Ep. 125: PSN still down, Nintendo's next big thing, and a video game quiz
Ep. 125: PSN still down, Nintendo's next big thing, and a video game quiz

Ep. 125: PSN still down, Nintendo's next big thing, and a video game quiz

Monday afternoon everybody thinks -- -- -- does raise the curtain is about to rise. There because -- bigger writing that there. Now has. Amazing the last minute demo over the last minute shuffling and everything actually worked out and I guess here we are. The -- was gone. And at Johnson is actually addicted to -- iPad is that -- is giant iMac he's got the eye candy and here I'm very excited about that I feel like you now one of its liberal sitting here chanting. Line of blown out of. The -- -- come down the big iMac -- come down. -- -- -- By your microphone is is is actually kind of person right now to go to court because it works before we tested it I -- -- -- But it over here did you just move that plug. Not just I'm privileged and stuff -- -- vote yes -- agencies that were there gonna you. When in doubt don't unplugged something from Meredith and -- you -- somewhere else as it -- tech -- tip of the day that's. That's -- -- -- -- paper in college or you're gonna do that. Tell someone gap and save it -- a good idea should I didn't think bands -- security heard that's -- a lot. And you're back -- it and plugged -- that I -- -- Tahoe picnic equity could not just unplug your your ethernet adapter from. It was as simple as unplugging ethernet port. The whole thing froze now lost on my entire final paper you hit save not always say -- -- -- as -- government. I thought I thought to myself some bread plate pulling this -- out of a -- And I know it happens. Quite a celebration -- I influence. But I actually speaking of -- -- -- were talking about that new WiMax are rumored. To be coming next week with little fanfare but I guess -- Mac fans will be a big deal right. Everybody has heard -- -- me I firth yeah for the Twitter account of what mr. Brian Tong. One of our San Francisco. Colleagues. Not -- they don't need the -- Macs have always been. Nicely featured any -- and they don't include Blu-ray which affect a lot of people want in an iMac but I guess we'll have the new processors also thunderbolts. It's a school for external hard titles being the high speed connection that you can plug anything into yet because they don't have anything right exactly and then what are you checking on that yet. I mean you what you -- stack of external hard drives if you -- into that sort of thing -- not gonna really. I don't think -- movies much excitement for monitors and as as it would be for a laptop -- -- -- -- -- MB beastie did you get any help because you haven't I -- -- or any other. I just for my list of high speed data points that laptops either do -- do not have -- -- -- them USB three eSATA or now -- right. The you don't have one of those -- your laptop you're probably pretty budget he lapped up every current than -- we just think of the phone and there's a phone to its share of and of course the -- things called thunderbolt that come out of sky. You don't understand initiative -- call -- -- Is is that it teaches them in turn that into Billy that's in the big -- that this guy just -- out there yes. Which is available on Netflix streaming -- and why some mixes AM and black no I'm David Petraeus they're gonna flat out these diplomatic crisis ice is I did I know you have these seventies TV show where he travels. The back woods in a van and with a creepy old guy. Anesthesia but if I was to busy washing -- Marty croft up all those other -- world what's used in Asia is what's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not to interrupt this little trip down memory lane -- have to ask is just of this addicted to the iPad during the days of the Redlands. The these happen -- sliding on it all the time. -- he tried to convince you to get one. Now he has to convince me to get one thing he's just -- by using it by osmosis you'll go I can happily -- I love you -- this is like. I -- he uses if he's -- -- Honda's models always pretty much you know uncle vegan and you know -- everything has infinite. It does just look at. I was. His mother did say that but is it has a huge thanks Canada and seven inch Apple iMac in front of him now but that NASA's -- -- and he's he's watching movies and everything on iPad 2 January. While toys and I. What is evidence and -- what is out here and enhance political of his own -- -- there -- -- testing stuff. It's yeah report luncheon today at lunch to never leave the places in a monitor how to break I'm I'm sorry I don't smoking -- cancer and outside twenty minutes or forty minutes today. We don't seem even on some more you see -- taking a break my bad. Sort of the exit what I like about my that is when you come to talk to get very good if you -- to talk to me these electric network plus -- yeah if you talk to you. If you -- -- to me what talked to me. Whoever personal -- to come into audio -- we'll give you that. You'd you'd tell me that you finished will affect treaty game on the iPad infinity infinitely and curriculum -- level virtually visit at the same game over