nobody would -- -- is as is he human language but the interesting part -- that next when they're looking at. That little part the 29% as all that are expecting to buy a four -- device in the next twelve months now. This is not right now so big education has to happen by these carriers that their dumping money for that shocked me that went in and yeah I didn't expect develop low -- I hear a lot about it last in my forgy but that's just in -- circles. I you know at a -- India actually got to play -- -- -- the father of them. -- -- -- wanna be like little friends and he was asking about -- -- and I was kind of -- that -- while. I mean I guess if you really want a future -- device you could. But I don't know that it's worth the money -- F I wouldn't I wouldn't say the -- adoption is crucial right now because the network as small enough that you're unlikely to really reap the benefits. Is not crucial -- throw things like HD radio that -- generally asked -- was gonna get there by default. Yeah but the -- is -- to get -- sooner than later by default target that that note that additional data -- that they all will collect -- sooner than later but. -- -- -- -- -- and ask for I don't think because it's faster hasn't -- on the end of it which to them is like I can live without it for the long earlier. And that's a -- consumer response. It was the exact and this is so parallel -- -- -- can I can remember used specifically thing that consumers don't care about quality and they don't know video via and they don't know that it's a little -- the picture looks a little better because that you haven't lived with -- better pictures depict it that it does -- conflict changing right. It's not -- tell every phone every TV is HD. That it matters and every phone is orgy in every network is part it's easy and she is when -- -- easy and cheap then people go -- that but they'll pay the modest premium. And in the meantime people are basically being lied to by the marketing about what orgy really is because forgy have a standard nobody even meet that standard but the standard was developed doctor Google started talking about -- -- an outlaw Larry screwed up the entire play -- important things I cannot tell -- they -- -- -- them. Did I really I -- three something else one more iterations then go to the fourth when he screwed it all they really did I know a lot of people I mean I'm surprised that 27%. Right so -- always said iPhone -- -- but I'm not shocked that I know a lot of people would still -- space had to be at the difference between a -- network and a three G iPhone had to be explained. To -- absolutely it's -- it's biodiesel Voeller writes. Does it make a lot Apple -- -- -- peeking out -- -- a little more data porn from pew Internet. On -- basically how social people are online. And you know the upshot the bottom line seems to be that the idea of the Internet user as Maynard and his mom's basement is definitely -- now. Yet we're seeing greater numbers of Internet users involved in actual real world social activities. In every single description attending meetings or events for a group volunteering your time it's real world contributing money to a group. May -- may not be real world take a leadership role of a group probably real world. -- at least one of these above all significantly higher for serious Internet or the Internet users in general it's more a story that. In the Internet is us as opposed to the geek is what we thought it once -- -- so we thought they were just on my basement. But that's not we are not them anymore. Now we are all of us they're no longer the only people online yet this is like the stories that it was thought what about technology markets -- oil Massachusetts California Texas Illinois -- of the high tech markets and you can't silly Internet biologist. But that was so many years ago reviewing -- about that more marketers never think about that anymore. This is where the same things go. Which -- kind of good actually because I don't want to -- I don't. I'm done with being stereotyped as heavy Internet user right equals and write in another Catholic like everywhere here on the -- -- isolated. -- and but he had a good point -- -- which is this is all about. People using FaceBook on their phones and I mean it -- -- it's all device driven like you're connected all the time. Of course that are gonna come and get their a lot of people who don't really spend a lot of time from their computer on the Internet they spent a lot of time on the phone or -- an absolute definitely absolutely sometimes mid conversation. You know -- you are. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Because they have also launched a mobile payments network. QX 6800 of its stores plus more than 1000 outlets inside targets or -- an app it's not NFC. It is an app that you download and then you have a bar code that is scanned at the -- -- -- and works on iPhone or Blackberry. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now -- -- whose parents and there's an unofficial -- an app called Starbucks card widget and it worked with him. That card again. I don't need to power up and log on for this function they can do this another way I am getting plastic card or -- mean exactly those all work pretty adamant I'm not gonna find my app that launches ultimately -- -- unlock a password or alien novelty. Not with the battery life I do want it to what's -- about the idea and I'm buying it I'm gonna now this might dissuade you. I'm an -- -- turn into. A big gulp and view it happened. Billick -- a final edit or to one entrant into the drive and don't let that person -- -- -- -- paper. I need a quadruple contend with a half -- and then whipped cream -- That in its second ago and wherever it -- and now -- like now the -- really could take longer than it takes to pay. Even with -- cart even with this that I think if -- got OK you got a decaf and non -- trend. Skinny Vanilla. Still a lot -- just get a coffee. -- -- -- -- -- That's all of they can think about optimize code one -- and there are three or and -- -- -- their for their never heard this regulation. -- -- I -- -- -- advocate the the ultimate intent that the notion ink thing this is that what this is about him last summer we heard a lot about this