Ep. 1362: New alien DNA discovery: new Toxic Avengers?
Ep. 1362: New alien DNA discovery: new Toxic Avengers?

Ep. 1362: New alien DNA discovery: new Toxic Avengers?

Today's Tuesday December 22010. And -- didn't tell -- time brands time Donald bell I am Molly Wood and welcome to buzz out loud CNET podcast of indeterminate -- it'd episode thirteen sixty pew. Room. And -- -- and a Howard Donald bell. -- -- Because he you're always here on like weird space Newsday -- this -- happened on Thursday. Maybe that's why does LU lawyer necessary to actually appropriately -- -- -- this -- spread some love for NASA them while eleven NASA day. We're not even now -- that's what I'm saying that NASA shirt. I've got multi. -- I think it isn't any money minute to be kept that's why does and I'll get there eventually. I'm a little slower than yield and a little slowly eyeball take care that -- the past one. And -- and we are not even waiting for science news. To talk about it wasn't going on to talk about the redefinition of life as we know -- potentially. NASA and they haven't even gotten to the Brat Camp and get out of -- according -- press conference is gonna start in about twenty minutes. But hey what would explode at 10 well a big crazy announcement be without like a bunch of leaks on the Internet ahead of time course. Note the news as far as we know so far is that NASA has a debt at apparently identified. New. Life form basically a new micro organism a type of bacteria that actually the -- and in -- makes it DNA out of arsenic. Yes so the bacteria can substitute arsenic for phosphorus one of the six main building blocks for life so the other ones are. Carbon. Hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and the calcium. That it founded in California's mono lake and this is the would it. The first like that -- the most alien organism yet seen. And isn't like monolith that toxic waste site that exactly had to say they act panic and -- -- is like I know there's a reason we were given that how does it wastes help. I alien life forms creating new found bacteria that -- I can tolerate these high concentrations of arsenic they say it may be one of the most street it's. The most and the usual the so called extreme -- file of the bacteria that thrive under -- -- finally harsh conditions. And extreme mobile's -- Unobtainium -- that I have them. Please give me more but it's -- like there's a little organisms that live under the sea and they drive and knows. Extremely high heat -- threat kind of thing -- T -- -- even filed exactly so this is one of them -- Sebastian the crab. Under the sea and the an hour it how does the -- dollar their oldest busses is about us like being able to this -- NASA's mission I think from. I'm remembering from the eighty's from the -- -- in Kosmas -- they talked about how. -- -- do me the in order really find life on the plans we had did. Do a better job figuring out how some home what kind of different varieties of life there are like -- our our ability let's hear yes so. There is missions like an article -- -- -- what life forms could survive like the coldest most extreme conditions. And is just another one of those extreme conditions but far more awesome -- is based on arsenic. Which does sound like it's gonna melt your face I know it sounds -- Does data yeah lack of a better when I was I was a little disappointed though that it wasn't like from space -- they say they -- biological. I mean it's on -- And that's -- interesting if they say that out -- biology and Astro biology finding out what impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life but this. That's good NASA's press release that now what this would with this really seem to show is more like adaptability of our life form -- some people are speculating that. It was the kind of thing that -- -- Could hint at sort of when -- -- a shadow biosphere you know the idea that there's like 2.0 that there were two types of life that they have actually developed because this is -- seems to be based on a different. Building block of life and other. Will not threaten other known life forms. But then there are some scientists in the New York Times quoted as saying this is not like 2.0 this is sort of like. This is within the potential boundaries of what's on replica of what's on our planet that's an and I guess I don't really understand how NASA -- all the way to -- being in the search for extraterrestrial life other than. It gives them other building blocks to work and let them in England now and now allows for the idea that we could find extra pressure light that is like. Outside of DNA that is of this kind of alien nature exactly and also it opens up some hot lines to get the toxic defender series back in order to you know -- -- -- right this minute there's people pitching that's good right now. Exactly implantable erase them all. Yeah it does it really does give us the bigger base to work with while we're looking for ailing American -- -- include the possibility that like a planet made out of arsenic -- -- our. I can collect but -- that press the press conference proper effect at 11 am Pacific time will probably does drop and and sometimes -- blog or whatever and feed them -- -- but that appears to be. The news so far. Yet and Donna -- alpha embalmed but we all knew that it was a really going to be an alien life announcement because that that that's probably gonna conflict could become an X -- tin foil -- -- -- -- -- may -- -- had planted the creature there in the later -- again they've visited the lake man. They put the bacteria that was able to