Veeple lets you add moving tags to Web videos

Add moving, live tags to videos with Veeple.

Josh Lowensohn Former Senior Writer
Josh Lowensohn joined CNET in 2006 and now covers Apple. Before that, Josh wrote about everything from new Web start-ups, to remote-controlled robots that watch your house. Prior to joining CNET, Josh covered breaking video game news, as well as reviewing game software. His current console favorite is the Xbox 360.
Josh Lowensohn
2 min read

Veeple is a new video-captioning service that lets you add small moving notes or links to Web videos. It will host clips up to 100MB in size, or you can simply access the ones you've got hosted on other sites like YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook.

The one standout feature is how incredibly simple it is to add the various types of annotations. All you have to do is click your mouse to start recording, then once again to stop. The note will follow your cursor, so if you're dealing with a moving subject, you're not limited to placing a note in one spot and having it lose placement.

There are several types of captions and annotations to use, from basic speech and thought bubbles, all the way to text overlays and links to off-site Web pages. There are also links to eBay, MySpace, and Facebook--the latter two effectively let you live-tag any of your social-networking buddies. For instance, in one video I tagged one of my friends with his Facebook profile, and the other to his MySpace page. A person watching the video only needs to click on that link to get jumped right there, but will know what they're clicking on without having to read a description because of the little site logos that are used to represent the links. In theory, Veeple could add many more services down the line, or plug into those site data APIs to let you search through your buddies to make tagging easier.

Adding video tags (called 'VeeSpots') is simple. Just pick what you want to add and then move your cursor around to place the tags. Seen here I've added Facebook, MySpace, and EBay links to the people and objects in the video. I've also added a text overlay on the bottom to explain what's happening. CNET Networks

Another service that's been experimenting with live tags is Asterpix, which recently released its auto-tagging service. I prefer Veeple's tagging system to Asterpix's despite the fact the entire process is manual; however both offer a huge leg up to YouTube and other's standard captioning offerings.

Check out the video embedded after the break to see it in action. Keep in mind there's already a lot going on in this video, so the amount of visual overload from these live captions depends on how much self control the Veeple author has.

[via VentureBeat]