Car Tech Live 182:  Will most Corvettes be hybrids?
Car Tech Live 182: Will most Corvettes be hybrids?

Car Tech Live 182: Will most Corvettes be hybrids?

Auto Tech
GM talks about a hybrid future for the corvettes. 3-D TV coming to cars in January. Did you use an iPhone war -- your BMW. Wireless key headaches continue. And we drive the new 2011 out -- -- okay. Hello folks. There we are once again. Art -- liability you wanna. To -- -- -- -- watching her video version there are two great sort of Hitchcock -- McGovern's and there. One is yes Mitchell blurred the BMW key image for the wireless key of its. After what that -- get rid of I got you so that that would sneak through. Today yet -- -- Could do that there you go that way you wanna stay employed and the other one is of course the CNET him in every piece of video we do. It's our tech live. Right goalie wade Cunningham Antuan Goodwin mature thing at the controls let's get right to it quick -- on this one I really exact story but we've looked pretty stupid that we didn't mention -- GM is filed for an IPO. Filing for it means you're registered to that had. Have it happen later it doesn't mean they're gonna pull the trigger yet other buses will be between late October and late November at -- and Halloween and Thanksgiving and the timing for that. Is to try to get this thing very concrete that -- can help power the election seasons of the administration can say look how well this turned out we funded this thing -- -- to taxpayer money and now they've had their IPO. And we as the big made majority shareholders are getting our money back -- -- -- -- but interestingly. You know there's some technology angle to this a lot of money they're gonna arrays will help them continued UR and and continue technology innovations. In their filing around the IP OS companies always do this is not -- usual they call -- the risks to their future business and a lot of them -- tech. They say quote in some cases the technologies we plan to employ such as. Hydrogen fuel cells when -- were just talking about this -- GM and hydrogen these days advanced battery technology. Are not yet commercially practical. And GM says the Chevrolet Volt electric car which requires battery technology that has not yet proven to be commercially viable. There can be no assurance at all of these advances will occur in a timely or feasible way. But again this is the kind of overly cautious language you always see an IPO filings so. I don't read too much into it but it's definitely a big headline. In the GM IPO. Yeah you guys think this -- matters to consumers the way the bankruptcy did make is that released boot a lot of folks. Right I think was more interesting is this what happened over the past fourteen months when BMW -- certain GM after they wish there you -- -- GM entered bankruptcy and and -- now when they actually -- that you know the gotten out of it. You know so many things happen they they lost brands they changed management. You know it's been a rocky road that day you -- I think you -- looks like they come out -- much slimmer company out and the -- stayed intact that was a big part of -- otherwise they have -- talk about now there is the new -- -- Every traverse hundreds river for the equinox -- mean that wouldn't via headlines in the vault is their big. Come by us I think it's a big part of what they're gonna be so on the site PO on -- we aren't completely new high tech company. Going forward. And it might help with him a big guy PLU of this -- original print as well as bankruptcies -- -- the ugly stories always promote the positive ones but IPOs do get mainstream press coverage and it may help. The GM if they have a big one that really -- a big pop and if the market's kind to them if they don't get a downdraft from just a bad week on the market. This may help them look like. -- winner in the eyes of those who think the bankruptcy made the -- lot of ifs there luck if that's right. You notice that at that I was counting on my head it's like they're about three legalized taxpayers and everything in that we already own them. -- when it Friday afternoon we area on them because you know a lot of overseas investors will buy it but a lot of Americans -- see here we are buying back company we already bought. If you're USA. Organization or stockholder realize you are buying what you already bought the idea that'll government motors statement and a captive. That's why that's where as I PRD's the most important thing it's knowing unity government motors after that well it'll be less -- -- -- with the have a pretty good slice. Okay three TV. Is a big deal in electronics but three TV in cars or any of us waiting for this Nat TV in cars -- interleague -- -- home. -- to open 3-D audio boxes and audio boxes. -- collection of brands are the audio vox rain and also what Jensen. They have two or three others and all second tier company yeah a lot of -- smaller companies them. That I can't you just ended the to -- vigorous advocate could it. And so that are coming out with a 3-D TV. In cars will promises that the CES the Consumer Electronics Show which we always cover of course and mass in January CNET of course and us department team were always there big time they say because -- -- -- attention enough -- as much attention the whole market let's get on that wave and put into cars but apparently they're talking here about a glasses lists or -- list technology in cars. I don't know why that would be important -- -- -- the second -- you can wear goggles as well as if -- in your living room. But that's how they see it very likely going. Not a huge amount of the main one out there is one called real. But -- early days look for -- TV in cars will be on top of that one and here I've I know Orion will be. The thing is that. 3-D TV really only looks good from what I've seen on really big screen every time we've we have the that if that CNET discussions here and yeah all of the all of the three TV for demonstrated on the 852 Encino fifty finally area of those -- it certainly -- -- isn't the case yet. Now in the car you're looking that even on a nice big rear seat entertainment Hewlett and that eight. Maybe ten inches and you're yeah -- must -- -- -- to mean. If there we even really -- benefit at greedy at that point the mean how much depth separation even going to be a -- yet. How important is that verses just having TV in the car like that -- there's a multiple that would be a big breakthrough TV in the car real broadcast or satellite. Or -- TV in the car has yet to stick it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's right priest in my portables defeat him for the one card that not even here yet Russia's dependence eight years -- cars but we got the -- with a great big super super super wide screen which that -- -- standard definition. Listen to dvd veteran of 3-D -- an animated 3-D it's like -- treaty benefits from that much -- that would give you Immersion experience -- gamers love. But anyway that's the latest from audio box taken us a direction that we weren't exactly dying or. So goes all we are thinking is much more of a big trend of course is -- -- activity in cars and better and better problematic systems he got. -- amongst our you've got Lexus and form you've got BMWs. You've got accurately BMW assist Mercedes. What are called. Now we've got to new research coming out today legislators forecasting that globally the percentage of new cars fitted with telemann X is forecast to grow from 9% of new cars that were sold last year -- was the baseline. 246%. In 2017. So seven years from now will still be below half of all new cars being sold with telemann X. This is research coming from IMS which that a lot of in car tech research -- the -- is pretty aggressively. Public input of the telemann -- means a lot of things depending on the company it could mean two way communication from the car to a proprietary network like accurately let's say it could also bring in more of these situations that are more Internet enabled. So this is -- rolling it all up into one we still look at 50%. By 2017. So -- port -- is basically tellem addicts system yeah right and it. Yes think is gonna be in pretty much all of their cars that that's that's a lot of that 50% right that's reportorial make -- up a huge part of that still minority share but. -- surprised it wasn't gonna be bigger by 27 it's a long way out there. -- still out there speaking of still not there. What we're getting closer is good navigation and rental cars -- went down and rent them equinox from Hertz. Rates may get there Fifth Generation and -- never a law system we thought we mentioned that I was gonna get this last week in here I guess this is. This kind of square unit you've got here we we hadn't seen before the -- -- couple -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If it looks like. Like it when the old moral effect more than phones and that kind of relative -- about an inch and a half day if they're as big -- -- But it works. And it works well. So if it's not a pretty device that bit a lot of weird things as far as like. Dispute kind of -- unfinished and really industrial but he if orbits cool now I really consumer products than with actually going to be shopping if you can hurt from -- car. You can just know that you can give it decent GPS device and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well I think they just -- -- wanna have control over the over the device itself by tied into there there to automatic the -- there -- customer service