adapt. Or is actually one of their -- and and that's the question is are they still here or did they -- And did that in negative impact theory and in late as a result of the fight with the man in black where one of them -- killed and clinics are. It can to the pool it's something I also like mr. -- in the carry him to believe I'm not -- it. I -- -- -- other technology news today. And then analysts generally have a close look like an Angel that -- -- he. Wrong in reality the FTC is pitching a do not track system. To let consumers potentially opt out of web data collected so. A lot of browsers pull in all that information personal information are behaviors. What do we do they're proposing that browsers incorporate some system they -- -- -- identified yet. Superb give us the ability to I guess if they opt out. And not have these browsers -- information. Yet that it's interesting it's them it's kind of an idea that they've been kicking around more and more -- -- it with some some possibility. Sort -- some way to give us the option to be and more anonymously and that you know -- variously described that the consumer bill of rights -- -- do not attracting. It would borrow from the idea of -- do not call list unfortunately. Although it's kind of a nice idea that there is of course the sort of obvious response to like it may be technically -- -- won't even -- that I didn't -- We impossible -- -- it's -- only things written we've got so many people figuring out ways to track you. On the Internet and track your preferences and track your search history. -- -- Using all kinds of tools that this probably would just block one and then it'll be dislike this little pebble in the river. -- it might all kinds of different ways to combat that same information and only thing it could be make it relatively successful at -- was just a button on your browser but then everyone would have to even if you go into like private or -- mode on your browser yet to go into the menu got to drag out a bullet. How people don't even know what it does mean even if you put a little button like right on the top right hand corner. Sale this is -- to -- people -- there still are gonna do that. Ray manner and you have to -- every catalytic -- then there's a good use any. Good start with them that sort of simple fact that they do not call list all on its own. Merely -- threat like it we're still about as well as you're somewhat sophisticated spam filters -- at least 20% of the stuff until -- there is still bad yeah I. I and then on top of that this -- -- just the technical hurdle there's this great user comment though on news.com today -- some ideas of how exactly the company and now. If your web request is on the do not track list IP -- has changed constantly for 99% of web users and multiple people can use the same IP address simultaneously people at home computers work computers Smartphones tablets. The only way to achieve this is to use a personal identifier on all of your devices which could just make tracking you -- anything. They're afraid that I could totally see this this -- getting hacked and then turning to make that. -- the list of people -- expand into oblivion via the Yahoo! -- this idea advertisers like no don't do this thing oh yeah -- not -- -- this idea. I'm Lohan yes and now I'm confident that -- about it and -- but they don't want it apnea can be totally nice if we had something like this plaintiff cannot imagine away. For -- to have any teeth I'll -- -- deadly -- that's moving on it to the first of its kind Xbox mobbing trial. There's apparently been no deal it is going to trial. Right -- prosecutors there. But our plea prosecutors it's the cases on the side the prosecution right now went on right now via as we -- -- -- and we're gonna cut to it right now as in the button. Let's go to -- the case against Matthew -- and. If it is the twenty year old -- -- -- for solid Southern California. Who is accuse the -- Xbox is and what happened. Is that you have -- authorities from the Department of Justice who were bases who basically where. Asking him to come to their home. And mod their Xbox for them now there's two issues here because two to four witnesses one of the witnesses see -- video recorded. The interaction of him -- -- not -- Xbox which is not allowed you can't -- record them without them knowing -- and then one of the other witnesses in this trial at the moment. Was actually known to muddied his own Xbox. Scroll. Okay so let's put that aside as things -- the most boring trial although the judge is probably making -- currently -- include an emergency interface. But at that about the at the heart of this basic they're trying to figure out is. Did it mr. -- -- No -- act out right know that he was doing this to violate and bypass the NC DM CA. He's trying to say that -- is fair -- I wanted to give back the home brew apps and back up copies of you know my games that I haven't used them in my way. Even though they found 150 pirated games session him this is -- the slippery slope. -- -- -- It's a different argument. Well I. I don't know I did I get up I rate in the idea that I don't own products and I can't win and held them after -- -- it isn't -- -- bad press and the fact that this is gone to trial at all is a really bad president. The fact that there's a possibility could be convicted and go to jail for minding his own hardware. Or even offering to -- other people's hardware is pretty disturbing because that that gives the -- -- convention. Element has. Created more unintended consequences and you can shake African -- -- -- including being used as