Ep. 1: Welcome to the CNET Labscast
Ep. 1: Welcome to the CNET Labscast

Ep. 1: Welcome to the CNET Labscast

-- -- Hey everybody wow it's so the same and yet different welcome to the very first episode of the CNET labs cast formally known that's. The digital city you've still got the same four of us -- got Scott -- that doesn't -- receiving a Julie Rivera. And what we're gonna do that's a little bit different from everyone else is spend a lot of time. Getting hands on with gadgets and products and technology because that's what especially -- those -- originally. These guys do in the in the venerable CNET lands all day 12 -- -- also what we're gonna take a look at today Gaza. Well I guess it wouldn't bill called the labs -- we can take at least a quick peek at a couple things -- go on in the lab contract. So we'll take a little tour -- the lab here. He doesn't mind Q mean that that are cool and we'll give you walk through but -- -- -- what are you gonna show us today. We have a speedy laptop I'm one of many actually and images can -- view benchmark testing in both team meeting and the -- that. Differs in frame rates and what else looks cool if we can't kill a three -- that's yeah we have an event that -- the truth got to. Always -- -- paid keyboards cases and we have ipads here and we've got in recent keyboard case Elkins. You portfolio and the question is. Is -- any faster than on screen typing -- -- -- I would say I can type that fast on screen that's upsetting degree so we'll we'll put to the NASA and outside impartial individual will be jointly. I thought I'd better like we are several see -- action -- as a assets through a prepared and ready to go with -- stop -- and ask about her sorry. I think you wanna show you is a quick peak of where especially just -- -- mobile if you work every day. And that is that is in the CNET labs and we actually went and shot a little just a little bit -- -- of showing you what happens. In the -- and I'm -- call that up on the screen. You're starting out -- really aren't listening Eldorado lab around. Actually have this this really severed it's really cool all in one keyboard that hooks up to the computer were about the benchmark that we have in the lab while southern in the studio. We know of anybody has any questions or to -- -- closer look at it. After this gonna walk around to the other side. -- -- playing Atalanta big place people are surprisingly comment beyond his vehicle distillers. In on this is this is basically in early eighty's what is that the HP touch -- all -- one got -- eleven running over there. And I'm gonna do quickly run -- -- just to show you I would -- -- some other benchmarks but -- -- of our secrets. But it's set in a group of stuff -- -- on every machine that comes in you do the desktop actually does the laptops usually correct correct correct. And to the left -- that you'll see we have a power meter where we do our power testing. And obviously -- -- Letting you know whether your devices in -- environmentally friendly or not. And you see a picture of me and my cinema experience -- this is CPU test that -- uses that as graphic cards -- -- it's great it's an open set ups and makes it easy to swap out ram video cards and as -- Windows 7 on one hard drive and have windows eight -- another is repetitive and present in performance but we wanted to use exact same hardware but two different -- In that setup is pretty ideal and you don't have to take like a big desktop chassis and open and up and take everything out and put it back everything's just open like that exactly exactly -- this is pretty cool to. I think it's pretty cool now I didn't as in temperature -- -- is they never runs hot. And like this this would -- very high that's the -- vibe off as ice melt into. That runs really well. That was his only open for photography say casinos when we we take it out we obviously when -- when He picked the pictures of depict the cover off to -- people. Look at the inside to see are clean are needed is that it to Nvidia Nvidia graphic cards running us -- don't want that to quickly cool importing to the solid state hard drive. On the motherboard which is under usually forever -- I embedded in the -- I guess is very clean pollutants with Macs because that's solid state drive. What is it like. It was at a 122 and was -- was designed for an eight and there -- -- that I cool. But that's a super fast slick. I uber fast look you had you ever forgive me I think that -- your vibe like a month ago so that's so I -- currently censored again though -- Yes literally what happens. In some of the desktop stuff that we do next week we're gonna come back and show you another section of the land is a laptop testing can we -- printers in -- we do other stuff we have a lot of TV set up in there. We'll just take you through it piece by piece and you'll learn bit by bit what it takes to actually test product figure that's something that that we take very seriously obviously -- definitely and com you don't hear in this office we'll see the cameras -- quarter that's right now so the camera let we have to give you peek at that the year of any in the year. Extract the backers are pretty cool. I decipher it's time for something that I don't think I've ever seen done on me on a video podcast before at least