Telltale Games may finish The Walking Dead's final season after all

The developer could have help in releasing the last two episodes of Clementine's story despite its shutdown.

Sean Keane Former Senior Writer
Sean knows far too much about Marvel, DC and Star Wars, and poured this knowledge into recaps and explainers on CNET. He also worked on breaking news, with a passion for tech, video game and culture.
Expertise Culture | Video Games | Breaking News
Sean Keane
2 min read

We might yet see how Clementine's story ends.

Telltale Ganes

Telltale Games will try to finish the final season of The Walking Dead before shutting its doors for good.

The developer, which announced its closure on Friday, could have some help in completing the last two episodes and bringing long-term zombie apocalypse survivor Clementine's story to its conclusion.

"Multiple potential partners have stepped forward to express interest in helping to see The Final Season through to completion," it wrote on Twitter late Monday.

"While we can't make any promises today, we are actively working towards a solution that will allow episodes 3 and 4 to be completed and released in some form. In the meantime, episode 2 will release tomorrow across all platforms as planned. We hope to have answers for your other questions soon."

This comes after Melissa Hutchinson, who's voiced Clementine since the first season of the game began in 2012, released a weekend statement saying that the final season would mostly likely be left unfinished.

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The first episode of the final season was released Aug. 14 and the second came out Tuesday. The episodes of the final season weren't sold separately. They were only available as part of the season pass -- so fans have already paid upfront for the season in its entirety.

Telltale also had a Stranger Things game on the way, and Netflix told Polygon that it's "in the process of evaluating other options" for that game. Videos showing what could be the first gameplay from it have surfaced, according to Comicbook.com.

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