system so you can call Hertz and say. Hey I'm in and one country I need from where to eat -- -- it knows they others like gonna Butler, Pennsylvania got -- problematic system -- behind it and knows beamed to your car you can't do that with a Garmin need to Garmin or TomTom would have to cut the meat in the device that could be him. Destinations to -- I see one of the pictures you've got here it shows this thing has a USB port on the side right what therefore they have an online component to their system way to you can go online and plan trips are saved if the nation's. And you can -- store the money USB key. And then plug the key in and upload your your trip -- destinies and that way or again you can have been beamed over the Internet we've got a couple of different options there. Or an image get the cool thing about the USB keys you know be conceive a trip -- and use it on multiple cars -- you. -- yourself bacterial a lot of time in her scars really I mean future say for example he travels the handle a lot. You just wanna put the nearest front in there yeah true you can just keep the key with human -- and you get pretty good news arts you're good to go. Yeah for travelers are gonna different cities repeatedly on business which a lot of them do they could have you know just that key will all -- cities I guess and folders whenever the president does. That is actually -- the price still bothered me thirteen but -- it's expensive. It is and if you if you find yourself in the if you get a rental car at least once a month. You're better off just buying your own garment buying your own TomTom has no interest and -- or ten bucks a month eleven or twelve months under and some odd dollars -- 150 bucks a year right there yeah you're already over at the mean you buy like a TomTom ether. Six dollars I guess that's got the -- go to the bar you rent a car once a month when you think you'd have never lost you should -- yet but I mean you know if they've yet here power traveler a year. Always on the rude but if you're just going on vacation maybe once -- year. I mean with thirty dollars yes that's worth it not to use -- -- I could say it is like a business travelers bought me expensing everything so they don't care. They just want to communion -- have to think about throwing them GPS device and their luggage yet -- -- -- charge or lose yes. -- it's not the suspect that somewhere and Hertz are in the design this is probably a department of people try to make things undesirable. You don't -- it -- fit together the car -- I had a weird situation right now parked the car and on the street at night. And and I've had -- GPS device stolen car report notes paranoia had -- on a clerk who -- it. And manages and listeners -- -- in the middle of little deflated just -- its of his deal that does it work. I don't think it'll work at -- the -- gonna -- the hard wired to the total power. So it it it advocate he will need trying to do that's where you could do it is it -- any other part of a party if I don't think -- -- has. This that he intends built into the device itself so I mean I guess you could steal it but it. Competitive dork around outlook hurts yen three inch member aloft but probably you stole it about it -- start billing you fifteen dollars a day. There's vast and the -- -- acknowledged and now I you have to break into it -- you have to Hamlet next year when it really weird start you they had ever that they can disabled -- it in the endeared. You could be a lot more trouble debris to work ethic that -- and it would be just what you almost tax are worth it yeah it's just don't but I'd never lost to work out out of parliament -- away yeah of the hackers to break and aren't stealing it off. Now I don't think there that mean. -- one out there and he's probably one of our listeners and I thought about corvettes you don't know for being muscle cars big engines V -- never had a these external -- Corvette they should know that -- anyway. Hold different way to go here GM's vice president global engineering -- if you enter in if -- Automotive News we saw this week. That he was kinda looking at how well you know Porsche is gonna go full hybrid in the years ahead across their line up at least available -- hybrid. He's thinking maybe they should go a similar way and he is saying. You could keep a normal power train configuration for a small amount of very excited car enthusiasts. And turn eighty -- 90% of your sports car portfolio. To hybridization. And that's the corps he's talking about that's their sports car. Eighty to 90% of them -- blue sky here could be hydrants that's a very different direction to go with the vet IDC that owners saying. I'm gonna go on on the -- -- of the donors -- -- Yeah well I mean you could pay a little I don't actually get caught his email but I mean I try to run a special edition next week of part tech live email hates it as long -- they don't put it. Be accused -- beds on the side I think some people old bio hybrid bed just disable -- just wanted to direct the end. It's a nice looking car. Right and they didn't have a nice looking car and that means he'll get some percentage of the that because most people are taking advantage of it of 75% of what the Corbett can do most of our cruisers. -- -- -- are -- literally old guys and when he. They are both guys and we're gonna -- sun and striped shirts like Charlie Brown I don't know what that is about some event owners the older ones what is that Oracle -- in the cap. This guy gentlemen Carl Fredericks track of GM also says they are not working on a V6 Corvette. So they're not stepping into -- gradually on efficiency vigorously you know what we -- we may pull the plug and go straight. -- problem majority hybrid a few years down the road very. Ambiguous what can a lot of Corvette owners brag that they can get better than thirty miles per gallon on the freeway. And that's partly because they can you know cruising in that you know super high year yeah because that engine has so much horsepower -- -- the -- -- power abandon that that. You know they can actually a really good mileage if they're not torture in -- -- -- the damn thing we'll damn near idle and six geared fifty miles an hour that you can start inlet ports here's -- Like I haven't added any out of plastic of LET you know that that's pretty lightweight to -- I sense you don't really care care for the court that I mean I like Corvette -- don't get me wrong I'll look -- like the court relevant -- and foreign think that'd. I mean it is the American super car but I mean. Hollywood is the thing most people in Corbett had never done over you know and 100 miles per hour. I think you're right. They're of the email and -- -- through your hatred of slings next week don't want mismatch of a just talk about the arch rival of -- not rod to -- carbon of course the mustang. The boss three O two is coming back this has been a season of retro bring -- for Ford. -- -- -- got a lot to mine with the mustang just a -- does of the Camaro. That's another gonna bring back a limited edition 2012 boss 302 -- -- -- two was. A standard 302 which used to be acuity united it was a just a total go to motor for -- for ages. And they just -- -- -- up in 69 and seventy to make a hot rod version of this guy. And it was known very much for its iconic side graphics -- -- kind of and the -- C. -- boss Leo to the kind of wrapped up over the hood anyway you know the -- -- to his you don't talk about the gonna bring -- back for 2012. There -- -- the engine brakes suspension everything one of the numbers on this one. -- to have the new TI VCT dual variable timing on the -- camps so intake and exhaust can be variable and variable independent of each other. 440 horsepower. 380 foot pounds -- to work. Race clutch six speed close ratio manual. Let's see carbon fiber plate limited slip differential -- already got the job -- with the prices going to be on this. The question is independent rear suspension or live -- -- -- -- do you have -- limited slip with a lot thankful. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Or a boss now yeah. That's a lot of special additions didn't have a good shot of it we can bring up here the did you go to look at via a style to the styles -- -- -- got. That's the that's actually a different version of the graphic me -- used to wrap up across the back to the hood here -- V -- that kind of incorporated another mustang graphic with the legendary 302. Lettering and then of course this has got everything else on the different colors and some fancy wheels but. Anyway another hot -- darkened of the market but hopefully we're gonna get the -- garage and later speaking of hot rods. Our colleague Mike Markovic here at CNET -- himself real bad doesn't have will be featured few days ago -- got to drive this monster. The other Shelby not -- the Carroll Shelby SSC. Aero. The story on the Shelby -- Shelby thing here is what. The different -- and no relation and -- governing yet though he started companies -- -- -- cars and and yet if they no relation everytime Adobe. And we're saying that's what's called an SSC themselves exactly -- name his company Shelby that you originally tried to name it Shelby and it was just like oh they're all got his -- yes treatment confusion he -- -- -- is gonna -- a guy didn't -- attorney but they are they are -- be super card. This would at this as this area a cat. So this car we were showing you there is powered by it and again market which -- this and says. He was granted him onto reported thrown up by Pebble Beach