Ep. 130: Best and worst of E3, and Chrome OS laptops
Ep. 130: Best and worst of E3, and Chrome OS laptops

Ep. 130: Best and worst of E3, and Chrome OS laptops

And outfitting and you know it's like it for -- reason everything changed recently. And we -- you hear me now. It's only three units and hey -- we -- as we haven't giants and injured. We have a giant new control board in here all the sitting on this were the principal and well and it is like -- growth now -- Ryan's how. -- -- -- -- I've got to. The biggest disappointments some of the names. Of the device of the device product names -- com you -- -- use and down I mean there was there was nothing really said that. That he will pretty much didn't know about that they weren't aware of I mean there are some surprises in terms of what if things look like what they're gonna cost. But the capabilities. But what right there weren't like any big shocker -- we go I can't believe that's going to be -- S -- an item out there earlier it was just -- they're really. You know on connect -- as a and B sixty was compliment the Microsoft does all that in they had to say yeah I mean you know you bought it and when it first came out it's just like. Eight there's connect doubles -- -- -- mountain. -- connects links words. RA what else can you do is -- -- -- -- and it -- Star Wars or any. And non event -- -- end the game was just another halo franchise -- just like that's the extent of it and pleasantly. How one in -- in its. -- I articulate just now and our list of pre show predictions that we cut into very likely. Pretty likely were pretty unlikely and there are a couple of surprises and there's gotta be gone back and look at this list that -- Jeff that put together. You have not had bush okay. I'm gonna tell -- well all -- read a couple of now we said. Undertaken to the bank a sure thing we said. Nintendo announces next generation console hardware so obviously they did that although they just showed up the controller not the console itself. We -- -- my craft is gonna be on the Sony -- play platform that's true also coming to Xbox Live. That's only half right -- that was at Sony's gonna profusely apologize for those PlayStation network problems. Maybe with Kevin Butler the -- fake Sony spokesperson. It really apologize today they think they're going on there's some thing I ever I -- see a lot of sorry you're going on -- knowledge did. And they acknowledge tenure at the conference itself here's -- -- -- a -- -- That's probably well I'll tell -- -- backing -- -- what it. That welcome back on now really stream ghostbusters for one weekend with that would apply at it it sounds great to -- -- that is -- and movie dynamic and now but let's for a weekend old movies you -- -- -- -- -- DV the dvd and ghostbusters. And feel like if -- -- -- Hillary's election is very limited I mean if you're playing a PlayStation already PlayStation 3 you probably -- -- -- of those games or -- don't -- it. Yeah but again you look at the store credit -- Including a that's an old -- -- -- -- has that brand new issue and that's just like an arcade game analyst -- that's pretty -- why are out of what I noticed some people playing infamous and that the best candidate by can I do I. A page from Apple and Apple lower the price I meant never and gets -- -- -- of -- iPhone price reduction efforts -- at the -- of -- when. Apple Store credits it -- sales in the store. All win win they should just. Big big. Big tobacco there he -- this -- got money in the front you know -- these and their staff in which opens tomorrow authorize these tickets of the bank I had. Intel also tells. A candidate talk functionality comes -- on a game franchises we got Allan -- TM. Plastic -- continue to lose ground. It out there weren't any major other then people and I really. -- -- It's a slow evolution but I guess there's still banking on the go to the store by -- disk in a box model. Is so inefficient because -- was gonna do. You gotta you -- -- print the disc be different but it put the disk in the box gonna put on a truck -- the truck have a gas drive the truck to the store. And then put it on the shelf and fight for shelf space it it's the trans fats with fuel cost the transportation shipping and so much. To what video games cost another -- think that if you can download them. On the other had to be cheaper. If an iron hand look at -- -- -- for instance wasn't a three disc. I catch -- on top seen as a -- is amazing getting so large in size your right it's it's it's it's our competition about over Fortis Saturn TVs all of the Blu-ray. But -- should be downloadable mission they really should at some point for conveniences but nobody really stuck a fork in it and said that's it you download time. Am I Sony and GP backwards compatible with PSP development -- what they're picking what does that downloadable -- but they didn't really at all an -- -- that they are really completely steam roll that into you know what is the capacity on that. The timing source too I mean the Expedia and veto the beauty of SDP is a catchy name that is as it in -- -- is nice yes. I'll be able -- -- L 32 gig be. A bulletin you know and you like and a memory stick in there Canada yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It sounds like I wouldn't be surprised if they end up partnering Mike might pie in the -- guessed it his partner with cable providers and make it cable box -- is -- really dwindling to cut the cord. A -- there's gonna provide. Connectivity with -- or to subscribe to and that's what I'm concerned about what just -- -- -- Eilat at the Time Warner yes I think they're not gonna help. -- cord cutters like me I'm gonna get screwed. Are now we we had a couple of -- we that we had some predictions that we thought were fairly likely to have we weren't tasting taken to the bank fairly likely that. We said that that's really a software update with a video recordings up negate the -- that did not happen that's -- that they drop the -- on that they were to open up for years. Q can you be able to record 3-D video and supreme treaty movies through and totally ignore that and actually not even have to know Netflix. Right now he's speaking to delegates the so they -- have that wears. We thought we might get Sony and -- up just teases of -- what they're working on hardware wise with that Nintendo has they have ever did happen. -- not have and I thought that was gonna happen and credit you do and I remember you very. You know affirmatively saying to me. They're not gonna show that this about the time for the council that I thought it was time and -- like I thought I thought I thought it was time if you telling except that I take credit -- you can't you gentlemen I swear I was on board with you -- you did come -- -- but then I remember originally you did say that you know you believe now they're -- really hope I thought they gonna of the red -- it. And you you know you're right they held their ground no talk about that at all. Do they did years ago guys back in 2000 and -- before the PSP was announced they said we're working on a PSP. Or a portable gaming being we're not gonna -- -- -- this year. But before we go at the end of the press coverage on a series and again -- into a pocket and pulls out a UND -- is -- this is what. Our hand held is going to use and come back next year for more. And now is a great I think you're great that's Dmitry history at least they -- -- loyalties. -- was important that they shoot like some magical disk anti. This is -- Blu-ray this is an X ray disc all the game's gonna run this company and -- -- and Sony wanted to focus too much on the playstations -- -- with -- -- -- -- that either they wanted to keep it -- also back into one -- questions about -- listen -- for secure your network before making -- systems but I'm not a and then get -- house it -- Is truly going to be new -- is gonna get -- I mean. They are they unless they wanted to pump that -- -- the -- and -- Microsoft could use something they -- his eyes felt like a fizzle. -- -- -- 360 to talk about they had Ice-T. I thought about their counter an LE and he's an antibody candidate played at a club -- equipment Steve and exciting prediction. -- We can't you guys watch the streaming of the press conferences yes -- get all three of them and it. -- we also said we also predicted. The NGP slash -- it would be free 4900. Bucks to have -- they really really at all the only real loss of -- -- -- question was that you were Scott that booed when they city TV network. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To be cheering section one -- because he was like. AT&T -- What was the vita release. Timeframe to -- if they said I don't you think -- -- and when they have by end of 20 August by the BB 2012 so we're wrong and that I'm -- Thanksgiving. Until -- got services. Like to get the PSP ago -- -- say no but you know that Christ is awfully good to go on the other hand. Do I wanna carry around a five inch. Everything about the system look nice hardware look nice price is great. Questions whether there's games are going and step up and try to operate -- but does anyone want a East Dennis handle -- held. Examining spot and avoid -- use your phone a year tablet. So using you'll -- when either. And little Canada it is does that it's -- smell of all the PSP -- games that I purchased from about an accent I've a couple of predictions -- -- here we have the score on and so far we do it may be 5050 yeah 64 or 60% or but. We did that now called it really does the service that he's gonna have wearing it like extra stats in and matchmaking. There's that other guys -- -- touting okay our online stuff is free and that's actually true we heard about that -- that battlefields and other franchises were correct on that. -- Scott you said Nintendo was gonna resurrect one more classic franchise. I didn't see anything -- Well if they talked about kickers last to know they did it it's -- it's a really bored one we're talking about it Luigi is an action -- her. But that's part of them -- Mario franchise that nobody knows that they are alone can all right I'll give yet they all these terrible -- is the point that -- -- and it'll be aware of the elite is mansion they -- yeah we don't -- out of the -- everybody hated it got terrible review that was a gamecube launch title it's okay and -- -- cumulative -- Particularly like it timely and -- did a good reviews are not likely however -- -- it's 3-D S ghostbusters its chemical when -- -- a 3-D SE drew was like a little diagram -- -- 3-D rooms it's kinda nice for that but I four. It's it's ghostbusters and then a last likely. -- -- and I think we run this one with that Apple was going to be referred to wanted each of the three thinking that everyone says it ever which Leo unlike Apple we blah blah blah or somehow compare