Utilities Updates: SVG Viewer; FontViewer; EjectDisk; DownloadWizard; BF Search Engines; LinkSys

Utilities Updates: SVG Viewer; FontViewer; EjectDisk; DownloadWizard; BF Search Engines; LinkSys

CNET staff
Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0b3 is a browser plug-in that renders Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

FontViewer 1.4 allows you to preview all fonts in your fonts folder.

EjectDisk 3.2 allows you to eject any removable media from your computer, ranging from the humble floppy to the latest DVD. The update adds support for a number of CD-ROM drives which EjectDisk failed to work with in the past.

DownloadWizard 1.1 is an AppleScript droplet that downloads files which are listed as return-delimited URLs in a text file. The update now works with the new Remote Access of Mac OS 9.1 or higher.

BF Search Engines 10/01 updates the search engines for VSE Be Found.

LinkSys 1-4 port cable/DSL router 1.40.1 is the latest firmware update for the BEFSR41 and BEFSR11 routers.