and moderate he got out there -- coming in excluded -- -- was terrified. By the power was putting out. And he heard some little bit crackle in the injury thought okay that's the -- skates you know kind of shutting down must've been really into it and got mrs. -- said no. That's the -- skates just about to open up. You just got the Turbo to start to -- all and by the way your about a third into it right now. And he was just like that no no no more. Right now the ultimate aero is the the second fastest car in the world -- like about -- production car. Which is wide you know we would Mike went out -- it. He was just recently lost its title of world's fastest that to the -- got evening runs super sports. Has got he wanted to reclaim that title are you know originally. Of course that's that's the ultimate -- there's only fifteen cars productions -- Hartley production and extremely limited production in regular -- companies to do I mean Tesla got to the bottom of productions in my mind you know 1400 plus. It's powered by a six point eight leader. The eight -- but it two -- charge yet twin Turbo 1287. Is the horse power of 1112. Pound feet of torque university torque and four figures that's cool. That's -- and had explains what the cars almost seven feet wide. At the yeah that's like it's if it's a little -- -- it as long. The public square movement on the road and now we did get a hint that associates actually working on the next generation of this car. Because I think they really want I grabbed back that -- top speed you know fastest -- yeah I guess if you're -- to rich guys really wealthy people that's -- you salad you don't you don't -- the second fastest car very easily they. Even if this word I mean even for the two years in his car with bastard and Aaron. I would by the -- and I mean -- the most of this thing doesn't look at its. Regular probe thank you I was trying to be a little -- you know own. Any of regular the Reagan right and I'm sure -- -- all twelve of them based purely on that that theoretical I got its own qualities but I mean and ended this card not the thing leave that there and a whole dot it would have an answer them mouse per everywhere. -- that -- -- ladle the deaf or hearing real primarily is that of that horrible you can barely -- to watch your video -- we're looking at what may be. The world's animals. Directly taken from Craig and god gauge cluster pods on top of the -- -- in Mosul when you for forty bucks -- the moans grew. Apparently the next gen of those cars designed by advertising era by -- designer who worked for -- console that's different that a different. Just like -- my birthday -- was made by a baker who used to work for Pillsbury. All right with music. Let's take a look at the whacky story -- -- Chrysler boost efficiency using Fiat systems and -- good parts expert we dug into this one. -- is gonna be using assembly line technology from the -- They -- I'm gonna dry and boring but it's gonna improve. Operating go aren't there efficiency on the line by 10% the big the on the core business operating costs will decline by 8% these are really big numbers for large companies. But the one that -- -- is. Injuries will decree is -- 30%. What's happening on there'll agency to go back to work for Chrysler -- doing this and every sets. Wow let's -- I guess the injuries are -- repetitive strain. So I assume you're gonna be bloody injuries. But the result -- assembly errors and fewer injuries that slowdown assembly that's really all what -- about. So again that's the change the sign in the -- in the last injury unfortunately. Predicted that the work is much on this yup that we're gonna get laid off you're gonna really hate this. To do reduce -- each plant examines the less serious safety problems not just on the cause serious injuries by studying near misses they could have caused injuries employees are able to improve safety. And reduce injuries of course the plant devised -- happy chair. Let's -- attached to an overhead radial. Little out workers to slide in and out of the car facing the spot their hands had to reach. You know some of what to a wild strip club and got that idea. That -- objects going on a seat as we -- use that on the line. And shops -- in San Francisco where you buy -- happy -- yeah. Tactics and actually be a vehicle feature. Like happy he's there at that point I need to lake via computer at a triple -- the happy -- -- -- and immediately. Does. We believe that motorists who inspired. The word -- abilities I'm a genius to have the swing out ones in the like -- ages ago swivel chairs to -- it as mines are not in the gutter. And -- hasn't actually celibacy got to keep the show clean -- -- you know censoring of one of our early images the top shows on -- -- that way maybe there maybe happy tears that it haptic feedback that bribery. We -- that you. Had there it's a new software profile for that haptic feedback and -- would -- Societies. Let's go on now to armored -- which we're gonna need that we we hate corvettes. -- Jack is gonna join the armored car business BMW has an armored seven. Audi has an armored 88 Mercedes makes an armored S class. On -- -- the armored you know executive transport business this is just a standard XJ we have seen the -- -- -- -- -- the same little wheels have to be different on the armored version. But that means are gonna be putting in bulletproof blast proof they're talking here it'll -- -- off. Initially the -- -- be. Appropriately at the Moscow auto show while that I -- that it's gonna protect against the T -- T blast of 33 pounds of dynamite. Within close proximity the vehicle. I want to open their -- that test. Idol of them is intrigued by armored vehicles does that mean if you are regular car yeah of the regular -- I mean and it'll be like BMW partners with. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- really that's the cars we -- wife it might it -- everything have to be upgraded not just. It's not just armor pleading in bulletproof glad that operated with pension up -- engines just to move that yeah -- like tires that don't exclude you know when you run over Birtley. And it always weigh more and and the use of the -- and and you -- -- engines because these are these things go pretty fast to the idea being if you're being shot matters. Could threaten you -- quality -- -- -- of Baghdad that -- -- like and things of the perfect modern superhero power it's equipped with a five liter V8 six speed automatic and even this heavy big boy which will assume is gonna be. 8000 pounds it could be will do zero to 69 point seven which is a -- but he standards -- Top speed of -- 121. Nineteen inch tires and wheels no pricing yet in the Audi a eight that we saw it was years ago before years ago one of the big auto shows that purpose of -- back room. That's that -- -- see these secure a Russian everybody we -- back there and get a glass like Wednesday. So the doors are baker. The whole thing is -- it has a blast system where if you get Graham and the car collapses enough to buy the -- you push a button. And there are little charges on the hinges that loathing hinges -- half of the -- just fall off and you run -- in downtown Beirut if you're Jim Wright its like this it's like -- technology -- action and. Often armored car Barack Obama you theme that the president or whatever current president it based on a GMC top kick but it a Cadillac. But they just a funny car yeah I mean -- -- what -- -- pictures and just looks like so that -- the big sedan in the see someone standing next to written reply of the cars refute I'll level with them. I mean this car. Is is this serious business I think we did a -- blog post on it when when he when they first announced the vehicle I think this is it. Here -- -- is a Cadillac giving -- to school this down there you from the video version excellent excellent thing. -- there's look at -- -- look look at the at the dimensions it's not the Cadillac but only in proportion. Yeah -- on an absolute dimension. -- -- -- The big huge -- and they were talking like two wins they will have replies here no one's -- -- yet know no one's yours didn't get the Barack. -- so that's coming out soon troll you are gonna want to buy an armored expect let's get now down to the really important for the week. Scottish team can Cox whiskey car fuel. -- saw this I was shocked it wasn't byline by Wayne and -- yes this is actually a. Byproduct of whisky production -- by you due to -- which is you know I think -- they may just mean things in India and okay. -- but hate the fact that it's actually just a byproduct of whisky production means they have to -- line around it is that it ought to whiskey in Scotland hall. And so they can use it for our -- it's actually 30% more energy content and ethanol. Which puts about it close to gasoline. Energy costs. And had been -- latitude when you think about ethanol production in the US you know we tried using corn and things like that and -- -- you know. We use corporate -- to -- -- four you know making fuel. This gonna have to have they don't applicant choice they just make a lot of whiskey in the end up having lot of -- of the tunnel. And what's interesting about this is. It does point the way to like you say taking some -- and turning into a green fuel. And not just an alternate fuel. So it's got a great green message but how much whiskey is made in the world he should get like a bottle with you with -- -- that that's completely familiar car -- -- -- give you -- -- -- -- -- to give you. These beauty glassware when