Ep. 10: Hey HTC! We'll be your flagship phone
Ep. 10: Hey HTC! We'll be your flagship phone

Ep. 10: Hey HTC! We'll be your flagship phone

It's Tuesday November 20 ninth. 2011. And welcome -- rumor has it I'm -- -- And I'm Emily Dreyfuss and not the web's most exciting gambling show where we on the hottest tech rumors of the week. CA -- so many -- this week and wearing. Party at his talent on our we're just -- not mention it yeah I haven't been totally normal and what party. Now that the president is our -- so. And and we are child -- -- what a great success. All. Am so truly unique to supply around just ten weeks ago we -- we are not yet just ten weeks ago we were running around -- office putting together a pilot the show on that. Load crazy. Chest colds and now -- remember it like it was just yesterday I really was just ten account. Online -- you know it does doesn't it I know evening I had to get started on it. It -- You can't believe I've added -- -- you guys meet this. It sounds to go out seriously I'm a big party old house -- -- -- It. I am here's my -- so -- now that I mean too bad you're not. Losing at that. Houses yeah and I were losing in in the game of jokes -- might be losing. -- the actual game of -- I am when -- winning in the betting you're winning in the Twitter. That are not seen. The error by -- I always I always I -- think you so much you twenty souls who are following -- you not you're handling. Your app and then Steven is is blowing -- the -- millions more than both of -- -- -- you -- 2000 Andy has them on every show and I'm not on every -- on average -- here we come here option adds that weakens your and then when -- 2000 PP's ten plus years there aren't. I'd like to think Green an animal and forget. About them already get -- last fifty. And then then there's clout which we aren't even out that is but you notice thinking today is what we -- Tracking is how many Google+ followers we have means you -- absolutely. Handle and Amy I'm in ten people following me I've never mean I'd boycott Google+ I abs -- Google+ and anyone who has. You liked it. Why would anyone follow me and Google+ I one time change my profile that. And it. You're here you're out what you differently -- the act exactly as like I work at CNET and then now at millions and millions that -- an exaggeration that many people are calling me and they must be the most disappointed people in the rural nearly so when. Is she gonna do anything out there and -- -- -- lake I don't even I broke my silence one time to rant about how mad -- was about Google+ integration to Google Reader I remember that day. And like I got like ten or fifteen or not put it because it's -- weird. I certainly is strange. -- but the thing -- I can even figure out how to find out how many people are following him and that's something I can think of that -- -- with already where he found that number I have and I wish -- help you -- but I refuse to even learn anything about it hits so my important. -- yesterday I had this isn't worried that. Now Britney Spears has eclipsed Larry Page and think as the person -- the most Google+ dollars nobody cares and I and I think you Mike on you know what that means that Google+ is the social network and has since. And. And then I felt bad but. -- -- Britney's RE only. I'm there I mean it's fine you know what I actually think -- like Google+ that's awesome I just literally don't have room in my brain. And I am wondering another one I know I'm already overwhelmed by Twitter and face I have such a routine -- -- -- -- -- Google+ space in that order when nature links allow C I just think I'm not quite OCD enough to have a server -- I don't even go on FaceBook and mark Twitter has taken over my life. Social social Iowa isn't -- -- status. Or has taken government's claim that. Here so my goodness -- -- -- you should really be following Green because it. Twitter is taking over socialite the -- of the picket line you hang out at the social and another -- -- be apart are socialite is by leaving us voicemails are calling us with suggestions at 1807 by the O CNET and -- has. About why is that because in next week is the first episode of that. New months and I'm gonna have to do something embarrassing because I crossed again as the last -- -- only end -- months and Green who lost both months. So the first segment where that banana cost Stanley Trace a handsome young -- in -- and another costume it is a little bit embarrassing bits is it's Halloween that cost him think I mean that would maybe even more embarrassing -- like. When she more than an and a constant on the street and it was near Halloween ever treated like there's just -- regular old names -- there's some air coming top organic. No -- while on the street her whole through -- pick -- eight. Every year but now they'd be like what is hot -- and one mystery