Ep. 131: Newspapers take on the iPad, plus NYC's Apple cube is getting a makeover
Ep. 131: Newspapers take on the iPad, plus NYC's Apple cube is getting a makeover

Ep. 131: Newspapers take on the iPad, plus NYC's Apple cube is getting a makeover

-- what's going on you forgot your glasses today this element to get some laser surgery on his eyeballs. I'm waiting for -- laser raised an -- -- An ally I five. But I guess is they they can't really make your site -- a 100% like he'd still like he'd like reading glasses or something you -- like -- -- sick. Without that -- -- -- from the that's invalidated gotta -- with the problem is -- it's like having contact if you're nearsighted if it's like having contact lenses in your eyes see it actually. It is. Written. Yes so so I'm I'm I'm I'm not to have ready to go under the leaves -- -- just yet Fiedler David Carnoy thanks for -- -- -- -- today. Thank you and ahead is just of agility as always. They're already doing today. Could you gonna -- my glasses and I understand that you know you can't read when younger classes to carry the New York Post. And plus legalese gets in your hands anyway you know it can't give you have an iPad now -- New York Post dot com -- -- New York Times -- times still find apparently starting a dare to go if you go to the NY post dot com web -- website for of course one of New York's three being. Daily newspapers the New York Post. On the iPad you can splash screen that says from now on you can only access our content to the iPad to our iPad app. The conflict which you have to subscribe to elect seven bucks a month there is forty bucks for six Munster seventy dollars for the year. And it just will not what you want to the New York Post dot com web site if it -- -- coming from mobile safari. And a crazy. The get it was -- nation of idea of of the iPad and a browser and now we're used another browser like -- -- that apparently still works and if he's -- -- Galaxy Tab boy your Blackberry tablet or any other tablet. Or Android -- think it works fine it's only. -- mobile safari and it's been a critic -- -- -- it does it does a strike anyone as a good idea. I mean I guess are struggling financial. So I guess is trying to get some I mean there -- -- I -- -- -- -- -- -- paid you know apps let you know the web experiences supposed to be open in the same on every device pretty much right well they should do like New York Times -- An actual. Like you know not able anti Nazi encode but that applies to everyone web browsers -- -- see that let me see the little beginning at this. Even a Lebanese -- argument that I mean. With the new York times -- bright -- the Wall Street Journal now totally true but it's it's just the iPad right now there is however. The -- work around -- on -- project. If you take your iPad and I'll and I'll -- with this cases in the minutes on a funky. And you want to go to. -- points that is that you want -- that's right that's right. -- man in every little update in the world closed. Yeah -- it's silent and making it may give you an extra Apple doesn't need sacked. Let's let's go to New York Post got cut in line -- -- reading through I didn't -- Here it is I'm on the New York Post -- -- on my iPad what you do you go to preferences. On your right hand under safari preferences turn off JavaScript. And then it to you to eat you don't get that light up screen that idea lets you defeat it with anything else. Donna. I guess if you have a website that these dollars -- you read that on the Internet. I saw it on a delivers on on the tweeters you've probably came across a a look at some questions for us and that's right that's right away has an excellent questions today. If you recall at the end of each show we -- interview questions and then you guys play for people in the audience and -- them exciting. Prizes usually video -- stuff I can't even read that sent the instrument so so if you're in the chat room watching live right now with just -- and Julie now. That you would like to play our game that will pick three random people and each one of view plays a person I'll ask these questions right here to answer the question you can't units of -- party on your glasses. And as these are really get effect these questions are -- do some real gimme here so there are so easy that if you don't know the answers. I'm not really sure you should be wary of just stands -- a few that are so basic but I decided to have mercy -- -- relentlessly. I'm kidding of course TV vibes and of the hardest ones typical among over from -- -- any action technically X I've never heard of tea I grill and I anything. Because they did iPad -- and on the run from Thursday -- Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening. I know Christa because she's moving out west and us of our who -- just I don't. On the story time I had an idea that only a little -- is -- review of its -- -- your FaceBook so they wanna let's let's let's move on. That's anyways New York Post who knows what website is gonna do this next that's great to. But it also ties into what Apple's doing now with with that apps where this saying that. If you have an app you can no longer leak out from the Apple web page where you are gonna tell some money subscription. Or -- you know -- up per transactions -- have content model that gets you by on the device and document. We have so like on the Hulu plus -- now I have to take up the link that patient to the Hulu plus website you can sign up. Outside its a bigger deal of light Kindle Indian and -- Latin America and and all that any all the digital look at after room. -- -- It actually takes you out to -- website anyway not with in the app right exactly but they just -- positive even be able to do that so you're gonna have a high. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That seems crazy to me. Well I'm very you know the only the only iBooks will have no really this thing. I'm Bonnie iBooks or Kindle book like Amazon and universal not and they're also cheaper -- from a lot of receiver a lot of noise is that by the publisher and are exposed to all be the same they're non. They still enough to -- In lessons in less they're -- -- Yes yes let viewers don't -- he's he's he's an unbelievable -- it's -- if -- -- That's a real publisher. Getting. From what it thinks you're a fuselage for what -- that -- that book that they -- back. Good actor -- -- even though the name. Did you do that -- about purity of the game -- that's an accurate would have been -- the little knife music -- if Joe's quality supporters of course. Now what now we what's the new milk that just came -- The -- its MobileMe all. To the -- but we we we we have no sabotaged it -- we are actually calling in the touched on CNET because. That's the thing it's about it and it has a touch screen and -- -- I think I really think well I mean so than the color. It is different it's not really an. The Kindle which -- it is he notes the Kindle three right now. You mean like Apple doesn't like the MacBook the iMac and MacBook Pro the Mac here but not the iPad how Bolivia because they have let you know you need the new one at street got some good news when your kid turns eighteen -- -- -- the iPad eighteen -- that -- So what it is so how does that we're just it's very quickly to the commitment to an up close -- touch screen on that new nook the nook touch but. What does it actually what actually has it they're actually little infrared sensors built into the side sides of -- -- and so if you're not actually. There's it's not that you're breaking the beam your brain in knows where your -- -- one -- is -- so that's that's how they solve the situation. The problems before when you put this extra layer over these ink -- the contrasts with -- and it just was not responsive. The so they -- it was first on the Sony readers didn't and now we we also do expects. Amazon goes through as well and you can actually flip the page with your finger or you just touch it yet it's actually pretty good -- -- and animation. Page turning and -- know this -- you know there's a quick flash and -- there's. There's no full -- -- what they're trying to get away from is the flash -- flash is that flash. Five pages they've -- that it that's on the -- -- -- mobile touch which uses yet if it. -- -- -- -- So it's an anagram. -- one book book. Vote on click acted. I wish I -- -- you -- Just talks yes I thought I I wish I had a great trivia question that is a good one get gunned down to get gunned down her shirt now. That's it that's it okay -- Wally prepare. Our next topic if you're in the chat -- -- wanna play the trivia game with some cool prizes. -- give your preview one cool prize that. I think if your -- preview I don't have this. Also suffer like products and separately from a confusing like promo items that you know. Anyway if you're in the chat religious -- -- now hopefully just a can can you not see anything on your table computers being just that against she does not only was -- the 27. And it was out here it is doing it it's on -- is looking into more and in the meantime. The international corporation for assigned names and numbers -- the guys who basically run the web. You know -- dot com dot net dot org. They've decided that and they had a few other new ones but what dot aerospace museum -- is so they said -- Anybody can make up their own top level domain name now you just have to apply for it. You could do like it goes. David dot card that would be years yours your whole web -- address but it requires an application -- How much of that application -- -- you guys know already if thousand dollars us via 185000. Dollars -- -- Because they can. So if you wanna if you're becomes the -- -- Coca dot cola. I guess that's how you do it because me dot tokens or org or or expert -- -- the land guy. That's what I would -- I'm gonna I despair and the 9000 -- baby that's right -- It became the possessive apostrophe and win you or I'll just have that's crazy that's crazy to -- Much expressed. So what would you advocate doing a but that's down key then I -- -- You're not expansion but. I don't think about what -- top level domain which you. Would you when he gets here is -- 185000 dollars Google would even be the perfect. Not at the -- Apple. Yeah well I did Apple company and Apple. I guess from the data and I'm sure it'll be seventy million. And I intellectual property