and over and over again until you -- street view right there a look at that how we know that's. -- I'm just give -- are you on an idea I went CNET TV or live dot cnet.com -- -- -- -- alignments of the com works on the iPad and even. And that -- Which didn't seem to come up less -- a -- when a consumer they said okay because it -- videos if you go to CNET TV the -- work but if you watch videos and on -- news and are working and maybe there and via. -- If if you on hold -- to the camera you'll actually devolved into itself and will cause they care in -- -- -- continue. As as as Scott probably learned from watching -- this weekend that your. You wanted and you -- the that it wants the new season though the new -- -- the previous season the Matt Smith season. S -- this is I have the -- obsessing on my iPad I am now finishing in much delayed. The viewing of last season while my wife were disruptive and I'm up to you just because you're gonna watch it actually says Vincent know that that's terrible -- was really. I feel they can look like a step three after three episodes left I think against -- I missed -- watch them all together now. Five Doctor Who episodes in a row in one day that's a lot even from it gives you weird dreams plus a bad burger. Hours you -- -- Battlestar Galactica crazy when I got turned on that thing I usually the -- of -- new doctor that I went to that I went through that entire series. -- like all a little over a month. Was -- and now I didn't want second episode a game froze. A celebrity out of of that. -- reload of the -- I learned await. And political season build up and they get at all what you've been all of Australia cited the -- -- -- -- box that's a bright room stricter -- -- governor have you watching if they did. First it was okay. -- wasn't wasn't extraordinary -- But I'm -- going back -- are saying about sandy bridge IMAX and I'm more excited about. The upcoming potential for sandy bridge MacBook years. It seems like it makes sense that can cram it into a very small laptop as we've seen with that again Samsung nine in and add -- and -- -- more and that Lenovo X one that leaked over the weekend -- -- I'm not a secret anymore. That's very good show to run a very the reason they can't do that I don't know if they do it. Over the summer about whenever they get around to it -- -- before. While some decent microphone is globally that things that I heard that on the goes -- -- -- something. -- some undercurrent while -- in discovery. Okay what's that. The continuous identification. Check out that for some -- -- -- program has -- -- this way and literally my iPad aren't -- -- I don't know what happens. It turns that off from -- -- another -- battery -- -- if it turns it off from the booty. I definitely -- UK to me with a very important. Where it is causing new a lot of stress and that is that the PlayStation network still -- -- -- five days later what the hell happened there. Thank god. Think -- inflating games obviously. There's no thank I had no thank god associated with I think they -- -- object that got up and yet. That was known as the with the -- and replace -- -- -- Netflix. So about -- idea -- -- I mean you know but I work for -- our -- is neither does Hulu plus and have them both down on it here ever Mariam. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Scott in your experience the PlayStation network being down means you cannot -- acts as Netflix and stuff. Yeah so for me you cannot deny that it cannot get -- between offline bots right well yet they couldn't get Netflix -- couldn't get Hulu plus. I could rent a movie on voodoo I was able -- okay. Rent and watch social network in the middle of the doubt and -- -- -- but listeners really wanna know can you access BD -- I. Feel that I don't think so I think it could that's not tied into your PS -- accountant anyways if India it's. Whatever the whole thing is very frustrating yeah you know what I like you I've learned to use IPS three as a as my sort of media box this issue for Hulu plus. Not having that now my wife says to me while I can't watch anything on -- for her the PS3. Is just the Hulu plus -- TV yes and now that's not working instead to us and sure it'll come back at some point by. It gonna be a little faster on this and then work credit card numbers compromised or not. Well as it is it is that the cooking and advocate of is it that -- you only station -- so I don't don't I don't purchase they estimate that -- at that volume -- -- -- the stores. It's just so they haven't. Well but if you wanna buy downloadable games to get a card yeah okay yes but. But I. Have -- -- is it I wish I -- -- what is -- like down -- elected they just disable it for now until they figure out exactly what we're not -- okay I -- they admitted they manually flip the switch and data they're gonna buy out and did not exist under maintenance and -- -- that they may have that the switch that we know until we can. You know make this a secure environment we're not gonna have right I'm gonna risk anybody's information. Or any more information. And I really -- that's an excellent point insisting they should have brought a -- ability. I'm