Car Tech Live 203:  Get ready to get plugged-in
Car Tech Live 203: Get ready to get plugged-in

Car Tech Live 203: Get ready to get plugged-in

Auto Tech
-- -- have to pay you want to buy an electric car. Headlights that could buy you a six MPG. You might actually get your. That's right folks that more awaits you this -- episode that took -- Won cnet's car tech live I'm Brian Cooley -- Wayne Cunningham and Antuan Goodwin suitably -- to be. In solidarity with our East Coast brethren as they go through the blizzard coal over there -- over -- not here and here now but there are trying to here I've noticed that sort -- -- -- -- -- Let's get into our stories today so we don't. Now we all I hear often about the -- credit for buying an electric car -- advanced hybrid and -- -- Chevy Volt or something. And that's as much -- -- 500 dollars to big reason that people do the math police cars and all are getting into buying them if you can take that much off the top. A leaf -- -- people -- it's great. Well you can't take up the topic to tax credit against -- you -- a lot of folks don't know that but that might -- more interesting this week the word is that the Obama administration wants to move that tax credit. Into a straight up rebate you would take off the top of the MS RP so you wouldn't get a check from anybody. When you do the deal the car cut your best deal and then they'll knock another 7500 dollars off because the feds. I'm gonna pay them back hybrid buyers used to get this is a as a credit back -- -- David -- those ran out yet -- handset pool lies about the do something similar with this. Have a pool of rebates. And does hybrids they now consider to be not that advanced and they said you know mark upon those anymore in -- diamond doesn't and the -- -- it -- speak to the pool when they would increase this from 200000 vehicles a year 500000. Under this proposal so a you'd get a real. A rebate of sorts though not cash and to be 500000 vehicles per year. Under this is a part of Obama's state of the union message -- he's reiterated he wants to get a million TVs on the -- in four years now uses the -- does is commendable as well because that's not. Technically appear telling you now it's -- -- plug in hybrid and electric vehicles so that would qualify as a plug in hybrid out of street. So I guess that would give it in there. This is. -- -- story to this this is being put out by two senate policy to our representatives of imaginative and yet of both house members. Carl Levin and his Brothers Sander Levin at the brother act. Which is different than a sister. And this would be of course a big lop off the top of the 41000 dollar volt. Especially if you can just take that right off the price how the power companies love to advertise that hits you can get -- -- for 32000 dollars it's really 40000. I -- brought -- but a wholesale. -- throw money at -- to make this work and again you know what you feed the market with this -- better keep it going for awhile or you could -- -- steep drop off. In EV vehicle uptake as people are counting on this and part of the -- the big disk. This is not like a couple thousand dollars even that sells cars. So Sony 500 dollars a big -- that could -- -- as a much more agreeable sort of a disk will keep an amount of course there are 2 o'clock speaking of the -- what they do with cars. Word is that for the first time perhaps -- the feds and California may be on the same page on emissions. Californians always been ahead always more aggressive -- the other 49 states. Some carmakers make two different models of cars others do with fifty state compliant emissions package on the car. But now for the first time. Coming up in September when the next set of rules -- propose the timber first we see that the yet. The -- that the EPA and DOT wanna be on the same page with California's -- the California Air Resources Board. To release simultaneously proposed rules that would synch up and we see cars are gonna go both ways on -- Aren't actually an interest in angle of the story that dead really what they're doing is that there is seeking up there there -- -- announcement dates for the -- And California thinks that if we have the same announcement date we can influence. What -- bad regulations will be emissions regulations trying to all the same page exactly so yeah and it's you know it's it's at a mishmash of the carmakers on the got -- -- -- we gotta build a certain emission. Level car for about eleven states I think Paula California yeah in their regulations and then there's the rest of the country which is fine with the -- your -- Which is great. But I had enough for a -- kind of just out in the -- should just make them. There are definitely need these -- should be standardized disagree Nestle's new fifty state from looking here at this is the green vehicle guide EPA put that if you. -- look it let's say topic a 2011. Let's you'll go to it's all states to school this down and you can pick any car you want it's Tuesday 01 on day and now -- -- -- and -- -- may -- -- -- -- -- look at the various -- here. Here Hyundai Sonata it's not once not to it's a whole bunch of these are all. Almost -- it's a 2.4 liter inline four all two wheeled drive and they all have the same gas mileage but you'll see very different. -- pollution score and greenhouse score and that's because these are different levels of emissions -- and opened his first one here you'll see that is actually a -- see this is the federal all altitude -- and five car. If you go to the next Sonata. This is going to probably be a California car here this is a California level two -- -- Ultra low emissions we go to the next some not a in this patchwork of things that we have the California another level to -- -- And in this next wanna hear what is this another twenty -- on a federal all altitude -- five of all over the -- with different levels of emissions. That is not efficient. The -- how the industry should be. -- to be one car. -- enough that there is a designation in California for -- he's them partial zero emissions vehicle -- they -- -- met just a very clean running and consumers actually sold in California have that -- that rating. And this data I've heard on that is the that output the carbon dioxide -- the -- Is is about the same -- spilling like a -- of gasoline Omnia the outside of the very years driving for years drive estimates. Yucca -- to -- -- a -- and a battle the likes building yet like the smell. Number that way Anatoly dribbled out the side -- your car when you fill it up and that's the best treatment payment aghast at that. Love that lets -- -- -- went you know I prefer diesel. That's is that -- very delicate raw about god power that's that arrive at that Mitchell like a -- astronaut. But really I used to I liked it better when it was -- to be quite honest I can tell a different values of them and -- always have the best milling premium. A little that they do smell different degree yet they do you do it differently -- -- -- a little bit I -- the market they've got to AdSense to gasoline. -- state could get it until plant would -- exactly act get a Chevron and spoke like puppies. He go to cellist like -- accredited thick sugary doughnuts Emmy winning at a car -- and you get the gas -- yes I like that Jakarta. Would illustrate the -- -- super shell or maybe -- diesel are we trademark in the idea that it doesn't look good night I hate that these go to public got its act permits you know the chat -- gonna -- this single -- -- -- -- getting gas -- I was you know. But I just don't don't have too many puppies aren't gonna -- yeah the though I guess that my grandmother shelter that and that. -- -- and called let's talk about all -- -- he's the head of the Department of Transportation. And like grabbing him endlessly because. I get the feeling he's really just. The old man on the hill when it comes to transportation and of -- -- a car guy in the least. He's always been the safety -- he's really anti distraction. Last year was -- through the you're gonna see the first ever federal regulations about distracted driving didn't happen lot of other things going on in Washington. Here's an of the year for him to take a run at -- he's in a battle into a single innocently enough. We've the former head of -- of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration a guy named by Jeffrey runs. And at their kind of a little bit peeing match over whether or not all this effort by the -- to the really prioritize distracted driving is a good expenditure of time or not we told on the show several times the research -- different ways some says that -- the increase in Smartphones and cars we're seeing more -- -- -- no when you have laws against it accidents go up or they go down. It's really kind of a mess but -- only -- -- says this piece from Bloomberg we will not be deterred by false choices. About addressing distracted driving on the one hand and alternate critical safety issues on the other utterance he says this is gonna remain. His top thing along with everything else through the year ahead. Fire the guy -- replace some -- and replace it we want distraction. But there are ways to handle a lot of stuff well if you take out to you know the texting and hands free stepping cars people are still many users cellphones they're not gonna. And drop them yes it's true we did that it's very hard to bid to affect that behavior and genie is out of the bottle as is the -- and that's kind of what it is it is a genie out of the bottle situation and we look -- -- -- -- other systems we've looked at here. They're getting more complicated the sinks in the OnStar is Monday blue links and what -- -- they're offering more more choice to do what they came to make them clear not always succeeding -- But there's more going on of the car. And with a connected car you're -- -- connected car you're not if you're gonna connected car not have a lot of rich. Media and communication entertainment and navigation. What's the point you gotta put your eyes -- years on that distracts your brain it's brain distraction that's the real issue. And -- operate every bit of evidence that comes out that says these technologies are more distracting there's a piece of evidence the competitiveness. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stay on the left lane at the parking lot turn for 38 feet then go here it's like stop. That's a little bit distracted by the in my -- on the side of the road but it's. But when you figure out what that is that your next turn. The Mormon. It's kind of like gigs go for it in that same family and more creature yet I haven't read others -- -- the cyclical and edit them right there look at that market to cool. User wildlife spotting -- under arms -- exactly fame academy think these people -- -- and we think some people old everything -- mormons are great aren't. Why not. You what's interesting check this out regular -- -- -- compartment. Pop it up -- you think these people to -- where it thinks he's apartment. -- let's talk about this distraction from another point of view I that I hadn't heard about this I don't want missiles on your radar the idea that the carriers are offering. Service. Features that will switch off your phone -- your drive as a software service. It either usually have -- coming in the form of some sort of an app for your phone and -- again they're coming from the the mobile phone carriers. So in the right fuel phone they may allow you to download a -- smart app or something like that the idea being that. When the phone's GPS sensor figured that you're driving wait to me that you're moving fast that after the -- could. Reasonably walking in themes -- driving a -- and it'll disable things like text messages or outgoing calls. Or anything that it -- to be distracting now. Usually there are some sort of a way that you can bypass that. In earlier in a car and -- experience than -- at -- and -- need to call 911. Right -- up but then the idea being that it puts another barrier between you just tapping out a quick response to a -- is not an emergency this. Is as you mentioned Jumbo dubbed by GPS -- and it just spaces is a soft logic saying all right during twenty you must be driving write whatever a lesser on the bus. Then you're probably not -- When -- -- -- a figure that -- per passenger car light as a -- and a plug CF determines what to me this is buying will power right because you install it on your phone you can uninstall it if you want this is not hard rule. You're saying I need a little help doing the right thing ray as opposed to I need a real you know locked down it's gonna keep me from doing so give -- the dead. The bursting out on -- that oh -- -- -- you know parents would install it on their teenager's phone but the teenager really knows more about bone in the -- might -- the case. And disable it is easily uninstalled -- before the you know door. Here's the drive smart screen on -- T-Mobile phone for example it's just as a simple message says calls will be sent. To Bluetooth hands free period automatic SMS response to text is on. So it can simplify as -- its aging on hands free I'm gonna give a bounce back to SMS senior busy driving them at that. They're actually dozens of after market at the do the same things you get out of it for the better part of a year now yeah com where you can get things like loading window has some sort of drive smart app where when you're driving. You can take. Two were three automated responses so little -- things like. Or you know like -- I'm driving right now he vehicle back in ten minutes -- -- within -- -- -- has been so that you know you don't. Feel like you're ignoring. Emergency -- is that are coming in -- -- same time you don't feel -- obligated to to respond to them. Now that at -- and you can do this with Android fairly easily but with the iPhone it doesn't have a lot of interactivity between that the phone part and the app -- So actually having an automatic text responses and quite as easy and the iPhone. -- well to -- to do it that's where the -- command. Because that most of you that there aren't that look today after market at the Lenovo are cross platform was listing drive safely is one of the real popular ones and it shows on Nazis shows here on Blackberry it shows on palm it shows on Android its its coming soon for -- -- -- definitely some kind of friction during these things at least this one. To work on iphones -- not up yet. I talked to the OnStar people they're putting together a similar kind of that text to the phone thing about a replies and all that and or iPhone with -- -- -- -- the text tested. Come to the phone get shunted Q and OnStar service center. Then which creates a response which sends it back to the phone and -- -- it's like this crazy -- -- I think that's a little flurry can get an -- because. That's a aka the there's about battle on this don't start another shelf and in about an hour I'll be seen that there are other life in a joint Android atlas