Utilities Updates: xBack v3.0; IPer�1.4.3; VolumeInfo�1.1; more

Utilities Updates: xBack v3.0; IPer 1.4.3; VolumeInfo 1.1; more

CNET staff

xBack v3.0 is a utility that allows you replace your desktop with a screen saver. The new release adds xPak - a collection of images packaged for playback in xBack. - support.

IPer 1.4.3 finds your IP or a web site's IP

VolumeInfo 1.1 is a menu bar item shows list of mounted volumes

Dock Switch 1.2 is a menubar item to switch between dock configs

iPodRip 3.1.2 is a tool to import iPod music to iTunes

FaxEmailHelper 1.3.1 enhances fax forwarding by email in Panther


  • xBack v3.0
  • IPer 1.4.3
  • VolumeInfo 1.1
  • Dock Switch 1.2
  • iPodRip 3.1.2
  • FaxEmailHelper 1.3.1
  • More from Utilities Updates