on desktops on you wanna go back at these Sony only nice thing about the anonymous group does is making sure people understand that this wasn't them. I have a YouTube have a YouTube channel where they use. I fox. As yet as the image and bring -- -- style. -- and think and and then. But he didn't now but. The either pretty much saying anonymous my knowledge is not attacking the PlayStation network attack -- the PS and would make no sense at this time we don't know why the Houston is down. Sony's response has been acknowledged there's a problem the biggest -- were aware of certain functions of PlayStation network and down and to promise not the situation isn't as as as it's available sound. There denying any involvement. I mean -- initially said that they dated one and you know you know anyone to discredit me can discover for in the users -- was the problem with Sony they had. And that's why they went after the Sony website not necessarily places of network in the beginning. He actually well publicized daily updates are better than the sort of disappearing into a green mile which happens where -- ago is a back up I don't really know. Only check again it's not applications however each day or as much -- it out the word out as fast as possible. Everything is every distilled down sorry what they were and what everybody has -- -- email associated with the -- and -- silica. I'm sorry emails every -- exactly on the network saying were sorry now we're working on it on as of now we don't have time for him when will be back at what -- millions and you are. It's enough to keep flipping the switch is going up again and sometimes you you know that the paranoid attack -- feels like they're they're doing saying wrong. Might think that may be their connections is a problem -- something even though it says. And being that you might think always singing in my router is not plugged in right I don't re booting their routers are ongoing puzzling thing -- -- first things I call a friend dude can you get online. Can communal art. -- -- diets and an expert at the weekend and your art -- -- or -- you're comfortable FaceBook fan page is from. While it gets left to stay tuned in day and see what happens -- just wanna take a brief positive mention that I've got in my -- right here ten new questions six new question often. Largely the videogame Friday -- again you -- should do -- -- -- fantastical prizes. So if you'd like to play our little trivia game let Julie know that chat room. There -- little guys well. Either don't have the information when there were. PS on the face lack -- atmosphere like I guess. It is our guys work this out well initially I had been there -- supposedly -- but you came and he didn't and I told him. Okay. That's a very -- is -- do you have any contestant for us humans to be one thing I've. Okay. If the in the -- -- news. All these guys looking that up and that is our little game show where I asked these guys questions they play for people in the chat -- and with the -- fabulous prizes. Which has stacked up behind me which -- will show you shortly or and by the way are obvious looking. I'll do the random number for the winner of the StarCraft said today okay as wanted to give a whole week for the -- to be on. -- give everyone -- shared sense I would point out somebody else who's winning besides our chat room readers and that design AMD that AMD fusion chip that we've reviewed in the -- medium one -- a bunch of other little laptops. It's -- doing quite well they say they've shipped three million of those things. And it's probably the first to -- they've had in many many many years. My levels and 1116. Laptops we looked at a really nice -- there are residents of a -- Intel also doing very well which gives lie to that kind of like age of the tablet PCs are dead sort of story that people been propagating -- just not true right. People are buying more computers and their buying more tablets I guess everybody wins for now at least until the bottom falls out of something. It's a happy time our Wi-Fi assumption. But we only that are ready back when I started working -- like. Five and a half almost six years ago that's when. AMD was on -- -- -- was was conceived to be much better than Intel in terms of desktop -- for a little while then this -- -- the first time they've really -- a lot of good. Good luck since that's I think that's kind of cool it's the return. And we want is to briefly while -- Julie Julie are looking for chat room parlors it's Josh Josh it was a -- an error can -- Jobs that you put up on the FaceBook podcast is he in the chat room. What -- -- I told him that because he was -- last week and we didn't do laughs okay that's one says one analyst. I have a space. That doesn't bug me. You -- in San Francisco -- all we -- I don't know what his his his well Amy. Her name because -- to reach out to McVeigh's got everything just -- -- he may not be listening live right now but he's gonna be a participant now I understand to the other -- people will be in the chat room. And they are -- on an -- Well I've iPad 2.0 okay okay devices iPad 2.0 and -- never -- work it -- in your Josh. You can Josh is