you've filled up you know back in the day at those gas station flight you wanna -- -- shell glasses with a Philip -- Well I'm -- -- -- concentrate on producing by abused and all -- may be a byproduct of gay -- rock beats a minute to get really -- nobody will be job all filled up with -- excited. It could have. That's cool okay so while -- off any viewer like chemistry people or whatever that would become engineers -- something. -- -- you know about his bio Butte all byproduct of whiskey in suburban and stuff -- -- like that we talk about whiskey bottom actually do list from that is -- -- a program there. Articles is get your emails now as we respond to the -- we talked about last week 86 X for a one CNET the voice no -- it's always a free calling mr. comments calls are questions -- -- those coming up and the emails Spartak at site you rights and love the show. Respect you review's analysis and opinions -- drink and what it is time to get some advice and a new car I wanna pursue it couldn't think of anywhere else to go and I'm worried for you. Anyways thinking about the Toyota 2010 FG cruiser or by four means -- transmission Internet for RFT cruiser and ages have. Yeah we had one in a couple years ago. But they haven't done an -- brand new right given that an update awhile so we haven't seen anyone recently. So what are we what are we recommend for him sort version of what he should he -- just really asking him if he should get that. The manual six speed so that that's kid. And this is you know this actually does have some serious some off road -- you know may not be up to the standard of -- a Jeep Wrangler but. -- -- you can get you can get back there out there with the with this vehicle we're gonna. One thing when you when you get this thing is that many options only real option is the convenience package which is about 4500 bucks it's kind of expensive. But that adds one just aptly essential piece of equipment that's a rearview camera. Oh -- the things -- Brinks truck are you can not Seattle the backhoe and -- -- blind spots are pretty big to you. So there's any way you can find it maybe bigger me years or something yeah I think foot trailer mirrors on and it looks good. Also didn't before the foreigner underwent a pre being. Change spread -- -- -- ten model year I think it's. It's mostly new. Though though wonder if J. -- -- since it's still running on the old for a platform wonder it's gonna get an update soon. Futures -- -- due for one although this is kind of specialty vehicles there are they -- -- go to a six year cycle on. And that there's not much cap and tech and it I think the the nav system they had a sort of a wannabes. Portable systems it's kind of engineered into the dashboard of the lower right I think getting that was right just one of these again clipped him yet pick up pops up on the top of the dash U wasn't crazy about it anyway so -- we like -- -- get that you'll get that packet at the specialty car you'll like it you'll like it units just to compare it so. He currently has -- as a jet he's he's more room for bikes in mountain -- and running and stuff. Let's do what's -- here awhile a wireless key complaint not for us but for the whole idea of wireless keys and if that's been coming in from one of our -- viewers in Alaska. The property serving well there really enjoy your part well it had appeared to computers. And -- hear you guys are even if it. The thing I can't afford it -- you don't usually. People hadn't he will -- explain why I like them. -- one of them that the -- Are the -- little Ford Focus as a chip inside -- -- -- when you -- replace you when -- without program. At least three -- -- I -- try to do well. Secondly. One of my current. Little bug. Would it would -- -- he knew he or. You think so you want -- literally at the drive probably -- and 28 I would try it here. Three and five -- That's a long way to go to get a key what. Paired with the car -- that's what's going on there yet it sounds like he's not really complaining about the the key length smart -- -- complaining about the fact that a lot of cars have. With public and our by the trend ponder in that he felt right because it used to be you would have this little chip you stick into a reader and your dad was an aftermarket things -- -- and outspoken of the key and now they're built into the keys though it if you if somebody can make a copy your key and unless they can -- how. You know parent transponder that built into the keys felt -- car. Which is great and a -- -- -- for security. But the problem with that is that it of course means that whenever you get a -- teenager and repaired and of course that means you need to have to cool the -- you get -- -- -- -- his local dealer said no you -- drive down to Anchorage -- Fairbanks dealers on the market dealer. It like at the dealer issue and I mean I -- the same issue and in with the -- vehicle instrument or vote -- at birth then I mean eve in the paper that you need to pay for somebody. Two. To copy bikini to pay somebody to -- -- -- that he would prepare the key in in the pairing have to happen in the vehicles ECU. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So my -- -- -- metal anybody can copy. The much easier -- -- -- actually the cousin I think of a room -- rights and allred is right and he says hey guys have been listening lately I'm seeing more smart forts whose lately. The cars obviously it's medically challenged looks determined from caring about it -- one that got curious and pulled some figures I was absolutely stunned and confused why would anyone. By a smart -- who in their right mind would pay up to 21 K base for a car that doesn't do better than 41 MPG. Can't pick anyone above for what six it looks like one of those monsters from doctor okay. What are you guys think. Well it's a little harsh. And the dollar comment the doctor who wants reacted see that that he's a lot on some of -- other you know. -- here you base price on this who got the configure your here on the screen you're watching -- video versions so policy based price for the standard smart not the passion and up the -- real. Is 11990 plus 600 destinations though 125. And then you add in the destination and opens with a packages of thirteen three has to be about the cheapest you can get one of these guys. And if you option that up one of the options of the interior you'd see through -- wanting. For audio I think you've got one of 500 dollar premium audio system isn't too interesting they do have a very cool smart phone app for the iPhone. Anyway this -- to be had for a lot less than 21 base but it can go I think up to 21. Well equipped. And it has actually very good headroom. So I can't -- it from being only for short people I'm building a car seat that's that's the real issue -- -- just fine but I can't put much in it. You know I'm gonna go shopping for much would that car it's a true grocery get. And any and then in the cool thing about the part of that'd. -- -- -- I mean you get good visibility any wise Syria -- might. Four feet long total yes I'm really really -- -- -- that the thing they only show off with a part of that you can actually -- them perpendicular to record Pirillo but -- what you really check that you really can do that many municipalities that you got have a very -- giving ticket for that yeah forgiving traffic meat of it even pointy. Do groupies here in New York. Time -- was going but the sales on this sales of smart for -- -- this is the story from February of this year. You know smart is not doing bad the car and -- -- well the car soft 40% annual sales dropped -- last year 2009. And for the first month of 2010. Sales -- off a cliff they sold 278. Of these in January. Down from 864. In December of 2009 -- the smart car is just not printing well. As either a good city car. And efficient MPG car. Even a style -- -- even with style alone you could so more than that they're not doing well call again there's -- -- -- cars in the mid teens range coming out to you with with. You -- and board seats so what he's. If I don't have that yet and that's what you pay for smart -- you have a whole -- For things that happened to the front half and me gaming -- vote have to understand the mark demeanor at the very faith card's been proven that it that they are an accident but I mean. The perception and that your in the tiny arts and -- with a. UVs that the first thing people always say to me if they see one walking whether they know that we do cars here the cell marker it's -- -- -- -- -- developments like. And it probably over the fate if parliament -- -- all the angles all the beams under short not much can flexing collapse on that power but you get accelerated like a football idiot. That's my concern 71 horsepower that's the that in the main strike against it for me I've done better with less. All right -- writes in hey guys -- -- -- your opinions on the Honda FCX clarity hydrogen powered car only available in California and barely of that. Is it the savior form we run out of oil or merely talking about hydrogen nevermind what car. -- is gonna fall off a cliff in terms of tightly. Yeah a lot I mean it just about every company was working on -- hydrogen -- every dollar and you know the technology is pretty sound. You can actually power even these embassy electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell power in the air -- electricity for the motor. And they'll go like 300 -- -- miles a minute to really get equivalent to gasoline. -- performance. But the whole thing that's hold them back is is hydrogen infrastructure we we just don't have one. Right to sort -- -- this thing up with very few exceptions you -- even in New York San Francisco LA Seattle -- you can find a few places a lot of -- -- be sharing. The nozzles at the local municipal Phillips station that your bus system uses it's a little weird. And I think. I think that there's just gotta be a way we can do well you know electrical is already distributed everywhere so even though that's an infrastructure headache. It's not that -- headache as hydrogen doesn't even exist everywhere neither does the failing infrastructure. -- -- as a double strike. It doesn't exist in place. Nor in delivery. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it doesn't want to go a long distances so it requires lots of localized production. That's another issue which electricity and gasoline. They travel long distances pretty well election a -- and the 100% efficient in a truck it doesn't accurately electricity has some drop off inefficient to the lines but it's not. So bottom line is hydrogen is you know. It's it's the most challenging of the three major polls and ideas and electric gas and I'd. -- I'm plutonium rods. The minute we believe there are never going and don't district Phillip knows what's the best -- -- like look -- you know it's like that beneath it in your car and we're very cold in here from some to want to advice for a new driver -- -- this voicemail. I had any cousin localism Peugeot would -- contacted -- he would you know he's. You're asking me and -- -- -- any new drivers show he wants to know how. You know things work which used -- you guys -- a car he can it was really good for cars. Manual or automatic you know things like that his veins college. He's vacate their fixes the -- -- -- -- babies and -- right now after -- -- if -- in there how are you could -- -- here's our advice. Go buy something cheap if you're gonna make a mess and yet right. My first car I think ran into everything and -- the -- -- and I mean went out when I'm -- done with it. It had four different colors. And -- just find them and cheap and easy to fix. I mean in I mean if -- Wanna get a manual transmission it's really good to learn how to drive one of those because once united revenue annually to pretty much drag anything to you you -- -- -- think if you like it. -- Bruce find any -- anything you come across the value of my ideas he'd rather that automatic I mean. You may find yourself in situation when they were you need to out run zombies and the only thing there is an old Jeep that from the manual. Also the fact that if you drive a manual people laugh at you when you can only drive about you know if you only got an automatic and get to answer his -- people it is going to be like. Really usable only -- how to drive me now as products and driving advances -- and operates like I'll bring a blender sorry Mitch he's. Being embarrassed if they can be a little tough to -- -- -- and -- -- you. If I did that yeah I missed the automatic driver and policy does not -- a government -- drives on a Mac -- -- management -- -- it. I'm looking here forever to find -- a nice what Honda Civic -- a year would be a good -- -- the old enough but not -- -- -- And -- -- beaters civic yeah like 94 currency Pacific 1984 money then it's one of a nice. Honda Civic one -- -- Nazi cars and trucks -- five of -- on -- right now with similar pricing looks like. Okay there's some that are here's one in three hours is gonna close -- 94 SI hatchback -- tech five speed 143000. Miles. The high that we want -- go. The little -- late 99. In the dramatic landing in a Catholic and a -- or after you that's aren't so 1999. That Honda -- let's get this -- a little bit of an -- benefit here we have and I can -- be learning to fix the car as well -- drive at that that's a bad thing to -- bad thing right now wanted to know that so -- -- -- -- to work on -- on Honda -- what do we got. Here are a few -- stick with ending soon ending soonest. Is we're gonna get you fifteen year old terror 56. -- the day away and it's currently at 1125 you could buy it now for 2295. It's -- there. It prepares you learn how to fix it. One point 6000 miles and needs -- it could be biting off too much. That's way too expensive and there is tastefully -- -- avoid that at all cause they say -- -- -- always be yes yes the civic image there's -- it -- it -- -- steer clear I want a straight -- not -- 99 Honda Civic SI Milan -- red immaculate condition is gonna cost of 7000 dollars buy it now that's too much. Put in a valid Toyota Corolla is another option there rose go to the scope for -- -- -- -- corolla it's reliable. I at a coral in 1980 -- awhile back that I could push start Becker by myself. Yeah that's I think you needed to -- whatever arraignment of Brasilia. -- good electrical system wasn't working as well it's not good. Here's a corolla denying corolla. These are a few days of three hours to go -- that it's at 15100 I don't see an issue on the reserves -- 100000 miles. This is this -- of pricing ideas -- these are. These are nice solid -- they just work and you know that's the way to go directly to inspired by -- new car. You mean in and that of course you know -- -- -- the first are you gonna do that more is grabbed that civic SIR you know the that aren't they access you know you're gonna write something yet. In its just weight you get a little bit more experience than your bill as currently being -- -- -- Hurt -- peer -- that this is your new car take minutes. Look at -- but what happened to it but it is the best part its own right means. It's just -- -- -- off. I'm the president -- -- Three -- humid period. At that while -- -- Biggio they're but they're having gone so long and others just tool and you again high school -- humans through it nineteen inference on it. And it looked like in a heading -- to it and a few years ago that was tough to do I mean paintings were pretty sporty and those yeah and as he was out there. Targeted aren't so sorry -- we can't do anything to saucy but don't -- -- to -- on first and then your second car. Can be interest thing here is so my first of its what you got a pilgrimage for wasn't really yet but the Pontiac manager entry. Same -- different branch out. It was. January wood siding and it would -- in with him. It's -- -- that that's that that area had to release early ugly where headlights and the -- beat the droopy face rear bumper. Who that are both great but it can bring along ten friends with you on all their pot yet and floating yeah you know but then you're floating along the -- -- -- -- -- -- guys. That. Well I was there right. -- the whole team if this -- actually. Which are. The let it. One of those -- the -- -- and by Tenet took off the stock offers -- -- on these two men in the back three inch. Pieces of galvanized might seem simple but the standard -- what issues so. The -- fender Bender with what was that people or something and the -- look I drove away and and the -- stayed on my car and if that's possible so operate like -- -- that yours anyway that's not -- -- -- that. Here's another email -- regard -- as the movies here to take like three days. At the beginning -- episode 181 the video which hasn't posted yet we're working on at the technical issue -- -- -- discussion of retrieving information from black boxes and Toyota vehicles that the car owner of the right to not release any information. I've forgiveness and Pacino and but thank you for that one. Check your state laws sparsely now as of robo ma about a year ago California was the first and I believe only state so far. That may -- -- right now but that has a law that says US the -- have the right detail your insurance company no you can't have it. Anyone else know. -- law enforcement can always get a court order to get in there in -- prosecutors such. But California has the walls of this I don't think most states do but that might change -- the new federal motor vehicle safety act which is going to. That's part of what it says require black boxes in the uniform way on all cars starting a few years out and would also. -- call and lay out what the rules about who get information and what the information is going to -- That entity it's a lot of -- those things collect but it's a question and audience from that -- that -- -- -- -- -- -- black -- -- your statement. Adrian in Seattle -- the -- -- -- -- of your contacts it BMW North America and trying to find out when they will be releasing the iPhone for Smartphone. Integration cradled the key here being. Before the current cradled the cradles called the powers that hooks it up to obviously the head unit but also have to an external antenna -- -- is in the bumper. Not available yet and BMW when he would -- find -- yeah I did -- with that BMW on this because -- asking and you shall receive here. And they are coming out with the iPhone for cradle. By the end of the year was the closest they could tell me and so at least you know the few months 2010 and that the iPhone for came out land in in June 2 months ago via. So you know there maybe six months following the month him now bad okay so the cradle should be out fairly soon Adrian is by the end of the year certainly BMW late years they should of heard them by them from the factory though -- it's coming new partner amber what have you. IPhone for cradle for the BMW a we also noticed in the -- -- -- and a minute but also Audi has mindful or issues to explain what that's coming a little later in the show. -- -- Those with his -- restaurant