Why the Palm Pre is NOT an iPhone Competitor

I'm seeing people comparing the Pre to the iPhone. Some are even calling it an iPhone Killer. Personally, I don't think they should even be compared.

Erica Mueller
2 min read

I'm seeing people comparing the Pre to the iPhone. Some are even calling it an iPhone Killer. Personally, I don't think they should even be compared. The iPhone is built for media: large storage compatibilities for music and video, apps for everything imaginable, and an all around fun interface. The Palm Pre, and every other Palm smartphone, is tailored to the business user.

A few of the baisc tools and apps on the Palm Pre
A few of the baisc tools and apps on the Palm Pre Erica Mueller

The Pre's Synergy technology pulls your contacts and calendars from multiple sites and your desktop Outlook so that all your contacts and appointments are in one place.

With the Universal Search you can look something up and it will first search your phone, then it will offer to search Google and several other great sites!

The card system allows you to work in several apps and windows at one time. No more losing the email or text you were typing just because a phone call came in. When you're browsing away on the internet and your client pops up on gTalk (Google's Instant Messenger) you can chat, then go right back to browsing.

The document viewer and pdf viewer allow you to open attachments sent to you in emails, or downloaded from the web.

The Pre proves that Palm was thinking about the business user when they created this amazing smart phone! It's not the fun-loving media savy device the iPhone is, but that's ok, because it wasn't meant to be.

Erica Mueller is Managing Editor at Green-Parents.com. She can also be found blogging at her site, EricaSays.com

You can follow @EricaMueller on Twitter for more about the Palm Pre!