Ep. 132: Supreme Court video game case, MacBook Air shortages, and 3D phones
Ep. 132: Supreme Court video game case, MacBook Air shortages, and 3D phones

Ep. 132: Supreme Court video game case, MacBook Air shortages, and 3D phones

About that person. Perhaps not smooth execution Billy -- as when -- headphone question. And and whether -- -- but I think we got it all worked out for the most part welcome Joseph Julie. Scott and other fun people watching us in cyberspace it is Monday. Or listening means it's digital city day or listening that's right and we have some interesting audio and even. Video -- this -- so it'll be fun to listen in. Eccentric eccentric anything -- undermines boys girls now. I got the artisans treatments and -- what what did -- lunch break let's had a cheeseburger deluxe he had this notice that's the real question -- -- country for the I was chicken and salad on the button. You come -- got this noticed and that means the Supreme Court of the United States utilized got -- Big Supreme Court video game case the side of this morning -- these -- decision was handed down. Which one and I really I. I just assumed -- -- fault isolation -- Ayers or assumed it was about this knows about missionary it was -- machine to machine on Reuters which contents machine to machine with an out was that David Bowie album. Com it's -- it's it's hard to describe but if you happen to be watching writers and -- -- popular. So this was the last day of the Supreme Court season where -- hand down their remaining decisions of the year one of them. Was brown verses. This is the California case in California they pass a law that said. You cannot sell overly violent video games to minors. Out. It doesn't seem like a particularly controversial. Sort of thing actually Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law. Then any. Appeals court overturned it and then they appeal to the -- went out to the Supreme Court. And today the decision came down does anyone know what that decision wise. Anyway. These Supreme Court sided with Hillary what do we would -- get it right. You and another question. The -- court sided with the video game industry and said that this particular law and as written was indeed unconstitutional. Which actually makes a lot of sense if you really know anything about -- I don't know the constitution. Because the essential problem. Now you and I could sit around just have been -- gotten and and just because your parents -- think that's reasonable did not wanna sell. Overly violent games. Like gears of war whatever -- to kids that makes perfect sense the question is patty -- it -- they law. We already have those ratings on the games. Those are just like the ratings and movies but there -- voluntary it's an industry standard that -- -- The video game makers and the stores -- -- the games have all said okay we're gonna have the M rating itself and if it's emirate of an episode to a -- Disliking you -- movie theatre if it's an. But because. The movie theaters and the exhibitors in the movie companies have all agreed on. And I mean honored that the same thing as that from it's like others saying and other movies movies at home means that there's there's not that kind of like restriction your cable box parents of percent of the parental controls on my back all sorts doctor -- a surprise in Iraq's. The problem with the law was you were saying. For video games and video games only among all forms of creative expression. We can pass a law saying you can't sell product X to consumer why there is no other case like that. -- movies books. Graphic novels poetry music any -- even a -- is is accompanied by. An eighteen year old but it's not the law it's -- monetary system that's my old one but even with the movies they mean I admit you but if you're with an adult they can -- -- -- has nothing to do with this case but that is if true and valid point. -- -- clearly this board does work out. -- I'm going to do switch around hey look there's maintenance is dealing goes radiance and little guy and -- -- and -- -- okay I'm like greens and you -- not everything I will do my best from here as as we talk. So I thought it was a fairly straightforward case was decided seven to two which is interest -- which is a bigger majority than you usually get. But this is just a law nerds out there which I admit I am won the two dissenting voices the people who said you can actually pass. A law saying you can't have a video game to a kid. We're not the ideological allies who think they wear it it was Clarence Thomas would -- on the right wing and Stephen Breyer way on the left wing. So the two most extreme justices on the left and right for the most part were the ones who actually agreed and said the -- perfectly fine. Isn't that interesting -- that desire. But does Scalia who wrote the a majority opinion who again it is a very conservative judge and