Ep. 1371: Zuckerberg: Man of the Year? Well, yeah, actually.
Ep. 1371: Zuckerberg: Man of the Year? Well, yeah, actually.

Ep. 1371: Zuckerberg: Man of the Year? Well, yeah, actually.

Today's Wednesday December 15 grand theft. And video results on -- felt Hollywood love and a buzz out loud in this podcast of indeterminate like that episode thirteen hundred and that it -- -- yeah. And -- I saw last night. Tell us this talent on the planet unless I -- I'm not here for any reviews as well as for expectations letters I thought front and you guys -- just -- -- it. As mobile fan and someone who cares about -- if -- duty to get the united ominous duty it is -- whether you like it or not that's on you but it's you -- -- it. And that's not -- I love it -- is totally like. Diplomatic. Playing it cool it and yet an -- thing -- -- -- And. Again the story telling them enough awesome. And not so awesome news today Yahoo! after weeks of no response about a -- -- -- did in fact issue. A lot of pink slips yesterday. They laid off about 560 employees approximately 4%. Of the global workforce. And it was all over the Twitter -- paced back and and the TVs and Internet is TVA's it was heartbreaking. Carol Bartz and all things. Most of their reductions came from the product -- she said when it completed it would affect about 4%. Of the company that she said that there were several reasons one is that they found a lot of duplication and -- between product and the regents. Now. None of this makes that much sense you don't work there but the -- upshot is that that Yahoo! is organized into a ton of different silos and a file a report. You know those have been the reports for years -- and I think what she said is like yet we have a much different silos and there are. You know duplicating. Divisions she's -- state secret that we're cutting investment in underperforming in noncore products that we can focus on our strength. Like email the home page search mobile advertising content and more than. And then they needed to get the product cost structure in order. Well let's also we obviously know like Yahoo! is definitely has slipped from like the giant that used to be. But it's it's kinda sad when she says he knew we can folks on our strength when you look at everything they just named email homepage search mobile advertising content. Like if those -- their strength everyone else does a better. Yes and no I mean. I think some companies do. Parts of those things better I think Yahoo! does have like a pretty good commitment to original content were still doing better in terms of tech. You know you could argue that like Gmail might be better than Yahoo! mail but -- -- -- their strength in terms of numbers like -- they -- still have Yahoo! is still the most popular. Webmail service I think unless it's actually Hotmail you know but Yahoo! mail is still huge -- betters like. Possibly true yeah -- kind of subjective because when it comes to their users they still have like an insane fire -- they definitely have -- -- -- natively have. The huge leadership but I mean when you say search -- a better but like. Schools definitely dominant search via from a mobile people don't think I don't know many people whether it's consumer like -- that thinks of Yahoo! as -- go to for mobile for mobile. -- -- -- Now I'm not like graffiti on credit they added after what she means that mobile actually specifically everything in like. And mr. I don't pays depends upon -- Flickr -- -- if there is Flickr there's. But didn't mention it's probably on their products team Nutley some of a lot of those -- -- conflicted come from Flickr. They were talking about -- yet made a big that they are trying to coalesce. Around areas where they still have a huge user ship. And where they probably know that they need to improve those products that make them better so that they can stay. The leader when they are -- I mean and inserts certainly -- now they've they've just outsource the search to -- yeah so it's unclear what they you know how they. Plan to continue make that -- I mean it's -- that it's also probably smart and Yahoo!. Partly it's just so it's -- crappy timing. Again -- the effort for the people now we're like go though. I mean there there's a little -- that there's a sunlight on the other side because. There's been like what organizations and this is that they if you bring us. You're pink slip essentially your termination letter. You get from one of the senate since its governor is doing that the -- -- -- at -- house also a lot of companies are looking to pick up some of the Yahoo! talent that's laughed. And outright -- we're looking for you guys you know DirecTV. OMG popped out from. The hammer at it that there's actually it's really insisting on core -- a dot com there's a you know which startups or companies are -- shouldn't hiring laid off Yahoo! employees. And then all these people posted their various answers and there's a ton of I mean there -- the good news is. But I was talking to somebody about hiring in the Bay Area and there's and she was -- like it -- to warm body time you know where there where there is bringing people and up the street there's so many startups. Finally there is that long and a down