Utilities Updates: ATI Displays 4.5.6; xPort 3.3.3; File Juicer 3.9.4; REALbasic 2005 R4; more

Utilities Updates: ATI Displays 4.5.6; xPort 3.3.3; File Juicer 3.9.4; REALbasic 2005 R4; more

CNET staff

ATI Displays 4.5.6: for all RADEON cards (incl. OEM/Apple). In the new release the ATI Displays Control Panel will now launch regardless of the language selected in the OS.

xPort 3.3.3: copy, backup music from your iPod. The latest release has a new design and can view and export the pictures from MP3 Tags.

File Juicer 3.9.4: extract images, video, audio and text from files and folders. The new release fixes a crash when extracting some PICTs from Word documents

REALbasic 2005 R4: object-oriented software programming. The new release supports Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux), an extension to the Linux kernel developed by the National Security Agency (NSA).

gDisk 0.1: turn GMail account into a portable hard drive.

AirTrafficControl 1.2.0: widget finds AirPorts and other wireless access points. The new release can sort networks by any feature.

Cocser 0.7.0: start and organize Terminal application. The new release has implemented a method to be able to collect stderr streams when starting command as superuser.


  • ATI Displays 4.5.6
  • xPort 3.3.3
  • File Juicer 3.9.4
  • REALbasic 2005 R4
  • gDisk 0.1
  • AirTrafficControl 1.2.0