not by any of -- and it fell a little live demo of something now now Scott handy that. I can't right there if I'm gonna pass that onto Julie. And you -- I had -- one now tell me what keyboard case you haven't Iraq. This keyboard case is the Belkin -- -- and I've reviewed bunch keyboard cases -- cnet.com. And they all have their trade offs because you are taking this big physical keyboard. That's Bluetooth connected and you're -- grafting it into a case usually gets pretty awkward and a little clumsy. This one actually -- and underneath so looks Foleo when you turn around here it's velcro attachments back and looked around. And when you're done -- looks like a little laptop and my driver as it has Bluetooth. So charges separately and so this is the test this keyboard as a nice -- netbook laptop feel. And it feels comfortable to type on. I prefer that government be doing extended writing although you and I both agree that typing on the keyboard on the on screen glass keyboard is great. I -- really good so this is worth 99 dollars to invest in. That's it -- see -- put it to the test right now for -- that clean -- the the most scientific deficit it pretty close actually got I like -- just hand me your phone so I can use the stopwatch function. And -- -- get out his phone. And I -- to open pages the word processing -- There's -- river distillers who do not live for the first time right here. Pago when He -- -- officials said at a blank page. So we're gonna have you guys swap console app of some -- pentagon time Julie Utah and Julie. I'm going to times got Scott tell me when you have -- a blank pages page up -- your -- ago. And your keyboard is connected and everything you know what's gonna happen it's already connected. And what's gonna happen is you guys are gonna type. At that that phrase that uses every letter on the keyboard the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog we have to get in stereo -- gonna type that how about twice. With if you if you can please no errors. And when you're done. I want to raise your hand and they don't have got Iowa hit stop when that happens and Julie I just won't do the same for you that we find an error to read that -- bell was just trying it was a just aren't that this is -- really will will take -- -- -- you -- do ambassador. -- think -- Thailand -- and do like an actual official formal can rewrite this just before my screen times element. I get nervous at night when it tried to be -- -- okay are you guys ready. Because both readied the quick brown fox jumps over the -- -- period space and then do it again and that -- and they've done a larger turn. It just it just I'm gonna -- -- and -- 800 count down from three also and that's a quick brown fox jumps over the -- -- -- Putting it yet but there are you ready -- three. 21. Begin. That's right has been a swap after and then tried to keep you twenty and try any of the keyboard to to take it you're typing skills from the equation. -- at eleven seconds ago that done. Thirteen point four seconds has -- and how many for 217. Okay so write that down. I development and -- if I write that down banquet this like a Mac over here and even -- -- -- mostly accurate except for a week. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Addressing -- and -- Yet just -- -- facilitate the swapping. Its online and -- -- -- 1717. Seconds while seventeen point ago. And -- and -- to type I and I don't upwards. You can't you could flip it down what -- those like satisfied. I'm not that we we will have the I was five about a week -- -- -- that's right okay okay. And that -- I think -- we're gonna uncheck that -- effect. Yet pushed a powered. -- actually friction you separate -- lose about three minutes and drag it up because they're pieces like a server Oregon case okay now resist. Now regarded as they don't get -- -- and now we're gonna do the same thing. Yes it is gonna time Julie a hundred times got. And -- an average IQ scores again and see whether the screen time was lower or the keyboard time was just the first incident but -- -- -- now -- it's gonna get out hired for temp job and I aren't in three. -- -- You know Justin's really quick time -- yes he's quick I'll never forget I have like this kind of -- Crab claw sort of two fingers crossed my own move but I actually get up to pretty it's okay done. -- -- Periods stop on one of. Whenever I am I. My. At that didn't get to Virginia it is all right. Let's let's forget that one be ready -- reboot but get ready in. And it -- so -- -- -- I already live review in 321. Go. Cricket cricket for those -- listening cricket cricket. I think they know they're owned by -- at the -- -- this is definitely a podcast she should watch. Recommend you watch some done. Loses interest and now this finding is that you do is not an iPad and it's not fair when she sat in a regular keyboard that's not a regular U and -- when it revised second everybody point seven I don't -- errors. But this shows you that even eight closed -- in case. Thirteen point seven. So you're actually closer to no matter what your keyboard was was actually the person with a -- predictor of the square and on what to do a little quick math here right here -- game. -- -- -- calculated have a that calculated hey Mike how are -- fourteen seconds it it was