RS Media: Robosapien just keeps evolving

RS Media: Robosapien just keeps evolving

Will Greenwald
If robots dancing, fighting, and finding Sarah Connor wasn't bad enough, now they can screen movies for you! , makers of previous most-wanted Christmas gifts Robosapien and Robosapien V2, have announced the latest version, the RS Media, which is a Robosapien with media functionality. Via either a USB connection or its SD card slot, the RS Media can play MP3 audio files and MPEG-4 movies for you. Its hand-mounted speakers and back woofer can pump out the jams while its in-chest LCD screen plays your favorite music video. It's kind of a scary cross between a Robosapien and a video iPod. This robot will be available in the fall, though its ravenous hunger will turn off some consumers; the RS Media will have a suggested retail price of $350 and will need seven AAA and six D batteries to run!