building. Anyway. Continuing on -- let's see we gotta -- one here from Jonathan in -- look half the Ohio. At the outset. We included a pronunciation guide. Video in motion kits right he has they 2010. Mercedes 550. And also a 2000 Victorian -- And he wants to be able to enable the video playback on the I'm -- the friend. Display while the vehicles in motion he understand that for -- -- -- -- block. He's wondering. You know if it's something you do himself if he should go to the dealer. With a dealer even installing -- void your warranty. And if they're. You may be able to install them yourself fidelity away from the dealer because it's the legal. There are laws that and in most statement and can even -- it nationwide that prohibit. You from having any sort of video playback forward of the rear seat that I -- -- -- back to the front -- So the -- not gonna do it. -- -- void your warranty but if there's some sort of an electrical issue down the line they can prove that. In some kind of -- links back -- video motion kit. They need have grounds to not under your warranty. Funny thing is that on both of these vehicles there actually what are coldly -- -- developer mode that I found out about. The word there is some sort of Blix the -- -- you can do it on on the CNN factually is easy is like hitting the corners of the touch screen in a certain order. Where you can -- rarely turn off. The in motion lockout and -- the and it cross for the navigation. It me no way for the -- as well. -- world that word of the really good forum for Mercedes-Benz related information in. You search around on there and a lot of people. Have already talked about that. Okay if you want to go on a limb and do that you know gone -- safety wise -- put that link up in the show notes that car tech dot to that forum thread. On MB world yet California for example its vehicle code 27602. -- person shall not drive a motor vehicle the TV receiver a video monitor or TV or video screen or any other similar means of visually displaying it TV broadcast -- video signal. -- produces entertainment or business applications are covering everything is operating in is located in the motor vehicle at a point forward of the back of the driver's seat. So complicated my new laws of the back toward the back of -- of this given -- in -- him. Okay folks -- for a quick a quick look at the cars that just. Shouldn't be on the roads are all -- segment notice when we get to it. If you don't know about it starting -- -- two weeks ago we started going -- cars which are cars that we -- roar that drive off the road there's so awful looking. If you have a picture of some ridiculous car -- on the road. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And every week were taken look at laughing derisively and destroying the personal. The the the the personal sense of pride of somebody who goes unnamed around the country in fact several somebody's. And in this case like get these things to pull up we're gonna take a look at what is going to be a batch of horrendous. Looking cars -- it's -- -- moment these are cars that usually have really awful modifications horrible paint jobs. Really -- we'll kits or in this case that they -- gonna see one that actually has a very interesting. Homemade bumper so let's get to our walk -- again if you're on our audio cast him -- -- way to include you on this yet we describe the really well maybe that'll help. Okay Ryan Gavin sends this one in and we open it up and what what this -- all about says that there. That's all -- to NASDAQ at the symbol of might -- this on an aspect there we go. Just a maroon Aztec sitting in a parking lot extort I simulate the -- at the camera and -- -- that -- Let's put the S -- is the only stock on modified -- we've ever had sent in April car and never out of batteries. Horrible so -- -- -- domestic owners we're all laughing at you in general right now. Let's go to our next money we've got one coming in from Nolan whose -- when he found in DC. And this car is what on earth is that. That is like some kind of Hummer Jeep. -- I think that's that is that a deep and limited the Aurora Wrangler. It's horrifying it's got no top on it which with a removable factory topples look like Jeep tail lights. And it's got like comments -- the wagon wheels but look like there would. I'm gonna northern lake I think if others know that -- you can actually builds or whose parts are. Little. Plastic panels that you can pop out replete had a color except the orange logo on the side -- -- -- -- car. We need -- future incidentally had you spoken different likely that I don't have or Eva. Hey love it policy -- sends in this one here -- -- he found this one coal. Coach. Who. If anything if everybody in this room knew somebody who at the cars it looked like. Or believe news of somebody we -- this -- this -- -- civic hatch was this early nineties. Mid ninety's and it's. And -- so folks if you're listening if so it's all all paint except for blacked out wheels -- -- believe. A steely -- -- standard black steel C -- no alloys and nothing going on interesting and the -- is really nice -- sort of a -- are running rust. -- ever had at a gas cap. -- -- edges around the tail lights and down around the center -- that -- And damage -- -- theater eyepiece picked up in a -- via the hallmark and every. Completely in that it is of clear -- -- yeah -- -- -- go Euro manner of good CD and those are those like haven't looked good on in the vehicle now that the first generation don't like pills don't like him but case do our our radio engineer in New York from Debian and Debian CA -- -- this wacky guy guesses in the new York New Jersey area. This guy drives what he knows there's a whacko man there's one picture it's got a million what are those things. Forget beats drink almost equally with all McDonald's toys plates icy cups -- -- -- -- -- coffee pot. Engines shoes. -- -- -- here this is gonna your typical art -- and you see a lot of -- cars and in shows and the like that they have all sorts of weird stuff glued all over them. Barbies and whatnot -- -- -- I think Barbie -- can. Here here's a guy at the back door. -- the sign in the window the only part of is not covered says because of -- my wife thinks I'm a whacko Kook how do you vote. Yes that that that a vote you don't actually have -- Yeah. You made that up or you're imagining -- if -- tied up in the back oh yeah probably right. Scary man and I've yet to say here whacko -- does that mean you're not mean. Entering in an infinite that but the best -- is is gonna he's he's got a parking lot striking distance is the at a from the top of the but that's -- -- what New Jersey number. Dude you're a trip. All right and this looks like it might have been an one of those mini school busses that look here it's got the the big -- -- -- tail lights up high so you -- bought this musk who robustly would you don't want -- -- Anyway -- and that's what thanks do it's a crazy one and good -- -- guy -- -- here from Rick and that we're gonna move on this is that the subject matter report open up subject line is. Homemade bomb that it would only bumpers is -- be really clever great -- effective now. -- -- -- Look like Anthony's in 240 affect. But case early ninety's the committee for SX and pretty it looks like it's been an accident confront -- at. Yeah front of us at the top of the foil -- one of those jiffy pop she's problems though it's completely crumpled. It in the headlights are in place kind of and in the hood has had holes punched in the front to the bungee cords can hold it down has the bungee cord blocks months and give -- to court blocks right if that he's got what looks like about for -- links. Of angle -- he's put together for the -- And what do these these -- like -- side marker like -- -- of front running lights. That's pretty is but I'm pretty proud of this effort once he finished enough I'm the president there's no guarantee -- -- -- not worth the -- -- it okay yes he did everything right. Real right is right and again if it's legal and he's got the light -- easily beat it but the lights in places W -- -- And yeah. -- is demo derby car but -- -- of those of Lockhart keep coming we love these wow we get a huge lack vanities and we're right into one of the owners of these at our door one of these days but oh well. -- -- -- at email us the horrifying vehicles use the on the road like those and others -- take at Does get serious article on the road this week we take out out -- Third generation of their big barn burner their flagship car than -- eight Majorly redone for this third Jan 2011 vehicle. -- is arguably some of the most innovative tech we've seen so far this year let's go on the road with -- and Antuan in the 2011 Audi a eight. This is -- these big luxury garden. Yeah that's -- steps -- the line pretty fast. It's got up four point two liter V8 puts an analog that's pretty much the same engine that you find an -- -- do. And a new -- off the line whatsoever no traction control lighting up -- and you've got quite true. They're all wheel drive system it is really kinda hard to get the car out of sorts from. Test launch right it's a pretty. Smooth. Forward push. And you know -- keeps it in line we also have saudis. Dynamic select -- drive controller because something like that. The southern air suspension. And -- right now we have it in the dynamic settings. So that's gonna keep everything a little more contained and keep the car they handle -- little tighter into this during a little tighter. I'm ago was also comfort