Ep. 1335: Everybody hates Google
Ep. 1335: Everybody hates Google

Ep. 1335: Everybody hates Google

Friday October -- -- -- -- Right I may be a little bit about that lasted o'clock at -- -- link episode. 1335. It's Friday Friday bright a -- yes happy Friday everybody. Excellent Molly Wood and act on Monday Monday Monday I -- though. Okay possibly yeah yeah its -- -- -- be back to back don't miss Monday showed the triumphant return of Molly Wood but for now. It's the GO AT race ultimately DOT's. Get that thank you I've learned -- you know yeah yeah at a growth I don't really. Appeared. I know that's -- I can't noted even this is reformation -- -- -- like -- does it in like you know substantial you know what. There's Google news and look at it. Let's do it so in wake of box blocking Cablevision from carrying their stuff and -- related somewhat related medical story. The networks all three of the big networks are blocking Google TV. From streaming their content over the web part of Google TV yesterday with -- is pulling -- lead their streams from directly from their sites yet and put them up with Dave. Chopped up witnesses. Honestly -- not a surprise. Because I wired networks in this -- Google TV get our stuff Steve -- free. Well -- ended on my windows PC. The thing that's weird about the the Google TV is that such in the -- -- which is the most popular one out there that that they've sold any unit in the Logitech reviews. And of the Sony -- shipping -- night yet. Electric reviews are so this is a product that is a super duper. Sits in the middle of everything it. -- streams data over the web or it controls your DVR -- -- TV show what you have through it so you can use on the Google TV you can actually tune in. Over the air over cable broadcasts. They -- what ABC show over your ABC yeah. You know normal TV link but you wanna watch it over the web you can't it's like. After the end -- -- what the hell yeah but. Of course the content owners the big networks may want to get their revenues. From the broadcast -- which is where you have this incredibly inefficient and incredibly lucrative -- contract business. And super fragmented business where like we saw once you know even iTunes figured out the whole music space once it came to video. Every company media company distributor did not want to give anyone. The power to become that sole provider that final answer they all want to control it. In different ways some because the music industry lost control that iTunes became the place to go. They this whole video fragmentation is is directly related to that it it's yet. It's fragmentation 2.0 its first audio now video -- the thing that we don't know the the old -- can't survive forever. And it a lot of this that the blocking that we're seeing here especially this blocking more so than fox blocking. Is. It's gonna protectionism of -- like that and old and lucrative and very inefficient business model. This new model of getting stuff over the web is much more efficient and also beautifully target I mean when you're. Watching a video stream the person look at that the rights hope whoever it -- it to you knows exactly who you are so the targeting is much better. So this should work better but the acts to the ad business this -- -- area and therefore you get this blocking of of people trailer weight we don't understand this block -- until figured out. And the prom also has really they haven't. Figure out a formula T and you know because they want to hold on the revenue that they have they have not figured out a formula where they can make. Around the same revenue from display on TV as a tamper machine from all -- to reply means that it has been beta about it so. We'll see what happens a fox currently does allow their content to be -- Google TV that's the hilarious thing you have to get -- -- So that they block -- on Cablevision. But they allow it on Google PBIs that that's -- that part of the you know they said they said there's gotta do to -- -- pundit no firm decision has been reached yet. But at least the only spot -- -- -- lead to edit Google -- -- our house. House has probably little house on -- yeah. And since then the I don't even know where things -- partners and manipulated as you just go to -- -- -- gimmicky but actually -- -- -- -- get the content of that signal and there's -- little one other thing is that Hulu is also you know even though the Google TV as a web browser and you can't get access to -- as well which is no surprise at all because everybody blocks Hulu once it gets off of the the computer screen and on the -- -- -- But -- what you don't you need we need like. -- that torrent not that that or park. -- -- yet you need that proxy server for Google TV so it doesn't know that's going to TV. Now you know one of the things as Hulu is trying to. Hope that a service like Hulu plus would help them get on to more boxes and people did jump on and adapt that but it hasn't really been turning out that -- safari. Now it hasn't that I guess and you know who puts the still kind of beta concept matter what they call it and it's what it's nine and five a month and a for now. But who's thinking apparently about dropping the price -- that -- 49. Yeah this is according to all things. The movement that they thought they would -- there it's rumored that they're looking to chop it in