Ep. 1324: Facebook gets intimate, candle-lit groups
Ep. 1324: Facebook gets intimate, candle-lit groups

Ep. 1324: Facebook gets intimate, candle-lit groups

There's that this us. And it themselves I'm Donald -- I'm making available -- buzz out loud -- a podcast of indeterminate length episode thirteen 24. Boy there was a lot of news happening yesterday. It was it was all happening like while we were doing this -- if that's convenient I know well sort of -- some of it we knew what's happening and the number one item. As we were doing -- show we have a trickle down at FaceBook getting brainwashed I mean getting the press conference on Facebook's new group functionality among other things the FaceBook announced yesterday. A new FaceBook groups with the talk about a new thing that lets you download all the information FaceBook has about you. And a new dashboard in the biggest thing. The thing the most people are going to be focusing on probably is groups share the FaceBook has had groups before. -- now there's a new groups which are designed to be more intimate. And yeah the uniter in a non geeky way and help save you made without making when he said it -- it -- -- in -- -- They're actually not that either the candle -- the -- -- Government and the new pop -- -- with one point one -- that the new groups are for like. Soccer teams or family he is or. Little work groups where you can. The only way to get into one of these groups is to be invited into the -- -- like political rallies which department and pages. For the -- almost like a miniature retro FaceBook inside of FaceBook. They kind of -- -- and I might only you can set up your own little social network your own little final club an Indian side. Your FaceBook and if -- if if we can invite people into it now the first group that I got invited to was skinny hate them. Oh there's no provision -- an old an old wooden spanking penalty it. The first group that I got invited to of course was once that up by Robert Scoble which now has 500 members. He's so and they're supposed to be limited to 250 people yes I was gonna say that things you know against -- being said here but yeah I I think that. I I'd like to exploit now I think -- Then invite you wanna set up no -- -- -- I know well what here's what's gonna happen when I invite you to this group which I'm doing right now. Is that as soon as you are invited to this group. And people are posting -- -- you start getting mail on it. Whether you want to or not now you can go in and opt out. Of those email alerts -- -- you have to. Do that so that there is a potential here of people using these groups for spam and then that just. Using this feature to. I'm not to -- and only people with -- share. Agassi a kind of it makes sense as a had a substitute for -- -- like Yahoo! groups have time to get -- -- -- Thing I also think that it's gonna open up hopefully new avenues for. Communication -- video -- group check communication. Within that group or one of the cool things about the group's is that if the group is under 250 people being then you can you see. Who in that group is -- line and you can chat with the whole group -- wants those kind of it a pop up. -- instant. Water cooler chat for people in in specified. Network which I actually I think this is pretty neat if you're working on a project working -- group for the project. And you if people are on line it's it's kinda like I am but the -- is I am but it's it's chetniks -- so also when -- that the old groups. Haven't gone away. But they're not updated to the new groups oops that's not yet. Known at -- -- as the new groups. No. It's. I think we still don't know what FaceBook is going to do with the old groups. Whether they're going to convert them or what. Okay but. I think they'll be making some changes -- the the the group that I'm in this that's 500 person -- -- group. Is people are complaining that they're getting email bombardments and all they want is the digest like -- -- I mean if that's not one of the options you have an option to say. Only get updates from. My friends who are -- this group get updates from everybody Europe regret anything I remember that the Yahoo! groups -- and all all they have to do is add a digest feature in that'll make people happy the want to date you get the updates. -- -- that he too tough role now. The other thing that FaceBook announced but has not rolled out completely -- everyone. Is the ability FaceBook is now giving you the ability. To download everything that FaceBook notes about you. In a zip file. It is will be something go to your profile your account settings and is supposed to be a download option there I haven't seen it I can't wait for this hack come out. Reflect -- -- and downloaded the zip file for every. FaceBook user I mean well apparently what happens is you have to request it and and they sentinel or when it's ready. So it doesn't it's not just an instant download that you -- Yet you know the the main line from their servers where they have been -- your social graph -- is you know -- over and see that it doesn't care familiar path. Passwords and email address verification in captures and all that that -- actually get the content which is good -- And it's also. We don't I mean obviously there's no open format for this space who is just gonna tell you all the stuff you have to figure out what to make of it. But I guess if you want to. Export your social graph into something new like I asked for a the -- -- FaceBook that. But a source social network that this would make that possible