Johnston. -- now there's a third what Julie all right. That's what I said it is and -- say you say when you said when you -- when you said. Are you have a third participant. -- -- -- okay I like that though Scott is this guy named Josh I'm Josh goes it is -- -- 2.0. And you are. -- 09. Days every dozens and it got that down somewhere. Now stupid and I did it and I don't have a -- just as you do us okay. I -- -- got to -- for look at look at dude as -- I just sitting here why -- -- -- -- Dude I'm using -- right here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- did you have some coffee today -- -- repopulates which -- And internationally -- -- -- the -- -- that has you can't -- I think the sunny weather on Sunday until that are raining of course that three you laugh. Then I went -- to Brooklyn yesterday -- that's crazy -- perhaps it. I got to train in every had a -- I'm not even kidding I literally got the translator is gonna be there when I -- a lot about -- -- it -- -- Now if I -- -- that included severance appeared when speed is island GE. Your and I went to at the Brooklyn fleeing the other at flea market -- beer years into your agenda here at that your security -- and this man not of what has been your other sounds like beer any employee of yours is a view that's -- Like I facial hair gentlemen -- veer back and hated it and you William -- -- we -- gonna promise or back and to areas Iowa. We've done far Toronto urge congress -- Have gone far too off topic if there's anyone left listening now we're going to please contributing to what surprises -- Italian and -- -- Prizes also anybody -- -- know Verizon's planning on releasing a universally. IPhone five that could be user -- and actually just like the eighteenth he -- before we go along and the distinct from -- stories here. There -- -- -- a time -- not -- high time that and tomorrow we well we don't know a -- will the new Nintendo -- -- account right downloadable content only. No Canada and are they gonna talk that we are they gonna come the holy name bit HD we have -- we agency -- barely any storage space on the -- -- announced I don't think they're gonna read that enough will. Will be -- free will we be a cloud service that their games come out so infrequently ago. While -- here's okay I'll I'll I'll give you one round roundtable question. This new Nintendo console which they announcing mated to the treaty of producing a yelling at them that's gonna range for Jones -- details of what's -- -- -- solicitors part of an analyst noted Brazill PDF -- -- -- -- My big question is will it have the Wii -- a completely different name yes -- -- got. Yes it will have the -- will be the week that numeral two apps that'll let something like quick and it's got that it'll be only to -- -- -- think it'll be something with the week for a time when like like. Revolution we hear something -- -- BHD. Going to be -- HD -- that people know outside its. Okay well -- a partial agreement out of money that we game against so while I think this is different it of that that the -- in there. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We -- Aren't we ready for our first question here which -- run through the the first re Verizon for not out of -- her first prize is gonna be. These collectible crisis to sneakers -- shown to you know what else can. Let you know I can't speak to their small size is uncertain sound like size nine but there could collect money from on your -- I don't -- -- -- -- -- there -- -- desire -- man -- -- is that we will save the question for them. It definitely there and over the -- to be warned them more like the cool thing you can display and I actually don't have -- my office for them anymore so Scott here's a question Josh opened a small fee. And are you ready when this four yes no misgivings -- -- Fitness plan that the company -- a size nine display. If you're issues yes. It in 1986 fail. This guide to complicate this question is a complicated to -- through. In in 1986 film one character asks another what he's carrying indicates. The answer is June this exchange -- the title the groundbreaking shooter do what movie was. Do you understand the question. Some men. In a movie in 1986 has asked what's in your K what's your case in business -- doom John carnac saw that movie and said well I'm gonna name my game -- what movie is this. The question. Major Hollywood movie -- of security anyway. But the big -- But -- thought project. 