Cyberwar, vacation rental horror stories, and the 30 top bachelors of Twitter
Cyberwar, vacation rental horror stories, and the 30 top bachelors of Twitter

Cyberwar, vacation rental horror stories, and the 30 top bachelors of Twitter

Everybody -- Hollywood welcome to best of buzz out -- our weekly digest of the best moments from our daily BOL show. In this week's episode these shady -- cyber warfare campaign either is or is not a really big deal. And Google and Microsoft have a very public patent cat fight. Also the plot thickens in the air BNP vacation rental story and we bring you -- Thirty most eligible bachelor's -- -- coming up right now. Late last week all of these stories -- they're being -- started coming out that their -- of vandalism. Of this woman's apartment because she used -- B&B which is a an online service that lets you find a place to stay rent again -- has at their apartment. There apartment -- just. An empty room that they want am renting out makes an extra cash rates. You so it's sort of a you know it connects it connects. The person who needs it hopes to certain there's like couch surfing yet -- -- a -- -- But air India apparently there was an a problem -- -- just a blogger named EJ. Wrote this whole account about how she got home from a week long business trip to -- her home had been ransacked and trashed. By -- being the and there -- -- pretty innocuous right up about it at first it was sort of like. This happened in you know it's a bummer but aired every Indian is like a contacted her and it worked in and out they've got new systems in place and then. Last Thursday she wrote this. New blog post saying like. -- hey Alan Bell haven't contacted me they had -- do many things like I'm out all this money at PT SD. Yeah. That's a -- And it got like -- going on -- Diminish it whatsoever but -- key can go like if you -- -- gutter blogger issue -- -- -- -- Panic attacks and I'm trying to return to elected normalcy but I just can't think about that apartment anymore and so displaced. And clutching my pillow at night like it's pretty bad to have your violating your whole -- -- Aston. Okay. I want that. She she said she wants to use air being -- that frequent traveler in your frequent traveler and -- frequently renting out your place. You wouldn't leave valuables there knew would get a storage you -- Why did she leave like her grandmother's jewelry. And her passports. I don't now it seems weird. She says -- -- so like a month ago that she -- the initial list the initial story. About this happening and -- her latest blog post says that she hasn't said anything about it because she's afraid. The fact that she still thinks that they're criminals and identity thieves on the -- who know a bunch of stuff about her. That she's afraid of saying something they can jeopardize the ongoing criminal investigation. And then that she's afraid of -- mean these are reaction because -- gotten pressure and veiled threats from them. And she initially to see said that they sort of -- matter -- like. You need to stop talking about the CBS blog -- -- bit. She said that bastard update the blog with a twist of good news. -- people are accusing her of and that. Excluding -- the hotel industry -- night trying to like maybe even working for them and He actually pretty amazing. -- in myriad you know. Air -- indeed models -- a lot like New York costs a lot that you can't. Use services like air being -- can't short term -- your apartment if you're like a family of three or more. Presenting -- I mean which is ridiculous idea that's and that's serious nanny state -- barely up and protecting and an existing industry Kanye. But yet it when it comes out -- really in some bread that now there's apparently another person who came forward and told techcrunch. Mike Arrington and his story. About how is Oakland home with apparently rented by a meth addict with a stolen identity. And they left their pipes everywhere and they left their pipes everywhere and sort of -- the place like weird vandalism. Mean. Person I would not. Had a I would never -- -- never do this and if I did it. I would take every single thing I don't have any value whatsoever and put it in -- yet how do you vet the people who literature place like -- there are some sort of -- Clinton. Biggest issue is how do you verify identity online and the only not only an issue for things like air being -- it in runs true for many things but. There's another website like rumor on Mars something that they say they have a way of verifying ideas there. -- -- -- I -- -- net techcrunch article they say it's their fault that they play how much they protect you and downplay. What people should do to protect them and -- seem mr. Rea. I understand the idea of feeling. Like you could handle this thing you might be willing to do it you you know. You can -- because -- be honestly compared to of these incidents and 30000 people use the service. -- -- the percentage it's sort of like the usual odds in life right about whether you're gonna get robbed or whether about it and happened. But it does sound like from all accounts. Even if it is an element of about it does sound like aired in -- In back like that they're probably not liable but if sort of act like they are internationally did you play -- a been verified dot com my guests like foreign -- -- that they do the background checks I mean I I I think that's always gonna be difficult and frankly. If anything I might feel. Now I was -- I feel better about renting a room if I was gonna be there. Yeah well I am I know most of -- listings on air being BR for. Spare rooms not for the entire plays right -- parents are thinking -- exactly. And and and they have for -- yet they have reviews for renters so. -- if you -- -- you rent out frequently from there being indeed. Renters can leave reviews for you end up -- you know if you use it let these people -- your place and I -- And