impact Mark Zuckerberg has invested. Are given money to the dasburg guys is almost like he's talking them like here I'll give you everything you want to try to -- -- time and it's still not gonna happen which though -- but. Oh but that's a good. And. Finally. The FaceBook is giving you would -- -- for all those apps that that have access to your data then that can poster read horror. Send your exes. Roses -- -- all -- app you know all the axis they have they're they're rolling up his dashboard that lets you see all the apps in the axis they have and you can turn them off on and off. Ascot actually just recently went digging for this very -- them to try to selectively kind -- different different things that allowed permission to and about the fine -- I -- eventually wasn't yet to click a minute and then and second that opening port to take it. Because in the first time -- -- -- a year like -- air apps dashboards might be apps you installed them not the things you've given permission to access your profile turn it and it takes like an extra at the airport -- you really dig down to find that those will be can be equal to have this information. Are readily available although. Might -- for -- people who are on the back end of the applications who want that information. To be kind of out of the ways you know go well collecting out of via via -- -- it's is it's. The instinct thing when you do this you'll. Find out probably that there are dozens for most people I wager there will be. My -- is a -- twenty apps that have full access to your FaceBook information -- -- only got right. I do this every down and with Twitter because you you know I I experiment with all these. These products and Twitter has the same kind -- -- going there and you see what has access to it. Through the API without notifying you you know you try this -- give access affect all -- -- And there are so many things that can get into. Your. Your private social networks and most of the time they're benign yet -- just lying around doing nothing. -- you realize that you've got you know 2030. I don't know how many apps out there that. All all one of them have to do is go Rogue. And they can make you look really bad mortgage data you don't want -- -- I'm actually on that that line now I'm I I actually created it these. I'm pat myself was actually scare easily to create man FaceBook app -- -- -- -- -- -- -- is that this code out there. That is shared minutes can be called cast music -- allows you to meet. To think of them most bare minimum of a FaceBook app or to get people access to free download if they -- you dance page. In exchange for hitting the like Biden and -- FaceBook connect. This is -- a -- personal I'll dance now making these so that they can. And reward people for like -- page and him found out and then you get all the data and -- -- technically I'm getting their -- at their desk had to be disconnected FaceBook and installed. App he's created. I -- the -- treat me out nobody with I'd. I'm now -- FaceBook developers as of last week. Welcome to the dark side I get. Maddening thing NASA ocean I don't trust the only call life in any. I don't know I don't the -- Honestly it but he didn't know what kind of data I'm getting this is why we don't trust FaceBook -- satellite -- -- -- on Blake Neil had no -- wouldn't really gap and had no idea what kind of anti -- -- I I trust you or your your moral compass button. Not your technical -- yeah. So -- that fit into that. And speaking of -- privacy just a little finger that I'm still trying to decipher varying thing guardian story about. The the the Smartphone app the iPhone in the -- apps for FaceBook that lets you synchronize your. Contact book on your phone with. The your FaceBook contacts. And the data they share apparently some of these -- sync up and -- one of the things that these will do is take your. The and the private no phone number you -- for other people. Synchronize them with your FaceBook -- that would upload your private phone numbers to FaceBook and then correlated that with other people with. Those of other people have the same name. The same record on FaceBook so that. -- -- Private number for you often ends up on FaceBook and get correlated -- somebody else's account. Lovely I don't think so there's -- you can you can experiment with if you have the iPhone app you can see that sync feature. And they're all these warnings that pop up and the story regarding his has like nine updates and -- up it actually does this you know -- that of that. Very confusing stuff. I am terrified now -- using this -- -- sounds so cool and synchronize everything. Else updates now. Upload lot of -- in the -- -- All right. And more about the -- on FaceBook paranoia block and into the Apple block -- -- -- -- another room the rumors on the Verizon iPhone keep on comin' in this time in The Wall Street Journal. Quoting -- think very reliable sources. Saying that the that Apple is working on -- new iPhone. They are starting to manufacture this year for release on Verizon on the TDMA network in 2011. Early 2011. So I mean these rumors come along all the time they're getting more and more credible. And this one also correlates with. Announced minute that you today that the mobile phone conference that -- going to be -- fourteen pretty market quickly they can. So rolling out in you know they -- York and. -- -- part of this too is also kind of it a nod at the power of Android in that Apple is as much as their dominating. With the iPhone they're also slow getting a pretty significant -- for