a club for like. Stopping security researchers from releasing their findings because they might have involved like cracking some kind of popular -- And so the idea that it can be upheld to the point where it says -- have the right to mess with your own hardware. Is not. As a chilling effect -- time. Remember I mean to DMC is going like our Saturday -- -- it. What we're have we're having down to earth or whether any domains being taken down their pursuing this case at the heart and -- Spartak Xbox moderate -- -- -- -- everybody the culture of ownership people movement common. I loved it looks like a kind of slightly happy story. -- -- -- -- Wanna play a legal cases that. Until you really okay that that it is going to further erode our personal rights and our own property -- they -- the content owner and the arsenic based features again. No we -- millions and -- the failing if they have mailing and don't worry. Immediate enemy we're entering a new era have -- the -- -- Google this is actually good news. Google in -- an example of super responsiveness to bad press. Has decided that bad press is no longer going to be good for your business. There was that story about. Well that they called the. I -- or my I -- my eyes is the rate is that I last site we're basically because of all their bad user feedback. They're able to game the system and become a higher rank I didn't read the story like I assume that acquire mass was like some kind of -- -- -- dazzling that I. -- can be dazzle lot of things it is usually -- from the studio that we've been. In three words people. Getting ahead I was gonna tonight in them. The operator of decorum I guess was quoted in the New York Times as saying that it's been completely worthwhile -- even beneficial for him to have non stop bad customer is because it allowed him to. Increases ranking on Google. So after that New York Times story came out. Google -- Really very quickly within a few days yeah we're gonna go and change that algorithm like stacked. In fact they say on the Google blog quote we were horrified. To read about ms. -- is dreadful experience with. This site department and then city even though our initial analysis pointed to this being -- -- not a widespread problem in our search results we immediately convene a team that looked carefully at the issue. They say they've been and developed an initial algorithm explosion implemented in it already -- -- They go who counsel Matt Bentley did jump all -- if that's pretty good but -- -- -- they how they did it. Because they did thing they got a work around and then -- -- the system. And opera hooking things they're trying to be happy about it -- IE vulnerabilities -- have its friends -- positive dongle that America that -- -- mania the adult men and and usually is lead -- shiny happy guy now -- -- that lowered it and -- -- -- can opt -- bring -- around what has happened or where we're able regularly you'd. Snap back in shape your body slap them around we'll be right back -- -- Google winning an email a super important email contact with them. Whatever actually inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact -- Send us an email right now to holiday -- -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right price. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Welcome back everybody to buzz out loud here at miss Molly Wood and Donald the downer. -- downer who invited that guy. Right back -- stories Google wins an email contact with United States General Services Administration so. This is significant step or -- Google because recently with the department of the -- -- -- -- Microsoft was awarded a contract it. For their email services to be used -- complain that he was unfair. That they essentially created the printers where Microsoft was essentially the only service to do that with -- that -- look at apparently so don't think Google's gain a little piece. Of the pie I think they totally tops them abundant -- right how about we make a little Department of the Interior bingo and good enough for our general services yes. Happen not whenever we didn't hear Netflix here at the right via it was pretty funny though when you read the department of -- request expert like there RFP. About the services that they needed they refer directly to things like office. -- -- -- -- It felt like that like him -- it. Though they they they were -- the little -- their Microsoft not happy about it there with a quote earlier that basically so Microsoft said. I'm more disappointed in their internal email decision. Gratified that so many federal state and local governments -- chosen make that to meet their business -- but I think in a different article bomber -- -- -- like whatever these guys that made. It. Doesn't matter now Microsoft is gonna get awarded another contract by the US is more general services that nascent yet. Ambiguous we don't know what the -- we -- services administration. Didn't. -- didn't think we did get more general management service and -- a hammer and nails apartment now all those do you think people are gonna -- -- -- and Google are. And -- horrible aren't -- because and aren't using webmail. And analytical yes like the pet cemetery -- -- after awhile and been hanging over aren't. -- Actually Tina has it keyboards -- -- move on -- excellent and I think you go on the pet cemetery. Tangent for -- bad guy about everything on my wisely though. The pet cemetery -- did. -- tell -- does not like the scary character of all time okay. Alt key and a little thing that and -- Canada and -- -- and at -- now we should know how her -- -- that. Iran