Dialed In 164: Mashing Xperia Play's Buttons
Dialed In 164: Mashing Xperia Play's Buttons

Dialed In 164: Mashing Xperia Play's Buttons

-- it's Wednesday march 2 to any eleven you're listening -- -- in -- cellphone podcast -- is this year and to gain that cool he. Doing it in studio today and senior editor can't even though hello no end and he uses -- to -- until pay day. Analysts now all that's on as a producer -- you know. And in Europe and -- tech note I there I. So I today is not for unused but the bit of Apple news in general is to -- with the big iPad two announcement. Along with the official. Unveiling I OS four point -- -- beach convention -- -- acting consistently. One official. Announcement of it so what do you think. The cool who have -- I've already started out I've but it I was three actually and I was involved with trying to find some stuff about iris for a patriot missed a lot of iPad two announcement but I know that to get facetime right. Yeah thanks so that's good defense against -- and a lot of people waiting for it's light it's. And it emitted to other -- thinner than -- from orbit. And I think that whole thin thing is ridiculous specialist eight point eight make it was eight point eight. Millimeters to nine point three millimeters -- And it doesn't mean you mean that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm like yeah I know that the basic thing the iPad two that an ambulance to the music -- the image as it's known as mobile. -- though is you know it's been a slight. It comes in black and light and you will both little -- -- -- analyzed data to -- Historically yet so we'll see if that's actually happens -- but yes so and that price will be the same am and the all. Be the same the same capacity sixteenth that -- -- for. And interestingly it'll be available in both eighteen -- the end of -- sneaking yet. You can go either way -- camera double the processor. He carrier to two cameras as well which is -- -- not would be so note no real surprises on. But -- vulnerable which is well known and about excellence -- and their foraging. Yes no authority though the thing I don't mean -- -- -- analysts expecting -- -- Butler and that's gasoline eight -- and if you're looking for even before it is in and I'm gonna disappoint him with those -- -- and VGA front facing camera a lot -- -- -- -- And -- -- -- packet well most of the phones actually have he gave him yet in its criticism and now there are tons of them have. Sort of higher quality. -- the thing that really the translates -- quality. I think VG BBS act. But the quality depends on software Q from what I've been on iPhone four front facing camera can't fit and pretty impressed -- I and and I and I -- there that's artifice. It makes -- a difference though. The video chat and it hasn't stolen. And instead. Looking we'll see him and that's -- -- since no fresh breaking news -- But yes. The price point and lowest priced against the same for -- mini nine but the basic Wi-Fi sixteen gig model and -- -- -- ramps up after that as. And he and regional iPad the prices -- Erica yes if you eat eat eat -- to. Get the original no debate iPad does that that the iPad -- how ready is -- the other end -- -- day. At the so -- ipads that's available in the rural and ending -- absolutely handle on that it's built I think dollars -- so if you still wanna maniacal laugh you. And honestly it's it's excellent but I was actually impressed -- -- -- -- -- needs and it. I want my favorite part that's really one of not only surprising that we didn't speculate on with mapping out the specs for the cover. On eleven as the end of an analog to done an extensive and it's so Apple -- like those of us recover or that any of -- the -- But you know it's on it's because he's -- -- -- And we been lifted up in a two week you -- it in sleep. I mean it's an apparent that. Like here if I want it or -- kind of have been an instrument Sara and -- and -- at CNET and -- discovered SIA. That also had a cover that -- alarmingly similar to that though. And yet so maybe the Aussie -- -- problems and I think. Enough -- mention IOS four point. To me and I think this one is interest in this because -- effects I think almost all of beat Justine. Let's stay at the authority. -- it's gonna go was not gonna come to the iPhone for a -- not coming to the Verizon. Yes the -- into staying king Christie sit well you'll come to the old iPad the iPhone -- GSM only yes -- hands the and in the third and fourth generation iPod Touch. Yeah that's right so. I'm a lot of you supplied the the most interesting support is that the introduction of the Wi-Fi hot spot. Yes and actually it -- I'd written earlier that AT&T -- -- confirming if they didn't they did confirm that just a few minutes ago that. They will -- feature and it will be just you'll be the forty guy. For -- get an -- to get the data pro plan which is 45 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now -- but it's unlimited data unlimited captain now so I am so yes it will get -- -- just. A that's. I mean that's good for -- if you have an AT&T iPhone unit like -- and Verizon iPhone have -- -- -- you can't get -- to. It has