usually not the kind of guy you'd think would in the side of like gamers. Wrote the majority opinion and he very smartly said. There's no -- did I mean where do you draw the line then continued did not sell a copy of Britain's fairy tales to kids where they -- peoples eyes out and make the evil queen. The -- in red hot she's until she falls over dead in -- -- -- for the grossed out francs for spoiling the and that's. And yeah. And on and on this treated spoil -- that go beyond America. I I think it's I think this'll ridiculous I think that column there's music there's plenty of violent content all over the place not to mention the Internet. That video games these prepackaged items to -- actually seem pretty safe because. -- run most of the run through a tremendous studio system. Their studio system products and studio system films are usually not the ones that are most disturbing its usual of the independent our films. He's or freaky things are stopping in on a shoestring budget that can really sort of go into psychologically disturbing territory announcing at their art disturbing video and it doesn't matter if it's like a lot of instrument that does not -- our law -- on top of that I feel -- the content that's out there in the world consume. I also find -- funny that people continually continually targeted against what not comics. Not. Films like I said there's this this is a prominent things they wouldn't -- isn't there wouldn't be any concern for a law. -- -- parents paid more attention to what their children were doing. That the problem of video games that parents and I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad tend to use it as a baby -- go in the room play video games get lost. There's nothing wrong with interacting with your child popping in every now and then I mean the same thing goes with the Internet. -- missive to be playing a game right to be easily crossing with you can mind by Mena DC web sites I'm -- the basic question I. I I have a serious question here when you. Guys were kids -- What was your access them on the on the -- 2600 jobs in television what was your access to that stuff like I -- sort of I tell you I remember when I had my Atari 2600 -- kid. -- way independently. I had to ask -- specifically asked permission if I could use it. When -- -- little little kids or anyone else have a some experts are Julie. And a -- who's -- been much after the Pentagon and excellent and a lot of other ergonomic seminary in Korea and after that it -- changed that. -- -- my earliest experience. My -- as it does mean -- actually you know and you had -- twenties to tell the difference between them. -- -- -- I mean it. Smart kid and by the time the -- -- -- and obviously things at different but exactly I mean c'mon let's but but but but it is in Alexandria has announced that. -- -- their rabbit in drag. But doesn't have a yourself -- our early video game experience similar I think we had to do not have a console. Not have every 126 the funny that's the mean risk from our friends are yet to -- on the region's television -- we know he you know we had everything Armenia the all school VHS pumped up popped -- from the top. I mean we used his game in there yet the Apple two plus -- game -- there was never bomb -- I think we were most dangerous now video gaming was. Late night when we go to the cable shifted to the to -- Doesn't in any other video Durham and in the WHT now that wasn't in a cable box or letters and channel they have certain shows on you know. But there are a woman named burden a few other things in -- I'll actually public access got out on the editors return the territory 600 them my grandmother -- -- In a raffle and -- there wasn't really any of those is pretty awesome and I didn't have any restrictions and I can remember although. I'm sure there probably if you and I was six or seven by the time we got it's very -- 200. I remember that there are no restrictions and again it's actually set I mean. I think -- trusted that I would you know may not play in habits -- observe I was playing too much but. I play videogames all around. High school college -- -- worked -- fine. And there also -- a lot of like in an M rated games bank that's right it's totally sad sorry and and -- is not looked at his bag and is a different world that I did they games never ended. You can place basement Google around the around the scored go to zero -- several over I -- -- just kept going to cycle through again and again and again and again -- is now games actually have -- and -- and -- story and I mean there's -- -- online in the language people online at -- -- -- with -- that's a whole other elements. That is now in games number ones I'm shooters playing online those -- -- NBA live views China -- you read online that dude really. -- and just last week I suspect that Atlanta manager Larry Page have -- -- still -- there because