Google mail and Google Maps with Google -- that's what did it -- -- -- okay and earning an upper named Zelda. Thank god it's okay I would also like blameless and of its -- A candidate could not be farther out there at at and. Sometimes Apple uses in censorship powers -- good. They have removed an anti -- app from the app store after a wave of protest sent -- the online petitions -- change dot org it was initially approved there was apparently am. And movement it wasn't. It's interesting because it was not a like a -- hate patent right it was an it was then Apple. That was about the Manhattan declaration -- movement -- plus -- -- Christian leaders espousing their condemnation of both gay marriage and abortion rights. Yes so here's a thing I don't know offices. It's is -- for me to see if this is necessarily a good thing -- bad thing because it wasn't like the app was outright like. Anti gay bashing -- this is -- it was more of a statement. Now this whether this is about religion or not religious beliefs it was more a statement of how these people -- Change dot -- post it touting it as an anti gay app people that don't even use the -- or see it. BC then jumped on board sent a petition to Apple 7700. People said removed app and then Apple's comment was the reason why they removed it is because. It violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people now what I hear that statement though it's like. Well that's really -- what if it was something like an Apple. That was against like interracial marriages end. 101000 people wrote about it said this is offensive to us when they would they take that. I get away from their perspective -- like look at the controversial -- wet whatever way you wanna read it it's our store we don't wander around trying controversy -- go -- on Android or something with them but over an amateur hour. I think is basically what they said but when they initially approved it in this is where it gets is where always get a credit Alley gets by the when you waited to censorship because you know you have to choose this line and make. Even under pure speech free speech applications. You could put the flap up and it and in fact it was not necessarily with Apple gave it eight or plus. Rating in terms of objectionable content when they approved it which meant that they can they deemed it -- have no objectionable material. Like -- that it's just at the point of -- statement at the point you app. But. But then after at least complaint states apparently decided that it's it's objectionable. And -- -- like that's the problem with the initial censorship. Thing is like it eat it either is or isn't or it is and you allow it because -- -- free speech is all about with the glory is -- he just changed. Is mine when names goes in and I mean they have been -- dollars in taxable but like -- -- offensive to large groups of people man like that could literally be anything someone who doesn't like birds exploding and Angry Birds can argue about that meet your idol like NASA to get back. -- right now. Let's squash this thing I hear the words I just feel this Apple -- that you know is portrayed it as it's easier to headlight of -- -- this -- an anti gap. It was really more of a standard position of a group of people another group of people don't agree with that statement. And an Apple real said it's a little it's a little too hot for -- to get involved in let's just take. I can see from their perspective though like it's it's and better as a better PR move for them to be like. Why they sensing land they censoring it's like and to be like I can't believe Apple has this totally anti gay app in their store this total the whatever that that actual. You know whatever the -- -- is the whole thing -- -- is just. Better to ride the that censorship -- -- sort of what we say goes you know bad press than to have an action. What might have explode out -- something that's actually more true. It only -- to have that president. Yeah there's a pretty good day I think a common in that -- comment on -- news that comes during about it and it says them. There were only 7700. Complaints it yet close to you that on the change on our petition. So if you had close to half a million student signatures it seems that if that if someone wanted to they can get any app they wanted removed from the -- -- at all you have to do is have what is that a coordinated I am offended by this -- campaign pledge to out. You know campaign to what Apple and only we should do it Angry Birds. That's that I feel back until until I got you I feel how -- cutlery and -- -- it. They got saddle the -- things went live right now -- -- -- -- in. El capitan and stream. -- And obviously just in my -- about -- also but you don't really understand what that is really ultimately -- I yeah that's a big event here right -- surrounded -- big guys and a forehead. Oh no no no doubt god now handled I was -- Tyra Banks then when. -- -- -- -- rights should continue to have had. Pilots keep let's keep gun intelligent we get -- -- and I'm sure that's even like a little flushed out and right now Manhattan -- Caminiti speaking -- Apple Apple has apparently patented a method for projecting a 3-D image that can be perceived perceived properly without glasses and by multiple viewers. In the same room. Yet tracking their eyes you can you can even move around the and -- -- -- -- viewing angle not like a good you know not. Not a discussion of a good minor matter -- usually -- Mediterranean it's like a viewing -- that other than strain on this would have all of that and the harder -- -- -- pretty