Buzz Out Loud 1298: Forking tired of Android forks
Buzz Out Loud 1298: Forking tired of Android forks

Buzz Out Loud 1298: Forking tired of Android forks

-- -- -- Tuesday August 31 lady and I -- -- I'm. -- -- -- buzz out -- podcast permanently -- episode 12190. Eighths. Yeah well as making you will the priority to acknowledge that I got -- -- -- throughout. Reality -- Dallas mine Brian oh and that's tonight idol into the -- so they'll let you guys do it I feel all warm and let the about it that's the luckily this is this is a minor in it this is a little feature addition for Gmail but the Internet is like. -- it going crazy will be it's just. It's just one of those. Crazy you'll things where obviously they have time to work on stuff and they're just doing a nice thing via it was nice thing for you so you'll keep using their Gmail they continue targeted at the sale at a well they're nice thing is called priority -- box and it is basically a way for them to use kind of a reverse spam -- them. To identify the emails that are important to you the ones that they it knows you're gonna wanna read yet that you often respond to for example. And then put everything down else lower analysts -- making all them. Bologna and in a Bologna has a thing they -- -- -- see anything. -- that's pretty much splitting your inbox and a three sections the first one is. Based on an algorithm as well as you can kinda set what you wanna see at the Topper what's most important the second one is all -- started. My emails which when amusing -- my stars are all over the place so I can see what stars -- one nice clean I know -- totally up which is really cool and then everything else -- the bottom. -- -- code that the closing opposite in addition to watching your little email social network and putting the importance of up of the top -- you'll get plus minus buttons so if you want. So whenever you get an email was funny thing is important you plus that email and then they'll always show your top in there yet how long do you think though it is until your top in -- Multiple pages -- Well I know that's the thing -- that at some point you're gonna start. You could easily bring it to you can -- while I do eatery that and you need to read this and actually the lucky thirty dollar off the genes. Coupons -- important so I'm gonna it'll. The EU will have to be due date judicious and then there's always the contend that the algorithm might not generate Brett and senate applicable. I like that there. They're trying -- -- -- -- animations for an adorable. Automator -- the work up here there and there -- As I really did they don't have aren't don't have annoying after a guy anymore they have a cute animated and they have this cute little -- and out of your face. You'll. Oh that's always playing on my screen this morning I had to have open and it was plain and is in north coming from. They what -- and and I can't just write and I actually like it could be one of those things where their current sort of quietly hoping it. It's a very enterprise friendly feature yes and it will be turn honorable people have Google apps turn -- yet have to enable. Thing and its its. Isn't out of work. -- it is all how have to enable experimental features if you're Google -- users with to a Gmail user and then you'll get it. Diego though I'm not every now not -- just look practical -- Not everybody -- -- yet I don't have it and nobody I know has this but it will be rolling out over the next couple days global that's. Though and watch your email port via be looking. Never -- the roll -- first rule that out and I travel my -- of the earth hmm. Anyway you needed -- last little you know those of you start your bags need to the last person in line with your bag on the yet somehow convince them that I -- the priority. How can -- do that flight -- Google airlines I don't give -- a year don't complain when you're so right and what don't -- -- -- I have more developments in -- -- Paul Allen patent lawsuit case against the world. Or at least the Internet. They're talking about -- -- -- frantic -- today talking about. Different patent that came out of the lab. Which includes the -- patents and he is currently used it to you people think it's but there like 300 patents. That have been amassed by the lab in less than a decade of existing and -- that -- factory. And that Linux and intellectual property market. Capitalization firm voice yet what if you let -- if that literally palate. -- expert troll facts I think yeah. And this is there but also include apparently like among the patent is one at a method and apparatus for sending and receiving lightweight messages to conduct what what could be like that was. Slim -- virtually -- in the Mohawk and and a method and apparatus for sending that message like where you're located. Are irked that I don't think anyone's -- and Floridians that he and I didn't heed the wide the questioner wants -- scanner is why did interval wait. -- and and that has sparked apparently some discussion and controversy The Wall Street Journal has a story talking about the defense. That I actually think the journal. This felt to me like sort of -- thinly veiled like for the central that's because they haven't -- a -- legal experts who would say look. It's possible that that island waited too long to finally lawsuits that you do in -- Matthew. I thought -- be applied to trademark but apparently you do have to you vigorously defend patents to and they were -- like you know maybe by waiting until that -- of money. Well that's what you normally do if you have a patent you for your target company to become successful with that in and -- -- their pants right now you can wait too long. Yeah I guess apparently again and -- capsule opera through the university of of misery for the timeliness is often raise is indeed and. In patent -- although that strategy has had mixed results do you think that there's a possibility that this. Paul Allen. Invasion of patrol patent patent troll thing could blow up the -- patent system. That this is the strip straw that breaks Camel's back and -- -- I wonder I'm glad thank us in the chat room especially home nice and especially if. I mean it I did hear that Adam Curry was -- that. That Paul Allen was doing -- on purpose like to try to blow -- the patent system and very Korea to Canada version. You know but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Potentially they -- patents on everything that's happening online that maybe that would be the thing that's like out. You know we we have got to do something about this because Merval company must be -- must be like. On the -- an area intellectual ventures. Yeah -- that giant patent -- the real giant -- their real child actor and there it is -- it's gonna -- latency situation and see how far this actually goes I mean I I -- like I think this Wall Street Journal article which by the way later Google -- -- -- -- -- -- the whole story can that screw you pay while. But that the licensing market you know talks about the licensing market in the patent world has become. A 500. Billion dollar market. And so companies race to the courthouse to get judges to validate activities as soon as they think that a plaintiff can -- preparing a lawsuit because it's such a big money thing. -- and I think. I just regardless of the arguments that I have heard for this system I can't believe it's not hampering -- I just can't. And I eat we do need to change there's no question about that and they might be something like this that forces people to look at this. Because we can't give up on patents get to say no patents and all I can as a -- are free and open -- have to be a system where intellectual property is. Is preserve somehow. But this system just benefits lawyers more than anybody else Sabena now what the alternative I don't know. Yeah and I their and that it. A world without lawyers -- -- -- that actually would give him -- obvious idea system has some sort of congressionally mandated reforms that will take decades to eagerly discussed and implement -- -- -- like lot of task forces and then there'll be partisan objections and it out really. Whispered where it's getting a little that are actually there have been some Supreme Court rulings that have. Have made it harder to get really broad reaching patents like this I mean many of the patent that this company has been granted -- -- -- -- they would probably no longer be able to get at least not so easily those some reform is creeping in. It's just. So we need -- to be granted a more carefully. And we need people to it. -- probably much shorter statute of limitations on when you can defend patents so you don't have companies building up you know twenty years old company. Built a whole global industry on this thing and then some little weasel comes out of the woodwork and Ohio -- -- on your fundamental process rant -- yeah exactly. We're gonna take a quick break when we come back we have someone we would like you to meet -- museum. As the Digg controversy continues to -- -- -- or seriously. And men are bigger they're. There -- mad angry diggers angry diggers. They dig in themselves and they really are but now they'll have someone else to yell act according to check out the public they brought in an editor of the well -- -- Oh you don't get me a Muslim or -- -- talk to this -- cited his dad Matt Williams began new guy Matt Williams's. From Amazon he was in charge of. General manager consumer payments than Amazon. He's -- for over ten years and he was the year before that of life -- Interesting guy interesting timing in the middle of a controversy bring in a new chief who obviously is brand new doesn't know what's going on today responsible for -- nonetheless. He can take although all the -- -- I didn't know. Now I -- that I I hear I hear your concerns and and we'll we'll be looking into this very careful we're gonna we're gonna form a task force yeah and we're gonna go ahead and investigate these issues I mean I think. If it. They always that they Kevin -- with the interim CEO and they were looking for a new guy and I think that. And they didn't actually think -- -- -- the story today about the number one big users and like I -- them in March and that. There was gonna be outcry if they tried to devalue the dig -- people. But despite that I don't think they thought they were -- be it installing these CEO in the midst of the country they think they thought they would