it was thirteen or 2.4. And then thirteen for the selling donating at the calculator here if it. But the -- -- -- an iPad uses its bets and -- enemy attacks had a cast I haven't enemies -- activity at all right. I and I am I the positioning of I don't know the. -- interesting point because the typing I was also typing on an elevated -- which seems completely awkward to do. However. I of the fact that it was so similar I mean I've been a proponent physical keyboards and ipads -- the shows. Is that. There isn't really that much of the speed difference when we -- more of a psychological. I think it's an aesthetic difference of -- for yourself and other physical keys. Like if I'm writing something I care about what I'm writing a long creative piece him almost comforts me -- keys and on a laptop but. Technically there's no difference and when you -- with -- -- you're working on it. You might there's only one run -- you might think that perhaps it's over similarity to a laptop or netbook it's a little more confusing. Like -- uncanny valley it's like. Because the EU if you know I have a touch interface -- -- kind of used to dealing with hepatitis things gas. But if you have an external -- it and -- -- because when it might actually touch screen by Verizon and and it. I haven't external Cuba where am I touching the -- that's interesting at -- almost a little disorienting kind of ecological -- the keyboard -- similar enough to laptop users using a for the first time we did it feel different. I felt a little bit like a net and netbook. You know -- that the -- -- now keep lines down. The -- had knowledge -- -- It is so comfortable at -- -- -- real. Its interest laptop keyboard arts comedy unit results right now and yeah I I added -- -- -- scores -- the reason why you -- switch to that is somebody's as gets slower typing skills exactly it's an illegal act and have a test. So for the on screen keyboard the average time to -- -- little phrase was fifteen point four seconds and for the physical keyboard the average time is nineteen point six seconds. Now which was partially dragged down by by -- is very slow performance. I'll see on her hey -- front but that shows you that it's -- -- -- a lot of keyboards all the time this is not a laptop -- ventures and the notes physical keys to kind of -- and that iron Andy -- I think it's the uncanny valley -- -- with -- where you read it it just it looks like it but then you really does not quite the same experience I personally think he's that. Ackerman and Scott should do people do it and we'll do all my might know my my -- my isn't this like I got what I mean there's a dozen -- -- iPad there's a reason behind the reason -- -- -- because. When it is -- -- American using an iPad you should know that he's an iPad which doesn't always -- to. You guys more so use all the -- side I don't even use keyboards on my iPad so you guys probably be more usually don't like that what we should do would be even worse thing and point to the confusion of setting up the case -- start with -- case closed scenario death. I know He likened the blogs -- -- -- down bloom open -- light fantastic. Opening up and writing to your right setting these up becomes a little bit of a -- get -- -- -- in the office to do a blinding speed test of the -- person is its high as a or just does run something running down the hallway grab the iPad opening -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- something out there and I thought -- take that -- compared to a different keyboard case. I think that'll be cool. Next -- Julie it's actually gonna set up. Petition and I know that I am delighted that our hero are gonna we're gonna -- of trades aren't they always that you know everybody was once you when you reduce it took if you gonna put it -- you cannot yet but -- and -- angles and it. -- -- -- -- here I'll just favorite cookie which who's gonna do and that is I set up a little game demo tests at the benchmarking it on this 3-D Toshiba laptop. We're gonna run -- that'd be the demo in two. And I'm gonna running is in the same settings like in stereos topic 3-D which means that -- -- is putting two images and you have to -- your your active 3-D glasses. And we'll see what the what the effect is -- people -- it's like the -- three -- -- -- up to that particular frame rates. And you know it -- but how much that's the question. And then -- I'm gonna grab my iPad that has got the -- up our next little looks He won't Julie's doing that. So how close we -- into. Became apparent let's just call the first demo this is into the matter -- it this isn't any mode and -- areas or pattern using steam and this is at thirteen 56 -- -- the and hopefully my way here that Columbia -- -- I got back from from an idea that might be left -- -- -- -- crazy yes I'm changing. -- -- -- So it's loading and now it was -- there are a coherence. I'm gonna take two's camera and a bit appoint a justice and is -- my camera and move -- an altitude says the zoom function. Well mister bill's gonna operate the camera. -- -- -- Other that's pretty good actually just yet and rule -- man. At that find with the -- -- -- allow public. That's the Toshiba satellite 53 DV twenty are you review that that I donated last weekend -- -- -- this laptop is that it's a question me by