Toss the brush and throw robot Mirra in your pool

iRobot's latest pool cleaner can filter more than 4,000 gallons per hour. It'll help you be lazier for a cool $1,300.

Tim Hornyak
Crave freelancer Tim Hornyak is the author of "Loving the Machine: The Art and Science of Japanese Robots." He has been writing about Japanese culture and technology for a decade. E-mail Tim.
Tim Hornyak
Mirra looks like it's underwater, but it's high and dry at the CES 2013 iRobot booth. Tim Hornyak/CNET

LAS VEGAS--I used to try cleaning my godmother's pool with long, unwieldy nets and hoses, and always gave up in frustration.

iRobot's Mirra 530 would have been a huge help. Now being shown off at CES 2013, it improves upon the company's Verro pool bots.

With its rotating brushes, Mirra is designed to scrub any type of in-ground pool without using the pool's filtration system, a concept aimed at saving energy.

Unlike the $1,099.99 Verro 500 PowerScrub, the $1,299.99 Mirra has wheels instead of treads and a more powerful suction and filtration system.

Mirra can pump and filter about 70 gallons of pool water per minute and suck up debris as small as 2 microns.

Its iAdapt Nautiq technology allows it to suss out the dimensions of the pool and choose the most efficient way to rid all surfaces, from the bottom to the waterline, of everything from hair to bacteria.

It can hug walls, handle steps, and automatically dodge obstacles. Also, it won't get its 60-foot floating power cord tangled up.

When you yank it out of the water, you just empty the two filter canisters of debris, then drop it back in next time.

Mirra will be available this spring in select countries, along with iRobot's Looj 330 gutter-cleaning robot, which is already on the U.S. market.

Watch this: iRobot Mirra pool cleaner is a plucky robot pal