a right but it has -- -- -- Kosovo. And this time but those features minus four to three -- there aren't that exciting. Why not their homes -- as -- panning whom sharing. -- -- I think it's more important if you have an iPad could see it as that's Kenya he should not now being in. And -- and other factors account any improvements to you and play if you have an Apple -- that kind of thing. I did hear that the politically digital AV adapter is to MI adaptor that they introduced at. I -- the event apparently it's also compatible with the iPhone far. The generation ipads. Fourth -- So. Even if you and connectors your phone to TVs with. Well thing and they amendments in this in the in announcement is an analyst everything that you -- yeah I question you mean up to date the download button. Couple other things we found. Where. When we saw the beta version where. You can get some more alert -- need -- popular terms multiple times and you can a couple of new font sizes or font types for the -- yet. -- -- -- -- And so -- Incrementally updated in terms of the OS -- -- -- but it -- was more -- -- -- eventually -- -- -- -- -- can -- -- -- a lot of tablets and mobile world congress how do you think that this line compares to space on stacks. -- -- Hey I think it's similar as far as making a camera analyze you know again I I'm still -- -- kind of -- HTC -- Because of their -- The digital pens yeah you know and -- you don't mean that which you don't -- but I think we know we were talking about this actually yesterday with the mother (%expletive). I index kind of what I would -- and -- -- you know. It -- can ask of -- down notes and ability to record I you can and can't. Type -- -- deep pocket and you. Put down notes though that -- a whole integration is pretty interesting to -- -- the form -- -- -- the fire and but man that's just I mean its -- for. Much like the argument between. What would if you want the iPhone -- you want any Android enjoys -- just depends on. What -- -- have a phone in the user experience that you. -- mean if you if you want all the stuff that. You want although the things that in -- Apple describes -- like at the end there there's -- that the photo that garageband yeah I mean you want all that stuff then yes that's the excellence for but if you don't. If you don't need that stuff than you and certainly you can go -- -- What you want a tablet -- on Friday the that's the am. I kinda petite and component and I would not be surprised that all of that dominates the market yet again for an immediate -- and it's there. I mean you know the price point is and is honestly it's good. 150 hit an Apple would have been a price point but it is perhaps. Can -- -- -- so expensive. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There's so much -- than pounds and and they keep -- and -- punitive and there really nailed it on the so yeah that's the -- at -- -- -- the same time as the game developers conference in San Francisco and speaking of that meaning -- acting house partly to -- amendments -- So -- the event photos in the accountants and it's a scam and he got a move hands on with the XP at play. Beaches at least the nation -- school. Can kiss the phone -- Its PlayStation certified -- has that -- controls that. In the keypad on the deaths and Sony controls the right thing it's -- overall they did. The emulated the controller. Feed perfectly except for the middle TU. Circular -- -- each -- and an eight. Try it out and and a couple of games and the whole idea of having an analog I think that if you like movies -- -- -- engineering procurement -- in humans and electrostatic has yet answered and I never. So we witness the regular PlayStation PST controller that is analog -- nationality and it indeed move -- Down them all around the movement. With the XP -- just to get to keep the -- -- -- -- Down if they're having those -- the mistakes have little round circular. Touch sensitive patent rights I thank you to hear. -- the Sony really October. Ill physical movement instance that touch is that the -- around unit in Vietnam. And that's not a bad thing and but it is happening not ants. As you want -- game controller to me it's. That's kind of the trade up that you have to make -- expedient and honesty after listening to use. I'm Scott Stein willingness on the outpost a lot of them a lot with missing is the PSU. Is is basically what is -- -- -- with not if it's missing those dual analog adds that it's you know it's Canada -- -- Medical team. -- for any better than you -- and games -- I. -- -- yet that's canola is trying to get a -- attitudes that for example like playing a racing game. I found is it's easy to do that those really quick movements that the detectives are contracted to speak to it better button. Sort of use the test and -- for certain kind of very subtle. Refining movement seeking used to -- controls the -- sensitive guy was found and kept going. Over compensating blast doing rapid and one's a little bit management and movement tinkering with quicker my way across the screen -- -- -- -- joystick because it's had since it just looks fine little adjustments much easier. But get it if it it seems