they're afraid they're in the NBA live this usually two K guys I. Threat determined -- read your very quick coat quote from the Supreme Court decision. Scalia noted that books are often viewed as as suitable for kids even when they're just as bad. Just -- -- at least it's certainly the books we give children to read. Larger region the -- -- younger contain no shortage of gore grimace fairy tales and they mentioned. Are grim indeed after just desserts for trying to poison snow white that we can -- -- -- is made to dance and red hot slippers till she failed to on the floor. A sad example of envy and jealousy nice for the people to know I know I guess not I'd also point out that there were similar laws and Illinois and Michigan. And three Lewis. And Indianapolis -- that it. -- -- also struck down over the years -- this is not the first time this happened and the state of California spent X number of millions of dollars defending that slot which. Everyone really knew was not going to pass must -- videogames alone. But that always people's money. The passionate -- Angela you know is not going to stand -- -- first of -- -- -- you don't know. You know how does a young kid come across like sixty books for the videogame in the first place in muted parents an argument of them are with them -- mean. There's a lot going into you gotta get the money you gotta go their pot and -- -- even if they don't get it to get an older friend difference for me. I remember when the liquor law went from eighteen to 21. And the FTC the Federal Trade Commission. Every every year -- important says that Google video game industry actually does a pretty good job. The defense secret shoppers into try to buy games most of the time they can't -- them and the movie industry and music industry do not do nearly as good job self policing. So there a target -- Until -- intro of our legal and the guy says I'm -- controller in each of morality social issues libertarian -- -- has dropped call. -- -- -- -- aggravating. Is just like everything else is slowly being strip delaying its. What this whole case is a Dong young talent -- com and it doesn't take it off. That's his eyes the whole thing the whole beginning from. Now body thrown their way I I will point out that we gonna -- another random -- are not really particularly officially named game show at the -- the -- As an excellent prizes to giveaway includes some stuff that just showed up this morning if you'd like to play hot flesh -- Joseph says -- now in the chatroom and -- -- Colonia computer does so and so should be. The show should be where the -- -- the end of the questions room. At that that's a good -- is -- -- a couple of people who wanted to play who were not watching live Nichols on the FaceBook page me because not this week -- next week. But for an hour and the chat room tell Joseph he is the one in the average brightness. This and that of a bit somebody prints out on the Kansas -- put on -- every -- an announcement I remember that Cisco and -- need to enter anything -- Francisco outfielder for -- Scott affronts to slow. It's got the idea is probably notepad file just that and adjust these things down a -- -- -- data mode Chrome body and -- IPod I don't identify. It's so they -- -- there the idea. We got around Siskel and -- -- once the -- -- you know or suspect some of uses strong supporter Nam and look for another name gonna get when more and get one more. What does this. In the black -- black and you'll be okay Angel. And what Francisco. -- spike in black Angel. Isn't I got an annual autumn -- -- -- cannot finish that. It's -- you know a boom that's no. Okay but it -- now that we don't that rules are that about ten minutes I gotta tell it. Precisely a Supreme Court is sometimes drag on. And that's if you don't try to buy a MacBook Air right now like best buy -- simplest. And -- -- at their -- for the stock did. Or a quote that the -- -- -- -- -- but can't think of the -- -- make us. It does -- -- with the lighting and are you trying lion lately. Well that's a question are they gonna wait for the -- software update and then say here's a new laptops and other products that is really not available for sale anywhere you can't film buying them go to go to best buy dot com have got see if you can -- order MacBook -- that into the Apple stores TV and I've been coming out so -- probably -- -- -- probably critical -- give your credit card -- -- these you know get to the second enemy carrier in my credit card numbers 123456. It purchased. All the bells and whistles through the all the trends so that some people are saying now that MacBook Air as this and turn up at out of stock. On online retailers -- ships -- -- for owners MacBook Air. On on that pilots on Apple account on the Apple -- -- -- last -- -- the -- like to get them from Apple. Every once having is no longer -- Apple -- that that's what you're dead