for -- -- But now I look good can't actually because -- department or secretary of transportation -- -- can influence what happens on cell phones. Which is where yet not his Bailiwick -- he would often puts it happens -- cars but. In an FCC might be able to do something particularly on this and SEC could do it or obviously state governments are the -- -- -- kind of start this thing. If there -- some third -- of like force the bird you know maybe you've had it distracted driving accident and you've been -- I -- like about -- Barbara -- dad -- -- -- the third wave. You know making it. They. Mandatory. It does take earlier albums again no cellphone suddenly the other particularly people -- it's impossible -- -- what you can get until you leave an -- on the -- phones people always have access to get there in fiddle with written. On installing hack around it whatever they gotta do you have and I mean in Catholic Indian. But -- the -- deterrent mean that it adds that it's just it's just digital will power yet. That's all it closes ever going to be as far as we can -- the current technology analysts' abilities the only phone Nevada -- as a state issued phone you can't. Remove this on almost go get another phone mean for them to -- repeat offender -- it was serious issues. The movement really want -- -- -- It's if it doesn't makes it's a behavior issue we're not gonna technically. Get around speaking of technically get around -- -- is trying to -- -- headaches are having with my Ford touch the version that we have -- on in what was that car. The Lincoln in PX right this is the new and the port adds to. Yes those of the first two cars that have this those twins -- -- the new my Ford touch with a new. Very ambitious interface but a little on the complicated side. And we cough up on the story from the Detroit Free Press -- reference against Detroit Free Press story saying that no one dealer in Michigan right there in -- backyard. Bob -- Ford center on Michigan has a specialist Leo Margie -- Alice is one of the salespeople there. -- -- as she says she takes at least 45 minutes to explain the my Ford touch interface might Lincoln touch in this case the new car buyers. They don't take that long to explain the whole car do you mean by you know they never did this for sync -- -- that thing about the -- off. Think it's separate from my work nights this is this is -- -- and -- and I think -- -- -- -- goes back to. The in the fact that it takes 45 minutes to explain this is a problem yeah -- serious problem I think it. The mean it's supposed to be easier to use easier to understand. Mean maybe -- just takes forever to explain things to listen to find anything in there that's the Ellison Alaska are they gonna have to be she's really you know gonna -- and could she get -- -- -- -- she says but still twenty minutes ten minutes. Five should be enough to each open running all the basics well yeah and interface the graphic interface design should be usable it should be intuitive into -- -- the -- right and you'd isn't it I mean they did try to -- that the -- went out he's done with port color kind of right menus or colors four corners. That deal but yet this that this one needs another revenue here's an example Ford -- and giving an example of that though and if you're selling blink and you may be -- the -- people. Yeah we may need to take that it's time to explain that is still some legacy I wonder if this is a Ford dealer and a third twin and they might have a link and store in the same out of -- the unfortunate -- of the few -- -- -- Ford -- I refuse the selling edges are -- MK exit the -- Visitors to one here this is some research coming up what's -- by this so from -- map. They -- released research on what people do most Wii is let me -- this is with smart phone. Based nano with connected navigation what they search for where they go people to view these graphs here always facet of what people search for. This is -- the global peace a research -- not just US stuff. And I think the number one searched for -- that it's it was IKEA. IKEA and gas actually gasoline yes I'm guessing -- get IKEA whoa. Lot of people don't IKEA lot of post by a lot of furniture. Because this is this is Europe this is all over these markets is Europe Middle East and Africa I think is where this was lost in US rolled -- but. What is that were actually their free text searches and and that's -- -- cool I mean I just -- into Google where you're looking for any could do that with this that navigation listeners the navigation app. Which can't do with most factory navigation systems in cars. The in my research ship by the gimmicks and also that the most searched POI categories are hospital and -- the other Apple makes me nervous it's like wait a minute I've never luckily I had to search for hospital -- navigation device yet you I don't actually know or any hospital -- and that's why you've got your Android. We had like an idiot if you can still speak -- It'll search legacy if you we would -- for McDonald is the mean you'd probably know where it is the ability Andy do you have rolled out a window at least a month ago and now people -- and accurately. Though once you -- it you need to know where it -- stores. Please go every week still surprised me. Yes you think that people would -- that is local gas stations are. IPhone is the most commonly used 25% of devices or iPhone in this survey followed by a black areas Sony Ericsson again as a bunch of Nokia's and other hears is got a lot of global components to it not just US. Just -- the tell map is detailed maps mania. This is just their platform it was one of about what was interesting here in the categories surged it was a yet ghastly Kia cinema. Hospitals since -- There's a great weekend right there put gas in the car -- -- movie after some sushi. Yeah just -- here the hospital comes last. But I'd trust the fuel authors define me and it'll find you don't know it may not buy you good please oh hell no problem define you to deal for them to get on and on -- -- opening price of the trustee Ulster. No ads it's fine for finding businesses by the as far as like these in a bird that's really good place -- forget about it they -- over discovered. All the rooms -- and the sales people have no taste in food and are helping out their buddy who of the sushi bar. You know I have teeth and -- not -- eat anything automatic expert but you go to use of these -- restaurant for their four stars and it's like gas. Problem there -- about food. That's the -- -- and an out of -- -- them talk about absorbing those -- user reviews on -- for some time but we didn't actually -- at the restaurant a week and we we got there were really drunk already know that my favorite one star review -- didn't actually -- material review when they -- one -- paragraph explaining what they did -- -- -- -- yeah and in in the ended the degree target. That at -- -- -- really drunk to really drunk and serious sex everybody got their satellite radio listening to be paying more to be so they're currently thirteen bucks a month for your serious accident at all combined -- service -- since they -- But they've been -- blocked from raising their rates for three years since the merger because that was one of the terms. Now they're saying though that term is lifting -- we're gonna ask for permission to raise our rates so the FCC received a filing from Sirius -- just a few days ago. Formally asking. To kill the price freeze and -- serious sex and start