to me is key dependent you know they have the -- -- a better visit them and -- of about it and it -- But -- a little bit getting used to just -- teens and explained unit almost ninety pages and to noting that one controller it's part. Moving your character around it wanted to -- -- move your regular -- So it was just like one image and I don't cut through it was a I think this is -- the -- cabinet. And that's what. -- Mikey sent the difference between playing this as opposed to yank. I thought you had the excellent on the -- test in the YouTube with no moving it around. Lie you view it as being whereas this that the feel of the controls. Is much more like an actual. Sole controller in your hand it also ready to YouTube and mentioned some of the Smartphone. Is depressing down you know this it's Florida visceral. -- experience which is what gamers want me. Controller -- that scan of an -- point. I think that's why the white is so excited about this -- a competing product bulletin -- but. Because of a lack of analog prices because of because of the sensitive the of those -- is its excellent use them and they did in some sense that. It's just not as candidates and real physical control. I just don't know a real gamers are gonna get I don't know if it if I'm a real -- No hardcore gamer let's get this -- that instead of but if Sony -- At com and and -- just don't. Especially nausea and -- No it did it does take years image or becomes your cellphone -- yeah it seems like a pretty decent so the -- You know if you don't use Verizon analysts -- and so forth so that's what -- It's a lot more than -- at -- -- asks that they ask of you mean intensive cellphone contract on that -- Oh I I I do think it's it's better than what some people say it is and because because I do like having that physical control to make -- But again you know the lack of a library it 5050 games is it I guess but the -- Very small -- lately just to be seen. Me pretty simple -- retro arcade games not really. In missive kind of -- and millions of whatever so. Look see even get much better -- and I don't -- debt much better. -- an iPhone aren't and today. -- something. With you know what I can mode can we use it would and a little blog -- the -- can read it and an act of those Simonyi blog post companion -- -- and he is. -- -- The -- can you this post about the business users -- me. Succumb to some monstrosity. It then I got it and it -- -- -- that was rather amusing. At that actor didn't. I remember. -- and Republicans so this is the Sony Ericsson -- the word and it was. A controller basically show when you popped her phone -- -- certain number problems. And then you could play games on the phone on a regular concert screens so. It was certainly comfortable to use by my games were mean and on this -- mean. You know seemingly immune to it and when that's nominal PM I'm in the house is gonna -- I mean it was stuff like that -- -- a snake in those kind of games he had at that point where. It was great to have the -- -- but -- arguing needed the controls to. To be able to play those games so that's a small screen exactly that's -- I okay and it directly access though it was rather. Amusing at the time it was it was it was something I mean -- -- actually my -- have this from Sony Ericsson Z 600 active for. But yet to think of the game. My idea of the algae birds which is that it. Without -- touch screen on the test in my -- to -- one of the modular but the game controller Mario them remember and speaking to me. That. So it clearly some people have tried it before and then there are those game controllers like -- -- -- that you could kind of Holden and you press the little trigger button -- -- control oh yeah and next thing it. Yes this is gaming and against Sony Ericsson before the the for their experience by there was just this kind of company device. -- these entirely I mean I'm tired. Out of time to -- -- I -- really -- of the -- and -- an event and our display. Like -- back at old pictures of herself. And so. Speaking of kind of cool fun beings look a little -- all -- the -- Is apparently gonna -- -- psyche. Even surface you have saved. In an Arab an -- -- an area is Canada's joint decision between Microsoft and danger but. They are indeed cutting off the danger data service where psychic on -- starting may 31. While. We ask that you won't be able to access the near contact their photos their story to the dangers cloud based service. You can't please if as a text messaging Smartphone if you want to keep -- but. And teen girls what is it is needed it's pretty much -- thirteen moles you know reaching out -- of -- affected users. And letting them know that you know this happening and that. And they'll offer and special deals for new devices. Data go into specifics and as ours but the -- desire -- You know it they're providing information on how they can get their data. Before -- services. I'm in their hope is that. They will have the Kindle thank you for G which is based in doing today of gas and -- -- ahead of me -- for its kinda the cell. And train your site if -- owners out -- yeah -- -- -- -- Have you seen any sketches of what new