so they have the option to say oh no this person has never views -- mistress has broader -- I don't want that same pound right exactly. But it's hard to say who -- there being -- or. I mean I think it just feel like one of those things in some ways where like look. Bad things are gonna happen it's not the fault of the Internet. Finally. Google has had enough. Ever how does Nat off of it -- didn't pick -- -- all these big companies coming our -- Am Google own patent infringement lawsuit non stop and then they'd like colluding. In and then there is beaten up on -- little rule out immediately be. It really -- -- when Google -- to -- so Google yeah if only they could and they tried to they started up their chief legal officer David Drummond. He put up on them Google's blog post and made a statement about how Google wanted to speak up and make it clear that. Apple and Microsoft and other companies -- part of the consortium that's scooped up nortel's patents. For something close to four point five billion dollars in one arm Syria when Google's initial one was around -- a -- -- billing herself. And they're saying that that was deliberately -- attempt to curb their success with Android and all these companies were colluding against Google. Yet David Drummond wrote on net the Google blog that anti Google forces. Openness and -- and it sounds like a C I don't think of -- says Luke Skywalker and and then. Anti Google forces are using quotes. Bogus patents in an orchestrated effort to drive up the cost of using Android because it has become the world's most widely used mark -- -- -- In part because Google does not charge gadget makers. -- -- use we're determined that road -- to preserve Android as a competitive choice for consumers. By stopping those. We're trying to strangle it -- -- we asked consumers could face rising costs for -- -- devices and fewer choices for their next phone. Actually all of that is true. That is true -- and Google has you know they have sort of slowly started this drumbeat of like. The that patent wars have -- strangling innovation in the Smartphone industry and edit it at one when He went up at a Smartphone might involve. As many as 250000. Largely questionable patent claims and our competitors want to impose a for those dubious patents that make Android devices -- and -- consumers. Again and -- her triple -- Little tiny -- -- -- -- Crimea river and edit. It. Again you're not wrong but. Microsoft immediately respond in fact -- access PR firm. Suffered and PR head frank shot immediately treated free advice for David Drummond next time check with Kent walker. Before you blog referring to Google legal counsel Kent walker. Who apparently was involved in an email exchanged. In which. -- Google was invited to participate in the purchasing -- -- on the consortium of companies that purchased all those Novell patent. They decided not to do a joint did right now so it's a little disingenuous and and act like this huge -- they didn't know. That this big patent -- it was headed their way. It's also interesting to note that nowhere in his blog post -- David -- come out against software patents. -- call for reform of that for broad based reform of the patent system is says. We want the Justice Department to force this consortium or anybody who -- Smartphone patents to license them. In a reasonable fashion He ends up taking on Android specific are basically at stopping an accurate it's like you know -- -- -- -- -- stand right now how -- if you come out against the -- -- -- that you referred -- as -- In the first place a Google of all companies has the resource is right now and the backing in the geek community to mount a serious lobbying effort to say look. This whole industry is dead in the water and a lot of in other industries depend on it. If you keep granting patents like I'll let you legally -- finger like this then this happened. But if you like all other thing happens but if you do bigger like -- -- it like. I wanna -- the whole finger wiggle portfolio. Right and they're doing that could -- -- finally that's the Novell and excellent yeah there. The bigger -- purple. Anyway if -- if there really like. It's interesting that Google is. Coming out against the patent wars I think that is good thing to Google that could do a little bit more and that the overwhelming response to this -- that seems to be like. -- Vanity Fair is reporting that a McAfee researcher has uncovered a massive. -- Cyber espionage campaign that stole government secrets sensitive corporate documents and other intellectual property for five years. This is wild for more than seventy public and private organizations in fourteen countries. The campaign was dubbed and we love the name operation that she be rat rat sense for remote access tool and this -- Implemented by someone through a Phishing -- 29 email -- downloaded this tool onto their computer and then -- that do that tool. Hackers were able to enter of those computers -- covering of many governments including the United States Canada South Korea Vietnam Taiwan. It also was able to target specific firms organizations. Like the IOC which of the International Olympic Committee the World Anti Doping Agency and over the course of these five years. They were able to acquire extremely high level some classified documents some financial related information as well as targeting companies. Who's intellectual property. Was also transferred during this huge -- of information and from what the report says it's still happening right now you know not everyone has been able to identify which computers. Are infected by this but it's still happening today. -- like you said the -- those -- the only victims that have been publicly named. What's fascinating is that the security researcher said that they attempted to contact some of the companies that were being. Basically just robbed blind in their sleep and didn't realize that and