to investigate. A new price on their own and not have to get approval for sick leave us alone now let us do our -- development of three years. Interestingly you know they characterized themselves as being under a lot of competition we know that. Of their head -- Karmazin set among the things that are robustly competitive against us are terrestrial radio still. Internet services pandora and rhapsody new services like -- and Toyota and of course sync and all kinds of other web enabled devices that are in the car. Plus apparently Howard Stern just extend his contract and got more money. That he got the first time which was a stunning it was -- 500 million dollars when he first signed on or something but million dollars a year and used that the -- is real from more. Which -- find hard to believe. Listen to -- and enthusiast. That's Howard Stern is still haven't -- I mean whatever satellite radio it's currently. In her bottom anymore when I guess mr. external family has been that popular culture thing anymore yeah I'd kind of question all playing -- Videos that -- it has competition it certainly has. Kind of competition but not -- Competition and the evidence like. Again it's in direct competition still competition. Yeah yeah and when when the story came out but we talked about before the show the but the first thing that they've been. You know I don't really feel like it's worth paying. For satellite radio public authority -- for pandora and every got a cell phone connection and I heart radio will already let me with -- theory of stations anywhere in the country via. I ended bid to indirect connection is -- the competition is gonna the a bigger hit. Two to their bottom -- than than than I think we're giving credit -- -- and I look at satellite radio kind of like navigation in the car you can have navigation on your cell phone. But it's much easier to use its in the dashboard and -- -- satellite radio -- like you don't wanna fiddle around with -- your phone with Bluetooth or whatever like that -- You can just like punch in Ocalan was in the my favorite -- channel you know. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Every time you get in the carpet and rate it works and I mean after playing with. The analysts think Apple ink in the -- -- that. I don't even know while they would go through trouble putting FM radio and I mean the -- -- under the have a Smartphone. I run that we have to do you know get into -- -- -- overwhelming number of people don't have Smartphones but as that we're. -- -- 50% this year in America so we're getting very close to being more than more than not are gonna have a Smartphone that the next year too we're gonna be immobile -- of that. But I think that that I mean when you brought the issue that you know it's it's a booming -- thing. When they're away from the -- are yet you're far away from south on connections whatever like that yet in the mountains. You can now -- get -- unit union that broadcast -- you can't use you can get terrestrial radio your. -- -- there you lose just about everything else was a big selling point for satellite -- folks who live in rural areas drive long distances live in the northern plains -- the southern deserts and there's a long way between cities even towns. We -- -- -- terrestrial radio. Or for long haul you don't -- -- be changing stations all the time that's a drag. So when -- -- three G coverage illusion Nabih leisure pandora you lose your ability to phone call to text him up -- the 200 to amuse yourself anymore whether it's responsible or not. Satellite radios guttural air what what I wonder about -- a lot of traffic services are delivered through satellite radio and -- through whether -- and gas prices. Different -- -- are delivered through satellite radio so. In what's gonna happen their gonna pay more for those I think is still charge six dollars extra for the nav traffic weather and all that I'd. To that awhile but they used to charge six bucks on top of the thirteen -- Netflix and pretty reasonable for what you're getting for the guy that's even more reasonable of the cost of the radio I think it does what electric -- on satellite radio that I like I don't want any. I mean who loves. I think that British and actually do or sell with channel -- that there's a good time there is that product development -- -- they need any dedication that divorces do services that have music -- service and Dina and other service and yet he let you. Pick and choose which one you -- Let's take a look at what's going on now we have the Tesla line up they house vote -- model that's coming out early next year right. The late next in late next year now -- -- they're talking about their they might be unveiling their third vehicle the model access UV this year. And a cheap car coming to the market in four years a long time to wait. But. Anything like a reasonable amount of time I mean they've done -- -- how quickly -- been moving with developing. Vehicles. -- and if I get that status in the model it is basically just gonna beat the marvelous platform with a bigger body Otis floating on top of it -- And in the so the thirty console so let's see the roadster is 120 something time. And then the a marvelous disposed to be sixty years so base a little less -- 50000 thing about Hollywood after the rebate fifty OK right is of the dissident federal rebate we assume man and in the -- are below 30000 dollars of it -- another big cheer jump down to a really inexpensive. All electric. Tesla with the Tesla brand on -- which will still have prestige I was at the factory last year that there -- the gonna build the model lesson don't last year. And I know why -- is identical to come out console that factory was a lot of open space and not lot of it's just -- -- -- -- it. Police of the camera they've got they say -- -- of approaching full tilt by march they'll be at full production on the leaf at full capacity. And that he strongly in Japan right yet these are all -- in Japan still haven't got anything -- production going on United States yet. Not at this production level. But they are riding over time they're working to holidays so they're trying to solve the bottleneck which a lot of you are some you're probably waiting for relief I can't imagine is not more than a few people -- audience this particular audience but -- got -- -- on order but the B to 4000 -- a month by the end of march to put them on track to hit a total of 101000 units by the end of march and then continuing -- through there. I wanna say that they have. -- -- their target for this year 2120000. Units 40000 units billionaire a year in their -- may be another 20000 after that and -- -- -- 40000 number as their initial roll -- -- 3000 by the September 2 US customers and they'll have a battery plant in -- -- believe that -- they moved their headquarters in the US and they're starting to try to -- that you to producer batteries -- -- -- Okay so they're gonna try and move production here fairies in which we'll do a lot to help that'll be all US production I imagine for US distribution we've ever done it mimics and here -- So elsewhere but if you're -- -- for relief Nissan is on track policy -- of the hiccups right now game to full tilt. Mazda two EV this was the supposedly came out of this is a totally new but I'd not heard of this until this week. This is -- it's pretty -- Pretty new yet it is really announced that late last week -- this early this week that. But gonna do it -- based on the the -- Leo and