Ep. 1292: You're a Koobface
Ep. 1292: You're a Koobface

Ep. 1292: You're a Koobface

Since Monday August 16 Washington -- -- well I'm a human and grandson Hollywood wasn't about that allowed him that I -- -- -- -- -- that episode 12192. Birthdays. Q Internet Explorer. You're in a way -- I loved -- shot it. We're gonna it's it Dahlia into out of this than happy birthday that is her staying out of the name of browser at her paper -- a land game. A letter abbreviation let. Elected yeah I eat. Anyway Internet Explorer he turns fifteen years old today you're still -- -- for -- But not for porn mode. I know. So little has changed in other YE I don't. Writing and I'm happy birthday by the way -- what's right I was writing about -- an explorer when it started at CNET 1996. And nothing has changed I was so. Its name it's not it's standard -- not they stated -- that it isn't. It's faster than its lower than its competitor that matter it's the same -- thing I I feel like you it's just yesterday that Internet Explorer started slowing down here. -- Isn't just yesterday I heard about Eric error overrun exploits there wasn't time. And direct there was a time to be fair way and it. Internet experts here this -- -- -- -- artist at it I we will have a stake and there was a time and I he was actually better than Netscape. Well yeah otherworldly true in the one had all of the development efforts of Microsoft behind in order to take an update. Yet and it worked via and then and then they rested on their laurels and I got clobbered by Chrome. -- Personally I think acquired by opera Firefox and -- -- now while at the nine working like we are being a little inside baseball right now because let's be honest clobbered is it is all relative when you are in fact still the dominant browser in the world. Absolutely nine point. More people who use it than any other one I like that they -- to their -- the yeah there's something consistent. It's still renders html page that lets us for the most part -- it is it. Fun to make -- it's not like the worst thing yeah. But and other locked down nostalgia lane that this is great light coats and the like the first major web and click it and they're the dog right yeah -- ultimately that's -- Lycos has been acquired. Or at least its assets and -- branding remained by a Korean based sorry in India based digital marketing company for 36. Million dollars and men and William immunity before that -- million I. Before that -- required -- but courier company. Yeah right yesterday so it portal Lycos is in the process of the circling the globe losing a fair amount of valuation each time hops -- new era. New country your comment now if we go way back in the clock rate 2000 me -- 2000 just as shocked me. Lycos was acquired by terror networks for -- been. Twelve point five. Billion. Dollars billion billion billion billion. And was just full of their nearly a million times are different but might in between it was tilted down communications for 95 million -- like -- said -- -- in the service. Then if you hold if you're if you're interested -- you hold out you can probably picking up where few bucks and about and yeah. Apparently the name my name is everything it's -- at sixty million unique users a month that's not bad. Twelve billion -- -- bubble -- bubble era although I highly publishes. Yeah I'm pretty sure like my lips you could have been acquired her a million or two dollars and 2000 -- -- -- -- -- now in. My left -- dot com. Oh -- lots and lot of -- it called drive by investing in those days yeah money it's like -- I'll buy that your money than from a few candidates. Speaking of drive -- eighteen he has taken this opportunity to throw its opinion in the -- visa -- -- Google Verizon net neutrality proposal they put out a blog post this week entitled. Wireless is different. And said no -- -- -- were all for the exempting wireless firm net neutrality rules and we definitely think that you know net neutrality is. Onerous and killing of -- innovation killed so pleased -- I Saturday. Right. -- do I can't believe we're still arguing about this thing if if we had these arguments back in the early days of the Internet we would have had no net neutrality on dial up but the co limited bandwidth you know there's so many -- -- -- you can do over here I'll and we went through killed innovations as the Internet got faster yeah and this is the same thing. That wireless Internet is going to get faster either through. LT -- or WiMax whatever it is or pure here it is going to get faster and if we throttle it now we will we will. Throttle innovation yeah enough mark my words Mac. I can do -- yeah that's not. You have arguments have people on both sides is -- -- like they're even willing to do even a compromise so let's say let's just say. But like okay you know we don't want net neutrality rules exist but we're still gonna tear tear you on you know and how much -- is if maybe they said -- -- you'll get a flat rate for limited data and might make people feel a little better not that I'm saying