Wells Fargo replies on Communicator 4.72 conflict

Wells Fargo replies on Communicator 4.72 conflict

CNET staff
Regarding yesterday's mention of Wells Fargo online banking not working with Netscape Communicator 4.72, Roger Carlson received this oddly familiar reply from Wells Fargo: Wells Fargo's approved browsers list is updated when a new browser becomes available to Wells Fargo's Online Banking users. Even through Netscape 4.72 is available, it has not been thoroughly tested for any online banking security issues. As with all of Wells Fargo's approved browsers, there will be a testing period at which time Wells Fargo's Technical research department will thoroughly test this new browser. Once this browser has passed these stringent tests it will be added to our approved browsers list. Update: Ronald Chan adds: "If you really need to get access to your account with Netscape Communicator 4.72, you can open up the Netscape Communicator application in ResEdit. Open the STR# resource -> Open ID 210 -> Then edit item 2 which should read "4.72". Just change that string to "4.7" and you will be able to access your account. I tried it, and it worked like a charm." Gene Ushinsky also offered this tip.