86. Commando. That's an excellent -- but it -- -- justice. There's no such things and if -- on the arm as an incorrect -- I guess you could I I don't particularly close at all right she does it. 86 yes. Can you can you please tell me one of the people in them I told you there -- a lot of -- dive can you give me once I cannot post are now. Premise now. I don't -- any that would make it far too obvious as a great second guess now that's definitely the let's let's let's hear a cloak and dagger that nobody is -- there's two I like that I would also is not a fantastic that might -- -- IP Julie. What he got for earth. Just think eighty's I mean that did it as the really huge movie that -- was ever -- your progress against that onions and sea ice which is -- and altitudes vlan area. -- I really think let me -- the thought process. -- and a know -- there weren't even that many big movies that people remember from back then so you're probably fairly likely to be at least in the ballpark. If you can remember -- yeah that's the thing I don't know her command that we could -- content with Debbie Coleman while on that one out. Of bonjour and humanities at some -- -- -- it when you're in your site ballpark is -- point apparently -- -- Let's hear any movie became on the eighties tend to think abandoning them -- -- Let them. Order to get rid of sneakers and I thought this would not be so high fat actress are lucky winner -- trophies at random differently. I got straight yes I know it's like an account -- say yes you Graham dance nobody. By -- and are ready by accident what kind of caseload that it was a pool -- case the movie was the color of money with Tom Cruise. Paul Newman says do you know what -- -- in that -- do -- Q okay and -- John -- was like I'm gonna make a movie that the creatures from hell out. Think again. Hacker club and I'm glad I artists don't -- your house commando close we came out may -- and I thought they were good educated guesses on -- All right Justin you get that lets him this is for a Wii classic controller we tried to give -- -- -- -- times has not happened yet that's different from island. I'm gonna give you a -- -- this is a multiple choice music. -- his question really should surely true false. These personas as -- -- -- -- question I'll give you two percentage points plus or minus on either side of -- in 2010. What percentage of video games that were released were rated MM for mature and 2010 last year -- the whole year to -- a certain percentage of games that came operated -- that was being rated T or whatever. We're talking about all console. In August he called video games -- is Adobe's G. Art of the biggest let's get -- -- you're looking and little evil. I I got four minutes to get to the rest of -- -- attached here you can did you guys. There's a -- The evils. Out -- -- like really good but that's what what's the name says and you two vehicles. -- Quickly quickly give -- a number. -- -- 76%. 56%. Of all games were M rated games that is an interesting get positive the other is a very violent at Tampa nearly 76 -- would like to -- -- I'd like to hear your estimate of how many games let iGoogle personalized. Were rated him. -- -- I bet that that's also a good gets very different from Joseph 76 also not unfortunately close enough to call it win. But I am gonna be -- within a few points got we got point 25%. Wow you guys have really been shooting all around the -- -- 56% seventeen point 4% so I would take -- -- -- and five point I think going to be -- all games across all areas and all the and Alice. Sparkle pony game sort of has announced that clay houses 17% of your -- and that's not a -- electric and like the blood. You know you're going out what I experience -- -- reality on the current I was asked to give that he -- -- prayer day is seven. You know Batman three game are. -- -- Uncharted. A man all right I gotta get much enjoyed M yes its should be isn't they they currently attracts them but it's now it's the but they -- -- the -- a lot of blood. Because sometimes they -- so but it's an energy movie whose members live in upwards and into a -- Loads. Words -- -- -- bad guys. A -- -- my my my. My -- begin your next week I'll pay a lot. He's got on and in the north QX -- how that how the tools to -- these kind of small yeah he brings in his back so desperately clinic or write you an agreement to offer is bring -- back up as rewind it. So much fun people wanna see what's next what's next is Dragon Age inflatable swords and -- -- OT shirt -- how about this album I like everything I had. -- had ask the question how about you but of sink how about you give. Us a choice to pick that of the sneakers that we get the question right now. I -- of share -- part of their real bullets at you -- Clearly this is your question anyway. It's a good deal if that was the biggest thing that's -- I got what country band Pokemon games in 2001. Him we -- the time. Think about -- any an entire. Very popular series of games. Other -- of -- maybe some of the -- -- but specifically talking about. What -- countries -- things all -- the -- -- -- deemed repressive country you're probably gonna be in the ball. The Middle East somewhere in the east. Lot of repressive countries around the world as well let's hear one. Where would you not like to be right now. Here -- -- Tuesday a lot of -- -- that a lot of places and not like to me. Let's -- and really united yet again not -- -- -- you get got mine in 2000 ones is a while ago. I would say just around is gonna go with this -- -- -- China. That's an excellent guest that was led by the click of your Pokemon is not quite big jet that was my kind of maturity -- that seem pretty strange controversial I just. It wasn't an -- -- constraints you pick a small country. Can you tell me what they have and is currently do they -- turbines -- Yeah who have app froze the I get it at an -- thing that is an inch staying at Cleary I I cannot give you any additional information. But please let me hear you're -- -- of reaching in the poker face -- -- release -- of the -- -- -- since the -- and -- -- on fish authority we have several options to get him. If you get -- repressive country means the repressive country that any of believe can -- -- He took my guess China's this horror pleasant here remember that there are many more price area are far lower -- -- it's -- -- on the game of the object in game oriented as well -- -- which -- and have game stops of it and did not. Those that I like your thought process I've played here and I'm gonna call time and it gives you can't you're right but elected Campbell playing video. I need your -- we'll -- -- correct. Let's go in the country right now. -- Pakistan and -- -- your guests and -- huge orbital game -- like -- and every time. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- China's -- you gotta go the next country in the draft. Okay I'm gonna tell you equipment you name could direct effect I've worked with -- -- Incorrect however that's probably closer -- Scott because they promoted both gambling and zionism Saudi Arabia -- Pokemon time and place them. It promotes science and that's what they -- Saudi Arabia which I -- I don't -- -- that argument that's all right are using -- not confusing argument. A many questions that now. Gambling you know that's relaxed let's run through a little bit quicker pleased we are back to Scott again and got this is something you actually -- -- throughout the other day and -- right now are the yeah -- unit under an agreement on a windows or reference okay this is a collectible tin and -- -- motor storm game inside is a 3-D mouse pad. Some postcards. And other collectibles. Brutal storm apocalypse is actually really -- -- -- T Koehler. The particular mouse pad and this and who post cards and stuff so if you like PlayStation like motor storm you mechanical if you like -- -- -- the network right now. Well by the time -- -- apocalypse comes out a constant reminder you know you'll be able on the network. Why are you ready no I got -- this is such an easy question of when there -- this is just -- the timing worked out. On if you don't get this I'm really surprised. He was the first sports video game with real life players endorsing it and represented in it. And it does seem like it -- -- easily -- if you guys I'm thinking it's a trick question and it's it's -- -- demand -- In correct incorrect really. Nasty it was a good double think that I just I so you're gonna happen I definitely. Tech mobile was like that but what what real life athletes -- -- mobile -- like Bo Jackson had gotten the original tech mobile effort got. President and -- per -- -- at first purely. Own talent have the -- laid out. I wanna get get the end we get to asses of. And this is -- I didn't think the about a version and well -- that both the first sports video game -- real life players have representative. As opposed to generic -- -- and Atari 2600 football. -- technical. It's -- -- us is that. Can you name one. -- -- -- A -- got a guest at my joining a reduction they'll get dribble the real answer is got to be Jordan -- bird incorrect it is doctor. They don't when things I don't wanna thinking -- they turn a hundred I all I have authority whose act TJ I have that damn game and it. All have led to an Apple and -- yes we all -- at one joystick defense and headed for the -- like thousands myself pixel basketball -- you the keyboard and office of the joystick itself -- -- -- closest to your with the Jonas I know that's a good question in reference it ever the well you know how to fake out the disease else got this is so easy to listen -- sports question and you. I mean I thought you were playing football and thought I thought you were playing with BP said this is like a layup. Of -- got. Now. Totally I think you're dead in my mind you're messing with me when you said it's a -- up. It's -- million -- it's amazing on the mind to stop feature pack a big arcade as a tech mobile that was it. I was even thinking like on the PC -- -- right now I get a great price here -- decent I'm never gonna use these -- there for you guys now 2000 Wii points. Who wanted. I don't that's great I'll write about can be tough question I do this for us it's no -- I care if I oh c'mon man I tell it the semifinals when you get their first crack at -- The stuff when this might be more of Scotts Valley also I admit but well that's what has -- -- -- get right and it. This is about the text now we have PlayStation questions we had class two gaming questions this is an Xbox. -- 59 dollars -- -- Xbox development and the guys basically invented the Xbox -- He listed a particular -- five book is required reading for the Xbox 36 development team. He was so inspired by this book he said everyone working on this project have to read this book what was MacBook. The smooth -- by the door that -- the good yeah. The movie and television but don't look it was not -- -- -- agree come. Found its guns. An -- minimum. It scifi -- I just said I find -- an -- were adequate to cover look