giveaway mean that's that's too easy for those guys. We actually did we -- and rounded up. -- to the rumors about Mac books Mac Pro Mac mini these are the ones that seem most likely according to -- rumor mill. To get updates all of which pretty much involve getting thunderbolt. Which nobody else other than that pros have right now in. And the news Sandy Bridge processors. And and -- for -- -- Fifth and and and that's about -- no no no -- Blu-ray or anything that's the current state of the no optical drive. That's why they know about Iran now that -- that's -- -- -- city. That's a spirit of the Blu-ray -- but no more -- drive. Arm cannot available for shipping you an appearance on us as -- it's interesting it is this is so there are now available so it if I knew if new Mac pros to be desktop. Mac Mac mini is a little thing and -- is -- coming and do you think they'll have thunderbolt Sandy Bridge or some combination thereof or neither. W thunderbolt Sandy Bridge absolutely -- and -- And and I have suggested that you're brilliant with -- yes -- -- just what was the last time we sign any Mac Pro desktop GO. -- on time. Maybe like a year and a half goes on the others if you're one of a long time Mariam we've got one we used mark's repeated compared against this market has gotten one that was fairly new. I think just from as experts present him when the mainstream that those things are pretty pricey entitlement I don't know many fuel in the market for those more fuel market for IMAX here's here's a two bit of -- two bits of Mac. Pro kind of rumor news floating around one is. That. They're gonna have faced a -- command to bull. Chassis now all of them but maybe just the one they call -- one have actually -- Mac Pro server and and to -- going to lose the ability to hot swap drive. Which would leave which would be kind of funky. Interest in I would not think there would be particularly good thing happen. Now -- -- -- hearts club is this -- -- is the only get out now just if you have something new and exciting socialist notion. Are you article might have to my butt -- that's right it's it's it's a tattoo of a what makes it sets bids basically attach it AS TC a few hours. Annoy him. And that the Joseph followed upgrade train continues part of what happens all these old phones that's what -- and -- did you get big additive found you know 3-D did. Why aren't they you know what did you have before that even if the regular -- to updated suit. There idea if I'm outside it which one is the new one new one is -- the two cameras on the okay right this three day holed up with these screens reminded. Other -- activate this is off. But on the -- and I haven't come portable dot org or some files were not all files. Criminal and this again you eligible for an upgrade I get one -- -- and firms. India to be -- -- the back of the track. Now I get mine every year -- consumer account. -- -- socialist element of the through the magic that you're summer summer -- -- it's more it's see it's not like the typical three like you know from a movie -- it's more electorate could narrow when you see in a supposedly coming out I think a lot of -- that the misconception it -- movies. An -- things floating a -- as of the actual glass on -- looking in into seeing the depth within the picture but it didn't seem like a plan of bunnies and it didn't seem like the depth of field is quite as deep as the three yes well the thing is that there's there is -- is. There's a setting -- Spiderman when you could turn to -- Cinemax. You are telling us watching just what I also a but I also hired -- top of each -- but I also have the Green currency -- -- benefit -- -- You need to authenticate. It too much of anything was pushing out the images will them more as a 3-D -- for the most part. Pushes the images in and most will come out the level that's typical crappy CNET analysts. Are we to hadn't been playing around with YouTube and treating non -- I've been acts as extra wine I've been I've been hard I've been one I've been like doing that -- -- the ways against okay don't install this app slapped with. I don't want a 3-D apps are one -- -- -- apps like in terms like all the other apps I purchase recollect -- amok in a setting I don't ought to put all of this back -- -- iPad when it when it when I put the -- phi beta and I. I don't put all my house back on -- -- and connect. Anyway I just -- -- treaty even if it's on the TV screen but. I don't -- -- -- have this Antarctic about isolated deals let out a demo but this on our hard working out -- it's -- buffer and buffer and both buffer and buffer both -- Are girls are gonna -- -- -- But there is and that's allegedly -- what do you think. -- -- -- -- Dance stuff I mean well there's definitely some thirty going on but -- -- agree it's almost like two or three layers it's like a glass -- glass and you see the person in the back yeah I