Ep. 101: The rise of the connected consumer
Ep. 101: The rise of the connected consumer

Ep. 101: The rise of the connected consumer

I -- welcome to reporters' roundtable episode number 101. -- -- needle and a San Francisco. Hey you know we are in the middle of a revolution in consumer commerce the connected consumer. You and me. -- -- we no longer reliant catalogs or price information we no longer rely on the blue shirts in the stores for buying advice. Now we're using social networks a search for stuff we're getting buying price information with our scanners are start Smartphones Smartphones Smartphones. As are walking through stores. We're connected all the time for a social sphere. -- it is changing the way the consumer operates and as we move into Black Friday a photo of you really -- thinking to discuss. -- there's a very very Smart -- been tracking these types of trends for years and he is my guest today Brian Solis. Welcome back to reporters' roundtable. He was on once before -- is the author of this book the end of business as usual. Rewire the -- -- work to succeed in the social. Consumer -- hang -- the end of business as usual rewire the way you work to succeed in the consumer revolution. Like -- that he was on the roundtable by the year and a half -- discussing social media and currently is a principal of the up senator group. And the -- research based advisory firm Bryan thanks to combat in -- -- you it's always good to see you just this book and -- you just looks like an ordinary business spoke you took all the. Air out of the pages -- this is like an eight point type with no spacing between the lines there's a lot of influence here here. There -- there's a -- nine and you look there's a shortage of great advice out there in terms of how to run a business is no shortage of advice vote okay that's the that's another way to put it. But -- -- what is missing is the density and the values in the density in terms of just how significant these times are and what you need to do. Yes so your thesis in this book is that the connected consumer. Is changing the way people run commerce. So explain that in a nutshell men you know we can go on there's there's a lot of stuff in here America and the country you know I've actually always wanted know how you explain something in a nutshell but I will very small type. Folded over many times stuck in the show and given somebody as a gift of cannot cultivate the fortune cookie treatment -- The thesis is actually. Quite. Basic them but profound in that is. Technology is changing how consumers -- More importantly is changing how consumers make decisions how others influence. How -- influenced how they influence know they find and share information is treating me a dedicated segment of consumers. Businesses are trying to reach. Consumers as an audience. When in fact this segment of consumers are not. Actually reached at all by the way into. The and one of the things that I am always -- -- thing about retail and about consumer buying. Is that growing up for me always seem to be a little bit of of an adversarial relationship. I wanna get something from these guys for -- low price they wanted me to pay as much as possible they money they -- they want to steal my money. And I want to stop them from stealing and I want to steal the product from them and maybe that's just the culture from but it always felt -- not necessarily. Evil but definitely. Fight. Is that changing. -- exchanging it let you have your traditional consumer even to some extent have your online or digital that's right because -- -- -- want to business I don't know I don't. This connected consumers though. If that's really what it's about I -- sure they'll tell you that they want discounts and promotions but don't you things like I want. Advance information before you release it to the public because I feel special because I'm connected. I would like to be recognized for -- stature with an online community. If I have a problem I want to take it to Twitter or FaceBook and I want you to reply enemy. So there's this sense that they have found most privileged. Access to the organization whether they do or not. But businesses -- structure to deal with that at all today does not even as much as as it is about commerce as it is just about the consumer business relationship at the commerce level. -- If you even get on -- buys something they're willing to pay more for it if they believed that they're gonna get better service for you mean just look at Apple for example I mean. You pay 2000 dollars for notebook when you can go in -- blue shirt networking again. One for 399. Them. The reality is is that in fact a lot of data that shows this is that -- connected consumer. No longer wants to hear your email your website they don't wanna go -- the call senator I am customer jungle to try to get support. In fact they're willing to pay up to a third more for a product if they can actually know that they're gonna get something great you know that they're gonna get your attention they need. That doesn't sound revolutionary -- -- doesn't -- you. In terms of the commercialization that you had you want the best price and you wanted to -- -- that best prize that that's not -- as important at all to the connected consumer interest. So we're heading into the holiday buying season Black Friday -- is a week from today. Notional price by the way -- -- shop and monies were becoming. And then Cyber Monday is coming up -- How is that different now I mean we've had Cyber Monday is a fairly new event but Black Friday has been with us for a long time how has that changed. In today's. World of the connected consumer in the mobile consumer the FaceBook consumer. Well aside from needing extra security at the doors Wal-Mart and the connecting consumer -- is going to come. Well first of all there's there's two levels can connect to consumers and is hyper connected consumer they're gonna wait -- Monday. -- other connect the consumer is