three laptop. On how do you want to just go and get the best graphics you can because as a fifteen incher. -- -- a six by 768 resolution the specs are nice core I five processor and -- Nvidia GeForce 540 graphics on this. But and Blu-ray drive but when you play blu -- you can't play them in full 1080. And when you play games the same thing is true. Plus. As we're showing here in the question is if it's 3-D graphics do you take a bit of a -- On graphics processing. Why not go with a better graphics processor especially since you're paying a lot for a 3-D technology was 1199. Its north of what you buy for normal core I five. And you're paying a premium for Nvidia 3-D vision those other ones we looked at like the she because -- the IQ. 775 I believe that reviewed a few months ago and it lot of those run run 19100 dollars onion and you getting that you know the GeForce. GTX. But I'd say he's Leo look at 1920 by -- -- 92 and retaining -- and and you're going to overcome some of the slowdown you might get frame rate wise. With 3-D but there is any someone -- spend more if you care that much about three that's a question. -- -- do you mind just taking a taste of three units in getting an okay experience but. Then after watching a three blu -- that's on this story -- -- can play those we're gonna do games that Jews cannot find what the it really great let's finance. Yet even with blu -- though I found I I wanted a larger screen first time ever -- really felt that way. Because the limitations when you get 3-D it actually makes the screen seem a little more cramped -- so -- resolution to and the resolution. So I watch and -- 03 -- nice I wish there was a little bit bigger -- back on the cosmonaut of those great. No deference for second on that right this was 51 point six okay 51 point six and two. And maybe while we're doing that will show you something else cool cause they'll -- a couple minutes to run especially -- it's gonna run a little bit slower. -- -- -- is gonna set that up. And -- twentieth start actually to -- the immediate effect we're not an obviously where the 3-D glasses but today at the screen looks Fuzzy yet because it's -- -- hysteria as gothic 3-D image we need to start doing three podcasts over the world's first podcast -- treaty act -- that. -- -- If you -- actually -- there's -- very often they'll also wall that's running actually look like. The little -- show you -- Committed -- area -- Running a brief look at and I'll show you were running right now. NFL Sunday ticket on the PlayStation 3 we talk about it ascent when accurately -- had a few weeks ago this. Unfit if the sky itself isn't all that's your choice on my little 32 inch 720. DS 211 -- -- which happened to have them in the popular and notable thing. So I complain a few weeks ago -- is totally disconnected Sunday ticket to go actually was down all across the board for all -- its mobile. Platforms and it was a disaster like the big debut right now is the big debut and everybody was tweeting an angry -- it and and DirecTV refund of the money for that week but still. You want this so the idea is this. Sunday Sunday games and FL games or streaming on the PlayStation 3 and -- looks really realistic as and a half. You only get 1 o'clock am 4 o'clock games on this you don't get -- and -- football center but as you can see it looks really good I mean it looked like broadcast television and it was crisp. The frame rate sometimes dropped as you sometimes -- -- from streaming. But it adding that much slowdown which was busily should exceed action but it was a little jittery time now measure is your PlayStation 3 connected wirelessly art art line art art wanted to -- recommend that any -- I did not test it wirelessly but then again when you're doing this in your hard -- football fan. Get a hard wired -- you're gonna be happy. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It gives you run animal games and clever little arrow that gives you the progress that goes red when your in the red zone -- -- when there's score. And -- -- channels including its you can always watch a continual. Not date of all the games that are going on for your -- But out of -- in market games -- black depths of the jets game the giants game here. Were not available to view and jump into. Those games the you can you can you live pause that was -- nobody paying for the full service it's expensive -- version twenty dollars extra effort into the area and yet for seventeen weeks you don't get your local games and if you don't get local games you don't get Sunday -- you don't get Monday night you don't -- Thursday night. Well those are nationally televised games -- somebody -- so if you're cord cutters and -- SP and and a film that worked some people don't inevitable network eagle looked at a local Barnes and Abbott 34 dollars says you you know you'll -- -- but the regulatory and licensing are you gonna renew next year I'll probably not because I go to the jets -- so I go to eight games a year in this is only for another eight games. But I think that if you are hardcore football -- your out of market. It's a great way to watch it looks really good and the benefit is that I tried on the iPad. -- -- take it as an iPad app and you gotta logging you can jump back -- Fortson kicked -- PTV -- your -- needs