be installing new CEO. CEO immediately after the successful roll out of their game hinging urged but what I'm aiming it in the middle of this whole firestorm that could awaited. I like a couple of days well I. I mean to be fair -- they haven't announced it at the techcrunch -- Ha yeah. We -- -- in point take we have confirmed value now that it's not -- certainly. They maybe didn't want to right now for thanks for that equipment the talk about a they actually can't answer it does -- in this Edmonton. The whole thing is you know yeah of course how come. Now. -- now that India has managed to force Blackberry to cave. And start. You know turning over data. -- they've gotten their their. -- and -- right so India after doing this -- quackery thing with Google to Google and Skype you know we need. Access the government needs access to information submitted by our users on Google and Skype of telephone service. So that we may do better you know internal security company country's security. It just the -- it seems. Getting kind of scary -- a little it's like they got an in yet -- there asking for a mile -- -- they did grant program would interpret it that it grant -- like a six month I think. -- day. On setting up the services there until they could cooperate again -- now if they're saying they also want to be able to look at the data that's going over Skype and Google. I mean the good news is right Google -- McNamee haven't had all yup so. It Google's like look with that at the time you're just India fears -- Oh you're just it yeah -- Google simulate using it. You think -- -- because it by sixty day deadline but Skype is interesting one because Skype is a phone company. Yeah and phone networks are captain -- great Google the phone company nineteen while drew yeah so maybe don't get into Google that way and I wonder -- that was. You know what they were all looking for. They say if a company is providing Telecom services and India according to them. Spokesman for the home ministry -- all communications must be available to Indian security services. Sweden and eighty of course is planning a lot of civil. Issues. Right there as art it's all countries nevertheless though that this is sort of the next censorship battleground it was like it's one thing it's not you know -- there was talking about filtering and there was you know turning over blogger named minute does sort of like the next battle the tech companies are gonna have to -- Is governments that want to sniff the data. And this is of course only become the companies that aren't you thing only the countries that -- hearing about. Right you know let's say -- and it'll be interesting to see how Google and Skype you know -- etc. Other big companies. Decide to take this make this a big global issue menuing you really do get into the science fiction land of corporations -- governments it's like look. Where a global information company and these are rules you -- -- either service. Lock it down locking out but your citizens want it -- they will get it and we are not gonna kowtow to your security demands is -- what happens. I don't know video. Inside -- you know yeah it really is -- naming boom and and yet it is fascinating and improved last -- yeah I am not going to you because we're gonna nerd out on tablet -- have a whole lot of Verizon and Android news Samsung's galaxy tablet reportedly according to the -- report is coming through Verizon it would be a seven inch tablet with built in three G. Can speed it I don't get it -- you think -- actually went back. Let me we nobody's gonna be sold them yet and this is a whole yeah this this is an up and attract guys and an entire new segment of the market this is not it's not. It's not the baby there -- the -- -- it's like the Big Brother bear in between the baby and the mama and yeah. For the data -- which -- -- real computer and everybody's coming out these seven inch tablets. And it does that they're -- but they have they have they have -- they have to put some -- stake in the ground otherwise Apple's gonna roll -- room well we'll -- -- maybe Apple's target it's interesting because the one Apple came out with with the -- tablet but most people have found that other than you know media consumption and TV in and movies. Attend. A big tablet and it's a little heavy and in the hold for reading and I think that what they found that the use case for the tablet is. Much more so reading them expected into the seven inch -- actually really good -- No one of one of these tablets that's coming out on that they mention one articles. So there's this -- -- full Leo no one of that one of the challenges of Google's Android operates is them on a tablet. Was its ability to support higher resolutions and something like 800 by 640. But there some of the information and he -- of these new tablets like the Samsung. Galaxy they they've been able to through software now. Get to a higher resolution and have a high resolution in the current iPad that's gonna be compelling point and also they're using a lot faster processors I think -- -- she the Foleo. Is -- Nvidia integrity which supports HD video content submitted hasn't ATMI port and a webcam on these tablets and -- is that when we talk about