LG Nexus 4 confirmed by LG exec with 4.7-inch screen

The LG Nexus 4 is all but official now -- an executive from LG in India has stated it will be unveiled on Monday.

Andrew Lanxon Editor At Large, Lead Photographer, Europe
Andrew is CNET's go-to guy for product coverage and lead photographer for Europe. When not testing the latest phones, he can normally be found with his camera in hand, behind his drums or eating his stash of home-cooked food. Sometimes all at once.
Expertise Smartphones | Photography | iOS | Android | Gaming | Outdoor pursuits Credentials
  • Shortlisted for British Photography Awards 2022, Commended in Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022
Andrew Lanxon
2 min read

An executive from LG India has let the Nexus 4 cat out of the Android bag, promising the new blower will be unveiled at Google's event on Monday.

LG India's head of mobile product planning Amit Gujral told IBNLive.com, "Google will unveil the LG Nexus on 29 October and the phone will be available in the Indian markets by the end of November." He didn't mention whether it would be available in the UK at that time too, but it's unlikely Google would restrict it to India.

He also let slip some of the specs of the phone, stating it will offer a 4.7-inch display, will be powered by a 1.5GHz processor and will be running on the brand-new Android 4.2 software. I spoke to LG reps here in the UK who, unsurprisingly, weren't willing to confirm the phone's existence.

Those specs don't come as much surprise as they're exactly the same as have been leaked from industry insiders and in an internal Google video. We're also expecting a meaty 2GB inside the phone and a screen resolution of at least 720p.

The phone will be announced alongside details of the new version of Android. While we're looking forward to the arrival of Android Key Lime Pie, version 4.2 will apparently be an update to the existing Android Jelly Bean, rather than a complete overhaul.

We're also hoping to see the Nexus 10 -- a 10.1-inch slate made in collaboration with Samsung. This bigger beast will apparently boast a 2,560x1,600-pixel resolution, giving it a pixel density higher than the iPad's retina display.

We'll be bringing you all the news from Google's event as it happens, so if new Android devices makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, let me know your thoughts on the new devices in the comments below or over on our Facebook page.