Ep: 1385: It's so hard to good-bye to H.264
Ep: 1385: It's so hard to good-bye to H.264

Ep: 1385: It's so hard to good-bye to H.264

Today -- Wednesday January 12 -- eleven. I've added a Gonzales -- right some of Hollywood could allow -- buzz out loud -- podcasts and that -- -- length. Technical proficiency and start time the law. And episode thirteen. 85 without a left the demon that 2010 behind we didn't out of Iraq and let -- know we are starting. Roughly 34 minutes late. And actually -- even later than our normal late start time but I dare -- here Italian here we towels on the Italian gentleman. -- and -- 1024. Digit. There is -- keep it. Multiple letters and symbols and the web doing is that ding bats in 1024. Characters but they were thoroughly -- it took. While they -- -- have the -- content through it off so. But we're there where there organ that we might have to -- does show a little bit today because other people need to come and -- The let's get to it -- yet do it the big news of the day. Not the Verizon iPhone and we're gonna get -- that a minute but the big news today is Google saying that it plans to drop support. For the HTH 96 or video -- in the Chrome browser and embrace web and not which is its. -- Source video codec limited acquired in 2009 and -- been trying to you know group has been trying to push this. Everybody kind of been hoping for -- open source video codec and -- thing. We're doing. So -- right off the bat I mean because -- trying to truncate this. I'm not I'm not a fan of this -- Yeah I did -- for a few reasons why the tube -- don't know right off the -- I'm not a fan it's because overall I think it affects. There's two things that are -- affects users -- when -- -- users. A lot of times we use web -- we don't see what's going on behind the scenes but. At the end of the day. Not every you know. Web sites the uses of those that they're gonna have to from the back end in -- the video in two different formats now from what they've already -- -- -- costs -- potentially put possible website. On the web sites and the developers. Then from a user's standpoint certain browsers won't be able to be compatible with some of the video that's going to be delivered per say. Because the different formats sure right now a lot of times it's on the browsers like these in a flash wrapper to showcase HT six or video. But you have with Chrome which makes up only about -- in the browser strictly going -- so let the web -- format. That's gonna fragment you more and that we talked about devices. Can't video cameras actually support 826 -- format for capturing video and then been able to. -- line and convert that and it showcase -- on a computer and then final price being delivered a website. Those cameras don't support that format either so. In many levels. -- I don't like this I see what Google's trying to do but I'm not a fan of it. It is via -- -- -- I'm a little on the fence I'll take the other side -- double that -- because I think that you know we have been held hot the reason that everything supports. -- -- -- is that we've been held hostage by this licensing arrangement everybody has licensed this technology and is is encoding. In it and there's no way that we will ever move to more open -- until somebody makes -- move remedies is not dissimilar from Apple thing. What happened flash and -- says. Or -- -- all you know mini DV. -- -- you know whatever that there -- always -- teams in the ports world we're standardizing on firewire in our -- -- -- -- at some point if you're gonna push the technology forward. This might be the way to do it in Google saying look we -- this we believe that this is -- an open format that ultimately will benefit the consumer because people won't have to pay so much to license at -- 64 like Kodak and then. All of the technology and delivery can be cheaper. Of course the problem that -- -- out of all that again is that one of the weird thing that does is that even though they're pushing the open format. They are essentially forced thing. The perpetuity. Of flash because the only way you're gonna be able to see this video than is within with is with the proprietary flash wrapper which -- -- -- -- And that it departmental computing that people are saying lol are you gonna drop support for flash that's proprietary because you're you know supporting -- -- which is open. So. Yet even behind the scenes right Google and the N and Adobe have -- a lot more closely together. Because of -- how Apple's basic and like you know it forgets you Google and Adobe partners on the Android platform themselves. So you know I don't know if they would be complete. Because they've kind of built this tighter released it because that whole debacle. Will be completely -- flash. Probably not gamma and -- -- in the meantime they use flash as a wrapper to help you know show off the web and video format. What's interesting if people are saying that. -- opponents of this move of Google's -- -- saying that this will actually delay implementation of html five. Because you'll need to flash in order to view video that's not a -- in an 8264 and Chrome opera by the way also doesn't support 8264. So they're saying. That your perpetuating the use of flash -- slowing down development of html five and obviously then there is the part