Ep. 1290: Web Exclusive
Ep. 1290: Web Exclusive

Ep. 1290: Web Exclusive

Here. There. Think he -- -- even -- in and day. -- -- -- search for you can think things like this. Authorities to it's making -- -- at 6 o'clock on Fifth Avenue outside the Guggenheim Museum. -- I did. And it's totally but now. We definitely it's Justin Bieber molecular little guy I don't know how bad. The -- Actions. Do which did this thing. Call blue ribbon bakery in New York. And I'm gonna do that. Totally doable with this is the show man well armed impression evidently got a little we're -- becoming an old Canada. If that they'll do divided by two -- yeah I mean it's happened -- Rockville enough for. Only three Mac dealer. -- Listen to that depends but the simple -- -- while while I'm walking to the Guggenheim. And navigating and just listen to it it's not -- -- at least that'll calm them down hopefully -- and Hugo. But to scuba diving trip to the Turks and September. Oh my that's just if it is using Google Voice transcription services it's gonna make some comparatively -- and -- -- -- Yeah writes I believe that when it's the it would have would have. Boom. I hit I'm not there and once more. I hate this kid you hit -- A little closer to the faith that I don't want. You guys are not easy to get the Android shirt on and everything. And the love those guys -- -- probably -- as the Internet address is. Companies are laden you know it probably original demo if you go -- another four seconds it was like listen to podcasts Android -- -- yeah but -- don't. I think an -- really cool -- I would put you in the face just in the while the -- It's. What is evolutionary not revolutionary. But stilts. Very. What's up it's very its its new -- -- -- video it's news. It's and that's what it is it's for today. It's funny that I mean Apple definitely does that same like. Marking technique where. You think that buying their gadgets again and increase your social life now and I don't want it like okay -- study showed he had iphones will get you laid out how -- -- actual data -- -- there is there's an -- hard data behind -- -- agents say that. Her head -- negative. -- And somehow about that was like Nike's trying to hired him I actually we didn't mean believe the Apple people in the commercials are like that hip via that I can I think -- -- The program now it had been -- read a book -- And it you know we did that story okay -- did the secret we didn't it's not in the lineup wasn't like if they. OK keep it discreet. Analysis of how to be attractive on dating sites based on a lot of -- -- not images and of people rated them they tell you what cameras are more like the -- Seriously get you dates right and who get who gets more action and on the -- -- from all the exit data they can and they found. What I found interest thing about it was not the salacious that. This latest headline is literally the iPhone users have more than. That which stands to reason interviews -- much it hurts and I say it's not a good phone it is but it's an earlier product and also scientific valley guys and take pictures with their dollars something -- more -- -- -- take it or I it's the opposite they were doing their -- got a picture -- -- that they were -- -- -- nicely says that. Expensive cameras and the time it and failed at the field that's -- -- -- -- -- that -- Android users are not nerds. Yeah that that -- Yes -- talking about our I had my point is me yes. I win. Correlation is not a period of statistical class that that's the lesson here early it's now but it and George Casey also disputed dot if you drag LA that they're not gonna be splitting -- doing cafe whenever it. Give -- spies give me the iPhone. She doesn't -- gonna -- to socialize Dayan and and a Chicago home with you generally happy because here you Enceladus -- yeah yeah. Snake oil. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's right ethnic and because I believe the message -- -- and I drive Corvette right users pain and bright and helps me keep track my sexual partners stressed that the act on and it. I am looking for the man -- your students that's a BS of the action commands are all about it that's don't have of course play it on there is no card that in I was joking about Corvette. As smokers sixteen year old so with but who let me tell you -- mistake -- it. They didn't. -- -- -- -- Rules -- Good enough about the cool stuff for the top. There. That will see what you if security expert man yeah we got all the time you make any crime here now -- It's from the start. Anything else I -- equipment but we got -- As it is that thing him. What whose via the -- that whatever. Or men on his mail and whatnot and your business. Second an enemy Chrome coming to the phone -- -- little mobile like on the Chrome extension instantly invert all of this there's more and that's part of -- -- are there at least that was enabled with for audio that you do -- and sent from Chrome for send from your -- -- from the phone -- had a browser and phone. I for Android Chrome home. When it but the I'm right. The page. Like for no my my cars -- you know here's -- my jet is is only a couple of years old. Yeah it's overdue. Seen hash -- on podcasts. And of -- now -- to see I always -- you know I always forget about it you know can you do it other and thank you. One thing I noticed without those it takes a while at the front door he added it is twenty minute yeah but better -- -- good. We're gonna get -- Alright so. -- the moon. Answer his -- news because its own. Room. This and them off on expansion. That's it yeah that's that's -- -- the next things that -- all those cigars are always happy they should be like ET phone. An arm manipulated to speak and well balanced -- marketing. Blunder in the history of the universe was and minimums not taking the deal with the original ET a payment -- and the -- Noted I think it and hence -- eat and how. -- evident yeah video