the money. With Google's technique of having all these different phones on different carriers kind of you know really beef up and compete -- the -- -- it's been a pretty successful strategy this year at least. And that Apple's you know motivations beginning on multiple carriers has now started -- -- Oh they they need to -- it yet I mean thanks to Android. Apple kind of have to get the iPhone -- -- right. They just do otherwise they're gonna continue to lose share to Android and you know they're still they're very different products men and three different -- using Android phone versus iPhone but -- I don't think they are when it comes to consumer making interest men walk into. He now a -- in the I wanna Smartphone that can take the pictures and upload videos to the Internet and get my iTunes. And you know get all those apps I -- the ads for all that stuff and yes different. -- to -- and I feel now. Anyway. One of the reasons apparently that the Verizon Apple deal has been delayed for so long is that they've been quarreling over things like. Verizon has its own you know streaming TV service and Apple courts as the issues with other people having a content -- on the phone. So apparently this is getting worked out. Yeah I think a V cast. You know kind of pre installed app on my iPhone would kind of -- can kind of -- the magic a little bit. Well if -- was an app that you could use -- not use I would say that would be all right but yeah it Verizon would do the product the for try to put in your face. Yet even Apple doesn't put all of there. You know apps in your face it -- they go and download iBooks minority -- stuff -- go and download the remote app if you like it that. -- -- and Apple's pulling their punches as far as. -- of the Apple branded all it but oh you're right and mean when when Apple released the iPhone in -- -- he they. You knew who was in charge of that relationship because the interface with all Apple very little AT&T. And Verizon -- -- won't bend over some. Play with yet how -- feed that I I think. Apple I have Verizon -- have a little bit too much. Now it might be a little bit too. Eagle might be inflated a little -- -- well yes but now -- its interest in timing for this. I think Apple needs Verizon now more than the used to because of the -- Android -- -- Verizon I think -- more leverage now to control how the Verizon phone right and iPhone. We'll look and feel than they did a year yet now that's I thought Apple way I don't know -- long run is really good or bad thing now you know could be well good you are -- you're you your user experience Verizon or Apple yeah. Apple right so notes not a good thing. Although it will be as soon as the iPhone comes to -- and it's a good thing for the universe because people need choice and -- them. Trying to never the -- -- thing here though is this LTE forking over -- the building out is not. Is as far as I understand it. Those the network that the right and -- and again at birth so that'll be -- -- to have the same issue where you can't talk and you data at the same time than. And and an -- of -- -- that. While much with. More choices whether we choose it -- not infinite we will be discussing other ways you can choose television content right after. So there -- big news out that. Broke yesterday was Logitech had a big conference to announce and through two preview the review which is -- Google TV set top box. So we have a hold -- to videos up on this thing island saw yesterday this is the. The not an Apple TV. Apple Apple TV competitor if it's a 300 dollar box that he gives you the Internet. On your high -- -- -- so it's not you don't -- it -- to get. ITunes yet you -- browse the web to do video conference saying into all that kind of stuff. And it's actually a pretty cool little little unit. It's Scott harmony remote controls -- -- -- goes from -- that comes with the keyboard a real keyboard look at the little flip. Andy that's okay. It's 300 dollar dollar credit no I know it's a sad and it's not quite there yet for example if you wanna do video -- have to buy a 150 dollar camera that's on top here under. -- be okay. Though -- at -- -- whereas or fifteen and maybe less you know -- retail. And then it doesn't connect to Skype I think it only can I -- and I think -- -- connected Google Video. And of course other Logitech users. But it's an interest they're very interest -- little product. I can't imagine it's going to be easy to sell this thing now. Did you is there any kind of feeling that it's gonna be picked up by the Comcast of the world -- -- to -- -- fumbled the services -- well there is a -- version of it. You know so they will there will be a -- -- TV that is owned the dish satellite receiver. Which will be less money but an additional monthly charge so little bit under. Fifty -- 199. Dollars -- come with four dollar a month extra charge for using Google TV. And probably atlas features -- the Logitech one which all have all the harmonies the open to throw oath which pretty cool. So anywhere once thought -- on the couch play with it for awhile it's actually kind of need to be able to get -- YouTube videos really easily via. On and I think HDTV to -- entire web using a version of Chrome. On your HDTV. Two stream some your content but not yet Hulu unfortunately pandora. Netflix all that stuff. In one interface now granted you can do a lot of the stuff with Apple TV or -- -- but not as much as -- can with. The global TVs that it also as far as but the idea of browsing the web on my TV yet I think right now they -- There's