where -- -- where you are fragmenting the market for video producers. And we'll try to able to have someone on maybe tomorrow from our from the technical side of our video production because I -- I wanna know and ignore we get MBA encoding. Video in multiple formats now are we just -- stick but it should explore and say you can see you can view it in flash. Which is probably what a lot of businesses -- -- are going to do and that's what kind of you know continues didn't. That's what makes people think will then you're just making flash relevant forever from what I know all of everything that's going out the public right now this is on H 264 and Albert. That -- accessed -- -- -- Oh yeah absolutely -- attended daily you know Google has played this has definitely been let you know we are the open source -- you know from Android opposites. -- -- -- across the board. But how does that definitely benefit the general consumer who doesn't know or care about that -- you know we'll see I mean. It is better for the web overall appeal to have an open cut back but doesn't have these licensing restrictions -- -- -- a bunch of articles a few months ago about how. The mpeg LA licensing restrictions on -- six or have the potential to get really really ugly. On the web and that they you know that they right now. They have said that it -- exports previews in perpetuity for video that streamed for free. But there are other patent licensing barriers there have been rumblings that that the licensing body which is mpeg LA could just. Do a blanket crackdown on anybody who is you know streaming video for free but running apps which is -- so. It it -- anybody who is producing content on the web I think to get away from something that is so loaded. As as if -- explore and move to an open. An open video codec format but it it does. It's well -- transition -- hard right whenever you're trying to push any technology which is what Google's doing. Then the transition itself is pretty hard. -- mean yeah there's a reason for using its X all right that's good night. A lot of that the video bodies recognize yet fill -- -- in the definitely. Although M and I mean I think it's possible that it might be as with a -- line in the -- just as John term. Short term pain as long term gains -- essentially I mean it's. Are now somebody it's almost like. Somebody had to do it right now. But it really reminds -- of Apple that patent flash. -- -- -- -- -- -- most of the complaints are likes smug -- that's right this. Video sharing site person who is that the CEO of smug -- look I want -- them and I want open codecs but I need time for hardware penetration happen. -- hardware penetration isn't gonna happen if the markets not that I mean this is to -- this is very similar to. To the way to Apple's sort of -- the new technology for the markets are ready and we always complain about it we do the same thing I complain about it my -- We're not there -- not using that you can't just require firewire early we'd -- have that you know but. You do have to start somewhere and I I think sticking with a -- or because it's so. Burdened with -- obligations and -- and he's -- and kind of danger like land mines that ultimately it is way better for the web via an open open got a of course and a peg -- has already made noises to about trying to create a licensing -- take a -- idea would let them but -- holiday -- and them getting it. We'll see out all plays out yeah I know we can't move yeah big big move -- we also wanted to kind of really recap some of the fallout and -- the aftermath of the iPhone or on Verizon. On stories. Top three -- not related the -- for all. Verizon. Had so outright said after the -- comes at their plan to sell an iPad. That is directly connected to their network that is integrated. What there's. The -- -- now -- if it was gonna be a seat in May be is one I believe what they said they would have an iPad in the future that connects directly to their network ranked so -- need to use the MiFi device it'll be an iPad. For Verizon. Yeah just like one -- currently connects AT&T where. Now if it's any time soon it would be a TDMA -- but they since they didn't get it give it time -- it definitely could be kind of like that pharma LT roadmap -- -- An -- -- would they really need a release and a current iPad. That's gonna be refreshed in the next few months right now probably not. I think that that's let us look at your prediction -- -- to -- -- -- -- -- -- you to -- -- union to -- boy genius report is also. Confirming. As you do it that the personal hot spot feature is coming to all iphones and I OS four point three yesterday we noted. That that Verizon iPhone was running a slightly newer version of Iowa and wondered if you know that was rolled out of everybody then would have. The hot spot capability. Then anything -- And whether or not AT&T even though -- be implemented in neo -- Decides to turn on -- -- much like they have the tethering feature on the OS earlier but they didn't activate it at the moment so it'll be very similar to what they do dispersal hot spot AT&T actually also says. There you know the value eighteen. Whether or not to use -- personal hot spot the right or make it accessible. Up to this point we haven't seen their phones. Axis that because we know how in certain areas -- network rentals we don't want to beat it to that but. I'd be surprised if they automatically -- flipped the switch if they -- gonna go for it yet now up their networks. Definitely and everybody is very nervous about I mean tethering -- Tethering has been possible. In a phone for years you know it's perfectly possible it's is that nobody wants to enable it because of the drain on the network. And because they haven't exactly figured out how to -- Yeah also Verizon won't confirm about their unlimited data plan. Everyone assumes or has you know even on that fact that they have that take you that they have on their site but they're viewed at thirty dollar live -- but Verizon -- an outright officially. Confirmed it or not. We expect that's what it's gonna be but we'll -- Yeah they say they they they aren't sure I mean they do they currently have -- they have that the thirty dollar unlimited plan and then they also have a fifteen dollar plan. Now at Verizon that they recently introduced -- -- that is a lower. Data cap so -- I say why not why would make -- for -- you know. And a wealthy will see and they do charge at extra for tethering and -- been discussing them we have an email about that later but present. President AT&T both charge extra for. Those tethering capabilities and and I cement that would be a whole different. -- -- Some testing coming out of the demo yesterday apparently the Verizon iPhone -- does not suffer from the death grip. Problem at least according to slash. -- -- -- on all four points. And at least based on the engineering design it doesn't seem like it's an issues though -- that's a good thing that's a good thing also -- kind of some. Behind the scenes of way how -- Apple worked together developed. The Verizon iPhone. On -- actually was pretty much -- a pretty tight partnership. A Bloomberg kind of -- a little report about it and they talk about how it's available points from the story. The Verizon cell towers they were put on Apple's campus they were disclosed by Steve Jobs last July but they were. Installed specifically to enable the testing of the C -- iPhone on their network. Start -- that up. Also and -- for Apple right and they were closely together throughout the product development. Of one of Verizon's top engineers spent more than a year -- -- directly and Apple's camps with their engineers that this has been. Baking for quite awhile and -- and then another sleeping in the dot. Com we're actually pretty smooth it was more of the technical side which. Think about six to nine months to make things work. -- the commercial side of the site in the deal that that took them a day. But that crazy so it's you know this is never really about money it on the commercial part with a super easy and I'm sure that Apple is dying to get amber hadn't been sure brother -- I know we know Verizon's -- -- -- And they literally just had to work and that long. Six to nine months and I assume just engineering the things so that it. Look the same. And and -- -- we talked about -- show part of it was probably redesign in the antenna housing if they want that went. -- another it's a -- thing is that. A lot of time to -- Verizon's branding on every phone they carry yet but on this on this -- of -- and did not put their stamp on it but they were okay with that because. It wasn't a major factor at Munich at cedar and I -- mammals all they all have -- but that is not gonna happen. And just the success of Apple on AT&T without any -- Ukrainian. Persuaded them to be like okay you know it's not that big of deal which is smart and -- -- yet there you only need the one -- -- phones is a little Apple wouldn't. -- on a diet is absolutely the edits to some stuff behind the scenes going on also. Sprint has dropped a little announcement on is this morning they're gonna they're playing to have an announcement on favorite to seven. -- -- sprint has up its sleeve to show another. -- -- -- I just would like to put it up and I am planning to me anyway and -- -- I was planning enabled on your plan to be annoyed -- I am at a planning and before spreading out Thanksgiving party that having an amused at an Apple -- now. That is why they all doing -- why is everybody trying to have their own. Stupid party -- event does you have you have to you we note you have to have your own event even if it's is the feature. On FaceBook now I mean that's that's the way it is these days -- what could this possibly be -- sprint says another industry first. And we'll show that the impossible is pop. Illusionist David Blaine well behind us though there's gonna be the most annoying event ever honestly. He might make the Palm Pre disappear completely non Indian. And he might be like it's gone. If they going to be four G is -- -- -- -- I mean I assume it's injuries somehow forgy related print and on sprint and flirting with WiMax. And LT as far as I know -- They were all -- WiMax yeah but then I think -- they were talking about how they were investigating. Algae. Pattern up anybody out need to -- funds no we think that the enemy ideally the impossible is possible have to do -- like. Things that fly like maybe David Blaine really will levitate and not just pick up one it is the higher than the other opponent you know -- the thing that's. -- -- To skip it flooded by going on -- candy -- should know. It hits are that was that I thank you vomiting and got to keep the show -- disorder Yankee gallon roll it. Are welcome back to -- -- Molly Wood in -- Gonzales in the house with yours truly -- -- FaceBook Google Yahoo! are committing -- world. I PV six day that'll be a trial so basically some of them. Most popular Internet giants are also content delivers network content delivery networks -- optimize and limelight they're committed to this on its gonna be June 8 2011 and basically the I PV four standard which is pretty much running out of IP addresses from the Internet. They they have something like less than 5% are available now or left and allocated so I PV six. Is the next generation and they're gonna be running this test on June 8. So we'll see if the Internet crashes dies handguns or a dog show we might not even have our show. We're Brian Anderson allegedly honestly don't plan in the Internet that much -- yet that day because it there wondering whether I PV six itself will be out to the task of providing production grade performance on such heavily trafficked site because these are the you know. What they're saying is all right. Where some of the biggest sites in the world. We're gonna go ahead and and put -- out there and -- it happens apparently Yahoo! has been super skeptical. And reluctant to support I PV six they're worried about -- -- white listing. And all kinds of sort of up time issues and is there right we're gonna participate in the days of that we can obtain real life data to try to ensured the seamless user be. Those transition. I mean I think a good idea at school nerd that I actually testing on a damning. I mean habitats is good because it definitely. It like you wouldn't want what I -- if they across the Internet and have an outward at least they're saying all right we get some actual data we can really make -- that -- -- -- that when we're ready to make -- and as soon. What was that what was the name of the content delivery network that. Recently acquired the Netflix. A streaming because optimize used to read remember I don't remember them eliminated that you know they're the ones that -- -- had landed Comcast I can remember the planetary. Level three yankees. Well but see. -- level three was on board it would be helpful because we know how much bandwidth. Netflix takes -- via. Well this adjusting -- this is front and site that's not in a level three is a backbone provider. So what they're saying it -- -- sites actually -- up and running on my PBX. Background and are back around. Well yeah we'll think bottom line -- Lebanese man that. Most vehicles feel -- politicians and that the EU are protesting the US government. As MIA protesting the US government's attempt to private Wiki leaks related information out of Twitter. They're saying that -- they US government might have. -- violated EU privacy rules when they basically issued subpoenas to Twitter asking for personal and subscriber account information. Where -- counts -- linked to Wiki -- Including those of Bradley mending. With army private accused of we -- -- -- documents. Wiki -- volunteer. A Dutch hacker and a member of the Icelandic parliament. -- still hunting down to letter went on chip -- can you say police statement I mean I'm sorry this is just insane they're subpoena saying. Account information for people related to Wiki -- -- -- if there's little the little battery to how only reach how we got the point where we are looking to the EU to defend the basic freedom of speech and -- and their right to privacy of the heat. United States like people who operate on united fifteenth companies. What on earth. What anyway. Off goes -- because the EU looking -- that apparently Twitter as a response that sounds like was. Was not super cooperative and confinement that people -- to -- that. Anyway -- that's that she will keep outlook you pollen that we don't really have time to dig into Chechnya it. In other news some kind of a -- start -- that -- the product from -- -- -- A little. A little company called small company called Kindle lending club -- launching their beta site either today or tomorrow. And it's gonna basically let them profit from Amazon's e-book ecosystem so you know about. -- sharing feature that was. Announced maybe like -- -- a couple months ago or so they trailed after Barnes and Noble's nook. But what you have now here is that this group BC started to create a FaceBook page and a FaceBook group. And people started offering their books to share or borrow another you have a fourteen -- -- to do that. And the way that the plan to make money is that if someone then converts to purchase the book we'll take a small -- of it. But the in the day. It's it's basically crowd sourcing in this community is willing to share the books that they purchased with each other via I'm sure Amazon's probably not too happy about that because. They figure out what it won't -- meaning they figured it wouldn't. Extend past like your friends and family but now you're sharing your book the complete strangers that could potentially. You know just read the book without pain of -- fourteen days. He -- out I think it's only one person at a time I mean to -- this says if anything there's pent up demand for sharing he -- but I think it. Like there needs