mean that the -- -- pop out of one -- player. And then there's the background of the background as human stretched too far back. It's not like like -- -- office right now it's like the office extends all the way back into the -- It'll weird right it's at it's lightly that's exactly and I can't use forgy in this office anything that I NS office has been -- That's -- medium shot -- that rooms seem to work pretty well yet it was simply a law -- -- like you say ask us ladies gentlemen. -- -- -- -- -- -- I want to a one player -- -- -- on the -- -- you wanna play it are we have to play I wanna poetry some funky first and it now. We often get pitches from PR people right. Sometimes they're going to -- -- there ridiculous sometimes they're interesting sometimes they're pointless that haven't. It's -- as a very generic to have dear editor -- Obama law. I got -- personalized pitch for product for a for a FaceBook game actually that was that was so amusing. Are no not even counting the game itself just the pitch itself. They -- the spokesperson for the pitch recording personalized. Pitch to me -- -- and -- and the forthcoming BB Ackerman. And they put it on YouTube and simulate so I'm gonna click over to that right now and me and I'm going to play it. And -- to maximize the screen in here you'll see sir mix a lot. -- his new FaceBook game. Ready. -- -- Have a message for you. It that way -- you know some excellent sign up. Today. -- -- -- Myself -- look at what the tech world FaceBook and to answer what will start. Current rudimentary questions what will graduate. Two questions with answers like. In the back. And it. So two people check -- -- game play it. Here's the next to. -- Global. -- to PP. It's. Now that's -- next president Stan a that they get -- there -- still yes they can't. That was the mix and match game from -- -- -- -- And if when it usually when a C for 12 there are legal -- -- the name and his game is Nixon as you could do this answers some questions. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mildly amusing it's on FaceBook it's gonna hurt financially. So -- you pick which -- thinks -- mix a lot would win would pick. Game with drones or being undertaken for a -- -- it's really are delighted who regularly get and he says something when you do it. More. -- and I. Another -- -- original -- sweet and salty. We just got -- group. Which is scarier to -- earthquakes tornados earthquakes. Just by turning this unit. Shipments. -- -- zombies vampires and anti spam virus and how much will throw down. -- anyway that's enough of that and that's the mix and match -- be decided on FaceBook guy it's on the some excellent FaceBook page. So just because they went to the troubled recording that their custom tech. They -- Ackerman -- Lincoln in the FaceBook image I I just might you experience it makes a -- -- well it looks like me who were charming that I remembered a nice -- even -- and -- And he's got a good he's got good screen presence and put among our asses and other chemicals are excellent I rarely refuse a pitch that's probably ready to play Vanilla no that's thrown out and his goal. I'm I'm spiked in black engine. Are you ready to play we've got some fantastic -- it on an outline them for a but I and Cisco already represents an halls and games through grunts almonds can realistically this prize until somebody -- it can I just don't want it mile. Does it that's a local this is a -- survival kit -- just -- this morning at the fourth of July survival kit. From the upcoming on earth defense force video game which is a classic Japanese serious about fighting off giant insects and being here I would like you just hang onto this. Yes that's the -- what you're -- data without they'll open up and tell people what's in -- -- ask questions until somebody wins is damn thing. But -- some more stuff because of an adequately goodness of an open. -- Islamic flags -- there -- fewer bullets on the items that quickly. Take it could get I thought there was some you know whacky stuff and there. Yes quickly -- talk about what -- pretty it's. Not O and channels and. Animal. EB have a vehicle if nobody got any cheese -- -- -- Scott perhaps you could describe to the bad -- that -- capable of doing -- -- bacon cheese -- -- to tackle it we got our friends that says you can almost grown with -- on that we've got to dig them red and white tablecloth we've got up. Plastic -- to something chocolate covered insects. -- me out and sexier more insects the you can -- I do it. And it's got tissue paper inside and -- -- what are these and you lips. After half an eating and and a water bug shaped maxi pad moist -- and also claimed to be insect repellents aren't. This is -- -- -- -- reason why you gave this to me. Anyway thank you Scott I love that can disconnect you guys crickets in -- -- -- -- -- I had dangled in -- it's. Thank you -- camped -- looks like