Palm says game on for the Pre

Games will be part of the application makeup for Palm's Pre when it is released later this year, despite the fact that Palm doesn't plan to allow native applications at first blush.

Tom Krazit Former Staff writer, CNET News
Tom Krazit writes about the ever-expanding world of Google, as the most prominent company on the Internet defends its search juggernaut while expanding into nearly anything it thinks possible. He has previously written about Apple, the traditional PC industry, and chip companies. E-mail Tom.
Tom Krazit
Games will be part of the mix of applications available for Palm's Pre smartphone. Corrine Schulze/CNET Networks

Palm has confirmed that games will be among the applications available for the Palm Pre, although exactly what type of games will run on the handset remains unclear.

In an interview with Engadget, Palm said games will be part of the Pre experience, along with various other applications that will be offered through a Palm-style version of Apple's App Store. Mobile gaming is extremely popular on the iPhone and iPod Touch, and is a big part of Apple's pitch for those devices.

Therefore, it's not all that surprising that Palm and its developer partners would want to get in on demand for mobile gaming. But onlookers have been curious about what types of applications are suitable for the Pre, given that Palm isn't allowing native applications in the early days of Pre development, mimicking the early days of iPhone development.

Limiting application developers to Web-only applications never seemed like the long-term plan for Apple, and it's probably not for Palm either. Developers tend to be less enthused about building applications that have to run entirely in a browser and can't take advantage of the built-in hardware on a phone, and that's especially true when it comes to games that people want to play both online and offline. Engadget pointed out that Palm may be depending on Adobe's support in placating developers for the time being by allowing them to build Flash applications.