setting which loosens everything up and makes it it right over the bumps a little better. And there's an individual -- -- if you want stiff suspension but you know looser out throttle response that you don't -- and gently and you can set that. Setting -- individual and when you go there then it'll bring up your custom. Set up. Now we have some really using capital electronics here the navigation system hard -- -- of traffic comes standard. And as nice motorized screen that can actually be hidden away you know -- look at it what is -- luxury -- touch. But there's a really unique view important. For the navigation system. That we put it in -- destination. And they use these that nice new menus to -- he's gonna of the so it menus her finding things that of an ugly list. But what you get ending and in -- there's a little pat down here. Which you can actually Trace letters and numbers. You can I don't really and have to look in here and again. But in some streets. Yet each letter it's really good at recognizing. The inputs. And you really -- take your eyes off the road very much to use it. -- elves and audio system on here nineteen speakers. Just tremendous sound quality. Yet today it -- counterargument to count the number of speaker of the mean there are three speakers any store panel. And that's just getting started -- of those got these really cool kind of like. -- using tweeters that kind of pop up when you return the system on them at a little bit of drama and also a lot of sound quality it. At a college acoustic lenses in the idea behind -- -- it takes the high frequency tweeters. Which are normally very directional. But the acoustic lenses kind of spreads out. Sound and makes it easier to. Hit every seat in the cab. -- -- -- -- -- I -- it was a good sounding system great sounding bad really just evenly balanced on one thing though about Bang & Olufsen is that the -- is is very neutral. Yeah they don't add any sort of warmed to the the sound quality or anything like that like some systems -- so you'll hear what's on the recording. But it doesn't really add anything to it it's a real audio files system in the -- sense. And they just -- you'll really clean baseline and of course you can you you can work it up with the various controls and I did that let's find some up pretty -- music in there and and in her little. Unbelievable power price -- and it was really you know some it's modern tracks and some huge bases yeah don't -- challenged -- days. And I guess -- just a little bit of panel rattled and out of -- surprise because that on the vision vehement our new. This is a -- not opera -- -- not subject folks if you're listening to us at the time the -- coming here we are in Italy August is not coming out and so on November. The gas on -- -- -- -- 83000 dollars base we don't know what's -- on that. -- the technologies in a start running of them to be in a sound system we've seen before what is new here is first factory in car hotspots. Which we didn't -- But is still three G -- Three yet still three united they're also talking about next year adding this they've already got it in Europe and adding Google Maps to the -- system. That's cool yet this idea it would start putting -- dual map imagery. Satellite imagery on to the -- overlaying them on the maps the -- can really really tell where you are yeah instead of what they do now is a very impressive for its tight. 3-D rendering of buildings and terrain. There are useful -- what you guys. -- school if it does look really cool edge definitely adds to the the feeling of luxury which is it was a pain or and -- You're you're paying -- To feel like you paid burger onion like you did did the -- used to get them. Things just get this card does you can do -- the basics ports yet suppose you about the same amount of room it's got more but not dramatically so. It's a force four -- it says you've got a nice car. Goes more Wednesday -- does everything -- I mean and the -- doesn't quite come up to this there's just a sense of and a luxury in a while massage seat at the feet -- and X 22 way. Power seats which it was three massage types. At least three and -- therefore I've actually there was scratched. And there's one adjusted her shoulders one just did your lower back and and integrate stretch punch. Knock -- wave at wave was one hand and happy and apparently they have as a packet -- police -- -- -- that BC that's what. That you could also turn on the heating and cooling at the same time just send what I've looked at that part about it was an accident like about you trying to go from heating -- relive it and turned off. -- good. A pennant drive and I can easily and everything evidence. Literally I spent 83000 dollars on his -- turn everything. -- The other options in their included the we saw this -- it before we got our hands on it is the the handwriting recognition pad. Yet that's cool stuff that you weren't crazy about it you'd think with any better than the regular router and others distracted using -- -- worked for the but I thought I thought this is distracted and reaching down doing back I was imagining in my -- I have I just made an -- -- whatever that I do it right I think about it. As oppose it -- as it. Steve you label it knows and I didn't realize -- that -- -- -- I was worried about making in the letter to the right way so lucky if -- -- getting ahead of it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And has yet to wait for each letter for it to come back with confirmations -- And that you can do the next letter you see I hate the rotary and put. The and in my system yet to turn that dial -- it round bye. -- -- -- -- he's an old rotary telephone and there's a good reason why you don't use those anymore but it's well yeah it's very -- and and as you do it the united as a predictive text so it drops letters out there are no longer available which is -- which is good. Except to your mind that it's a different number of clicks to go to the next letter that it was before you keep your onscreen right and -- like yet. -- -- So I -- it's both those systems economist at on the voice -- and yet it the writing recognition is better than the rotary but in Leo -- -- -- in all an -- doesn't do a touch screen. Ever do now you're gonna Europeans there no -- don't do that and -- ninth. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And also lets you put PS screen -- from the driver -- You know one thing to the human establishment systems of this -- Bluetooth phone system -- -- course and they've always had a good one. This. One -- as the thing where you can say call Joe something -- -- say call any name and your phone book. And it'll find it. And the cool thing I noticed was that using the iPhone -- noticed a lot of these systems require you to. It's a last name -- it's a call Cunningham Wayne and buddy you in the -- -- calling Cunningham and and immediately brought -- -- my numbers on the screen and said you wanna call wing network at home it. I think we can pronounce -- -- still to this day of the best hands free system right because they did phone -- integration very first no one else did that. They -- home back in. 2003. What of his voice command system that catches them up with -- which -- the community building and -- -- -- with that. But now now now they do have one of the best when -- yet the -- what you call by directory name like that -- yeah -- okay indefinitely without having to say first last. Now that actually still does first last look at Redding last revised version of Australia's saudis LeapFrog among Mac yet and -- I think that's just an iPhone -- that -- negative and have never had to do. Oh really so and I have never -- And I don't use the iPod Touch in testing so we don't really go to that well what's interesting candidates to court what that looks like -- the writing and they need eleven because what I'm absolutely blown away by this day. Eight and they've got eleven out yet but we're gonna confidence in Paris that's after the nine in the tenth right now the made dad driving capable it was fantastic that's partly due to that -- all wheel drive system yup which we have the sport -- in the back which group puts the -- between them. Two rear wheels as well. Also drive select system which change the -- that the suspension response this during responds. You know and an accelerator respond to his belt tension I thought that mail's built I thought it was. Like you know the actual drive belts it's the seat -- right. But -- you -- up the -- three belt and on the -- puzzles afford things it does you can you dynamic comfort. Auto or individual to the combination of any of those three profiles on any of those four. Settings in dynamic moment I was throwing that car -- hard on corners. A lot of speed and it handled it just so smoothly so nicely. And it's amazing to do that such a big car. Yeah it handles it a much smaller car that's were really -- -- six. Is -- more like that size vehicle for 172 horsepower 320 foot pounds of -- -- 65 point seven. Have a four point two V obviate that is not super charged or Turbo charged as direct injection. And the mileage was really good 1727. At least raided. Right we got lesson sixteen. What I mentioned was all that throwing them around on Kirby when he wrote yeah -- I didn't give it -- -- -- -- you're driving in pretty are the whole time eight speed automatic the end and that's where you at the point seven miles per gallon. -- just the right year all the time. Other things about it that were notable is of course you could get dual