lawsuits. Connected that -- had -- -- in and out MacBook that dot iMac -- Dot porn like dot blogs things like -- -- -- products. They propose that for years and Dan's opinion that's not -- He's the can amount to more conservative -- is is -- -- -- always shoot down that us. Traffic dot boobs. Thank you gotta move beyond images many many -- and don't lie on the same -- and. Just as you recall the favorite console makers Sony had its PlayStation network -- like crazy over and over and over again right moment ago from -- -- The down for months they're locked up now now now it's all locked down and -- they're locked on the got a couple together he -- -- avenue here I'm just saying did not the only one that he has Sony's Sony like her to -- another nominated in company Joey actually sat down and read a book when signing up staff that's not right. -- had no pictures. No pictures. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So another -- gaming companies that hack now it's you bodies that Sega I know adding another they have apparently an online game service in Europe. Was just got -- and introduced at stony personal information of nearly one point three million. Users of this Sony Europe game service. So if anybody safe now. You act like you're less likely to some guarantees and it was an -- regardless of the group credit cards when they act as well in an -- has -- that there are you less likely to plug your personal financial information usually -- -- -- -- -- -- precautions or -- -- just -- You know the guys you work with her -- fine films and any two until they get Amazon I think broke -- Cows are already careful to begin with like M night and that Hoover Keenan. Shopping online as it is so for class and -- you take. And emphasize of the basic stuff with you know. My router having different ports. Beings and in south and and the files on it it -- I. I'm not huge in the online shopping it can elect to -- restore your hands -- giving us a cynical it's a close and the metallic and need to go and go to the test and that's the size I complete announced there is alive and oil like delta gaining lovely southern -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and inside -- -- -- and -- -- now. That's not it's not a big deal for me I was. In my credit card statements a couple of -- and -- as a wacky. Extra charge have a better idea of security at some -- and support like ghost account numbers were you can put X -- -- -- dummy account yet you can you purchase them or just get a one time I was number or you or you know there's always PayPal does the ex PayPal. Now that might not. I'd I'd I'd I'd probably resident and problems of PayPal and I don't know Iran over its Ohio July hale and hearty using higher edu slash B now new infrastructure is it looks in 1999 that I don't think vulnerable due February they haven't they America. And in 2000 that connects they express when given -- 86 years ago and you create a pin and her -- you've created in number for expressed purchases -- -- -- have to log in the decided all you can. You can do it directly from the eBay app. Our -- you -- -- -- or against. I am nine neither bank Nevada. You don't -- models are you hate it I am from prayer. You can bet that's a silly as this keypad and a -- -- -- he Citibank and -- they're pretty good about identifying and had a few tested the big problem for me is that thing that I hate the most though. They they do catch it when. Drives yeah and sometimes some weird here in -- and but then if you all of your credit card automatic payment. For war. -- -- out doesn't -- I'm conflicted about if you have your if you have your credit card product payment if you cancel your credit card -- to -- sign -- brighter and that's the biggest thing. Yet the change in -- -- regional stuff Richard G. And also also notifications that whenever purchases made you can public have been notified if -- -- -- -- hand -- now. Everything exceeds a certain amount you can get notifications that was well -- -- -- -- more when someone pulls out 30000 dollar account. Things like that -- that's one the real. Moment first for alternative transaction and even that big like little increments to giving notice some of these. Only you can also put -- -- -- can also put on alert for this is where you start notifying me when his purchases over these kind of money. And then you know -- -- and -- purchases and out and -- that was me and I'll send an email taxing guy we -- right away. -- aren't they either don't always tell them when they were in Europe. And they went to oh they got there -- IPhone they left it on a train and someone actually returned it and some country. For active back -- them. As a gift they're gonna buy them some sort of gets to the Amazon gets it and it. Hand because they bought it from Europe. There are countless lagged because a lot well -- do -- Andy's gift certificates when they buy gift certificates and then to -- others. That's added that -- point. This is how the Wii teasing you know it's not attack them -- okay that's the most important things that you did you guys now that one of the most photographed. Spaces in New York City according to geo tracking on Flickr. Is