other markets and Hamas to to hear him it's their smallest car which makes sense for electric car. You know lightweight. And Leo glad to don't know -- gonna that the battery pack and -- -- that could take up some cargo space I have to believe -- gonna re engineer this -- heavily to -- -- the floor. This would be. That's that's here in the story that we've got from automobile magazine this vehicle will not be sold generally on the public market. For now they plan on doing a lease model a limited number of these on -- To government and utility fleets and in Japan to start -- you put this on your radar saying what are the electric cars are coming out soon this is not one of them. For retail sale don't want the simple -- and leave and I mean and focus EV. That -- you've got a -- slide show on pending electric vehicles up of those past week. -- -- that is an idea on our on the carpet -- site to enough and our blog we've got tests of a list of which cars are coming out and when. And -- we've got the -- -- on their all of that is only slated for at least at this point but that's a typical development cycle for electric cars. They were released into it took fleet use so they can test them get a lot of data in and you don't see how they're used. -- the mini. It's just in limited release of what they are some regular customers who have it but again limited -- you can't buy it it's only available right now for you to try atlas -- How that works they had -- -- today because there's so many electric cars starting to come out and went up by 2013 there'll be probably five or six models that you can buy. -- pity the -- focus CB -- bunch of different ones coming out so they gotta be competitive the market has to get out there -- one to be able to buy this -- to relatively soon if it goes into production and we should perform it as the VW. A plug in diesel hybrids so kind of rolling all the good stuff into one policy we get a good image disappear after watching -- video version trying to discuss -- but this is the we got here and. One Nextel looks like an excel one this is up for -- the last couple years mobile -- had this project going as though the sub one -- project where they've been trying to. Take 01 leader -- smaller engine and create really efficient. Vehicle. Based around that though the XL one and if they diesel hybrid of these is eight point eight liter diesel engine and lithium ion battery pack and electric motor. To get what they claim about it US equivalent of 261. Miles per gallon on on the console you'll. I didn't think getting a lot of this from its super slick kind of profile you -- got that the -- for over the the rear wheels. So to cut through the air pretty quickly but then also a lot of that it's -- that really tiny. Gas diesel engine. -- -- all the right things very short -- electric very efficient at full tilt. What does that would be -- of the bullet because we're a part of its electric grinder with whatever the full part of the goal of this project -- is -- not gone for awhile to mention that the one meter project. It's to get a card that can go 100 kilometers on one liter of fuel that's -- that's -- benchmarks yet. The -- is actually it's a good looking -- night -- like the original Honda Insight will you know Germans the public's. It's looking looks I think so and that any about it -- -- it almost looks like if you go from rear to front its almost like it's. It's it's a pencil rendering in the rear. And it's a real car in the front it gets so much more detail -- the front the back of it's almost like a pencil drawing the bearings. The tight gaps no backlight on the rear window -- -- the front you see these real car lines it's almost like. I'm like a weird sort of a wash across from front to rear you have apprentice and embed a player you're right the that we in the back that was just the -- -- Bette -- looks like a dozen of Williams and bat mobile inside looks pretty cool -- the G good basic VW lay out -- this is very you know future visionary stuff but. This is part of a trend by BWB keep hammering on -- the sub but he's one leader motors -- again -- -- -- hundred kilometers on a leader -- what is it below less ambitious she could just get a -- the headlights and apparently this could save you six miles per gallon. Says the manufacturer. Of LED headlights let's get that out their first. Actually more specifically if you drive an electric car. The -- head light in their lower current draw liked it -- -- your range. I was that it accidentally really help that much and -- gasoline vehicle that that we would reduce your altered later little. Two miles per gallon and the car -- a variety of these is that and yet the one on any V there and there's less energy wasted heat there's actually lift current blowing through the mafia. And -- did you get a little bit -- so here. If you're trying deletes the in a couple more miles out of your vehicle and -- -- indeed Peter playing on -- -- fidelity had -- -- option and that humans -- if you deal with a few more miles out of a charge the question is -- -- kind of expensive to begin when it is like how long to -- and people. Yeah let's say -- had a lady had that option. Cost roughly 300 dollars additional both standard Atlantic because more than that depending on the currently few cars that have the closest -- 300 bucks. At the small price of charging car. That's gonna be a long pale yet. That's a long time it if you play it well let's -- 67 cents a kilowatt hour overnight charging -- the right rate plan your home. Well but they look pretty cool and they look cool you can't provide styles while you can buy style that they did they ever thought the same as having style or if they're definitely not yet -- and I must now that the fact that. That's a whole other podcast legacy particular altitude of between union home without charging. For some -- -- this guy. Out of high school he was totally way before anybody who's the fanatic about getting you know best MPG -- -- Toyota crown owner toiled at some paper -- he was a hyper they would use a hyper access arise hyper -- return -- offer. So he would driver analyst who sought cops -- -- -- with -- headlights off all the time just it could just because they were putting drag on the operator. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you visited -- -- -- -- bike shop so I'm surprised he didn't do that. So this is this about a totally new -- -- set. Let's take a look here look us couples -- -- for you good completely on the eye candy front because it does and very often we -- we got a new Ferrari. Yep. Ferrari -- death. Wins -- guy place replaces the 612 -- Getty. The other -- -- luxury coupe this is them -- the first all wheel drive for our. So I'll be there at the end of the milestone never done all of right before you studied got a video showing a testing on various snowy roads and handling -- -- -- situations. Is it really unique looking cartoon it really takes the Ferrari styling and and -- new -- it's a -- would got a couple pictures you're -- on the video version here is a good side view and it's a wipe it means sort of thing. It's a four -- so they got some space and back there although it's only two door. And it's got a funky look -- shooting brake is sort of disintegrated it's -- -- in the states if you. I I've been hard to believe but I have a feeling -- must be an answer to the -- Yet definitely their right -- well sort of enterprise class they are replacing that steadily and he does it's well