Fortnite's Star Wars event added lightsabers to the game. Here's how to get one

J.J. Abrams showed off a short clip from the film. But it's the new weapon that's the real treat.

Oscar Gonzalez Former staff reporter
Oscar Gonzalez is a Texas native who covered video games, conspiracy theories, misinformation and cryptocurrency.
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Oscar Gonzalez
3 min read
Fortnite Star Wars

What a beautiful hunk of junk. 

Epic Games

Fortnite isn't just one of the most popular video games right now, it also looks to be a fine place to promote a film. The popular battle royale game hosted a never-before-seen clip from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker during an in-game event Saturday. But more importantly, there are now lightsabers in the game. 

Saturday's event had a few hiccups early on, as server issues kept many players from joining. However, after being pushed back approximately 12 minutes from the 2 p.m. ET start time, the show kicked off with the Millennium Falcon flying in ahead of pursuing TIE Fighters.

After a quick sky battle, the Falcon landed, and out came a holographic character voiced by Geoff Keighley, producer and creator of The Game Awards. He introduced director J.J. Abrams who had his own in-game avatar. 

In the Rise of Skywalker scene shown, Rey, Finn and Poe infiltrate a First Order starship. When confronted by Stormtroopers, Rey shows off her force powers by doing a Jedi Mind Trick. 

It was a quick clip, and then players were asked to pick their favorite lightsaber color. Shortly after, TIE Fighters attacked the players. The sky went dark and everything slowed down. Then a voice that sounded like Emperor Palpatine's proclaimed that today would be the day of the Sith. 

Then, as the First Order ships disappeared, a case was left where the Millennium Falcon had been. Inside were lightsabers with the color corresponding to the choices players had made previously. 

And that's it. There's a new set of Star Wars-themed challenges for players to complete with a new back bling and emote as rewards. 

Fortnite Star Wars Challenges

May the Force be with you on completing these challenges. 

Epic Games

The Star Wars challenges are: 

  • Deal 100 damage with a lightsaber
  • Raise your banner to capture TIE Fighter crash sites
  • Block 50 damage with a lightsaber
  • First Order Stormtrooper eliminations with a lightsaber or from beyond 100m
  • Deal 200 damage with a First Order Blaster Rifle to opponents or First Order Stormtroopers 

Lightsabers are found in blue containers scattered across the map. Inside each container are multiple lightsabers of different colors. They take up a weapon slot and when used, will unleash a fury of acrobatic strikes that do a lot of damage. Lightsabers can also deflect incoming bullets when using the aim button. 

The First Oder Blaster Rifle is also another weapon found in the containers and off of Stormtroopers. TIE Fighter crash sites are located across the island where there's a plume of smoke. It's guarded by a group of Stormtroopers that will attack when players approach. Check the map below for the three TIE Fighter crash sites. 

Fortnite TIE Fighters

Where to find the TIE Fighters crash sites. 

Epic Games

Following the event, data miners found new in-game cosmetics likely to appear in the Fortnite Item Shop in the coming days. The two skins discovered so far are of Kylo Ren and Zorii Bliss. More cosmetics could show up as the challenges will last until Dec. 23. 

To celebrate the holidays and keep with the Star Wars hype, the Fortnite Winterfest event has one special free gift fans of the franchise will want: a Millenium Falcon glider. To get it, look for a present in the Winterfest cabin shaped like the spaceship. 

Fortnite is available on PS4Nintendo SwitchXbox OnePC and Android and iOS devices.

Originally published Dec. 11.
Updates, Dec. 12: Adds info on map changes and new assets; Dec. 14: Includes info on event. Dec. 16: Adds challenge info. Dec. 18: Adds info about new glider. 

Watch this: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Trailer (2019)