it's right but they're never gonna come to even a middle ground in this whole. Yeah well they'll be forced them to middle ground -- and it'll be probably around. Quality of service and types of data but not content providers which is actually what Schmidt said if they do what he talked about could apply to wireless as well as -- wired. We might begin to approach some form of a workable compromise here the problem is that what they want to do is not. It it it might be fair in a world of scarce resources for eighteen -- -- say -- don't unfairly don't -- us with regulation I think of that is a perfectly valid response don't -- companies with regulation absolutely. Let the free market do think however. Eighteen. A level that is just unreasonable. For modern usage they are refusing to invest in their own infrastructures. And so it's sort of like what. You can't be trusted to manage your network and a consumer friendly way so don't then come and say that you should be also allowed to do you really you know what -- -- what. Ed Whitaker with talking about when he -- that. When he was an eighteen -- -- right thing like I wanna be able to charge Google. Double. To ensure delivery of their data and then I also wanna be able to charge consumers not just for service but for higher tiers of service like -- they wanted to they wanna charge people -- on either. The -- yes you you're actually -- the problem. That the problem is that the carriers are basically. Asking to be regulated by being so consumer friendly right they're forcing it upon themselves instead of investing in infrastructure investing in technology. -- that we don't have these problems to begin with -- Long term would be better for everybody -- -- them -- -- And it's very possible that not -- them will turn out to be the best thing but it kind of it -- you know what really it is it's just hard to follow your boo -- story eighteen yeah. We're in the ten network in -- really what about the 200 billion dollars and -- baton and you. And it keeps saying you know we cover this whole world where the fastest -- -- investment is -- oh. -- when it comes to stuff like this they say oh we're actually we've extremely limited resources very articles about the articles that image 126 billion dollars in profit here. And I haven't seen -- in -- let's go to pray tell is that when that wasn't -- some. Get a little bit it was neat -- to -- via and it took them -- -- they have like a little three G tower and -- help their guns and profits out of the air. They -- are absolutely I think they're quite literally exactly. Exactly I really think a quick break would argue when we come back it's going to be acquisition Monday and FaceBook finally get the death Mike button that we also dislike. Rumor land at reports say that Google actually -- seems to be propagating -- what Google will acquire like dot com. Which is a facial recognition and tagging company. And it actually it seems like it would make sense for them to -- The opening lets Google wants to be able to search and -- including images now like dot -- was a really cool company a while ago that. You basically get all your photos and it would identify -- which is what mightily costs. And other sites do now alike that comes with we had a better recognition engine when I saw them at demo years ago I saw the demo and it really blew me away and -- ones coming out. And shop that's the -- -- that while the rec engine by which human recognition and finish it so they were getting funding even though -- hadn't yet that if the recognition engine. That product never worked and they re launch a thing called like dot com which is basically you see a -- you like and you can buy other issues like it. Five public you're watching if you so they had a picture of an actress who had a nice dress that he had only -- him rock the next nights ago. So -- -- is the perfect acquisition if they finally finished the recognition engine which I don't know it's only been five years but is it. This is that it's -- facial are also landmarks from what you saw when it -- direct visual search vigil here okay. And Google have been experimenting with visual search so it's possible that -- you know I mean -- they're talking about them. Possible price tag of something north of a hundred million dollars which for Google as. Probably totally worth it to get it working visual search engine rounding error yes so look -- face recognition expert well. Yeah but we were talking about -- they have an integrated like why why do you not have a better facial recognition across Google's because it's too creepy remember it I think if I got its I think that it because they've they're terrified of the privacy implications -- and that they can it really -- a can of worms and those it'll definitely. Anyway we'll keep an eye on that right now it is still very firmly in extremely and substantiated -- but but make sense -- and make fun. Security news today -- coming out thing and possibly a record five million web sites. Have been infected by one very simple