talent that have to come to the game. With more than Apple needs right about HD out HD video and web -- -- and -- -- an OS that support them and that's that's three and a half. But how and other slots -- him like a full time slot for view sonic I mean that just useful. Yeah useful features I would actually like this and witness the kind of these products. The non Apple products always come out with more features on the Apple probable course we know and people still buy the Apple products because of the emissions that are there -- -- I mean. For example the -- -- right to be -- keypad that they just announced it's a seven inch tablet with all those features plus it's running Android 2.2 yes and has full phone function on me I think we're now to the point where. And -- Is enough of a competitor exact that is not as cut -- and I know that I have -- -- million times and that Apple's gonna have -- an insurmountable lead guitar but that would. Out the door with tablets but -- if they can offer something. That differentiates. And -- Android which people are people July 8 -- getting familiar let's get -- better yanked if possible also the Samsung tablet very and probably like this is sonic one. 899. Bucks there's the possibility. With of of subsidizing I think. It is not a hundred bucks but there's a possibility that he could be 200 as -- five or 600 and that is hugely completely yet so it it if the cellular fees are too high. Because the last thing that people want is you know multiple devices all of which are carrying fifteen dollars a month. Of cellular service fees and that won't fly it is yeah time. -- -- universe not all these tablets are gonna be tied to cellular carriers as well he knows some of them are. But not all the night -- -- when you look at the model right it's just the whole it's you -- just basically modeled after what's happened with the iPhone Apple keynote this telephone everyone's buzzing about it and I'll get all the Android devices that are out there. It's it's the one verses of them and right I mean we're gonna -- gonna plan out. As usual because you know it it's either this week -- announcing Mandarin -- -- German -- they -- show brightly Expedia or something because except. But again and none of it well. Mean a damn thing until one of these things switched it. And starts to -- I mean Archos -- -- had seven inch tablet before and it's like done alright. Sales a lot of -- opponents without some -- in her native sampling at explosives -- -- like September 2 or something death and Allen is that's gonna be the one to watch because it's gonna be it's gonna have a lot of differentiating. Features and it also might be and subsidize the night till early development -- are out there with and -- please don't put your own proprietary you Wyoming things leave them Android bog standard. -- we don't end up at this. -- environment of everybody. With different U wise an absence you just keep it standard if you look at that I feel we're working a tired of that happening in all of our known -- -- it's not gonna happen at all -- -- Working so we're getting tired of -- either -- or -- get a new study by NPD's shows that music. Still rules iTunes that that's still what most people are doing on iTunes but they're buying a nineteenth much more so than -- Which is damaged public as you can buy you know whole album at a time and -- eight but the supposed to little minor power and -- there I guess that's part of it. You have a bow when they surveyed people they had 82% of respondents said that they made they -- music on 1956%. That they buy music exclusive -- Only ever. But music Noah oh really yeah yeah and -- and pretty significant number especially because there's there's a tendency to talk about Mars I cast music and it. But that's what most people are still do -- Apple is the gigantic music powerhouse right now and tomorrow we'll see I mean. More devices may be more services via the link for the via iTunes in the cloud and and maybe your clear feature enhancement. We were talking about this year. Ahead of maybe they will double or even triple the length of -- Apple. Because like whenever whenever you hit song and I to anyone in here I hate it when you can't even hear the -- I now want the yeah they displayed at first the effectiveness as opposed to going through the -- figuring out what the -- -- -- -- -- That's a maximum of about want. I don't want it cut that out -- look we you know what's surprising is that artists aren't putting their hooks in the river does -- announces the story out of every story here this is the most exciting. Well we'll see tomorrow tomorrow. Ago we delighted about 9:45 AM here. Will be covering the Apple event live. And with of people there on the ground speaking to a -- to be honest with you in the house will be written Needham and Brian Cooley and -- -- it and that's right yeah. To be on is if there's that innovation that needs to happen at that keynote. -- -- up on the part. I'm gonna now iTunes. And you can't you that you are a journal as -- increase your life lately you know honestly there so it ends we have had -- -- State of the union. That -- -- know during part of the Supreme Court justices sit there Estonian a path that the