say. These hack attacks are going on and we want to help you you know. Batten down the hatches -- basically and that a lot of the company is just flat out said. No thank you or did not respond -- that were conducting their own investigation of the allegations. We're not interested in your help that that in He just said -- victims don't wanna know that their victims but the fact is it's serious enough. That they have to become aware of the region and get involved and -- a group effort to shut -- down. Now the where these attacks -- -- this attack originated from it's not clear yet you know but there are people inside. -- looking at this have alluded to the port to the point that it could be a state actor or sponsored by someone in China so that. They haven't officially said this yet but the but where this started or aware and -- the motivations of the country that's trying to acquire all this information. And a -- and the targets of some this information. Points. To China yet. The researcher. Himself out Al permits and woman's first name. Hold on I'll find it that appeared to -- major healthcare and it sounded like that -- ever. He declined to speculate although Vanity Fair and many other publications and and -- have not declined to speculate -- because they think. What their Vanity Fair article quoted one person I think who else would -- -- -- -- now. On the whole other side of things because I'm Ali is -- -- because whenever you talk to somebody good you know that they're part of liked -- anonymous world they're like. There's a whole other level to this. -- -- At least one person told me that that. There is a feeling among the hacker community that our government many government have been just looking for a way to like drum up a reason to go to cyber war with China. To stir the pot a little to order the bottle -- And that this could be just the kind of like pretext that they need I don't know I mean this certainly is being reported and I don't have any reason to think that it's not a -- like a pretty serious ongoing. Campaign and frankly the kind of makes perfect sense but this is exactly the sort of thing that any. Reasonably. Evil. Of the nation Fabian I did at this stage -- just say evil. It'll but it sort of like who is not doing its level of acting if they can't even the US -- -- everybody if if they are capable of it is trying to do this kind of hacking because -- Information is the currency of the modern world. And this is this makes perfect sense although if it does turn out to be. Sort you know state sponsored hacking out at this scale it is definitely going to be a big deal -- I think it's safe to say. That 2011. We get officially pretty much -- the year of the hacker or the year of the -- Yeah I it's. And we're not any result they -- I didn't read the Vanity Fair article peppers and that it is going when the history of Tony Levin has written it may well be remembered as the year of the half the night -- nicer is that every day but -- I feel like we were already there were already there but. Whether or not the US government needs this. Two to spark the fire. Did this is a huge huge -- I did this did US the need to bring this to light this was brought to light by Vanity Fair they could use this as a motivational tool to then say. Are right it's out for us to get -- not what anonymous is doing. Is petty compared to witnesses -- Is really -- this is stealing. Government information government data top secret files classified information whereas for and company and moral intellectual -- property -- others -- there's dollars behind this you know. And on it did it makes I'm not saying that anonymous these ago -- a larger scale but it makes that look very petty compared to the stuff. But it's art it's all part of the whole He had. There they say they're engaged in Civil Disobedience -- aimed at provoking change in in government policies all over the world so they -- ideally their goal is totally different. Then you know and stealing information for the purposes of a web concerned about is the possibility of like the next Cold War. -- -- Then the net because we -- once we get to that once we get to the war games Dave's the next -- cyber war because cyber war is potentially. Just as damaging in some -- -- actual war like the little terrifying to think that these these could be. The first salvos in what turn out to be global -- cyber war. And we know where we know that the US is doing the same thing and other countries yet. In that that's the -- the -- under you know underlying theme here is sure it's happening in us and others around the world we're doing the same exact thing and other countries. You can't deny that. No I'm sure -- are -- and console and so I mean. -- at -- reasonably evil is like the wrong thing to say because what I mean is anybody's reasoning reasonably technically proficient like. The new espionage is cyber espionage period so every country is engaged in this and and if we start to sort of like build up this idea of illegal or China did this really evil thing in it was -- -- rat and now we -- like. Continued to stomp on your civil liberties to make sure that were gathering all the information possible value. From your ISPs because of the cyber war on terror like -- god a year ago. You know and I think you're getting you're gonna hear a lot more of these stories because the black hat conference in Vegas. I -- to get it might have either kicked off today arts -- kicking off this week. That which is about you know -- security. Cyber crime that's happening right now so. This falls in line night -- -- in line with a lot of other news that we're probably gonna hear about what's vulnerable right now yeah I got the look out for. What's been hacked what can be hacked. It's been about a month of back and forth between one particular blogger and -- in B and the bad press finally reached a peak this week and I have to say in my opinion. -- -- -- the right thing yesterday. -- -- -- a letter that is posted up on their own blog to their community. And they outright. Apologize they say we are very very sorry they admit that they didn't handle it correctly. They felt that they were over the past four weeks they really screwed things up then they did everything right to does explain that they were pretty much in the wrong app for what they -- dead. Yeah when you first hear these knee jerk reactions as a company and by the time it trickles up to the top it takes time to put all the pieces together. So blogger who is a victim has the power to pretty much throughout all the dirty laundry while this -- -- reacting but they they did right in the it in the edition of that. They also announced that they're going to be implementing. There -- new 50000 dollar -- B&B guarantee in this is a good thing because this'll help legitimize people. To use -- service in case horrible stories like this. Ever happen again so it protects the property of post from damage by Caribbean -- It's a 50000 dollar guarantee they also added a few other producers like 24 hour customer -- -- -- The doubling their support team and they really want people its processor is because it's is that amazingly well it's it's grown and exploded in this really has one of those things like they're really taking them down. And they've added a ton of different safety related features to a dedicated trust and safety department are reviewing suspicious activity manually. Verified profiles now. Safety tips for like basically suggestions like put yourself in a safe before you leave both the dispute it product suggestion polls -- All of those kinds of things and and you know some people I tweeted about this yesterday and I said job well done they're -- -- because it's. Barry rare. As we've seen with a lot of easily big high profile things like Sony taken note from this blog post -- you know what it says. We years sorry. We are sorry and it says it flat out -- is to blanket apology like you know we screwed up. And we're sorry and also that 50000 dollar guarantee is retroactive so it will cover -- And any other -- to have had bad experience that's a big deal to -- -- big deal and as the Washington Post. Points out it's almost beyond what's necessary because it. That's a little bit of a slippery slope that could encourage private. But there still is still willing to -- like we want our service to sixteen. We're sorry we screwed up like I think that's very human of them and yes better late than -- and while that. This is what they say turning lemons. Into lemonade. Tea -- doesn't -- limiting it on a hot summer day the heat wave is still in us. But -- With its own personal sites I love. But really every indeed this actually makes this story I did I forget you -- you -- which we -- have that we -- -- -- and -- Now but it's certainly they turn this disaster into their favorite is a good thing yeah I think they've done a good job -- got to be flipped at the right way dated. Just three so rarely used -- market research firm out of Boston. Has posted with their real names that Twitter is thirty most eligible bachelors. -- All you they are and some of them really do believe that they are too -- -- measures that. Apparently that the big guys though the bachelor's had to complete a little questionnaire. By the way. Can we issue like really important linkage disclaimer here we don't know -- this company Israel or the list Israel. Could be -- -- it's possible that they made up everything little stories sweaters thirty Melissa also matches you -- looked at it you just have to look did. What. And if you guys can make that happen to anybody knows how to make it happen between me and -- -- -- that he's the one. The commitment. The thing in the I think you could really work out. So. Does the killing guys I think. I think I've found Molly's guy actually. It sounds -- Carolina I'm following right now our number two corn the line up. And that is one a 200 looks great activity most eligible -- back Alex totally fun and cool I like that -- little keeps on down afraid we'll look tae Yang summation persuasion. Want to go -- that. You would increase their intake comes up for users via a thing and this guy hey let's have fun baby what's so what's this guy we talk differs. Exchange is the guy. I should've gone to comment on this guy on -- the and here's what you said in his this is like it if all that is. His answers that. What make and model -- best describes your personality and 1969 Chevy Camaro -- or convertible. Just ask my friends I've just within the past like three months and like you know what I need I need to -- 99 -- camera. It was meant to be. It's. I'm just saying we won't waste your time anymore guys look at this list of all these guys staring. Less fully into the camera lands make it happen. The first data you've gotta read the earth guy I -- diamond bearing -- actual show we did it but we did it -- -- yesterday at in yesterday's. -- -- -- -- -- Calvin -- Heidi just for you look them up later flotilla -- It's just -- and it's one thing that Jason -- He's not mean you environment. At the -- Console but -- -- is to -- handles Jason -- TV He must be cool. And because He has TV at the -- -- -- these guys submitted -- submitted to the survey and then. These four people and then we rip them apart either here -- -- -- talking about this real click. These guys build a questionnaire and -- four chicks basically created a list from these guys on the Internet exactly and these guys voluntarily submitted data and pull in any other things other than. Yeah like I wanna do you know did talent that deal on a Chevy Camaro Catholic mass icon. But works. That's -- -- this week don't forget to catch up every day at 10:30 AM Pacific time lives at slash live. I'm Hollywood been listed without last.

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