What was your first tweet?

Twitter turns six years old today. Do you remember your first tweet?

Nathan Bransford Former Social Media Manager
Nathan Bransford is the social media manager at CNET. When he's not busy social networking, he's writing children's books. His first novel, "Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow," was published in May 2011.
Nathan Bransford

It was six years ago today that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sent the first missive on a social network that now boasts over one hundred twenty million users and three hundred forty million tweets a day worldwide. In case you're counting, that's an average of more than one a day for every human in America.

The tweet that launched billions more?

Yep. That is all.

Here are some first tweets from CNET notables. Some are inglorious. Some are witty. All are brief.

What was yours?