Gardena like fighting for the remote control -- -- what would -- on the TV that my wife and I trying to figure out like. That browsing management team -- the whole I think it's it's much more diplomatic stressed that both have a laptop thank you know on the -- right -- As someone in and -- that it -- -- 300 dollars as -- -- It surprised Olympic champion supported I don't think in -- -- the price has -- dropper asked if they yen to you know like the -- Like Sony -- they're gonna Sony's gonna be baking this into TVs and some of their versions and they've they've finally with that word on how much these -- are gonna. The in in a -- we come October 12. We're going to -- the TV powered Sony products. The biggest one with -- 46 inch model which will be its. -- And -- -- 19100 dollars as expensive TV but in only product that is the only Costco versions Costco for -- much -- Both within. The idea of of making the step into TV I'm not so keen on. Yeah because the set top. -- you know universe. Evolved so quickly and -- you keep TV for years and years -- it's the same same argument for now all the different. -- -- on the indeed speaking in you know. Beyond -- into -- dvi or whatever they have different experiences -- well you know that'll be. Important -- for that the next year but after that now it's like buying a car with the navigation system built in the gonna keep for ten years and two years now I think it's gonna be. Old fashioned right because most of the world will be underwater at that point in the navigation. Exactly yes it's one of things that Google hasn't been talking about much is how to going to monetize all the school TV stuff. -- -- they monetize make money from. Google TV stuff we have bodies that understands -- know I know they understand a word I just hate the -- because it's they work. If it anyway. So they haven't talked about whether they're going to be running ads on Google TV. Or what kind of data -- -- collecting from your TV viewing habits so they can -- send you ads on your TV that are in line with what you're doing. When you're surfing from out. And scary stuff but I expect Google to collect this data for copiers than one in the days at the switch and start competing with only -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that's -- -- wanna get the -- camera on -- -- -- television -- look at you and then beam that image. To the advertisers don't tell what brand it is to keep eating the target commercial but if you heard by the by the way just totally off topic here but -- -- chips. Thank a couple of Hubble back actually had so excellent -- this is completely -- -- forgive me it's not a line -- the sun chips had this this does. They have the compost able man back for their chips that was so noisy they had to recall it. And actually I without having to the recall I'm hundred not recall -- they're replacing it with that what they old fashioned you know destroy the land destroy the planet one. I without a party -- they had some these scientists are depicted as having. Absolutely it is the noise is like -- Jack camera next year head just gonna go for chip there's no way you can be like watching TV and eating a bag chip and smaller now that it's gonna be some kind of like mentos and Pepsi kind of like we use for those who. Like really loud bags and then they gonna -- people are gonna -- collected items on that probably put around your campsite scare animals capacity to go via and their and that biodegradable so it's okay it will scare the bears but also plan and the -- that's how they should do with that material. You're a genius actually over the month -- have a -- break into my car was camping. He'd be -- -- go for the food that was -- then the trunk McCarthy he had these chips they wouldn't touch. There have been scared I love he went to they get big -- -- got my my honeycomb cereal which was funny because that's like an income. The -- that money -- and right speaking of things that are watching you Cisco also yesterday announced you -- Get it you mean you don't -- but why you it's it's a telepresence system or video conferencing system. That. -- 600. Small -- Yes so they are trying to -- -- are they trying to release into the home. A video conferencing product. That connects to other Cisco you -- drivers and to be fair -- -- video chat servers as well. -- 600 dollars old that I forgot to mention plus thirty dollars a month. Can't hack it and this is make this is out there to make a Logitech thing would keep it that way but -- -- -- that's right -- -- I think Pena couldn't corona and up. People who've seen this says that the Cisco the Cisco quality is really phenomenal -- by the delta mention it doesn't work and DSL the latency through my needs who needs cable okay he. This is a beautiful product. By Cisco who makes enterprise equipment for people who have -- budgets for their homes who. That's the way this with the way it works in the real world of business this is you've got the twenty -- dollar budget. Speaking on something you do all your IT spending and you're at eighteen million and you don't spend by the by the end to your budget year that other two million you lose that for the next typically only need -- million and I ethical you know we need. We need telepresence and all of our offices the 50000 dollars pop sign me up for this. This is the same idea there's no way people have spent 600 bucks and then let's is really targeted towards lake. While at the small business -- start -- market and much less than the actual consumer that would make perfect