Week-end Updates

Week-end Updates

CNET staff
a. Window Monkey 1.1.2 "adds customizable background patterns to Finder windows and gives users a handy window navigation menu. The updated version includes fixes for conflicts with PopupFolder and Adobe Type Reunion, as well as other improvements."

b. GIFmation 2.0 - A GIF animation utility - is finally final.

c. Screen Gear 1.1.2 "This release is a bug fix for Macs that don't have QuickTime activated or not installed. The older versions would tell you that QuickTime wasn't present and then crash. Version 1.1.2 exits politely!" For more details, see Screen Gear's home page.

d. Neatnikis a new utility that "neatens up your Mac Finder desktop by setting the location, size and 'view-by' characteristics of folder windows. Neatnik allows you to batch-process the contents of a folder (including all levels of enclosed folders), or an entire disk."

e. ShrinkWrap 3.0b1, a beta version of a forthcoming update, is now out. A major addition is its support for the"New Disk Image Format" (NDIF) used by Apple's recent Disk Copy 6.1.

f. An evaluation version of McAfee VirusScan 2.1 is available. Among other things, the update fixes conflict issues with Now Utilities Now Up-To-Date and Adobe Type Reunion.