a pigeon -- And -- a five bucks a year and are near Ackerman. -- -- your -- -- because -- -- such a good job described in content to the -- you have first question directorate was when that's not as a good thing to clean out. The Internet as we know it gonna win over the Internet as we know it started. With four notes at four college campuses in 1969. Being just one of those for college -- campuses University of Illinois champagne. Champlain is champion yeah University of Illinois Champaign now in direct as -- importance that. -- right here. Error -- have a little line goes through Z 94 notes for college campuses. And a lot of bright yellow where guests -- -- and com wow that's pretty surprising that it wasn't -- -- in the fifth note. Noxious. Routes will be surprising a -- -- say Harvard okay also correct us -- Berkeley. -- -- -- -- -- -- now -- it all on our right university California Los Angeles university California Santa Barbara Sanford research institute and University of Utah. They got. I will try again just if you're next -- -- play for the ahead I don't believe they are politically you don't it will project that end and an expert Scott how that was wrong we learned how to -- to the -- -- -- -- for additional notes of the Internet. Yes 1969. Joseph yes -- anyone can register a dot org domain name now. Met top level domain was originally restricted to what kind of organizations. Dot org this from now you can -- just an armed combat Nin dot org but I'm not for profit. Close enough non -- I'm not guilty bumping epic music that you're guy when -- like to get spiking this is shocked and ask insects. Just -- however because you got the question right you're allowed to -- one thing out of that patent holders will not to do that to my voice bike let him -- the whole bag and I only to put in the refrigerators and it to be colder and shipping excellent. Julie now until we give this -- ready but I found it -- -- giveaways. River give -- some some -- doorstep last week while a family -- teacher they can't actually get anywhere at that time X prize. Comes with its own evidence that -- The guy out -- his name is Doug angle Bart. And he invented something very very important in 1963. -- -- first prototype was made out of lead bullets. Obviously we're talking about. Technology digging into computers and how are automatically up though so it's not like it's such a sewing machinist up and it's obvious -- in our universe. If that's a -- therefore it does angle -- 1963 -- very important if Britain and the first prototype at a would. What was it. Bloom and wonder computer. That was not the first computer in 1963 now -- adequate. It's got a good counsel to -- on the front. 195363. Extinct 63. There's a prototype meant it was a researcher at the act again at the Stanford research institute -- to the fact one of -- earlier questions. What what what he but he -- -- -- -- that later became a very important -- that. And wonder which he thought -- got but then you but -- didn't go into a bag of insect accessories. Well is it a prototype ready to actually successfully making -- -- -- A prototype is successful I think it works. I'm saying was of them like a mockup was essentially a huge his mind was that it would not. Be it was a working model was a working -- -- -- -- it. And sometimes there would models but of that the -- -- -- works. Okay the -- yes trying to differentiate that took it. -- -- history. The year boy okay just if you have and I'm gonna I'm gonna guess. How -- it -- -- it's -- it's like do you wanna -- 1000080 got to kind of but I keep the -- going as you think. -- a giant wooden hard drive but that's an excellent data thanks -- incorrect. -- -- -- I'm surprised the audio out here or your receiver once you -- -- -- the first mouse. A mouse made a good he made his first prototype -- -- -- -- when you're inventing the mouse what are you gonna make it -- in 1960 -- They did for Sanford and they later patented and licensed the patent Apple for a 40000 now you've made it out exactly the kind these easier -- -- think. About what you know let's face eyes and another question that -- question was that was -- and -- and questions at Juilliard and now it's -- -- your question against yet. And again we get the F going to -- collectible exclusive to -- by -- and I've room in the bag for this year. The first hard drives -- -- -- hard drives the first hard drive was actually created in 1979 by seagate it was it was capacity -- column. -- Phillip we got some good questions this week. One time it was necessary nine point 9798. And we -- -- we're gonna caught a hard drive gets a -- -- hard drive. One byte from one byte that is a good guess but -- that's not correct us that 64 K. Out you guys -- really. Span line things you're dealing with managing their of that embassy is back then. In I'll think about over up to now terabyte than me and plug