Yahoo app searches for Android, iPhone apps

Mobile and desktop AppSpot matches app titles and provides description, price, screenshots, and overall star rating from users.

Steven Musil Night Editor / News
Steven Musil is the night news editor at CNET News. He's been hooked on tech since learning BASIC in the late '70s. When not cleaning up after his daughter and son, Steven can be found pedaling around the San Francisco Bay Area. Before joining CNET in 2000, Steven spent 10 years at various Bay Area newspapers.
Expertise I have more than 30 years' experience in journalism in the heart of the Silicon Valley.
Steven Musil
Yahoo's new AppSpot app. Screenshot by Steven Musil/CNET

Yahoo has an app to help you find the right app for your smartphone.

The company unveiled a new tool this evening it promises will be a "fun, fast way to search and discover" the hundreds of thousands of available iPhone and Android apps.

"Yahoo AppSpot, a new mobile application, works like a flashlight in the darkness of more than 425,000-plus apps in the Apple App Store and 200,000 apps in Android Market," Yahoo said in a statement. "Yahoo AppSpot offers a new way to take the guesswork out of finding relevant and interesting apps for mobile users."

The app locates matching app titles and provides description, price, screenshots, and overall star rating from users. It also delivers daily suggestions based on what users have already downloaded.

The app also comes in a computer-based version.

Yahoo will be competing with GetJar, which started its app shop in 2005 and touts itself as the world's largest open app store.