happen. The this does make sense for example like let it people -- Netflix right -- paid about 899. The gain access to a lot of content. A lot more than who look and -- -- Can offer -- -- like the latest episodes. A little far back but it's still not large enough library or -- -- for people to just spend 99 mean sorry 995 plus you still have to watch ads and -- people have not been taking you know and we to that in. Once they try to open -- -- service sounds like I'm in uses you know. Apparently has -- been done what's what's been done. Every threat if an add an image and its model. Let's -- -- -- with an atom anyway it I I bet it'll happen. The thing for me isn't so much the price I mean you know dropping something 50% is a big deal -- and that adds up over the course of the year that the issue is the contents and what -- they haven't -- a watch or want to. I mean I. If I get a Google TV. And I want to watch my shows and I -- -- -- cable -- watch my shows over who plus whether it's foreign and five months to nine and a five month I -- that is a big dip delta. But -- still a lot less than cable but I can't get Hulu. Eight on the platform I want and -- it doesn't have all the show's don't which it doesn't yet it's -- and then. I don't care for dollar among -- are gonna do it yeah. Exactly that is the lot of work ahead of them anyway it's all it's all in flux and you know another part of the of the the whole package and in the package right now. If you wanna cut the cord. And go totally over the top around your cable provider is you get you know the -- who Oracle feeding your Apple -- or some combination or or windows. You know box box the computerized and you go who plus and Netflix streaming. That's that's what everybody's looking at right -- -- cola that's a ballot. As close as you can -- -- -- -- -- just did a few days ago really good post where they showed based all the popular programs -- where they are you. And I was looking for my programs -- site on the grid I can't do it and that -- that -- that anyway. But it might be even cheaper to go to Netflix and because Netflix is looking at flipping their model around little bit according to. Boy genius report and offering streaming only with a dvd. You know the rotating only as an add on. Yeah and as this makes -- -- one of the reasons why I was like annoyed by Netflix is like. He just gave me an all stream package meaning -- it's cheaper not -- -- like. I hate the idea of just having that is that I'm not gonna use lane around because really all -- care about streaming you know I thought the same exact same -- -- you you know in the -- -- -- by the -- -- -- candidates -- But I can't think of okay thanks -- -- I thought exactly the same thing until I started in -- re subscribe to Netflix after like a nine year hiatus. And that's what they offer streaming it's a very very -- subset of what -- can get on this yet so I'm actually happy to get the disk. You get the disc you -- it and -- you stream some stuff. The kind of do both -- until their libraries better again like -- thing about who until they have what you want. You can you still need the old fashioned way and -- also I mean people have come across and yet they know like Netflix does have HD stream but it's not everything there's the movies where. Munich trailer -- in the -- like let's just -- so we go to Netflix and we we. -- for the rock and it's like. I mean I'm not like Nvidia with -- of that when I see artifacts that -- honestly -- -- drives you crazy so then I went it to Michael avoided the closet. -- -- -- -- And then pulled out the actual rock dvd we're like let's just like this that it was drive mysteries yet and -- -- like almost like a cable one -- -- Netflix streaming right now. You know what's if you are fan of submarine movies. Forget it. But it's streaming -- Any because they have -- slider quarter variations under they get a lot of I think for authorization does look like crap yeah anyway if you wanna see full color books. Stay tuned -- after the break we'll be talking about that. -- -- All right so. There is a new new book coming out shortly rumors say will know about in a few days when -- talk to a image shows enough. The rumors according to -- sourced rumors -- sources say that this e-book reader the nook will be color. This is now this is one of those game -- that we've been waiting for and also for -- a -- -- the note. Is it is it actually really really cool. Now much more compelling than Kindle okay so are technically yes now here's the challenge with this first of all is that while. These rumors are highly plausible nobody has seen this tech knowledge about this technology be production ready at the technology it's called -- -- like Qualcomm the right you know -- wireless carriers but they've they've bought this technology I believe. And it its color. -- -- book he's a good battery life for their or their activity. But nobody has believes its technology is production ready yet so we don't know if this holds to be true how this has -- orca. Also. I have to say. I think color. Yeah -- comic -- -- well aren't they haven't but they abject failure -- know he's right he's actually write in Japan. But I'll tell you right now when I'm looking -- comic books. They look pretty nice on an LED screen right but their pop -- gonna pop and that's the 6700 dollar