going to try to take advantage of these deals on Friday and they're going to go armed with their Smartphone so -- like red laser. Maybe some -- -- code readers and there are going to start shopping while -- shopping to make sure they are getting the absolute best deal. -- they're gonna check with their friends are gonna ask questions about certain products in action and -- human right decisions they bring the sort of like this virtual army with him into the store. And if they don't find the best deal -- the best opportunity while they're there they're willing to lead. There are also willing to take the phone at the customer service since I can get this look for less if I go down the street you -- -- match the prize so talk to me about. How are a lot of people in this audience are one way or the other end they in the consumer connected economy -- -- in retail or. Somehow connected to this. The reawakening yearly reawakening of the consumers native American consumer. How does somebody who deals with this consumer. And what new skills they need to know. For example when a customer conductance as the spark you have on the shelf -- get a for ten dollars less on Amazon. How do you train them to deal that what they say and your hat's gonna really be question because that's actually starts. Within the organization that within the hub within the core of the organization the company to brand -- retailer -- -- you wouldn't want -- They have to first recognized that this consumer exists because last year the big challenge -- is connecting consumer faced was they did go to customer service to -- -- get fruitless and Amazon. And they said I'm sorry we only match prices that it's a -- -- -- and so it starts to be quite at that basic levels so now it's a matter process. Are we going to allow people are we gonna match prices -- they could show it to its online Amazon was the big beneficiary last year those types of circumstances. These people are willing to drive -- some as far away its fifteen minutes it's had few dollars has -- more gas it's the principle that all. Have but it starts with a or the organization to recognize that these customers are important to their bottom line. And that they need to start changing processes in the culture of those processes. To to adapt to them now one of the big things happen especially in the last. Year or so -- in the rise of all these deals sites and group ponds and stuff like that. Basically educating the consumer. Something that my tribe has known for thousands of years. Which is that retail nobody pastry. So -- and we're moving to the retail buying season on what effect has a group on etc. hat on people's. Willing to see you saying that people are willing to pay up to a third more to get a great product but. Group on them and living social all the steal things show -- that people are also really hungry to pay next to nothing for products and wait for -- -- which I can reconcile those two things. Why is as a group on. Living social and the like introduces to the deal of the day we might not necessarily be shopping your -- if you're in the market for -- -- you're not going to sit there and wait for your group on for an app off notebook. You're going to take advantage of a special offer probably as -- as expendable items in the you don't necessarily read but it's too good of a deal to -- I bent and that's that's fantastic and I'd come home every -- define new surprises at my wife took advantage for a at the same time no it's not. Not -- we need a -- and also. There are. Instances of -- -- people are overwhelmed with the amount of opportunities that they and their needs to be a little bit more structure and that's a sort of the next level of this that -- see is it'll start at more contextual relevancy saying it's kind of a swing back to quality and then customer relationship and not so much as prosperous parts. Gasoline prices and it's fun it's exciting but I do you think it SB contextual relevance I don't need -- -- -- or. A purse but that is what my offers that it right. What is the effect you think of them in economy were announced and not very good shape it's that -- actually to be honest with you. Here in the technology industry in San Francisco we don't feel it may be as much but the rest of the country the rest of the world. -- -- What effect globally does the new points connected consumer have on the economy being pour -- and vice Versa when it comes. How costs and how businesses engaged with their customers -- Their spending money and there influencing decisions and this is that the answer that most businesses are even economists and they don't have it. Because they're not paying attention to this is a particular segment they're looking at consumerism as a greater whole -- when in fact. The can connect to consumer what's one of the most profound things that I had observed in this research was that they don't go through the traditional sales funnel anymore. They actually make this decision notes in it and it actually aligns with -- research as well okay wait three terms got to go back here -- -- -- audience. Sales funnel decision lips this talk about those two things first what is the traditional sales funnel and how's that being. -- upend the traditional sales finalists synthetic customers going Q. For example shop for product to going to be aware of certain brands and it is or filtered down as they make the steps to consider those brands and finally get to purchase and that. -- gets him into basically the customer its its relationship. But the connecting consumers a lot more intelligent and rather than go to -- -- -- to type certain brands they might actually go to their social network and say I'm thinking about buying this can anyone give me advice. -- so the whole the first step in terms of awareness they might have some brains -- businesses in line but they actually are influenced by what people tell them. Now it don't do that you should do this and there's an