sense and that's where this product belongs but they are actually trying to sell it -- -- the home. That's political you meet and -- -- go video telepresence for business so but isn't the lake that 300 dollar Logitech review plus the 150 -- camera. Essentially delivering a lot of the same features probably the Google Video -- for with relentless quality. And without a monthly service. You know this thing is like 8900 bucks I'm -- map but it's it's a lot of the a lot of bucks. Anyway it looks its parent beautiful but -- -- -- -- -- -- now the one thing you can't do with this though if you can't see the people who you're talking two and 3-D. Although at -- tech which is -- speak electronics trade show now on in Japan we bunch people there are a bunch of companies showing glasses free. 3-D we've seen this on the Nintendo with 3-D aside and yet -- -- previous. And that the displays are getting bigger. In the not too little you know handheld gaming displays now -- a -- display it and display and Toshiba think the twenty inch monitor now. Which. This is cool stuff. This is from somebody who hates treaty has had a concept that there are people out there who'll be able to enjoy a -- experience. Without the goggles. It's kinda -- It's kind any I gotta say though -- now that I we we I should do the same with their own campaigning in my wife in this here yet. I just didn't think -- if there is there's kind of an inherent lots in the screen quality it's -- boot them in particular for written on the actual screen. It's going to be kind of -- -- can't turn it off. For not to be content but will -- Guy and I I haven't actually seen these but I can imagine that there's gotta be some kind of different some kind degradation in the case. Inherent screen quality because of what they have to do to the front of me word one would think yeah I agree with you and then we'll see what happens like that agreed that there yes has slider where you can actually bring down and -- the 3-D effect that it actually that how to how -- that as a look when it's -- I haven't. So. Of course the issue with glasses free 3-D and I believe they all work pretty much the same way which is. You get did you see different things depending on the angle of the like -- looking at the display with which means via -- in particular player that'll reaches that displayed different things. That's easier to set up when you have a small display and a known viewing distance -- electronic gaming. Device you know you know apart from manipulate the screen or you know that thinking to suggest that I've put in you know holding up -- or whatever yeah right. And as you get the bigger and bigger displays you need more different lines because -- Yeah more viewing angles communion and even the ones are looking at twenty -- one is -- it's designed for three feet and only forty degree angle. -- I think the solution will be to have you know immediately TV set up a different angles in your human right that's we should house. And if one for a Giant Eagle our audience and that people who might be on the side of the counter that's added to catch -- -- party. -- might just give everybody a little hand held and and dispense TVs entirely and I mounted on your head so that the right -- them. Yeah and and thoughtful pushing for holographic. Optic cable that about it the print the -- and -- drained of its environment. Erica who's over there it is funny demo where their I think -- Nintendo had this. Little display. It will and keep you don't Obama and he's sorry and his government with glasses let's treaty with force feedback that he was -- -- will stylus. And doing the treaty thing and -- force feedback on -- display which is basically it kicks you. It it popped the pin out of an active -- X boom more than half naked like pat pick it imminent haven't kicked it -- right. -- actually -- -- the -- right dependent the thing that has that in thinking up front and then that the thing that one of those. Those are something emergency windshield breakers or something presence pops out. -- that's pretty -- I mean. The W three C these standards body that is responsible for locking down web standards like html. Has that everybody guys this html five thing Earl keen on. Slow down. -- plate ready for Pratt and not quite there yet yet I think -- they had to be pretty conservative because they're really looking out for it the experience for. The open -- -- everybody in their grandma come and emulated the experience the web and a level playing field. Browse in -- browser button. What what they're saying is that -- html five is the wave of the future and it's going to be great for everybody. But it's not yet and don't get your hopes up and don't try to cram things down your users. Browsers. When the browsers are. You know we don't have a video theatre we don't have DR and we don't have a lot of -- that up just slow year old of this it's like it's saying you can get your hopes up but it's generally only allow off yeah hopes not implementation had rented a thing -- -- The -- knowledge H mollified is seeking change in the companies that. Are realizing that this is the way. This is the way things are going that this is the way of the future but. In spite of that. Only about half of the actual implementations they're ready for prime time a lot of impressed that it still -- Open up in the air but what -- -- -- they're still arguing about standards. Right yet but. Whether or not it's still it it's coming at night only came -- five it's going to be he had you know. -- -- -- there's this