Who says Bluetooth headsets aren't cool?

Who says Bluetooth headsets aren't cool?

William O'Neal
Last night, I was hanging out at my favorite bar when the topic of technology came up. You see, while all of us "regulars" work in everything from construction and resource management to technology and bookmaking, one common thread seems to be our love of gadgets. Case in point: My buddy TJ bought the right when it came out, and since it had Bluetooth, I told him that he should use a wireless Bluetooth headset. After borrowing my Cardo Scala 500 Bluetooth headset, he was hooked and went out and bought a Jabra BT800. It seems that my simple and elegant Cardo headset wasn't flashy enough. While I love Bluetooth headsets, I often wonder what women think of guys who wear them. More than once, I've gone out with friends only to have someone ask me about the obnoxious blue blinking light on the right side of my head. Because of this, I've come to think that maybe it's not exactly cool to walk around with a plastic gizmo attached to my head. This all changed last night, however, when TJ told me that he met two women at a local dance club because they thought his Bluetooth headset was cool. So fellas, it's official--Bluetooth headsets are indeed cool.