threat that is you Linda can you do with that I've never applauded an Apple keynote and it just makes me laugh. Does I at least know that I'm there residuals when I see other journalists delayed. And I think that's quite prominent in a few that worked I was like style black read yes I'm -- that I realized that. It's a it is shameful. And it happens all the time how accurate you know -- -- a little bit and Aetna us. But that's alright no -- there is a new threats are real data. A new trend developing on the web it. Vigilante. -- them against animal computers which I'm not laughing and animal is a thing incessantly related athlete this is that the very -- -- the entire lab. -- -- You know -- the pitchforks and torches yet especially for champ. Motley -- and there is a videos and circulating last they're two you a woman or girl throwing a basically a bucket of puppies. Do not play that video. Yet there are -- I'm puppies into a river and it and it's these. Extremely -- it started with so it started with the woman who in Britain -- England who impact -- in London with your cat in a garbage actually think -- -- the year before that we have the marine in Afghanistan Iraq during the popular -- -- you but we get collects -- okay this. -- -- -- In recent news. -- can went after the -- lady. And I mean because you don't mess with kiddies on the Internet ads -- -- act as I mean I love. I don't look at but I would never -- out part of our so -- so. That the Internet with open arms board's hand -- after this woman you know to it hadn't been used all of the power of kind of distributed computing to find out who she wasn't that somebody contacted her and. And -- the chat -- like correcting -- -- okay Ireland. -- They cannot usually they contacted -- somebody that like what what you have to say about that and and that -- idiot women that it's just the chat -- And I blew up right that's the real harassing her on -- buckets is that she take down her profile and and then now. This video was posted in -- during -- in the river and portends like unleashed and it really is happening -- -- seat but at least this time for tennis and their people thing will wait a minute. Wait a minute what -- -- -- terrible but even if we -- but. Are we absolutely sure this is the right person and do we really want to become a band of vigilantes ruining somebody's life. Well we don't know the whole story were -- -- 109%. Shore that is the right person. With the family that arts editor at fortune has identified the owner of the YouTube account and uploaded the video they found that -- hometown and possibly FaceBook account than it takes out to FaceBook profile that they thought might be that girl in the video which -- announcer but they've already started harassing her and all of the people -- -- it does. It does raise this really interesting question it's like. It -- I mean these these guys are known to ruin lives for the walls -- and isn't okay just you know it. I'm not sure that this is the appropriate response and it's disturbing it because of the high likelihood. That at some point they're gonna get the run ports. Let me ask you another -- -- haven't or won't cool. What moron would take the video of the personally to the video that's horrible thing now -- now uploaded it to YouTube. Now when -- in a way they're begging for. But on the other hand but doesn't mean it's right thing to do go after -- why and why aren't they go I mean it's sort of it's just a little bit like really maybe you should go after the that girls who were videotaped beating the crap out of their classmate or I mean a lot of people videotape horrible things -- -- online -- not themselves -- I mean. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Is practically -- trend. In high school right now you know -- -- tracking them down now I know president of India and self selected that's the thing about -- and vigilant in the right into moderated and I know that you can't be heard via. It's a little I don't know if it's. Potentially dangerous and interest -- the yeah. Also a -- the Mac is back. In the Mac is back if you're a that if you're -- auto cad user. And -- was big on the Mac. In ages past yeah yeah and then it went away it went away it it product that is not -- they have not released a version for the Mac since 1992. Mean. And -- Now after -- eighteen year hiatus have decided that the Mac has as. Come back to such an extent that they released divergent. -- and yes very and also version for iPad and. Up from that platforms that's really cool part is that so you can create these documents on a -- and then view them and comment -- or whatever and -- -- -- -- -- cure -- -- -- clients. And you have your iPad with the into the stock presentation that -- this is where to bridges going to be -- Yeah you spin around with a thing tonight I wanna buy that right thirty million dollars got such a -- -- -- -- it looks so cool anyway if it shows how important the Mac has become in the in the corporate design world I mean we all knew was important but despite. Ought to -- cannot ignore ignore this platform anymore. Via a thing because it's still worldwide in the market share is still 4% but. Like you said it can it's surging again in that design market and they senate anchor we don't we're gonna be there -- reviewed and -- and -- where our -- -- -- and virgin America aren't. I get they like check in with out where where are they talk about talk about -- there public and -- virgin America have teamed up to give away the biggest check in reward -- for our -- for one plane tickets to Mexico. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah and via some insecure and -- and connect a bullet interesting about this is not like we're not trying to do a little many -- for us also religion virgin America but. This is fascinating because this is the thing that places is not doing. And that this is where I think some of these smaller tech in companies still have the edge over in the 500 million user strong -- -- places because. -- it's the rewards system and the game mechanic. That has really to -- the tech in thing to take up much more than just you know simple where culture and build the business model for the -- -- companies is fantastic. Because they do these coupons things -- these -- giveaways or whatever. And it's all question for them the competition is all that who can get the -- deal looking get the gap deal or -- the -- the or whatever right and once they start forming at these networks that's what makes these. Makes people -- -- use these things I get free stuff yeah it's a killer business model and right now they're all competing with each other to give stuff away. I give this thing maybe nine months or year we were we the users are getting a lot of preset for free stuff or all -- -- of FaceBook is like. You know not so much. Yeah bullet large company wouldn't want a partner with -- but it is well that problems here and -- and it'll do it. If FaceBook did this it would be gigantic and virgin America might have the largest -- -- -- yeah yeah -- like pennies off as opposed to a free ticket if yes. I'm going to. Puts on -- from the immediately today -- every -- can and it's kind of tempting. I'm just. Not having a big add for that we're telling you that check -- thing that fascinating neat thing about the tech is a show in our evolving this is the thing ports girls let's coupons. Just -- they have time yeah but do they have to relax you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- sorry that's not an advertisement. I am I -- -- whatever you do. Colin audible it moving -- to -- the voicemail. Our first caller wanted to know that these are watching us. Literally. -- this is Sam from Arizona. And -- -- a you know. We know when you're also not at home when you're doing -- -- but I'll I'll show. -- -- -- Yeah okay okay I am not at home right now -- I don't W don't know who it is an insane it's it's there's more than one person lives there you know another attack dogs. That's when I whom I mean it's the airplane like most people do -- -- -- network with particular -- in the you know. I've taken all right so Jarrett Moses says that hey let's crew -- -- -- -- -- seven you guys continue to rally behind the apps. Which will auto respond while you're driving. But the issue with these -- is how they differentiate between you're driving and simply writing if you always after remember to turn -- -- -- -- probably won't. Well maybe I should write this email like driving -- -- -- I. The point one of the elderly shall not a genuine laugh. -- I'd troubled -- and a one of the apps actually have the button that it it knows when you're going a -- speed and then -- -- the things thing are you driver passenger so there are no good solutions -- -- I mean he's totally dominant but but still. What do you want if you're driving that's -- heart. No I'm just saying that if you take your eyes -- directly down -- -- and the driver duration people with the obvious choice cumulatively thing are you driving. It none of them are perfect but that -- -- Adam from Denmark rates and those -- 1297 you were discussing product placements in novel this discussion -- -- memory of the 2001 a -- novel. The -- -- connection. That was as the title almost says. Sponsored by -- with 181000 -- this was first time. And mainstream novel -- kind of product placement and got a lot of mostly bad press that it has been done and he included a link -- the Wikipedia article about a novel. All is Dayton -- When I got what I want novel can I write that I -- yet 181000 pounds to sponsor the phenomenal isn't gonna make that in in commissions. Just thinking as it does -- -- What's what's a brand and alliance gonna do him any -- get it there it. A sellout -- tell us isn't on Blackberry messenger what do you think do you think that novels should have the same product placement has TV and movies. -- know send us your thoughts. The our Blackberry messenger opinions Q4 five -- three -- 65 you can find that. Written down as well as all the links and stories -- documented it our blog below that you can email us -- at And you can call us at 106 Olympics. Q sixty. Great if everybody and -- tomorrow morning -- -- guy. I filed by.

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Tips and Tricks for the AirPods Pro 2

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3
VisionOS 1.0.3

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro