Yelp now taking orders for pickup or delivery

The business reviews site is expanding in scope to let members place orders with local businesses.

Jennifer Van Grove Former Senior Writer / News
Jennifer Van Grove covered the social beat for CNET. She loves Boo the dog, CrossFit, and eating vegan. Her jokes are often in poor taste, but her articles are not.
Jennifer Van Grove
yelp delivery

Yelp updated its iOS, mobile Web, and desktop applications Tuesday with a new feature for ordering food for pickup or delivery.

The convenient new offering, featured as an option on Yelp restaurant listings, is powered by online delivery providers Eat24 and Delivery.com and is only available at select locations to start, but will expand to include thousands of restaurants across the U.S., the company said. With the ordering option, people can place their food orders through Yelp without leaving the site or mobile app.

The update is a part of a broader partner program called "Yelp Platform" that will eventually let members of the business reviews site book other types of services such as spa treatments, yoga sessions, and dentist appointments directly from local business listings.

The initiative introduces a commerce aspect to a service consumers have traditionally only used to gather or leave information about local businesses, and could help the company sell more ads to small businesses that wish to convert prospects into paying customers on the spot.

Yelp said an Android app with the ordering option is coming soon.