that Apple cube store to -- glanced -- -- that -- urges Peta then doubled down on this it is not there -- to be amenable now and financial district is the Apple can barely useful. Yeah it's doable by is screwed more than targeting pitches its shiny and rescue -- bureau. You're welcome. Ethical reflection of -- -- From -- the glass cubes at it. The -- -- most item on the most photographed. Objects and all of New York. According to geo tracking and a photo sharing information it's actually the smallest Apple Store in New York. But does the most sales also -- -- mention -- because that iconic glass cube. Is gonna get disassembled. And the stores gonna get updated and they gonna reassemble -- Though you'll be of the photograph -- photograph of it for some time you can however it's one of -- street two. -- of -- which at least it's probably still its repertoire and how is associated beat down. Oh -- -- -- about building an employee entrance apparently it's going to be separate. And not actually you'd be laying on the -- would like to get smart phone with -- laughter and I mean we're gonna specimens are. Where they're gonna make this -- excellent reminder Leo. And he's on the store is an immigrant stars 44 hours really they're asked to be especially entrance. And it just jet pack and something's national -- With a good has come from the train station and the story Ontario according to us city permits that that they had to get to do work the cost the project is gonna be at six point six million dollars. And is slated to be completed by November. -- the money. -- -- -- Just don't come in with the blue shirt what is session closing what is it actually closing down any -- now I'm not exactly sure I have not been up their lately I never go there and -- president wants sixty with -- on -- I have the one on in in SoHo. Built in the old post on -- -- student that was it is very crowded isn't it oh this eagerly should go to it was a one in the Meatpacking District very big news that pretty empty. The fourteenth okay yeah I am no where they -- in metered. Thank you one example of it -- -- -- three contestants you. -- now it and a top of the chat -- if you'd like to play as a fantastic prize giveaway to say I wanna play and -- will -- it. While she's doing that. And if -- -- games lately guys. Teeny -- -- PlayStation network -- as. Unlocking cores from -- and -- to really. That a PlayStation game I haven't as of playing and on the X by -- 2% to okay okay okay. -- Less than it was with lives real racing two in the united there -- a little sail for follows -- -- actually. Spent money to buy a separate box or not it's older W of the -- have a much of Michelle price. It happens ten bucks a -- -- -- -- -- -- and its its like for instance ads for his wife in my twenty minutes of do you hear the you know I was often what they'll not a we're -- responsible advocate on it yeah I doubt it I. Which -- call it. Nice wanted to -- -- got -- new videos to scrap its own freshmen thought the clouds and -- in the bog down when Thomas and on one -- have like fifty videos downloading is totally -- analog. I think I think we're ready Julie. Yes I'm gonna she's -- actually haven't made -- okay it's -- it's eminently clear let me know -- -- Sat CT ants now. Eight -- Is who who's who whoever wants you -- you'll notice that. That it obviate -- again and -- -- is Salazar eighties and that you -- again you. Have it set a bit. -- are you ready are you -- I can -- read for him to start off. With this super cool EA backpack is there anything and there's nothing in it to be because have a couple of things and if you like it but in outlook and I bet this thing -- rules -- the -- -- Kaminsky had shipped the idea are you ready photographed by David Card into this very few you've been around the block few times. Three -- -- it's gonna have a good thing about fan and I think -- -- good thing. Because this is the question about the earlier days of the and I have a question would you get it right if I took your questions -- in the UI and members of Verizon's. Are you -- -- if yes what is generally considered. Be the first website -- have run a banner pad. -- -- -- -- the very beginning of the Internet they were doing that. It was all -- -- free and open and hit the and that somebody said it -- -- what if I take a 46857. The whatever the -- are inferior and -- with the measurement -- aren't. And president and -- there and nineties Compuserve. Interesting interesting guests. That is the that is however incorrect dose of which you'd like to guess three levels of first website that ran a banner and I mean that had a banner at the right on there what can -- them. -- about who was halo. Who -- and what he -- I'm guessing I'll. I'll give you -- -- beacons. I I -- the good -- -- the year with 1994. 