element of trust that goes along with bad eyes so. Every bit of that decision is public okay well it looked at this and with that this will be thing. It'll it opens at the touch point for businesses to say I hear that you're looking for something and can we help you make it decision. Its social media is quite remarkable because it also. People feel the need to share I made the decision here's what I did -- and and -- Keck the second an ordinance right and check in. And then also I -- Body here's my experience using YouTube video here's a blog post about what's going on and it opens these incredible -- touch points where businesses can actually effect the decisions of people. All along the way see the reason that the -- makes sense and and I I I am old I've I've been in. Publishing for a long time and I'm very familiar with the whole advertising sales cycle because you know a -- -- in in publishing. And what happens in the sales funnel is that you blast the message out who and what may cost you a lot of money. But it reaches a lot of people and very small amount of of dollars per person that's the tip of the funnel. And then as the customer the potential customer gets more and more and engaged with that decision you're paying more to commute more. Per person to communicate with that person but you're reaching fewer people. And finally there in the store. Arguably and you've got a salesperson that you're paying some dollars an hour talking to one person at a time so people funnel in. And that -- at the expense that you pay per. Customer touch goes up and return eventually come speculative theory now what you're saying is that that whole -- in blown up and how does. A sales or marketing arm deal with the fact that customers are no longer in this. -- -- ecology of moving through the -- now -- all over the place how do you know how much to spend to talk to one person because you know how influential they are right well. One could say that they don't even have that data for the traditional funnel model and it just spend a lot -- these demographics. Push people into a particular direction and will start to measure from there and I'm not saying that you have to get rid of that there's still the traditional consumer they're still affecting your bottom line yet but -- candidate is connecting consumers. You can spend all the money you want they're not paying attention to -- their tensions in their social stream their attention is on their Smartphone screen their tensions on the iPad. So in order to get their attention you have to be in their stream and that's going to be because they follow you or someone bingo. Follows you and because you're sharing compelling content you're engaging with them so to answer your question about how they know about. How much to -- to the mix -- research write these conversations are taking place this activities taking place. The the promise of big data is it just to make intelligent decisions about processes or products in the future you can actually get it customer intelligence right now -- the you can make decisions against even before the holidays. Such I -- give me an example of this I mean you you just threw -- one of -- idea. The big buzzwords they which is -- data and then what everybody's doing on the Internet and FaceBook is the killer FaceBook Google Earth killers are collecting big data. They know what we're doing. How does well on the one hand Wal-Mart -- the other hand you know my bakery. In mainly neighborhood bakery which there's one or maybe two shops how to take advantage of this immense amount of data to a improve. Their bottom line. My goodness let's see what we started our start with -- then the mom pop bakery -- sort the Wal-Mart will we can start with how about this the idea that business intelligence departments within big organizations exist today Trent and their job is to translate -- and NSA at Wal-Mart for rapid Dennis underground bunker somewhere all these data points coming in -- Oh Brian's important PS3 1030000 followers let's talk to him is that what they do know because cloud does that for you and I don't give a start up carbon calculator about -- -- -- please. -- but in in in dollar in all respects that department is not structured to take advantage of real time data -- doing. And a new department emerges in in this is that every every time it -- and you department customers take all of the status of for example I'm in the -- research. They were able to study that the and they were able to show to what extent people are actually taking these conversations in looking for direction on line where they're saying help me make a decision. And -- any business can say why did you know that last month. There were -- 742000. Conversations on Twitter and FaceBook and Google+ related to our industry than looking at our competitors. This is what they said this -- decisions that they made these -- that this is how far reverberated. On this how many people responded. -- can actually get some real intelligence about market behavior and then. The Smart people will translate that in the insights. -- so for example McKinsey realize that even after customer buys your product there's still broadcasting as to whether or not. They made the right decision and they start the whole search process all over again. So it's it's incredible just how much you can learn and how much -- can make decisions against be the problem even before we get this far. Is yet to have a culture that recognizes that. Adaptability is important the -- -- -- well I don't you know as you were speaking about this I was just wondering how many. Major -- you know retail executives. Our. Really seeing the value and seen the direct impact on their sales figures their bottom lines. When it. When it comes to stuff like this I mean they're looking -- okay were spent our advertising budget is thirty million dollars a year. Our social media budget is what we got the my wife -- sisters brother. Or something like