themselves -- Apple gaming juggernaut. Everywhere just avoided it like it was the -- and the -- democracy now. So it sounds my may. Interview -- here -- moto it tried to ask him head on about Apple. And he ducked it. You know an answer -- around it and basically said like where they like with the iPad does but it's not the same thing. Now on -- a point that we -- into the category of unlikely predictions of random left field wacky stuff. There was not particularly likely to happen we get to the right -- one and a half -- -- one we said. I mean the -- and halo game that on saying no way because the companies are even there and and it's -- and nearly -- -- over itself. They teased halo for -- and correct on that I've I've got those of us who it. And I thank you buy a whole -- trilogy the new Nintendo console controllers will act as portable tablets are retained functionality away from the console to act yes completely little room. And dipping a -- and a mature rated games if you look at it. -- -- -- -- that that's a third party stuff and -- are so anyway I think we did pretty darn good that we missed some obvious ones we picked up a few. A few left field once Microsoft like bikes never appeared that that we're dedicating yet the these gorillas are kind of kidding about but. The ego but the vitality sensor exactly express -- the fingerprint. Sensor you put your finger and -- that we use and I think they still I feel like a lot of still wants to do something that. Is that I'll find a way some day just filling it stated that. As. You do with that's Nintendo's hospital equipment okay -- -- -- a lot of tablets are meant for us believes. Now I think everyone agreed that the best games like Bioshock infinite sky -- that men are considered the not too much beyond that really doesn't of the game that just came off really -- Yet -- drops off and even write what you got into this recently uncharted three -- programs. -- pleasant undertaking I went to the cap. Again and -- -- -- circle freeze a matching up that they -- I sit through what is the magic number -- would -- -- So so to a games where we're we're going on there he three had battlefield three call of duty modern -- three gears of war three uncharted three mass effect three. Bioshock infinite is basically -- three Styron -- a third. Modern console elder scrolls game is seen through the third serious entry ninja -- -- three. Biggest ex human revolution that's the a 63. There there is -- were there were few others is. -- three this 1212. Accounting. That's a lot of our. Resistance three and -- -- pillows or two before the end. There and there have to be at least a few others as -- -- -- we don't -- dozens number three's everything is number three. What's going on -- which is out of ideas. -- -- I don't know I don't have so much of out of ideas -- there is that they're afraid of -- -- -- they're going they're going with what what makes the money. Right I mean -- company -- of movies have -- because. Flocks and flocks did was go see -- -- sputnik I mean you have the stories are crap. I mean lecture was horrible daredevil is horrible but she would not to go see him and keep them on a stick -- economy is now. Yeah sorry. Spiderman -- -- -- that the third -- wasn't all that big but they got a three on that that's -- that's the only the third most terrible and analyzed 35 starting again and and that's all that money and you've got the best anti -- and Batman Dark -- you know -- mean it -- go what what what what people flocking -- notes directors -- -- -- Economic conservatism but there is a reason for it which is that unlike here's the problem with games you spend just as much as you do on a movie right. But the game comes out it's gotta sell lot of copies right away because movies if your movies not a big hit in the theater. You have dvd sales if TV sales cable sales overseas sales that the Blu-ray comes out you do a special addition the -- with. The video games you really just got one bite of the Apple in this never DV you know you don't have a home re release later. And you don't have to be catalog back catalog of classics people who buy and when their new otherwise -- only don't -- -- they have to. Make all their money up front which is why there's so conservative with -- stuff. -- don't -- -- -- what movies they don't trilogy so they tend to ones they like an idea immediately as -- superintendent immediately obvious like everything -- into a trilogy so we're seeing. And all these ideas they -- the studios a few years ago I think games that restrict its utilities movies a trilogy makes sense from a story -- point of view you can tell. And -- the story in three parts over trilogy with games if partly successful -- -- -- -- chain or living in dash. Finnessey Modern Warfare I mean halo four Modern Warfare for -- or maybe there's a -- are -- there's a lot more for three is a trilogy within a series of games -- like ice. -- maybe maybe the movie industry in the gaming industry to take a page from. Music. I'm where they can make multiple versions of a certain games maybe to attract -- as ever -- the game's mature rated obviously the parents not gonna for the -- but they made it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rated PG or something like that earlier -- version that would definitely equipment when he put it on TV -- dumbed down but I think -- they've made it like that the dvd releases -- If