Utilities Updates: WinCompressX; Narrator; Invisible

Utilities Updates: WinCompressX; Narrator; Invisible

CNET staff
2 min read
Finder; Documents to Go; Alcatel Speed Touch USB; more

WinCompressX 1.3 saves RAM by compressing window buffer memory. The latest release changed version checking so that the software will run on system greater than Mac OS X 10.1.

Narrator 1.1 speaks text files audibly in multiple voices. The new version includes an enhanced casting assistant so that it ignores text between brackets when finding names. This allows Narrator to be used to read back a Fire or Adium instant messenger conversation.

Invisible Finder 2.0 is a tool to find, manage, organize invisible files. The new release offers native Mac OS X support, faster file searching, improved stability and faster overall performance as well as an improved interface.

DataViz Documents To Go 5.0 allows users to view Word, Excel and other files on a Palm. The new version has an enhanced Word To Go application, support for high-resolution devices including Sony's NR series, and embedded graphics support.

Alcatel Speed Touch USB X 1.6 are drivers for the DSL modems.

CE QuickConference 1.6.5 is an instant messaging solution for office networks. This new version includes client software designed to run natively in Mac OS X.

Bad Cookie! 1.1.1 is a cookie manager for most popular browsers. The new release fixes many small bugs reported by users, adds Chimera support, tweaks the interface, and includes updated contact information.

Tex-Edit Plus X 4.3.0b5 is a versatile text editor. In the new version the scriptable regular expression search/replace (grep) has been implemented. Also, Word Services applications no longer need to be launched manually before adding them via the "Get New Service" command.

Classic Menu 2.6 provides Mac OS X with an Apple menu like Mac OS 9's. The new version adds visual compatibility with themes, added control over file icon display, and added ability to add items by dragging onto Apple icon.

Captain FTP 1.3.2 is an FTP client for unlimited connections. The new version can import Address Book content from NetFinder, and import FTP server info from URL files into Address Book. The physical file/folder size is also displayed in the GetInfo dialog.

HotApp 1.5 can assign hot keys to any app, file, url, or system action. The new version has a major bug fix for keyboard remapping.

SimpleView 1.1 is a user-friendly image/movie viewer. The new version has a customizable background color and enlarges movies to full-screen.

PopChar X 1.2 installs a menu showing all characters in a font. The new version supports Unicode.