that you know running social media is that how it's working -- -- finally getting real if it's all over the place I mean we're Martin your right well I neglected. -- since we keep talking about Wal-Mart I mean they've been on -- and acquisition spree acquiring. Retail intelligence related companies -- this discussion I mean they're making decisions today that we're going to realize 345 years from now. -- -- company is spending more than their making against these decisions because they know. That at some point. The market's gonna shift not everybody's going to be -- traditional consumer at some point. Everybody is going to be connecting consumers liked that movie contagion -- shared a infected. When you recognize the power of having it as social graph and interest -- help you make decisions when -- feedback into it. It's it's a wonderful it's actually more efficient and effective way to communicate it everything about it is fascinating. So -- -- Wal-Mart is making decisions today that it knows ten years from now consumerism in general this is point it this way. Who's that who's not doing in other -- the show. -- latte -- and without -- specific brand names. A lot of -- -- if they're not customer -- you nothing to lose and -- the end of Yucca opens up. Now I I will say -- that most of the companies that are celebrated for other attacking -- and just read any top ten list. They treat social media as a publishing opportunity. -- meaning bad. And and by the way I needed to say this it's what we're talking about in terms of connecting consumerism is bigger than social media but just to this particular -- social media is already -- silently in the organization. The number 12 and three departments and own it I mean like completely -- -- -- marketing marketing communications public relations and then if you have a customer who's tweeting. About having a problem I can assure you that marketing communications is not going to be able to handle a lot of these get. Either quieted -- date -- ignored or it's something as simple like -- here's an 800 number or give us your email address will have the contact center you know connect with you so. Most of the companies are saying we have an editorial calendar gives a dashboard so we could. Published this particular update -- this video or this contest in one place to many different networks. Will assign our little community managers to engage and respond to people. I will measure how many people respond in like things that'll be our engagements or. So most of the businesses that are attacking social -- -- actually anti social in the process. Because it in and that and I say that with all seriousness but with a smile as well I'm actually looked up the definition and -- social in the the definition is. Anything that goes against the rules or norms of -- society -- FaceBook is an online society tweeters and -- society they both boast there you own unique -- right so. Broadcasting. Which that's what it is your media. Within social networks does not make that media social and trying to drive conversations solve problems understand or recognize -- people are asking what they need what they're looking to make decisions against -- Most of these businesses haven't even asked their customers what they want from them and social networks right. Out when Google+ launched. Dell Michael -- personally. Asked people what do you want to see from us here we used -- for customer service when you find value -- that if we use this album Bob Ford did the same thing that made. Every major news outlet talked about -- and I think that is a complete sad reflection of society. When people make the front page news for asking customers what they want but we're at that state. -- -- one of the things that I I. Due to move the slightly one of the things I find drinks are now we talked about you know how walking into -- retail establishment is fundamentally different values to feel. That when you walked into a store whether it was an electronics big box store or -- rug merchant. That you were kind of being separated from your -- And now you're in the dragon's -- the lion's lair and they had -- in there in their clutches and they could tell you what you want to be here. And extract the money you know for the product and you would leave with some weird degree of satisfaction and media a -- -- and your arm. But now when somebody goes into a store they're connected. They have not just the scanner to see if their prices are better. But they can talk to their their their peeps in real time and say hey I'm thinking about getting the such and such printer what you guys think of it. And that in the answer they get back in thirty seconds is going to. Change whether or not they buy that product. So the level of transparency of social transparency. In consumer behavior is fundamentally different now. Any. I don't know how. And now I feel like when I'm talking to customer rep that there are the one who's been separated from -- he. How do we bring these tribes together and make us all collaborate and and is that the way to go. And I actually don't know. That they're going to come together anytime soon. First with the -- dragon's lair I. I felt like it went image dungeons and dragons and he sort of -- that the -- -- I visualize this there's that there's a picture in the book. That. Shows someone in a retail outlet and I have all these logos around that person answered looking at a product at any -- It's sort of meant to do that give you a visual of what. The connect the consumer -- when they walk into a store. I it's almost like the terminator the predator when you get their their point of view right you -- like all state -- in things zone in and around the screens. That's how they what they walk and as I need to -- think that oh and I check in hero it is -- a -- our commitment to always here's a bar code on a scam that. To -- -- did they bring the virtual in the and the real world together. But at the same time. They're