period -- -- -- he heard anything about it. -- But things -- a little stronger now. So hopefully these you know hopefully it's not. The worst possible time to be laid off because we're going into Q1 when there is gonna be I think if -- a big pick out. In the tech industry and there is unquestionably like another little bubble building but it's the bomber to hear about that many of that many of -- that. -- -- obviously they're taking care of them with like severance packages and one and I honestly I feel like. If I were to get laid off -- not like -- want it before the -- -- you kind of have of your minds going to be clear you know you're gonna at least -- little cushion it. And every about -- satellite and right -- After when the new year starts yet now I mean that's you don't. -- it's very common timing I'm not saying that we haven't had the same thing. Here's the from the Republican and and -- -- -- think we -- left here at area where all know it at that -- console lever that. -- -- But -- Yahoo! people at -- premiere. I in other news this week the an appeals courts a federal appeals court -- Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the government must have a search warrant. But or it can seize and search emails that are being stored by email service providers so they cannot just go. To Google or to Yahoo! or to an IP and say hey we need all the emails. That where exchange between you know X and -- They have to intact and as good news for all that I have a warrant. -- -- sixth Circuit Court agreed with the -- print and electronic frontier foundation that. You millionaires have a Fourth Amendment protected expectation of privacy in their email that they thought there enough writers of you know. Real lot not realizing that kind of already knowing your -- between these like uncle's rec. It is you can't just get up on communication village -- sirens echoed my thoughts completely though which is just like I love that there was that question. Because that's exactly what I thought I was like -- Well certainly we actually had to decide that you had to get a warrant to read all of my email to go to my email service provider but this is like one of kind of interesting. Conundrum is that comes up when a lot of your communications and your data are stored off site by some company. Basically in the company can -- -- we provide. Pipe. Right but -- we own the data because it lives and observers I mean that was one argument. And then I am happy to see that even though profits printed Philip considered your personal. Communication. That is ruled to be private. That conversation led kind of interestingly -- to a discussion that sprung up yesterday about Chrome OS. Richard Stallman who you know Glover him he's got a lot of things to say that he and his. A huge defender of open software and the Free Software Foundation but he. -- -- basically on Chrome OS yesterday saying that. Users are going to lose control of their data if they use like these terminal style operating systems like -- -- And it was just it it was. It is that may be right it's an open question I guess he was saying like -- the government can be able to potentially confiscate your data without actually an initial warrant. At your -- are now he's been talking about this -- various things like he says. -- didn't think since 2000 -- cloud computing is stupidity has Chrome -- is careless computing you know. This is obviously like his big -- -- group. It's hard -- right deal -- that I did say at least there is now some precedent for. Some of your communications. Being protected -- the -- -- It's a winner is the fact is -- its passenger elevated -- -- let me have this whole evolution of the cloud it still has a lot of ways to go to be figured out yeah like. Aid do business with privacy parents concerns -- in a more more just through our net behavior do you people really. Want their offerings and a life completely controlled like odd you'd say oh -- that's convenient but you really want that would. Yeah I mean I think that. You know in terms of like backup and security these these companies that they're gonna -- about it and I'm gonna be doing and how right I think that it out all my data is stored at Google. Google it's pretty good at protecting data. But as we've seen from a lot of high profile database breaches nobody's perfect -- when it comes to protecting it and yet you know third like if you want them and then right. The need to do it all when it comes to -- -- that it is sort of mini and -- an open question. That are out there is also -- that -- some interesting other backlash over the course that we Paul Booth pay the former Google engineer who created Gmail predicted on Twitter. That the project that the -- -- project would get killed or merged with Android at some point over the course the next year -- -- also suggest that other having -- per month and action I have to admit it's pretty cool I just think that -- day. That setting a product that compete with each -- totally weird and the -- -- A little bit too redundant via a little a little a little -- critical. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's mean how late in the tabs are just a little instant and and you look at live on the new tabs so you -- in you do it you did like playing with it and I explained that pressure which he did -- see yourself using it like on a daily basis and I know I've signed up to get on an open. A heated in today's senate you freeing up the -- now we think that they -- there's feeding them I mean I signed up -- -- like -- -- I'm not. That hopeful but. I liked it I was very impressed with. The possibility like it definitely changes the way that you compute. And it on the one hand it's cool. To imagine that you know you can use one of those machines and then go back to another machine and everything you did there is there yet in -- that your experience is preserved. Across whatever machine your -- that's -- it's really cool and -- someone else can log in to that machine do whatever they need to do. Log out and it's not -- it's not -- there I mean there are there the ultimate kind of secure terminal machines in that sense. But there is still that thing about how your data is being stored somewhere where you know that -- -- -- Google engineer for example can just like my Q -- -- you chat. When you have your own data stored on your own computer that puts the onus on you to keep that that isn't -- -- I think that's the -- the underlying -- if it's -- to YouTube user and I -- if -- -- -- -- -- -- -- someone -- is responsible -- everybody's -- Ray -- a little good and that it can handle and I mean -- you want that data to be you know like for example let's say I send a bunch of emails. Yeah that are of a private or even like secure nature to use someone who's storing them on their machine in the past were 23 for -- -- -- The thing and I know ole. There's good and bad I can -- a combination of -- threatening them and it's always something in the middle yeah it's all it's. Definitely -- let's take a quick break when we come back. Time's person of the year done done done and -- Everyone at Hollywood and -- inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact -- Send us an email right now holiday -- -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right -- Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Alright guys welcome back to buzz out -- -- -- a little bit of the. Time magazine's person a year whatever area like me probably here to got a team and breaking news alert about at this morning at roughly. CNN breaking news -- -- slash Mark Zuckerberg founder of FaceBook time magazine's person the airport -- -- a new system is of exchanging information. And changing how we all live our lives I you know I'd say I've seen a lot of mockery about -- on the web. Really I would agree with -- I totally agree all I absolutely I -- I completely agree I think that you know. What ever that whatever you think about whether he stole the idea or not the back is like -- -- built. FaceBook into. A company that has 500. Million users. That and that arguably -- changed the way any systematic and maintaining parallel liberalize its I mean if they can reach the point that my parents are using FaceBook app and change how they interact with their friends. Across generations. I mean -- -- now I know I mean I think it's creating connections that word would otherwise have been lost it has become it's -- planted. I think Google and almost every other site in time in terms of time spent on the site it's become like the biggest search engine. On the web it's -- it's ignited countless debates. About privacy about the value of an open web versus the closed to also has allowed you not to sign up for online dating sites because you can just -- -- straight to FaceBook apparently people I want UK counter -- -- with a totally crazy when they -- on -- again. Totally it's rampant. And then and honestly like -- but now touches every single corner of gladly there's no way. Even if you think you still the original idea he built it into something that is those more than it was -- going to be battery -- nominal and that idea with that before that -- -- that. All -- -- Norton of that report. But yet and it went on but it now a million. I can't say something about. At all. So little tidbits look at birds a year older than times first -- -- Charles Lindbergh. Zuckerberg -- 26 I believe. It yeah I know when you're back of that time of the time value there aren't that and I don't let me ask slash 26. Runners up -- a person of the year -- the Tea Party movement. And it does that Karzai president of Afghanistan Angelina silence founder of weak with few weeks which you probably just Woz in the running like -- As of 23 months ago athletes -- really gaining some steam I think this antigen and miners and I guess they haters late. Would you rather it have been and other nominee Lady Gaga. Really we felt better about that it doesn't mean we criticize space but because -- we don't like their privacy and whatnot but the the company as a whole what it's done you can't deny that now I don't think -- and and it and how better impact and the time person of the year is a represented -- the tech community. That's -- that's of that data itself is pretty bad and now and I'm not and upn and the bad thing about that. -- time is better -- you that they were all like you have. And -- cop out that's the -- -- when a