to be. -- sharing it and it really -- the publishers who have been blocking -- but there needs to be sharing plan for both groups. That says you know you can buy five copies of the book instead of ten copies -- -- -- book group or something like that lake. I like the idea that at least they're offering a financial incentive to buy the book. I don't know I think that this is cool and I think sharing -- looks awfully cool is so fundamental that you know anyway that makes it better with. Is great I -- your eyes just went by human eyes and hands on like this you're -- and why I was like -- that. Not giving away your right -- -- and Nina in the publishers are the ones are gonna hate him. They're gonna -- Amazon I think it all for sharing but really cool idea now very cool I let's let's keep Iran now with -- cricket. And I am this and that. I'm into one story into the cricket but added Intel yeah let's that was kind of fast -- and -- you're mean well it was an accident and -- -- -- a little bit about it. The idea of the camino make things way harder for you Microsoft has asked that the officials to block Apple's attempt to trademark the -- App store. The company says -- due generic and competitors should be able to use it and -- a word windows you yes you studying ways -- are. I do agree -- app store come -- -- at least windows with the name of their products like app stores at the story by -- and apps through its -- -- okay it's hard -- because. No one ever called their other did anyone call their -- Like mobile web sites like -- -- there's a site like call handing -- that offered cell phone. And games and applications in agriculture and app store in that people have talked about apps for years they have and stores for years they have I'm Hussein's sometimes and into the first the put them together. It's OK like we did a first president you know come with a nickname brand -- it does combine two things that everyone's been saying for years it's okay. The already trademarked -- arena. It is pretty generic it when -- -- and there I mean I understand like you put those two words together but when and when one of those words is that the. But that I'm just had a slightly in now only just massively tea and I'm not -- Alan Ball. Also -- PS3 jailbreak prompts -- -- order from Sony. -- -- there's a recent jailbreak that. With put out to allow people to potentially then reinstall another -- -- them back in the -- the original PS3 allowed you to put Linux on it. Sony did an update to the PS3 we're basically if he didn't update. Not only would you not be -- -- you wouldn't be able play games on it and people are kind of pissed about that so. Now with the motivation behind it Sony's Sony's -- in order on claims that the company that's doing this jailbreak ballots that. DM CA and computer fraud abuse -- Siting subcommittee technology products services methods -- -- tools and devices. As their arms -- -- threat there hasn't. Going on and on and on. They're they're scared that people be able to eventually then. Have bootleg PS3 games which -- of PS3 has been pretty secure on that front and has been a surprisingly enough climate already exists that investment will there was a little key USB dongle like in a little while ago that they stopped from being distributed from -- an Australian company. There isn't prime into the gears that Sony is like right on -- and like -- just. And to be honest the Blu-ray format not too many people have Blu-ray you know -- to do that stuff yeah so it it's gonna work -- a lot of different ways than. Quick update yesterday of discussion about them in the future version of Android and this is important people that apparently happens that's like to put it. The tech grads -- -- canal that is not going to be called ice cream even though that has been the general consensus among tech bloggers. T thinking Kate reports tech -- Andy Rubin told him personally -- energy that it's going to be called ice cream sandwiched. The moment and that is what we call in the industry that's view. Of life treatments and and -- it's. -- -- you know that down did you know the names of standard versions are they going out and medical orderly hurricane though it really. Shut out isolated. We told you that I -- blog. Isn't. All right -- also spam. Has three spiked after the holiday. -- by respite via the every spike after the really -- the -- and I think so basically everyone is on the holiday is spam was down. Everyone came back home and was up and apparently with partly because they had. Taken that huge Russian botnet offline -- -- and it had a huge impact and reduce spam a lot like by billions of messages a day but it turned that. You can't let you can't stop spam and you cannot stop people from moving to digital music Sony -- it is closing down one of its largest CD manufacturing plants citing the impact of digital downloads and other economic issues. The plant at its peak. With producing eighteen million CDs wow per month. -- -- calculus capacity. And now it's it's all those things eighteen million coasters among the world has changed -- people the world has definitely. I I've that we skipping ads to move right on through our science news -- -- -- news. Now -- eighth. Way to pick out I have veto he Redman -- Its its its and actually it turns up the