1994. About that crazy. Apple on the Apple website in Asia and Canada because of the windows ninety -- in the writing curricula and in fact it. I think that Allah Allah but that would have been an actual death and I'm outlets and at that he had an Internet and other. An underlying. And. -- website. That put up the banner it. Welcome to the user who doesn't -- you to chat -- stuff what kind of site I -- I I I already giving as the year. It's an inherited and can. Okay given that it's a website that still around although in a different form that was. Evidence that ambulance they have -- and Yahoo!. Okay Yahoo! X and -- rot are you ready go ahead it was. Hot wired the original web site of -- WIRED Magazine which is now a totally separate graph site and it was AT&T ad ran in 1994 that. -- -- how did you come across this question. I know a lot of know how -- Apple doesn't -- and not an. -- -- -- -- Miss Arizona -- No let's try another yeah. And so UB actually its slice it you can that's the question you've got the questions mean dreams. It doesn't you've heard of the game -- -- correct current fund gamer and evidence that -- -- -- all -- coo -- washed up for if I've got an evidence bag full of the -- Tokyo and a really sweet poster and another evidence -- it has -- or stickers is definite. If you're a fan of rock star island war it was a -- I Korea. -- I thought it quietly I know would -- -- and -- -- doesn't. This is known is that this is that -- a -- you -- listen. This is just like this -- is gonna feel confident in you I hope your guy wins the prize here you'd want gadget -- -- what gadget Joseph was named invention of the year. Time magazine 20072000. That was that -- -- time magazine has no intention of the year category what was their invention of the year. -- in 2010. -- 2007. -- with two presidents. 9000. Was alive and another with -- -- and -- I can't remember what else I happen to that -- 2007. Patents by amenity because it's -- that wasn't so that that's enough was -- hand held or was that a set. Did not -- local contained the magazine was actually sending you could hold images via print magazines you know prominently web sites and apps and stuff. It was printed on paper he would hold its idea that things like 55 years ago right. It 89 and 1012 yes -- hopefully -- years -- affording -- -- -- will appear -- an -- out there who say the I don't mention the what they are gonna finally answered yes. -- -- -- Look for -- 500 Iowa's -- it as -- connect to shipping and that's gonna cost. -- -- -- -- -- There are no. But we did we -- -- -- Davis said he knew what I do had to be easy. But what I really aren't that easy went cornea -- the and and I've got. Your choice of prices for Yahoo! -- -- the view what I have to. PC games seems packages here Edison's medieval and sims three countries it. Gives him the medieval zealots probably copies of sims. I technically don't let them -- if -- more or if you're if you're contestant that -- PC instantly sends it goes right or -- They're gonna -- it expects that as we know that goes yeah I don't because nobody -- Both are supposed mind doesn't like an -- -- the -- bag but I I think that -- -- lives -- that game to -- -- and hand and even though -- behavior are now they've announced -- -- via windows and Mac a good if you seem to -- eager to show that doesn't get one let me know it probably doesn't like our flag videogames -- -- this up ahead of the huge -- and -- your question is. It would Lazar. -- is actually an acronym stand for. Is it actually. -- ER. Yeah. If they'd be. In the laser and -- are you click on user. After us. -- -- was on Star Trek don't leaves or any. Other. I haven't -- -- what do you do it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Arguing light have a late in the earth and that -- -- that -- -- -- the openness yet ER. -- -- the other recently. Can -- -- will listen will be virgin -- deviant I think and sacraments. Terror and that but accidents occur yeah thank and -- and I -- -- when he got back. Saints. -- -- It's -- -- pamphlet and cool poster art the end of the day and a -- Andy -- this like how did you listen to operate like yeah you have. -- every -- I don't know you didn't it in the we started Google okay we get that. You yes. -- he's got the middle. -- -- -- suit by president. And yet. And I client I admit that I was too hard bill wills between easier -- and that's five I thought to be interest to deceive anyone. -- we cannot be Asian crisis in related emission correct they just think it's actually isn't that is honored to know this stuff. Sellers -- nerds it's up to you should switch the game with a -- -- answer the question the person gets it right -- the -- -- you know what underneath the same drives Google's and will -- the goals of the fastest. Right you -- still Google and type the -- -- -- I'll tell you what gave. It's your turn now you. This one is is it's hard flashiest but again you're you've you've been around but -- times it's very literate but if -- -- -- data -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And mitigate request it was a literary guy he reads a lot he has the -- -- in the history I feel he might know this question. But the walking around the block -- meant we. We witness the term and go to bars where does the term into the sort of almost science bias question. Where does the term robot come for. Out of the way. That's how the corn return -- several SE you know it's a work we all he is and we think about it and you see it all the time -- the -- actually come for some cyber Tron. And -- leaders