hacked web widget. And that and that apparently just sits on parked domains is very smart it was a is this. -- so it it it's it proved faith it's -- face and it sits on that. My favorite pirate -- I -- if true very true today are up to -- in the face. Now this stuff. And -- and silent -- that they keep on its cricket cricket. It they put this this bad actor widget on the park paid for network solutions that you've bought a domain name for network solutions. Whatever -- whatever dot com and somebody went there. They and they got this widget it would. You get infected now the problem with this is that that park page. Is on a good billion sites that nobody is using and nobody is monitoring and people just a typo double the weight of these sites and they get infected yeah. And that that typo part is what's ingenious and and in fact that they they're -- like like this -- actually he. Five it is huge and spreading very fast and -- immediately and to demonstrate the finding. With pretty interesting. So the fact that network solutions but that get in there though is the really really bad they should and that's you messed up well and and I I didn't like they don't know that already I hope not even I hesitate movement and we've but it does. I mean if it does -- I -- as if there hasn't been enough sort of questionable behavior around the idea of parked domain and. It's like then it gets even worse having I have -- them and yet every part of me not -- network -- so there's a waiting. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The thing you've all been waiting in its infinite creator created that terribly or ask if you happen in -- -- doesn't domain earlier and earlier this bad. -- -- Living you've all been -- -- -- here at this like button on FaceBook although it turns out that that is also a scam. With -- they kinda I believe it's just like the initially -- -- idiot every everybody was. Begging -- and then if you clicked need this like button. And it even says the official dislike button which is you know good enough for most FaceBook users -- -- -- really do -- And people want this so bad so is this little trick but is it tricks -- the users -- giving a Rogue FaceBook application permission. You basically fill out a little survey or so to activate the app and every once they get all I want to dislike button. Now and that's of what it looks totally legit and -- insights. And security indictment and what and it's a typical user is spreads the typical way once you see it from a friend's idea being a little bit from friends think hey I got it for -- like what you get it to you -- and -- -- the thing and then also you are spending all your friends with hey I got the dislike Clinton get it to. And -- -- it is so and this is I mean camera obviously this has worked like crazy across they spoke with all kinds of different scams manipulate -- -- when there's maybe the most devilish one yet because it's it's been such. Because we don't want to can't tell you how strong feature because were also full of hate and disliking that we want the button that badly. Very clever Google's gamers I am now at -- so if there is now there is no letters and it's like button it does not -- -- -- note don't. There's -- -- -- install CI I had I had went on chat room is this different from Firefox -- on actually it's not. This whole scam thing eventually if you go through the whole process gives you the Firefox. Toolbar thing which gives you the dislike button which is not by the way an official FaceBook product -- Yeah this -- -- -- is calling itself you'll be able to recognize that I am calling itself the official display button that. If that's how you'll now it's totally not. Sprint's second board Gphone -- out and as much as -- -- over the -- kind of wanted to go away it's probably edit. Keeping the Tribune thinking it's a great product at this -- -- hello -- -- We'll say it's excellent it's still a solid hold on an Indian village that it's it's kind of bugaboo is how much it cost the -- Own and operate the phone yet it's 250 dollars that's with a -- -- already -- rate a new layer data plan which is president and finding -- ten dollars for the -- was mandatory India foraging -- the wireless -- by another thirty dollars so they only thirty bucks for the hot bias yeah I'm getting me that up if you wanna use that as a -- you better -- a hospital and they're doing it better -- -- all that time forty dollar in a -- that's that's on. That's a -- -- data that's going to your cellphone plan remember. But -- -- -- the pure data. Think that's the hurt and I don't know all that on tiered Internet. But it got really Richard it's really pretty and it has a keyboard and has keyboard -- -- -- -- -- you ladies with nails and I cannot keep track of all the Android phones out there. I -- about -- a good thing. It is a good thing -- -- -- -- let you -- part of the plan in it is part of a plan you can you can I get out to that this is part of the Samsung galaxy S family. -- -- -- -- ORI saddles -- and I now all one. There