We do too get to blog

Daniel Terdiman Former Senior Writer / News
Daniel Terdiman is a senior writer at CNET News covering Twitter, Net culture, and everything in between.
Daniel Terdiman

These days, it seems every mainstream media outlet and its uncle (do media outlets have relatives?) are blogging. Obviously, if you're reading this, you know that includes News.com. The theory is it's a great way to deal with shorter items that maybe don't merit a full story, or perhaps a way to put something in print that has already been handled by another news organization.

Well, according to Corante blogger Bob Cauthorn, the so-called MSM (main-stream media) isn't entitled to glom onto the blogging medium.

"Memo to mainstream media: You don't get to blog," writes Cauthorn. "You have a publishing apparatus. So you don't get to blog. You have a broadcasting apparatus. So you don't get to blog."

It's true that we in the mainstream media do have other outlets for our copious musings, but isn't blogging supposed to be democratic?

Cauthorn seems to worry that, in general, the MSM's attempts at blogging are "agonizingly misguided." Presumably, that means he worries we'll destroy the medium.

Perhaps. Still, if it wasn't for our right to behave just like all the sweatpants-wearing bloggers out there, you wouldn't be getting to read this entry. How meta is that?