entrant assignments to client now I haven't actually -- enough about the flipping -- the -- you know gas appreciating. -- tell you only have to detect schemes because the -- yes yes and in the attacking a new plan packed theaters and gonna miss that little flip screen in the him found that in the end it gas. But it's -- -- you can probably get out of an alert -- of -- -- -- a. -- member -- an adverse psychic came around islands we've just started doing CNET videos and via. I was two and a first -- and I was just trying to demonstrate. Like what it was like to hold it when you're on it just as is -- -- -- -- -- little effect and it was just -- -- Boxee and again and how it upside down just I didn't think about it I'm but I mean it was the right way -- and I can hold the speaker -- I got so thrashed on this blog now it -- no I think we're gonna Holland have found that as well my first for six I was nervous. And I just. -- -- would think about it him. -- and an X me. It and put in a slight chance that they -- -- -- -- pretty it's pretty funny. You and justice ill yeah just to see how the design -- president has the -- white people I honestly it's still one of the best. -- and that spying units with T-Mobile told me they you know with people. Can't part with that keyboard -- -- again and again and I'm playing -- I think the want to. -- -- I don't know that's quite the same thing yeah hanging around the -- -- If the totally could also just melted and Freeman on your walls began a member of the area and -- right. Take it and put it on another phone but the thing indicated. But. It's -- and Japan and honestly although remember although all of that scandals -- -- -- the -- Network being hands. And have parents past and being thrown never about brain and -- women -- the security was that he'd like me. -- -- knowing that doing that and remember and -- recent wearing the -- solid data and gained their Internet and -- a look -- innocent citizens that there in Virginia. -- that ran up the clearly. That's what he's competing. I was crowned the founder of what parties starlet for rules unless the parent and then being Golding earlier than anything I am. -- And yeah I learned that I also plans or something I -- -- have them makes you died in. They have limited edition one yeah I remember celebrities and -- our -- -- -- damage vitamin -- Stupid stupid girls video and -- -- -- and I found. But they have this is -- disposed regulate additives and treatments is trying to chemistry -- site at hundreds of residents who runs over people I am -- Fly over the head of the card's with me. Details how the tiny dog today I think -- yeah of course it is of course can enhance -- -- -- and it. That is the psychic -- -- p.s in the industry's the industry fact that a little bit. Pounding on Q and you this is the HT -- marriage CD in the world. Adds. HTC announced the last week that there gonna bring that ET he emerged he multiple North American carriers this brain. It's an Android 2.2 Smartphone with this I'd -- keyboard. And an in recently to the -- shift toward. -- GSM though I know -- my. Looking forward to you a world phone. -- -- -- -- -- -- phones now I agree. News. They're very few better than. It looks like this when it happens green adequate -- now it point 20 yeah. And think you'll hear more at TT games to it. Of -- -- -- -- It and HTC's -- another. It's just the windows phone seven -- -- at this isn't much is praise for it was kind of teasing this so for a little while cartoonist and he awry. Yet they choose different HTC seven produced in the coming telegraph idea Nokia. So. It's going on sale march -- or 200 dollars with a two year contract plan. Pretty much can advance answer to -- touch pro to which we've seen with that you know tilting screen full QWERTY keyboard. The only one and -- only when us from device with the talks -- screen right. Movement yes yes and only heating -- Currently -- and change Bradenton probably will add them. Mentally. You know panic and -- aspects of windows phone seven devices when gigahertz Qualcomm mpeg processor. -- megapixel camera sixteen gigs of internal memory notes and 25. So you know financing deal that there's. No wonder if they've seen as they fix the whole landscape -- of the usually don't -- you know what I haven't heard anything about that. Yes and Nichols arguments from some of -- -- than the home screen into landscape mode. Yet just like your none -- -- looking at this. -- -- -- -- -- -- anything that is accurate okay it's not like. None of that market landscape mode you know lot of being built range yes I mean I stayed at home screen -- you -- Is rated at the age of terror that two did apps that they felt most important an app -- in landscape mode so messaging web pages gentlemen -- video. -- up and everything else. -- path -- that haven't watched it it didn't affect. Hopefully they'll update that something in. So moving on Q and right here just -- you -- that's about. -- -- -- -- Okay through the quiet it's you can't kiddy yet it just entered private beta but what it is is it's this app. Four and read that basically -- offers. A profile so kind of partition your Android