you wanted to watch that may be the Green lantern or something but you -- your -- this and Norman -- -- you have -- A Y seven version but you can watch or their of -- actual react yet to release in the -- video games if they made multiple. Rating leveled out in one game that might help the industry where the parent has to unlock the mature level and -- depleted somewhere down the line. That's interest -- actually think that's not a terrible idea use that that there rating on it when you started on your IQ dvd players and then -- gotten -- it like that I talked to one of the existing. Things that I give -- I talked a guy named. John -- Mac. Who's a co creator of doom and quaint. And and all these classic games you get a new game coming out call outrage that may or may not be interest in them I'm voting for not but. He's a good -- to talk to could he just goes on and on of that stuff. He was talking about. Intel and -- integrated graphics and how Intel found out that even though we have some the best engineers in the world working there. It's like integrated graphics that -- -- actually really hard and it turns out nobody can really do it from and he just about every -- -- like the online streaming game service. But a lot of features like notes to its lag can never work he said. He said that are -- to queries that. I play the online stuff a lot of people -- just enough technical knowledge that counted -- for the wrong reasons. Thirty status pleasing everyone -- saying that on -- is too much -- so it is not gonna work. They did they don't know the talking about he cities tested out and when you take an actual regular console game is that if you. Play a game with your wireless controllers to your TV with some kind of post processing -- all that stuff together -- -- hundred milliseconds the -- -- in the game locally. Odyssey happily -- playing games right now -- singling an online game that's not a deal breaker. But. I've seen the way it is it doesn't really work for -- right now Basil too -- -- but he could come up with ways. To make the work really get it I said this on the for a -- on live on the iPad -- -- Bluetooth controllers grapple that that that's what the -- and -- you know he doesn't do it. That's a killer and a group. As often as now -- else's to FaceBook games like -- Wal-Mart experience of gaming but Wal-Mart is great is nothing wrong Wal-Mart -- people like it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And and you talk to me a -- and Minnesota who was merely -- -- you'll never get anything interesting out of the dye ink in comparison because he's so tightly controlled these days I'll I'll get even at -- -- did you try asking what plays hobbies are. I'm gonna have before I mean a you know he -- bluegrass and he talked about as -- dreams and on this interview but. Is is interesting that in in that setting -- For not just the games but the consoles. You know I was interest in more asking him questions about what they would not answer in the ways they would not answer because specialty segment the -- you. This'll obviously -- -- we don't -- and even -- -- the bat a lot of people didn't even know what it plugs into in terms of console what do plugs into isn't able thought it was still standalone system and so asking questions about you know where I thought they -- vs Apple. You know how far can you take it away. They were clearly steering in the direction of saying. They even said -- -- said in the interview. Let's say that you could take this tablet upstairs to your bedroom to play games we think that you probably don't want -- take it outside of your living room. Now there's incidentally has -- -- we think means you know it likely clearly. Forget all fantasies about taking this upstairs this is -- -- designing this to stay right there and maybe the wireless -- is around that so. It just -- -- inching sort of like tea leaf reading you know lately trying to figure out. I asked him with the outside influences where they claim we have no -- what was the way to develop what was the weight like on the comfortable lightweight but if you play for a few minutes your arms got tired. Controller and I anyways we can't really judge it now yeah -- ILL literally hand constructed credit pattern -- on the other hand -- -- to display with the PS vita. Which -- first I thought oh it's a demo unit doesn't have a battery in it that's what it's a light. One of the developers -- -- signings and when I was upstairs of the Sony Booth and said. -- -- the actual unit there's a battery in this new was surprising because it was so light weight. Indeed -- fuels. Almost like that the PS3 controller when you for but the idea is as light as a Peta. Which is -- weirdly life. You gonna -- it where is an early you know were cut like -- men succumb like -- like be that the entry through the 3000 without a battery maybe some I bet ya. Bankers -- -- like a -- -- it can never tell but it was. It felt sturdy they -- encourage you to shake the -- you controller searched for some of the game it. Beyond what -- you don't wanna share isn't going shake it hard shake it hard for this game. And you know eventually it's -- -- into someone's hands and and hit something or fall on the ground and it looks like -- may need. Two -- -- is made to withstand an insert shocks like that. But it feels solid it's just I I wonder how long can hold it how much is this -- going to be. Again we did it that's what now this this is what somebody does this every year -- and last year as Microsoft. This year it's Nintendo to go here's our fancy new hardware -- check out isn't that cool. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But and and they didn't set seed in this year with that with the -- you like Erica -- are there are at a time. First -- -- any questions in the chat room about. -- question was you know -- also want final -- can. Another disappointment besides the repent repent to develop repetition in this franchise games the downloadable games which I usually found work place for creativity. -- -- to think -- his reputation is everything else. This from the few I've seen if it's like indie music -- -- -- falling into a pattern the retro games that puzzle quirky sites growers it's like. Where something's coolest portal or at school or schools limbo right we're like flour even as the -- -- emerges which -- you say is the best of the -- Best of the three's yes. I don't think Bioshock or sky. Yeah I totally agree I mean nine I was Irish open world concept -- can go anywhere -- anybody do anything to me that's really interesting from a technological point of view. Whether you like dungeons and dragons kind of stuff or not. And -- just I mean bio -- You -- they have some existing political themes here that we've talked about before and just the games look and really cool it's gonna different here's the thing. -- games are basically three color palettes. The -- the -- space. Derelict spaceship color -- There's the I'm in the army color -- and there's the page here's some dungeons and or to drag stuff color -- -- anything that breaks out of those three. -- -- I think Apple also also really -- and you guys already write his interest in world what what materials -- in -- and Gutierrez table would you take on the WW DC what what did you find interest singer maybe not so distinct. Whereas the iPhone five quite well -- -- apart immediately following so incredibly annoyed that it doesn't stream the music by on the other hand when I discovered that. You could you know you can access those purchased iTunes suns already without a -- update. And I tried it it does satisfy the part of me that said. Okay I want it I happen to -- -- -- of iTunes music for whatever reason and down. You know the fact that I can get that album without re synching it and I can download it now there. Anytime you can reduce the number of sinks. I'm unhappy but it is -- -- -- step it has a lot of existing stuff but we're dealing adds layers of complexity -- to entertain them a win. I wanna not have to readout I mean doctor do I wanna re download at that episode that you know maybe sitting at home mom a Mac. NASA and more deals. Need to be stuffed frog unlike in the Amazon cloud bass you to see the most flexible you can upload and download and stream them and its platform agnostic and you know. So you. On what in his office on an iPod bucket of okay -- I'll hold a conference feels. Like one step and -- it the other I -- see the other -- and I wanna see -- the other shoe dropping you know it's kind of like it's interesting but it's not. As it currently stands it's not a full step into class. And that's why it would afraid of the space is important it's more like cloud sync. Yet -- that is a full cloud sync is and everything that we want in the -- without ever aids is. Taking photos that are going. -- -- -- -- -- Open up. In the Amanda don't pulled congressman you know -- that's a silly thing a little below the belly button and a that's revealed is just about Voyager windows Intel -- older rule. You know the golden rule that never put your face in your junk in the same picture cut but it's truth then I frequently or seasoning you'd never thought -- say. And we've seen this like 67. That content into has done it still got Antara. They get out felt we waiting for this forever there it is the you can classic. Early videogame hero. The review is not -- so far meta critic average 52 out of hundreds -- -- you know sometimes things can get cooked a little bit too long if you know what they mean. Right while we while a few minutes left Joseph I -- -- and Julie. How excited -- you guys about the new generation of Chrome laptops that run Google's Chrome operating system instead of windows well. As you can see the CR 48 is still frozen on the video -- with the original prototype one that we and this this was in my go to four. A couple days of the world -- -- it was nightmares. Samsung seems to be doing be right around the lord Hanson on -- with -- -- -- that this one series five is got a laptop. -- and you guys had to figure out now it's basically it's basically -- netbook but instead of windows it runs Chrome. The Google operating system to basically just the Chrome browser and some web based apps right you'd rent yes and that foreign to -- that -- the crazy part was these guys got. Had to figure out how to run benchmark tests on seven that essentially -- Has -- file system. Has -- operating system as we understand it eccentric -- had a -- guys were that app. Days I'm not. It. Basically -- -- many many many forms -- you know. You can always figure was word for you gotta get the specs you gotta -- and the only problem with this -- verses. These -- CR 48 is that I knew how to get it and elect a developer mode where you can actually get the command line. This when I haven't