at -- and eighty cents so it was that -- so every month and -- -- -- -- so I think this our readers also I wanna have a little goodness and it and you should do because I like the costume thing is gonna be easily played out and get expensive. -- I know has costumes aren't cheap -- to buy and we had to -- the Swedish all pleaded Daly City and regional high teens. Because it was that they are a pain and the line is out the door and because we decided that day and will like what again at Indiana -- -- -- -- got -- -- so centers -- other suggestions there are you know. Yeah and that's we need suggestions on ways that -- can -- -- -- embarrassed herself on our next at present. As loser and then if I lose next month old embassy excellent suggestions you can meet you could do -- -- -- -- you weren't gonna -- -- I had lost this month which was rat. On -- That is -- That would be very angry little ability that is a definite possibly enemy Hollis tweet us every app has. Nevis and -- show on Twitter are at Emily Dreyfuss act -- media Stephen Beecham. Or call 1807 by those seen to you can also human rights act and hasn't seen on -- -- -- actually get to the point. Oh I got an Xbox. -- and I. Diet I dot XY. And the best thing I've ever implied. Visit to 99 bundle that I got for 199. In the two games and three months of Xbox Live wow oh wow you guys I -- My social life is now composed -- Xbox and Twitter that's all it now use it in your house -- ninja never leaving and then a tweet about. The boring. IE nine's ninth -- act binary and like in that future of gaming. But this machine that's out for and there is this company is not a girl now all. You need right now my friends I was rock in the PS -- that's an accident we know I'm so happy -- and actually -- and re released -- -- -- -- announced -- creed assassin's creed two. Cricket and now getting a new one which is out which as provost and that's revelations. And thoughts on how I just have to efforts have been used because now that it spent 200 dollars on an Xbox I can't buy any new games because -- so dollars and now will you just -- people -- you just. Our own Jeff our co workers used announced that. Glenn renderings and -- she needs some. That's -- -- -- -- please invite viewers that I don't want -- play my S -- is really weird it's. The gave it to me and you can change it once for free -- the name they gave me is unknown -- -- plane he LAZ. Five. -- -- -- -- -- -- What is and that's a random generate a random ten and a un clean -- I mean we only -- at least it's plane like a airplane airplane and -- clean energy and on my -- -- parent friend who has lake crunch -- 32 or something like that generated names. Our current -- -- anyway forty image change it to him. You just need a good underneath your meeting that I sign in -- whatever it's all don't come unclean the plane five. My -- you need to meet other 400 cleanly and you can't blame them army -- -- -- and clean you clean ones and neither did he urged the our -- -- -- -- -- Our rates so the first rumor is a balance. My 380 iPad. And it is everybody in the tyrants like me on Xbox and they can -- can't do you know if I can. Read guys -- -- -- time we know any action yet economic. Who says he has friends who work at Apple. That -- I'd like you guys I'm very predator -- because I've got -- ions in and around. Doesn't the only difference Apple's image as I busiest -- -- -- -- that's. He reported that Apple was prototyping a future version of the iPad with a 3-D display. But then -- -- -- those plans after deciding that display could be again. Really not. Really happy they decided they did build and know that illegally made -- to be out there 3-D TV three yes and he couldn't just go see it three movie like isn't really bad idea it extended -- got a gimmick. The display was -- to work like that I'm in tennis 3-D adds. Which doesn't require the use of axis of special glasses to see -- 3-D effects in an earlier in the year Apple did file a patent for a 3-D screen. It really means nothing I -- Apple filed patents for every -- I honestly think that Apple probably filed -- patent just so that other. Idiot manufacturers who did you create this gimmicky three -- and they sent them and -- and I like actually -- your product is done but yes for. Exactly because became which is basically what -- so here's the thing about this avatar came -- avatar came out -- actually -- three he was amazing and everything -- -- and then ruined my life because after avatar every single movie in the whole world decided to be in 3-D and -- all not eating there was also because they did it away and beautiful but like once they have to make Harold and Kumar and -- So pointless you know early in the market through idea like that as a joke that is look at like an Internet -- to upgrade an -- house -- -- -- at this -- 93. Because