thing slowdown not abandon right yet. Anyway. Yesterday we talked a bit about Google adding. A web page preview to their search -- an instant search. Today we learned that Yahoo! is rolling out this new thing called accordion search and a couple other features. Lou. Where one when you search for something you see the main search results and a page and then on the right -- -- left and I'd see these little. Vertical tabs that have say videos or fears of the movie or buying stuff with -- if -- commerce item. It doesn't look. It hugely revolutionary I just wanted to point it out because that looks like so many. The major search engines. Our try to continue to try to innovate and deal with that data overload that you get on the standard search results page. And this is just another way to do -- in the critical the critical I'm hoping that there's like an Easter -- in here where if you like alt click on it completely new Spain. I'm sure that's part of fictional vitamin -- -- kind of -- could make you know hit. Finally. 1080. Next year gets sixteen megabytes of cancer in phones. -- -- -- -- -- Right that's cool which you want out I don't know why you'd want to shoot a file that -- on your phone -- you know could have options. -- still. What are you gonna do of the -- I mean it's gonna be sixteen point four megapixel camera -- and megapixel sensors might sitting behind. Some kind of BS plastic -- they can even right. Yeah and in your getting getting all linked to fight in your pocket. And that that has those are some pretty. Darn small pixels when you have a camera sensor size. The camera phone size sensor sixty megapixels right I'm I'm not a big fan of the mega -- I I I. I have eight make pixels six megapixel camera. And the bigger the pixels. The better the -- the low light and and color rendition. Theoretically you know all things people so sixth I mean. Technology marches on but you don't need sixteen make -- -- -- camera phone they you know it is gonna camera period that spec war and I know if it's not really practical but it's fifteen point -- will be the sixteen point 42 megapixel camera coming out from Samsung while month. You know who's behind this. The Flash Memory companies. All right because had a pineapple way to eat up entire eight gigabytes of storage -- photos you ever think that. Okay so. In space porn today. You. -- has this. Beautiful beautiful story of the old. Soviet Russian. Lunar program. Which never. Never saw the moon there's that we just -- and number three he's been here. I -- this is mostly an audio podcast but have -- in here anyway because we learn a lot reminds us a lot about the old Soviet space program and it is so cool so different. They were underfunded and their rockets weren't powerful enough so they didn't take they took two people who market to people who not one and there's only one person is gonna go -- -- -- land. And because they didn't have enough rocket boosting power when they have the command module and the Lander module which have to. You know people they they write to the moon in the command module and they -- in this in the landing module they didn't have enough rocket power or time apparently to build. -- capacity to build a docking module so in order to do this trip he had to hold your breath. Yet get out -- a command module float over to the lunar module and then you would dissent. And that on the way back after your exhausted. Because the one person -- running the whole. Thing can do it again if the suicide -- remained heavy in -- would've just been certain death. It -- I mean what's left and I thought that's they thought about politics yeah. Phil the it would have been it -- literally but if there was something -- that the Russians had gotten their first and inflated death contraption with a it would -- kind of honor I mean not that you know the bummer for us bomber -- -- -- kind of like a bomber someone had died on them. You know -- you well I mean. But then vodka bottle and what -- you know. That's been on our object bony hand. This scanner idea I mean it history is pollute -- you know explores that have now gone one way explorations that this investment talking about Mars and -- one lecture would you do it. We're family now. Yes and I was definitely you had a cold and you know -- -- you. Did. Not mean it is this a lot of glory to be had to be like that burst. Explorer. To Mars and I can understand the mentality I feel like you know -- it it certain death Al -- -- -- far away from home but. For the glory and for like for mankind. Yet but I do it I -- see that the buzz -- of the world you know there are getting who would do that in a heartbeat now. All right onto the voice mails if you'd like to send us one the number is 80616263. That's 806 and six -- -- keep it snappy and here's break on Euro for. Any crew -- Villain in the native Greg from the war on -- wanna talk about. But immediately that that that analog domain ain't gonna. Well -- small bit we are so long that -- -- -- Libyan but they killed the domain name he got a bit late cop. But what model like it really know is we -- I ordered the country -- -- -- Where does the Monaco you -- -- -- -- begins. -- get I had -- your -- over and Turkic people violence but -- like you know that Monica especially. When Libya at at and questionable. I can't I can't see and the past -- elected or it's gonna be a little bit -- later. Aside from the free ones where do you think the money goes if you're if you buy fund evil. -- whatever the country. You know it's that it's Libya's he'll be their