are hyper Android constantly and I do expect that that -- -- it comes from smoke could should know better but I'll well Gordon I'll tell -- it's older than -- and it's an added that good that that's an excellent -- -- finance -- and metropolis that. Was he could -- one answer that. Power are one measure last Gordon lance Whitney originally plants grown cereals like comic strip -- -- it lets you guess wrong. That old bill mummy series lost lost is based wound that danger will Robinson -- -- meeting was called robot -- and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I doubt of gods of of that time. Which giant robot to jaguar it look like like Egyptian head. Orbited the -- this out of this -- -- -- the little boy a little boy I tell you that it I have the dvd. This -- was jet jaguar its only appearance any in any monster movie no it was actually Apple that's just as the early seventies two. Robot come from hadn't come up with -- name robot. Who invented that who said. I'm -- call these things -- Who -- who it would term hassle is it it was -- You know what they're not that far off and you're there. And this time that's correct but you're you're you're not far off when I do -- avenger guests giving you get into it -- -- the word robot the epic. Of the fascinating isn't prominent -- -- as if from I'm not any -- kids a plane be. You shouldn't be out. -- -- and if you were robots come from okay you don't already know what -- -- -- half a point because the plane is actually two. I know you just guessing not. Robot oh with a term invented by Czech writer Carol -- it. For his 1921. -- are you are about a fictional company called Ross and universal robots. In the play people invent never factor units artificial people to do all the work and society the eventually turn on their masters and kill all the human to. That's -- excellent and Battlestar Galactica and it really -- potato so and they -- a plan have learned something here. -- -- -- and this is an adjacent to play on the continued asking nephew wants The Sims games you're good program -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Art -- five final question who got them and you and that went as a final question goes to you and let's start with asthma motivation -- can see that this is a good. Unless a little bit each week. There was a lot of stuff people 83 it was a very presents data about the halo briefcase as he Kagan and he can get it open -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It cannot -- yourself -- you don't stand with and this is the Nintendo -- it's a Zelda 25 anniversary. When you can hang your feet and ID card at work on -- about the bag. And rain Mac and nobody would everybody missed the they'll also differently and this grab bag of various video -- things. Including legal stuff Reagan aides to it's cards. Is outside try to get rid of but now it's only one -- -- And Nintendo Tony -- anniversary and you'd put the bag and I'm gonna throw in Britannica -- Not a set of of Disney video game USB speakers that all as we -- A law at I think it's pretty good package for this very simple question adjusted -- -- -- As a dedicated mobile's phone fans will get help you get -- it gets easier to get these but -- get it right. Can we -- right and you need to get what you think -- okay ready there that you sent text messages to people right Joseph. And an and you people musical and SMS messages -- the -- stand for. Should cool or. Simple -- service on my bedroom and -- do it. Estimates -- music all the time but we think about what these words mean it's gonna laser. It was its answers and anyone's estimates of lasers. As it would have a man. We're like S and this -- its investment if you have like well it's no -- -- -- there. Let's. -- it is ever -- a bonus question us ethnic. Sent message is. Here. The first glance SM TP human announced that -- -- them on this once again truly cleans up. This -- is universally wins regardless around -- block that you really -- not. They my -- the bag out. I'll tell you -- I will if you look. Arcadia area and have books slash Twitter plug. Please please list occasionally to do it -- and CAR and no line. That's at Twitter and knife music. Only 399 on Kindle nook iBooks whatever. -- -- its more expensive. -- If it. PowerPoint is the when -- the TV movie version lifetime let's. Yeah we actually TV movies and have the site via via letter on the home -- where workers can email us at digital city at cnet.com so we -- -- this. -- -- -- -- It brought its have been prohibited Cubans with this them boggled at our event I think it's a good price are good regardless of stewardship very -- -- of other -- -- the -- of -- Wow you were shot and that -- outside of your -- in -- that it would like organic posted. Which I don't really -- are down to forty bucks yet it's on Amazon -- the army is so good I -- I'm still playing I think it's a good time to know why I should development efforts and I was -- -- the questions and then as. Gotta get like two out of three right -- -- one word only one out of four and doesn't -- -- -- -- It's not like you piracy and actually it's unacceptable.

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