that aren't really that computers having in the twenty gigabytes is a great -- -- in the gigabyte with a lot -- and again this is the first target cannot total more I could nobody got a fairly -- to -- around twice -- Need access to excellent -- but that is not -- going to -- -- what not underline what more -- around one megabyte around now that's a fifth. I'll -- I'll -- and this is -- hundred megs. I got a patriot and I think adequate health and and -- and that's and a 32 lots. About a -- to match 55 megabytes you guys all lose but that's okay I have one more question. And dishonest got questions is just questioned over this is the end and the question because I had let wish they would have what's gonna -- here -- -- the revenue incessant. We could wine and DD collectible halo series by low tech Pennsylvania aren't we could've won the sky islanders -- -- -- it's not even out yet but it's gonna be really big college Sheila Ackerman likes to begin his office vs. And place a bomb and let you know -- -- that there's no chance of you winning a guy I know what -- stereo system executes that giving that as Bob why. Gonna -- -- -- I want you to bring the sultry jazz and I want -- to bring it home because I'm ready you're right you get to stand up at the at home plate and -- to the point. Like this. Yeah yeah the good and OK are you ready for -- questions -- requests are. Here again. What do -- original. Physical offices. HP Google Microsoft and Apple all have in common. Each -- employees. Rex was a joke about the right click equipment when I got a little in common our friend. HP Google Microsoft and Apple all share something very similar about about the original office space and how they started what was. The role in California. And that some of them looking for a cause I don't think it's actually. A man -- as I had to -- -- the quick easy to understand its originally. -- -- Of these a long time separated lot of things -- chp. Nobody in -- the answer. Of a lot of oh we know -- got steel and this one Cologne I can't get it when it got but -- -- out I got the answer fitted. Aren't we -- we efforts. With physical office of the other offices of the same. And they'll have wiggle it like that in the ninety's guys you remember all the offices have like ping pong tables instead of in that hole and an IP TV spectrum so -- the one of these early -- all have in common Julie. We got an actor and -- -- -- rec room okay. It's got the -- you said you got it I wanna hear. You're you're the cleanup -- here -- my guess is that generals are gonna grow. Nobody missile plot for Scott and I'm still I'm still stuck -- -- credit bella and hi -- answered yeah I can't remember that's a teacher at 80. And Cisco are you one number of Cisco. TC where we make sure if -- Francisco presents a little more about it -- Francisco finds someone new -- -- -- -- it appears his boot to get it has blue sleeping in all the fine teacher. And I evidence bag and gentlemen of evidence that -- it doesn't a lot of fun today. I feel like we've really. Potentially revealing -- -- some questions here. It's only now you need no I really need to know where the hell you get these questions from ironies -- -- where can I mean how do you come across these -- questions really -- that what do you mean and a little. Question what what does this thought process look at these crazy things and in the unit before know that you come -- he really Scott really. -- the notes really when you think the foreigners. He's had a conversation with -- signal would ask -- up -- four nodes -- the -- All men know what is what is thought processes we want -- know my apologies the University of Illinois -- really was convinced the year one of the foreigners of -- Internet. Apparently weren't slow Ackerman says you -- we don't know this for sure. There are very importance. Data centers and Batman that that's not entirely Internet. And down I think -- off of playing like dinner Francisco once I figured it -- -- get is so he knows -- -- the city was like I have your address some recent school. I'm we need for around Cisco's permission to go -- -- it. Around Cisco congratulations from friends Cisco is likely -- we will three guys next time if I don't I am in August -- all Hispanics and Latinos not advance anything. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Obviously -- -- solid and the Francisco does he want. Another nickel in the -- I -- that tells me what ever wanted to generate funding everything I outgrowing our -- we -- then what just gone on now Reuters. I don't adjustment -- seven's record gays and yes. -- -- -- -- -- -- around there. -- -- -- -- -- Barbecue corn that strategy hey you guys doing July July circular and -- -- barbecue to should avoid view on the growth now mind you don't. Eleven -- through the job I'm not. Or perhaps not -- -- --

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