like I don't know close the government there -- that's good -- but in direct. Do it. He -- Wii points on the lot for it Jim -- It's gonna there are adamantly ultimately. This. But he -- I I feel like you and hoses you might although you may not a -- I'm not familiar with this -- -- the -- -- Recommended. Listed as required reading for people on the it's -- Steve because he was so inspired by. Well first of all is your friend's name TJ Allard. Yes but they're not related and I'm not because -- again is there are some okay. The answer I would think this may be -- you've heard of maybe it's not and probably you're doing video games in taking on line -- -- -- snow crash. There you go wow Neal Stephenson 1992 cyberpunk epic snow crash and -- -- -- war. Half say they have to read this book and you can on the Kindle I write scrapbook. Is look at -- Feels these things got very little bit and I'm surprised that day and it gets one and so excited that an audience that and if for the record I get that it was -- the first sign of -- FaceBook network that's that's Nintendo minding your -- problems the service is up and running so you sign up first or FaceBook you get sky. -- -- of second you get me who if that I. It's really doesn't -- -- -- -- -- -- driver for third seeded Julie I I have one question left and I'll tell you what. I got the I -- -- sneakers I got the Wii classic controller I got the motor storm collectible tin -- with males had. And they've got the Dragon Age sword and T shirt whoever wins this can take whatever they want and -- your documents to go to -- -- I was surprised that this I did not notice an -- once again and it's got probably does its monopoly you might go to defuse notions about these. -- We don't have. Like is that it's. Very important to ensure vault of well I had enough close today -- -- -- these are pretty darn close UN have did you know that Nintendo owns a major -- American sports franchise. He missed it. -- only works steam this -- in America. But they gotta suck seen another system and this well if that's gonna went to -- knocking him. He's in the sport. I don't know if -- nine. Countdown. Got -- -- this. Should be self evidence. Why should be self evident because it absolutely no political scenarios. Have been so now okay okay -- Q you say in that is I guess that anything about it it assures Illinois of clips and sports enthusiasts. And equity -- which is not gonna make it to me because like I know me know where and you know what kind of blues and our news wow I got the -- -- -- -- -- and Nintendo think where -- you could frankly we're there and what we didn't intend to people. With cities and helps you probably -- I'm victories all these Japanese this is like to -- -- now if there's American -- okay and when it goes demands. You think -- let me say. I just said Greece the idea what city might in -- -- and they'll hang out in Europe and that baseball that any -- with the Mariners. I guess -- This Joseph said that Jesus that's why I'm an old doesn't see them talk and only show you -- it. You got guys Gregory got an arrow you -- your person wins his choice of any of these -- -- -- I want to get Atlantis got did very well it's got an excellent I have been asked after chat room where they were from the good executive editor. A female legend -- later -- have any of these things. All right look at it to do -- Scott you the first when he said the who's at the word where I will say that we can go right through the day and I can say baseball just a bit. You can see baseball I didn't say it that's all I and other what you beyond those instead of Japanese Baseball team I think notes and -- in franchise. But you really think about between basketball hockey baseball and football. Eight point in these days. -- That didn't companies don't like well -- -- I. Yeah I. -- viewed edited and then. Plays a lot of baseball that they love I like my Brothers first asked that all of the hockey and football exactly so that's the specific. America government next time they're big treasure aboard the affordable service. If you keep going -- and I've I have I'm bringing a little egg timer of political upheavals that blizzard and that it -- -- twenty minute cell. I drive by to thank you for listening I have hardly surprising. It's 340 you've gotta go a mile if I'm here please that's true fidelity. I -- a fun loving guy I have thought just find it comet I've I've had some sort of -- on a fun -- you're not sure that -- -- Angela they'll occur for another reason -- -- actors usually excited about this I'm gonna read this. After a little dated but it's as they finish moving the -- he -- put the reading -- -- Very well on the Kindle and really seems very for go to today's idea to get an agreement replica of your iPad. I prefer the Kindle that -- I love and I -- that -- and that's what's good about me and I've had retrieved toggle and eating program -- -- verses I mean having -- what technology wants which is a little. -- creating green eggs and -- doctor issues with -- -- He's -- greetings 2.0. -- Duval street exit that I guess I'm gonna -- -- its us.

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