share Eminem's had the ET Spielberg of the production company went to the imminent the company makes -- that we want ET. -- -- -- imminent threat. And and that's -- -- -- that they with the movie and they want to Reese's pieces which -- Reese's pieces what was new at the time right and evidence could have like. Crushed the -- because he has been that -- that no we're beyond you know the movie tie -- -- it's. Was remember that there is that movie that came out and like five years after that that was like -- except I with Pepsi was like all Pepsi sponsored. I'm I'm totally maybe like a weird fevered dream and I. -- -- like there's -- ET redo that was late. And where -- Placed is he likes this like over like -- -- pandering attempted kind of make now will marketing in working except for like Pepsi. He had -- let us know Avila I think it's a -- got the worst time to mean we've showed -- we do that do it's -- The worst time to me was the new Star Trek movie where in you know junior Kirk's Corvette that giant Nokia media player. I don't know forests. Herbal as like Nokia -- 300 years and that MP3 players that can mean the there sometime after we can. -- With -- at that time the F I was bad at that maybe I'm wrong we're just -- cause the Mike in other Google announcement might actually something interest. The publicly -- a one more thing for. Would that -- cool. All right well let's do this idea of course that idea amber and Mac immunized anyone wants to Google the image for the poster for Mac and you'll see the scariest we ET. -- -- Alien thing. Ever gripping this -- -- is about to rip -- off. -- in fact do that -- is that with a very kind of like childhood flashback that there -- the -- tell kids the movie. Gases that continue let's do it. Of the hat but now. There's another one that has like that that alien thing need to actually grabbing naked and like he's gonna. -- Anyway. As like. -- project I was a little shop or anti he -- something. -- is more like Howard the duck meets ET. Canada and electronic shouldn't the line thing yeah Apple and -- Are like Elizabeth -- -- There is like. Will a little at sea monkeys they're like sea monkeys the television sounds like him he adds that the sea monkeys thing. Terrifying Nokia -- that the CNET thank you have it broken. Up and we'll. This got a laser. That's not -- -- shirt off. I hope I hope CNET health -- can pay my therapy I believe yeah I believe there's there I believe -- -- and all the first thing what is it justice. That's why those are there I do I think those are only there for -- -- side effects had no idea in case of emergency McNamee citing. -- stand here it could happen to you soon. The vivid and you know I love them. You never that I love you hate it re elected head neck -- -- -- here and it humans well me and him. -- French are easy to offend Michelle. The thing about that that thing about an -- and I think of all the vacation that they can hear all this like -- -- and -- It's that vicinity as you write a lot of things I -- that things about it and keep the heat and Mac you know why. Is they like being offended yet Alec fields appear in I'll just -- -- I just love France Apple. Let's see if -- that. Are right headline. They -- -- that was ever -- now. -- and Google mobile. Who'll enter access Polk community. Button. Yeah I don't know why it shows that navigation example because you could totally do that -- Whatever I commit. Posted two thirds of the way through it -- like when I've done that before. If you really got it -- for that little merry little -- Andrew -- don't yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's probably watching right now. Yeah yeah exactly as like the nerdy kid used to think had -- -- hyperactive hipper than yeah I -- -- -- now. Go to the -- diner to teach kids the world and -- MySpace about introducing immediate phone. -- ring ring ring ring ring ring and youthful. If that's okay it's a while into the podcast before we get -- idea. Here I don't loans that in regards to be those in regards to. -- that this Sony and yes I do have an -- bowling inside me that -- Yeah AI is I know that he is -- Smartphones those at the Ericsson storing the Sony -- and I think -- more after idea. Under. Oath and and oh yeah now. And as permissions -- And it has individualism. It laid out of it and in the emails. And -- Oh that's right and not -- -- need it now that's -- -- -- and one. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Of course sparks Kaufman did in fact unscrew itself and become and be reborn -- -- spot right well spots -- launched into space. True and these things are very kind of rocket like that. Now what I wonder is that little dome at the top is that where your head goes -- people don't like yeah this do you think it's the out I can't pick and everything I've been updated to pay their respects this year it's an accident that that some girl so glad that so as the ground. Changes there's erosion -- the -- -- back -- -- -- It had to be really discussion of it was like and glass top cop and see interest and had disintegrating and -- Yes well yeah until -- are -- good news is they would just kind of steam out. -- need to have a windshield wipers on the inside to wipe it away. Yeah yeah. Man and are we still in -- headline vehicle. And I have an idealist but -- upward and -- This design would really cracked down on green properties you need hello and equipment -- they get in there I think did -- keep the top. The -- is if he can eat these and others say that this actually makes it did this and -- them because the the latest kind of late you can -- enough rent that the top I guess now. Speculation and a -- -- off people's heads though yeah. That's true you could you could do that it would it would actually -- greatest -- geeky -- can have you can have with these -- -- gains of like -- the ring around the the -- You know -- at the top right to be like a big