video the -- is all around a few 1011 -- in the country left and right including. The line oriented that we would find life on Mars evidence of -- evidenced -- -- business. Although interestingly apparently has prediction may -- came -- thirty years have -- a -- -- -- every analyze experiments from the Mars viking Lander which was there thirty years ago and found no evidence for organic material on Mars. After re -- there's experiment they say actually. There do appear to be organics here. And that the result was initially not understated because of their with a strong oxidation effect from salt in the mars' soil but now they're like no turns out. Visible mainly in find it because of these perchlorate in the soil have the optimization. And it turns out contrary to thirty years. A perceived with them viking did detect organic materials on I'm gonna give Benito. Half point for his prediction. Via a thing like -- -- thirty years old. But that it was this -- was discovered this year yeah that they were thirty years too late in realizing it. They do -- -- to know that finding organics is not evidence of life. Or evidence of past life. It's as evidence for organic. Although others scientists and hey how about if NASA had realized there organics on my thirty years ago we might out of had a twenty year hiatus and -- -- for follow up study. NASA does now plan to launch a follow -- mission to look for organic them in November and Malaga and non I want to -- -- happy ending -- You found this I think it's cool this is cool actually -- -- anti scattered with them yesterday of a computer history museum in Silicon Valley is opening up. Basically a nineteen. Million dollar -- -- and sixty years in the making. A total renovation that's focusing on the first 2000 years of computing and has everything from. Advocates is -- Abbott I. I am I -- out of that I do it like -- Cray wind net supercomputer to that any hack computer which is the one during world -- to. That was the basically the world's first large scale computer to run an electronics being. Its lead and believable it includes the Utah teapot which was used as a 3-D computer model and became the standard reference. Object for computer graphics. Apparently it is amazing on the -- this thing gold console. All. Wow home. Was the yeah I know that Japanese but the independence them by bon -- I think in general I'm gonna honestly at all like tablet line all the first tablet. But that totally cool of course the new -- there but there's a lot more than -- so all you guys wanna take palladium and a day how how is she can hang with you. At the Computer Museum you know she's a keeper via an -- standards for a -- computer. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The voice mails on your feedback about the Verizon that American -- these I agree that there's pent up demand for I'm not on -- Hughes network but I think Apple the year too late. India last year and -- it has emerged as a legitimate and strong competitor the -- and in fact my mom a Verizon customer who a year ago one in an iPhone now lines. One of those Droid phones -- my opinion Apple could've reduced the growth and hundreds -- significantly. If they release and a Verizon iPhone last year I think it'll sell like crazy. But I don't think it will -- -- Apple at and get the foot in the door. And then now people have a lot of great option yeah I'm gonna agree with you it's not gonna -- Android but Android is gonna feel the pain they're gonna feel the pain has sort Herman and I think in a long term Android is still -- you know a much more competitive -- that so many more on the short term -- in her. It's an area in a record for a little bit. Okay next up hey buzz drew thanks for the great team looked at as an email -- and it. It lets you thanks for the great team coverage of the big announcement today I really enjoyed it. One quick thought everyone's getting all worked up over the Wi-Fi hotspots capability of the Verizon -- that speaking as a Verizon user party has a -- from a Motorola Droid 2. I never use it if I turn on -- Verizon finds out about it the charged me an extra twenty dollars per month. On top of mind hot -- calling plan and unlimited data plan. I don't consider that -- feature until it's much more affordable diesel to show Erica the. -- -- felt like it. And Jonathan -- than we would like and so much not on live in the amazing -- of that potential service that hint. Donovan wants -- -- out I was reading PC gamer magazine has -- joined Canon by a means to know that in their tests. -- -- -- 2.5 Gigabit. -- gigabytes of bandwidth per hour holy crop. Comes after 225 gigabytes a month so that now would -- that's -- cabaret thing better upgrade to the business you land there fifty gig that they get near -- Time Warner caps though -- lab. Going to be abrupt. Awesome -- integrated into busy as the next TV set via. Now I mean and CS ridiculous that data caps are not gonna and they're not -- -- that -- -- ignored. Excited about their -- today everybody email us but at cnet.com we're cleaning up the voice mailbox -- the call and I think Olympics do you think there is that's -- CNET. And you can -- all of these links and all of these emails that -- blog. Leo well thought Santa. -- -- us.

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