I were -- and adding 3-D glasses over my glasses at me. It's part of our and it's so comfortable. And it's art and -- namely make them -- -- -- The matching on and Siemens is the three glasses accidentally -- there really eight rates and they can you are here for your regular glasses because I weren't wearing -- do not -- Contacts on the podcast could -- -- on an Arctic field. Content -- is. Yes so exactly they're like on -- so and then three yes came out which had a very core library at first it didn't I am very well I guess it's doing better now because they cut the price on the things and now everybody's buying it as. I don't know how many people are actually using -- 3-D. Via you can imagine that if its on the Portland's for your kids that kit like when you look at how the DS works -- it looks as though. There's an -- project in front -- -- yet again that interacting rain barrel coming. Actually yeah you're going into -- -- and like his -- Ultimately like sleeping when you -- -- eat. -- -- I don't do this nearly amendments. And arsenic in -- entries for an and it you know it is it's a neat it's a neat gimmick but you know even inject. Caller who reviewed the staying said that you know a lot of the games work better when you turn -- three off so I mean negate you know -- would -- of this thing came out and I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen iPad. If they release a 3-D version of it that it's gonna come with you know a couple games or whenever -- mean how many things skinny deal. But we have cooled treaty it looks doesn't -- it really does look I did that just an animation when it would have been or is that a pictures and this is -- -- so well -- What I think. It's release. Out so if they were going the way of the 380 S it would have been that if the problem with it is that you could only see it from a certain angle. And then there's a different way out she is it doing it that is called. What is -- It's called -- head coupled perspective. Which tracks a person's head to adjust the glasses free 3-D display. So it uses the on that front facing camera to track where your head is and that's how it -- use the three -- -- so. It in theory works a little bit better than the 3-D S which only you know which didn't work very well for it -- all angles -- -- people headaches and whenever. I -- I think if if the iPad three comes out this technology in lieu of something else that's actually useful like better battery life. Early -- what are you better camera -- answer the first pictures -- -- -- -- -- punishing new from holding up here like you can't. Fundamentally picture of you have you seen there was. -- a little bit off topic but none -- the YouTube videos that we're going around about that pepper spraying UC Davis then there are so many people taking pictures of the cop who was. Acting insane -- -- horrible. And win 200 in the video that is like the need to get them watching is panning around an -- guy has this phone. -- -- you see another guy standing witness I. It looks like a fool. Ten instances -- holding -- Apple app like -- like a -- expert in me via the picture let me. Okay let me preface this by. -- -- -- -- but anyway so. If so if this technology comes out in lieu of something else -- would be a bomber I think by as a couple people mention in the comments of the story. Apple likes to take. Things party exists in this case 3-D -- and tweak them to make them cool and useful and popular and -- whatever so you know I think that's really -- like we -- that we tablets the iPad is an example of them doing their tablet party this and he didn't invent tablets they just invented the one people were right and you got it -- and meal on Apple invent the 3-D technology that people -- -- -- it I think in this case that. I mean it. Now they're two sizes are I think that in his -- that might not be true because. In order to make 380 on the iPad useful you have to have good 3-D content that's a problem with three exactly the -- -- is even when there is good content it's not necessary. People who don't have. Vision in both eyes can -- see it so not that that's a huge amount of population like. Raven it's not it's -- and some people it just makes them feel sick lake you know it's not it's just not that important but. Since Apple is not a content creator. They can say like it's also in the here's some apps can make a bit but in last developers me -- that rate and actually -- it yeah and then went mad then I was gonna say that this outside of that is -- that's true that the iPad two mean the thing techniques ipads and -- that there are so many Apple doesn't make those apps they just. -- -- Developers have such a reason an incentive to make -- on the Internet everywhere as I pulled did you -- but the one app that Apple actually made which was like Texas hold them poker night and he