figured out yet from Josh is -- work with a -- will be playing with this and shortly in the past few -- terms like battery tests. We use an external. It's sort of thumb -- 6016. Gigs but the movie -- -- -- -- movie arm playlist because we can't do it. On -- run for like ten hours of record the audio from another system -- and went back contracted time that way. Mostly in other words that that makes us unique as we work on this but that that's really clever at so both are very quickly are basically the headphone out into the Mike line of problem you're trying to solve is if you do battery tests in which -- standing with stopwatch how do you tell when the machine -- up good battery is -- you can't do the recording stuff that we usually do on regular windows and Mac laptop right. So what you did -- it coming from right is you you put a bunch of video of long videos in a playlist for hours and hours. And then you said the headphone out to another computer there was recording the audio over the audio died. That told you how long battery life -- -- back contract the audio -- to -- went flat line -- that time and less like six -- system which is what you'd expect from -- six hours thirty minutes and -- six hours twenty minutes but again pretty but there's a master X 25. But yet Josh Goldman -- she wrote this review while Scott you and I were at a town to -- really. Like it so much as a whole product yeah yeah we're discussing. In his office has -- Now's the time that Etsy actually use it though. It while he was -- -- he was he was he kept on saying that's what I'm putting the previewed a -- -- -- you don't like using it in and -- like this is -- It is this a premature product it's not -- -- Because you know they're working. Back and -- -- -- an analyst at. You can't unzip files on the fly after -- with a so zero web site a big problem -- doesn't easement. Worked properly has yet to upload the island and get -- -- return in the -- of -- put it was The Who found a -- and upset when I was using it out at his office and he goes. Okay so try my consumption and unzip a file that ads and -- I tried it that was working on Allah candidate at a news. Saying it immediately there is so generic. It's just how album public. It's telling me you really cheap laptop and saying you could always use the web browser and nothing is 500 campus suppressor and well that's the killer -- up a little -- but yeah exactly the price is the killer. They're getting getting it happens like this out or what -- bugs shouldn't get in schools -- -- thing if you're not paying for the windows license you know you should be able a few bucks off. Or if you wanna compromised computing experience that's portable you can get an iPad for 500 dollars and -- -- -- -- -- -- a set of compromises but you know that's -- -- are the same Russia -- you think about the advantage of a laptop and Sosa be that is no compromise in the computer experience of this thing starts to. Not be able to unzip files are you can't. Get -- to Netflix that's that's annoying but essentially what used to call a dumb terminal. Now officially just a window into an online world. But. They got at the crown series five -- a full review up on CNET somewhere -- you can register as a tank. Its benchmark and we -- a JavaScript benchmark on at -- uninteresting stuff. -- in the of guys that we did a good job covering -- stuff and good for you got follow me it adds it's gotten the fact that. In a car ownership and -- and you can follow particularly attached digital city CNET on Twitter I did get to the phone is it. It's easy yet at -- and other threats are you gonna tell people you or rather -- -- as they get your handles. Your I'm Jessica I did fulfill one dream the stigma this past week. As a Howard Stern fan I got to go on one of this show was on Howard 1011 of serious channels called -- time. Hosted by a bunch of via guys from the show -- relic video games and movies and stuff like. -- -- has been on an -- -- and -- -- -- Movies it's coming out easily. If these guys -- -- I called -- to talk about. This poultry and -- forming -- stop the big show although I don't think I'm on down enough to. Make it on there and address can be enough to mean even the zone takes you think I kinda gonna need -- at the immediately bikinis. But you get in on the size of your mind no one nation in a well endowed -- that's like managing time and last that it's -- staff -- wants them closer to the citadel that threat to threat and it. I'm often. Thanks for joining us to the special post. Of our little digital audio announcer it's time to come back next Monday. 3 PM eastern -- -- on iTunes. On FaceBook and did you CC to act on Twitter at digital city CNET. Significant don't bother you knowing that can act and just got. We're gonna -- you build your digital cities obliterated garbage than there isn't even. There did you do that you're reading anymore than any other -- -- you -- -- -- -- like to set aside there were given you seven times. And we look I don't know release -- Tons giveaways next week exaggerates veteran of more questions what giveaways more trivia -- if -- originally you know I'm gonna -- That's good that we -- only -- unit doesn't have -- viewing my goodness and I was so this service. The performance difference. Now and you mr. crumbled. -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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