cop out. You hire someone to a friend that on my -- it's kind of -- and -- -- unit cute little battle. -- also though apparently top this year glass doors that list of places to work. It is debuting at the top of the third annual list of the fifty best places to work -- out last year's number one Southwest Airlines. -- -- -- -- enough of southwest told the idea is that it's like enough and restored into the night through their -- and in fact that they let their flight attendants basically. In Prague and read tennis on the safety measures -- -- you know announce -- he whatever Sally -- -- is -- -- Never -- you know I mean you've ever had those wacky people -- totally it's awesome -- have you heard my favorite line actually from a hapless -- percent. Let them be careful when -- taking on your bags because as we all know shift happened -- Apple came in at number twenty and Google is number thirty Adobe was number 39 the other tech companies Ellsworth dot com 41 Intel -- And -- record ever got a 96%. Approval rating from -- in place. Just a tad behind Steve Jobs he got a 97%. -- -- president that you oppose that year -- -- yeah exactly as you're gonna say that because the hand of jobs comes down aren't yet. They're like don't reveal that certainly. And until -- limited. -- -- -- -- The recognition seems to suggest that it but Natalie firing in all on all cylinders to keeping employees happy how much that is tied to the eventual stock -- is hard to say that the. But it seems as though as according to -- on there are many reasons like it because luring them in top and easily from local tech companies and whether you're an engineer not you know few of my friends or -- -- They they enjoy it -- and energy you know it it's a young company. -- it's like a fun little party. Yeah -- at the top the world Internet community so what did she and I think -- cocker hacked. Fallout continues the residual effects have apparently now spread to Yahoo! ended two World of Warcraft enroll it is now and now we know that has hit the fan because. It had to allow people. Blizzard was abundantly clear in the connection in an email that it sent to its customers we've recently been informed that several Gawker Media -- have been compromised. To help minimize the effects of this compromise and keep your battle dot -- -- and here we've reset your account password. -- it actually reset the -- I mean at their effectiveness and that was it was like we've reset all your camp. And it wasn't that lizard -- -- -- -- habitats aren't -- to stop -- -- W said yeah we did the same and it wasn't a blizzard was actually. You know hit directly but at the same time because so many people. That go to those sites Kotaku which is a big gain insight but they're -- probably you know ambulance that's of the same -- it's I can actually think of that. Good thing by the company that -- has to say that. The people feel like okay this company cares about me and attack and attack everything Amazon to the same and that link and send an email -- that there also asking people to do the same thing just fine print. Is a much better response and normal response -- just like a problem well and was way better than -- responded to that which was apparently originally. At least early on to pretend -- -- this to be like. That happened. Because this I mean it's out people use as we thought from the top fifty list like he believes there are only -- on the site but they probably is the same throwing a cross site. I mean I've seen there's a lot of backlash. At soccer you know like -- I've seen several different FaceBook and Twitter posts from people has been like I am not happy. About haven't changed every one -- my path -- on the web because these guys were. Basically cocky A holes right -- -- you know who went after -- And that that user trust is pretty much like permanently damaged in the users in the middle I -- they didn't have to do what they did work. No necessary back end of the day it in -- -- and they put light on the in the like alright we're gonna take you down there's an interesting right up lessons learned from doctors' failure. At her from the -- attack or other threat -- dot com has them while white the CTO white -- security. Is saying you know what can we learn the first thing is don't as -- -- In the act praise that he is yesterday do not poke the bear doing that -- By taunting the hacker community especially the vigilante at -- made itself the target unnecessarily and -- again. The users in the middle. -- has learned the fundamentals and incident response and pretend everything is okay when it's not. It you know you can deny things in a political scandal that doesn't -- in your relationship with your users. And it further motivate your adversaries to prove you wrong publicly so if you're just like I am not a big deal by taken after it would unfortunately. -- -- -- You'll come back then we'll come back -- pattern -- you know but we actually emailed earlier. Your email to things make sure your organization's doing basic security have a knowledgeable security. Professional players pack yourself bursts are the bad guys will do you like that and then viewpoint had never used the same path through the craft on -- And and