can't -- canceled it from and it doesn't even exist like a one -- Apple made it doesn't exist and not an App Store I at least admire that -- -- on Google -- knows that they do straw and do well you know. Like we manufacture hardware. Exactly in -- -- we are not quite ready apps make apps have so I don't know I mean. We'll see I just hope to god this doesn't happen in at 380 I really. And I know you be able to turn it off but. It's a it's. Another thing on the -- that I'm not gonna use. It can potentially drain your battery -- -- my Amish. I'm sure you would turn on and your iPad would you like pretty pretty business -- -- at a on the the and the -- in Austin on a meeting. So I don't know iPad announcement I currently drug including -- Are the 3-D will make your iPad town -- If only -- reading your iPad look drunk yet. -- I'm. Not mean it didn't do it. So are you -- let's move on to our next next rumor is about eight -- -- Now I there's also -- -- here because exactly -- -- it's more of like a half hearted desperate prominence on behalf of HTC. Who has announced that it will release new flagship phones in 2012 to revise its tepid growth. I have two responses from -- And does. And. Along -- and then up and -- and it's like -- HTT. Then it has it it's like on the -- -- I just need -- like the fact we're not gonna have. Any growth in the fourth quarter because iPhone four -- -- and not totally ate into all of our profit margin. What all say to our shareholders as we promise next year. There will be some could not -- don't worry. Don't worry we're still -- phones. And next year they're -- be -- kind of flagship phone I was wondering what as a flagship phone because I'm not like it I like an Android yeah I like the iPhone is IOS -- act is IOS's flagship phone with and then like for Android that done original Droid was the flagship program on an and then Motorola HTC and Andrew who makes injured -- has their own flagship -- -- -- -- -- EV 11 -- And any other ones like riffs off of battery -- so I think what HTC is trying to say in this regard is. We're not just going to give you updates running give you incremental updates -- like -- resound is basically the next incredible. Or whatever it was not -- that we're gonna introduce a new phone. Got it at an immediate absolutely no specs relative -- -- -- have no idea they just made up as word HTC spokesman said we will focus on the products. The spokesman. Or was CEO. CFM CFO. He said I -- CFO. Winston -- young told Reuters. Out we will focus on the product next year better and market -- other than new LTE phones for the US market. We will also have phones for the global market we will launch some worldwide flagship products. So there there -- big new things and they will be LTE and they will also be available world. And the reason why they're coming out and saying mess is because. HTC right now has -- worst market share. Of all global Smartphone makers. Which is creek flows and -- -- so many. Really good and -- Honestly my own right now is -- -- C and I'm so mad about it because it's broken in the -- anything and it's basically nine in phony morally it's like a Paper weight. -- -- Taking a testament I have not yet taken next to the Verizon store because I was trying all of the on home remedies that are being prescribed to me by Twitter followers of -- I. Have a button and and then import it. And now I have not received -- email on its called upon. In the days can you see. It says your phone is over data capacity which is not true -- half of my space. Less clutter Riordan and it's at the -- and I found numbers of that now and -- -- Actually matter and signs that -- actually HTC phones are great if they're pretty geeks they feel -- the big deal with Android in a really great way. On I was surprised to hear the agency would be doing to badly but what -- turn -- -- -- about the other companies that make Smartphones like. LG. -- LG Smartphone around and -- have a great flagship phone LG Smartphones are not. -- you know I -- -- algae. But then I remember an LG makes other things they may break the TV you held a Blu-ray players and TVs all that rates HT is strictly mobile. Device maker and so I think that's part of the problem why it's a -- A big deal for them. Yeah wasn't in the Tara missing -- they're also the youngest company so maybe yeah so they're they're they're pulling content they are anything but -- but what was the what was interesting was that they it had growth and growth. So many quarters of growth. And then in the in nine. 30% and out was post iPhone coming out because they they had had -- Such an opportunity to be taking part of the market an iPhone you know on so many carriers that you -- not any out and Dominic and -- cents or with him. Where I thought well I'm sorry to interrupt. But I thought it was interesting and funny about this -- -- story about that. HTC -- story. Is that this CFO Winston Yung told Reuters on Monday that each TC is not another Nokia. Typically take that -- our biggest insult he's like no guys don't worry we're not another Nokia I'll inquiry -- stepped it up and we're not gonna -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I just small it just shows awareness of of one of -- -- -- and absolutely -- and -- should also set up around another ring. -- separate open up other stuff for IOS and amber in the nation all those prototypes and how they're gonna get rid of the keyboard and to -- I haven't unlocked touch screen only media and are now per Blackberry -- -- different. But so I I don't know I just think this is like a desperate move and basically what it's telling us is -- HTC need to implement its -- -- -- -- its own flagship phone agree on and it wants us to acknowledge that. It is working Arnie can't tell us pretty angry now is they don't know anything like when it -- asks that -- are we getting for Christmas -- like I can't tell you anything. But it's going to be awesome it's gonna be your favorite or you know let me -- -- ship something app and then you go back like in your own -- like my product after -- -- get them. Right exactly I mean when you are going to shopping lighted IC flagship particularly in you know I -- -- should yeah yeah. I mean thousands got to ergonomic pollen make promises that he let up on pricing and HTC will I think since two I think they're doing a good job so far but just so sad that like -- mean 136. Billion dollars in profit in the third quarter and then based upon them saying we're not at any growth. Insane -- gonna have lost -- -- saying we're not gonna have another quarter of growth. Right and then that's why they're -- -- so sad I mean the market is a hard place to use. Are right so we'll see I guess the rumor -- didn't hook me up like a chip on and how will I need to do that every I guess they'll say this is the flagship found any promise -- screen and I'll be sitting in a closet in. You can have. I can't I can't believe they -- the likes of so now so should be a move on to yes so -- two minute -- island -- timer are gathering -- pre is gonna tiny because this next armories. Boring and she's worried that I'm gonna go on and on and on and -- and. And it -- -- here's the timer you get two minutes ago -- did you times is reporting that Apple is readying eight. -- -- -- Who cares. Honestly seriously who cares. The shorter version of this rumor is Apple's just giving you another reason to drop 17100 bucks -- -- a list. Like what this is what this rumor means if it actually is going to happen in Q1 is that the PC would already be in production now they break. It would also be great news for you know I know because I mean that they're gonna drop the prices on every one up on the -- about wanting to buy a MacBook Air or even trying to decide if you should buy MacBook Air -- out of the MacBook Pro -- you because why not and it's actually. Cheaper its cheaper yeah -- -- if they jump the price on it if the new fifteen inch MacBook Air comes out in March. Then they will drop prices on the current MacBook airs are pretty and then -- 181000030. And -- and -- and looking at a thirteen inch. That added I think I might as the MacBook crowd asked a couple people on. Not on Twitter just in general. I don't -- I -- real I talk to you. -- -- One time. I found this earth and yeah like in -- bathroom awkwardly do you really think so and I -- won't care Mac but row and then -- new. Get on my way. So yeah I ask you if you wanted to coffee. Yeah I ask every -- -- But MacBook -- accounted for 28%. Of all Mac laptop sales in October. Which is a big change over when this product and prepared for first announced because then -- like kind of neat products that you either got to supplement your other computer. Greater your traveler and it was like kind of took the place of of tablets -- tablets are great but many of what I had upgraded -- -- native -- on -- immediately can be its own standalone thing some people are still attached the idea of having an optical drive. And things that they're used to having on a computer and the MacBook airs don't have them. But this rumor is totally -- -- whether we talked about last week which was. It's Saturday. Dance -- timer and time they have done. I just wanna say one thing which is that this rumor is completely obviously in line with -- week. Which was this suggestion that it was going to be. Fifteen inch MacBook Air light. EO -- when they say that I was like the MacBook air and light now and I kind of like what we -- -- now MacBook -- Rate because everything that's like a MacBook Air is a bigger -- well I mean they relate or maybe it's a thinner Mac. Route -- -- bro or. Which is a -- sure air through basically selling about mountain