iPad. And if you to get like 200 dollar color. And -- that's a web browser. That's that I am magazines you're right thankfully and Angeles Ellis speculative until this not yet but yeah it behind -- -- six because. The and it even the technology for tolerating it -- you ready somewhere around percent 2000 -- Still. If this sources to which -- David -- reporter a report about any. He's been very reliable before with the source well we'll see how it -- but the coming in the coming into our office -- -- so. I shouldn't -- the -- -- everybody who's talking about this is right I mean books are just one former reading and the books happen to be black text novels haven't -- black like -- textbooks. Magazines comic books -- the idea of the colored it would make a big difference I would be various prices the -- -- and Barnes & Noble jump ahead of Amazon in -- space they need to end totally I mean you know that's what's gonna take them. -- -- Speaking of hardware we finally got the official word on the HP slate 500 which is the I think eight point nine inch display it's not the sandpaper fingered your seven your fingers earliest live you'll allies and -- -- little bit because it's not the full ten currencies and Emery board yet -- -- into the nails. So it's an eight point nine inch display it'll be 799. Dollars. While law. -- much. It'd it is okay it's a multi -- it's it's gonna bring a little -- -- it is too much but it it does have it's really going to be geared more -- Corporate use not only can use your fingers on it it'll come with a stylus. And on the -- using some cool technology like. I think they're using like them -- or -- com what is it what is the official I don't know everyone says it differently but it uses them. Lack them if I'm going to make it and I come -- its wake up. But they -- they're digitize technologies today you can actually use the styles right -- to the recognition but again a very Moore corporate very Moore corporate uses what -- -- for. And at that price I mean come on. It's gotta be corporate but it is running Windows 7 but who's gonna buy who. What corporate drone is gonna get an 800 dollar tablet that doesn't replace the laptop all if it all it. It depends on the software that's built for because it's running pure Windows 7 it's not running a touch based interface heard of -- running Windows 7 so. For media in the car mechanic field I don't know I can't if they or diagnostic fields. If you yes you some handwriting that you know Philip prompts okay fine I can see that but it has to be supper supposedly built for this device and it's like how many companies in invest in building. That software. -- no -- even -- the device. As much as I like Windows 7 and I really do as a touch interface you know they'll use it needs a different -- and -- for the touch -- I'm we'll see we'll to have an -- but -- intelligent -- -- -- like you know with all the Android tablets. It's -- they they can need to come with the police and better interface at least Android was built for you know touch touch interface may be for smaller -- Anyway we shall see but it'll be coming out soon which -- -- the -- of -- it does come with the stand in the leather case. So you are and Hussein that's that's a hundred dollar value there. There ego. Act orbit that's right I think they'll throw in but AM and -- -- ivory charger as well yeah. -- -- -- two hours of battery life you know -- -- see the videos of the camp front facing camera back rear facing camera on them on the tablet. -- -- -- -- -- -- We'll see we'll see if it it's anyway. And other tablet news this reporting from fortune says that thirty more and 30% one in three iPad owners has never downloaded a single app. And the iPad. Mean we both have on the road with -- -- Apple in the act that is is wonderful because you get all these fun little apps on it. But here's the one in three app I don't has never played angry bird on their on their -- and I haven't even downloaded a free app at that but it would make sense is that okay -- -- agree but I have my friends that are buying them now it's hard to trickle over aware. They're not even buy them for themselves they're -- them for their parents idea. Those those gift yeah it's it's -- this and that's -- -- be the in the -- get the season without a doubt but. The the parent is just gonna surf the web and email them it might get deepened recently discovered that the earliest. You know my parents' -- opposite the VCR room. I yeah I get calls that can you set the -- efforts on so if you want your parents I know yeah I know people are equally adamant about -- I know exactly assuming that. I mean yes I mean I I am I -- were -- Pamela RM IT departments right. Mean but if you wanted to get your parents -- machine to -- surf the web and do email. Would you get -- and 600 dollar or whatever it is I pattern which got him a 300 or an Apple which would do exactly the same thing but maybe 300 bucks. IPad is better it's more comfortable that it it is it's I mean not even the senses and it's it's it's easier to use it's fun -- it's fine. That's what you want as a -- you want them to be fun. It's in elements and sell and it knows knows were you surprised by the study them. Yeah. -- -- initially although when you stop to think about it I completely agree with you that you know or a lot of people with -- such an approachable device even if you do. Nothing but the web and email via year. You can be happy with -- but you don't pay for them. But initially -- but it's so rich -- such a rich experience and start to expand it yeah. But an even for kids when they do they love play with bonus is go to the -- -- -- They don't care about apps last night -- it look like I wanna see Jupiter affect our right Leo. Sky voyager and that's our only now operate I know that's what he wanted to do my point that -- -- that is one now or not one of the very. No he's in the 66%. Think that. So more more -- -- stuff is coming out of the Apple update from the other day the latest one is that I movie eleven. Has this new. Function we can build fake trailers. And one of them is a spinning -- and a logo -- gambled expanded -- -- -- the packets that wraps around the globe which is of course how Universal Studios launches all the feminists but if you try to use that logo and that -- -- and -- Universal Studios it'll block -- you can't I can you literally type in those yeah those you know they have -- the snowy mountains of Paramount's he has they had. The sky of -- The thing is that they look eggs like so close to -- -- seen the movie we don't pick apart those little you know movie in shall just the logos are. Yeah hero shots but only got -- The thing is what -- it. Someone's gonna -- hackers who will suffer pat or you could. Incorrectly spelled notably universal you don't want and you don't RI you know -- I got us to get out of Margaret backwards reverse that and then put that on -- and -- I do and hey yeah. But it Annie and it sounds even the movie to a -- that's it's fun that's fun stuff. Yeah it's pretty I -- this strikes me -- over control again and keep currents as typical Apple over controlling the content what you can do the machine that you in this offer that you buy I don't think it's a -- -- -- -- I don't know they didn't want -- to -- -- -- that they didn't -- -- -- -- -- -- should -- -- -- -- you know the backdrop the looks exactly the same I know I just think it would Larson's however just play nice with this the it is -- they have deals with on their iTunes store it's not even that. They're trying to be a -- try to do power play on -- There's try to make sure they're still cool -- what does the I know that putting their their relationship with the -- head of the early to their consumers. -- they've never done that. Or actually -- which is this is if you wanted to get like Paramount -- universal you to take it off an actual movie and again and the guys had a black boots would come knocking your door thing you've stolen -- any of the universe on the path. That same thing yes that are -- alliance in about -- -- -- the -- a stupid. Nonetheless Apple continues to succeed they have according to strategy analytics surpassed. The black -- for the number two global spot in the sales of Smartphones in the last quarter. Yes so on the Nokia's -- number one but -- actually dropped from 37 point 8% to 34 point 4% in the quarter. Apple Android platforms -- game a lot of momentum but. Apple has seen -- -- for the quarter and and Steve obviously when he was like destroying every one in an earnings call -- mean the point -- like you know. Like or rim is gonna have a lot of trouble -- -- -- Catch him in -- operating that's not their expertise -- him anyway com. It kind of when we when he did that little tirade we -- little. We thought that you know he was being he was worried of being scared in this number just smell like smoke likable. -- -- -- we're -- Even doing that all his life though. Even when Apple is behind his children be doubly so. I wonder if you can believe the president of the United States you know that -- a little -- They met this morning aren't you know I would put my money and Obama and that battle -- -- -- oh no Obama a Obama put on the court yeah yeah for sure oh yeah for sure he'd destroy him but it. Obviously Obama and Steve Jobs. This morning and yet to discuss that -- a meeting is or has occurred at it but here's the thing we -- -- -- -- but there's only one reason why they met. -- because. Steve Jobs wants Obama to get rid of his Blackberry. Right Barack and I found that only reason their and you know what it would be Steve's patriotic duty to do it because where where his Blackberry -- -- -- -- Canadian company. IPhone doing a disservice to your country you -- -- correct I bet that's what he said it's like c'mon Steve. But elegant with the text in revolution maybe every here via acts of corporate taxes if you wanna pay in -- -- -- on payless. -- that. If we if we start -- in Iraq right away I look at -- got back right to be a lot you know that I had yet -- -- -- have an iPhone this is clearly what it's all the now more Apple news sorry. On -- development we talked yesterday about. Apple saying that they're not going to. They may not be supporting Java for the longterm there -- deprecating. Job which means if you want to build. Any app that goes into the new launch pad app store. And -- lap of the launch pad and sport implicated or the Mac acts or separate from what that's that's called on. Sorry to launch pad is is the interface to pull up the apps much like silence on -- on the right -- -- The Mac apps or is it separate a clarion. You're you're right. -- any way anyways you jackass. That -- So the Scott -- -- development company sent. Steve Jobs a note saying you know we'd love. Using your Mac -- Because it's such a great -- a platform what the heck -- -- -- that -- and it's voicemail. Which is this. A -- now this is to upgrade terms CTO and and the founder of -- software company installed LC a long time listener we use Java and our developers love Macs we have tons of them including me. There is the job uptight update that came out yesterday from Apple recent questions about the future job on OS-X to like email Steve Jobs and I am I was struck by Steve lightning. Shall he's semi -- responsive to my Twitter BS's Frazier S -- or -- as -- are just back up about 1522 beats. I haven't I had this Steve but last night -- countless -- Hangover today. But it's short and sweet -- out but it. Personal idle and only come with this evening there men particularly -- was really like it sounded like it transformed his life for that -- -- mean if you're a developer and your hmm. Developing on the Mac platform for the Mac for Mac users and your fan and then use that since even though -- and you get a reply back. That's kind of cool political anyway the notes and the reply it's that well Scott. -- sent this note saying -- offers Java based and runs about the server in the desktop we've been in business -- -- years that are -- I'm hoping you would consider commenting out -- -- Ortiz what are the future plans for Java Programming language and platform analyst and and the rights -- saying sun now Oracle supplies -- for all other platforms they have their own release schedule. Which are almost always different than ours so the job -- ship is always a version behind this may not be the best way to do it. That is Steve -- reason stated reason for why they are no longer officially supporting Java and is incomplete. In our since got to -- back and they're -- reference thing. Apartments and paneling has yet yes so -- the question is the -- they're not gonna support apps I use Java -- just apps specifically for -- they won't know Florida won't allow them in -- it'll allow them you know and they're not gonna lock. Java out of a we elect demanded complete -- they may stop -- building Java in -- which means if you wanna run a Java app in on your Mac you're gonna have to download Java separately and while that sounds like another situation it sounds exactly like -- like what Apple is doing with flash. Where. Apple has said now or engadget is reporting that Apple thing that they're not going to pre install flash on Macs anymore because for the same reason they wanna make sure. They wanna make sure of the users always have the latest version of a preinstalling -- always -- -- behind but so genuine of them -- yeah I don't take I don't believe it all know it just it it it it ruins the experience makes the start of experience in either Java or flash much much worse then. And one could argue that this is a high security. That this increases security because nobody can run. In a a older insecure version -- patched version at all you have to get the latest version but. I just I don't. And lion with the with Apple Adobe's history to media with all the so much more back in fort -- box -- in they've been doing. And I mean it was it first appeared on the MacBook -- right and then Apple if the common movie board that mean we're not going include -- and also from a user experience. There's plenty of people. -- -- Macs but don't even know or care about it watches they just wanna work in the gonna get little blue. And then -- -- about a -- you must install something and then. Clearly clearly the web does not need flash. Thank -- Steve I I believe that now. The web -- -- right. Her. It's I'm not gonna go on I get in trouble every time I I I -- Apple on how to trying to control what languages and -- -- for people development. -- to stipulate that I'm. I think this is a raw deal yeah. Okay are right and stipulate one thing though that Apple has done right after messing it up is we talked about the FaceBook are -- -- time start. A what you do I know that face time security flaw where you could go in and get change somebody's password they -- that and they didn't kind of thing and they did it and -- they'll like immediately that would work hours there was no actual home software -- sent out basically if you looked -- your account information on the -- time -- it would reveal your you know your question and answer to your security. You're security question and answer and -- -- which is everything. Date you need to notice hijack someone's me -- there are dot Mac account so now when you open up that on go check -- accounts that's information. It does not reveal that so essentially the server that it was -- and pulling that data from the. So they didn't actually have to send -- patch out all the installed base for -- software apps they just block them server side exactly just cut it off good. -- -- Good Apple. That was that here's a -- for you. -- -- -- -- and -- over again today all right -- positive inside in cool science news who we learn things by. Exploding things into the moon. Awhile ago the NASA sent a probe to the moon and smashed it straight into the moon at 6000. Miles per -- this is an October 2009. -- a year ago. And the like from moon is only now reaching. Now if -- I think that that's science papers are only now reaching. In October 2009 mission NASA slammed the probe. Into the moon in order so would kick up dust and following closely behind that. -- -- -- Was one with a public to spectrometer is and cameras and stuff. To analyze the dust that this pro kicked up with the collecting stuff to know just analyze -- -- spectrum the -- spectrum to see what materials when there and what they found at the lot of water. And minerals looks Walter on the moon we thought them was bone dry day geologist moon geologist I guess my knowledge of and really they're namely intelligence knows that planetary geologist doing -- -- that okay. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- even better Peter Schultz of Brown University said all the books on the moon say the moon is dry -- -- going to have to rewrite that chapter. Cool -- water on the moon or they're -- through what their allies who blasted into it like it. We're good thing about this is -- the guy who got actually fire the rocket at them. I imagine that but like the best game you could -- they actually firing a rocket edited on -- -- -- and when we knocked it out of -- him. Lead and -- them basement and I and such however. In other space news the foursquare is like over a little place. Because. An astronaut has checked -- On. The space station one of them is when he. -- space if space shuttle and any badge for it yes he got the NASA explorer is actually needle -- well like portrait yet. So he he must've told foursquare -- companies that take the settlement prominent -- and you guys out. -- for me it didn't and -- -- Now here's -- yeah. When -- checking in on the space shuttle and has an important if -- UPS that would work the GPS than that -- -- that GPS coordinates only. Shoot down -- that Apple is on there to -- to earth although if you think satellites. I mean. Low earth orbit satellite. How would it really -- and since. And when they go check -- the space station is made its Wi-Fi triangulation and there's me lightly around it okay immediately that'll. Or you just told them in the like there was gonna use little. And -- got. -- like yeah it's impossible to attract me in this -- to hack Dan is a social hack. That's cool stuff but look he used a foursquare -- -- of -- -- places. Or whatever it is. I don't ask foursquare says when expedition 26 docs later this year at -- that's will be excited to welcome commander Scott Kelly -- will be competing. For the most elusive mansion on -- -- True that taken them -- get them okay. Voicemails we already played the voice mail from Scott -- on to the emails -- emails Jason from Boston with well actually. The article you reference trick Slashdot as well for having one of the most sensational headlines and long time if you -- through the meat of the story. Google only cut their tax bill by three point one billion only report one and only. Instead of sixty use that sixty and that was an aggregate number -- have an industry or all corporations of the whole. I don't really mind this is a shareholder though and this is completely legal Microsoft and even Apple do the same thing. When discussing this with friends one made -- point who do you trust more with your -- billion dollars Google. Where the government. At least with Google they would actually put that money to good use I would be completely happy if they burned 1% mining and driver with -- research and that bridges to nowhere I mean. Little political commentary there but thanks for the correction on that. But there are right on next we have Franklin. Tennessee a -- -- why can't I buy a digital photo frame which -- can log into FaceBook connect. And have it slide show site site flights general through my photos from FaceBook from my basement account which could pull in real time over Wi-Fi. It seems like a no brainer yet I can't -- at a price that's available. Yeah don't is not and digital photo -- -- I want to one. You know you actually can get that there are -- -- that the HP did this I don't the product is still around and HP had a hardly overpriced but very cool photo frame the dreams paper something like that that actually pulled from FaceBook you can also home. If you're down with the -- stuff you know that some people that pulls your feet also. The -- -- I think about -- -- to -- photo collections so there's a Sony thing to use the term software what's that called. Oh this Sony always thought he'd actually expecting -- channel that but it definitely nothing that's not see -- yeah so not know the then 99 dollar photo frame you're gonna find a target yet but that is really good idea or -- -- -- -- -- it -- so it exists. Ability all right that's -- -- day. Go to BOL that cnet.com for the show notes and talk back to us buzz at cnet.com send us an email. 806162638. That's 800 -- -- six C and and also -- I'm -- I'm Brian. -- -- -- -- And and this -- -- Our -- guys have a great weekend everybody would see all Monday's. -- -- -- --

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Nuro R3 is an Adorable Self-Driving Snack Bar

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First Look: The $349 Nothing Phone 2A Aims to Brighten Your Day

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This Concept Laptop from Lenovo Has a Transparent Display

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