into the chat -- are we blaming -- four ports and contact. No no certainly not ill portent of the month of bullying -- we all know that but the fact is you don't -- immune we all know that yet. And -- you don't sit there and be like. Bring you know and united and on site them. Out why -- the purpose it. That they Arab air there is just no question and that and that that's the number one rule of dealing with bare -- -- welcome. That you just. It's not it's not necessarily soccer ball -- -- you know. They acted like victor and they did it Q. Somebody who have the potential and it and ability to do -- lot of damage like where -- act responsibly end users in the in it and uninteresting and than an inch -- Coupled to -- meant the web is that war I think is going unknowns going president and then it is such as the paradigm shift happening. -- definitely is somehow yeah I mean it's really it's called Howard to the sixteen year old city did. Yeah and -- that well and powered of the botnet. -- -- -- -- -- it's become this if if you have a big enough kind of network of zombie computers behind you. Then you can do whatever you and it's it's it's sort of a return to the -- through wild west. Thing you know. -- they're learning how you speak it. And other learning that's right content and Google Voice search is getting personal. If you guys for all you Iowa spends an avenue to touch and Android because -- -- above that the voice capabilities of Android system. Just ridiculous there and think they're probably accurate turn by turn directions they channel on -- -- -- -- -- -- on board. After turn by turn directions my favorite thing about using Google as the voice activated search -- and speech to speech that. Texas and and yes this is is ridiculous -- so good it is good. So they're gonna make it even better previously added an algorithm that launches personalized. Voice recognition. Associate the recording of the words that you say and then automatically is going to build like -- -- model specifically for you. Right so you're cadences your style yours I don't know if it's gonna exactly pick up my kind of slang but if it does I will give it extra kudos. But this is this is just a killer feature you don't you're not opted into it automatically you can choose dislike it on but com. It's the voice recognition is getting even better which is already scary enough it's really good night out it's already really good killer app on -- phone. It really is the killer app I have to say like I find that I use it for just composing -- I don't know at least fifty or 60% of the time like I'm not -- public understand armament and -- an op -- mean it's really it is remarkable pneumonia were saying that. Showed that turn by turn is built in on Android on Apple -- -- yet exist -- the buy in to buy it exactly why there were just -- to say chat room. It is built -- Android and it's. Google -- it's part of -- -- idea only you really need -- Internet patent news today -- looked out on live. Now online is there another million -- ever taken serious moves in the latest one is that they want you they want -- -- to know. That online hat has received a fundamental patents covering the invention. Of cloud based video games done done done yet and -- As the breakthrough technology -- the video games run on remote servers and the difference is that this is not a patent that. Is a concept we see a lot of these patents like from Apple -- that are like ideas some of how to do things but they are physically doing this as we speak. It just finally been taking the time to get approved so that. Basically they do all the harder on the back in with their servers now they render they compress. The deal and then deliver it to you through -- stream box to their data centers in and then it can be played locally. And they and they all that patent. Yeah yeah -- deliver the game and now. And and -- and he's basically just sort of sending that out there that. The thing you know like at the landmark -- patent and it's a big deal in Baghdad an analyst at a marketing analyst Berman -- engineering group. -- and stop. -- Only it's. You know I never mind -- -- Had nothing important they whatsoever simply move on to cricket. Thumb I can I say one more thing -- really the best we can definitely say a lot like half an actual like I just refuse to it anymore or -- a visionary ending envision nearing group thinks this is the that it. That degrade the great thing about online that you know we don't talk about as much as the fact that because they all they have to do is all the hardware upgrades on their back and you're still has paid for the 99 dollar box -- you're not ever going to have to pay. Or another console and -- not even in theory it's back now sure they're gonna have to be able to deliver the games on time that they're probably gonna be released later but the bottom line is that you'll look at the paper anymore hardware. Announced and they -- in Q and you will be paying sixty bucks for games either I mean this is I feel like -- -- we were talking about the from the -- -- -- as. Is playing his video said the long -- And it is an airplane and well so video delivery is in their roadmap very soon I know video delivery exactly -- -- -- they're doing it all of their unit all right and and you also have an I don't you know we don't necessarily approve -- like using your patent portfolio as sort of another. Line of of revenue generation but. They certainly have said look we're using patent -- technology they've proved it they have a product behind the patent. And now they're doing the deliberately get I think these analysts are typically done we're ready -- -- -- -- Gerald. I feel like -- like this isn't really gonna hit hard until ambulance on high fiber optic connections -- I think that. Also. I I don't know how -- I don't know what the the game developers I don't know how important they are with online because I'm sure Xbox has some in the aftermath opportunities dancers Sony has to say about -- -- -- and they're gonna get all the you know that Tripoli developers. Islanders' primitive. -- that they -- getting rolling out at legit they have it in and of asylum it's is that when you see triple -- exclusive to Microsoft and Sony. They're not gonna give them on -- -- -- -- is gonna have to. Contract their own developers with an ultimate killer apps via that showcase their and that of the problem but -- have have cut deals they have -- 1003 Q communities they you know they've got. -- party developers we stupid idea what level of game loft games it looks like though they're -- developers probably do you wanna get on on part of that I can't imagine that and I don't think the market for sixty dollar game is gonna last forever and I think that's unlike the you know that people want them expert. For media and it'll just be the time window when they come to the gauntlet platform that's -- the limit the month -- This or -- from the -- -- -- against the human. -- Mac after sending. Them into another console. Branding on -- would resist that. I -- them philosophically. It lets you to crickets. The air force is now blocking its personnel from using work computers to -- the website of the New York Times. But we are but I am and other major publications that have posted classified diplomatic cable. Sorry Gary the New York Times that we're getting -- as they -- that. -- And I guess. Air force users to try to be the web -- to the New York Times Britain's guardian Spain's -- -- France's Le monde -- the German magazine der Spiegel instead get a page that says access denied. Internet usage is logged -- monitored to think if you're wondering whether we now live in a police state. I guess the air force users don't mind like no one's really. There's nobody put -- name. -- there is no one I'll write like this. Steaming about this they're just I'm sure they mine and I want -- I -- enter or enter Alitalia under military matters. Now. See you welcome back and saying China but I know that the bombs and unbelievable also a Toshiba denies the rumors about the story that we. Recently talked about -- Apple invests in a mobile display. Factory I guess some of the site and ask them directly and they can -- it all they want until it actually happens as well but at the moment they're denying. -- that it's happening it could make sense because of the limited you know display. Production capacity on the market but they're just an outright. Via. -- that rally -- -- the Blackberry -- obviously have had quite a stock market rally lately they've surged 41% in August on prospects for the new tablet the playbook. Now analysts. They -- analysts who apparently predicted that the playbook was gonna felt like such hot cakes that they inflated -- -- -- -- that we're doing 1% are now. Looking around waking up from their -- and saying things like. And not gonna -- that -- -- -- playbook given that it aimed at corporations in the corporate environment by imprisonment. And so. They're cutting ratings or the sales estimates may vary from one million units take the leaked the failure to eight million. As analysts try to predict demand for computer that won't come until the first -- And also -- continued -- and their. So if if if rim socket they'll -- today I get -- Well I'll make up -- I -- I think of them laugh oh on the only way that explode -- like a hanging and look out. Days Rogers is also the first to bring back a post sale. IPhone unlocking so throughout the Canadian carrier Rogers and its sub brand is a pronounced by -- veto and I hope it's veto because I don't like the dog. The Mikey Fido and so what happens is you get a middle Rogers -- -- users who unlocked their phone by. Call its help line and having them contact Apple with their dream the contacting Apple directly with the green lit user restored and iTunes and remove the restrictions Nia. The machine well then again briefly -- that's that's a crickets for today let's keep a role in moving -- gadgets. Isn't -- you wanna go to the movies you hours. And remove these. There's that the editor in Orange county's the Anaheim -- movie theater debuted technology. In Monday. That has motions -- seats. In the theater to watch -- -- The online fraud restaurant and that's rail line here's the trick it's -- its ultra -- -- cinemas at Anaheim's guard and law. -- the first Kent County to install the they vibrate the Iraq in sync with the -- The trees that only 26 seats are equipped