not yet all the other thing is that the -- is contributing to 2.2 billion dollars in revenue so why not -- -- options who -- like you know even if a few people buyer downer don't like -- -- -- -- -- than they still have eleven inch and the thirteen and stick on the Samsung is taking so many pages out of Apple's book. That now Apple -- -- -- of Samsung's dock and being like you. Often this product every single site where I might as well as we might as a -- offered in a -- -- science. Ten and -- is evidence. It's gonna be posted a -- Speaking of bats and he gets the -- used commercial in the world all in -- -- -- my dad. Played a video. It's two minutes so we can do political -- beginning -- you'll get the gist. Listen to this music. This and heavy and it even got to enter the movie Luka from the eighties style -- really. Treatment -- listen to it so inspiring. Think this guy he's not even an actor. I need to count the number -- has real ligaments and after bringing their tablet on a camping -- And then they really you could tell us and now they're looking pictures they took exactly yeah. So I don't know if this happen or not but it looks like it did because they had the earth into me using. My name. Awkward tablet I just took a picture with my tablet at this -- -- now this part makes no logical sense because who's who is taking that Asia a bear no. Another in their like incredible White House has a penthouse. They are all legal all over it or that's supposedly they're Graham -- -- is -- -- -- I. Did he is in out little white drop down. This studio. I thought out sound accompanying every once and a panel is -- There aren't reading at night because they're not -- reads Sydney made a little convenient -- in his most beautiful or in the world they came and no explanation. The shining face of this video is now works in -- -- Acer Iconia tab. 200 look at this kid now if -- It's why -- you aren't. -- can walk like a -- You like -- -- -- so it's now look it's waterproof you can go and is now the worst primal -- -- I've ever seen it. Whoever made this. I actually thinking maybe not really the problem commercial maybe this is a fake Funny or Die video now I think it's for real. Kelly I don't know that it is the 1% in their web stark white. You are right Graham why they -- and I -- -- -- could see why I highly is that everything thing. Even the -- according to this leaked video that blew my -- my high -- -- on tablets -- I love and that -- friends they -- IC OL friends. The tablet will come with both the USB port a micro SD -- -- I heard from the video allow it right exactly can you tell I was too busy living -- know that one time engine -- -- and Akram called. And that people that a little like menu and -- like. Great that's called -- Acer clear for I don't know. The school has some XP needs something out and Ireland are clear button -- -- and then there's Acer's clear Friday which is a desk finally airplane -- can -- that's hard is cool that tablet -- really -- PCs Smartphones you don't have -- by a like and not able to -- -- doesn't everything how about and and you if -- deal -- compliant. Does not exist -- I don't know if it does -- you explain to me how to get my iPad. Content onto ninety now -- air just actually see how to for the hey does your iPad two you can do that yes -- I don't I don't have an amount of an actual injury stuff has a better deal in a complaint can -- -- on an X. -- Apple iPad two do you need me. I think you mean that I'm -- an extension of fifty dollars so -- SF. I don't play it like here's another -- yeah. Yeah yeah I ninety. So I am it's gonna be powered by an Nvidia tegra two processors have a gig of ram -- a -- -- 1280 by 800. Pixel display. It'll be lighter than that a hair and they need -- -- -- And you don't run it'll play that TUB and -- -- you family -- no longer the congress and rich and powerful and a lot of pent house and -- -- -- to you and listening to these low chance it'll come in its recent two colors titanium. Metallic red as a three is no lack well I'll put up -- those. So after so that's that commercial is so gross that McKinney couldn't talk about this product anymore because I'm so grossed out. Why. Klamath this thing -- enjoying their can't -- his -- if this real promo video made by Acer. You would think that mean an effort to get out one of -- tap the company -- prior to making it leaked it. Or they who -- it. And then -- probably strategically leaked leaked it is they want you know. Honey and Easter -- that company and it's not it's not cheap tablet like the -- of that. Of that from a video is. This is for rich people. -- to wherever iPad are high high -- We're not like that cheap alternative to the iPad were the better alternate to iPad for other Swiss mountain -- Little limited Jan aimed at campaign you know. -- -- Is it was the -- if you're gonna do that if you make a video today and leak. So the people then no aiming high end products easily make it that -- -- not fleeing his. Cheesy infomercial that makes me feel dirty it's been exactly like -- get inspired because that music was -- Like I love how they -- it crackling of the fire really really loud over the music like their attic campfire -- I feel like. -- -- -- -- -- was cleared by today so. But the he thought CD. Thought when -- in New -- this weekend and lying in sleeping on it. Floor and couch -- media -- can put this on my iPod that I can sleep even though the rats there's government here's the crackle. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Another in the ocean and I bet that's it -- the -- so first they weren't huge I was hired. -- -- -- Anyway this thing down mixer are really in -- on -- this is a you're right they're like we actually never been do you know what high -- location -- -- India and how could -- I don't know you're like -- don't not to be behind the diner dumpster -- -- not going to be. So well I you know I guess I am. This comes after last week's rumor about that the event had a point counterpoint about Lenovo and Acer and everybody getting out of the tablet market yes and then -- like no we're not and then a day later they -- -- this. Tab it exactly -- Mozilla you know that this is also than saying see we're not even Mattel -- see you are making tablets. Obviously again -- this tablet is -- This be their final swan song dance champ. Exactly -- explain benefits that means that it already exam I mean at least prototypes exists and may be. It's not really good are you need to say. We're not leading the tablet market -- we have this tablet you can just say we're -- that we are -- -- element and those are -- -- release this high end -- are now having -- on diet and other rumor that we're gonna talk about and then was true then we found yesterday and then it was proven one minute later is that Lenovo is also. I'm prepping. Some rendered based tablets and they dead they're upset five inches set -- -- -- -- -- is too small people fighting -- super small I mean that's basically a anonymous phone. -- people -- the comments about story on the good point which. Than iPod Touch me not to Thomas -- and -- like a tablet basic and and Donald bell is always saying that it that is agreed that iPod Touch is great tablet alternative -- Zoning about it is that that iPod Touch also has great apps. And is the best and he declared interest rates went -- -- Lenovo tablet me yeah -- -- it'll -- five inches of a thing in your pocket. It won't be found online adults and not cargo pant -- with the China aren't you yeah well. I guess I am not wraps up our -- and evidence episode that we didn't -- isn't it airlines only have to. -- -- -- -- Can't -- you. Right so the first thing three iPad -- are now. New low. -- -- Eight CC flagship phone -- there will be -- age you -- might have done yes and they get caught aids IC test this not to call deflection but they're just going to refer to it as much is a fifteen inch MacBook Air coming out in Q1 Q wan. Since the -- nor. Epic without a hook up look at the holy -- card you know I mean I wanna see me -- in Q1. I -- now I think -- be cute. Some now we've got a game on our hands Harry Harry it's on have to and then this Acer Iconia a 200 is that and it may you vomit and could not. Going to -- -- limited and then accidentally bombing on -- -- -- -- -- -- so -- and yeah the F. Now is -- so Acer Iconia a 200 enemy -- Yes and it is gonna come down is in how others back of a -- Car. -- guys think you so much for watching the ten episode of rumor has it and we will be back next week I managed to make it to New York back in time. Well what are you saying when you a Mac I come back Sunday and so unless there's like and -- -- wherever you easterners have. Out there I'll be here -- there are some on the -- Yeah. And all us leave -- voice -- that you disagreed with the banning that we did today. Call us at 1807. By the O CNET and let us -- and we will play your message on -- -- absolutely and also I let us know what embarrassing things I have to do next week -- next -- -- is going to embarrass -- on the show and you guys can take ownership of this podcast and kansans today and what she does and -- I'm -- -- and I'm gonna do it -- -- -- not -- on the pre show -- the -- -- any actual article he actually -- you -- -- -- -- -- Replay the embarrassment and so we're gonna -- a and accelerate plant that's going to be and then we get mix it up like afterwards like -- had it. Oh yeah it's gonna be great -- -- -- you wonder -- he -- army. The typical average of the guys think -- a -- stick around for -- and see you next week. Great now. -- And I didn't -- as -- slogan. Does well with its.

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