so it was afford a 22 or four -- that a former pupils to do -- -- yet to see here so. Kind of the same style and while -- formats inform about different style yet very different style of their programs yet announced it does. You know that -- America out there the B the -- asthma and repeated. But that's because of the lack of the -- -- it's -- but yeah it's it's kind of more straddling between what it replaces and these other competitors with the Ford or groups of the high high dollar under the rear end of it which I never liked the 612 -- with the utility in bold as this is an improvement even -- it's gonna. Anonymous going to be polarizing -- something that's -- -- what -- ever look like in the back he never had. To expect criterion has -- added a -- like it to the looks like my -- that BMW's -- really busy right in which he looks a lot like like an. You object was the first -- gonna do that sports Kart -- -- -- a little kind of an estate shooting -- -- back on the reader I'm gonna -- Mike -- Ferrari red -- -- via magnetic up there are bad on the front of them got it on eBay and find ways that Ferrari -- real quick -- don't -- is worth it to be -- Ferrari badge and you'll think I have me. That's the monitors thousand dollars -- we can get there we -- -- -- -- okay perfect enough Ferrari metal -- emblem badge geek -- sticker blob while some of were jamming with citizens that. Really isn't at all. There's little. It could -- -- -- this is an actual numbers looks legit but -- -- anyway right there. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Just have to. To be really an entity to be into the event saw -- -- -- -- Because -- -- -- a little carriage return symbol underneath it through the senate that's ridiculous. I put the horse separate from the word go put that up -- those. And -- is that your picture and block arts and -- the BMW wheels on earth. Where there's Ettercap since they've probably. I -- -- crisis putting owners' manuals on Smartphones. Yet it they an app for Blackberry and -- and iPhone and essentially what the app does is it going to replicate most of the information entered in defining -- instrument and if these commuter yet. -- -- -- -- But it -- aren't known as mile is mum -- it adds to this besides duplicating that services that if there's they need to update it manually into in the cloud. Which is really nice -- there's also demo videos for complicated features like maybe explaining some sort of safety function and look forward to do its. It work on title anyway they are gonna do that on the -- the Ford my forum. My oh yeah it's it's in the -- and mobile app but it's also an idea that if you don't how to use the head unit well enough you can get to the manual troops when I -- -- head -- That's a little circular while. That you maintenance schedules and I recall notices through this to yet all of that your route that assistance will be through -- and is also a social network if you wanna hang out another target servers or something so they're gonna actually make a separate app for every caller. The right now they've got via the charger. And the when others use the and we had helium and we talked about the Equus being the first to do this with the iPad. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Broken like them that somebody's got to go to every -- -- -- -- -- -- technical and user tend to push the button to rip those membrane keys who does that permits membrane keys. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I would even do it -- got an ice pick. Stop doing that today to ATMs to -- -- -- let's take a look at gesture control this is like Microsoft connect meets Bluetooth hands free. This is on your desk but not on the market yet is that right right if the device from monster purveyors of overpriced cables and enabling both overpriced it exactly Colombia but wow will this is an overpriced items at the 120 bucks and basically what it is -- -- charger -- aux cable. That will plug your iPhone owner I hide. Boat into your cigarette -- in your car into the out connection in your vehicle now the catch here is that there. Are too light sensors in the base of that two mobile charger okay so you -- hand in front of it left rates you -- skip or attract. Right -- left -- it back where you can just hold your hand in private plane pot of really cool view. Like to -- your iPod in the glove compartment -- -- cupholder something you don't want to straddle the route to skip -- you can just slicker and in front of it to -- to -- -- I like the idea does it work well it doesn't work pretty well found that if you would not in direct sunlight sometimes it can get a little tricky Hewlett. Path and freed incentive at the -- very quickly just skipping tracks in the if you drive a manual transmission and you're -- later anywhere near sisters and -- -- no interest. The -- but it's an interesting little the thing I think it has -- the 120 bucks for a charger. The little weird for me but I mean if if you -- feel like obi -- -- -- when you're not if you're looking Apple -- the camera -- just -- doing this all the time -- owner and -- passengers like Jesus had -- there's a lot to -- -- you all over the -- cellular -- can happen again and is due back in Florida -- estimates dynamic -- -- that support your cigarette -- in your center console underneath -- door and -- smoker is not the one where you get a real problem. -- and this is one that I would never do. I would never ever ever do this but you can't if you want a group called get around -- get around lets you turn your car. Into a car share car cottage industry type stuff. They've got now -- for -- headline here they've got eight Tesla Roadster in this system. Whoever owns it but you can turn your own car in the car share with this is that right they do all the infrastructure. You -- like their own that car yeah company -- you mean you guys you can major -- available to other renters when you're not using it. Senator -- -- for like twelve hours a day -- something. Somebody else can -- it out and you get money for that rent a car from someone nearby and their premise that a talk in this -- this is kind of subtle promotional things going for 25 bucks an hour. I think there had been -- the discount I think that normal read like fifty bucks an -- out of something ridiculous red cards from real people earn money renting your car if you read your cart is fifteen hours a week they say on their glamorous life here you can -- an extra 350 bucks a month. Typical tech angle of this is that. You put your car and service you install this equipment in it it opens the doors and stuff like that here's the bombardier jets use. -- is also works with and I've so somebody wants director cards hasn't -- -- I iPhone app. And they can actually use that to schedule the rental he for the rental and open the doors and start the car. Its iPhone only and like you say this box interface with the locks that -- people get access totally in the keys around -- -- handles all that would make it pain. -- -- -- -- Dead who have restarted if that is clearly never heard the read write it like a rental right -- -- People will typically -- -- that their road and more than ever saw the bumper sticker yes this is my truck and a little help you move. All part of the same thing this is -- you'll get my car but I want to your station wagon on that. Never gonna try and cannot never have eligible literally ready to color shift that they wanna put the -- year but -- -- -- -- much