operating system you'll have your normal Android. And then if you press the button or tap that you'll actually get this sorted. -- -- Okay I hope everything can -- -- good -- that's your reflection and from -- I've had every day you can kind of the but I you'll get the sort of corporate profile that her -- that your IT team -- -- through policy is on and things like that an it will add a lot of the protection and security that are kind of missing from me and drain. For example it can add a password if you don't have a password on your regular -- profile that's okay. Because your company can add one for you and so that -- auto -- -- that. Under that profile exactly pocket so that at any tiny access -- I mean they can only cuts. They're corporate profile if you lose your phone they can wipe it that they won't wipe your personal data it'll only write the -- email for example. Are any of that other work apps like ad sales -- are -- anything else Internet whenever. And that our company private and confidential -- is really cool thing and they the committee gave me. The -- On this -- -- their kind of trying to shop around. Maybe get it preloaded on some things get companies to you get -- it in any -- yet exist. A real private -- -- at the moment but it's something that we could be seeing and other forms that's something we can be seen from competitors as well. So this is a direct assault on rim and on Blackberry one of the things that Blackberry provides. Very Charlene is security's secure servers a lot of things that make Blackberry very corporation friendly. And although there are things like exchanged on. -- -- -- -- We've seen. I even with other malware malware reports today about entering apps it's not necessarily very securing in the kinds of -- bigger company would want it to be -- At the company that makes -- called and her -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They've basically want to be that solution -- something that we seen sort of -- a similar. Way that's sprint. Revealed with sprint AD -- it introduced earlier in the fall. And that also kind of -- profiles but it wasn't trying to be -- -- company friendly and it was just trying to assertive. -- create different. Almost like themes really intricate themes of a -- themed event in new switching between -- profile -- there was much that it's very very fast you know I spent now granted this isn't loaded with -- -- and it's not a sudden here. CNN in -- specifications -- there -- thing. The switching is really relieved I mean -- -- me -- this is a convenience key also. Drag and drop from notification end variants of that button here. So it is really fast but I don't think I can do -- real hands on testing and analysis because it's not connected to a real live. At corporate policy. But -- way that's really cool it seems to work a lot better you know it's sort of like what -- navy wants to be an of the direction anything expert is going. But this is a much cleaner implementation and of course one that is directed. Specifically to the work -- -- -- Although there apparently is a bad sites and -- to -- this apart from men's minivan apparently Google has yanked. Several infected Android apps. Apparently has -- killed sixteen -- to anyone malware infected apps from both its Android market -- from people with Android devices. What's -- think that -- and her best. Yet it kind of Trojan the mother of all and I know Larry -- me so we know it happens by me and has an open marketplace. -- is that it is kind of -- happens this is the danger of being too open and there have been a couple other malware in a moment I would say in the past. That we really haven't seen exclude the same way yet and I think this is something we've been -- that for years when he first started. Making it mobile I was looking a lot of software and there are a lot of companies -- doing. In regular windows security software that was trains sort of like with at this thread about mobile. Malware and and that really hadn't happened yet and unfortunately it looks like that's starting to pick up for real in the while it's true. And unfortunately for Google because of the move you know things. So under attack enemy Google like the Microsoft of mobile. Oh look seeing -- because -- -- -- whole idea that because and -- has such a large market share more people are malware folks let's start targeting them in that sense -- But you know. I think Google has a kill switch beta gives you the ability to remotely -- rehab Vivendi have to find it. Yeah that's valid and I may use -- -- discovered in house -- Maybe they can do you that I mean I think that. This. The hardest eight's good it actually can load on you can put us app on the site aren't Google's marketplace without being had been approved -- you don't have all this stuff that Apple can get in the way just because they have other reasons beyond. Crappy crappy -- -- causing problems. But -- have to be very vigilant about monitored them. It yeah and -- I think that user behaviors really cavalier on mobile phones. And that's that's another thing to make the beat people tend to just go to any site and a phone that -- think about