with this in the 120 seat theater. So there's only 26 motions seats. The way it doesn't silently kill I don't -- our own you might have to -- on somebody. But if you happen. I want I would love to try this out. They say the difference is that the technology is subtle. It gently rocked viewers rather than jarring memory I wanna tell are a -- -- rollercoaster ride it's not gonna be at night like a Star Trek experience at the Bethlehem. If it's like space -- that would be it that's like the whole unit between Linden street and show the -- an elevator reached the top -- village until hiccup I think you would if you were in that elevator. The filet at I mean -- -- I think this is a weird I know -- I would enjoy this I would do it all like the second randomly I would want to do -- experts and it depends on the -- and gravity to have to go around him. There's no way Mac and it's not -- -- there's no way that they and they -- they held a demonstration for the press apparently they -- extended trailers of polar -- expressed a polar express. And terminator salvation. In polar inserted or solving a thing as rocky the whole time -- just on data data on the flight. And. Expressed the whole thing is this gonna be there on the -- -- -- that -- anything. All areas -- I think it'd be -- it takes them on a date but not tell them you're in the motion -- And just sit them down and just watch them -- that Allah but. I have I've have a quick correction I want to get to possibly -- And infinitely and I'm gonna need to do everything where it was about a previous story yet -- -- -- -- a lack of accurate -- -- okay valid opt. And lets the -- in wait are you on now and -- And engadget that the school. Okay so the people at MIC gadget who are also known for the Steve Jobs. Little -- all they've built a three in one camera connecting it. For the iPad so not only can you plug in through USB port it also has a slot for as the card and micro SD card. All now little dock connector adapter. Thirty -- So -- infect. -- isn't actually late word that new iPad not coming out in a matter that it has getting. -- public -- -- is that and is going to keep it this is a killer dongle -- I love it yes and -- and -- -- deep part of the cool part absolutely. Our -- I think it's that I'm very -- Finally I love and of the year wrap up stories. Padded out November idiot there always -- me have the latest and it's from linked in. Which says -- diet did you use one of these top ten most overused buzzwords that your Linkedin profile this year but -- tell. -- get them. They -- their analytic -- defecting to crack impending the most cliched. And overused phrases in the past -- using over 85 million Linkedin profiles -- here they are number one. Extensive experience. Number two innovative number three motivated for results oriented. Dynamic six proven track -- -- again excellence that India team player eight fast paced. We're gonna fast in rural ethnic and analysts I'm I drive an ethnic environment in I was at the whole -- -- -- local -- go overnight problem solver and ten and to print Oriole. And true in. Who wouldn't wanna be the little enemy I know that Sharon actually isn't better on my core competency. -- Core competency in core -- that anything that caloric deficit have been in there I feel like I'm surprised we're treated wasn't in there. -- you know normally like creative. Thinking and creative -- look for creative solutions I wonder what they decided was. Maybe they -- creative was not a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And motivated best practices -- and retirements and have been one. That it wasn't -- the F motivated isn't acting creative -- -- -- clearly in a -- I mean innovative is different entry to buy something I -- I -- -- like. You know those clever people with those clever hacker type. A lot of creativity make it generators that this is the panhandle early I have absolutely -- -- Internet and -- generator collisions generator and a. Eleven and then throw in some core staff in the core competence but I'm agencies and something synergy related I am. As their. And then that Twitter is. It would the very clever hash -- I think hindsight when he ten. That they have put analyst of the most of the year's top ten most re tweeted tweet. Which is interesting and a disturbing at the same time -- really think I'm exactly the number one most retreated -- though came from Steven called air. He -- it on June 16 in honor of oil soaked birds tweets are now -- And pan bomb. Dropped our -- -- you know we're the. Malone says a number two we always ignore the ones who Doris and -- the ones who ignore that I'm surprised that was picked up by that. People really. A number three -- Lil Wayne -- Term -- and. Leo easy from -- they don't the number three Toledo was some guy saying I'm back from friends jail. I really wow really -- although at number four are Justin beaver. He -- -- to him. Except that it I had to read -- because different kind has demand VoIP and communities and a well I -- more like. A -- in this kick number of picking which means that you make any grownup -- -- You know to opt in Java not -- be able. Dirty -- -- and then it. Al-Qaeda and number five comes into it. Just noticed Twitter keeps prompting media at a locations your tweets not falling for that on Larry had. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I cried because I love Justin beaver. Okay these are clearly like to letters those celebrity -- -- that the that the though that has made a number of and Lady Gaga. And beautiful in my way makes no mistakes I'm on the right track maybe I was blown. Is that when I had vocabulary those downbeat lyrics are ranked Kanye West and the number eight I'm sorry Taylor. But that's not -- you better be data and to. Anticipating. -- -- nine Rihanna says. That's the beaver just ask me his pads in the middle of a restaurant or wow he actually analysts expect its L -- well. Who had read that on buzz -- My favorite comes from should my dad says number and they'll focus on the one guy who -- you you don't go to the park and -- your picnic and then next to the only pile of -- she. Each. That's it and lit that's it that's -- -- -- and out of America that residents and that's the press contributed exactly let's do it. So we talk a lot about. The Google Chrome OS the idea of storing your stuff in the cloud what happens if you do that. And then it turns out that question can be extended to video and. There's a lot of the infinite loop. -- -- -- -- I'm what happens when those particular companies go under these things do happen. -- -- -- -- gains. At 35 to forty game. Party if -- dollar apiece. It's being -- you unfortunately. All part war it bought out and shut down. All my -- going. -- -- physical copies of those games. Aren't great love the -- -- lot of questions and melodic when you're gonna lose your games -- in the nature of the cloud is I mean I'll probably find Elaine is gonna be fine now -- and I finally but it does that is that the England without the streaming that makes you think like maybe streaming -- -- -- -- academy don't. You know. In China and the truth is though with -- the user licenses it's like you don't actually -- it. Violence here let me just like the music subscription services if they go to if they go down you don't own it and elegantly absolutely let's turn that question on -- -- actually. Why do you think you -- has. -- only rented them from us out she. Yeah our right to the emails Sam writes in hey -- I don't understand why all of a sudden everyone hates on a stylus. On tablets. For years we tablet PC users enjoy pressure sensitive digital ink for software such as Autodesk -- -- in Microsoft one note some of us actually use tablets on day to day basis for business you know. Not just started to experiment for enterprise use plus it's not like styles multi -- can't be co existed on the same screen. Anyways a lot of the shows them from Toronto. We agree they can co exist that are on a bit that I -- lake. -- like your emails basically says -- for that specific. Small user group. For multi media. Auto deaths architects capture but. For doctors or whatever but that's not that kind -- now what Microsoft is going to. Presumably. Be trying to kill the iPad with at the consumer electronics you know -- -- also people lose and it. I know now -- on the night. -- the -- and says for the past uses a good tip for those of you do not want to pay the outrages of the -- -- wrote complaining that. Says for the past years we've been having over a 140 dollars a year on -- Blackberry opened by nearly opting out of -- domestic misting and blocking all estimates text or phones. Since text messaging is essentially email we -- texts to our friends using the phone number at phone service dot com address format like phone number at V -- dot com for Verizon. News that when we add cellphone contract through contacts to -- -- find out what carrier they used. -- that estimates dressed in their email contact info on them within the person and -- email to their phone and tell them to add and use the incoming email address. When -- -- although it seems like you extra steps. We're not out of the text loop which they -- what would would be almost an extra month of service for both -- every year. And as an international traveler I'm not incurring roaming -- -- for SMS spam and low priority tech -- He says at -- it's all just data just say end of -- -- It's -- -- all you have to do is but it covers yet you've -- -- -- -- and also I notice that have a lot of Texan tax and -- -- like archery. Tongue twisting -- in the as -- -- time part time in memory leading him. An analyst. -- Or or -- -- Hacked by Darren -- needs to stick together said today may have Blake opened that McCarron says he -- Google Voice that the shoot that he -- it that is anyways here. At other -- today you can you can try try try to read that email yourself out loud you can find a better show notes below -- -- -- -- Then -- all the time with the email you want -- cnet.com and -- one and it's excellent 62638. And thinking. And you guys have any computer love stuff you wanna throw our way -- -- -- -- Friday as I'm just saying it and yes and -- and -- we have enough. Just in case of there's some best moment of the year that you haven't -- and whether it is time code and actual clips to keep those -- -- its top police. -- -- -- -- -- --

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