more aware of the -- -- While this is a trip -- would do this and want. You know I'd be eight to a pre didn't come home from work and we need to be ready to go home from work and noticeably gone to limit on a Macintosh -- get take -- -- time getting back. And -- -- but it worked for hours when there's no way you're putting your Ferrari badge being. -- gotten there it's not a chance. That the financial. This is interesting. Young father. -- -- father of two. Always look at them make little extra scratch notes it will always money's tight when you're young -- got to -- -- would you do this to make an extra 350 your hormone. -- -- -- -- I would and that what you heard that figurehead that wouldn't you wouldn't. Not even with the you just have two cars right we do it -- cars -- with a second car you wouldn't do it. The Dudley and everything they can that be the bigger. Well it that it's an old -- the Caribbean has it. If your 500 bucks a month that he just had living out -- twenty hours though weak at your carpets -- -- twenty hours a week is it right. A technically -- the little one that folks I think we've got a Guinea. Where they're trying -- -- to put his car up on get around. We'll see what kind of -- that comes back in everyday especially for Friday night rentals are -- good -- video. That's when I get scared of these fast food wrappers in the back in -- -- -- in the -- from. But that McCartney if there that -- And why are our most important historically we save for the end and that is. Three bottles of whiskey abandoned in the Antarctic ice -- British explorers -- Ernest Shackleton had been returned to Scotland. We are booking their flight to go there and now. The bottles of the kidneys. Were part of a cash recovered from Shackleton Antarctic hut. 1907. Frozen solid. This is -- and it froze because of thirty degrees Celsius minus thirty Celsius that's what it takes to freeze lose. And -- know that haven't tried all my life. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's the -- we get in and oh yeah I'm with -- -- and -- -- that's what gives it its flavor yet even a bottle it'll have some effect but it's not like it's like getting many more flavor from those models that -- -- the same thing about like line what if it doesn't need in the -- you buy a twenty year old line its twenty year -- accused players still yet. -- huge storage badly that it will change dramatically -- tell you. So I. Can't imagine I mean I guess this is so such a high proof it's probably -- It didn't go bad like -- one would. The next six weeks -- be analyzed knows that -- in full laboratory conditions there a way that the states -- -- -- -- at a laboratory division I ask one very envious of this master distillers against he gets a pop these bottles and Anthony's stake it -- and also just the historical fact of how did they make. Scotch -- -- hundred years ago would it's it's the same as the way to make it now I mean there's out of conditions that have changed I mean smog in the air is that influenced -- here's a huge part of -- he -- at the airports made and of course this is. The -- through a mass spectrometer and everything else and figure out the chemical composition though they'll -- -- pour whiskey issues -- meets all taken. Why don't have missed out of -- -- -- with. Right. First thing. Okay we're just get emails this week folks and -- -- we're gonna be talking to you about something very new and different with the emails and voice military caught up here over -- long showed today let's do a couple all cars that we're gonna dive into our on the road segment. And our -- cards drugs available this is where you send in the pictures of cars that you've seen on the road that are just so dreadfully embarrassing you gotta -- with the world. Once you take these pictures yourself that's the key you don't send in pictures just scraped off the web we're gonna scan around here and here's one that is that we -- -- this one last week. Coming out of Minneapolis and that's -- this vehicle found out -- of a pawn -- We have a lot of covered cars that come into this. This is -- like that -- like a rolling trader fix. It you know what's going on there these are all -- like Tiki yet carved totem Tiki Tiki -- And some kind of strange sort of cast greats. All put on the car with one. That's like a minivan and actually I'd like it it's like a Tiki minivan right is that you can stylus I gotta say. It didn't have snow and mud all over what he was covered in fecal matter it would actually be kind of a cool looking thing I could be -- your -- drinks in the back there. You consider your typical drink another appointment and didn't -- -- of -- but didn't look like Tiki -- and protective disguise and a very non Tiki environment covered in snow. -- his deepest we've become one more here this is. -- with -- -- he's -- his is it is GMC pick up with -- Welcome -- up on the pro west Texas that's why -- And he says -- in the exhaust tip what he's saying here it's bigger around than a standard dinner plate bigger picture -- here. No just the front to veterans -- big megaphone exhaust on there what in God's name is this. What. But we look at that -- is just from the -- -- Paul as the from the Internet. That idea a look at fifteen year old Town Car and looked like -- limo read the limo. We're undertook -- monster truck lifted with -- -- And almost a can't blow it aflame thing -- -- notebook there and I've never seen a monster vehicle with such a long wheelbase that's impressive. It is. It seems like you'd run over aren't in high -- thinner on it. It's gonna get run over car and not always consider cargo undue you'd never know you -- target coronary that you can easily drive your -- -- -- Examined data is critical -- is also a little bit of flame strike in on -- -- but that's period. You get -- that I don't know who does that the racism before our I think -- cars into -- cars. That's that is an email to us a car tech at Attach to pictures of the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We're getting our are our garage revved up for the new year -- is all the time we're gonna get our first flow of new cars and -- -- for -- this inflating Camry last week. This week things have to look up a little bit -- we take a spin now women want tickets were on in the latest rendition -- 2011 right we've got when he eleven you know this is an update this is the updated silent TC let's take a look. -- up to -- shrinking start. I'm sure that's part of the way exiting off the front wheel and -- them. -- -- a lot of power at that -- 2.5 liter engine under the edit this guy interestingly. The same 2.5 liter engine element of the camera -- last week. It's an extra or -- -- and eighty horsepower. That's probably because you've got sixty fields and let's bug. And wheels that. -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah this manual transmission and it's pretty easy to get both the front wheels -- government. I haven't admitted interestingly. At under eighty horsepower -- would have 2.5 liter warming here you. Could argue that you get more power than insides one horsepower -- militant leaders and displays and -- granted. The repellent that hit that power. Yeah Twitter hasn't really done much with engine technology last five years they've got variable valve timing on this and that's about it for efficiency and -- to exit -- -- And it's. Pretty much it cost savings I think they just religious woman through the same 2.5 liter and everything -- they -- -- -- -- any. Quality. Now you've always maintained that -- -- vans Ford Toyota Corolla you have that advantage Anglia girl knew about him -- similar engine threatening in the Olympic with the smaller drive -- And the single power train option but I mean pretty much everything else mules and got it handled the game like liberal Canadian arm -- -- -- and we've got are pretty big thing Pioneer's system. Ed looks like -- aftermarket unit but trust us this is the stock unit that comes with it it's -- you get six speakers right here. Right there's -- -- of three speakers on the door one small sweeter one minute and then a big so what we're down there. This sound is I think that's pretty good the problem is that -- -- well at all seems to come from one side and you're sitting there and do it again drivers. Here are pretty much all of my left side of it and passengers a year off from the right side -- speakers in the backs of the sound balance -- -- -- better and back. Yes I and then you know of course. The greatest thing that we can say about this system -- -- the nice thing about -- sciences and that it looks like you can't get out about twenty minute. But I think that's kind of again the culture of what Toyota wants us -- -- to be if you want better stereo yesterday you can -- -- -- Alpine unit which isn't that great. But then you probably wanna just go ahead and get yourself a nice aftermarket -- it's gonna do everything that you want and maybe even improve that -- Liked hanging around the -- amplifiers. It's always -- -- the best you can say is an -- -- -- appointments. They're not all bad -- not all yeah -- mean it. It's kind of the whole point of the plan branded -- the blank slate -- campus yet. It it's a good starting point industry does on this car the sky came -- dealerships just about 34 months ago has this new as you saw in the video if you're watching a video version. This new kind of very chunky -- sail panel or C pillar. Which is the new distinctive look of the -- the -- looks fairly similar but the oldest need to look at beneath -- -- -- -- true because that any kind of like that encrypt the whole kind of delay of the frequencies -- -- -- And the rear -- -- look a little bit like a Dodge Charger to me. Oh yeah there Simon can do they do but it's akin to the and it's -- that flat -- now and the use of the side windows in front are. It's really narrow rectangles and this car all always -- -- the glass roof which is a listing proponents class. That's how they're all don't know that glass top there it's not an option I don't think that's the standard -- layout yet there they're really simple and their options so there's no trim levels or anything like that. This car who we got -- -- eighteen -- the eighteen to fifty. I Tucson routes while the beer nuts and was fixed nearly merge into one -- blasts -- area and so yet just are -- and -- have any options on stoking with that iPod and it really bad Bluetooth system. Nothing is yet in another car immediately report time during the now why -- real time pit or visual thing that throughout the build the -- the the top of the the roof come down pretty low you what you get in that -- the courage you've -- more inches of headroom. But the ways that it comes down. Usually I just kept smacking my hand on it you'll find out Brian the only good at that bell rang out there if you look at it -- -- -- video version he can see it's got a very low. Flat sort of a through a pillbox roof line yeah it's really and that's that's really kind of a very long low rectangular side window. -- -- the other thing about this car is bit it has been it it needs help in the market it's. It's been slumping like I guess you could -- most dishonest. Policy internal accurate there's sales RTC's but never last year down 16% last year in -- year when a number of cars improvement at all. But they're not selling a ton of these right now -- the this'll 151000 in 2010 that's not a lot of cars. There's a lot of competition at that level now though when you look at the -- days in the key is in the U words support PS then all these cards out there that are coming in pretty well below pointing -- sign up a lot of competition so I can see why these cars are struggling innovative. Or is it it's a little too powerful to be competing with the entry level models -- -- the civic with a one point eight. To get better gas knowledge that's less power you can the new Hyundai Elantra that's coming out -- the smaller engine. Much better -- -- -- -- really compete with them on the efficiency doesn't go either way but if our performance code is down about twenty horsepower on the syndicate it's not gonna compete with any sort of like -- -- -- performing. You know and -- that the in a completely different class -- it's it's an old. -- -- -- -- -- And they used to be -- that the TC the first generation a few years doesn't get one of them remember being stunned by the poor mileage and high emissions and let's see what this cargoes now scion tc 2011. 2331. -- -- -- real world works they're looking at it it does the same thing now they have named their project are trying to change the skin and the emissions are okay five and six's mid pack you can do better -- you can do as well and high performance car. You know -- -- those numbers without even try. So it's not and does not terribly efficient the engine is not really small but it's also not really powerful. It's kind of neither a green car nor a pocket rocket right right at that'll that engine that yet at -- is not really push their their -- and how much not on that motor. -- all right so that's a scion -- review -- that is up now are going up are bad TC will be PCs and applicable ways that by next early next week -- Ehrlichman which started testing that are actually we'll get that video shot of -- -- and it'll all be up next week if you're watching this edition which of course is -- 27. The generators and OK let's take a look what's in the CNET car tech. Garage our latest reviews on the camera carries -- which stands euphemistically for sports addition to. Yeah right. In that we have the BMW 740 that's the big BMW with the smaller -- the three point. The for the 335 -- -- the dual mode Turbo. In an airline's sixth and we've also -- eventually -- that scion -- that's him right now. Coming up to -- interest in cars lot of -- around them completely polar opposites one is the new completely redone Ford Explorer. And also we have the Prius plug it. Which is the next version of Prius we saw that at the Detroit motor show few weeks ago we've got -- in the garage now we'll see what that's like when you have much more battery. They can really go heavily easy. The next thing in hybrids and certainly for Toyota. That's a very interesting to Roger got right now so stand -- for those cars that's a for the show this week folks thank you so much for joining us know how to reach us. Sinister email questions and comments are gonna be having us some interesting news about that next week but regularly blow that part of the show up -- -- to expand that. So those to car tech at it's our -- at our show notes or -- car tech dot And leave -- your voice -- 866401. -- toll free reader comments your thoughts -- questions 866401. 263 it will roll those into the show it can follow us on Twitter I'm Brian Cooley DRI AA and zee double OLEY. Wayne is Wayne C underscore SF. And -- what does it do AT&T GOO we'll see you next week.

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