In: BlackBerry 8800; Out: BlackBerry Pearl

In: BlackBerry 8800; Out: BlackBerry Pearl

Bonnie Cha Former Editor
Bonnie Cha was a former chief correspondent for CNET Crave, covering every kind of tech toy imaginable (with a special obsession for robots and Star Wars-related stuff). When she's not scoping out stories, you can find her checking out live music or surfing in the chilly waters of Northern California.
Bonnie Cha
Hey, , your 15 minutes of fame are up. It seems like just yesterday that the little gem of a messaging device made its glorious debut, but we're already moving on to the next big thing. Specs and images of a new BlackBerry, the BlackBerry 8800, have leaked onto the Web, and it's looking pretty sexy. The sleek gadget retains the same trackball found on the Pearl, but adds a full QWERTY keyboard (good-bye, SureType keyboard, we won't miss you), a 320x240 screen, and a 1.3-megapixel camera with video-recording capabilities. The quad-band phone is also said to have integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. No specifics on carrier or pricing, but you'll have plenty of time to debate about it as the device is said to have a spring 2007 launch date.

Sources: Engadget Mobile, BlackBerry Cool