to watched. Is not currently in general you -- what happened to me I get so watch the into the game and the pausing is nice to be on the DVR because. I don't and right now on the total cord -- got it and La plaza like sports -- -- or anyone that's the story -- Though Julie you've got the score for the other that the three G modem that laptops that we got fifty something -- for second in Pakistan at the wrong things it's in nineteen plan for a friend for two. Yeah that's -- saying. Compromise writes that when you when you get when these treaty -- -- to -- -- want to make sure -- you have -- powerful enough CPU -- powerful -- GPU. So that. You can get over this this 3-D sort of -- penalty that you pay for turning on that view. Which really didn't go to images from -- I guess it does make sense that right and it literally that equates and it seemed like the way for -- we were testing it so. And that makes sense to upgrade if you're gonna need to think about the highest -- -- possible if you're gonna go -- -- I have one other little bit hardware I think we wanna show you this kind of almost a rebuke preview -- is gonna show you this that something will be reviewing soon. And -- those -- have to like actually just call -- has its own thing it is a cyber net it looks like. Keyboard but it is actually a full computer as you -- right here is the optical drive. The SD slot and headphone Jack -- USB ports here. The VGA. HDMI and ethernet and two more USBs on the back. That's completely ports if -- it's a it's running an atom processor one point eight Yahoo! -- -- Three gigs Cory -- how He had about the touchpad built in three gigs of DDR two ram Internet -- It is I think it is easy. That is the ZPCD five and again below -- will look it up it is actually know what I think -- a really cool. It's like reminiscent how much is it. I don't know a candidate -- an advocate of them but I mean its its package is reminiscent of usable I want about how computers that computers back and they'd go there biggest houses. The computer the keyboard and if you're one what they like it the eye candy here it is the only semi meaning -- -- -- my Apple two plus even -- huge is the computer keyboard were -- -- -- -- so -- kind of reminiscent as a retro but I I think it cannot do what it does take your computer your boy's house won't. If -- the -- -- aren't you -- glitter into the key thing is is a disjointed and 52 and sixty gigabyte hard drives -- laptop hard drive and it's. Got -- -- -- the dvd burner. That's actually a really cool idea just wanna debug is too important to me price lightness and cannot act as -- -- like walked to boy's house of -- -- TV and start watching Netflix Hulu. Not necessarily Hulu plus yeah I'm -- what's my voice house to us and plus the well whatever you don't distinct if your cable -- elect Scott yeah this who has out of how to put -- a bunch of movies on it you could take it over plug it right and -- is obscenity and we think about using with an HDTV. And that's something you're testing right now brand will come back maybe next we -- I actually had to stop in -- test the brigade and and then look at the benchmarks are. We're running at a time I do wanna say one other cool thing that we heard a lot about last week this -- so hands Johnny. Everyone saw the big FaceBook. Developers. -- you know big press event. That was for developers but we all tune in to watch the live -- to one of the big things was the FaceBook timeline. You can sign up for the data for that now to get until I've actually gotten into it. And if you want to see what that time and look looks like live I actually have it appear on my iPad again. Thought I would switch over to that -- -- this is what your FaceBook profile page will look like in the not too distant future. You sign up as a developer to get into yet that -- -- -- -- again and you can find how to all the way to bring on including on -- that -- put a big picture up there. It chair -- who you are some basic info. She's -- how many astronauts subscribers -- -- wanna subscribing to my feed and here's the recent stuff that's modifying activity on there. I've got my -- post promoting the show today. I've got something very cool actually I'll show you. I got this hand drawn T -- from Leonard Nimoy architects. Mr. Spock. And I framed it to put it in -- -- -- it was very cool with -- like a drawing of hand. And -- LL AP live long and there are prosper thing to feel my updates here. And I'll show a very quickly with the new photo thing looks like I'm here. If you go up to the -- users click on photos. And then that will show you all your pictures and it pretty easy did pretty easy to browse kind of way and if the all the pictures divided up by -- -- -- 2009 Hewlett through their little photo shoot. On the littlest fans should be -- somewhere -- -- as as got him the who was cipher for -- -- is the -- -- the -- had been having of them are hitting it and an anchorman yes and then anchorman the year before -- his name was to pick on our -- -- -- yeah right. So I'll let you -- at your officially dead now you'd you'd of their ideas going ethnic if it is -- -- -- -- my FaceBook picture to be to be junior yet though. I haven't done that. So anyway that's a fast look at down. At the timeline view on FaceBook. And