is a hot new tablet. And that account came and went in vapor at -- these guys had to meet these has had major -- along -- way it writes ray and impact it's pretty funny because it may try to fake it out by. As the title on the blog post that notion ink. -- that notion ink brought it -- if -- getting where -- of like fake. -- idea. Okay that's not that's not -- but the buzz is actually pictures of the notion ink on the assembly line -- getting into boxes and apparently ready to ship. And it looks like. It looks like a real old -- -- what -- you can tell us to reel assembly line a little. Little hand done something about it's not -- -- Apple knows that what the electronic assembly lines we look like it's. A C units and a very big elaborate building a little concerned that looks always pictures look a little. Although I haven't laughed yeah alone -- comment when -- thank you I've never heard this one before actually they're trying to pre hone. Their February shipments -- is that a threat that -- that that it should be changed in the last week in January that really don't even think tenth. This the -- to become a -- look at Steve says the notion ink is coming and carry. In January I believe things with a spider recruit each purchase. -- -- -- exactly it and got three pound on that news. Google launched its fourth annual doodle for Google contest it like that competition for the children. Students from K through twelve to design and Google homepage -- and then they when they get 151000 dollars content. And a 25000. Dollar technology grant. For their school I cannot believe the group that Google doodle what is -- -- began his doodle what is that this level of cultural -- him. That are now and -- together and I. Can't even see the Google it says on I have -- impending second -- I was at I was in the Google and there. Really GOO -- bogus anti government or anything. The green -- the -- -- Missing mail on the -- Wow that's -- -- as they've ever gotten -- that's out while the blending the content music. They're running up it is doing clip art that today administered it just by sheer luck that I could come as though Google later -- They used to appease them in London maybe in fact I don't feel -- is a real people -- -- on it slightly looks. You know exactly like Google that are using some sort of -- artificial intelligence had to go through all Google images and look for images and have a Google spelled out in them but we're done we have no more ideas. Let's go spot patterns we don't need people for this anymore. The agreement -- Should be very close -- let's move on a gadget. They need I'm Brian and have left their eleven month evidence let me see your video off -- really exists in the UK's University of Warwick claimed to have -- developed the world's first poll HDR. -- -- That's impressive -- finally goes back to that dynamic range of film which. We never touch with the -- This will capture and it could theoretically be even better then and them -- I could because it can yeah absolutely I mean still needs to do what like eight -- -- together a piece of illnesses -- arguably. Range from the darkest of the lightest thing can all fit into one and you can explained means to add to. That he HD are the -- Permian dynamic range is the range between the darkest and lightest things that -- frame can capture whether it's piece of video offering the video or still in which so additional camera camera phone -- -- really hard time but it's just not very good so the dark stuff can be exposed right. And the light stuff is pure white. Where -- -- the sky right and then all the stuff in the shadows is pure black it just doesn't have much rain from the highest of the darkest thing in the picture. -- dynamic range shows brighter bright and darker dark all properly expose in the same image. But you do that by taking several images -- taken the best parts of B to stitching together and figure out when iPhone does but doesn't -- -- shot. We'll do -- videos like that many more frames all the time -- impressive at 304060 frames per second you're grabbing all that stitching merging and saving that's -- basically. Has stated its causing the demand without having -- -- -- -- -- of that. I'm available for -- -- standing -- and thank you very much while this is now that now you get I pretty bad about that it means everything in the picture looks good. Aren't wealthy when it -- the hits the market. This will be coming to consumer camera recently definitely it's just a matter processing power for -- planet material yet mean it seems like it but there -- already and then these guys are saying you know we have -- the video system and faster. Get -- -- -- save stitch place a technology. For any of the good date. And angry when it and it looks like the ho -- you. This is why this is why the old film looks at if you say film look at the capital's old super eight movies for -- -- the -- film look so good with a cool kind of funky look captures those memories it looked like summer day is all the time. It's than -- -- -- everything is. -- -- Speaking of captured properly have finally. Finally finally. The entire un censored label lay back catalog is coming to the iPad starting in March. This only is -- because it ties into the -- daily thing being launched on the iPad eventually. It's the idea that the iPad is still being talked about and a lot of circles. And this major magazine platform. The -- has -- in an activist like the wired out of that its improvement and usually. Right this is -- through the full content of every episode back import. And it's something for Playboy to take -- -- to say don't have much else and that is what tired -- brand a really wow there really isn't the only so many times that you have been married somebody in here give us talking about it yesterday tired old property that -- all the of their about it that number stood at let's move -- -- -- A lot of responses about FaceBook -- your address and phone number and apparently some good suggestions actually the person -- Japan. -- -- in the Amish country consuming it and on about yours story about the FaceBook itself -- number in the article but maybe that has to do with the rumored -- they own up. Actually than it might be -- art or Portland -- I never thought of that no that was new to us -- take some doing I was. I totally -- the game -- they don't very good supposition and I totally forgot about that totally and then our next caller points out. Very painfully I think that the and we -- some children yesterday with how all the ways that FaceBook is at cross purposes with itself. -- it's Jim from Minnesota. Section four point seven of the FaceBook terms of service that you'll keep your contact information accurate and up to date I don't do that -- Given that our collective profile information -- what drives Facebook's valuation. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about how FaceBook can expect to continue to -- social graph at the same time that its actions are driving people away from putting data into the grass in the first place. What the -- -- he's right four point seven. You'll keep your contact info accurate and up to date at what wow did I know never. Really though if you are and I will nice idea. I'm gonna get our own not by removing it are you then violating the terms of -- -- not update one point and arguably it could via. -- -- -- this -- say you have to have a decision got to keep it up to date that's the greater. You can opt out of filling in any number hay yields. Pretty -- see -- you'll keep your contact information up to date says Hulu. Via one now how dare you I am shocked and that is in the expect terms of service and have it really -- only. -- response that -- -- me everything. And. Everything else would DOS does not surprise me except that that is shocking although and then Tim makes a really good point which is that FaceBook is indeed shooting itself in the -- buy it by continuing to incentive to get as much information off of that crazy boat as you possibly and -- They are potentially seeding them children a planet -- -- How can they can't get that right because -- it is not the first time they've run up against this sort of we went too far the overreach is just part of their culture now magnolia I don't know that thing is just the thing that they can't he can't help themselves but once people view I mean -- the backlash that they should fear because the people say. -- it will then I'm not testing equipment information and FaceBook does become significantly less valuable -- because it is the -- -- including investors that through -- get ahead of this before the users even realize they're gonna start to leave the investors -- -- you know what. You guys are doing this too many times too often and the wrong way -- or -- you don't veterans -- If that you one does start to Wonder Bread on the emails rich in a lovely Cleveland he says right in and says after listening to yesterday's episode of trying to think of -- historical situations similar to the NBC Comcast merger. As -- said it was unprecedented. I just finished reading Tim -- book master switch -- an example -- readily to mind the movie industry from the thirties onward. All the major studios -- all aspects of film from writing to production and owned. Only the only theatres -- -- -- the found that seems to be to be a remarkably similar. Similar in its implication it is -- said so -- aren't. What can we look forward to you as a result. Well if nothing else the ability for groups outside government oversight to exert censorship over media ala the motion picture production code. Luckily the FCC is putting in regulation to mention other networks -- access -- and BC universal content reasonable prices which is a relief but. I can think of no example the giant multibillion dollar conglomerate using their money to influence policy that is gonna be awesome for consumers. It's went down I didn't notice this went down to an anti trust action in 1938. It didn't until 1949. Took -- eleven years to break the go out to different era but took eleven years to break with Paramount case it was known that those battling government -- a little more efficient -- fitness club are now are not -- So -- it took a DOJ antitrust action to dismantle it. Yeah I didn't know that and in that is under the previous system broke down at one point to -- it was a legal action in the end it's linen well. Yes you're okay let's see barring some miracle on Thursday. -- Mars tomorrow. Long week the buzz out loud Brian appearance streak to -- will be a -- Which is like -- clapping good. What ended fifty shows a Brian and there's two of us has appeared in the official BOL episode every day since -- owning it and use -- -- did -- -- -- -- I was hoping history will surpass the American iron man's street but sevens will not be the case of another -- and significant talk tech for a couple minutes and thirteen ninety. One or 89 today right okay. Little man and -- he did -- it sounded like a minute break yeah. Quick hit this one cricket so many bars to get to tomorrow but quick hit rides you can -- cricket -- when I get out we gotta keep -- -- -- I doubt it will count -- out an account. And an -- to figure -- -- Friday there is some talk of a New York show the New York crowd might be doing about that -- Which arguably can be considered an unofficial let the sellout to the back the money they -- be take maybe this -- won't be president to go to get a special edition that's not numbered -- with the moon totally don't amber and I don't T -- on top. And -- -- wearing baseball. What I love about -- is not only is he -- that much of a statistics geeky actually created a Google -- What -- spread -- okay wait a minute with every show and which Brian it was. And I pointed out not that many believe them atlas though -- other people have been up to implement while I do need to give back into the stats. You're -- -- -- -- little -- and all of the Linksys or is it that went to -- point 017 years and Arab I don't see anything to help with mister added would do this that would do this should this should eat and wow -- it's. You've gotta love seat really marvel for yourself that are -- -- -- that cnet.com policy that if you would anyone in hundreds excellent 6638. That's -- -- and we love it wouldn't. I mean a school that they really getting damaged goods dumped it. Email buzz at cnet.com and we will be -- more -- -- -- --

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