baby. As it looks like based on their diagrams it's in its physical projector machine -- you don't -- diet and it's like that this like a naked in front of the building like everybody and thank your head with the -- -- they have a smaller version a little little -- of the big version the project but than they have the smaller need. Now the bottom -- and but I don't think they're deliberately trying to limit Willis was anything about this right is that at 830 is. Try to take over it's not there Apple's -- -- of the game but this patent was filed. In 2006. Men and a lot of the times we think that like a lapels -- -- up right that are relevant to today. But actually he looked a -- the dates thirteen 1060007. Things that are now -- of technology that are relevant right now. Edit existing about it is that it -- it breaks down why -- why it thinks -- why Apple and current offerings for glasses free 3-D aren't good enough -- including all of those things like the panel there is the calendar program like classes are cool -- -- one of the reasons they wrote an adult and probably I could not Friday. Well the other thing I think is interesting is from Apple patent perspective to his that they can they have so much like R&D. Power. They they put so much money into that that they can just spot a trend -- the -- televisions and -- like okay. Let's just got had a leak -- it. And view that everything we -- secure that -- and enemy unite and take action on it but does have a dinner. Our on the patent -- I really I really want us to do you like -- commerce committee to do you a compendium of Apple patents story because for every one that we report on. We don't report only 9 AME may have been granted an on. Believable number of patents and incidentally if -- ever wanted to really unleash patent hell -- a world where there might be no other company in existence. -- -- -- -- from what -- from what I've seen -- other pads is like it's things that Apple OK let's let's get past the normal I touched upstream patents with -- kind of a little ridiculous that the time. But are hardly an -- hardly the only when they haven't yet island. I know but some it's a little as I've -- is very unique to their hardware specifically. You know so -- interest in it. I know -- standards now in a patented and patent -- try to take over the world. Now now now they may have a lot and am not content in Alabama I'd like feeling. A bit like it a long list. Cloud gaming service on live has added a ten dollar monthly flat rate plans so before. Now in this this kind of goes hand in hand with their new little hardware bundled hardware and W which is what many now and that's a thank you for their micro console. Now for ten dollars month you can sort of view and all you can game flat rate package that actually turn out to be a little better value. Yet that the what is -- they have like these three weekly passes and -- -- passes at around. 599899. So it's essentially Netflix for -- games for ten bucks a month now. Even if he did like a full as a full plate passes twenty dollar to thirty dollars per game so why not even just jump locked -- -- -- -- -- if you know you'd be using this thing I haven't played with it yet. -- -- -- -- With online at all actually -- people really didn't like it and they have there's no question they have good games on there and if you really wanna get into the gaming thing that this is like. Global age cheaper than sixty detriment wrecked by flag -- cheaper than -- console which you can have a sixty dollar game. It's definitely in a much more affordable and entry level gaming option. We do have the NASA stream now lifted it. So. When he appeared to have -- and I sit on my computer arts that I wish to it and it does it show unlike -- they're doing -- -- -- -- aliens responsible for and I. And even -- think element. Into the critical pieces I think we're all familiar including dean and I name or -- the information technology -- found the protein which had like a machine. And -- it separates you from -- house. And so by every we discovered. -- They can -- one element for having me here I am. So I wanna put and the contents of The Who what where and how we did it. And and a little bit about in an after biological context -- life in a planetary context. And what this could mean fat content -- and a -- -- -- -- -- And I think Judy -- today the bacteria and yet making that. -- Hey -- -- -- gone and -- paid while. They -- microbe that scientists lovingly call little bugs but they're not -- and my parents. And this is -- bacterium public. Let all the extraordinary to me looks like that type of Michael -- and -- -- The new kind -- -- nobody can you read is accurate and you can grow -- time -- we'll talk about. -- -- that NASA idol it's not gonna find out where I got it that's really -- it was okay discovered. -- -- If it. But won't replace for -- it's highly toxic and highly toxic that the paper -- your children -- -- their hands will follow up bluntly. We time. -- The high level and if. Apply little seemingly low power -- planet -- -- thank her bill Nye science -- pricing hasn't changed and whenever you threatened -- -- -- you can either be a I think it channel and then Apple all of the really cool but actually this is the best quoted in about it is asked around just like Columbia University was not part of the research beef and that he found that in this was amazing what they were able to companies. Am because he said it's it's like if you -- I morphed into fully functioning cyborg after being thrown into a room of electronic scrap with nothing to eat. So we -- -- it's as though we were able. Literally like assimilate the assimilate the ability to use the live laughable at the product that -- -- -- yet. -- that it's a very lament sounds a -- and it can really does. It sounds like dark -- harmless from the Japanese music -- Berlin. Fully know there's some other great research that just came out -- -- -- headline from gene Munster at Piper Jaffray. A whopping 85% of people. Overwhelmingly majority of them prefer the Apple's tablet over the years and become editor which is Sampson got -- -- now -- -- you why. Well that's 85 is really -- -- I tell it only -- debt that the Internet now the number of survey respondents was a here it is 65 people. Thousand writes that no I -- things you invite people on the street of New York how many of them related to the word you -- -- a hey how are 500. No -- -- an interview that Thanksgiving dinner sixteen who -- 850. An overwhelming majority of its sixty 55 of those 65 people -- -- the iPad is more. I think I've wow well I -- at the main thing I shouldn't just mean in that same survey in cnet's offices -- By the way and and certain notwithstanding. These statistical whole area Smith of -- 65 person sample size becoming the headline of the day -- late in the technology news let's not forget that this survey conducted by the legendary. -- -- -- Public enemy number lion that. A gene Munster an average outbreak of a more visit PT Barnum character -- -- them okay enemy in Canada needs. Given some credit for totally distracted hey everybody it's Monday that the -- that -- think -- being an unbelievably. Efficient snake oil and isn't it won't matter and he is notable are awesome predictions such as Apple fell five point six million iPad in 2010. Which is totally baseless he didn't have any you don't have any -- -- that whatsoever and many apparently cut his own estimate. In half. Almost in half while Michael videos of the day after it the next day he also predicted that Apple would build its own search engine and of course is news that Apple would have an HD TVS on the market. By 2011 huge he was also the person who I think mean V. Agreements he for the iPad came out predicted. That Apple would release some sort of tablet device with in the next few years but -- day at around that it won't. -- wall young if you are ardently and I think based life to -- not forget that. And we learned today he was right because there are one. Buzz out -- zero EU UN that are -- gene Munster an amazing uneasy. -- -- -- -- That was got to keep the Maria had lowered my arena have -- job. I let engadget vital ally to -- suggested people getting at it for and really truly great -- out of that mean we all everybody like that it was like a freaking kidding me -- -- -- -- -- legislate. 65 people then that 55 people think that they would prepare the iPad to the -- thing out keypad and plant -- he threw them never heard and. Through the -- literally it's really the Internet -- Cricket yes. Let's get it via that's pressure where we want to confirm there -- speculation yesterday about what happened in over a Wiki link -- Wiki leaks after a series of media at the tax. If it has emerged that Amazon did indeed. -- the Wiki leaks servers from their web hosting service and they may have even dropped mcewing -- -- leak after inquiries from senator Joseph Lieberman. With that is the chairman of the homeland security and -- parents and yet I don't pressure them to get the -- a little bit -- -- serving that. Yet that that means is I think much Marvin lake censorship issue than the Apple app store now inflate that is that's really. I don't know I may edit it gets a private company in net terms -- everything inside who they want -- they don't but. -- kind of just bending to the the will often do Lieberman -- Also rim acquired the astonishing tribe will not really tried but TAT. Swat team of UI design and if we know one thing if rim wants to get back in this game they need a new UI. A sad it's that now so they've acquired hat and we'll see how this plays out with their new new devices the playbook which. Maybe we'll -- into evil. And I gotta say that that had the -- logo looks like April -- Tonight at it's my only complaint I agency -- not that confidence inspiring. Google has admitted that it did in fact trespass on the property of the boring is them. If you Aaron and Christine boring who had sued Google -- over street view -- saying that they trespassed even though. They had a private road yet have -- and treatment are on boring property that's -- Google that our mayor -- trespass on the boring property and it paid them. One dollars -- settlement guys one dollars after two years of deliberate go spend it on something boring when when blackness. The attorneys the couple's attorney says. Google has conceded liability as an intentional trespass there doesn't -- taller and Indiana the one dollar penalty unlike everybody else -- to take advantage of that -- -- a -- a lot of dollars also windows phone seven jailbreak -- we talked about the app that allowed to decide load apps and also help developers. Get their apps on the -- because the marketplace is a little exclusive right now. That is comment -- With Italy Japan so Microsoft asked them to or you know put pressure on the creators and told them you need to take this down and it's -- -- Lieberman found that this won't be Xbox money with the hammered down -- Microsoft that there period. -- ITunes Apple bizarrely not given up on paying not not byline cited back they have now in an effort to generate interest in paying. Has landed an exclusive track