Video: DraganFlyer X6 remote-control helicopter is £21,500 of aerial joy

What has six rotors, an on-board GPS unit, touchscreen handheld controls and thousands of pounds worth of video-recording equipment? The best thing ever, that's what!

Rory Reid

Crave doesn't have a very good history with flying things. Our attempts to gracefully manoeuvre a radio-controlled plane through the streets of Southwark resulted in several crash landings and a hefty lawsuit, so when Air2Air.com turned up to CNET Towers with the DraganFlyer X6 -- a £21,500 radio-controlled chopper for us to film -- our insurers reached for a new pair of slacks.

Undaunted, we flew the sucker around anyway -- indoors. C'mon, the DraganFlyer X6 has six rotors, an on-board GPS unit and touchscreen handheld controls. Plus thousands of pounds worth of video-recording equipment attached to its motorised camera mount and virtual reality-style goggles that let you see what it sees. What could possibly go wrong? A couple of lost limbs and a few years in prison never hurt anybody.

Click play in the video box above to see it in action.