it but then you know it. Its its computer are also interpreting apps I mean how many people -- with the permissions lets people want app that like -- can't have any access -- united again give its DNA they're -- they're claiming and then I'm going should say that -- what they're serving as you know somebody copying the contents of your Gmail accounts and a market that prey. So -- -- it is. It is over -- It is over the in its responsibility on the user to have to be careful what you adamant. In the UK unit is an interesting article -- -- -- about on cell phones and health and kind of glad that the situation is around. Yes but I mean please community -- Making them there's a guy with. So I got an email spam and Bach's comments here's a response to your column -- this -- route was basically and on just that -- -- -- canyon to take which is the wireless organization that represents the summit wireless industry that are lobbying arm of the wireless industry in Washington excuse me. -- they represent. Carriers manufacturers -- people and it's Derek attitude toward suffer radiation isn't dangerous is not as pretty much well. No studies to prove that it's not dangerous so therefore it is and alls phones sold in the US. Conform to the standards which is one point six -- -- program called tracks and radiation charts. So therefore everything's okay so the -- -- out last week that said that the National Institutes of Health found. That a volunteer participants often exposure was associated with increased metabolism glucose in the -- so what that means it's just basically. Sort of excited your brain like -- working faster in the areas that were. Processing sugar faster in areas closest to the antenna problems -- So they didn't say whether this meant to me and -- -- and say whether this is battered -- unaware just how harmful they just said -- -- happening again. So I that was interesting because it basic it chatted demonstrates this week who but it demonstrates that. Cellphone -- that can affect your brain functions. Which a lot of the research that has been studying cellphone use and cancer and other things like decrease sperm count and and -- and all these other things. Whether -- it does demonstrate so when -- can affect how your body functions ports so. They put the fountain the C chair responded and they said well as the study as a city study's authors say. It's not bad there there's no there's no proof that it's bad so will continue monitoring will keep looking but I think that -- ETA. They say they want explore how more study they wanna have more research and it -- but then. Any time a local organizations or local. -- and local government stable government passes any kind of law -- -- -- may jump elaborate he says he can do this and I think it's a little bit of gap between their actions in the words I don't. Really support the San Francisco law that says that -- -- -- -- that but I do you know but. And their reaction to reaction was the reaction to hold us HCC TIA fall show move its San Diego. Was a little over the top because of an engineer basically acknowledged that they had this debate is -- is this -- saying this debate isn't worth having. To -- that it signals that they're scared that something. If that's a really highly defensive maneuver to me if your stance is that if it does nothing and -- harassment thing and why you'd be so defensive. Yet it has -- -- -- -- -- -- The standards that they used to test cellphones they don't tell you that they're holding that when they do this test the cellphone as an inch from here. And if I don't know how many people hold their phones and -- the air and talk. And you look at a lot of user manuals and they say they recommends holding -- phone interview -- would be talking on the phone. So don't really talks about that and don't really says that no one really says that the standards they used to test cellphones were made in 1993. And -- used -- used to work with repeat worked with. Figure was a 200 pounds. Model of human and let them -- had so they weren't really. Wasn't a person that's really accurately represent -- that the average person. Let alone children or cross section of the anxiety let alone children who have been her breath thinner skulls in their brains are still developing so. I just think -- each day can take a little more about a ridiculous and say we acknowledge that people actually really worried about this we don't know whether it's harmful they can't say that -- support that because we don't know that we may never -- But is he Chinese take more responsibility section so there's think tank called digital society of a pirated content one of the authors there -- -- -- -- we're proceeding -- actually. Protocol -- -- and CBS. And yes and one with. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But then you look at it you look at you -- recent pew research about the contained in its -- -- -- -- means kind of excellence that they would. Do that he would write this. -- -- -- -- I'm proud to -- an alarm and harassment actually. And you can find your fitness improvement that's it. Okay so you know -- every comment -- comment on the blog have different opinions on the of the blog -- is loud and comments here. So get involved in the discussion now. Just one final thing to finally get to the usage of sprint Smartphone users -- remote like. Yes they are this is that feature that's coming it only comes if you have. The total equipment protection plan and that's that basically an insurance that you sign up and up to seven dollars a month and -- you can get your phone -- -- if you -- it. Are stolen but this is available to black Android -- Blackberry users it's no additional charge -- uranium equipment plan and course besides backing up and racing -- back -- up at a recent contacts and lost device. You can. Remotely lock Smartphones are like that are attractive. The device you track -- BG PS while -- location in real time. So at a web interface and -- and -- can sound an alarm to so like you lost it in your house system awareness even if it's in silent alarm sound continuously. And and if somebody steals it you can't help but hey -- opening -- okay I -- so go down he's mastered or something. It's this kind of -- it's it's I think it's a new addition to -- -- feature parity youths in a nice that is no charge beyond the -- charge. It and sustain. So there -- no ads today so -- is hit -- on -- reviews here. Bonnie have -- street view which is the -- hotly anticipated. Samsung galaxy S or G ring. And this is -- penal law and basically down. Replacing the Samsung vibrant. And design replacing it already well it -- in the mainland -- and -- And a bit of the big thing is it it has -- With then -- can. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That if it has a little bit more of a soft touch finish though so it doesn't feel -- plasticky but I mean. Though when you compare it to the myTouch four G you know I think it. Still feels plasticky and in the -- yeah I I thought it felt pretty fragile actually leapt up from Barcelona so. This is something after -- very -- Europe. Yes and -- -- it's not something that -- been very critical about as the Apple Saturday night and the end of paying you know it's just something yes or no arrests are like those Nat and mean it may be silent immediately -- found by you want from them. Those between when you paint. On them -- You know -- -- Change that habit in feature and Q&A drop. -- And silly and seeing the big improvement here that it's four G. And compared to -- analyst at -- four -- -- the difference here is that it's capable of reaching theoretical -- -- -- -- 21 of its second. Which is prices. -- The of the month when T-Mobile G two -- myTouch four G even though the evo four G. Yet -- Those two are at the peak at 414 -- -- it. You know wouldn't it be nice things about the -- and yet now. If I emphasis on the theoretical issued executive theoretical and I -- and -- it it did very well you know Dan. I've always been impressed with T-Mobile -- the network. We peaked at six point 89 megabytes per second -- averaged about five down and one point seven. Advocate for second mega bits per second. You don't know it's really intimate epic huge IE from as many Lan. Well yes but I mean you know. Or forty phone is -- comparing -- intermediate authority -- compared to other phones we've had this is probably one of the fastest ones we've seen union and other ones -- Other T-Mobile. It's a degree expand when your browsing -- your -- land on your phone are you know. I'm streaming media so it's definitely an improvement. The other thing you get a front facing camera for video column. That it's. With a -- he attacked. The little body -- -- But you can make calls over Wi-Fi or that -- I thought it I think if -- your. Getting a new Smartphone I don't think if you're Byron and it's an upgrade. This is barely a year ago. Yes and less than a year ago so I don't think using -- products on contract -- it's worth paying you know. Old helped -- as being but if you're in the market. Or any smart phone and -- make in doing anything in the -- Ankle. Is only 200 dollars it's -- The vibrant. -- I think it. 200 via you know and I will -- the app the price on the myTouch orgy and it's 250 best tech and what's the app but -- -- -- -- -- down and and aimed at panic and -- thank -- on the fact. What is entry this isn't enough they're really translation. -- different -- It parallel its -- -- something to get and is get them via ankle -- -- Some of moving on -- you need the armed me. Verizon like this thing called street view not a speedy raised the last thing it -- ha ha -- -- silence that we care for them. But they really does messed up on the here because the early -- -- -- only ask. It's -- -- I know what I mean the GSM version been available for but this is the first with the -- care -- Verizon Wireless. I mean we're tying -- -- -- line you're gonna get it's 33 which is being nice parents. Well that's my problem -- -- consumer H -- -- peachtree street yeah. It's not easy theme and beauty and simply type. Elaine. The 82. -- -- to -- just -- as one of them are interesting -- interest in remarks about a supplement -- Google it right and -- utilizes a hearing about it much. They should put that in -- could do it. But anyway the pre two