top level domain. You pay them I don't know what it at -- LY the -- cost. I'm sure -- eighty dollar registration is you know drop in the bucket compared to there you know. Budget on whatever. Plans that you have issues with at a -- -- that's where the money goes the united sounds super evil Specter organization that makes all of their funds off of you're well okay I don't -- -- And anyway. Emails -- So we have this email from Joe the -- in Toledo Ohio says -- by strewn with this in the episode thirteen twenty. -- in my the only concern about all these apps that allow you to take a photo of your -- and instantly deposits and your checking or PayPal account. Am -- the only one who realizes this bypasses all of security features of a check and makes counterfeiting much much easier. Just ask yourself what would frank at vignali Jr. do that from reference that you wouldn't have to keep them. Great check it up the good work from Tokyo and -- -- In Africa and it was a noted con artists that movie was based real life with -- and it again -- -- -- -- -- -- became a yeah exactly of them became a security consultant. -- it this is a really -- point this is it you know all you have to do is. Scroll on a piece of paper you know. From the looks like -- check and sign it and sign your name on it -- -- pic picture of it and PayPal. And take picture with -- new PayPal app and they will assume that the check and start the transaction of transfer money from your account and the market right that's why there it is hold on these things but the thing about checks. Is that. Even the most secure checks they're not they're not actual value their markers that -- markets of transaction of the agreement. Between two people embraced the word there is a books -- -- -- that. And with the checks like our. Way for running checks where to get it. And run it through -- like beef this little ATM machines have just scanned the the actual account number and we enter in the amount. And and we -- check back -- the -- yet it's like you're check it's like the paper. If nothing if they can write a check and a pair of underpants I mean it really -- doesn't after it was actually is a -- nice little nephew to the people who like it are still in Nat check grating age yeah we're like you know whether you think your -- you can gain if the lake. As some kind of old tiny gesture of like actual paper -- meaning. If nothing worked we just can't you just can't tradition that dates and numbers and sent -- the -- -- if you -- it's just a marker to let you timepiece used it to happen. It's just a marker to mutual agreement which is -- the the settlement is such a big deal -- -- and why they can do something. -- has used with a picture I mean anyway. So. It doesn't make. Counterfeiting easier camping was already using it hey exactly if if another avenue for -- I don't mean necessarily make -- Anything having to hold on -- -- Negates means that kind of easy to do that I -- another one here from -- -- -- buzzes. Tester from Tokyo I just finished -- yup so we extolled the virtues of happening driving mode on a mobile phone to venture from being distracted while Leo. Just let you know there are a lot of phones in Japan have just set to feature. Than the phone's one of these modes will make it by greater send that message back to the users can call you. And as a member of these these different modes with their called what do they call here the call the Japanese call them make -- -- manner mode manner modes. And it's something to we don't have a lot in the US and ending kind of getting fewer in -- and sentiment beaten at the iPhone and half of them each of these things so. -- -- the iPhone is causing the death of civility in Japan Japan and the all manners. I mean Steve Jobs. Well that's that we should have more phones with -- -- here the -- should have a manner mode which we the American manner mode version -- a big -- app may fifth at that. Please -- FaceBook or Twitter updates while using the restroom have a perfect oh I think that that manner modes the American very great idea -- All right -- writes to us. You guys said before hand that both -- -- -- Google fan boys we are. But -- also reporters just don't say things like this preview thing is a Google in a patient. Being has had this feature in it from presentation since the first time I tried -- search for something in being and when you're hovering over search result. -- shows up the -- to move your mouse over there and you get a very useful pop up. I think this is more useful than a web page preview. Don't didn't also didn't Google feel the whole image search presentation from being well the -- -- are coming out now. The -- and was that so you. But truth be told you are right. Being has Microsoft and being have innovated -- all the web you know search. Products do innovate -- -- -- feels from everybody else I'm really question of the on Google instant instant wasn't the first -- what the first company competitive in search. They just removal. And doing it on Google servers as part because of scale anyway thanks for the note you're -- -- Apple paint in anyway that if there is. -- you don't think that don't -- that. That's our show for today thanks don't sitting in absolutely be -- -- that cnet.com for more in the show notes and all the links and all the space porn pictures. Buzz at cnet.com or drop us a note and if you wanna send us that voice -- it's 806 point 62638. It's 800 -- 16. C and and there is indeed it. And Apple mark --

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