there are more coming though that are going to be even more usable because there -- reports that chipmakers are readying dual core chips are smart enough and. -- funeral. Okay and it may be -- -- if you battery sucks now. It right now even even if they optimize its you know one -- to turn on or off you're still -- using its dual both the cores. Most the time for heavy stuff -- -- like two dollars. What ever well and I. I -- troops say this. That's my highly technical response that because maybe but you know it's there is -- -- I don't know like and we actually went and -- think we've been ranting about this on the show for years like what those going on battery -- how do -- not -- The same level of improvement in battery life that we've made in processor palace. -- and out of the you know we have the because well I mean the obvious answer is because it's chemistry and chemistry advances a different rate then the way we think about -- and look biography which is -- we make the chips. But we have. Improved power management dramatically over the years remember -- and and even though you know. Battery technology is moving -- much more slowly than silicon technology. We are making progress and apparently these dual core processors will. In in combination with better power management. Actually left more than an hour. -- -- -- -- Feel like weirdly even though it. Feels a little counter intuitive I can imagine a world in which more power could be more battery -- right because you're using power on the right things. Maybe you're really not now it is okay I you don't have to a processor intensive -- that -- takes along a news at some of battered. It is it is getting better support -- are running full speed during because it's not just the CPU it's all the rest the machine as well screen there that you have stronger -- crazy cancer causing radios. You're not searching so hard to find signal -- and then you have more efficient power usage and more powerful -- to get past done more quickly especially on the radio side you're actually right more sensitive radio will be able to run at lower power and take less battery -- -- on the radio itself. Yeah -- that -- -- -- he's more of the data out of the air now you guys are right and then we had a dual core. Current line now that we had the dual core processor and all -- to -- I don't know what I'm saying the dual core processor that does it the more I don't digital CPU makes the analog circuitry more efficient -- at what he said clearly -- -- that it slightly dumber but then he -- don't sound I will I will wait to see I don't Linksys G I don't know that the solar panels on here -- supplements. Well you -- historian does say this phone will come with -- solar hats. That will -- phone. So that's alcohol level I'll get okay how amazing the so are those solar panels on mobile devices have allowed you to eke out an extra 9222. Yes -- -- hand him an idea of this. -- faithfully up from there that is the about five minutes by 2012 there's me. I eat good foods. Even as LT finally -- to roll out we get excited about the idea of like converging on one -- standard those why Mac people in an -- They're doing WiMax Q away when -- -- WiMax one -- WiMax line currently available in. A four square mile area around American -- can. Pretty much there have been a couple you know actually WiMax I think I've been rolled out in them. In New York I get my sprint -- -- Card worked there I think it's available in Vegas that it there's a limited WiMax rollout LT released. Them so the WiMax form industry group once you know that they're working on the WiMax to standard formally known -- -- -- 16 am. In which will be finalized by November backwards compatible -- and it'll be faster of course then WiMax the original yeah. And maintenance and -- study were mostly because -- like -- one that now we're gonna yet another like standards give them. Well in the -- in the world the -- as long as I would -- as long as this'll backwards compatible but that never worked that way. Now why Matthew is -- at all to WiMax they say and LTD they say is somewhat backward compatible GSM -- -- similar if -- at least it's. Look -- great treat. If there's more compatible if the wireless standards will flaws in their development long enough people come out -- company to come -- with phones that actually work on all the ones are supposed to. Like if you get a phone right now it supports. Because a three G phone supports you know 23 or four -- rate and different to -- three G technology so this could happen in forgy as well but. They have to pause long enough people. Catch up only have to roll -- the first standard before you finalize the second one that I would think in more than likely if it's a rolling standard of and -- forward thinking literally and I has actually I think pretty much called this one can we -- WiMax few AKA mad Mac. Yes Tuesday energy and airline -- navy -- And I. A quick. Mention today Hulu is apparently according to people briefed on the matter in the New York Times getting