so. The design. Pretty much the same as the pre plus nothing really different except the screen is -- And there's a soft touch finish on the outer edges. Though -- I'm getting much -- the big thing is it's it's running web. OS two point now to the latest versions the negating the new features like stacks which -- groups together. And similar task in the deck of cards you with his creek -- it makes it -- organizes things better when you're not switching between tasks and it also has just type which is -- in their new version of universal. There -- -- -- and addition into in addition to universal search we can do is start you know typing a message or calendar and anywhere on the phone. And what you have is this quick actions menu where you can simply say create new. Message in it'll automatically -- -- the you don't have to open the specific app to start -- anywhere and yes I mean it's it's cool feature. And also exhibition which is you can interact with third party -- there. While the phone is docked to the -- Plan and also they've opened its community to third party applications you know I think developers can -- -- energy on and so. I don't see why you really why and it yeah why he -- -- A few months to get the HP the pre. -- I really liked it. Unless this is cheap how much is its 160 which isn't that not keeping -- Steve you know that you know. My arrays going -- probably -- in the next -- but as that they. You know even if you're not impressed that the -- -- at that point you know the price on this thing might come down so yeah I just I just I don't want to clear why I look away ago -- -- -- -- While it makes me sad because any closer to head and really like when less than last and her own -- -- -- and then again it. Employers can claim an and you need about all the money that went into the research and development that limits they whether or less -- you know about the marketing -- -- into everything an end to such a monumental waste. It's just said well it's not only some OS that the -- from the -- yes yes exactly can LS's and we're gonna see it another area and three version. And -- ranked match yes you. The Big Bang -- does it idea you had -- next to you this is the Samsung SCH TT five minute descent. Pretty basic yes so her she -- digital. See that many crazy people came out and. And I I was actually thinking of them -- -- -- -- -- because. It -- -- like the truth in advertising and yes it follows their boxy but they're good that. I think that life and that it -- -- might take a controversy -- many -- -- it's it's probably it's not very PC and all but. I I had -- -- that nice moment with the -- -- TT 59 for T-Mobile and it was basically basic Baghdad so. It's a really basic flip phone. It's glossy plastic we see this model and various iterations before it I was impressed that everything -- that it did really well so. Out but also I think kind of says something about cellphones than what we get with a lot of -- -- day every day even with the basic cell -- you can't always count on it. To make it calls the easy to navigate or even be comfortable to hold this -- -- -- all of those things that is relieved spacious dial pad really comfortable. Really good volume good speaker quality as well everything that you agree we need it in a cell -- that makes calls. So it. I think NWA it's not really meant to -- and third couple drug act like Sheridan and music Jack and charging for it -- -- really bad because parents. And music player on board so you'll have to get in chapter and that's just not okay that's -- of those basic categories that you should be able to cover. And I I had a little sort of design preference. That was not meant. But that's relieved just a -- it's nothing that would turn you away from the -- -- -- seeking it and it's thirty dollars for two year contract yet you like just a really nice. You need your phone to make caused it to work and this is definitely kind of an -- and mobile has a couple Samsung. Has made a couple phone like this there is one for sprint have that you think that it is. -- and the 360. -- T-Mobile also has -- hubble's -- Conflict two that have not offer really good call quality of -- basic features but enough of them yet so it doesn't make me wonder why they can attend the -- And it really yet have high end smart I mean I have. I've got and an HTC incredible that I've been using for a long time and every time trying to make -- call I get us back our reverberate -- my -- awful. It just think about. It's not looking good how -- -- -- thirty dollars eighty dollars or to your country name reasonable and. I'd be much -- Though unions this week and you do you want to send us an email and then that he did without please read our. You gotta -- sending it to -- it CNET dot -- including comments 186 explains UTT 68. Our on our show those seeking -- -- dot in dot net that commitment on a path since then it's you. There are other CNET podcast seeking into podcasts dot cnet.com. That doesn't -- so I. Back -- and.

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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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