you can go to like the timeline page and sign up to be a speedy user -- the slowly I guess what people and I think it's a pretty good layout overall -- an -- -- I think having just looked at it briefly. At this critical. It looks nice pan out if the data theft Internet stuff daddy went running away using it is confusing yeah it's the seller's wine -- -- fed up. And Agassi's and it's just it's getting pounded -- but that's a good point actually -- this so much change. That you don't know where -- used and don't have to come and ago when ally I think that the. I know where your silverware -- you don't know worse over in your drawers and it's like if you're living on FaceBook use that move merger and but I do like the idea of an archive timeline I felt like. It all over the Internet. That needs to be explored the idea being able to have it now has a -- way -- history of of dialing stuff out. And an intake in that direction is everything -- gets buried. Like I I I personally think as long as it'll take away certain things and add more to it it's not so bad where they give you better filters like the subscription -- I think it's important that it does growers -- -- if it wants beast that if you want to stay relevant. But like you know Google plus out there they have to do things people may be upset with the chains but you give them a couple months -- just -- that -- run out they get the new operating systems they just. This is how the way things -- that is how it is mixed use and why that number by one this year that his life. His life. Artist for -- -- I prefer for one more -- -- Scott I want to see very quickly what you have there yeah I just an iffy because I wanna bring -- back next week as a great idea with its competition gamble -- vetoed the telling him what this is really fast remember the al-Qaeda which are you -- which was an iPad -- joystick Atari. Has made this day. Thirty pin plug -- you -- your iPad in the top here. Like that. And then you're able to play games with his joystick and -- -- -- sounds great except it only works -- the Tories out. Just like the IK of the I can't actually started opening up its out of the humans and -- three people it's not -- by. This costs less doesn't have any batteries. Only works in Ireland and a plant if it out not I'm -- I think we've got it out. But we know we should -- -- chaos we -- recognition agreement we should bring Brian Tong and -- some -- I -- it's not actually we do have the original Atari 2600 in the lab and we have the IK and -- -- -- they should have been -- off the original I like verses the impostors. Oh I like that had an idea arts of battleship battle next week and -- -- -- I think I wanna give a friend of -- got a very quick plug because He has a book that's coming up today. It is not Scott Stein but -- someone who often -- feel it is Scott Steinberg. -- -- a writer to my Alter the end of your personality who's been. Covering -- for many many years and ran a bunch of -- the of the new one offered -- and it's been very quickly. It is called music games rock and it is the story of the history basically rhythm gaming like Guitar Hero. Yeah and and things like that so that is actually in. But that music -- of rock dot com and it's always nice he's gone -- -- -- stuff. And then I think it's -- to wrap it up I just wanna give a very quick. Kind of plug for what we're doing here this is the CNET labs cast that is the official name of our new show it is every Monday at 2 PM eastern. And we would greatly enjoyed if you it. All the shows Twitter count is at -- CNET -- cast and join the FaceBook page which is FaceBook dot com slash -- that lance -- I'm gonna show you that as well very quickly not to be confused with CNET labs tests as when -- -- somebody thought both -- -- payments have -- -- -- -- -- know where the thunder -- that's perfect that's right unfortunately I can't test port over all the followers from the digital city FaceBook page you're not allowed to change your FaceBook at -- name apparently. Which is of a castle so if you're a fan of the digital city. Just -- -- -- your links that FaceBook dot conflict CNET lance guest and twitter.com slash. In Atlanta cast and of course we're gonna see that your next Monday -- -- ethnic. I really like the -- to -- -- Regis hey. It's totally not my last test its electric elected to a blog -- of a nice time we can for the society which restrict your entire schedule -- -- -- I'm going to lunch now to this podcast and has a good breakfast you've got my -- been downloaded -- -- not just elements. -- write to the broadcast. Address that guy's gotta have an -- -- that -- good management and bring them isn't it I know this and I. They make -- the -- of -- -- there's there's a restaurant -- -- nick alioto. The Spanish Harlem thing Korea homeless guy hey Brandon. Bring a -- actually -- it and possibly. It's good -- the Fifth Amendment. That's Steve and I guess we'll see an excellent. A and an. --

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First Look: The $349 Nothing Phone 2A Aims to Brighten Your Day

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Best of MWC 2024: Bendable Screens, AI Wearables and More

This Concept Laptop from Lenovo Has a Transparent Display

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