Baking utensils fit for a kid

There's nothing wrong with playing with your food, at least if you're using the Head Chefs Posable Kitchen Utensils.

Thursday Bram
Thursday Bram is a freelance journalist of over five years experience. She has worked in real estate and property management, learning the hard way the difference between the appliances that people like and the appliances that actually work in a home. Thursday currently lives in Maryland.
Thursday Bram

The Head Chefs Posable Kitchen Utensils Harold Import Company

When I showed an interest in baking, my mother got me a few utensils of my own. I had my spoon and my bowl. It was pretty cool not having to share, but it might have been cooler if she had given me the Head Chefs Kids' Posable Silicon Kitchen Utensils from the Harold Import Company. These five tools--a measuring cup, spoon, spatula, pastry brush. and whisk--are so fun that even grown ups will like them. Each implement has a pliable human-like body as a handle that you can fashion into different poses, complete with arms and legs, and suction feet that allow them to stand upright on the kitchen counter. They come in bright colors and are each between 8 and 9 inches long, sized for smaller hands. The Head Chefs Utensils are perfect for your beginning baker, though you may be tempted to borrow them as well.

All of the Head Chefs Utensils are made entirely of food-safe silicone. They're dishwasher safe and work well for baking, although having arms and legs to contend with on the grip may require some getting used to. You can buy the five Head Chefs utensils as a set for $47.50, or individually for $10.50 each.