from Michael Jackson and the song it's called much too soon. Well I like to say that too little too late at night. That's -- -- on my whole life and on this one -- only access the track by streaming it in Michael Jackson's -- page. I'm sure lot of people use paying again for the day and then they're pretty much exactly and in there manner. Also is a book -- -- mobile game developer -- you might know new toy expert says popular hits. And twelve million downloads with the game called the words with friends that you probably only know them from W. If you don't even know do you tell you only know words when they are always a friend and a friend Jerry I got an insulator and back -- and I can't count and it now -- -- who knows what's coming in but. -- -- -- -- Which we surprise though because we said wouldn't get just copy them who copied Apple announced that it -- -- But now they actually pretty easy formula -- to emulate nightmare that. Maybe now it was telling our virtual farm animals that -- -- lots of letters on them. They're going to it will become these bingo with friends studio -- at which I think -- -- benefit the -- that with adequate. And those. Hear crickets for today let's get to the other super freaking crazy town news of the day who like their -- -- was you know that weird pay the arsenic life and now. Vice Sony let let's just go to Atlanta -- please Sony's two wrongly believes it can deliver a life sized holographic by 2020. Few. Twenty point -- and that they have a promotional video for what could be happening at the next World Cup. -- was -- full color 3-D vision for our listeners and essentially -- -- stadium on the came -- 400. -- flat screens. And everyone is watching this holographic soccer game and then blue light light that the -- until ported onto the field. We need you -- have simultaneous. Like soccer matches being held in front of live audiences all over the world or I could. Go to the match. -- know -- see this is still cheating make -- deliver this by 2011 and its its Phyllis -- I think there's the last thing he would wear 3-D glasses. -- -- Cavity involving cell I don't think that they can't in the holograms Y 2011 that the people element in their 20/20 -- simulation data -- -- -- I think that's what -- -- penny. How that LCD. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and I want and life sized holographic people. I don't let anybody in this room. I don't want to -- really don't -- I played around with the big of the things to come up every time I'm on the podcast. I know how that I -- life by calling out. I lay in bed every night dreaming about it and I just the idea that isn't that. I think it'd be powered generator that Howard Stringer chairman of Sony says I can tell you this is not science fiction in twentieth -- -- -- this'll be science. Back act -- will be real 3-D animated holograms that actual. Holograms not know glasses. No it than not it's like -- the holograms and actually that's why. That's what it is -- you know if they did -- this I think I would be a pretty cool if they -- if they get instant CDT used to that. You could watch may be like that soccer game and how things. CG monsters attacking the soccer players that puzzles like Star Wars -- to have the could be easily be essentially the idea. -- -- if you're I want -- like that the battling of like them. Now the giant monsters -- And people didn't think it. -- -- -- -- -- -- Has devolved into GM -- on well you dump schemes over the -- -- know when you don't. -- -- -- Let me adding air lines there's no blue -- whose songs movies. I thought as an upset of how it's not that he's not that long ago but apparently. -- -- mainstream media is leaping all over the story that. That possibly your propensity toward infidelity and one night stand might in fact be because of your unique genetic make. -- jeans you're just backpack your just your wired that way but literally. It's not -- -- there and it had nothing to do with -- now -- apparently because of the edit profile of the DRD for the 34 profile. It seemed to peoples' various. The thirty profiles compared to their sexual histories seem to indicate that people with a certain. The RD border -- -- areas of that gene were more likely to have a history of -- facts. Mainly because they -- speak the government -- -- flash man and who doesn't love it opening address problems with the right that you know this actually going to be great for daytime television. You now. You -- you get cheaters actually DNA tested to go to see if it's their fault or not a blaming. -- -- Get -- like. The pattern known just like if you -- break up with somebody that I blame channels don't think it really DNA. I am sorry many millions deal on people was brain and that it could and -- aren't these songs -- Then -- I didn't do anything you'd like these are deep Martinez. David -- and and I look viewed you know people are Kelly's right now one right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Who -- -- -- on the he thought he was a little. Don't know what to do because my genes via the genes they can't. -- let go for all of -- all of you out there listening to this thing going might yet. This is totally Mac used to -- what it's really in it end up being is that like a bunch of angry emails scientists there -- -- -- -- are gonna get together and create the pill that makes you stop that from eighth. Both sides the Hamas that -- he -- -- I develop about killed while on me. No one but still happy anytime day. I am so excited because I -- -- Christmas event and that decoration and then all the fun holiday and