the big pinball game -- that's at or give make up -- go. Kind of but like horizontal pachinko longer will announce -- Clinton -- slow yeah of the -- and mile bumper pool -- Graveyard bumper pool oh we're still live stamps and consistently now we know you health you know we didn't know we -- life as we do swear. -- -- -- -- -- All things non government has been in -- -- That's in the -- that they had. It. -- -- And than me. And you know what I was right should never -- chat room about composite video on the Apple TV it's component video's Apple -- -- Yeah his one line for RG and B I think or Ian Moore oh okay not a high definition through but it doesn't have composite outlets O'Brien Mikey the only has composite in this video in rent if that'll. I don't have component or -- -- but does the Apple -- also -- a she -- it has original mind component okay it does not have composite composite and I don't think it has it has the title race needs a new TV if you have right fair enough. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And others Curtis OS that not still not getting an Apple TV though -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and. Room everybody can send me a piece of the TV. And -- build it Heath kit style. Android phones says talk to me baby. -- that system. -- -- -- -- -- Alexander it's -- -- to me. And -- at our domain. -- a pump me baby talked me. Really that maybe -- like maybe. That -- about it it definitely sex is it a little bit I couldn't this show gotten any sexier I don't know. Not really know you want to know they really couldn't be any segment that. -- this content -- -- -- -- School lunches and and renews. Voice control for Android from 300 interviews -- for -- users. And -- and (%expletive) off then it's been -- It's. Apple for extra over and stand in peace. It right. -- -- V. Sexy time with the Big Three. Yeah okay. A -- out -- doesn't cleavage and -- Russia. -- -- -- -- Man whose knowledge insight from revolting movies movies movies movies movies movies. Written on it at that -- And it. And -- Should we do agreements today. We have any yeah sure how to -- and and a couple appointment and look at -- text and looked at at the. It. -- -- -- -- I would notary mixed today dammit yet we're bucking the trend we haven't had one last few days and I've been hold -- -- one I've been kind of hoping that I collect if you and you know it's definitely obviously slowed down but this one. Is by someone who sent in if you remixes in the past -- -- and very get a composition. Jim calls this the chicken dance remixes. I call it the -- Consider -- you'll -- -- the Casio keyboard demo re max. I'll you know I'm not -- for both you guys yeah all this other -- as good as it -- the -- do -- aren't of the same levels that -- ago. -- Advanced classes as -- Yeah oh last crash yeah -- -- -- well love. CN. It's like general -- does the chief investment -- And get stuff -- very well written. We need to work that into a demo. On -- keyboard so that when you go music you know keyboard shopping you can hit the demo button and I'll sleep with -- -- -- button. What's this residents of the demo but it's -- appeal -- -- If -- didn't but it didn't. -- And then somewhere on the keyboard you could find the glass breaking her sound effect it to make your own. Hello Tampa earlier in a good job -- -- go thank you. It. -- -- I'd like to -- more like -- -- And what they're still an infinite number of musical. Onerous -- -- are out there are not an infinite number of people to make. And there are any number of -- -- -- -- political aggregate and remixes from the same I don't wanna avoid -- that we've had about a week of a wall everybody that has to recharge the creative batteries now and we still haven't had a country western reflects. Or big band. I'm still waiting for the auto tune -- it really goes it -- -- catalog and she's out you know good moments and make song -- -- -- -- on my favorite bands you might be something that's yeah excellent man. The thing is swinging that particularly candidate beat -- Then buzz out loud nut zippers -- either way. But humans are so he thought it had been -- that song -- that would be aren't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Winners and the panel -- awards -- -- -- say it'll be winners there's some. We we can't -- week. Right. You -- it even if anything you can -- Thank you -- they will make -- not driving to run me down in truck. Oh no no it's at the time with the and the and we're -- it. Leahy -- -- -- -- yeah -- -- Coakley was gonna got a awesome yeah. I don't I do not approve of magnetic. Dailies and it right there. Purpose. If you did it or -- solid -- the and yet. Bigger then ever I got an iPhone case I got one of these 29 dollar. In case perforated cases which is really cool. And I got it on eBay for dollar -- and -- It's to two weeks to arrive it was probably in off the back of the truck or. Enough of this gonna break in a week or whatever. A really big. It did not prevent me from getting a Mundo scratching my iPhone though I can also see why you got this -- it does have kind of that. Start tricky. Is that we will -- -- -- integrate. Yet looks like Medicare hadn't really thought about that boasted it's the into my subconscious now I've I've learned from him. And I Paisley who they are both here if this is the thing though with -- idea this -- a little -- In the field what I really like credits I was always afraid I was gonna drop the phone just spoke last medal this gives me some Baxter writes when -- sweaty hands on. For the phone. The federal informant there's not more information that they want now I mean it's it's it's the phone but -- man boobs term moved age it's just gonna hit this -- being found a -- right here it wonderful. There any reason and it'll all by itself get into the move -- Oh you want to use it. If they're good.

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