using all of this stuff to make decisions so you you have so many new touch points just within the retail store itself. For example products like shop -- they can sense a few of the shop -- app. They can sense when you even walk in the store -- it's the creepiest thing in the world by the way that's done for those that -- technical -- -- With a subtle and that's an audio frequency that the phone can hear -- you can't this is like your dog. Yet he hears things and then shop kick. We'll send you -- -- based on that that's allocates absolutely -- it recognizes that there's a different type of customer lock in in the store that's the connected customers. And it says we know you happen to prefer these types of products and guess what for you today walk over isles six and go -- and take advantage of this. I things like that in did not it's square for example is showing us that it's not just about bringing the transaction TU. But the cash register also now becomes a place word experience can continue it knows who you are. It can trigger an update -- you just -- It contracting a more effectively for how when you walk back in and store it knows how to better treat you it's better for loyalty programs there's. So many ways that walking into the retail outlet transform the entire experience in others' walls that are. That our virtual -- that you can try to close on without trying clothes on using virtual reality. However again it comes back -- give -- an example. And -- and I can username on this believe it was old navy or the -- sorry if farmer and I wanted to resonant with. That had a foursquare special where you could save X percent -- -- genes everybody came in. -- the screen show your foursquare screen tear your cache here and they'll give you the discount. Fantastic people came in but the genes that cashiers weren't aware of how to handle that situation looks a disconnect. This patent because again it comes back to the infrastructure the organization not being against lot of this is silent and not actually been a holistic experience. So your question about. Can we bring these tribes together we have to bring these -- together but the tribes are still segment and they're all still important. Whoever takes the business to recognize that we still have to provide for their unique experience. Of the different types of consumer who's going to walk in that door right now we're it's treated them all the sent him. How do you know I mean do you like it -- -- when you walk into a store vs when somebody else looks and restored is -- some. And a manager in the back from singing -- here go you know in the special deal here's a funny thing is almost -- -- -- I got them to pieces of direct mail the other day. From chase. One of them was sent to me. And one of them was sent to my neighbor but it just got stuck to one that was sent me a case of the same advertisement open a card open an account and get. 200 dollars cash back in your pocket and on -- stuck my neighbor get 100 dollars -- back. So there are already doing this segment thing. I want to tell my neighbor that -- by the way I'm worth more to chase and you're. They're already doing this -- nothing but does that is that also happening in the physical world as well. Of course -- that's that's old school business idea I've I've run this particular restaurant and -- here's a if you had wonderful customer -- your. Is the best able to do it at scale well -- scale that's that's where the data comes in as for the research comes in. And that's what the smarter companies are starting to DS will wal mart's -- -- it's investing all kinds of money in. Technology in processes and systems to answer these questions because. Otherwise you -- and twitters -- Facebook's -- -- but all of these things collectively are gonna -- -- data about how much how many people use its mark on how many people are using these types of apps. How many of those people are potentially your customers today how many people could be attending this this type of date and these types of insights is -- new we just have to. We have to get people think -- do you think clouds got it right. Not only cut KL OUT at this thing that goes there and and tell you how influential you aren't social networks and there's has been some great stories about how it's. How it's all just -- a high school popularity contest game but there's something more to this site I fear we're coming up -- It is it is what it is I am I. It is their tagline is the standard for influence I have actually studied this quite -- -- atom. In my in my spare time -- an aspiring sociologists and social scientist and what it does is it provides a -- to people based on their online behavior in their online actions and it is not unlike wide. Credit David tries to do to consumers based on how they borrow and -- -- against those that is deaths. However. It's very difficult to bestow upon the digital society that we are tracking you and you are worth this score. And and fortunately the the the reality is is that this this is taking -- scores for face value so they're saying -- your scores acts. I therefore you are worth this much therefore we will recognize you -- it's waited eggs actually creates a social hierarchy. I'm but it's not about influence -- quality is about social capital so -- Europe when about a high school popularity contest. It is this idea of what you're worth your connections but if I compare you to me. We can't yet that's what businesses are trying to do to for example. Before cloud change their algorithm -- we can I think that's 69 I got 62 and I went down -- suggested. Well I'll tell you what three weeks ago is -- 86 well what happened meant they change their moderate. So I I don't know what to say -- because now you can't compare people to people before there was there was at least some semblance of recognizing. The capacity influence now it's just purely. A number -- -- regulators now I'd so. But you can't take advantage of that -- -- palms casino I think quite famously said if you check in our hotel you gives the clouds -- or it is what it is. You will get preferential treatment you might be upgraded a -- like -- -- -- -- might get some free but Fay passes. But it is -- it is an interest in way to recognize people for their. Pasadena influence others on line why because they know it's gonna change your experience you might have come to the army might have really enjoyed the palm but now that they recognize that you have cloud. You're going to you say I was recognized. Your. Psychologically already gonna feel better about that experience in how you gonna go tweeting your rarely way because everything is now -- -- I think it's best. Glass of water I have effort at. And you get what -- it. Of all the social networks I mean it. Every business has limited resources in terms of you know how much they -- on inventory marketing sales etc. And how much attention they -- to the various social networks who what do you think. For the for dealing with the connected consumer is the most valuable network to focus on is that FaceBook Twitter. -- goal blogs what. I can tell you that. Our friend Marshall Kirkpatrick and shared some some insights recently that. Wal-Mart was looking at Twitter behavior to make stock decisions against well and -- surely open the eyes of a lot of individuals of what's possible -- Hollywood is using Twitter. To predict better predict I should say how movies going to perform on opening weekend. Boy that is a damning praise for Twitter I'm telling him because they seem to be getting it continually wrong but it we don't have -- -- there's there's -- today it's everywhere it's just that you what you do with it that matters and how you make decisions against that that accounts for everything. Them it would limit anyone network I think this is why is why don't college social consumer -- -- connect the consumer because. Also as much about Smartphones and apps and ipads as it is about anything else because. For example. 350 million users will access FaceBook every day from their mobile device and those users are twice as engaged as the regular FaceBook user. That tells me that the mobile connect to consumers going to have far more. Capacity to influence -- it that's it you know for media influence salmon for them influence others. So what are their -- what are their behaviors -- -- cities to what extent so all of these things together tell me how I need to better. And markets it now. One of the united transit we see for example if you look at Google Trends you type in the word social commerce you'll see that it went from nothing -- -- and massive -- the last year. But it's not just about social commerce right it's as if you're connecting consumers. Rafe I know use you live and in -- on FaceBook and Twitter and but over here. We as someone who -- -- being on their iPad or iPhone these these apps. So instead of social commerce you know have to have syndicated comers you have to have a dedicated e-commerce experience for how to connect the consumer expects to buy your product. And design a holistic experience at. Basically reflects what your brand essence is what -- retailer that is what that with that experience should be like instead. We try to which everybody back -- that funnel like -- re finally on Twitter here's a link come by half of my website and amp. Is -- any downside to the consumer for being so connected. There's archive attempts at -- -- there's there's businesses that the year. That that connect the consumer could have a bad day and start completely trashing your organization your brand and and that becomes viral. We don't really see a lot of that on a whim we see a lot of that because of really bad experiences and but also just -- human elements of this I mean we're human beings we didn't go to school that learn how to live in public -- we didn't. Our parents didn't teaches -- what's the right diet. For the social networks how much time to spend on how much -- share of yourself you know we're actually having to learn what privacy means that no right to arcades. How they view privacy is not at all how we -- privacy. Sensitive -- downside is you know how much of this do you actually. How much of this actually changes -- -- matched your behavior but -- was -- -- -- right there's already studies that show. How up if I behave online I create this digital persona. That digital persona becomes exactly who I see myself as so therefore right I've -- confidence. -- feel better about myself and I carry that persona into the real world and now -- this person in real life. I assumed the downsides are we don't understand it on the way and there's not a lot of insight to help guide us along the way. I so we're kind of learning as we go in some of this better than others. Fascinating. Brian -- it's always great talking with you we we go on on this but we are I've -- time I -- we are. Wright's book is available everywhere in the end of business as usual we wire the way -- work to succeed in the consumer revolution. It's a fascinating read if you're in any store sort of business do check it out because your business and mine is changing. Com what's next -- Well -- first you can find duplicate and that is this dot com. -- and what's next is just continually researching this and working with businesses to create a more adaptive infrastructure so I actually get back into the weeds while. Our right and if you would like ranked services I believe you can find him -- altimeter. -- -- -- Thanks for coming here -- -- for a for an up and we really appreciate it -- Next week is Black Friday there is no show go and -- a week after that we'll have another episode -- reporters' roundtable what's the number 102. You have an idea for what you wanna -- I've got a couple has always sent to -- Rafe at cnet.com. Thank Brian thank Stephen for producing. Thanks everyone for watching -- next time.

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