ten inch which is larger screen entertainment screens and that's really big for duels. Some energy units standard single -- -- attempt educate dual tends on this for the rear seat entertainment screens. And of course it as a lane departure blind spot detection. And -- forward collision breaking litigation system but I don't believe their lane or blind spot. Do anything it just tells you about to drift. Or incur right to strictly warning okay it's not -- steer you back again -- not quite as advanced as infinity which is does knowledge crazy stuff. But they do with the adaptive cruise control that you actually can actually in the article -- stopped if there's stopped traffic and going to be okay -- Audi pre sense plus. And then also this is the car that either will -- does. Have the GPS tied into the transmission engine. And headlights -- -- -- system so that it can modify the behavior of those or the angle of the -- based on what's coming up. On the road which has not been done before. And that's comin' up by -- that was announced -- -- feature on a seven and I believe that will be available only need a yeah I don't think it's here yet yet it has been eight when -- seven comes on it you're right and also that will be used in the adaptive cruise so that when your under way. And he adaptive cruise detects a car in front of units now in your way but also know that there's an exit coming up on this -- -- yearling it will assume. The car in front he's gonna take the exit factor that into its algorithm and maybe not slow down as much. Getting way out there to the area of cars that are autonomous. Honestly trust it didn't take music news channel and then year old all car with a yeah rumpled look -- get sent him so we can't lose here. Right so in some. We love this car. Editor's choice always it editors can step in -- here that here -- from the show folks that we got any -- for the Audi a eight yeah I thought this car raise the bar for technology. If you get everything that it does and will offer in. Even by mid model year it's a new high water -- And just joined and it doesn't have all that rack of of an S class which just feels like go peroni old from grown it's like this is part of its understated. And I got lots of compliments on -- -- which I didn't expect. Lots of folks -- -- -- nice car beautiful car. In the -- gonna get that it is -- was -- just sort of you know low on trim it is that when people elements on a source like. Yet at the highlight of my. It's got that three. The whole discriminate this morning back tonight oriented -- -- Afghan army offensive to me -- -- but in Michigan and also make car -- yeah not so much -- -- I've folks so that's the -- eight the review is. Going -- soon yet today you later today located in the twentieth. Quick take on the Lotus even more we need to get to also this is not a full review -- you do some time in the new improved -- Bora problem. It's the ideal time to drive does this of that new model from Lotus the did ideas this is a -- -- -- -- person can drive because. Credit to the six footer in the -- -- there then and are going to be very comfortable. It's hard to get comfortable -- start to with a fairly compact decked cabin. You know it still has a lot of those care those handling characteristics that Lotus has fantastic handling. Just load -- the ground not much weight 3000 pounds in this case which is not much for a car the night today yeah. And death 3.5 -- Toyota sourced engine. -- just got a modified it with their own control units a lot of power a great six speed manual and there. Yeah I got to throw this around on a -- winding road around Monterey for a morning and just as so much fun so smooth it's that. It's got some I don't know -- it doesn't have the refinement the looked like the BMW or portion hats. Gotta say that just because you you -- those -- -- heavily a lot of money behind them and Lotus is just this weird little shop -- -- factory where they just you know. And build these cars almost and -- that I have as much development behind and there's a little roughness in the interior in the you know the driving quality. But it isn't just a fantastic sports -- so to -- up and finish from the Tesla it's related to do distinctly but. Not up to the -- Louis entered agreed that while lipstick red hello. That's looking dash panel are instrument at all like that the other is nice you know the materials in in the -- and -- very nice you know there's a device that I wouldn't expect quality materials I'd. That there might be some hit problems just a little here and there seem like it wasn't quite up to the 73000 dollar price has really -- at the car command -- I was expecting them studio yet but the threat to ask what the cost is an -- whatever -- -- Bible while that you have a quiet in there right that's -- of the best. It -- unit user really you know. I would I would you know would probably be easy to replace which is a doubled in -- -- -- it's -- sporty car there's that. He keeps in the lineage between them and Tesla as they build the and -- want the basic body and obviously some of the interior protest what is -- very similar center console the Tesla Roadster but. Here -- -- a -- -- if you thousand dollars for -- a great handling great driving a little more room. Yeah a little more room and there's actually a backs an optional back -- Net is -- -- to post you cedar. You can pay 500 dollars to get a back seat. Put on that back parcel shelf please but this is kind of cool because we talk about lot of cards that -- -- they charge you more to put less in them. You need the special -- portions or whatever you say. Leo's card 20000 dollars standard buster you know lighter because we took South Africa here conditioning and they're up a radio right that -- actually do you charge you more -- -- more -- -- And I exactly I thank. If you get -- -- -- -- -- optional -- you can see in this -- to watch your video -- you'll kind of widget that little tiny -- right -- ahead of the engine. And the engine is right behind the receipt that's why and what I like is is a little window. Between engine compartment in the cabin and there's another unit to patch windows goes over the the engine -- -- total pheasant under glass approach here and there is no -- -- abilities -- welcome it's terrible. You know unless you get -- -- that's that this is the best reason to get -- -- unit is because you do get a rearview camera there. And I can just see you know -- Carolina. Who or owners who back the sat in the parking lot -- there's going to be a lot of right over -- -- the business of buying of -- -- of more remote recovers. You can see other -- that there's -- there's just no room on the side of his -- -- visibility between the wing and the engine on the sloping roof and the mostly secluded little window behind here -- whatever the seat plus. Yet there's no matter what happens when to reach engineers design your car it's -- cars never go back roughly yeah that's right he's ever public that they never look there where they were doing the -- on this -- it does look good. What's great I got taken around the track what -- -- in -- parent governor on the track myself which is fun. But -- -- had taken by the around the track by one of the -- -- -- race card drivers. That was an interest in experienced it we we. I it was a blast -- this guy was that -- do amazing stuff of that car although coming down the corkscrew. Legal attache to the bottom of course here because he'd just come from driving there a -- a cup car which is a based on the same karma design for Racine you know different aerodynamics. So that car head unit -- -- had more. It -- that are more downpours then the road car and he was used to us. And so -- a little better -- the bottom of the -- screw any kind of got back in line but you know your finger I could do that. You're the pro. Our eyes so that -- more we got some great shots if you are listening and didn't want are not watching her video version go take a look at that they'll be in the show notes of the those Bora of the -- of -- in this week's episode notes at Arctic Dotson back up. Let's do a quick check what's in the car -- garage. As we exit the show today the Mitsubishi Outlander GT. That's up that's fresh. We also have as we mentioned the Audi -- in the garage now that review was hosting us today the twentieth of August but when -- hear this. It probably is already up and we just took delivery of the new jet which is quite the buzz topic -- an in car circles these days. Nice looking car that's downstairs in just about that same color so we're gonna have a lot to say about that next week and a lot of you are curious about the need jettison us. In the garage and we're digesting and as we speak and coming out. For some reason. And ones gonna go rent -- equinox. And do something -- -- -- -- Them into a first look and others who want to have the -- never lost yet. If somebody's gonna get more and more money for yet mutant revenue -- -- -- a lot of that. Standby as going to be great. -- -- that's one of victory you -- -- folks -- emails card check at for email get those law all cars Cummins and has more pictures. Show -- and the show lives a car tech dot -- number of three toll free for your calls comments and questions is 866401. CNET and we're all on Twitter. -- -- in these days I'm Brian Cooley BR IA NC OLEY. Wayne is Wayne CE underscore SF. And it's one is it do AMT GO both thank you to Mitchell the controls and we'll talk you next week.

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