close to an IPO. There's -- which is interest in in -- just a little more clout. On Hulu is partly to put -- actually goes public they might really be able to land from what deals they can make them. You know a real serious over the top option if they've been getting there it just seems a little bit early they don't have all the networks yet like hours. -- and they don't have the revenue coming -- -- from you know that the the paying subscribers but. Eventually it's is -- serious network place so yeah I think it really is and I feel like maybe being public can give them a little extra. But a lot of celebrity lot of clout right. I'm curious how successful their monthly dining and -- has been mean they have released the numbers are talked about -- I I doubt they will until they become significant enough. -- but I'm just wondering how how people actually you know jump on the component -- As soon as they filed for appeal will be able to find out that'll be in there if if you have signed up for Hulu -- actually email -- yeah. That really anecdotally everyone I know it's just like now yeah tackle I was really excited about it there's not even a trial but now I'm on another and but from youth in the same thing right if we're not where I -- -- -- you're -- -- -- -- -- was like. I am totally get an element in an in -- No -- banana and -- amounts of my friend has -- -- and doesn't like -- who in the -- is like a word that's even worse -- I'm not gonna edit the -- -- Yeah I know that -- not a mom a -- a -- Good news for Star Wars fans who like to buy things over and over and yeah another chance Star Wars is coming out and -- your day and -- to -- eleven and it will have. The deleted light Saber construction scene apparently fifth when you've already -- its Internet be Fuller's dialogue or goes into its job -- pass yeah now. How many times but that the poll here. Maybe that's the sport where the -- today how many times you think -- can release Star Wars. Version -- here here's like it's like that scene in in in an -- I'm gonna the by the white album again as does Blu-ray version is them unfortunately is going to be these special editions only special special special did you mean. So you'll -- they're not release is not releasing monopolizing the original in Blu-ray it's like the enhanced ones ran like like it with like that we're tracking now and things like that. And that little crazy man number that was -- home he attacked. -- that's just what they're gone without meaningful yeah. Yeah because that is that a new re release -- -- you guys are completely missing the point. And do that by doing that it opens the door they can really original and it's the original hello I'm. Super -- that's Arizona that's what I was getting to okay -- so they're gonna release of deleted scene of Luke Atlanta making now. -- England via good. And we really need to see that and Frontline is right and now they're working on the 3-D version as well. -- it can be -- and that you need to. Wow great in science and space news today and it turns -- that Wi-Fi sniffing aerial drones are the new black. I did drones yeah. Hey that's group of hackers that create an airborne platform designed to sniff out Wi-Fi network and it that this -- of course on the heels of the Google -- story from last week where I got to pollen does -- think that's really neat. Because that's what they're all doing right now is building. -- -- -- If you wanna be a geek basically the only way you get credit these days is to put a they what he called war driver in the -- or -- yet. And that's somehow have -- fly -- autonomously. Get people Wi-Fi address the packet today's networks and then Atlanta carefully on your back -- and -- yours ordered it actually it data or transmitted. You know your data for a cool hundred grand. Or a lot less than these things it does it this is the model airplanes with factory incite them yet I mean -- the build quality of oh yeah I -- after a I actually took to the military for millions they've -- programmer to build its upper bucks -- you can see the link to this one in our show notes there isn't bad video and actually these guys read Defcon and Darren Kitchen. Our own -- I -- I would love that I really can't get an interview them at Defcon and it's it's it's very clever the way they're doing in any right it is kind of it's. You know. Tricky hacked model airplane -- which is stealing your data I mean you're skies stealing your data you know we should have we really should have and this is actually not legal. Is drones we're doing traffic reporting. Because they're way less dangerous than those helicopters. Yeah after flying over the place of drums for everything brother it -- a word that. Sounds are good it's a thing and less they have lasers which case -- right. You'd be less threatening if they just implemented those -- -- -- Let's yeah deviate a little kids want real with the union -- any different that's right who now is it now I don't trust -- -- learning site. Now know why I sleeping -- and actually the kites to be -- -- the Jones out of the sky with lines long and -- play it on Staten. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Their own Armageddon. We can we should start instead of -- extra processor -- -- -- drones to search for aliens that search. As yielded just virtually nothing -- it apparently that the -- like fifty years old -- there was a convention over the weekend it's said he com. For the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Honoring or are run by Frank Drake that I wrote Drake equation which said basically that even though -- A lot and units out there -- got to be some civilizations who are able at the point of their development where they can transmit and we should be able to come up. Now the challenge. Of course is that it's in the fifty years that we've been running the scanning the skies for signals we've looked at the base at -- -- -- -- as -- -- your. -- Held at the end of your arm may be as -- -- little bigger than that which is a whole lot enough them. Left and export yeah definitely well and then we have now gotten to the point -- inner exploration where Stephen Hawking -- She now can you do not want to let them know we are here. Yeah I'm very much Andy he's there's enforcing there's no way to were called the -- -- infant was out there with a record saying come get us we're over here. What -- -- billboards hey guys what's gonna figure right we're right here here's -- -- sources or that planet plunder all good job to around three good planet that wonder. Call earth in -- -- that I don't -- other competitive thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Let's move onto our voice now our caller -- -- actually a pretty good question about -- about a video on demand. This is Brandon cable technician in Oklahoma. And the cable company I work for has always told me that the reason video on demand will only work with our in house DVRs. Is because cable card does not happening kind of video on demand technology built into it and so -- -- just not compatible. Is this true and -- so -- -- getting around this issue. And if not does it mean and my cable company has just been lying to people for the last four years and forced -- to upgrade. To pay twenty dollars a month for our junkie DVRs. Oh yeah that's probably. -- that's actually exact. Believe it the way that -- -- the -- -- Cox is getting around -- is that they're using I'm assuming this actually let them start and I'm assuming they're using true to the true two way standard which is. A two way standard based on sending and receiving and at the ability to receive video on demand signal. Cable card was always intended to be -- UA standard but that the digital TV manufacturers. Requested. That it may have only one my capabilities -- that they can continue to use and control. They're on boxes it was like all about control yes so it's so technically -- card should have the capability but it's been crippled. It's. It's a conspiracy Anderson I mean seriously -- it is the technology. Could have worked it could've been written to do exactly every -- -- -- though it becomes a VoIP. And DVR boxes but the technology doesn't allow it and now that the carriers will say -- -- because the technologies that good but they helped write the technology. Yes so -- -- and true -- way is supposed to be. The the way around that and it and hopefully it will impact be implemented -- but to be perfectly honest the thing that. The cable industry it might be an unintended consequence because the cable industry is very excited about -- two way because it enables. A lot more interactive advertising laden and they can do interactive advertising programs within video on demand it might as a consequence. Also enable. Tivo to be a default box but only if operators are willing to take -- That briefly the unintended consequence of this. This madness is that the Internet is that. It's sending video over -- the Internet -- over IP is going to be what works. And that that technology works different ethnic pipe and it is to -- and it's interactive and everything they want. And it is completely out of the cable company's control because it is because of -- Internet and that's what Hulu could possibly work. Exactly and incas Hulu is nothing if not video on demand and on -- emails -- at cnet.com is our email address we actually that. This is like a chance for us to redeem ourselves Mike Griffin says -- I'm not sure -- reported on the -- -- it was hilarious thing crazy. Rupert Murdoch is apparently claiming that he owns not just the -- sky. But any name containing. The -- -- Skype. Tip of he claims specifically to understand that but we didn't talk about -- that they are -- -- our style and and parade to make an awesome whoo -- yes that's about in future Skype will be known it's. Because they're gonna help may have -- they're gonna settle and give -- that back -- Rupert Rupert as clinical. His -- -- B is fighting illegal batter battle effect because they do say that they and the Internet. That's right and we ended up what