hander and -- and all of it. -- -- -- Is totally. Getting into the spirit they have a special by getting Ethan -- and means. Seating on an awesome moneymaking opportunity and -- my campaign takes them out of the app store. But for now can you get 7700 signatures to that -- -- the that's all it take I think I -- I got 7000 people that are sick of hearing of an -- -- say not mean that they -- and. Angry Birds seasons as currently available from all iTunes and the Android market place and it flipped it like a little advent calendar. It consists of 25 daily surprises suits and to -- -- is doing -- counting down -- -- -- and -- Christmas and apparently other with the dollar and 99 for the iPad. -- -- 99 cents on I iphones and it's completely free on Android -- no lack of the and I city manager an -- -- pulling -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- if pulling out anyway as it's -- -- there's like a little ice -- fall and others like presidents with pigs president of pagan and that you you can take your bloody revenge on the -- -- It is about -- -- let us now. And -- -- emailed the buzz at cnet.com again -- I'm a little long in your voice mail today. Take it around their effect and then we can let him thirty sessions friends a month. Seriously Milan the biomedical engineer at UT wrote -- incident Wednesday -- -- site like a little dot com attendant at Stanford back in early November. And is now spreading across the country public company flirting facilitator program or at -- -- act as a social engine for those. Missed moments and -- general grouping around. The site looks like a community Twitter feed -- one while where it's both -- of the gender of the person you saw their hair color and the location on campus where you saw them. As well as a box to enter your personal work. Happy engine generator activated. At. Like a little missed connection. I don't like I don't get is whatever happened to Google bashing get the balls and go up to them and talk to them at the fifth that it could have. I am not exist now I am here to tell you. At what I consider to be a fairly acutely -- Based on anecdotal evidence of my own personal observations maybe it's just stamp at that oh I don't know well now. There are not that many talented -- has had. This is creepy college -- -- this is not like a little. And connections -- acute and OK I want I want every college town has the -- paper intimate connection America. Okay that's fine I want we have such Allard a large audience atlas is about not. -- I would like to hear him is connected success story mood is and how well does it exists and if it does I had to have some -- it was evident. Out of -- -- the -- in the pile. Opponents of that allow a little gift given -- find this guy right. Birds petition to that's okay outlets you have -- another I wanna see if neighbors can -- 807700. People complain. Then I'll be like Apple you're consistent policy does not -- -- -- A politically -- like. Like there's any hope that Apple is consistent in their -- but we've really interesting is what your. No no no not -- a lot of RD day out of their consistency but 7700. People I wanna see it. Oh let's also lists do an Angry Birds -- -- connection -- Casone on the bus plain Angry Birds that can be couldn't back and get that I could get that. Led the companies to come and talk to you that fit -- I need your help with Allen elementary and ultimately -- on kidnapping and there's a successful those connections are only here because I've never heard of a successful was that I that's. Okay next up a -- So did that date just yet Eisenberg now that we all have this in those traffic about that -- That is the hosted at the eleventh 1950 or there in the north of the most boring -- ever. Is there any way to repeat the analysis and get the same result Philadelphia -- in the C of these and -- just because now we've discussed it so much. I just -- the trite love the show -- so I won't use it even though I do love the show that is right or whatever you all later. -- that is the contemplated totally dig it hasn't -- make the examination of the most boring game history now renders that can computational least significant. It was on the top of Google's rankings of in the -- I think that that. -- in Kansas -- -- and thirty not yet then. -- you wish or on your story about -- the routing around the USA government -- keep in mind that -- -- running out of I PV four addresses. Composite these seemingly intentional -- -- -- but you're gonna I PV six is to instead put in place and I have. Turn into -- -- the -- dumb terminal -- ability to directly connect to another computer without playing mother may I with the IP. And a looming police state hovering over their -- man flipped -- Lou. -- -- I'm so impressed they get out that there again -- -- -- -- -- crazy right there have. They might be right and yet possibly use I completely correct is that -- for that. If you want you try out your own partnered -- by reading that email over and over. I can find it in all the links of the stories we talked about -- our blog at Leo well that cnet.com Q and emailing your -- that's all missed -- -- -- -- because I know they're out there. I hope they're out an awesome holiday period. Hope so buzz at cnet.com or email address tell your story on the voicemail 106 -- to -- the -- to believe -- card clubs I. I want to believe and I think that's the mechanics and story. Outlets are outlets that they keep them -- you've got some videos and. Okay okay -- militant jargon that I will -- guy's mouth I.

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