Warning Clouds follow-up

Warning Clouds follow-up

CNET staff
Regarding the problems described in the Mac OS 7.6 Warning Clouds" item last time, we received numerous suggestions and potential solutions. Here are the most promising ones:

a. The networking problem Several readers (including Leslie Vandiver, Nate Caplin and Hugh McAnany) suggested that updating to (or reinstalling) Open Transport 1.1.2 might help. A few suggested simply reinstalling 1.1.1 from the Mac OS 7.6 CD. Saul Bozada added that this problem may not even be specific to Mac OS 7.6; he had it with System 7.5.3.

b. The installation/hard disk problem Many readers (including John Schlauch and Joel Bresser) focused on Drive Setup 1.2.2 (the version that comes with Mac OS 7.6) as the problem. Apparently, updating a disk with this utility may lead to problems that ultimately require reformatting the disk to solve (similar problems have occurred with other format utilities). Finally, Lawrence Schovanec wrote: "When I ran Norton Disk Doctor on my installation floppy disks, it reported that the disk containing the hard drive updater was defective (Disk Tools 2)."