points out we're gonna Lucas Star Wars is gonna be rewritten with longer -- walker. It's totally okay. Now let's walker ran SpinRite and -- -- and and it's all net. That's another thing I'm all -- -- -- -- about what about songs like them are silly things like -- leave I can't touch slow. Yeah there will both be out Allen goes. I mean I don't know they're they're apparently was a warning that from Skype and -- it -- -- -- to pursue litigation. The defense can be costly and time consuming even if they were ultimately to prevail so they may not actually. They're kind of they're rattling their swords but -- think they're probably not gonna -- this -- to change -- it's absurd are he does want everyone to know. The real mark Rupert rapidly you all know and he believes -- the rich guy you know he's not gonna do anything -- -- he owns this guy there Ian from Jersey -- that's is Apple's. The the wall if -- face. Click through faith food -- Mean. From Jersey. Apple's using the name -- speaking of trademark infringements Apple using the name iPhone from Cisco and I have from mag -- Is a far different matter from amusement MIT V from the British TV channel ITV. IPhone and iPad were merely registered trademarks went with no product line I TV if they strongly recognizable television -- UK's second only the BBC. Cisco and make that didn't. Don't really have much incentive to keep copyright but I TV needs to protect their brand and no matter what Apple announces there's far -- the reason frighten you to back down. If the looking out the set top box called the NBC box. Wouldn't people be under the impression it was an NBC branded box with NBC content that's a pretty appointing kind of crystallizes what weird sort of. Fumbling around although to be fair I phoned from Cisco was the shipping product that is nowhere near useless and offensive program -- and and yeah I TV from the -- is like. It's a theory is well known product it's extraordinarily. Arrogant of Apple it really and NBC analogy is wonderful yeah although. Alright this one's commons home from John then he writes in regards to why anyone would want to buy a Dell streak without a contract. Even though it's a lot -- You can buy the iPad without a contract and still get great use out of it. She does Wi-Fi you don't always need three -- sometimes I think industry could be drew a great those small iPad competitor. With or without three G. Are built but is it the street is also phones so -- -- like a phone with streak. -- interest rates low and the without which there are plenty outfits got an anti hero bad joke and there -- some good movement but it. Or they could have just release like we're -- -- a -- like street via on the side. Yeah which actually does use -- need to have a lot of interest as likening them all I mean more weigh more than I would have expected of the smallest tablet. When I don't actually think infant being big -- If the people I've seen who have been more interested in than it would have -- -- into the fact that it is also a phone and think about without it and -- the Nokia. And 900 tablets in -- but it well and if it's Wi-Fi only it's still be hopefully it. Yes it's totally a once kind of -- it. I despite what that will open make -- -- I'd like yeah I admit that naked street -- Dell dude yeah totally do that -- a total -- -- totally do yeah Baghdad and -- live in street in your pocket. Harrison widget -- in the chatroom helpfully reminded five minutes until 1130 -- Our question for today that's right Blackberry question of the day what is your favorite Trojan horse slash buyer's name and artist does pick your favorite Trojan horse virus whatever where I started -- -- can't -- -- Canada just to give it. Yeah. Analysts that really other items -- -- tuberculosis. -- -- them -- -- Not OG Conficker. -- -- money out there looking up and doesn't -- your comment via Blackberry messenger or in his 24523. C 65. Million -- and hopefully written down horrible idea well that cnet.com on the links every. Story that we talked about today are in August of buzz at cnet.com and -- colony 10616. If you think -- leave us your thoughts. On the topic of the day are -- that you -- what now. -- remind everybody -- by. Yeah -- -- today all we have. A remake send him handsomely by I believe -- -- new. Person submitting it is worked -- Clark. -- -- this the beat box. Your -- of weeks ago ago. Hey -- They -- methods I don't know I don't let us that while bass or you say well beans and -- Oh yeah -- as though he -- world see -- But it definitely base of the very. Out of it will and nanos go good job great. Paul on more -- box. Look at it I think I we gotta get out of ten. Yeah we need another in totally maybe someone knows the -- and -- -- And if you do -- -- tell us about who's.

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Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

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Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

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